How correctly and at what age can you train a dog puppy at home? Teaching a dog puppy basic commands: initial training course, list of commands, description of gestures, videos, tips. What treat should you give your dog puppy when training?

Every owner wants his dog to be well-mannered and follow a certain set of commands. For achievement positive result Experts advise starting work with your four-legged friend as early as possible, preferably from puppyhood. Where to start, how much time to devote and how often to conduct classes - read about all this in the article.

When to start training

If the dog is already 1-1.5 years old, then it has acquired certain habits, which, unfortunately, are not always useful. It will be more difficult for an adult dog who has never been trained with to get used to discipline and understand what is required of him. At the same time, the puppy learns through play, mastering new skills very quickly, and does not contradict the owner. All these arguments speak in favor of starting training with your dog as early as possible.

Basic rules for raising a puppy

Before talking about where to start training a puppy, you should learn the following rules:

  • You can start training only if the dog is healthy, cheerful and cheerful. You should not try to teach commands to someone who is sick or tired. four-legged friend.
  • After the puppy gets into the house, you need to give him time to adapt to the new environment, get used to the new food, and fall in love with his owner. Experts say that five days is enough for a puppy to adapt.
  • Before you start training your puppy, he needs to be accustomed to a collar and leash.
  • The lesson should be held in game form, as with a child, its duration at a time should not exceed 40-60 minutes, otherwise the baby will get tired and stop listening, become lethargic or capricious.
  • The main motive for a puppy is praise and treats, so it is advisable not to feed him too heavily before training.
  • Choose only one command for a particular action and do not change it. If the puppy has learned the command “Come to me!”, he will not understand your call “Come here!”.

Another important point is that the result of training depends on the breed of the dog. For example, training a shepherd dog, St. Bernard, Rottweiler, boxer, dachshund, or poodle puppy will be successful. Education small breeds It’s always more difficult because the nervous system of small dogs is weaker, they are more susceptible to stress, and get tired faster.

Where to start training a puppy

The beginning is the same for everyone - the puppy should be accustomed to a nickname and a collar with a leash.

The dog gets used to the nickname very quickly. No need for this special exercises. It’s enough just to clearly pronounce his name each time you address your pet, and repeat it while playing, feeding, and petting. It is important that the puppy develops positive associations with its name, so at an early age, when scolding the dog, avoid saying its name.

As a rule, the puppy gets used to the collar and leash easily and painlessly. 5-6 days after the baby comes into your home, simply put a collar on the puppy. Depending on his character and temperament, he may not notice it at all, or he may try to remove it or chew it off. Distract your baby with a bright object, treat or game. Remove the collar only before bed. After this, we can consider that the first day of training has ended successfully. On the second day, put on the collar again, you can attach a leash and even take him for a walk.

The main thing is that the collar is soft and does not rub the baby’s neck, and the leash should be long enough for the puppy to walk with pleasure and be able to freely explore the world around him.

Basic Commands

You already know where to start training a puppy - accustoming it to a name and a collar with a leash. What to teach next? Since the dog is still in childhood, she will not learn complex commands, and long training sessions will be tiring and leave her negative impression. Therefore, you can count on the following commands:

  • first block - place, come to me, ugh;
  • the second block - sit, next to, lie, stand;
  • third block - aport, front.

Each block lasts approximately 3-4 months, depending on the dog’s intelligence and psyche. That is, a young dog completes the program by about one and a half years. If training at home allowed the puppy to master this a basic level of, then we can say that the owner did an excellent job.


Owners often ask the question: “Is it possible for a dog to sleep in the same bed with its owner?” No! Even small dogs need to know their place. It is not just a matter of hygiene or safety, but also that the dog must understand order and discipline.

It is not difficult to train a dog to a place. To do this, on the first day, when you bring the puppy into the house and he gets acquainted with the territory, take the baby to his bed and calmly say “place” several times. Whenever you see that the puppy is already resting, take him in your arms and carry him to his bed, saying “place” in a calm tone.

You cannot accustom a puppy to a place by placing a treat on his bed, because he will take this as a signal to action and will carry food from the bowl there.

The lesson is considered learned when the child, with the command “Place!” runs where it should.

"To me!"

This command is most often used in Everyday life. Whenever your puppy runs towards you of his own accord, or when you call him to eat or play, clearly say “Come!” When your four-legged friend runs up, be sure to praise him, pat him affectionately on the withers, and say “Well done!”, “Good dog!” with a major intonation.

What if the puppy started playing or became capricious and didn’t run up? Don't scold him! Just walk up to the dog, hold it by the rump and, pulling it towards you, repeat the command. Then praise and reward with a treat.

The lesson has been learned if the puppy comes running at the owner’s first call.


Everything seems logical: the baby picked something up on the street or is chewing on your slippers, you go up to him and firmly say “Ugh!” and take away what is forbidden, you can even lightly flick the offender on the back of the neck. This tactic is correct. But many do typical mistake: the puppy picked up some nasty stuff and joyfully brought it to the owner, who shouted “Ugh!” he took the loot and even scolded him. You can't do that! You should never punish your child when he runs up to you. The puppy will develop a negative reflex: it approaches the owner, and he is scolded. The dog will not understand what is to blame, but will think that its beloved owner does not want to see it.

The same mistake can be seen when a puppy makes a puddle during the day, and in the evening they poke his nose into it and scold him. Absolutely ignorant behavior! A dog does not know how to build cause-and-effect relationships like a person. The result of such behavior will only be that the puppy will become afraid of the owner coming home.


After the first commands have been learned and are carried out immediately and in any order, you can continue the training course and move on to the second, more complex block.

It is easier to teach this command to a puppy than to an adult dog. The most common technique: call your four-legged friend, show him a treat and, holding it in front of him, dog face, slowly lift up. As the puppy lifts its head, it will sit down, and you can gently press your palm on the dog’s rear, as if helping it sit down. At the same time that the baby sits on hind legs, say "Sit!" and treat you to something delicious.

The command is learned when the dog sits on command and maintains this position for as long as its owner considers necessary. With a puppy with endurance, it is better not to overdo it, otherwise he will get tired and be mischievous.


Training of the team "Nearby!" - one of the most difficult lessons for both the puppy and the owner. You will need to teach your dog to walk on the left side side by side, without running ahead or falling behind. You need to start the lesson at the very end of an active walk. When your four-legged friend gets frisky, take him left hand leash, and to the right at the level of the muzzle - a treat. Walk forward so that the puppy runs for the treat, repeat “Near!” all the time. After a few meters, stop, give the baby something tasty, and praise him. Do several reps. Training for this team can take a week or more.


The practice process is similar to learning the “Sit!” command. You should take something tasty in your right hand and hold the treat at the level of the dog's muzzle. Then slowly lower it down to the ground, while simultaneously gently pressing on the puppy’s shoulder blades. When he lies down, hold him for a few seconds, repeating “Lie down!”, and then reward him with a treat.


In order for your pet to learn to carry out this command, you need to bring a treat or favorite toy to his face with your right hand, and hold his stomach with your left in such a way as to prevent the dog from sitting or lying down. At the same time, keep saying “Stop!” It will be useful to use a treat to force the puppy to get up from a lying or sitting position using this command.

Having taught the dog fundamental skills, you can be sure that in the future it will be easy to give not only the commands of the third block, but also special service ones. A training school will help a novice dog breeder teach this to his dog.

It is best to start raising a puppy at a young age. Some of the simplest skills are taught to a puppy as early as 1.5-2 months.

When starting educational training of a puppy, you need to remember the following: training should be carried out from simple to complex, do not require the puppy to perform impossible tasks, do not use strong stimuli so as not to frighten the puppy and not injure the still weak nervous system, monitor the reaction and attention of the puppy in training process, limiting the influence of external stimuli.

To develop initial obedience skills, you need to work with puppies 15 minutes a day. Some puppies can only handle short lessons. For such puppies, you need to conduct 5-minute sessions 3 times a day. Very it is important to praise him for every correctly performed action: a loose reflex disappears very quickly (inhibits).

From about 3- one month old during regular walks, the puppy is introduced to “distraction factors” (new phenomena outside world frightening or distracting to the puppy). The introduction of distractions should proceed in sequence from weaker to stronger, this also includes getting used to shots.
WITH 5 months of age For service dogs You can begin the initial exercises of securing things, pursuing and apprehending. From this same age, firmer disciplinary principles should be introduced (and the transition from play to discipline should be easy and imperceptible).

During this period, it is especially necessary to “strive to clearly demonstrate the contrasting concepts of “possible” and “impossible”, i.e. encouragements and prohibitions, remembering that only the vividness of these impressions and their regular repetition will ensure success in work.

Basic Commands

The most basic commands Absolutely all dogs should know - from Great Dane to Chihuahua. You can determine for yourself which commands your dog should know. Not to mention that every dog ​​should know its name, feeding and walking schedule, you can suggest next list commands:

  • "To me!" (this is how they call the dog to you);
  • "Sit!" (the dog must sit down);
  • "Lie!" (the dog must lie down);
  • "Near!" (the dog should walk next to the owner, to his left);
  • "Go for a walk!" (with this command they let the dog run);
  • "Stand!" (the dog must stand up or stop if it was moving);
  • "Place!" (the dog must remain in the indicated place).

Starting from the very beginning

Teaching a puppy a name

A two-month-old puppy gets used to its name in about a week.

When offering food, playing with or petting your puppy, call him by name. The puppy will quickly associate pleasant emotions with this word.

By at least, the first week the puppy is in the house, don't call him by name to scold him. Never forbid your dog anything by pronouncing its name in a commanding tone. The dog's name must be used just to get her attention.

Feeding mode

Accustom little puppy to the feeding regime is much more important than it seems at first glance.

Each time feeding will allow you to gradually accustom the puppy to commands without tension. The baby will quickly understand that tapping the bowl on the floor is a pleasant signal that is associated with receiving food. This signal can be accompanied by saying the puppy's name. In a matter of days, he will learn to run when you call. Much later you will replace this call with the command “Come!”, which the dog must obey immediately.

At this very early period training, you can teach your puppy to sit when he is waiting for food. Show him a bowl of food, but don't give it, saying "Sit!"(or calling his name), and at the same time gently and persistently press your hand on the lower back so that he sits down. Once this happens, place a bowl in front of him.

This reflex becomes established quite quickly, since the puppy is very receptive to simple commands repeated constantly and persistently.

Toilet training

Most dogs are clean from birth. As soon as the puppies begin to move independently, they stop getting dirty in the nest. This property of innate cleanliness is used during toilet training.

Therefore, you can leave the baby in a box or crate at night (or for a time when you cannot keep an eye on him). So he will learn to endure and ask.

If possible, take your puppy outside every hour or so. His physiology at the age of 2 - 4 months is such that he is still can't "tolerate" until a certain walking time.

If not, arrange a designated place for him to use the toilet. Take him there after every feeding, sleep, etc. Praise him for the “correct” puddle.

You can scold a puppy if you catch him in the act of a crime, only such punishment will be effective. If you haven't seen it, it's better to remove it without saying anything.

Leash and collar training

For a small puppy, a soft collar, lightweight and tight-fitting, is most suitable.

Put the collar on for the first time before feeding or before another a pleasant procedure. If distracted, the puppy will not pay attention to the collar at first and will quickly get used to it.

During the period of adaptation, the puppy can constantly wear a collar. Do not remove the collar at the first “demand” of the puppy, better distract him with a game. If the collar causes too much protest or even hysteria in a very nervous dog, remove it and postpone training to the collar until better times.

When it's time to go for a walk, attach a leash to the collar. A heavy chain, which will “bend” it with its weight, is not suitable for a puppy. Take a leather or nylon leash with a light carabiner to make it comfortable for your little one.

First time do not pull or tug on the leash- let it hang freely, and the dog follows you (or you follow it) voluntarily.

You should not allow your puppy to get too involved in playing with the leash. He must understand that the leash limits his movements and he cannot behave uncontrollably on the leash.

A special collar - a parfors (a "strict" collar with spikes) begins to be worn during command training and only when necessary. If the dog obeys perfectly, there is no need for such a collar. But a “strict” collar can be indispensable when practicing the “Near!” command.

Command “Come to me!”

The ideal time of day for training to approach the owner is 7-16 weeks. During this period, puppies need the presence of “pack members” and can quickly master this command. It is advisable to have time to shape the dog’s behavior before it reaches the “stage of independence” (a kind of canine “ transitional age"), which lasts approximately 4 months to 1 year.

Call the puppy by name and say (with a kind intonation) the command “Come to me!” When the puppy approaches, praise him and give him a treat.

If your puppy is too busy playing and doesn't respond to the command, call him and then sit down or run away from him. This will attract the puppy's attention and he will come to you. Don't forget to reward him right away. Under no circumstances should you call your dog with a threatening intonation.

If the dog does not respond to the command “Come to me!” and does not want to receive encouragement, take a long leash. The dog can move freely, but at the same time you can call it at any time by pulling it by the leash and saying a command.

An adult dog is trained not just to approach, but on command to approach, walk around behind the trainer and sit at his left leg. This skill is practiced in the same way, only the dog is not simply pulled towards you with a leash, but each time they lead it around behind you and sit it at the left leg. Such requirements for the execution of the command “Come to me!” exist in the general training course.


This is a “prohibitive” command that requires mandatory execution. "Ugh!" should not be encouraged as other teams; rather, following the command will allow the dog to avoid unpleasant sensations.

Team "Ugh!" should be pronounced in a low voice, resembling a growl. When the command is repeated, the intonation should become more threatening.

When the puppy is very small, the unwanted action must be stopped gently but persistently. Let's say a two-month-old puppy is chewing on a table leg. Say the command and move the puppy to another place, for example, on his rug (but not on the sofa! This will already be a reward).

If the puppy persists, distract him with a sharp, unpleasant sound (for example, a rattle) and also say a command. When the puppy grows up, more serious punishments can be used to stop the unwanted action: jerking the leash, spanking, etc.

When prohibiting, it is very important to use the right moment in time. Shouting “Ugh!” should sound exactly at the moment when the dog does something inappropriate, and not a second later.

Command "No!" different from "Ugh!" only by name: pronounced faster and easier. Which team you choose to ban is your own business. An adult dog will understand “Ugh!”, and “You can’t!”, and “Enough!”, and other prohibiting words.


This command, similar to the command “Fu!”, is necessary for weaning from loud, causeless barking. The teaching principle here is: barking dog are distracted in any way, give the command “Quiet!” and encourage when the dog stops barking.

Here, too, the moment of encouragement is very important: the dog must clearly associate the encouragement with stopping barking and at the same time understand that it is not achieving what it wants by barking, but vice versa.

In order for the dog to associate the reward with the cessation of barking, pause: the dog stops barking, wait a little and, if the barking does not repeat, reward.

There is no need to stop your dog from barking at all. Praise any dog, even the smallest one, for displaying its guard instinct. But you can’t “watch” so loudly: lightly squeeze the dog’s muzzle, saying “Quiet, quiet,” teaching him to give an alarm signal only by growling.


The puppy's place should be determined immediately after it enters your home. The dog’s place is its “impregnable fortress.” Never a puppy cannot be forcibly pulled out of his place. Even for punishment, the dog must leave the place voluntarily. It is especially important to explain this to children: a dog that has gone to its place cannot be touched.

At the beginning of training, the dog must be sent to its place upon request. First, the puppy is taken there, saying: “Place!” and stroking. When the dog goes to a place on its own, it is rewarded.

When “sending to the place” has been practiced, restraint training begins: the dog must remain in place until it is given a permissive command.

Place the puppy in its place and give the command. To prevent him from leaving if he does not want to follow the command, put a regular or jerk collar and leash on him. When he makes an attempt to leave, firmly and decisively stop him, sit him down and start all over again.

It is very important here not to overtire the puppy. First, get him to sit still for at least a few seconds, reward him for this, gradually increasing the time he “sits” in place.

The puppy will really need this skill on the training ground when he needs to practice endurance. This is also convenient at home: if the dog is in the way, it is sent to its place, and it remains there as long as the owner needs it.

“Show your teeth!”

At the command “Show your teeth!” (which is given in commanding intonation), the owner places his right hand with the palm under the puppy’s muzzle, and his left hand on top of the muzzle. Repeating the command again, he thumbs With both hands he spreads the puppy’s lips and examines the teeth. If the puppy does not resist, he is praised and given a treat.

Dental examinations are carried out daily, then the puppy will quickly get used to the procedure and will not object when it is necessary to show his teeth at an exhibition or training area.


At the age of 1.5-2 months, the puppy is taught to sit down, for which they clearly, in a calm voice pronounce the command “Sit!” and at the same time raise the hand with the treat above the puppy’s head, bringing it a little back. The puppy will raise its head to look at the treat and sit down. As soon as the puppy sits down, repeat the command after it in a gentle tone and say “Okay!” and give the puppy a treat.

After repeated repetitions of this technique, the puppy will learn the skill, and in the future, instead of a treat, it will be possible to utter only the exclamation “Good!” and pet the puppy.

Additional commands

These are commands that are not included in general course training, but training which is useful for any dog. Each owner himself will determine such necessary commands. Here are some examples.

Team "Car!" sounds when you and your dog approach highway. The dog should stop and wait for your instructions. In principle, this is the same as the command "Stand!". You can teach people to be afraid of cars, or at least to be wary of them.

If a dog likes to chase a car, at the moment this action is performed, the dog is stopped with a jerk of the leash, a blow, you can throw some object at the dog, etc. As a last resort, an electric shock collar is used, which is controlled from a distance: the dog seems to be free, the owner not nearby, but at the moment of committing an incorrect action the dog receives a rather sensitive blow.

When training a dog to stop an incorrect behavior, it is very easy to make mistakes and give the reward at the wrong time. The dog may decide that it is the action that is rewarding it.

The dog must be able to behave correctly on a leash. Often a dog on a walk gets tangled in a leash and entangles its owner in it. To avoid this, the dog is taught commands "Near!", "Forward!" etc. In addition to these commands, it is convenient to teach your dog commands “Go around!” And “Leg!»

“Go around!” means to go around an obstacle, for example a tree, so as not to get tangled with a leash. At this command, the dog returns back in the direction of the leash and goes around the obstacle. It’s not difficult to teach this command: when the dog, walking on a long leash, goes behind a tree, pull the leash and command “Come around!” When your dog has walked around the obstacle and “untangled” himself from the leash, praise him. After some time, the dog will learn what is required of it and will do it itself, without waiting for a command.

The command “Noku!” given to a dog when the leash gets tangled between its paws. Free the entangled paw, saying: “Leg, leg!” Over time, a slight tug on the leash will be enough to get the dog to free the entangled paw.

Swimming lessons consists of accustoming to water, since all dogs can swim from birth. Many dogs willingly and happily go into the water, some are afraid of water and very few hate water.

Teach the puppy to first approach the water, then wet its paws, and gradually take it deeper and deeper. An example is very important here: a puppy who does not want to go into the water himself will gladly follow you or another dog. If the puppy gets scared, leave him and start the lesson again a little later.

Other necessary commands such as "Home!", "Sleep!", "Eat!", “Give me the ball!” and so on, are also learned by encouragement.

The next stage of training - a general training course - is necessary primarily for service dogs.

Evgeniy Sedov

When your hands grow from the right place, life is more fun :)

The appearance of a furry ball of dog in your home is not only a joyful event, but also a responsible one. If you don’t raise and train the puppy in time, the consequences can be sad. Damaged shoes and furniture, unpleasant odors in an apartment is nothing compared to when the dog feels like he’s in charge and becomes a threat to the household.

When to start training a puppy

So that you feel comfortable and the pet does not bring unnecessary problems and hassle, it is necessary to begin the educational process from the first day. The animal will get used to the new place for about a month, the owner’s task is to help it quickly get used to it and replace its mother. Before adopting a dog, a person must:

  • know for what purposes it is needed;
  • read articles and books about the characteristics of breeds - the training method and the behavior of the animal depend on this;
  • study manuals about raising a puppy;
  • take training courses at home.

Dogs fighting breeds traditionally grown by cultivating the aggression gene for fighting. How to train a puppy with such inclinations? A person with a strong, strong-willed character can cope with an animal. You can't control such a dog with affection. If the animal senses the weakness of the owner, it is better to abandon him. Contact an experienced trainer when you realize you can't handle it. Among the fighting breeds:

  • boxer;
  • pit bull;
  • English Mastiff;
  • Dogue de Bordeaux;
  • Alabai.

Peculiarity hunting dogs– passion for movement. They need long walks and jogs. How to train a puppy in this case? A dog intended for hunting cannot be kept at home. It is advisable to send her to a special school to train her, where, under the guidance of a trainer, lessons will be given taking into account the breed. They will begin to learn by solving hunting problems:

  • husky - for a fur-bearing animal;
  • dachshund - in burrows;
  • terrier - for aquatic game;
  • hounds - pursued by the smell of blood.

Service dogs are used to protect private property or apartments. Labradors are good at helping visually impaired people, but this requires special training. German Shepherds cooperate with shepherds. Often watch dogs They are stubborn and require a lot of effort to educate them. Rottweilers are good for guarding an apartment, German Shepherd, Spitz Guard breeds that can easily withstand temperature changes can live outside, guarding the house:

  • Caucasian Shepherd Dog;
  • Moscow watchdog;
  • Central asian shepherd dog.

Small companion dogs often have good character, they are affectionate, friendly, and easy to train at home. From the age of one month, puppies become attached to their owners and get along well with children. Smart animals quickly learn commands. Among the pets:

  • poodle;
  • chihuahua;
  • Scottish Terrier;
  • pug;
  • pinscher;
  • Pekingese.

At what age should you train a puppy? It is considered right to start from the first day the baby appears in the house. This is not entirely true. The processes of education and training are different things. Command training should be carried out when the puppy gets comfortable in the house and learns obedience. For a German Shepherd this happens at two months, for a Labrador a little earlier - at one and a half months.

How to raise a puppy

Once a puppy comes into the house, it must get used to it, get used to the new environment and smells. How to raise a puppy? To teach rules of behavior, a system of rewards and punishments is used. The basis of training is the system conditioned reflexes. Animals should not be physically punished. They understand well the stern intonation of the owner when he is dissatisfied. IN exceptional case You can grab it by the scruff of the neck and shake it, just like the mother does with the little dog.

Punishment should only be given at the moment of committing incorrect actions, so that the puppy understands what he did wrong. A delayed scolding will have no educational value and may cause aggression in the animal. For a correctly executed command you are rewarded with:

  • delicacies - cheese, sausage, crackers;
  • praise with kind words;
  • stroking;
  • game.

How to properly train a puppy

A dog lives according to the laws of the pack, and a person must become its leader - the main and authoritative one. The purpose of training is to establish contact between the owner and the puppy, to teach relationships with people and other animals. First, he must know his nickname. To train it, you need to call it by name, and when it comes up, give it a treat. They also encourage when the dog comes to the sleeping place - it must be established immediately. If you allow me to sleep with you, it will be difficult to retrain later.

How to teach a puppy commands

To ensure that training does not cause problems, you need to train, observing certain rules. Conduct independent studies V good mood, starting with a short duration, gradually increasing the time. For the process to be effective it is necessary:

  • conduct training in the form of a game;
  • exercise before feeding;
  • achieve at least small results.

When training a puppy it is important:

  • postpone the lesson if it doesn’t work out so as not to cause aggression and anger;
  • avoid repeating the same command twice;
  • conduct classes several times a day, but little by little;
  • practice the next command only after mastering the previous one;
  • conduct classes outdoors in places where nothing will distract the animal;
  • change the sequence of commands.

Often, when trying to tame a puppy, the owner makes mistakes, communicating with him as with a thinking creature. Experienced dog breeders note the following mistakes in training:

  • giving commands in a loud voice;
  • physical punishment;
  • the presence of two owners - there must be one leader;
  • often using nicknames and combining them with commands;
  • long, tiring activities for the dog;
  • repeated commands;
  • cruelty;
  • deferred punishment;
  • simultaneous processing of several commands;
  • excessive softness;
  • abuse of treats - it is advisable to encourage with words.

How to teach a puppy commands up to 3 months

No matter how playful a puppy is, he must understand commands the first time. Completion of each task is reinforced with encouragement, while approving words and strokes are more important than treats. In addition to its nickname, up to three months the puppy must learn the following basic commands:

  • “Come to me” - it will protect you from the dangers that await your dog on the street;
  • “Fu” - will help prevent puddles in the house, protect furniture and shoes from damage, and save the puppy’s life;
  • “Fetch” – will increase the dog’s activity during a walk.

Teaching a puppy commands after 3 months

When the puppy grows up and adapts, it is advisable to send him to a club for training. He will undergo a general training course, where specialists will train him, and will get used to a leash, collar, and muzzle. To achieve results, the same incentives are used. Punish by using pulling, pulling on the leash, or pressing with the palm of your hand. In this case, you must not cause fear or aggression in the puppy. At this age he masters the commands:

  • "Near";
  • "Sit";
  • "Lie";
  • "Place";
  • "Forward".

Video: training a puppy at home

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Techniques for teaching basic commands to puppies.

If you have been dreaming of a puppy for a long time, and suddenly became the owner of a soft and plush animal, you should think about socializing the animal. This means that the dog needs to be taught certain skills, this will help eliminate aggressive or overly active behavior.

In general, from the moment the baby was brought into the house. Initially, it is worth raising the dog, explaining to it where to go to the toilet and what not to do. Many problems arise with toilet training a puppy. The dog should get used to what time you walk it. Try to always go outside with your dog at the same time.

As for training, it is worth teaching the dog commands and gestures from the age of three months. By this point, the dog should know where his place is and not spoil the house.

There are two approaches to training:

  • Punishment
  • Promotion

The reward doesn't have to be a treat. You can simply pet the puppy, praise him and play with him. You shouldn't punish your dog often. To determine if your dog has learned his lesson, look at him after you punish him. If the puppy lowers his head and assumes a submissive pose, then everything is fine. If the dog grins and is indignant, you should continue to punish the dog.

You cannot beat a puppy; if you want to punish, express your displeasure in a stern voice. You can grab the dog by the scruff of the neck and lift it up. Express your dissatisfaction in a harsh voice. After this, put the dog on the floor and send it to its place. You should not punish the dog for anything, or 2 hours after the harm. In this case, the dog will not be able to understand why he is being punished and will grow up aggressive.

First principles of training:

  • Accustom your puppy to a collar and leash
  • Let me get used to the nickname
  • Commands: place, come to me, fu

What treat should you give your puppy during training?

As a treat, you need to use a product that you do not give your dog often. That is, it should not be dry food. It is best if it is something sweet, for example, biscuits or dry bread. It is also allowed to give small pieces of sausage. Don't overfeed your pet harmful products. Remember, what is used for training should be rare in the dog's diet.

As soon as the puppy was brought into the house, 5-6 days after adaptation, put a collar on the dog. He may pull it off and whine. Don't give in. You can only remove the collar before going to bed. The next day, attach the leash. The puppy may grab the leash with its teeth and try to tear it out of your hands. Don’t give in, despite the puppy’s dissatisfaction, take him out for a walk on a leash.

If your puppy is 1.5 months old, he has successfully mastered his name, got used to the leash and collar, it’s time to teach him the simplest commands. There are several command blocks in total. Each block lasts approximately 3 months. That is, in 90 days the dog must master all the commands from the first block.

List of commands from the first block:

  • To me
  • Place

This is a fairly common command that can be mastered as soon as the puppy has learned the simplest commands and follows them without question.


  • Take a treat and call your puppy over. Let him smell the treat and gradually, slowly lift the treat over the dog’s nose.
  • After this, as the treat rises, the dog will be forced to sit down on its own. You can help the animal a little by patting it on the butt.
  • After this, say “sit” and praise the dog, pet it and give it a treat. The command is considered learned when the dog quickly follows it and sits as directed. At the same time, he does not get up until the owner says so.

How to teach a puppy the “sit” command at home: training and gestures

The teaching order is similar to the "sit" command. But still the principle itself is different.


  • Take a treat and give it to a friend to sniff
  • Now slowly lower the treat, place it on the floor, but do not let the dog eat it
  • Press down on your dog's shoulder blades until he lies down. Give a treat and praise

How to teach a puppy the “lie down” command at home: training and gestures

Teaching a dog a command is not difficult at all. But it is still worth knowing certain rules. You should be especially careful on the street when your dog picks up something and brings it to you. You should not immediately take away the prey and shout at the animal. It is necessary to say “ugh” even before the dog grabs some nonsense.


  • As soon as you notice that your pet is mischievous, shout “ugh” and take the dog away.
  • You need to prevent the action, it is better to do this before the offense is committed. There is no point in hitting the dog and shouting afterwards.
  • This also applies to the toilet, there is no need to punish the dog 2 hours after the Skoda, he will not understand why he is being reprimanded. As soon as you see at home that the dog is about to commit mischief, pull him away.
  • If your dog chews on your slippers, take them away and punish the dog. Shout “ew” and reprimand the animal. You need to get your pet to hang his head and take a guilty pose.

The trick is to teach the dog not to pick up anything on the street, because it could be a poisoned piece of bait. To do this, place a piece of treat in front of the dog, he will try to grab and eat it. But your task is to prevent this from happening. Shout ugh and lightly slap him in the face. You can also use a fly swatter or rolled up newspaper. Next, repeat the procedure until the dog learns to ignore the treat. After this, take a piece and give it to the dog from your own hand.

How to teach a puppy at home the command “fu”, “no”: training and gestures

The command is easy to teach; it will allow you to keep your dog in sight and instantly bring him back to you.


  • Conduct the lesson after a walk, when the dog is a little tired. This way he will be more willing to follow commands.
  • After this, when the dog is at a distance, call it by name and give it a treat. Say "to me." Pat the dog.
  • Gradually move away from the dog, that is, you need to increase the distance between the animal and yourself. Now shout the name and “come to me.” Show me the treat. Give it to your dog and praise him.

How to teach a puppy the “come to me” command at home: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy the “voice” command at home: training and gestures

This command is quite difficult to learn and optional. Dogs engaged in patrol or search service are required to bark on command. That is, the dog gives a voice when it has found something or when it has seen a stranger approaching.

The easiest way to teach the “voice” command is to dogs with a sanguine or choleric psychotype. These dogs tend to bark a lot, but it is necessary to teach the dog to be quiet and bark only when necessary. It is considered a sign of lack of training if the dog barks for no reason. The video shows how to quickly teach a dog the “voice” command.

VIDEO: Training the “voice” command

This is one of the very first commands that a dog should master. You should not allow your dog to sleep anywhere. This is especially true for the hostess’s bed. No matter how much you love your dog, you should not allow him to sleep on the bed.


  • The “Place” command is mastered immediately after the puppy gets into the house. You should bring the puppy to his mat, lay him down and say “place.”
  • In the evening, you will see that the puppy goes to sleep where it is comfortable for him. Pick up the puppy and carry it to the mat. Say “place” in a quiet voice.
  • You should not put food there; in this case, the principle of encouraging food should not be used. The dog may misunderstand you.
  • Over time, the dog may begin to carry food to this place. Therefore, there should be no associations between “place” and food.

How to teach a puppy the “place” command at home: training and gestures


  • Having said “near”, use a leash to bring the animal to your left leg, at the same time slapping it with your left palm, and position it so that its head touches your leg.
  • When he gets into this position, give the puppy a treat. For a service dog, it is critical to follow this command, walking around the owner in a circle clockwise, so it will be easier for him to take the right place.
  • Help the dog with this with a leash. The mongrel does not need to be taught to walk around its owner in a circle. She should just come and stand on the left side.

How to teach a puppy the “near” command at home: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy the “give paw” command at home: training and gestures

The command is optional and has no special value or meaning. Training a dog is quite simple. The video tells more about how to teach a dog to give a paw on command.

VIDEO: “Give me your paw” command

The “fetch” command is performed in conjunction with the “give” command. The dog must learn to obey you. To do this at home, when your dog is playing with his toy, say “give” and pull the toy. To get your dog to give it to you, distract him with a treat. Then, when the dog lets go of the toy, praise it.

Next, you should teach your dog to give you a bowl of food without resistance. This is a kind of indicator of “who is the boss of the house.” Remember, you are the master and don’t let the dog boss you around. When the dog eats, take the bowl away from him. If the dog resists, growls and grins, put pressure on his shoulder blades, pressing him to the floor. Do not release the pressure until the dog stops growling and grinning.


  • Most often, the command is carried out on the street and after the dog has mastered the “give” command. You need to take a stick or your favorite toy and throw it away, shouting “fetch.” The dog's instinct will tell you that it is worth grabbing the object.
  • Call the dog to you and on the command “give!” make him release the object from his mouth. Give a treat and praise.
  • Training of service dogs follows approximately the same algorithm, only they are looking for a specific object. Small dogs are not usually taught the fetch command.

How to teach a puppy the “fetch” command at home: training and gestures

How to teach a puppy the “stand” command at home: training and gestures

The command to stand or lie down is a way to develop endurance in a dog. That is, do not get up from the specified position without a specific command and action. Initially, you need to teach the dog to lie down. The command is given when it is necessary to force the dog to remain motionless for 5-10 seconds. You should apply pressure on your pet's shoulder blades or back while repeating the command. Ideally, the dog should be able to lie down or sit or stand for up to 30 minutes. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Teaching the “stand” command

How to teach a puppy the “front” command at home: training and gestures

This is one of the most responsible and complex commands. Ideally, you should achieve complete obedience and submission from your dog. When the pet has stopped resisting, gives you the bowl, does not growl, fetch the stick while walking, and gives it back, you can begin teaching the “face” command. This command necessary for guard breeds or security guards.

It is worth starting training when the dog is 10-12 months old. It is best to do this in a training center that has special suits and bondages. You must understand that after giving a command, the dog can harm another person, so all responsibility falls on you. More details in the video.

VIDEO: Team "fas"

Any owner of a four-legged friend should understand that not all dogs are well trained. It depends on the dog's temperament and breed. For some, it is enough to say the command once and the dog will carry it out, but for others, tedious and constant training is needed.

The best trainable dogs are the German Shepherd and the Caucasian. These breeds themselves are very smart and ready to serve their owner. The most difficult breeds to teach commands are small breeds such as Yorkies or Spitz. Nervous system Such dogs are easily excitable, so you will have to spend a lot of time and effort to train the dog.

Easy enough with poodles and labradors. All dogs should be taught commands from a certain age. Three months of age is considered ideal. But teaching the simplest skills should be done from the moment the puppy arrives at your home. The commands differ depending on the dog breed. Dogs such as a Yorkie or Spitz do not need to learn the “voice” command. But as practice shows, these dogs love to bark constantly and just like that. Therefore, so that barking does not irritate you, and you want a discreet pet, it is still worth teaching the “voice” command.

It’s not enough to have a dog and enjoy your plush friend; you need to spend a lot of effort and time adapting the dog to society.

VIDEO: Dog training

Owners of all dog breeds, from small terriers to impressive Caucasians, are faced with the difficult task of how to train their dog. Dogs are serious animals; it is required that the dogs obey their owner and unquestioningly follow orders. Competent, well-thought-out training is expected. By and large, the standard set of commands for training includes:

  1. “Come to me”, the most necessary command to help recall your pet;
  2. "Fu", a universal command, extremely useful under any circumstances;
  3. “Sit” is a frequently used necessary command in a dog owner’s daily arsenal;
  4. “Lie down” - less used than the previous one, but useful and easy for the animal;
  5. “Nearby” is simply indispensable for walking and teaching the dog discipline;
  6. “Place” - if the dog sleeps where it likes, the animal must know the place in the apartment and is there at the first order of the owner;
  7. “Give” is a relatively complex command, necessary primarily for guard dog breeds;
  8. “Fetch” - the command allows you to train the dog in terms of physical development, in terms of attentiveness on the ground.
  9. “Face” is considered a tough, serious command; it is permissible to begin studying if the dog unconditionally obeys the owner. To teach the command, it is better to invite a dog handler who is able to assess the dog’s readiness.

Training by a master or family member

The question of who trains the dog or is obliged to do so is complex and ambiguous. The only accurate and correct answer will be the statement that the training is carried out by a single person. For the animal, presence at the training site strangers, family members are a distraction that prevents you from concentrating on remembering commands. Remember, effective training can be carried out by people with a special character, with a large reserve of patience and developed strength will.

If family members are not able to train the dog, it is permissible to give it to an instructor - a dog handler. Masters will be able to teach the animal different commands so that the orders remain internalized by the dog. The dog is called upon to carry out the orders of family members, regardless of the trainer. Remember, a dog has a circle of owners. If the animal is too friendly and follows the orders of strangers, this is bad; the dog is easy to take away.

Rules on and off the training ground

Training a dog correctly means following important points:

  • Do not repeat commands. It is permissible to give an order twice, otherwise the animal will not accept the owner’s commands the first time.
  • Mix up teams in places. To ensure that the dog listens to requests effectively, exclude the possibility of simply memorizing training as an algorithm of constant actions in the established order. Try to change the order of requests for effective learning animal.
  • Don't be overzealous. Dogs, like people, get tired; excessive stress has a bad effect on training. Attention weakens, the animal reluctantly carries out orders. With systematic training in a tired state, it is easy to achieve the opposite effect.
  • Commands should not be given too often. Before a new approach, a pause is made for several moments, otherwise the dog will begin to get confused.
  • Before training, it’s a good idea to walk the dog, give small physical exercise. A slightly tired dog is less distracted during training.
  • If the dog obeys commands hesitantly or is afraid, most likely the trainer is treating the animal too harshly. Remember, dogs love affection, and with kind treatment they try harder.
  • Encouragement is important. A treat or praise is a great incentive for your pet. It is better to go out for training with a slightly hungry dog; a well-fed animal will ignore the treat, and it will be worse to think with a full belly.

Training place

The question of where to train your dog is extremely important. Training at home can give a not very impressive result - the pet will begin to perceive commands exclusively at home, while on the street behaving as it pleases. You are supposed to pick up the animal and take it outside. For the first training, choose quieter places so that your shaggy friend is not distracted by numerous stimuli in the form of passers-by and animals.

At proper training The dog will be trained in discipline, and the reaction to distractions will disappear. It is already permissible to take her to crowded places. Training time is important. Initially, classes last 30-40 minutes so that the pet does not get too tired. Subsequently, the time increases to one and a half hours. It is better to do outdoor training two to three times a week; at home, train your pet during the day for 5-10 minutes.

Training an adult dog - reality and fiction

There is often an opinion that adult dogs cannot be trained. Of course, difficulties with education have already adult More is expected, but with due diligence the dog can be taught everything necessary. Shaggy friends love people; if they have a good attitude, they are ready to serve and teach, and follow commands.

When training an adult dog, much more effort is required, but the result remains positive. The main thing is not to overdo it and remember to reward the animal with treats or praise. Dog handlers advise not to mix types of rewards. Either the first or the second. Training an adult dog requires more time and more training.

Dog breeds and training

When deciding to get a puppy and start training themselves, people think about dog breeds. Does breed affect training, is the most trainable dog bred? Dog handlers say that a lot depends on the owner. If a person is determined to raise an animal, he will succeed in any case. Scientists have compiled a rating of animals, which examined the degree of loyalty to training.

Based on data from dog trainers, a list of breeds has been compiled. The indicator of command memorization was used as an indicator. The most poorly trained dogs: chow chow breeds, bulldogs, Afghan hound. Top ten best breeds training included Retrievers, Poodles, German Shepherds, Papillons, Shelties, Doberman Pinschers and Rottweilers. The most trained breed was the border collie. The breed was bred as an assistant to farmers; it soon turned out that its trainability was superior to other breeds. In addition to their natural intelligence, Border Collies have an extreme ability to work and are unable to sit still.

It is worth remembering that success does not depend on the breed of dog, but on personal qualities. There are bad dogs from trained breeds, but more often people are to blame for improper training. You should not get a pet if a person is not sure that he can handle raising and training.

At what age are dogs trained?

Training begins at one and a half months, keeping the baby busy in a playful way and teaching the intricacies of canine science. When starting to train a puppy, it is important to remember that dogs pay for love in spades. If you surround your puppy with care and affection from the first days, it is easy to achieve success. WITH early age Give the puppy simple commands, gradually complicating the program. For kids, the process will become both a game and time with their beloved owner, the right approach to proper training.