Drawing a dog. How to draw a dog's face

One of the most good gifts by the New Year everyone can become beautiful drawing pencil or paints. And it doesn’t matter if you are a child in school or kindergarten, or an aspiring artist will depict this picture. It is important to pay attention and time to create such a masterpiece. And for the created drawing to become a real decoration of the interior, you need to try to make New Year's gift as realistic as possible. Using the master classes with photos and videos below, you can learn how to draw a dog on plain or checkered paper. Simple instructions suitable for children of any age and teenagers.

How to easily and beautifully draw a dog, the symbol of 2018, step by step with a pencil - master class with photos

It is useful and interesting to spend time in labor lessons on the eve of the New Year 2018 at school and kindergarten Drawing his symbol will help the children. To depict a cute dog, you don’t need to be a real artist, you just need to correctly repeat the instructions below. A detailed master class will tell you how to easily and beautifully draw a dog, the symbol of 2018, step by step with a pencil.

Materials for beautifully drawing the 2018 dog symbol using a pencil

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • regular and colored pencils;
  • eraser.

Photo lesson on beautiful and easy drawing of the dog symbol of 2018 with pencils

  1. To roughly depict a dog: draw a circle for the head and two intersecting circles for the body. Draw the neck and mark the location of the muzzle and eyes on the head.
  2. Draw the elongated muzzle of the dog and eyes. Draw the front ear.
  3. Draw the outlines of the dog's head, draw the ears and back neck. Draw eyebrows.
  4. Draw the dog's fluffy chest and front legs. Draw the tongue and tail.
  5. Add a collar to the figure. Draw the hind legs. Add a drop of saliva to your tongue.
  6. Erase the auxiliary lines and color the figure with multi-colored pencils.

How a child can draw Max the dog by cells - master class with video

Drawing by cells is very useful activity for children. It allows the child to show imagination and develop attention. The image of a popular and beloved character from a modern cartoon will be especially interesting for kids. For example, in the next master class you can learn how to draw a cartoon dog, Max, by cells in a regular notebook.

Video on a master class on drawing a cartoon dog Max by cells

Simple instructions will help your child easily and simply portray the main character from the cartoon." Secret life pets" - the dog Max. With its help, drawing this hero by the cells will not be difficult.

How to draw a cool dog for New Year 2018 - master class with step-by-step photos

All children find it much more interesting to draw their favorite characters, rather than just animals. That is why next instruction Perfect for kindergarten and school. With its help, children will be able to draw Volta the dog and decorate their room with such a drawing. The master class below will help you learn how to draw a cartoon dog for the New Year 2018.

List of materials for step-by-step drawing of a cool dog for the New Year 2018

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • a simple pencil;
  • eraser.

Step-by-step master class with a photo of a funny dog ​​for the New Year 2018

  1. Draw a "skeleton" of a dog. Draw a circle-head. Form an oblong body from two circles. Add marks for the location of the eyes and muzzle. Roughly draw paws, ears and tail.
  2. Draw the ears and tail of the dog. Draw the eyes, nose and chest of the dog. Draw the back parts of the paws.
  3. Add front lines for all paws. Draw a smile, add the top line of the nose, eyebrows and inner part ears.
  4. Draw the eyes, add a collar. Add hind paw, draw toes on all paws. Draw a lightning bolt icon on the side. Remove auxiliary lines. If desired, color the dog figurine.

How to draw a dog, the symbol of the New Year 2018, with a pencil step by step - master classes for beginners

Usually, beginning artists select simplified drawings for learning. But even the most complex images with easy instructions can be copied by children or teenagers. For example, the following master class for beginners will help you learn how to draw the symbol of the New Year 2018, a dog, with a pencil, step by step, both easily and simply.

Materials for step-by-step drawing of the New Year 2018 dog symbol with pencils

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • regular pencil;
  • eraser.

Master class with photos of a step-by-step image of the symbol of the New Year 2018 dog using pencils

  1. Draw the main lines of the shepherd's body: paws, back and central part of the muzzle.
  2. Using the drawn lines, indicate the main parts of the dog’s body. Draw an oval for the sternum, the back for an oval, and a circle for the head. Draw the silhouette of the shepherd along the designated areas and draw the paws.
  3. Erase the auxiliary lines and then make the silhouette clearer. Mark the locations of the eyes and draw the nose and tail.
  4. Draw fur on the chest, tail and paws. Draw the eyes, add fur on the head.
  5. Add auxiliary thin lines along the growth of the fur to make the picture more realistic.

Step-by-step video lesson on drawing a dog, the symbol of the coming 2018, with a pencil

Another version of the image of the New Year 2018 symbol can be found in the following video. A cute dog, drawn in pencil, will look appropriate in both the living room and the children's room. This picture can be presented to New Year friends or relatives.

How to paint a dog step by step - master class with video for children

The animal image is pretty challenging task. But if you choose a simple video lesson for beginners to teach your child, then there will be no problems with redrawing the beast. In the next master class for children you can learn how to draw a dog step by step with paints beautifully and easily.

Step-by-step video on a master class on drawing a dog by a child

A bright and neat painting with paints can become the best gift for the New Year 2018. Therefore, having created cool picture according to the instructions below, the child can give it to his parents and grandparents for the holiday.

So that the drawn symbol of the New Year 2018 can decorate every home, in this article you can find various master classes with photos and videos for kids and teenagers. By using simple instructions you can draw a dog for the New Year 2018, both in pencil and with paints. Moreover, they are suitable for both children and beginning artists. For example, kids in kindergarten will be able to draw a figurine of Max from the cartoon “The Secret Life of Pets.” But school students will be able to easily depict a shepherd or a cartoon dog step by step.

  • There are several stories you can use to help you remember how to draw a second dog face:
    • There was a man (outline image) who had 6 children (three dots on each side). They went to the park to play (circle). They had two rooms overlooking the park (eyes with pupils). To get from their house to the park, they had to cross a small area. There was a river (ears) on both sides.
    • There was a man who had no hands (outline image), and because he had no hands, he cried and cried (dots around the man). To cheer himself up a bit, he went to a fair and sat on a Ferris wheel (circle), then entered two haunted houses (eyes) and bought two cotton candy (pupils). Then he climbed up the hill ( top part heads), went to a shop where they sell hot dogs and bought two (ears).
    • Once upon a time there lived a man (outline image) who was bitten by bees (dots), so he jumped into the lake (circle). When he came out, he saw two caves (eyes and pupils) in a hill (semicircle) with two waterfalls nearby (ears).
    • Once upon a time there was a man who had no hands (nose) who fell into a pond (muzzle). It started to rain (mustache). He ran to the hill (top of head) and went to McDonald's (eyes) and ordered two burgers (pupils) and fries (ears). He was pleased (language).
    • Once upon a time there lived a man without arms (nose), bees bit him (dots), so he hid in a cave (circle). He died, so he was buried in the cemetery (eyes). The tombstones had holes (pupils) so all of the person's family members were there (semicircle) and crying (ears).
    • Once upon a time there lived a man without arms (outline image, nose). He died and was buried (muzzle), then the flies came (dots). They made two tombstones for the man and painted the lower part of both (eyes with pupils) with a rainbow. Then a BIG rainbow (semi-circle) appeared. Finally, several cars arrived to visit the gravestone (ears).
    • Once upon a time there lived a man without arms. It was very dirty, so there were flies (dots) flying around it all the time. One day he climbed a hill (the muzzle), then another (the top of the head). At the top there were two pools (eyes with pupils). There were also slides. It slid down one side (ear), then the other (other ear).
    • Once upon a time there lived a man (outline image) who was very clumsy, so he cried a lot (dots). One day he cried so much that his tears turned into a lake (circle)! Then his dog and cat died and he buried them and made gravestones (eyes), but all the words were squeezed together (pupils). He went up the hill (semi-circle) and went down the slides!
    • Once upon a time there was a man (nose and mouth) who had 6 children (dots). They all drowned (muzzle). The two older ones had beautiful tombstones (eyes), and the 4 younger ones had 2 tombstones (pupils). Father made a big grave for all of them (semicircle). Many tears were shed at the funeral (ears).
    • Once upon a time there was a man (nose/mouth) who had 6 children (dots), so he bought a swimming pool (face), the pool leaked (tongue), so they moved to the mountains, higher and higher (each eye) and even higher (face), when the rocks collapsed (ears), they moved into caves (pupils)!

A dog is man's friend. But above all, she is a friend to children. That's why kids love to pretend to be dogs. different breeds. This is quite easy to do. Here we will look at how to draw a dog with a pencil step by step.

The simplest option

First, let's try to draw the simplest version step by step using photos and videos on our website.

1. Draw a circle and divide it in half with a smooth line.

2. Add ears in the form of two ovals on the sides of the head.

Stage 2: add ears and oval muzzle

3. Next step– the body, we draw it as one large oval.

Stage 3-4: draw the torso and paws

4. At the bottom of the body, add paws in two small circles.

5. The front legs will be drawn as two ovals extending from the head.

Stage 6: finishing the face

6. At the end, you can color the dog.

Stage 7: color the dog

This is how easy it is to make a cute dog.

Draw a cute puppy:


Instead of a dog in in full you can only draw her face: the drawing will be no less cute. To draw a dog’s face in stages, draw a small circle, lower a line from it and bifurcate it downwards. This will be the dog's nose. We draw a larger oval around the nose. Draw eyes above it. All that remains is to place the elongated ears along the muzzle - and the dog’s muzzle is ready. Here's approximately what it looks like in a photo or video: Step-by-step drawing of a dog's face


As you know, dogs come in different breeds, which differ not only in character, abilities, but also appearance. Accordingly, draw dogs various breeds will need to be different.

First, let's look at how to draw a shepherd dog step by step. It will be easy for children thanks to photos and videos on our website.

1. Draw the outline of the dog’s head and body. To do this, draw a circle and an oval diagonally, touching each other.

2. We adjust the contour of the circle by finishing the face.

Stage 1: draw the head, muzzle and body of the shepherd

3. We add the front and hind legs to the oval, and then slightly modify the contour of the body so that it looks more natural.

Stage 2: adding paws and tail Stage 3: combining the contours of the dog

4. All that remains is to finish drawing the tail, and the dog is ready. This is how easy it is to draw a shepherd.

Dog drawing is ready

Draw a shepherd with a pencil:


A unique breed is a husky dog. Her homeland is Sakhalin. In these territories, huskies are used both as sled dogs and as hunting dogs. Due to the difficult living conditions and field of activity, huskies have developed muscles, are sinewy and covered with thick fur. These features of the Husky breed should be reflected in the picture. To have an idea of ​​what this breed looks like, look at the photos and videos. Drawing a husky is quite easy even for children. Let's look at the process step by step.

1. First we draw the outline of the dog. It represents four circles different sizes. Two of them are located at a short distance parallel to each other. Let's draw a small circle a little higher diagonally: this will be the head. Let's add another circle below the second one great circle: This is the base for the hind leg.

Stage 1: draw the body and face of the husky

3. Draw the front and hind legs to the body.

Stage 2: unite the body with a contour and draw the paws

4. At the last stage, shade the image, add eyes, nose and ears.

Stage 3: draw the ears, eyes and nose

The ideal version of the finished drawing is a husky dog ​​like this:

Finished picture


The children's favorite dog is the Chihuahua. She is small, with an interesting unusual appearance. Small dogs evoke special sympathy among children. Let's try to draw a Chihuahua in a way that is simple, step by step and accessible to children.

1. Draw two circles as the basis for the outline, placing them one above the other. The top circle should be a little smaller.

2. We connect two circles - the head and the body - with smooth lines convex to the sides. This will be the Chihuahua's neck.

Stage 1: draw the head and an oval for the body

3. On both sides of the head we depict ears, having previously drawn contours for them in the form of a quadrangle and a triangle beveled at one of the corners.

Stage 2: unite the ears, head and torso with a contour

4. Divide the head in half vertically and horizontally with straight lines. We place the eyes and nose of the Chihuahua symmetrically relative to the center.

Stage 3: complete the eyes and nose

5. All that remains is to draw the front and hind legs and add the tail.

Stage 5: Add Paws and Tail

This is what a drawing of a Chihuahua looks like in outline and in finished form.

Chihuahua Chihuahua in finished form

Drawing a little Chihuahua:


The dachshund can also be called an attractive breed for children. Its elongated body always makes passers-by look around and be surprised by the unusual structure of the dog’s body. Let's see how easy it is to draw a dachshund step by step.

1. We start the drawing with a traditional circle, only now it will be the basis for the front part of the body.

Today we will look at how to draw a dog step by step for children. Several variations of the dog image will be shown at once. You will learn how to draw adult dogs and small puppies. The instructions are clear and easy for children. Let's not waste time and get started right away!

How to draw a dog for children: first option

The dog is a true friend person and, of course, any child. Many children constantly dream of a dog and really want to learn how to draw one. Today I will tell you how to draw a regular pet dog. Most parents and children want to learn how to draw a dog in this form, without unnecessary anatomical features and realistic details. There is nothing difficult here, everything is extremely simple. It is only necessary to depict the dog in a very simplified manner, without going into too many details.

Stage 1
Start drawing the dog from the head. Draw an oval muzzle and a pair of oval ears.

Stage 2
Draw two dots, these will be the eyes, now a smile and a large black nose. The result is a cheerful and cute dog face.

Stage 3
At this stage, draw the dog's torso. It is also drawn in a simplified manner and looks very much like a rectangle with slightly rounded corners. The bottom line of the dog's body should be broken in two places in order to then draw the paws.

Stage 4
The paws can now be drawn, again very simply without any unnecessary details. Now the ponytail is all. Congratulations, you've just learned how to draw a simple pet dog!

How to draw a dog for a child: second option

Stage 1
Draw the dog's head. The head consists of an oval and a semicircle. In the center of the head draw a pair of eyes and eyebrows. On the muzzle, draw a heart-shaped nose.

Stage 2
Next, on both sides of the head, draw two large ears, from the bottom of the head, draw the neck, and then the torso.

Stage 3
The next stage is to draw the dog’s paws. The two front legs should be equal, and the back ones should be slightly larger than the front ones.

Stage 4
Draw the hind legs and color the dog.

How to draw a dog from the cartoon Tom and Jerry

Another option on how to draw a dog

Stage 1
Draw three ovals for the head, muzzle, and body. Add four circles for the back and front legs. Add lines to the paw circles on both sides of the circles.

Stage 2
Draw the ears and nose. After this, draw a wide smile for the doggie. Draw the eyes. Then delete all unnecessary additional lines. Decorate the resulting dog.

Well done! You made a wonderful drawing!

How to draw a shepherd step by step for children

Many children love shepherds. Therefore, now we will try to show how to draw these dogs correctly and easily.

Stage 1
Draw a bean-shaped body shape that should be somewhat elongated.

Stage 2
Now draw the base for the shepherd's body parts. A couple of triangles will become ears. For the nose, draw a rectangle. It will be slightly curved at the bottom. Draw fur on the chest. Label the tail as shown in the example.

Stage 3
Draw from top to bottom, add a couple small circles for the eyes and some curved triangles to make them look like spiky hair. Draw the fur on the neck with spines. Add the tail completely and draw part for the lower and upper paws.

Stage 4
Start by simply adding a line to create the smile and the bottom of the lip. Draw some elements on the neck to make it fluffier. Continue drawing the base for the paws.

Stage 5
At this last stage, all that remains is to draw a small bang on the head, and also finish drawing the paws.

Stage 6
That's it, your shepherd is completely ready.

How to draw a puppy with a pencil

So, we have dealt with adult dogs, now you will learn how to draw small dogs and puppies. You will find that drawing a puppy is not difficult at all. You will definitely see this. The steps in this lesson are very simple, you will have fun and learn how to draw a puppy step by step with a pencil for children. Enjoy this fun and interesting "how to draw a puppy for kids" tutorial.

Stage 1
Start by creating a very simple egg shape for the head, and then another small egg shape for the body. After this, draw special lines dividing the face, as seen in the example.

Stage 2
All you need to do here is basically draw out the shape of the puppy's head.

Stage 3
After this, draw out the disheartened, but very cute ears. Make sure they are large enough for the puppy's head size.

Stage 4
Almost ready! Make two oval shaped eyes. Then paint them, except for two points, as in the picture. Add a dash for the eyebrows and move on to step five.

Stage 5
Draw the nose, and then the cheeks and a small mouth. Once this is done, you can add a small tongue sticking out of the puppy's mouth.

Stage 6
Now draw the chest and front legs.

Stage 7
Now we are pretty close to finishing the drawing. Draw a hind leg and a cute wagging tail. Erase the extra lines and shapes you drew in the first step.

Stage 8
That's it, the puppy is almost ready. All you have to do now is paint it with some color.

How to draw a spaniel puppy for a child

Now let's try to draw a spaniel puppy.

Stage 1
First draw two shapes that will help you in the process of drawing this very cute dog. Draw a circle for the head and an oval shape for the body. Then draw a vertical line directly along the circle for the head, which will help in the process of drawing the puppy's face.

Stage 2
Start drawing the face. To do this you draw inside ears and draw the lower part of the head.

Stage 3
Continue drawing the head. To do this, draw fluffy and long ears, and then draw large oval eyes.

Stage 4
When you finish drawing the face, for this you draw the eyebrows, nose and mouth. After this, draw the front legs, as well as the outlines of the hind legs. As in the example.

Stage 5
Here all we need to do is draw all the other parts of the legs, then draw the line of the back and tail. Then erase all the additional lines that were useful to you while drawing this dog.

Stage 6
You see, drawing this cute dog turned out to be very easy. And all that remains to be done is to color it as needed.

How to draw a terrier puppy

Now let's try to draw a cute terrier puppy.

Stage 1
First, with light strokes, draw a circle for the head and an oval for the body of the terrier.

Stage 2
Draw ears. Wavy lines should be used to outline the outline of the dog's muzzle.

Stage 3
Now you need to draw the torso and paws.

Stage 4
Now add everything else - mouth, eyes, nose and tail.

Stage 5
The terrier image is ready. Now you know how to easily draw this dog.

How to draw a German Shepherd puppy for a child

Now let's try to draw a puppy German Shepherd.

Stage 1
Draw a circle and draw a small horizontal line in it.

Stage 2
Now depict the puppy’s mouth, as well as its tongue sticking out of it.

Stage 3
Sketch out the outline of the head, as well as pointy ears, which stick up.

Stage 4
Draw a nose and big eyes dogs.

Stage 5
At this stage you draw the front legs.

Stage 6
And on this one - the rear ones.

Stage 7
Draw a tail.

Stage 8
The cheerful German Shepherd puppy is almost ready. You just need to color the drawing.

How to draw a Dog

Drawing on the theme: "Dog"

Master class "Drawing a dog" with step-by-step photos.
Hilimonchik Natalya Aleksandrovna - teacher primary classes gymnasium school No. 5A in Kostanaya, Kazakhstan.
Dear colleagues, I am offering a Master Class on drawing a dog in elementary school. Children have a rich imagination, but it is difficult to draw something from an idea. Step-by-step drawing will help the children draw a dog. This way of working is very convenient for working with younger schoolchildren. They can easily reproduce the drawing using the step-by-step explanation.
Goals: introducing children to the technique of drawing a dog.

1. Teach children how to draw a dog step by step. Learn to analyze, find characteristics. Learn to convey shape, structure, proportions, volume.
2. Develop visual memory, creative thinking, motor abilities, perseverance, hard work.
3. To cultivate aesthetic feelings, artistic taste, love for animals and nature.

Album, simple pencil, colored pencils or watercolors, eraser.

I’ll tell you a riddle, and you try to determine what our lesson will be devoted to:
He lay across the porch
Our shaggy-legged castle.
But both at night and during the day
Strangers will not be allowed into the house.

You guessed it right, today we will learn to draw a dog. You will draw with a simple pencil and step by step.
Introductory conversation.
There are different information about exactly when the dog was domesticated by humans, 15 or 20 thousand years ago, however, despite the controversy, experts agree that the first domesticated animal was the dog.
Dogs are known for their learning abilities, love of play, social behavior.
A long time ago there lived a dog in the forest. Alone, alone. She was bored. The dog wanted to find a friend.
A friend who would not be afraid of anyone.
A dog met a hare in the forest and said to him:
- Come on, bunny, be friends with you, live together!
“Come on,” the bunny agreed.
In the evening they found a place to stay for the night and went to bed. At night a mouse ran past them, the dog heard a rustling sound and how it jumped up and barked loudly. The hare woke up in fright, his ears shaking from fear.
- Why are you barking? - says to the dog. “When the wolf hears it, he’ll come here and eat us.”
“This is an unimportant friend,” thought the dog. - Afraid of the wolf. But the wolf is probably not afraid of anyone.” In the morning the dog said goodbye to the hare and went to look for the wolf. She met him in a remote ravine and said:
- Come on, wolf, be friends with you, live together!
- Well! - the wolf answers. - It will be more fun together.
At night they went to bed. A frog was jumping past, the dog heard it jump up and bark loudly. The wolf woke up in fright and let’s scold the dog:
- Oh, you are so, so so! The bear will hear your barking, come here and tear us apart.
“And the wolf is afraid,” thought the dog. “I’d better make friends with a bear.” She went to the bear:
– Bear-hero, let’s be friends, let’s live together!
“Okay,” says the bear. - Come to my den.
And at night the dog heard him crawling past the den, jumped up and barked. The bear got scared and scolded the dog:
- Stop doing that! A man will come and skin us.
“Gee! - the dog thinks. “And this one turned out to be cowardly.” She ran away from the bear and went to the man:
- Man, let's be friends, let's live together!
The man agreed, fed the dog, and built a warm kennel for it near his hut. At night the dog barks and guards the house. And the person doesn’t scold her for this - he says thank you. Since then, dog and man have lived together.

Let's try to draw a dog together step by step with a simple pencil. On last step You need to color the drawing of the dog with colored pencils or paints.
Step-by-step job description
1.First you need to draw the basic outlines of the dog
Draw the dog on the entire sheet of paper; it will be easier for you to draw small details and a large picture always looks more impressive than a small one. First of all, we draw the torso and head, and the one that will be the dog’s head is a little smaller in diameter than the lower one.

2.The general outline of the dog appears in the picture.
Draw the joint markings for the paw and the lower parts of the three paws, since the fourth paw will not be visible. Connect the paws with lines, exactly as in my drawing, and connect the oval of the dog’s body and head. All these figures are not difficult to draw, but it is very important to position them accurately. The proportions of the dog, and the entire drawing as a whole, will depend on this in the future. Check again the exact location of these contours and move on to the next step.
In this step you only need to draw the general outline of the dog's torso, paws and head. It may not be difficult to do, but be extremely careful. This outline will determine how the entire drawing of the dog will look. You can draw this outline several times, removing inaccurate lines. Start tracing the outline from the head and further along the back to the paws.

3.Ears, nose, eyes and tail appear in the drawing of the dog.
Draw the dog's nose. Draw a small line from it and draw the winding lines of the dog’s mouth (mouth). Connect these lines with another line for the chin. I think you can draw the dog’s ears and tail yourself, without comments.

4.The drawing of the dog is nearing completion, add details
The auxiliary lines now need to be removed from the drawing. Draw in part of the fourth paw, claws and draw the outline of the dog's fur.

Physical education minute
We tried to draw.
We tried to draw.
It was hard not to get tired.
We'll rest a little
Let's start drawing again.
(The hands were stroked, shaken, kneaded.)
5.The final step of the drawing.
The last stage of any drawing is the easiest and most interesting. At this stage, the dog will already be in “full glory” in the picture. It’s not at all difficult to slightly correct the drawing, emphasizing the dog’s hair with sharp pencil strokes. Choose for yourself desired color color and color with colored pencils or watercolors.

This is where our lesson ends, you did a very good job today, I hope that you learned a lot of interesting things: you came up with wonderful drawings, individual, original. This can be seen at the exhibition of your works. Well done! Thank you!

IMPORTANT ADVICE (Sergey Mikhalkov)
You can't raise puppies
Through screaming and kicking.
Puppy raised by kicking
Will not be a loyal puppy.
You after a rough kick
Try calling the puppy!

There are many dogs in the world
And on a chain and just like that.
Service dogs - border dogs,
Ordinary yard balls,
And young timid mongrels,
Why do they like to yelp from under benches?
And those pampered lap dogs,
Whose nose is snub and whose voice is thin,
And no longer good for anything -
Stray dogs are always hungry.
Ready for a fight at any moment
Dogs are fighters and bullies.
Dogs are proud and touchy
They calmly doze on the thresholds.
And those with a sweet tooth are sycophants
They lick everything from any utensil.
Among dogs of any breed
There are handsome men and ugly men.
There are giants - these are Great Danes!
Short-legged bulldogs,
And wire-haired terriers,
Some are black, others are gray,
And it’s a shame to look at others:
It's so overgrown that you can't see it!
Everyone knows the dog's properties:
And intelligence, and sensitivity and heroism,
Love and loyalty and deceit,
And disgusting lordship.
And complete obedience,
And this is all from upbringing!
Lazy well-fed housewife,
And the button dachshund is lazy!
The border guard is fearless - a warrior,
And the dog Ruslan deserves it!
The owner of the dog is a fist and a miser,
A burdock mongrel to match him!
No wonder the dog bites those
Who throws a stone at her in vain?
But if someone is friends with a dog,
This is why the dog serves him well!
But faithful dog- good friend
Depends on good hands.

PUPPY (S. Mikhalkov)
I'm off my feet today -
My puppy is missing.
I called him for two hours,
I waited for him for two hours
Didn't sit down for lessons
And I couldn’t have lunch.
This morning
Too early
The puppy jumped off the sofa,
I started walking around the rooms,
Wake everyone up.
He saw a blanket -
There was nothing left to cover.
He looked into the closet -
He turned the jug of honey over.
He tore my dad's poems,
Fell to the floor from the stairs,
I climbed into the glue with my front paw,
I barely got out
And disappeared...
Maybe it was stolen
They took me away on a rope,
They gave me a new name,
Guard the house
Maybe he's in the dense forest
Sitting under a prickly bush,
Got lost
Looking for a home
Poor guy, does he get wet in the rain?
I didn't know what to do.
Mother said:
- Let's wait.
I grieved for two hours
I didn’t pick up books,
I didn't draw anything
She just sat and waited.
All of a sudden
Some scary beast
Opens the door with his paw,
Jumping over the threshold...
Who is this?
My puppy.
What's happened,
If immediately
Didn't I recognize the puppy?
The nose is swollen, the eyes are invisible,
Cheek twisted
And, digging in like a needle,
A bee is buzzing on its tail.
Mother said: - Close the door!
A swarm of bees is flying towards us.
All wrapped up
In bed
My puppy is lying flat
And barely wobbles
Bandaged tail.
I don't run to the doctor -
I'm treating him myself.
I wish you all good luck and creative success!