How to teach your dog easy commands. Teaching the command "Come"

Every dog ​​owner wants her to understand him in different situations. Teaching a pet elementary commands is the key to it successful life among people.

When the puppy reaches the age of 2-3 months, they begin to teach him the simplest commands. Not yet at this age in question about classes with an instructor on an ongoing basis, but it is advisable to contact him for advice. He will tell you how to teach a dog commands at home, taking into account its character, temperament and breed. If the owner has sufficient experience in training, then classes can be carried out independently.

Photo: teaching the dog the "Down" command

To train a young dog should be gradually increasing the time of the lesson. You can start with 15-20 minutes a day, later bringing it up to 40 minutes. If the training is carried out longer, then the dog will simply get tired and will not perceive the owner. In the process of training, you should take breaks for 5-10 minutes so that the dog rests. This applies to both puppies and adult dogs, especially if they have not previously completed a training course.

Before starting classes, the pet must be fed and walked in advance. Hunger and natural needs should not distract from the educational process. Distractions can be: exposure to direct sun rays, insects (for example, mosquitoes), especially if the dog is short-haired. In such cases, choose a time when the sun and insects are less active. As a rule, these are morning or evening hours.

Not a single instructor has come up with best method learning than the carrot and stick method. Its essence is as follows: for the correct, successful execution of commands, you need to praise the dog (encourage with a treat), and punish it for non-compliance (meaning conscious ignorance). The punishment should not be severe, sometimes it is enough for the dog to hear more severe notes in the owner's voice so that he stops unwanted actions.

In some cases, reasonable force will have to be used. No strikes with a leash and sharp swings of the hands. If this is allowed, then in the future the cowardly reaction can be fixed and the effect of training will be just the opposite. It is necessary to apply the punishment correctly: taking the withers, without applying excessive force, pat the “trainee”. If in the course of training an adult dog such a need arose, then this should be done taking into account its size. The animal must understand that the owner cannot be ignored.

They reward him with a treat, which is given after each correctly executed command. It can be cookies, crackers home cooking etc. Fulfilling the requirements of the owner correctly, the dog should hear encouraging notes in his voice. In such cases, skimp on good words not worth it. In the future, as skills are consolidated, treats are given less often, gradually moving to praise.

How to teach a dog the "paw" command.

Not the most necessary command, distinguished by its simplicity. On the initial stage training, she is taught to establish contact with the pet, teaching to obey the owner. To consolidate the skill, treats are used, as well as praise. When giving a command for the first time, the dog is given to understand what they want from it. They take the paw with their hand and shake it slightly, after which a treat is given out. In subsequent times, the dog gives a paw much more willingly.

How to teach your dog the sit command.

The command is given both by voice and by gesture. The right arm is bent at an angle of 90 degrees, its palm is turned forward. The initial performance is accompanied by pressure on back body of the dog with one hand, as well as holding the collar, or a tight leash, with the other hand. The command is pronounced clearly and loudly enough. During the following classes, the number of repetitions gradually increases. The order of working out is the same for all dogs of any age.

How to teach your dog the "Down" command.

After the confident execution of the "Sit" command, you can begin to teach the "Lie down" command. The initial execution begins with the command "Sit", after which the next one is given, with simultaneous pressure on the front of the back. To prevent the dog from trying to get up, hold the back of the body with your hand. After successful completion, the pet is praised and given a treat. In the future, the working time and the number of repetitions are increased, without going beyond the optimal time frame for classes.

How to teach your dog the place command.

Puppy begin to accustom to this team almost from the moment of appearance. The process takes place gradually, at the age of several months he already knows his place and the meaning of this word. If you need to consolidate the skill or the dog went to the owner in adulthood, then you need to conduct classes. Working off is carried out as follows: the pet is shown its place (the corresponding command is given) and after it remains there it is praised and given a treat. It will be good if the place is marked with a bedding or rug.

How to teach your dog the "next" command.

The command is relevant both when the dog is moving on a leash, and without it. At the initial stage, the movement is carried out with a fastened leash. It is served at the beginning of the movement, followed by a repetition in case of advancing the owner, or lagging behind him. If necessary, the command is accompanied by a slight jerk of the leash. After passing a short segment, be sure to praise the dog and give a treat. After he learns to walk beside him on a leash, they move on to training without a leash. The order is the same, at the initial stage, you can hold the pet by the collar.

How to teach your dog the "No" command.

Teaching a forbidding command will help to avoid unwanted actions on the part of the dog. Training occurs when she is on a leash. If the dog is trying to take some filth into his mouth, come into conflict with another dog or chase a cat, then the “Fu” command is given. It is advisable not to use the "No" command, since this word is often found in people's conversations and your ward may not understand it correctly. The command is accompanied by pulling the leash, or a light slap on the back of the body.

Every dog ​​needs training!

How to teach a dog to follow commands and not spoil her psyche?

Every dog ​​needs training. Without it, the animal will be uncontrollable and will only cause you inconvenience, even if it is calm and friendly. Teaching a dog to a certain walking schedule, setting a taboo for certain actions (for example, barking at every guest or sleeping on the couch), making it clear who is in charge and who needs to be listened to is all part of education.

More difficult - with teams. What to do if you do not have time for cynological courses, and on your own? In theory, everything is simple, in practice - training will require a lot of time and effort.

Basic rules of training

You can train any dog ​​- both thoroughbred, with an excellent pedigree, and a mongrel. It is important to start education with early age: the older the animal, the more difficult it is to get him to do something on command.

Consider the puppy's age. It is unlikely that you will teach a six-month-old child to go to the potty and eat on their own. It's the same with dogs. A small, three-month-old puppy will follow one or two commands every other time. A dog that is six months old or a year old will understand you better, be able to remember up to five commands. Don't ask your puppy for more than he can handle.

Most important rule- do not use the "whip" to teach commands. The dog does not have to understand and obey you. You don’t need to scold her if she didn’t understand what you want or if she forgot the command, and, moreover, you don’t need to use your hands. Otherwise, you will raise a downtrodden or aggressive and dangerous dog.

Please note: at first, it is better to teach the dog alone, without the help of other family members. So the puppy will immediately understand who is in charge and whom to listen to in the first place. Subsequently, others can join the training.

Many people ask how to teach a dog commands and what to do if she doesn't understand. Someone believes that cynologists have their own "secrets" that allow you to train any dog. This is not true. The whole “secret” is in the time and attention that you give to your pet. You cannot raise an animal if you spend two or three hours a day on it. It takes hard, constant work.

Stages of training

In general, training is a very individual phenomenon. Much depends on the age, breed, sex of the dog, its temperament and your character. The order of work given in the article is approximate and can be changed.

So, first you need to convince the dog to obey. The "whip" cannot be used. It remains "gingerbread" - the puppy's favorite treat. Show the dog what to do first. For example, if he is learning the “down” command, you should sit down next to him and press your hand with a treat to the floor.

Repeat the command and as soon as the dog understands what needs to be done and lies down, give him a treat. Train every day. Gradually, the dog will remember the command and will obey you.

Do you remember one command? Start learning another one. When the dog performs it quickly, you can proceed to the next. When learning new commands, at the beginning of training, repeat those that have already been memorized. It is important that the dog performs them accurately and without delay.

Over time, it will be possible to refuse treats. Reduce their number gradually, so that the dog gets used to following commands without encouragement. Swap treats kind word(“good dog”, “well done”) and affection.

What can you teach your dog yourself?

It's easier to say what's wrong. With a cynologist, and only with a cynologist, you can learn complex and potentially dangerous commands. Such as "keep", "face", "fu". If you want to make a defender and a fighter out of a dog, go to the courses. Only a professional has protection and experience with large pets.

You can go to the dog handler and memorize the “face” or “hold” commands only after the dog has learned to sit or lie at your first word. Not only the fact that the command was executed is important, but also contact with the owner. The dog must see in you best friend and the leader, otherwise it will be dangerous.

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How to choose the right collar for your dog

Every dog ​​without exception has a collar, be it a miniature one. Pomeranian or the majestic Great Dane. Naturally, each breed and each size of a four-legged friend has its own collars and accessories, but there are also collars for various kinds dog training.

There are five important commands that every dog ​​should know: "sit", "place", "down", "to me" and "close". These commands will allow you to communicate your desires to the dog, making it much easier to communicate with your pet. If you train your dog well in basic commands, you will lay the foundation for future more advanced training, as well as help build a conflict-free relationship with your furry best friend.


Teaching your dog the "sit" command

    Start training by learning the "sit" command. Adopting a sitting position in dogs is considered a form of politeness. This is a natural action. It demonstrates a lack of aggression and a willingness to wait.

    When the dog sits, praise him. Once your pet accepts sitting position, say "Well done!" and give him a treat. The goal is for the dog to develop a connection between command, action, praise, and treat.

    Replace treats with hand signals. As soon as your dog learns the voice command, stop assisting him with the action and enter the accompanying gesture signal. Usually, the “sit” command is used with the arm bent at the elbow with the palm horizontally facing up. When pronouncing the command "sit", first gather your hand into a free fist, lift it with a movement bending at the elbow and open your palm horizontally, turning it up.

    Repeat until the dog is consistently following your command. This may take some time, especially if you are training an older or stubborn dog. However, you should not give up. It is important to your relationship with the dog that the dog remains under your leadership. This will make it easier for you life together and it will be safer for the dog itself.

    Repeat the sequence several times. Repetition is key in teaching the dog commands and reinforcing them. The goal of training is to get your dog to follow commands regardless of what he is doing at the time he hears your command. Thus, you can always quickly and effectively stop unwanted behavior dogs.

    • As with learning any other command, if the dog doesn't follow the command or makes mistakes, start all over again. Reseat the dog and proceed with the required sequence of actions.

Teaching your dog the "come" command

  1. Teach your dog to come when you call. To train the dog to come to the call, the command "come to me" is used. As with other basic commands, start by placing the dog in a sitting position.

    Gently pull the dog towards you while saying "(dog's name), to me!". You should speak in a more encouraging tone of voice than other commands, as you need to make the dog want to come to you. Complete the command with a gesture to show the dog what you want from him.

    Entice your dog with a treat. After showing your dog what you want from him and giving him a voice command, put a piece of dry food at your feet and point to it. After a short time, only a gesture pointing at your feet will be enough. You can then start using just the voice command or only the gesture.

    Reinforce your dog's actions with praise. When the dog approaches you, praise the dog with the phrase "Well done!". Pet her on the head, showing your satisfaction with what the dog has just done for you.

    Practice executing the command in different time and in different places. When communicating with your pet, use various opportunities to call him from the other side of the room, saying the nickname and the command "come to me", as well as not forgetting to praise the pet when he comes to you. This will allow your dog to learn the command better.

Teaching your dog the "close" command

    Teach your dog the "close" command. This command often the most difficult to learn. However, most dogs are able to learn it if you are consistent in your actions. Teaching your dog to walk beside you will save your dog's back, shoulders and neck, and the self-esteem of both of you (although this is not a big deal for a dog).

    • Your dog will probably naturally want to run and sniff around, jerking you in all sorts of directions. You should show your pet that there is a certain time to explore the situation and there is a time when this is not necessary.
  1. Seat the dog. After attaching the leash to the dog's collar, seat it in the usual sitting position at your left leg, while you both look in the same direction. This is the usual location of the dog near you.

    • Always place your dog in left side from myself, so as not to confuse her.
  2. Give the command "close". Say the phrase "(dog's name), next!" while stepping forward with your left foot. Your dog will either start to resist or rush after you. In any case, gently pull her by the leash and repeat the command "near".

    Encourage your dog to stay close to you. If the dog leans too far to the side, pat on the leg and repeat the "next" command. Always use the same command.

    Correct misbehavior. If the dog rushes forward, in a calm voice, say "no, (dog's name), next." Pull your dog on the leash if necessary. When stopping, always stop with your left foot and say "(dog's name), sit." If your dog tries to move forward again, gently pull him on the leash and force him to sit next to your left leg, giving the command "sit".

    • If the dog gets a little out of control, stop and put the dog in a sitting position next to you, praise him and start again. You should always correct the dog in relation to your position, and not adjust to the dog. If you adapt to the dog, then, in the end, he will have a well-trained master who obeys him.
    • You must teach your dog to behave so that he does not feel the pressure of the leash, except when correcting his position, otherwise your pet will constantly pull you by the leash. Make corrections with your voice and gestures, and use the leash only if the dog does not obey.
  3. Praise your dog when it successfully walks beside you. You can compliment the dog a little when he walks beside you, but use a low tone of voice when doing so so as not to distract the dog. Once the dog is constantly responding to voice commands, start to remain silent longer and repeat the command only to correct the pet.

    • The duration of learning a team is individual, so do not try to rush things.
  4. Teach your dog to sit down at each stop. When you're ready to stop, stop with your left foot and say the phrase "(dog's name), sit." After a few repetitions, you will no longer need to use the "sit" command. Your dog will learn that stopping on the left foot is the signal to stop and sit down.

  5. Practice executing the command using only body language. When the dog consistently responds to the "near" voice command, start moving and stopping unexpectedly on the left foot without a voice or gesture command. Also, at the moment when the dog sits at your left leg, periodically begin to move with right leg. The dog will want to follow you, but in this case you need to give him the command "place" and go around him until the starting position, when the dog is on your left.

    • Alternate starting with the left foot and simultaneously issuing the “side” command with starting with the right foot and issuing the “place” command. After some time, you may begin to randomly alternate movement with the left and right legs, reinforcing the appropriate command "near" or "place". When you study these commands well, you will be able to work harmoniously in pairs, regardless of where you are.
  • Do not show your dog your frustration or irritation when training. It will just confuse her and scare her, making it harder for both of you to learn from a negative experience. If you start to get frustrated, step back and move on to the command the dog knows best and end the lesson on a positive note.
  • Never, under any circumstances, yell at your dog or punish him for not following commands correctly when you call him to you. Even if your dog refused to listen to you before he came to you on command, your punishment will only be associated in his mind with the last command he performed. By doing this, you will simply confuse her!
  • Don't let your dog off the leash until he can follow basic commands 100% of the time. It only takes a dog to disobey you once and be able to slip out of your reach to understand that you cannot force him to do anything until you catch him. You need to establish your firm authority initially before you can successfully start working with a dog off-leash.

Article Information

The co-author of this article is ไทย: ฝึกสุนัขให้ทำตามคำสั่งพื้นฐาน , 한국어: 애완견 기본 명령 훈련하는 법

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In order to be obedient, each dog must be able to perform five main commands: "Sit", "Place", "Lie", "Come", "Next". It is they who will help her understand what you require from her, thus establishing the process of your interaction. How thoroughly you train your dog in basic skills will determine how serious future training will go. In this article, we will tell you how easy it is to teach a dog commands.

Teaching the "Sit" Command

This team is the easiest, so it's best to start parenting with it. To sit down on command for any dog ​​should be a normal reaction to the order of the owner. This is a demonstration of friendliness, lack of aggressive mood and the ability to wait. After learning this command, the dog will begin to understand that sometimes, when the owner is busy, he should just sit down and wait until he is free. As a result of training, the dog should be shown that the “Sit” command given by the owner means that the dog must calm down and wait.

How to conduct training?

After a certain amount of training, you can gradually replace the treat with hand gestures. As soon as the reaction to the word “Sit” appears, the dog should be accustomed to the gesture signal:

  • Gesture "Sit" - the arm is slightly bent at the elbow, the palm is placed horizontally and turned up.
  • First of all, duplicate the sound and gesture versions of the command.
  • After the dog gets used to it, remove the sounds and communicate only with a gesture.

It will take some time to acquire the skill of responding to the voice and gesture variants of the "Sit" command, especially if you are already training. adult dog Or she is stubborn. During the training process, the dog should remain under your influence and recognize your leadership - this will be beneficial for your future relationship with him.

Teaching the "Place" command

The importance of this command is that its execution by an animal can save his life in some situations. This command is designed to protect the dog from situations that could be potentially dangerous for him. It is the Mesto team that is designed to solve such problems.

From birth, the puppy has an instinct: when he is frightened, he stops and stops moving forward, and the mother gives him a signal. We offer to use and call on instincts for help. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

Teaching the command "Down"

This command is a logical continuation of the command "Place" and usually means a stronger order than the previous one to stay in place. If the dog goes into a lying position, then it automatically stops doing everything that it did before. This is the meaning of this command - it is useful for controlling the behavior of the animal in any situation. In order for your dog to start following these commands, the following procedure must be followed:

Teaching the command "Come"

Another important command that teaches the animal to come to you at the first call. very important and useful command, because it allows the animal to be near you, no matter what happens.

At the beginning of the training, you need to seat the animal. We indicate which training algorithm should be followed in this case:

Teaching the command "Next"

For many dog ​​owners and their pets, the “Near” command is the most difficult. However, with consistent and systematic study, this skill will also be formed in the animal. The ability to walk next to the owner, even if the animal is not on a leash, creates a certain comfort for a person: this reduces the load on his back, and also frees up the shoulders and neck of the dog. Well, there is no escape from the psychological benefits: both man and animal will be very proud of themselves and each other. True, such a sense of self-respect is more important for a person than for an animal.

It is very likely (and, in principle, this is normal for a young dog) that the animal will run around you, sniffing everything that comes across the road, constantly running away in different directions. Of course, the owner should be patient and let the animal know that there is time for games, and there is time for walking next to you. And that choice is made by you, not the animal.

How to teach a pet to walk nearby? Follow this order:

  • It all starts again with the dog landing at your left leg. The command "Sit" must be carried out by the animal unquestioningly. You must look in one direction. Accustom the animal to this position - it is most acceptable for him.
  • Give the dog the command "Dog's name, next!". At the same time, begin slow movements, taking a step with your left foot. Two options are possible: the dog will either rush to catch up with you, or will begin to oppose the movement. In any of the situations, pull her by the leash, repeating the “Near” command.
  • Encourage your dog to walk beside you. You should constantly repeat the command and slap yourself on the leg at the level where the muzzle of the animal is.
  • Always use only one "Next" command. You should not add any other words, because for the dog they will be unfamiliar, which means that the command will no longer sound.
  • Correction should always be made if the dog misbehaves. Just calmly let her know that she is doing something wrong. Just say "No, next!" and pull on the leash.
  • When you decide to stop, it's best to do it with your left foot and give the animal the "Sit" command. If the dog does not stop, pull on the leash and repeat the "Sit" command.
  • If you see that the world completely captures the attention of the animal, stop the current circle of training, seat the dog, praise anyway and start training again. The main thing here is not to adapt to the dog, but to adjust it to yourself. She must clearly understand who is in charge: she obeys you, not you.
  • The main task of such training is to teach the animal to obey and follow commands, even if it does not feel the pressure of the leash. By the way, you only need to pull on the leash if you want to correct his behavior. You should also praise the animal if it perfectly fulfills your commands. However, in the process of training, this should be done quite quietly and without concentrating attention on it, otherwise this fact will also distract the animal.
  • As soon as your dog learns to respond correctly and in a timely manner to voice commands, try to be silent for as long as possible, giving only commands with your voice, not talking just like that.
  • In any case, to learn the “Near” command, you need to be patient enough, not to rush things, and remember that each animal has its own rhythm of mastering commands.
  • Try to teach your dog to sit down at every stop. Give him the “Sit” command as soon as you want to stop. Train your dog to respond to your left leg: if it stops, then the dog must slow down.
  • Gradually move away from the voice and move on to gestures and other manifestations of body language. For the Near command, as we already mentioned, this will be the movement of your left leg.
  • Check how the dog has mastered the commands. Start periodically moving with the right foot: the animal should not start moving, because it is oriented to the other side. Stop it by giving the "Sit" command. The dog must clearly learn: you start the movement from the left foot - the command “Next”, from the right - “Place”. By the way, both the dog and you should get used to this.

Practical Tips

Let me give you some tips on how to teach your dog commands. We hope they are helpful:

  • Dogs love to be motivated with treats and praise. When the dog sits for the first time without your intervention, give him a piece of dry food or a pat on the withers. If the dog can realize that the execution of the command will be rewarded, the desire to fulfill them will increase many times over.
  • start training better at home, as well as in a quiet secluded place at a time of day when there is no a large number passersby. In this case, the dog will not be distracted by anything, and you will not be nervous again. When the dog is more confident in following commands, you can move the session to another location where you will ensure that the dog will listen to you regardless of the presence of distractions.
  • Training should start as early as possible. However, the age of the animal is not an obstacle in order to cultivate the ability to carry out certain commands. It will just take longer.
  • Dog training lessons don't have to be complicated - they should be fun for the animal anyway. If you force it through force, do not expect a quick result.

Latest warnings

It is better to learn from the mistakes of others than from your own. So that you can avoid unnecessary loss of time and nerves in the process of learning how to teach a dog to execute commands, we suggest that you familiarize yourself with typical mistakes that novice trainers do:

  • During training, do not show the animal that you are upset or annoyed. This will confuse the dog, additionally frighten him, create stress for him, and all this - negative experience. Because of this, learning will not be so easy. Any lesson should end on a positive note with the commands that the animal has already learned.
  • You should not yell at the dog, punish him for following the commands incorrectly, especially when you call him to you, he may refuse to execute the “Come to me” command. A frightened animal will not be a joy to you, and sincere feelings can no longer be achieved from it.
  • Do not let your dog off the leash until he has learned the basic five commands. If at least once the dog can slip away from you, run away from your field of attention, go unnoticed, it will be very difficult for you to return everything back. One mistake can lead to problems for many years to come. Be sure to remember: first you need to make the dog respect itself, develop its own authority, after which you can already start working without a leash. A dog that puts itself above the owner will never obey him.

We wish you good luck and success in raising your pet! Let him bring only positive emotions- then your training will not be in vain.

The dog must learn not only commands. It is very important that she understands the movements and intonations of the owner. What commands for dogs do you need to instill in your four-legged friend, and what should be competent training, we will consider in more detail.

Systematic training for dog training is required. And you need to take on this as early as possible, while your puppy is receptive to the authority of his master and quickly learns new skills. All these commands are the basis for the animal to memorize further conditioned reflexes.

For example, initially you need to instill in your pet the knowledge that the need can be handled exclusively on the street. If you properly train your four-legged friend, you will eventually grow a dog with a stable psyche, and this is a key task in the process of raising a puppy.

What must be learned

Many owners want their pets to be able to perform various tricks that will certainly not leave any of the guests indifferent. But first of all, you need to figure out what commands the dog must know. There is whole list which you need to study.

If the training is multifaceted, and you begin to instill in your pet all the required skills, you will be satisfied with the results of raising the animal. Let's take a look at which dog tricks are the most important to learn.

To me

One of the basic commands that a dog must follow is "Come!". It's not that hard to teach her to your dog. While walking, wait for the pet to run away a short distance, then attract the attention of the animal by calling its name, and say the command in a calm but firm voice.


How to properly teach a dog to walk beside is another issue that needs to be clarified in a timely manner. Start learning a new skill at the end of the walk, when the ardor of the animal has subsided a little, and external factors stop distracting him.

Take the dog on a short leash and clearly order him "Next!". Walk together, and as soon as the dog begins to move away, pull on the leash and repeat the command. In the future, it will be necessary to work out the skill without an auxiliary element.


Again, the pet must be taken on a short leash. Hold a treat in your hands, then hold it up and order "Sit!". Once your four-legged friend fulfills your request, treat him to treats and repeat the exercise several times. In the future, practice the command without treats.


It is also necessary to teach the dog to lie, however, it is worth starting to study this command after a clear mastery of the previous one. In the process, use a short leash again. Say the command, then gently press on the withers of the pet and pull down the leash. Wherein right hand lower it so that the dog remembers what is required of it.


You need to teach the dog to stand by taking this position: stand to the right of the animal and make him sit down. Then raise your stomach with your left hand while saying the command. You also need to make a certain gesture: raise your right hand up from the hip. Repeat the exercise step by step until the pet masters the new skill.


Teaching the dog this command must begin with gameplay. To get started, play with your pet with a toy, then pick it up by saying the command “Give!”. When the dog complies with the requirement, give him something to reward.

Video "Team Dai"

In this video, you will learn how to teach your dog the command “give!”.


To learn the “Fetch!” command, you first need to seat your pet next to you. Show him his favorite toy, ball or stick, get him interested. Then throw the item a short distance, wait a few seconds. After that, stretch your right hand forward and say the command "Aport!". As soon as the dog grabs the toy, give him a treat. Over time, the procedure can be complicated: after the pet picks up the toy, call him to you and practice the “Give!” command.


Take the dog for a walk, then unfasten the leash and clearly say "Walk!". In this case, you need to indicate the direction by hand. The execution of this command, as a rule, does not cause any particular difficulties.


The study of this command begins with the fact that you choose a place and designate it with a familiar object for the pet (but not with the help of which you worked out the command “Fetch!” or “Give!”). Command the dog to “Down!”, then place an object in front of it and command “Place!”. After that, call your pet to you, and then say “Place!” again. The dog must go to the area where its object was left to lie, and lie down there. Be sure to repeat this command, but without a familiar object.


If the previous commands can be mastered with the pet on their own, then this part of the training is recommended to be carried out in the presence of an instructor. After pronouncing the command "Face!" your four-legged friend must attack the object. At the same time, the dog must be about 6-10 months old in order to be able to safely teach this skill.

However, it is worth deciding on such an activity only if your pet’s psyche is stable. When the dog itself is angry or tends to growl at strangers for no reason, to show aggression, it is better not to look for problems with such training.

Tricks for enthusiasts

If you want your dog to be able to crawl, roll over, "serve", walk on its hind or front legs, and perform other circus tricks, the training should be complicated. However, do not forget that it is worth starting this kind of training after your four-legged friend All basic commands have been mastered.

To teach your dog to roll or turn, twirl a treat in front of his nose and then rotate your hand so that the animal is comfortable circling in the same trajectory. Interesting and unusual teams will require a lot of endurance from you. However, the result will please both you and your guests, and an adult pet will learn how to make circus mini-performances at home.