St. John's wort is considered a magical plant. The magical properties of St. John's wort

St. John's wort is one of the most significant representatives of the anti-demonic world of plants growing in many regions of Russia. St. John's wort, absorbing all the solar energy, has a beneficial effect on human body generally.

St. John's wort: application

Most herbs have different medicinal properties. St. John's wort is no exception to this rule. However, the areas of application various herbs differ significantly from each other. ;

St. John's wort itself found its use in traditional medicine as an effective disinfectant antimicrobial agent for the treatment of wounds and cuts, as well as a natural herbal antidepressant, which allows you to nourish the body with solar energy, get rid of negative mood and depression, cope with fatigue and the first signs of a cold.

St. John's wort is also exchanged as a tonic, but its long-term use is undesirable: St. John's wort suppresses potency and promotes the development of impotence.

The correct collection of St. John's wort

St. John's wort beneficial features is able to show only if it is properly collected and stored. healers and traditional healers say that St. John's wort reaches its maximum strength in the middle of the hottest month of summer. It has long been customary to collect St. John's wort on the night of Ivan Kupala (or Ivan's Day).

John's wort is one of 12 sacred herbs Rosicrucians, who considered it necessary to collect this herb exclusively on the fifth day of the week before sunrise.

It should be noted that not only the correct collection affects the strength of the plant, but also its proper storage, and this is a whole science. Since St. John's wort should be collected at the moment when the plant reaches the peak of its development, i.e. during flowering, then cutting the grass at midday, healers and shamans advised bringing it into the house, dropping the inflorescences down. In this case, the bundle should consist of 20–25 plants. St. John's wort roots should not be collected at this time: it is better to simply cut off the ground part of the plant. The preferred places for collecting St. John's wort are forest edges and meadows.

Drying of St. John's wort is carried out in attics, while the plant is suspended with inflorescences down. It is quite difficult to preserve the healing and magical properties of St. John's wort, so it is necessary to adhere to strict measures for its drying and storage. It must be remembered that the solar energy that the grass absorbed during growth and flowering can adversely affect it during drying. Therefore, dry St. John's wort in the open for sun rays space or near a fire or other heat source is strictly prohibited. This is due to the fact that as a result of exposure to a heat source, a change occurs chemical composition useful substances for which St. John's wort is famous. Accordingly, these changes will result in therapeutic effect St. John's wort will be reduced to zero.

St. John's wort: how to identify and find?

St. John's wort is beautiful perennial, reaching a height of 40 cm, top part which is a large cluster of inflorescences. St. John's wort can be distinguished from other herbs by certain signs. Firstly, this plant has a rare type of dihedral stem. Second hallmark is the “perforation” of young leaves, on which you can see small light-colored dots that create the effect of a “leaky leaf”. For this, St. John's wort received its species name - St. John's wort perforated. Third distinctive feature this plant are unusual inflorescences: bright yellow flowers, when rubbed, turn into blood red.

St. John's wort sprouts in meadows, glades, along roadsides, among dense thickets of shrubs, etc. From ancient times, shamans used to say: "Wherever St. John's wort grows, there is a good place." That is why many ancient temples and pagan sanctuaries were built in places where St. John's wort grew.

St. John's wort in folk medicine

Since ancient times, St. John's wort has been used as a disinfectant for cuts and wounds. It is also used to pacify pains of various nature. It is quite effective for curing some diseases of the lungs and gallbladder, as well as gastrointestinal tract generally. When diarrhea should be used inside the tincture or decoction of St. John's wort. This herb also provides positive influence on the nervous system, acting soothingly on her.

St. John's wort in magic

St. John's wort, according to ancient legend, has the ability to open a person's heart, connecting the soul, mind and body together. This magic herb is the strongest amulet against any evil spirits thanks to the energy radiated by sunlight, which is filled with St. John's wort. St. John's wort herb can make a person happy, giving him courage and protection, opening his heart of love.

St. John's wort was used in magic and ancient oracles, which magical plant gave the ability to clairvoyance and divination.

St. John's wort was also used as a talisman against evil spirits and any evil spirits and sorcerers. According to legend, St. John's wort collected on the night of Ivanov's Day will have super-strong magical properties if you weave a wreath from its stems in the morning and, putting it on your head, jump over a high fire. Such a wreath is able to save its owner from damage and the evil eye.

St. John's wort - indeed unique plant: it is not only the most important of all known to medicine by now medicinal plants, but also possesses the strongest magical properties. Not without reason among the people St. John's wort bears the honorary name "grass from 99 diseases."

St. John's wort is a widespread perennial plant. The homeland of St. John's wort is considered to be the temperate zone of the Mediterranean. Appearance hypericum depends on geographical location its growth: in a subtropical climate, it is a shrub that grows up to one meter in length. AT temperate zone it is a branched herbaceous plant.

St. John's wort has other names: Kvoroby, Healthy Grass, Bloodstone, Red Grass, Youth Blood, etc.

The plant has a tetrahedral stem, with entire leaves. Flowers are solitary, but numerous inflorescences of a golden or yellow hue. The fruit is a leathery fleshy box with seeds.

St. John's wort reproduces only by seeds. Seeds are planted directly in open ground. The plant lives for about seven years, but only the first five years have healing properties.

St. John's wort blooms in June - August. During this period, before the fruits ripen, St. John's wort is mowed and prepared for drying. The plant is thoroughly rinsed from dust, dirt. And hung with flower stalks down. St. John's wort is dried in the open air, but in the shade. Dried St. John's wort can be used for three years. It has regenerative properties - after cutting, the plant gives new shoots within one month.

The plant is planted before winter, that is, in late autumn. The distance between plants should not exceed more than 40 cm. Otherwise, St. John's wort will grow small - it needs space. St. John's wort begins to germinate at a temperature of +5°C.

The magical properties of St. John's wort

There is a legend that St. John's wort came from the blood of a heavenly bird that was wounded mythical creature. This plant has the property of repelling evil spirits. St. John's wort protects against sorcerers, witches, ghouls.

St. John's wort is able to heal, return the meaning of life. Lovers give a long happy life and reconciles those who are at odds. If you pour dry St. John's wort powder into shoes, then a person will never get lost, no one will stop him on the way, and obstacles will bypass him.

St. John's wort has healing properties. It is believed that this plant copes with 99 diseases. Among healing properties, can be distinguished:

. wound healing;
. antispasmodic;
. antiseptic;
. anti-inflammatory;
. painkiller;
. diuretic;
. choleretic;
. improving appetite.

St. John's wort is most often used in the treatment of cystitis, hemorrhoids, rheumatism, gastrointestinal diseases, pyelonephritis, in the treatment of ulcers, headaches and toothaches, pulmonary tuberculosis, pneumonia, and liver cancer. St. John's wort calms the central nervous system. Many pediatricians advise hyperactive children to use St. John's wort teas before bed, as well as St. John's wort baths.

St. John's wort extract is used in the preparation of many types of antidepressants. Therefore, it can be used to cheer up, with a breakdown and depression.

You should know that, like any other remedy, St. John's wort has contraindications. It is strictly forbidden to use it for people suffering from asthma, migraines, allergic reactions.

Despite the fact that St. John's wort has a slightly astringent bitter taste, it is widely used in cooking. Most often it is used in dry form (powder). St. John's wort goes well with fish dishes - fish soup, jelly, baked fish, boiled fish. St. John's wort leaves and flowers are also used, adding them to vegetable salads, meat dishes - shish kebab, chops, kebab, minced meat, etc.

St. John's wort is used to prepare bitter tinctures. Its taste goes well with alcohol. St. John's wort is added to tea. It can also be used separately as loose leaf tea, along with rose hips, raspberry, blackberry, and currant leaves.

You should know that you need to store dried St. John's wort in transparent glass containers, in a cool and dark place.

St. John's wort with the astrological signs of the zodiac

St. John's wort is one of the few herbs that suits absolutely any sign of the zodiac. This plant will give each representative of the signs of the zodiac circle what a person needs: success, love, health, luck, prosperity, harmony.

St. John's wort- one of the most amazing plants. It was mentioned by Galen, Dioscorides, Pliny, Paracelsus. Abu Ali Sina, a famous healer known to many as Avicenna, advised drinking a decoction of St. John's wort for 40 days to get rid of inflammation. sciatic nerve. She treated both the ancient Egyptians and the ancient Greeks. In Russia, this herb was used by the Magi. It was considered not only healing, but also magical. St. John's wort, according to legend, protected from damage and the evil eye. If you carry it all the time with you, then you could not be afraid of the action of evil spirits.

In order to prevent the sorcerer from entering the house, a bunch of St. John's wort was attached to the door or hidden on the threshold. It was also believed to protect against witches and ghosts. This herb was poured with special power before the feast of Ivan Kupala, and sometimes St. John's wort was popularly called St. Ivanov's potion, and on the night before the holiday, boys and girls most often used it for divination. But, as it turned out, French healers also chose to collect this herb earlier in the morning of Saint-Jean, or in our opinion, Midsummer's Day. It was believed that if you collect this herb before the first rays of the sun, it will have healing and magical properties.

Surprisingly, magical abilities were attributed to St. John's wort and many other peoples. So, the British called it "grass of St. Ivan" and also defended themselves with it from evil spirits, hanging bundles under windows and doors. The Italians called it "the flower of St. Giovanni", the Anglo-Saxons called it "the grass of St. John." It was included in the list of 12 plants of the Rosicrucians, a famous secret magical society of the 17th-18th centuries. The Germans believed that St. John's wort protects against thunder and lightning. There was such a custom: on the day of the solstice, boys and girls collected this grass, weaved wreaths from it, decorated themselves with them, and danced round the fire. When the flames of the fire died down, these wreaths were thrown on the roofs of houses. It was believed that they would protect the home from lightning. Interestingly, our legends also say that St. John's wort came from the blood or feather of a bird that brought heavenly fire (lightning) to earth and was wounded. Perhaps this legend arose because if you rub its flowers between your fingers, the skin will turn purple. In Silesia (Germany), they used to tell fortunes with the help of St. Because of this feature, St. John's wort was considered a divine plant, and someone even said that the juice of the plant is either tears or blood. mother of god. And purple juice, which was obtained by pressing flower buds, was used as a bewitching agent.

It was believed that St. John's wort can cure 99 diseases, prolong life and restore youth. Interestingly, in caravans loaded with sable furs, red fish, and expensive stones, there was also a chest with St. By special order, this grass was delivered to the royal court, and many documents confirming this fact have been preserved.

St. John's wort - antidemon herb

Since ancient times, St. John's wort has been considered one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs.
It feeds on the energy of the sun, which scares away evil spirits.

At the same time, St. John's wort, on the contrary, has a positive effect on the human body.
Healers and healers of the past and present use St. John's wort as a means of combating depression and fatigue. It is also good at the first sign of a cold.
St. John's wort gains the greatest strength by mid-July. Before him (like all magical
herbs) were collected on Ivan Kupala (July 7, according to a new style). St. John's wort is a very proud and whimsical plant that remembers the pain caused to it, so if you cut off the strongest shoots that caught your eye, then next year you run the risk of not finding it at all in this place.
The ritual of getting rid of the spell and to attract good luck

In equal proportions, combine chopped dry herbs:
St. John's wort, sage and yarrow.
Next, spread a white linen tablecloth on the table. Place a lit candle on the tablecloth. Pour the herbal mixture directly onto the flame, pronouncing the following conspiracy: “How
this grass will be incinerated, so my cause will turn in favor.
The procedure of burning and conspiracy must be repeated three times. Collect the incinerated grass from the table and place it in the pockets of your clothes.

A conspiracy from the evil eye, troubles and failures

For the ceremony, salt, dried St. John's wort and an ordinary shower are needed.
Salt and St. John's wort speak separately before the start of the ceremony.
The conspiracy of salt is pronounced three times:
„ Holy salt, holy salt, take all
muck from the servant of God (name), everything spoiled, everything timed,
everything induced, everything smoothed, drunk with a drink,
eaten with food, taken with a lining,
an evil word done with an evil eye
even a damsel, even a maiden, even a youth,
even an old woman, even a peasant, even an old man, even a small child,
even a cold dead man, even a sister, even a brother, even a single father,
even a mother, even a married husband or wife.
Take it and carry it along the flowing water, to the sea-okiya, to the island of Buyana.
As I said, as I wished, so be it.
Let it be so."

St. John's wort conspiracy, also read three times:
“I will become (name), I will leave the doors with doors,
from the gate - the gate, in the open field in the pure expanse to the white-combustible stone Alatyr. I will find under that stone this St. John's wort-grass cherished, enchanting.
You are already a white-combustible stone Alatyr, put on this grass with a power and led St.
from damage and writhing, from pains and sorrows, and from every ailment and the word of the enemy. My word is strong, my work is sculpted.
Only the one who is white will overcome my word - Alatyr will gnaw away the combustible stone.
Let it be so. „
Next, go to the bathroom and pour water over yourself.
Rubbing with a charmed mixture, say:
"Everything superficial and portable - get out!"
Get in the shower! Washing off the rubbed salt, read the plot:
“Mother Voditsa! You flow from Sunrise to Sunset.
You wash away steep shores and yellow sands, Peña and roots and sulfur stones.
Wash away, take away from (name) grief, Voloshba, Sorcery,
Envy, Hatred, Ghost, Deal, Lesson, Evil Eye,
Not for a day, Not for an hour - From now on and forever!
So be it, the words of my strong man cannot be interrupted by anything.

After a shower, brew and drink part of the spelled St. John's wort, the rest
partly fumigate a room (apartment, house).
The ashes will need to be rubbed again and again in the shower. Better of course - in the river.

Ritual of getting rid of unrequited love
high Cup,
hypericum infusion,

On the flawed Moon that falls on Tuesday, light a candle and pour infusion into the goblet
Hypericum. Heat on the stove (if you are at home) a knife blade red-hot.
At the same time, think about your loved one and pronounce his name in your thoughts.
Looking at the flame, remember the brightest moments of your meetings, vows and just words that you would like to hear again and again.
Concentrate all your desires into a stream of thought directed to the tip
knife. Dip the knife into the goblet of infusion.
Holding a knife in a goblet, read the plot:
- "How the knife has cooled,
so my love has grown cold!
Fados amor, memo zavad!
Lame taut eco wat!
That is my word!
Let it be so!"
Drink the entire contents of the cup to the last drop.
You will immediately feel how the feelings leave you. Only those will remain in the soul
memories that bring joy. Your heart is open for happy love! What
interfered with your relationship, disappeared forever!
Healer Recipes

Infusion at nervous fatigue and sleep disturbance

The collection consists of equal parts of dried flowering tops of St. John's wort perforated
foot, yarrow, angelica root.
Mix the collection of herbs well.
1 teaspoon pour a glass of boiling water and leave for 15 minutes. Strain.
Take half an hour before bedtime.

Ointment for healing wounds and abrasions

St. John's wort leaves and sage herb are mixed in equal parts
carefully with fresh lard.
Put this mixture on gauze or on a cloth (natural material without synthetics) and apply on the sore spot.

Honey decoction with St. John's wort for colds

Pour 3 tablespoons of dry chopped St. John's wort with 1 liter of boiling water. Capacity
put on fire and boil for five minutes. Cool down to 45 degrees. Add 2 tablespoons of honey and mix well.
A little humor:

At harvest time, children always climb into the neighbor's garden and steal fruit. One day the neighbor got tired of it.

He attached a tablet to a tree and wrote: "God sees everything."

The next day, he found another sign on a tree: “But he doesn’t sneak!!”

The material was prepared by Tatiana Bernhardt

Attention - due to your numerous requests (yesterday the room could not accommodate everyone), we extended the sale for one day with a 75% discount

Flash Mob Magic Night Imbolc 1st of February! Once a year!

Recording of the webinar and Master Class "Additional Income"

St. John's wort has always been considered a magical plant. Many signs and beliefs are associated with it, it has long been used in rituals and ceremonies. How to use its magical properties in our time?

John's wort is considered a protective herb. It was used as a talisman against evil and evil spirits. A bouquet of St. John's wort is able to cleanse the energy of the house and establish harmony in space. If the room is fumigated with this herb, then its aroma will completely kill all the negative vibrations of the house and renew the energy.

St. John's wort was also carried with them in bags as a talisman against damage and the evil eye. It is believed that this grass, like wormwood, is not tolerated by black sorcerers and those who have dark thoughts and an unkind eye.

St. John's wort is considered the most powerful anti-demonic herb in central Russia. She takes in sunlight, affects the entire human body, cleansing it and filling it with strength and health.
It is believed that a branch of St. John's wort, laid under the threshold or hung above the front door, does not allow a person with evil thoughts to enter the house.

If you put a St. John's wort flower in your shoes, then the day will go well.
St. John's wort is one of the best medicinal plants. It is not for nothing that the people often call him "pain". Teas, decoctions and infusions with this herb can increase immune system, get rid of colds, stomach diseases, remove inflammatory processes and cleanse the body.

This plant becomes especially popular in July, on the day of Ivan Kupala. Wreaths woven from St. John's wort could predict the future of a young girl. If you let such a wreath into the pond, you can find out whether the girl will marry in the near future or not. The wreath will sink - it will not come out, it will float further - there will be a wedding.

We often forget about the valuable gifts of nature, and in vain. No energy drink compared to decoction healing St. John's wort. There is still a whole summer ahead, which means that there is an opportunity to stock up on this magical herb.