Antidepressants of plant origin.

Natural antidepressants for depression, stress, anxiety, irritability and anxiety can be used in addition to methods such as psychotherapy, acupuncture or light therapy. Recurrent anxiety attacks can also be relieved with the help of available remedies - usually antidepressants natural origin, cheap and available at any pharmacy and even in a supermarket.

Natural antidepressants for stress naturally help cope with psychological problems. Below we provide a list of natural antidepressants ( natural products), which will help you not only treat depression, but also prevent its occurrence.

Natural antidepressants for depression

Rhodiola rosea (golden root) - natural antidepressants

Rhodiola rosea relieves both physical and mental fatigue. This is a general stimulant that is taken not only for overwork, but also for seasonal affective disorder and depression. Rhodiola rosea is beneficial because:

  • promotes active recovery: golden root is effective for asthenia and fights stress
  • regulates the level of adrenaline (a neurotransmitter that is released under stress): Rhodiola rosea is a natural alternative to tranquilizers
  • used for high physical activity to increase endurance and promote heart recovery; Rhodiola rosea is also successfully used in patients with the syndrome chronic fatigue.

Rhodiola is an adaptogenic herb that helps fight depression by increasing resistance to stress and reducing mental and physical fatigue. Thus, Rhodiola restores the natural "dynamism" of the body. An adaptogenic plant adapts to the needs of the body.

In the case of seasonal depression, Rhodiola can positively influence:

  • violation eating behavior(reduces symptoms of bulimia)
  • sleep disorders (relieves excessive drowsiness)
  • emotional state (increases the desire to act).

St. John's wort for depression

St. John's wort has been used for centuries as a remedy mild treatment and moderate depression. For example, in Germany, even representatives official medicine St. John's wort is prescribed as a natural antidepressant.

St. John's wort is probably the most famous natural antidepressant! Recognized by the European Agency medicines(EMEA) and the World Health Organization, St. John's wort is effective against depression, anxiety, mood swings, nervous agitation and digestive problems.

St. John's wort does not cause addiction or withdrawal symptoms. However, it has been proven that the use of St. John's wort simultaneously with certain medications is associated with side effects - that is, St. John's wort affects the effect of other drugs. Therefore, it is highly recommended not to associate St. John's wort with antidepressants, cyclosporine preparations, birth control pills, some antiviral drugs and anticancer drugs. It is extremely important to obtain permission from your physician before using St. John's wort as a natural antidepressant.

Saffron is a natural antidepressant

Saffron, also called "red gold", is a spice that is very powerful natural remedy to combat depression, stress, bad mood and anxiety. Pigment Crocin and essential oil safranal contained in saffron has antidepressant, anti-stress and anxiolytic properties. According to research, the effects of saffron are equivalent to those of synthetic antidepressants, but without any side effects. Saffron maybe best choice than St. John's wort if you are already taking a regular antidepressant, as it has less of an effect on other medications.

Depression is a complex illness that can take various shapes and influence each of us. It manifests itself in a sad mood, loss of interest in activities, and decreased energy. These emotional disturbances influence family life, professional and social activity. You can fight depression with effective natural antidepressants, which avoids many side effects synthetic drugs.

Griffonia simplefolia for depression

Griffonia is an African plant with high content 5-Hydroxytryptophan, an amino acid that is a precursor to the neurotransmitter serotonin. Griffonia simplefolia acts as effective antidepressant, but, of course, without the significant side effects of synthetic drugs. Griffonia is useful for combating depression, anxiety, stress and sleep disorders. Unlike synthetic antidepressants, Griffonia simplefolia acts on the brain and the entire body.

Valerian - a natural antidepressant

The Valerian plant has long been proven beneficial for treating depression and anxiety. Valerian has an effective effect on the body and effectively reduces nervous excitement, anxiety, stress and insomnia. The body as a whole feels renewed, and later fatigue sets in.

Turmeric - a natural antidepressant in your kitchen

Turmeric is a powerful spice that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries. In addition to its numerous healing properties, turmeric is effective against depression and stress. Curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, is a powerful antidepressant, making turmeric an ally in the fight against depression. According to various sources, turmeric is as effective as conventional medications for depression, but without the side effects! It activates serotonin, the good mood hormone.

Omega-3 natural antidepressant

Omega-3 is an excellent natural antidepressant, although the general public is much more aware of its effects on cardiovascular diseases, dietary balance, pain and inflammation. But, adequate intake of omega-3s also helps in treating depression. The only problem is that it is difficult to get from food required amount Omega-3 for effective fight with depression, so you can turn to certified natural food additives, no pesticides or heavy metals.

Hops - a natural antidepressant

Hops relieve symptoms of depression, stress and anxiety. It has very interesting relaxing and calming properties. The European Medicines Commission has approved the use of hops to combat agitation, anxiety and sleep disorders.

Ginseng is a life-giving natural antidepressant adaptogen.

Ginseng effectively regulates the immune response and hormonal changes due to stress, thereby maintaining homeostasis. In addition to suppressing the occurrence psychological diseases such as anxiety and depression, ginseng also prevents stress-related physiological diseases. (Bibliography:

Ginseng is traditionally used as medicinal herb on Far East, in Korea, Japan, China. The reason for this is that ginseng contains natural antioxidant compounds. These ginsenosides, which are extracted from ginseng roots, leaves, stems, fruits, have several pharmacological effects. They are divided into about 100 different categories. Many studies have identified ginsenosides effective treatment organ damage and cell death, as well as immunological and metabolic diseases.

Ginseng is used as an adaptogen to treat various diseases, as a tonic and rejuvenating agent. Ginseng is excellent at regulating tension, compared to other shown adaptogens. This effectiveness as an antistress agent has been demonstrated using various behavioral conditioning stress tests. IN natural conditions the study also showed that ginseng has excellent anti-stress effects.

Reishi - have you tried mushrooms for depression?

Reishi has been used in Chinese medicine for thousands of years. It is especially useful for regulating the immune system - boosting it when it's weakened, or lowering it when the immune system is too active. The mushroom contains more than 400 different biologically active compounds; numerous studies have confirmed that in addition to modifying the immune system, Reishi has anti-inflammatory, antitumor, antibacterial, antiviral, antidiabetic, antioxidant effects, calms nervous system, reduces anxiety, improves mood and promotes better sleep ( Bibliography:

Schisandra to improve mood, reduce anxiety and depression

Schisandra berry is a classic example of an adaptogenic herbal remedy, this means that it is safe, non-toxic and, in particular, reduces both mental and physical stress. Schisandra is shown to improve coordination, concentration, and even endurance.

Institute of Traditional Chinese medicine and natural products concluded that regular consumption of Schisandra extract reduces stress-related anxiety and also improves cognitive function. According to the researchers, there is pretty good evidence that Schisandra is a fairly powerful natural anidepressant due to its ability to stimulate mood by reducing stress levels and increasing performance in many aspects of life ( Bibliography:,

Melissa - a natural aromatic antidepressant

The plant regulates mood, improves sleep quality, reduces anxiety, nervousness and irritability and anxiety. Melissa helps the body find peace and tranquility without causing harm ( Bibliography:

Melissa officinalis is a perennial shrub plant from the Lamiaceae family. Back in the Middle Ages, this fragrant herb was common in Europe; nowadays it is widely cultivated throughout the world. In the course of various studies, biologically diverse active substances from melissa. HPLC (high performance liquid chromatography) analyzes showed that pharmacological effects lemon balm extract contains rosmarinic acid, caffeic acid ester and 3,4-dihydroxybenzoic acid.

Studies on healthy volunteers have shown that lemon balm extract can modulate mood and can be considered a tranquilizer and antidepressant. limited use. However, there is no exact data on the gender factor and the duration of the effect, so be sure to coordinate the use of lemon balm with your doctor.

Eleutherococcus, like many plant plants medicinal products, came to us from traditional Chinese medicine, where it has been used for more than 2000 years - oriental healers are confident that Eleutherococcus is able to restore the deficiency vital energy qi.

Eleutherococcus is also considered a natural adaptogen, which means it naturally strengthens the body's resistance to various stress factors and helps normalize and balance the body's immune and endocrine systems.

Official pharmacology recognized Eleutherococcus as an adaptogen in the 40s of the last century, when Soviet scientists began actively studying it medicinal properties. In the USSR, Eleutherococcus was actively used to solve many health problems - from increasing the strength and endurance of athletes to combating radiation exposure after the disaster at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant in 1986.

The plant improves adrenal function, which is associated with the fight against fatigue - chemical substances in Eleutherococcus inhibits the binding of stress hormones to their receptors. This means that the better your adrenal glands work, the less hormones that cause stress and anxiety are produced.
Consumption of Eleutherococcus also causes mild sedative effects, which helps relieve symptoms of depression.

However, despite all the benefits of eleutherococcus as a natural antidepressant, do not take it without consulting a doctor - eleutherococcus is contraindicated in high blood pressure and low blood sugar.

Denial of responsibility: The information presented in this article about natural antidepressants, is intended for the reader's information only. It is not intended to be a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional.

During stressful situations nutrition should be balanced in the composition of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, so during such periods it is better to refuse strict diets. Benefit when various kinds B vitamins, vitamins E, C, A, as well as zinc, calcium, magnesium, selenium, which are found in many anti-stress products, help relieve stress. We offer you the 10 most healthy products under stress.

1. Green vegetables
Cauliflower, broccoli, lettuce, lettuce, spinach, sorrel contain a large number of vitamins and antioxidants that restore the body after nervous disorders. These products also contain potassium, an element necessary for proper operation nervous system.

2. Seafood
Seafood contains large quantities of zinc and iodine - elements necessary for normal operation endocrine system, and omega-3 fatty acid, which are the “fuel” of our nervous system.

3. Cereals
Rich in B vitamins, which are very necessary to replenish vital energy and strength. Their source can be whole grain bread made from flour coarse containing grains with a shell.

4. Carrots, pumpkin and other orange vegetables and fruits
They are saturated with provitamin A and beta-carotene, which strengthen the blood vessels of the brain and normalize blood circulation in the peripheral and central nervous system. These products are also great for relieving stress and improving your mood.

5. Celery
Contains phytoelements that calm the nervous system. Eat it raw or grind it in a blender to make celery juice.

6. Sea kale
Rich in iodine, which has a beneficial effect on the functioning thyroid gland, and the reaction to stress largely depends on it.

7. Green tea
Its anti-stress effect is based on its high antioxidant content. In addition, the process of drinking tea is calming in itself.

8. Wine
Wine contains many polyphenols, substances that block aggressive effects external environment on the body. One glass of wine can calm you down and improve your mood.

When your soul is sad, the world seems gray, and life seems boring, you really want to brighten up this blues with something: buy beautiful clothes or eat something delicious. By the way, about food: eating tasty and beautiful food does not always have a good effect on our figure and even our mood. To really make yourself a little happier with food, you need to know what to eat. After looking at all kinds of materials on the Internet, for myself and, of course, for you, my dear reader, I have collected the main products that improve your mood and improve your health.

Some of the most effective antidepressant products are: fatty fish(eg salmon, cod) and nuts. They are a source of omega-3 fatty acids, with the help of which brain cells work better and bad mood disappears. They also contain vitamin B6, which improves mood and strengthens immune system, and, importantly, the amino acid tryptophan (from which, by the way, the “happiness hormone” - serotonin) is formed, which is stored in any dish consisting of these products. If we talk about fish, then most of the last amino acid is found in lightly salted products. For an excellent mood, nuts contain the mineral selenium, which, by the way, is sorely lacking in older people. So eat fish at least three to four times a week, 100-150 grams, and nuts - 30 grams daily - you will not only be full, but also happy!

It turns out that chicken broth not only helps to cure a cold, but also has a sedative effect. The protein found in the meat of this bird (and also in oatmeal and buckwheat) consists of the amino acids tryptophan already described above. IN chicken eggs By the way, there are also these amino acids, as well as vitamins A, E, D and B, the lack of which can lead to depression. Vitamins of this group are also found in cauliflower, but only in fresh cauliflower, which you can buy, for example, at the market and make a delicious salad from it.

I often noticed that I want to cheer up with bright candies or lemonade, although, in fact, it is better to choose bright vegetables and fruits. The cheerful color remains, but the benefits are many times greater! Vegetables and fruits such as beets, eggplant, carrots, persimmons, tangerines and the like contain bioflavonoids - these substances improve blood circulation in the brain. Particularly prominent in the list of “mood fruits” is the banana, which contains vitamin B6, which is necessary for a good mood, and can help with the blues and chronic fatigue. For a person who consumes bright and healthy goodies, the brain receives more oxygen, as a result of which the body feels noticeably better, and therefore the mood rises.

Absolutely any type of cheese, which contains so many acids for a good mood: phenylethylamine, tryptamine and tyramine, will help you smile more often. And, of course, dark chocolate, which is so helpful for people losing weight. When I was on a diet, this sweetness lifted my mood just because I could afford to eat a couple of pieces. But it turns out that cocoa beans contain phenylethylamine, which promotes the production of endorphins. I think each of us has heard of them as the lovers' hormone. It turns out that the so often advertised delicate milk chocolate will bring much less happiness and feelings similar to love than bitter chocolate. Plus, it contains magnesium, which is a great stress reliever.

Of course, not all antidepressant products seem like this at first glance. For example, without reading a bunch of articles, I would never have thought that fatty fish could lift my spirits. But those products and remedies that many consider a salvation from melancholy and stress often act exactly the opposite. Sweets sharply increase blood sugar, and this, by the way, leads to chronic fatigue syndrome; low-fat foods can also lead to depression. So, while on a diet, it is better to eat bright fruits and vegetables in order to be not only cheerful, but also cheerful. But tonic drinks and, especially, alcohol, although they cheer and invigorate, do not last long, meanwhile making the work of the adrenal glands more difficult and increasing blood sugar levels. Cigarettes can generally lead to a lack of vitamins and minerals, which will definitely affect your mood.

In general, to get rid of depression and be sad less often, you need to cut yourself a salad of brightly colored vegetables or fruits, eat nuts or chicken broth, fry eggs or fish and snack on cheese. Then your body will be happy, and the smile will not leave your face! This is the only way I will do from now on.

Natalia Denisova

In summer the most best friends- these are vegetables and fruits. Fruits are useful not only for their vitamins; there are many reasons to eat them regularly. Almost no one knows how useful and amazing an ordinary banana can be! And there are many reasons to love this fruit.

  1. Bananas help with depression. They contain a lot of substances from which serotonin is produced - the hormone of happiness. Therefore, eating a banana can easily improve your mood :).
  2. Bananas are the only fruit that does not give allergic reaction even in babies.
  3. They retain calcium, it remains in the body and strengthens bones. This is especially important for coffee lovers, as coffee flushes calcium from the body.
  4. Thanks to the enzymes contained in bananas, beneficial substances are absorbed into the body much faster.
  5. Bananas help those who suffer from constipation. Regular consumption will eliminate this problem.
  6. This fruit is good for heartburn.
  7. Bananas envelop the walls of the stomach and protect it from aggressive substances and acids in food, this promotes the healing of stomach ulcers.
  8. They are recommended for use by those who suffer from diarrhea. This is a useful restorative product.
  9. Banana pulp is essential for training. It saves you from cramps calf muscles those who exercise a lot.
  10. Eating bananas significantly reduces swelling.
  11. The fruit is a source of energy. It is useful to eat it before training - the sugar level will not rise very quickly and the work will be more efficient, and you will have enough energy until the end of the workout.
  12. Pectins and chelates in bananas remove toxins and other harmful substances, improving digestion.
  13. Useful material, which are in bananas, remove well PMS symptoms. If you eat a banana, you can get rid of bad mood and unpleasant symptoms.
  14. The pulp contains a lot of iron. This makes bananas essential for anemia.
  15. The high potassium content helps improve the condition of blood vessels, which reduces the risk of stroke and heart attack, and treats hypertension.
  16. Antioxidants and amino acids in bananas protect the body and improve immunity.
  17. Bananas can remove sand and stones from the kidneys. And microelements and vitamins improve their function and condition.
  18. This fruit is an excellent remedy for nausea on the road or for toxicosis in pregnant women.
  19. Banana skins are very good at relieving itching from insect bites. Attach it inside to the bite site for a few minutes.
  20. In summer, especially at resorts, it is very hot. A banana will help here too. It has the property of lowering body temperature. It helps with fever or extreme heat.
  21. Bananas help you quit smoking! When weaning from nicotine addiction you need to eat a lot of bananas - a large amount of vitamins, potassium, magnesium help remove residual nicotine from the body and adapt to life without cigarettes.
  22. Bananas are essential when preparing for exams. The high potassium content in bananas makes you susceptible to new information and improves performance.

Depression can occur due to many reasons, from physiological to psychological. But there is a simple and delicious way reducing your risk of developing depression, which at the same time, to some extent, contributes to the “health” of the body. According to this method, you need regular, at least 2-3 times a week, consumption of certain beneficial antidepressant products.

2. In second place is dark chocolate, which supplies the body with mood-improving antioxidants and phenethylamine. Phenethylamine is a substance that affects brain cells responsible for good mood. Chocolate is not only an incredibly tasty food product, but also very healthy.

3. To reduce possible consequences stress, it is necessary to include in the diet antidepressants citrus fruits, which supply the brain with natural sugar and vitamin C, necessary to overcome stress. However, residents of other latitudes may benefit from sweet fruits growing in their region. Citrus fruits, especially oranges, help the brain fight stress due to the fact that they contain high content vitamins and natural sugars. And thanks to the fact that they are the owners bright color and rich aroma, they evoke positive emotions.

4. In fourth place on the list of antidepressant foods is almonds, which contain zinc, magnesium, vitamins E and B2. When almonds are included in the diet, the above-mentioned serotonin is produced.

5. Nutritionists recommend replacing tea with drinks prepared on the basis of herbs, selected depending on what effect you want to get: calming or tonic. If you need help dealing with stress, you should include fish in your diet, which contains zinc, B vitamins and Omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential components in the treatment of nervous system disorders.

6. The list ends with garlic and broccoli. Garlic has the ability to reduce the effects of oxidative stress. He is not only effective protection from viruses, but also good remedy from depression thanks to the enzymes included in its composition, which reduce negative impact on nerve cells environment. Broccoli, due to the fact that it contains rich mineral composition, prevents the occurrence panic attacks, depression and anxiety. Broccoli is the most positive vegetable side dish. It contains a large amount folic acid, saving us from attacks of causeless anxiety.