How to make a magical herbal decoction. The magic of plants

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Magic herbs

Magical herbs describe the magical and energetic properties of herbs. Magical herbs (plants) and their properties are used in magic and healing (witchcraft).

Rooted in ancient times knowledge about medicinal, energetic and magical properties of herbs and plants. According to the surviving medicinal and magical properties of many plants, they were known more than 3000 years ago.

The most famous works on herbs belong to the healer Ancient Greece Hippocrates(460-377 BC), who described the properties of 236 medicinal plants, and Avicenna(980 - 1037) - scientist and doctor, an outstanding representative of the Arab medical school, who described about 900 species of medicinal plants.

Since ancient times, special collections on herbs have been compiled in different countries - "herbalists", which described various plants and how to use them for different purposes.

In Ancient Rus' they also compiled herbalists (books on herbs and herbal medicine), and besides them, from the time of Peter 1, special apothecary gardens began to be planted, where “green herbs” were grown. At the same time, trade in medicinal herbs began in herbal shops and Apothecary Huts were created.

The flora is very rich and diverse. Almost all plants have healing and special energy properties. Herbs can help a person in a variety of life situations, you just need to have knowledge, intuition and common sense.

Magic herbs

Ancient knowledge about magical herbs

Ancient books on herbs - herbalists

How to become a herbalist?

Herbs in magic

Plant magic. Plants in healing and magic

Magically strong days for collecting herbs

Calendar for collecting medicinal plants

Witch's garden

Magic herbs for witches flying on a broom

Magic herbs for love spells

Magic herbs for protection against magic. Protective plants

Kupala herbs

Herbs that attract money

Herbal bags to improve energy at home

Magical herbs that enhance psychic abilities

The use of herbs in the magic of sacrifice

Cure for cheating

Classification of medicinal plants

Medicinal herbs for impotence

Impotence. Causes of impotence. Ways to treat impotence. Treatment of impotence with herbs

Medicinal herbs for diabetes and high blood sugar

Berendey tea

Tea "Dersu Uzala"

Tea "Energy"

Herbs that help you get pregnant. Problem getting pregnant. How to solve a problem

Women's herbs

Herbs that help you lose weight, lose weight

Herbs for smoking, alcoholism, hangover, insomnia, to increase resilience in extreme situations

Herbs to improve digestion

Beauty and rejuvenation with herbs

Herbs for winter fatigue

Why don't doctors like curious patients?

Flower clock

Herbal energy

Magic and energy of the forest

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Flowers decorate our home, bring beauty to life, and lift our spirits. In addition, colorful fragrant bouquets involuntarily protect us from evil spirits and other wickedness.

In the summer we often go outside the city, to the dacha. Many of us like to walk through the forest and collect bouquets, but few realize that well-known and seemingly simple wildflowers have unusual magical properties.

How to learn to use hidden forces plants? Collect bouquets of those herbs that you need for one thing or another: for protection, for health, for happiness in personal life, and everything will certainly work out for you.

St. John's wort– one of the most powerful anti-demonic herbs in central Russia. All evil fears him as well as the luminary of the day. This plant absorbs sunlight and immediately affects the entire human body, cleansing it. St. John's wort is good for depression, fatigue, colds. It allows the soul, body and mind to merge into one. St. John's wort is used as infusions and aromatic oil. Previously, in Rus', this herb often replaced tea, which was very good: in our climate there is a noticeable lack of solar energy.

St. John's wort gains its greatest strength in mid-July.

Ivan da Marya– one of the anti-demonic herbs widespread in Russia. It is mainly used in the form of infusions. This plant allows the body to achieve the energy of harmony of Yin and Yang. With the help of the body's reserves, it eliminates energy holes into which evil penetrates and calms the nervous system. At constant use Plants and people become noticeably prettier. But this herb does not retain its strength for long - during a full lunar month. When dried, it loses about 10% of its healing properties every month, although the chemical composition remains the same.

Don’t miss the opportunity to wash yourself with a broom from Ivan da Marya in the evening on Ivan Kupala Day to wash away the unfavorable energy that suppresses beauty and well-being.

Nettle has the ability to counteract evil witchcraft. This plant was used for weakening of the body and impotence, and was placed under the soles of the shoes of the enchanted person. Nettle brooms were used to sweep negative energy out of the house. Rugs for the hallway were woven from the stems to deprive the evil power of those entering the house. Nettle has the greatest power on the young Moon, but you must pick it without fear and without anger at the burns. Nettle is a warrior plant by nature - it does not like cowards and aggressors. For greater safety healing properties It is best to cut nettles with a knife.

The plant cannot be cut out by the roots: half of its strength is lost, because the connection with the place where it grew disappears.

Sedge protects against love and love spells. If you begin to suspect that they are trying to bewitch someone, scatter fresh sedge on the floor of their home. You can carry sedge root with you - good protection against unclean thoughts from the stronger sex. Flowers help drive away love obsessions and show the chosen one in his true light. If your loved one intends to connect his life with an unworthy person and does not want to listen to any arguments, arrange for the lovers to end up in the evening in a house with bunches of flowering sedge hanging in the corners and a candle burning on the table.

Dinner in such a room will open a person's eyes.

They used them to tell fortunes about the future fate; a secret wreath (the one that decorated the effigy of Kupala all night around the fire) was hung in the house above the door so that quarrels and misfortunes would bypass it. Wormwood is a whimsical plant. It grows slowly, so try not to cut it off at the root.

During the ideological dominance of materialism miraculous power plants sought to explain them chemical composition. And even now this point of view is dominant. For example, the presence in medicinal plants of biological active substances and chemical components in the proportion required for the human body is explained medicinal effect plants, and their magical properties are either declared superstition, or attributed to narcotic, hallucinogenic and simply toxic substances.

Indeed, most plants used in cleansing rituals have antiseptic and antibacterial properties; many magical plants contain narcotic components.

But never (until recently) people equated magic and medicine. Of course, there is a connection between these areas of plant use, but it cannot be explained in any way physical properties leaves, roots, flowers and plant bark. Many magical herbs are credited with properties that, from the point of view of medicine (both official and folk), are in no way explainable and even absurd. For example, plantain is used for medicinal purposes as an antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, expectorant, laxative and appetite stimulant, while in witchcraft it is a herb that “gives heat and the power of love.”

From all the variety of wonderful plants special place occupied by those whose magical aura often obscures their practical benefits. We want to tell you about such plants, shrouded in a haze of ancient secrets.


“Beautiful Lady” - such a seductive name was given to a plant with a fetid aroma. Apparently, this is a kind of precautionary measure, since all parts of belladonna are extremely toxic. Belladonna is also known as "sleepy stupor" and "crazy cherry". The Latin generic name Atropa is given in honor of the goddess Atropa, who, according to ancient Roman myth, can cut the thread of human life at any time.
Belladonna was part of the “flying ointment” and was one of the components of witchcraft potions that allowed you to communicate with the world of spirits.


Datura is one of the most powerful hallucinogens; it belongs to the nightshade family, like belladonna, henbane, mandrake and many other witchcraft herbs. Botanists call this family paradoxical - in addition to narcotic plants, it includes quite ordinary “good” edible plants (potatoes, tomato, eggplant, pepper).

Datura common- a very unpretentious and hardy plant. Scientists have described a case where Datura seeds showed 90% germination after 40 years of storage. Many consider this plant to be evil - Paul Sedir believes that Datura concentrates bad vibes; in ancient magic books it is stated that it “has the property of chaining one to a place or making one spin, when intoxicated with it, one can commit the most heinous crimes under the influence of suggestion and not retain anything about them.” a memory that disappears simultaneously with the action of the medicine.”

In medieval Europe, witches added Datura seeds to their magical ointments in order to gain the sensation of flying or experience sexual ecstasy with Satan.

The Greeks called one of the types of dope hippomania- a herb that causes madness in horses; The priests of Apollo used this herb to induce trance during prophecies.

However Indian datura (aneglakia) considered a sacred plant. There is a legend about twin children (brother and sister) who lived in the depths of the earth, who were very inquisitive and treated people well. Traveling across the earth, they learned a lot of new things, and when they met people, they sent them into a deep sleep with wonderful visions, in which they initiated people into some secrets. Some people received from their brother and sister the ability to see missing or stolen things. The sons of the Sun did not like this and the gods ordered that the brother and sister fall into the ground forever. And in the place where the twins went into the depths of the earth, beautiful flowers appeared, which people called “anegla-kiya” after the boy’s name. And to this day, flower children give people dreams full of wonderful visions, and give some additional abilities.

In India, it was also believed that a type of dope grew from the chest of Shiva; some believed that this flower adorns the headdress of the destroyer god. Datura was also a herb dedicated to Shiva’s wife, the goddess Kali. The crushed seeds of this plant, mixed with wine and another plant sacred to Shiva, served to awaken dormant sexual energy and were considered a powerful aphrodisiac. The temple dancers drank wine with Datura seeds and, in a somnambulistic state, prophesied and answered the questions of the priests.

In China, it was believed that Buddha received his sacred sermons from heaven in the form of raindrops, which remained as dewdrops on the petals of the datura. The famous Chinese botanist and doctor Li Shi-Chen, who lived in the 16th century and conducted experiments on himself with Datura flowers, describes: “It is traditionally believed that if a person laughed while collecting these flowers, then the drink to which they are added will cause desire to laugh; flowers that were picked while weeping, when consumed, will cause a desire to cry, and if the people who collected the plants danced, then drinking will cause a desire to start dancing; I found that the desires that arise in a person who is intoxicated by Man-to-lo-hua (one of the types of dope. - Note comp.) condition, can be transmitted to him by other people.”

In the Aztecs, Datura seeds were considered sacred and were used by shamans in rituals for tribal unity and initiation, and they were placed on altars as offerings to various deities.

On the islands of the Caribbean, Datura was called the “zombie cucumber” and was used to zombify criminals who were not subject to any corrective measures. A potent toxin (fish poison extract) was added to the herbal drink (which included Datura) and the criminal was given to drink, after which he fell into a coma. He was declared dead, placed in a coffin and buried in the ground (leaving holes for air access). After the allotted time, the coffin was dug up and another drink, which also included dope, was poured into the criminal’s mouth. For a former criminal who turned into a zombie, “life after life” began - he practically lost all signs of his personality, completely submitting to the will of the sorcerer. To maintain such a semi-conscious state, it was necessary to constantly feed the zombies with a drink made from Datura.

Shamans in many countries of the world use mixtures of Datura to facilitate the exit of their astral double from the physical body to communicate with gods and spirits.

An amulet made from Datura relieves a worthy person from damage.


This plant is well known to adherents of traditional medicine under the name angelica, or angelica medicinal. In magic it is used to protect against the evil eye, “charm”, and evil spirits. It is recommended to plant angelika in the garden and near the house, the root of the plant is placed around the necks of children to protect them from damage; it is also useful for adults to wear an angelica amulet around their necks. To expel evil spirits from the house, it is recommended to burn several angelica leaves indoors (it is better to light the leaves from the flame of a church candle or through a lens from sunlight).


The smell of this plant cannot be called pleasant. Perhaps that is why in magic this herb is used as a means of protection from evil, exorcism and cleansing the home of all negative energies. To do this, it is most often burned indoors. Sometimes they carry it with them to prevent misfortunes, but due to the terrible smell, few do so.


This spicy plant is used in love and protection magic, as well as to attract prosperity. To cleanse the home, dry leaves of the plant are burned and worn in a special bag to attract the attention of a loved one.


This plant was not particularly loved by the people due to its high toxicity. A few leaves or grains of henbane eaten cause severe nervous attacks, and large doses cause death. It was believed that henbane could be used to prepare a remedy that would be fatal even at a distance. However, the magical uses of this plant are not at all as sinister as one might expect.

Henbane was sometimes used to summon evil spirits and was part of the “flying ointment” of witches, but more often it promoted clairvoyance and was used in conspiracies against witchcraft. In addition, henbane is one of the most popular love spells. And for this it is not at all necessary to mix it into food or drink. An amulet made from a whole plant gives a person a special attraction to the opposite sex. Moreover, a man who wants to win a woman’s love must certainly collect henbane in the morning, standing on one leg in the nude.


IN folk medicine Elderberry flowers, berries and leaves have long been used. In magic, the same parts are used for the purposes of cleansing and magical protection from evil forces. To do this, just type fresh leaves and elderberries and scatter them in your yard in four directions. A bouquet of elder flowers, collected after the full moon, attracts love.


Verbena has enormous magical powers. It was called "pigeon grass" and was believed to promote peace and prosperity. Ambassadors going to negotiate with the enemy during the war carried branches of verbena with them to protect themselves from death and return in peace.

Magicians claim that a vervain talisman heals and protects against all diseases, and if you rub yourself with this herb, collected in the evening, at dusk, in secret from everyone (from people, the Sun and the Moon), you can get everything you want.

If you sprinkle a room with verbena water, it will always be cheerful and full of friends.
Sprigs of vervain above the head of the bed protect against nightmares. The aroma of burnt verbena cleanses the house, and buried in a garden or field, verbena is the key to abundant shoots. But if you sprinkle vervain powder, collected in a special way at a certain time, in the matrimonial bedroom, the husband and wife will quarrel.

Sorcerers claim that some spirits can only be summoned while wearing a wreath of verbena stems.

St. John's wort

One of the most powerful magical plants. If you hang bunches of St. John's wort in a room, hostile forces will not penetrate it. It is believed that an evil sorcerer cannot cross the threshold of a room under (or above) which there is a branch of St. John's wort. An amulet made from St. John's wort flowers worn on the body protects against damage. L You can also put a stalk of St. John's wort in your shoes to protect against evil spirits. You need to collect it on the night of Ivan Kupala, weave a wreath and wear it on your head, and in the morning put the wreath in a secret place and use it all year for magical protection.


Universal magical plant bloodroot used in spells to increase wealth, purify, protect against evil forces, increase wisdom. It is recommended to collect herbs to increase wealth after sunset on Thursday on the new moon.


As the name implies, the main property of this plant is to attract love. As a rule, an infusion of the root of this plant, which is popularly called “love root,” is added to bathing water; sometimes the above-ground parts of the plant (along with rose petals) are added to the water. Black magicians use lovage to prepare potions that increase anger and cause rage.


In magic, poppy is used to enhance prophetic abilities and the gift of foresight. If you need to make some important decision in life or get an answer to some very important question, you need to place a piece of paper with a question in a dry poppy box, cleared of seeds, and leave the box near the bed. In a dream, an answer to a question or a hint will come. A dry box of seeds is worn around the neck or in a pocket to increase wealth (you just need to make sure that the seeds do not spill out, otherwise wealth will quickly come and go).


This plant is used as a protective agent and as a remedy for infertility. Men are recommended to carry mandrake root in their trouser pocket to stimulate potency. If a man digs up a mandrake root on a full moon at midnight, clears it of soil and writes the name of his beloved on it, she will remain with him forever. Women wear mandrake root amulets to be attractive to their loved ones and to become pregnant.


miraculous power juniper people appreciated it in ancient times. This plant is mentioned in ancient magical treatises as a powerful protective agent. Young shoots of juniper were worn on the body as amulets to protect against accidents; bags with dry twigs were worn around the neck to protect oneself from thieves and robbers while traveling. A juniper planted in front of the porch blocks the path of evil people and forces into the house.

The incense of juniper leaves and berries strengthened the spirit and helped cleanse the house of dark forces.

In addition, a necklace made of ripe juniper berries was believed to attract love to the one who wears it.


Digitalis, or digitalis, has long been successfully used in folk medicine to treat heart diseases. In magic, foxglove (in very small quantities) was used in purification rites.

However, most sorcerers used this plant for more base purposes: it was believed that foxglove could serve as the embodiment of evil forces, with its help one could direct evil spirits to a specific person.

In addition, due to its high toxicity, foxglove has long served as a weapon of crime.


In magic, mistletoe is used as a protective and love spell. In Europe and America, there is a custom at Christmas time to hang a sprig of mistletoe over doorways, and if a man and a woman stand under this sprig, they must kiss. To attract love or to become pregnant, women wear an amulet made from mistletoe collected on Midsummer. Mistletoe branches collected on the sixth day after the new moon have protective properties.


Peony root is worn as a necklace or bracelet to protect against witchcraft. Peony seeds are burned in the house to drive out evil spirits.


In ancient times, the aroma of burning wormwood was used to evoke spirits, but since, according to many experts, wormwood is saturated with “lower quality astral light,” modern magic places emphasis on the cleansing, protective properties of this plant and the ability to cause visions to predict the future.


Everyone knows that a rose is a flower of love. In magic, before starting to prepare any love mixture, hands are rinsed with rose water. Rosebuds are used as love amulets - the one who wears them is sure to find his love. Rose petals have long been sprinkled on the marital bed to enhance love passion.

Various potions from these flowers enhance clairvoyance abilities if a person’s thoughts are pure, like white rose petals.

Thanks to its thorns, the rose protects the hearth and symbolizes the strength of femininity.


This plant combines the magical properties of a loving, cleansing, protective agent. The herb is added to cleansing bath mixtures, the aroma of burning leaves cleanses the room from negative influences and helps attract love. Hands are washed with rosemary infusion before and after magical rituals; a rosemary wreath serves as a barrier to alien influence, protection against suggestion and hypnosis.

A bag of rosemary worn around the neck improves memory, and rosemary tea promotes mental sharpness.


The Russian name for this plant is clean guy. In Europe it is sometimes called "bishop's grass." Used in magical rituals of cleansing and protection from evil spirits. It is recommended to burn the above-ground parts of the plant from time to time in the room, and on the night of Ivan Kupala it is recommended to make a fire, throw this cleansing herb into it and jump over the fire. Bishop's grass is also used to stuff pillows to get rid of nightmares.


In European countries, this plant is poetically called “seven-year-old love”, “knight’s grass”, “maiden’s cape”. From these names one can judge what power was attributed to yarrow. It is believed that this herb helps in love, but only in pure love, sanctified by marriage. If a husband and wife wear yarrow amulets and talismans, he will give them 7 years of marital happiness. Yarrow also protects against evil spirits and helps drive out evil spirits and possessors. In Catholic countries, yarrow is used in exorcism rituals.

A specially prepared infusion of yarrow (collected at a certain time) increases the abilities of clairvoyance, clairaudience and clairsentience.


Thanks to many films today, probably every child knows that better protection from vampires is garlic. Indeed, the main magical properties of this plant are exorcism and protection from it. Before moving into a new house, heads of garlic were hung in every corner of the room. The flowers of this plant were used to decorate the altar during rituals of expelling evil spirits. A head of garlic, peeled, can be carried with you to protect against spoilage.


This tree was revered in Ancient Egypt. Its magical power lies in increasing clairvoyance abilities, as well as protecting against extraneous influences on the mind and spirit of a person.


Among the Slavs, birch is considered a tree so pure that it is never used in black magic.
They sweep the floor with a birch broom to remove troubles and misfortunes from it. It is recommended to carry out a cleansing ritual (sweeping) after quarrels or serious illnesses.

A birch tree growing near a house gives its inhabitants prosperity, peace and protection of their ancestors.

Birch earrings are worn in bags by girls and young women to attract female happiness. Birch bark, worn on the body, protects against damage. If you throw birch leaves and branches into the fire, all your sorrows will go away with the smoke. During and after a serious illness, healers recommended heating the stove with birch wood.

The Germanic and Celtic peoples did not have the same reverence for the birch as the Slavs. Traditionally, this tree is believed to be associated with the souls of the dead. Therefore, some turn to the birch tree to receive protection from relatives who have passed on to another world; some believe that devils and evil spirits nest in its branches. It was believed that witches fly on a broom, in which the broom is made of birch twigs.


Very strong magic tree. It is under the oak that mistletoe grows, which is used in protective magic. The aroma of oak leaves (burnt) cleanses the room and expels all evil spirits from it. Oak leaves and branches for magical purposes must be collected at night, and magicians recommend pouring wine over the roots of the oak tree in gratitude.

A necklace made of acorns is worn to awaken dormant energies: women wear it if they want to increase their sexual attractiveness and against infertility, men wear it to get rid of impotence and increase male strength.


Spruce is used in protective and cleansing magic. It is believed that a spruce planted at the gate blocks the path of evil forces.


This tree has long been considered witchcraft. The witch's broom was held together with willow branches. It is not recommended to settle where willows grow unless you are looking for contacts with otherworldly forces.

A willow planted on the bank of a stream or other body of water near your home (but not in the immediate vicinity) will protect the one who planted it from evil forces associated with water.
To get rid of the fear of death, magicians recommend carrying with you a piece of willow branch, cut during the full moon. To get rid of visions, it is recommended to wear a willow bark amulet around your neck.


Cypress in magic is considered the tree of death. Its branches, hung on the wall, protect against visits from the evil spirits of the dead. Only highly qualified magicians can carry cypress with them in order to gain an understanding of death. It is called the "ghost of the dead flame."

It is better for ordinary people not to experiment with this tree.

bay tree

This tree has enormous protective power, gives foresight, casts out evil spirits. The smell of burning leaves helps you see the future; the same effect can be achieved if you put bay leaves under your pillow at night. If you wear the leaves as an amulet, you can get rid of painful and “hellish” visions. Bay leaves are added to water for cleansing and scattered on the floor during the exorcism ritual. For magical purposes, laurel leaves must be collected with one’s own hand at sunrise, facing east.


The Slavs have long used hazelnuts in Christmas fortune-telling: a whole, good nut means prosperity for the whole year, and an empty or rotten one means poverty, ruin, illness or death. The fused hazelnuts are placed in a chest of goods (in our days - in a wallet) so that wealth does not become scarce. Walnut considered a symbol of wisdom, its shell is used as a talisman for those who comprehend any wisdom: for schoolchildren, students, etc.

Magical security fences around the home are built from hazel (hazel) wood. When performing cleansing magical rituals, walnut rods are stuck around the perimeter of the territory to prevent other people's magical interference. Hazel can also be used for a magical attack on an enemy, but only if there is absolute confidence that one is right. Hazel is a fair tree and does not help people carry out their evil intentions.

It is believed that lightning never strikes a hazel tree, so under the hazel crowns people used to escape from a thunderstorm; the Slavs also believed that a thunderstorm would bypass the territory enclosed by a walnut fence. A walnut rod is used to draw a magic circle on the ground to protect oneself from evil spirits. If there is a suspicion that the child is capricious and does not want to sleep because he has been jinxed, the cradle is walked around with a lighted walnut branch.

There was a belief that on Trinity Sunday the souls of deceased ancestors visit the earth and settle in the branches of a hazel tree, so on this day it is strictly forbidden to break the branches of this tree so as not to disturb the ancestors. On Ascension or Spiritual Day, houses and churches were decorated with bouquets of hazel branches , scattered branches on the floor. By placing your ear to the branches on the floor, you could hear the voice of deceased relatives. After the holiday, they swept the room with these branches, carried them to the graves and swept them so that the souls could return to their afterlife.


This tree has always been considered the main weapon against all evil spirits. Aspen leaves and wood is used as an amulet that protects against damage, the evil eye and terrible visions. There was a belief that only an aspen stake could stop a vampire forever. Also aspen popularly known as the tree on which Judas hanged himself. Aspen trees are often planted in cemeteries or cemetery fences are built from aspen wood to prevent restless souls from entering the world of living people.


Berry necklace mountain ash protects against damage, wood brings happiness and prosperity, especially to women.


Ash protects against diseases and accidents. Ash leaves under the pillow evoke prophetic dreams. Human figures are carved from the roots of ash trees for various magical rituals in areas where mandrake does not grow. The stick for the witch's broom was made from an ash branch.

One of the most ancient and effective methods of witchcraft is magic of herbs. Thousands of years ago, herbs were used by people for various purposes: for healing, for protection, to attract success.

The properties of some plants are still not fully known. Magicians claim that correctly collected witchcraft plants have incredible energetic power.

They rid a person of negativity, negative emotions, help restore strength and find joy in life.

We sometimes don’t even think about the influence of ordinary herbal tea on our body. Plants are used in witchcraft practice and as drinks, decoctions, powders, and ointments. The main thing is to know which herbs to use in this or that case, so as not to invite trouble.

The most powerful magical herbs and their properties

Let's figure out which herbs are considered the most powerful in magical circles:

  • Fern

This is a real treasure trove useful properties. It's a shame that it only blooms once a year. Fern is a divine flower. His connection with heaven is undeniable. The owner of this flower may not be afraid of attacks from evil forces or witchcraft attacks.

  • Loosestrife

Many people know this plant under the name Plakun-grass. Her task is to ensure that all demons shed tears from the aroma spread and cannot harm.

  • Immortelle

This plant can change the weather - you just have to learn to ask it for it. It is also considered an essential assistant for those who dream of finding treasure.

Ways to use herbs in magic

An important point is how you introduce this or that ingredient into the ritual. Here are the most known methods uses of magical plants:

  • Decoctions and infusions

This is probably the simplest method that is available to everyone at any time. There are a wide variety of infusions.

Some people prefer regular teas, and someone creates unique liquids. They all have the same goal - they carry an energy charge that performs a specific function.

There are even instructions for making special decoctions - they were developed over many years by our distant ancestors. Some herbs are thrown into already boiled water, others are poured with water at a certain temperature.

To achieve best quality decoction, the plants are thoroughly crushed. This is necessary in order to use the healing components to the maximum. It is important to maintain proportions when preparing an infusion or decoction.

  • Fumigation

This method was very common in old times. For example, in order to cure a small child from fright or remove damage from him, bear down was laid out around him and lit. In order to destroy the evil spirits that settled in the house, it was customary to fumigate every corner with incense.

This is a great way to protect yourself from evil spirits and envious people. Along with the aroma of the grass, its magical energy spreads around.

  • Oil

Nowadays, aromatic oils can be purchased at any specialty store or ordered online. You can also make them yourself.

Use any oil as a base natural origin(olive, coconut) and mix it with all the necessary ingredients. Then the resulting mixture needs to be heated - this is necessary so that all the components combine better.

Then do the filtration - and your oil is completely ready for use. Wait until it cools down and use for everyday procedures (bathing, skin softening).

  • Powder

This method is most often used by professional healers for their own protection. Agree that healers, magicians and sorcerers come into daily contact with both positive and negative energy - they simply need to do regular cleansing.

Typically, herbal powders are taken orally. To make it, just grind the magical herbs in a mortar.

  • Amulet

To make an amulet with magical herbs, you need to place it in a small bag and, if possible, carry it with you (in a bag, pocket or purse). You can also use such a protective tool as a talisman for your home and all family members.

  • Talismans

This option is suitable for those who want to change their life and attract something - love, money, luck. It is created according to the same type as the amulet, only with a different herbal composition.

  • Sachet

This is a small pillow with aromatic plants sewn inside. It helps drive away nightmares and relieves sleepless nights.

  • Ointments

Modern healers do not often use herbal ointments in its practice, it is believed that this is an outdated magical method. But nevertheless, ointment from magical plants is quite a valuable tool in magical practices.

  • Ink

To write down a magic formula or draw a symbol, it is better to use non-ordinary ink. Experienced magicians mix various herbs and add either elderberry or blueberries to them for color.

Herbs in white magic

A professional white magician always has a number of magical herbs on hand. These include: nettle, chamomile, rose and rosehip, white mistletoe, St. John's wort, jasmine.

This is not the entire list of herbs used in magical rituals. Many herbal infusions are used in magical rituals and ceremonies. They help overcome illnesses, expel evil spirits from the house, and restore energy balance.

Since ancient times, herbs have occupied a special place in magic and to this day they are considered the most powerful tool for magical acts.

Herbs in black magic

The most famous herb used in black magic is wormwood. It is used to summon demonic entities, dark forces and other inhabitants of the other world.

It also helps well to cope with enemy attacks: it protects against the evil eye.

Datura is often used for love spells in black magic. Various lotions, powders and tinctures are made from it.

Sorcerers use Budre leaves to restore strength and be energetically stable. Still, ceremonies and rituals are quite costly procedures that require physical and mental effort.

Herbs in love magic

Many plants are used to attract love into your life. The strongest in this regard are considered:

  • rose;
  • jasmine;
  • basil;
  • iris;
  • lavender;
  • violet.

In the ancient works of magicians and healers there are many rituals and ceremonies using these plants. Special infusions were prepared from them to be given to the beloved. In the name of love, conspiracies and spells were read.

It should be remembered that herbal magic is not capable of creating love, it will only help you in finding your happiness. It will bring you closer to meeting your soulmate. The main thing is not to miss this moment.

Healing magical herbs

Each blade of grass has its own range of strength, so we use some plants to heal heart disease, others for headaches, and others for viral infections.

But there is a group of magical herbs that have a beneficial effect on the entire body:

  • St. John's wort;
  • dill;
  • Ivan-da-Marya;
  • lavender;
  • nettle.

Medicinal decoctions and tinctures are made from them. If you know the exact proportions and dosages, these magical herbs and plants can even relieve serious diseases.

Herbs that enhance magical abilities

Not all sorcerers naturally have supernatural abilities. It turns out that they can be developed with the help of special herbs, which will be discussed below:

  • Verbena

This wonderful plant awakens all the hidden talents in a person. It helps protect against enemies - physical and spiritual. Children begin to study better if they wear an amulet with vervain.

  • St. John's wort

Magicians are always under the onslaught of otherworldly forces - they need powerful protection and support. The machinations of evil spirits sometimes surprise with their diversity. A twig of St. John's wort helps ward off all bad things and develops a sixth sense.

  • Nettle

Awakens in a person courage and readiness for any exploits. But this does not at all indicate rashness of actions - before taking the decisive step, the owner of the magic plant will verify its future effectiveness several times.

  • Burdock

Burdocks help establish contact with the brownie. This is necessary so that he maintains peace at home and takes care of comfort.

  • Peter's cross

Powders, infusions and decoctions with this herb help to cope with a series of misfortunes - what is popularly called a “black streak”.

Folk beliefs associated with herbs

Many legends and beliefs associated with herbs have come down to us from our ancestors. In those distant times, people believed that with the help of plants and their magic they could accomplish any feat, defeat any force and achieve what they wanted.

Everyone has certainly heard about the fern flower: those who are lucky enough to find this wonderful plant can forget about misfortunes and poverty.

Here are some more folk signs:

  • Weeping grass

Using the flower or root of this plant, you can drive away all evil spirits from your home. Also recommended all year round store dried weeping grass to provide magical protection from evil.

Already in the name lies the ability to overcome all obstacles on the path to success. It is often used in love rituals.

  • Dream-grass

They say that infusions and decoctions from this plant help awaken supernatural abilities in a person. He begins to see the future in dreams, his sixth sense allows him to always do the right thing and benefit himself.

  • Nettle

It would seem that such a well-known plant as nettle cannot have anything to do with magic. Each of us, as a child, visiting our grandmother in the village, was burned more than once by the stalks of this grass.

But it turns out that nettle is very valuable in healing practice - it helps a specialist recognize the severity of the disease and the degree of its development.

Remember that you can use the magic of herbs only after carefully familiarizing yourself with all their properties. Otherwise, you may irrevocably harm yourself or your loved ones. Ignorance does not relieve you of responsibility for your actions.

Alena Golovina— white witch, master of Cosmoenergetics,author of the site


The magic of herbs

Why do some women hide a small bag of lavender under their pillow? What motivates a man who scatters dry basil around his store every morning? And why do grandmothers grow garlic near their houses?
These people, like many others, discovered the magical effects of herbs. If you use the energy of plants correctly, it can bring love, protection, peace of mind, success and happiness into our lives.
Herbal magic (using the energy of plants to make wishes come true) is one of the oldest and most effective methods of magic. This accessible remedy which anyone can use. However, today only a few have sufficient knowledge about this ancient activity.
What do we know about the magic of herbs? Is it based entirely on psychology? Can it improve our lives? Do plants really have some kind of hidden energy? Or are there spirits and demons involved? Are “magic” herbs dangerous? What are the limitations in this matter? Finally, how and what herbs should be used for magic and where can you find them?
You will find answers to these and other questions in this book.

The magic of herbs dates back to the distant past, when people just began to explore what grew around them.
Certain plants attracted people with their color, shape, smell and taste. Our ancestors learned to derive great benefit from lower forms of life: they were used in cooking and medicine, for making clothing and jewelry, and for performing rituals. We do not know exactly how and why plants began to be used for ritual purposes. Perhaps this has something to do with the aromas of herbs, since in ancient times the human sense of smell was much more acute than it is today. The strong odors emanating from the plant could help establish a connection with spirits, that is, with the unknown and unknown.
Ancient people may also have known about the energy coming from herbs. Today we call the ability to sense this energy extrasensory. And if our ancestors had such abilities, they probably used them to study herbs. Be that as it may, by 3000 BC, plants were regularly used for magical purposes in Egypt, Sumer and other civilizations. In the 2nd century BC. magic has firmly established itself in people's lives. Thousands of plants (sometimes rare and expensive) have been used in Europe, Africa, America, Asia and other places to make human existence easier.
The first herbal books (books describing plants and their uses) appeared in Ancient Greece. Most herbalists included information about the magical properties of plants along with medicinal ones. These books were rewritten over the centuries, increasingly disseminating practical knowledge of the healing magic of herbs. Much information was passed on from professionals to their students.
Greek and Roman texts spread throughout Europe in the 15th century. Among them were the most famous herbalists. Ultimately, this huge body of knowledge accumulated by specialists became the property of the general public. The boundaries between herbal magic and herbal medicine gradually disappeared. Healers discovered that the herbs that grew in their area could be used for magical purposes. The spells were reworked, completed and passed on. Plant magic was in its prime, and new horizons were opening up before it.

With the emergence and rooting of Christianity, persecution of pre-Christian magic began, and it fell into decline. The centuries-old practice was condemned by the church, which did not recognize it and feared any powers other than its own. Practicing plant magic went underground or stopped altogether. Many recipes and spells have been lost.
It has become unsafe to wander through the forest at night in search of rare herbs. Healers could no longer openly collect herbs at sunrise while casting spells. The sorcerers no longer dared to draw circles around the plants with magic swords before digging them up.
The magic of herbs has become only a superstition: “It is bad luck to keep this plant in the house,” “This herb will bring love,” or “Keep a bay leaf in your wallet for protection.” “No, I don’t know why; my mom always does this. It's a family tradition."
And the plants began to wait patiently for people to rediscover their incredible properties.

Fortunately, the herbs did not disappear, and the knowledge about them was not destroyed.
The famous “herbalists” Theophrastus, Dioscorides, Apuleius, Gerard and others preserved much information on herbal magic, as well as the works of Pliny, Agrippa, Portus and other ancient authors. Scraps of manuscripts found in museums preserved fragments of records of herbal magic. All this and folk practice made it possible to revive magic.
A surge of interest in herbal medicine and its cultivation began in the 1930s in North America and England. By the early 70s, people came close to researching herbs.
Thus began the revival of herbal magic.
Most of the "new" herbal books published between 1930 and 1970 continued the tradition of including magic recipes along with medical and cosmetic ones, but some books dealt exclusively with herbal magic. Gardens where herbs were grown and shops where they were sold appeared one after another. The number of healers increased significantly after the plant fever swept through the United States. Healers were treated with gratitude for the fact that they were able to preserve the remnants of knowledge and taught those who wished. Many old secrets were rediscovered and widely used.
Finally, in the 1980s, the books of this author, like others, brought information about magic to public consideration. Tens of thousands of people around the world have begun to find new uses for herbs and plants. Today, many are ready to learn the whole truth about the magic of herbs.

Even botanists have not yet come to unanimous opinion. And in magic it is believed that “herb” is any plant or part of a plant that is used in work. This is a cactus, a flower, seaweed, moss, mushrooms, simple grass, a vine, a bush or a tree. Spices and condiments can also be classified as “herbs.” And parts of plants used in witchcraft can be seeds, inflorescences, leaves, bark and roots. In a word, “grass”, “grass” - all this implies that the plant can be used for specific purposes. For example, in medicinal (“golden root”), culinary (mint), cosmetic (almond), aesthetic (rose) or magical (sandalwood). There are many options.
However, in herbal magic, only those plants that have special properties are used.

Herbs can be found almost everywhere: they grow near houses, along the road, by the river, in the desert, on mountain peaks, in the forest. And many are specially grown in gardens, both for culinary purposes and for magical purposes.
Some herbalists believe that herbs collected in their geographical area bring top scores. This limits the number of herbs that could help because sometimes necessary herbs grow only in other parts of the globe.
Fortunately, there is a way out. Herbs that don't grow near you can be purchased at the supermarket, health food stores, or specialty stores. And then a small number of plants that are almost impossible to find are very rarely needed for work and are almost forgotten. So everything you need is available.
Readers often ask: “Can I buy some components from a store that specializes in magic? Can I use weed bought at the supermarket? Definitely yes. Some are more difficult to find, others are available in any supermarket (cinnamon, cloves, bay leaf, thyme, etc.), and of course they can be used.

Growing herbs is a charm of the past. We can not only enjoy the unusual aromas and beauty of the leaves and flowers of the plants themselves, but also provide ourselves with material for practicing magic. Many healers grow their own herbs. Seed packets are freely available in stores. You can also buy seedlings. The most popular are lavender, rosemary, sweet rue, geranium, spearmint, peppermint, basil and cumin - all of which have magical properties. Herbs begin to be grown in the spring (after frost) outdoors. And you can grow them indoors all year round if you place them on the sunny side. Experiment. Many people believe that herbs grow well when they are neglected and grow in poor soil, but this is not true at all. Plants deserve attention and care. With a little effort, they will give us happy hours. But growing herbs is not a necessity, it is fun.

Herbal magic is the use of plant energy to create positive transformation and change. But remember that you shouldn’t rely only on plants. The healer sends energy to the herbs from own body. A mixture of energetics (plants and humans) occurs, a goal is set, and this force is directed into the “magic gate”.
Everything is not as complicated as it might seem. Our bodies constantly radiate energy. There is nothing supernatural about this; Moreover, this is completely normal. We create this energy when we eat, sleep, breathe, and exercise. Thus, we have something to protect (preserve). In herbal magick we take this energy, tell it what to do, mix it with the energy of the herbs and send it to its destination. This is no more difficult than turning on the TV by plugging the cord and plug into the socket: we take energy (electricity), say what to do (turn on the TV) and wait for changes (the appearance of an image on the screen). The difference is that in plant magic we ourselves are the source of electricity. When we “turn on” a plant, we stimulate it, set its strength and energy in motion. This is what makes plants produce this effect. We don't just throw roses and lavender into the air, we work with these plants, send them our strength, stimulate their own, to fulfill our desires (needs).

This means that we must carefully select the herbs that we are going to use for magical effects. Each herb contains a specific type of energy. It's like a hundred different pizzas: each of them is a pizza, but each has its own taste and filling. Same with herbs. They are all herbs, but each has its own special "ingredients", or the same "ingredients" but in different quantities. Such properties, “ingredients” (chemical structures), are responsible for the use of the plant, for example, for medicinal (healing) purposes. In this case, their smells, colors and “magical capabilities” are taken into account.
Healing magicians do not need to memorize two hundred or more ingredients found, for example, in roses. It is more important to know and choose the right energy of the plant in order to perform a successful ceremony.

No. "Spirits", "demons" and other creatures have nothing to do with herbal magic. A magical ritual is a process that occurs between people and plants.
Spirits and demons have nothing to do with it. Those who practice magic do not follow any concepts and do not worship any deity. The false idea that herbal magic is controlled by spirits or demons is a direct result of certain religious teachings that oppose all forms of self-improvement. The facts do not support such teachings.

Absolutely not! Many people think that all magic is supernatural. They simply forgot what they knew in childhood: the world is the dominance of forces, energy, we can communicate with flowers, magic is as real as the sun, moon, stars, and our own breath. Those who have no idea about the energy of the Earth (and plants) do consider herbal magic to be supernatural. It is not right. After all, what could be more organic and natural than plants?

No. Naturally, we can cut ourselves when collecting herbs, burn ourselves on a censer, or break the smoke indicator when fumigating ourselves with incense, but these are considered “dangers.” Everyday life. Some “experts” claim that when we start practicing magic, we associate ourselves with strange spirits that can deprive us of peace. I know that not a single spellcaster would agree with these statements, and in my practice I have not encountered this. The magic of herbs is not dangerous, but it takes a lot of energy, because we want to change something in our lives. We cannot afford to say, “Oh, my life is no good! It’s not my fault and there’s nothing I can do about it!”
The magic of herbs helps us “do something about it.” This is a huge responsibility, but those who are ready for difficulties will get results.

A spell is a magical ritual. This is the moment when all forces increase, energy surges, is “programmed” for a specific need (for example, love, money) and is directed towards implementation.
Many spells are kept secret, many are not. But well-known conspiracies are no less effective than secret ones. Any spell will work, as long as it is clearly formulated and executed correctly. It is needed in order to bring together all the necessary parts, charge them with energy and use it in a certain way. Spells with herbs are carried out very easily.
In this book, the words “spell, conspiracy” and “ritual, rite” replace each other. You can read some of them at the end of the book.

Healers and herbal magicians, in general, are the same as all people. Magic is not a tool, it is an instrument of love. It is never used to hurt or control others; you can only control yourself. There are people who stoop to the point of publishing conspiracy books that can harm others. But they understand little about magic; they have no love for the natural world, for humanity. Plant magic is a tool for love, health, growth, security and spirituality.

Herbs are used in many forms of magic. Some methods are completely new, others have been preserved since the time when people just began to use these “green” gifts of nature. Here are some of them:
Fumigation with incense. This is the simplest way: the grass smolders on a hot coal, emitting a smell and releasing its energy.
Oils. For centuries, healers have used aromatic oils, creating them by transferring the scent into vegetable oil. The herbs and oil were heated slowly (over the fire or under sun rays) so that the flavor is extracted and transferred to the oil. These days, true fragrance oils (created through distillation) are available to everyone. The necessary oils are mixed in certain proportions (vegetable oil is used as a base), this composition is rubbed into the skin or used for ritual baths.
Magical aromatherapy. You inhale the smells of aromatic oils, while simultaneously creating a visual image of those things for which you turned to magic. In this case, the energy coming from the plants helps bring about positive changes.
Bath salts. Aromatic oils are mixed with sea salt, which is added to the water before taking ritual baths.
Powders. The herbs are crushed and pounded in a mortar. This powder is sprinkled around, dissipating the energy of the herbs. This remedy is popular for cleansing and protection before ritual.
Amulets. All herbs (roots, fruits or seeds) or combinations thereof are usually placed in a small cloth bag and stored at home. Amulets protect.
Talismans. Whole herbs or mixtures thereof, placed in a fabric bag, have a special energy, attracting love, money, purification, health, courage, spiritual and physical strength. But by definition, talismans do not protect. Pillows with herbs. These are the same talismans, only larger in size. The pillow is made from soft fragrant herbs and thick cotton fabric. Healers sleep on these “herbal” pillows or place them under a regular pillow at night.
Infusions. Exists great amount infusion options. This can be simply tea infused with herbs, which can be used as a magical drink (for example, rose petal tea for love.) Or special, magically charged liquids that can be used to wash an object or body. Such herbs can be placed in a kettle of boiling water to release their energies, powers and aromas. There is another way. Place the cloth bag containing the herbs in a hot water bath before drinking. This will have a healing effect. (People use infusions to prepare potions and love potions.)
Ointments, rubbing. One of the main means of healers was practically forgotten. Although it is easy to prepare: the necessary herbs are mixed with fat or wax. And usually they are applied to the body.
Ink. Finally, herbs are sometimes used to make ink, which you can use to write magical formulas.
There are many other methods of using herbs in magic. The main ones were given here.

Yes. Herbal magic is truly effective. In other words, people who set reasonable goals and strictly follow all the rules get results. “Reasonable,” of course, does not include winning the lottery, becoming a movie star, unexpectedly receiving a million, or some kind of unrealistic desire. Witchcraft (like all types of folk magic) is just a tool. It should be used as a tool. It will not work itself; he needs our hands (and thoughts, and energy) in order for there to be an effect.
Skeptics will argue that herbal magic will not work, and if it does work, they will pass it off as a coincidence. They don't listen to anyone's opinion, so let's leave them alone and trust only ourselves.
Those who practice herbal magic know that it works, efficient system, helping to make positive changes. They don't "believe in magic", they know that magical herbs have real powers.

Good question. According to the theory, the whole world (visible and invisible to us) consists of different energies. Energies manifest in physical form: galaxies, suns, planets, mountains, bees, cats and ourselves. Each of the specific types of energy has a specific manifestation (for example, in a plant). All earthly objects contain the so-called Earth Energy. And we have our own.
But there are energies that do not manifest in any form. They have neither personal energy nor Earth Energy, and yet they exist (in different forms) almost everywhere. There are as many of them as there are earthly and personal forces. They are simply not embodied in material objects. (Let's call this form free force energy.)
Herbal magic mixes the Earth Energy (found in the herbs) with your own energy (produced by the body), and appears new form“programmed”, concentrated energy. It is then programmed with a specific purpose and used in one of the following ways:
1. The combination of personal energy and Earth Energy can be directed to the energy of free forces (to attract additional energy, or to cause changes on a non-physical level). As a rule, this method is used to attract love or improve financial situation.
2. Energy is sent back into the plant to charge it, causing it to store that energy for a certain amount of time and then release it.
3. Energy is sent back to the healer for internal changes (or less often to the person for whom the ritual is being performed).
All three of these techniques are effective. The choice depends on the type of ritual.
But what happens when the force reaches its goal? There are many theories, it depends on what the energy was directed towards.
When energy is sent into a plant (or oil, amulet, talisman, roots, etc.), it charges it. Physical form At first it stores energy, and after a while it begins to slowly release it. In this sense, energy is used to create a magical "battery" that produces this energy "on demand." For example, bunches of herbs are used for protection; protective energy comes out of them to block the entrance from unfavorable energies.
If the combined energies (combined forces) are sent into free ones, they create an “echo” effect. Free energies of similar types attach to themselves the energy sent by the caster: that is, his love energy will attract other love energies that are “free”. This is called “like attracts like.” The same thing happens with energy that is sent into free space, for example, to attract money, spirituality or other magical purposes. (I realize this theory is somewhat vague and imprecise, but it's the best we can work with these days.)
If the energy is directed back to the caster (or to the person for whom it is done), it stimulates his personal powers to achieve certain goals. Unlike herbs, people retain this energy and use it to make internal changes. (Some of these changes are automatic, others are controlled by the caster.) "Recharge" is usually done at specific time intervals: most spells are cast every day for a week. Working with plant energies is the essence of herbal magic.
Still don't understand? Don't worry. We do not have to know thoroughly how herbal magic works in order to get the desired result. You just need to try to do everything right and believe in it, and then the effect will not be long in coming.

"Charging" is the moment when the caster sends his own energy into the herbs (or mixtures thereof). Neglecting this is like standing behind a car, throwing away the keys, and expecting it to go where you want.
Before energizing a plant, the spellcaster must first summon and program his energy. This is often achieved through emotion and the simple, effective method of contracting the muscles of the body. The visual image of your need “programs” energy towards the goal. And only when this energy is evoked and “programmed” can it be sent into the plant.
Charging is usually done by touching the herbs, that is, releasing energy through the fingertips. It is very difficult to describe this process on paper, but if you ever do it, you will understand.
All devices are charged before you start charging yourself. The same goes for oils, powders, bath salts, tinctures, talismans, amulets.
We must work with herbs to increase their potential and release energy. Many who have failed in herbal magic have not paid attention to this important step.

Yes, anyone. The gates of herbal magic are open to everyone, regardless of their religion and adherence. There are no oaths or vows. This does not require long training (although experience increases efficiency). However, there are several necessary conditions: love for oneself, for others and for the world; desire to work hard to achieve results; interest in the unknown (but very real) world of energies that surround us, and a strong desire to change our lives for the better.
Moreover, the herbalist must see magic for what it is: it is a tool with which we can improve our existence. This may seem mysterious, but only because there is a lot we don't understand. All thoughts of herbal magic as something “supernatural” will only hinder its effect.

First, of course, the herbs themselves. It is better to store them in glass jars with tightly closed lids. Each container must be labeled. Here are the essential herbs to have on hand:
Rose petals

Your collection will be replenished over time - some healers store up to three hundred types of herbs.
You also need a device for smoking herbs. This could be anything from an elaborate Chinese incense burner to a simple dish half filled with sand; as well as coal produced specifically for fumigation.
The mortar and pestle are probably the most important tools of the medicine man. They can be used to turn bark, roots and seeds into powder during the making of amulets, talismans and fumigation. The preferred material is steel, since glass, wood, and ceramic mortars are often destroyed when you pound hard plants such as sandalwood.
A knife may be needed when you are collecting herbs in the wild or in the garden. It can be anything, but with a white handle.
You will also need a mixing container. In this case, ceramic and glassware, and even stainless steel dishes are suitable. The bowl should be enough big size large enough to fit both of your hands (when you stir the herbs).
Candles of different colors are also needed; They are lit both during mixing of components and when spells are cast. It is better to use beeswax candles, but regular ones will do. And there must be non-flammable candlesticks.
Most healers keep a notebook where they write down spells, recipes, and the results of their activities. Blank notebooks are sold at any bookstore; you can also use a diary. Over the years, this notebook will turn into a storehouse of knowledge about herbs and their use in magic.

You should be alone while reading the spells, so wait until everyone in the house is asleep (many people turn off their phone temporarily so that no one will disturb them).

One spell per session. You should not use three conspiracies to achieve three different goals, as you can confuse the energy.
And money is never taken for this - this is an old rule.
All this should be done only for yourself. It surprises me that many people are hesitant to try magic on themselves, usually claiming that they would rather help others. But this cannot be done without the consent of others.
And of course driving force love must appear.

If you follow recipes or spells from a certain book, then everything will be indicated in it. If you decide to act on your own, then look through books or follow your intuition. As examples below, I will give several goals and ways to achieve them using magic.

Herbs, properly energized, are powerful protective agents.
As a rule, they have strong odors, which have protective properties. They can be kept at home, in the car, next to jewelry, and also carried with you. They are often used to make amulets. In any case, the idea is the same: enchanted herbs release energy that destroys negative, foreign forces trying to invade their territory.
Protective plants include garlic, bay, dill and frankincense. Root vegetables are also used as protective amulets(for example, roots of iris, fireweed, mandrake).

There are herbs in magic that can help make money appear or guide you to spend it wisely. They don't make us rich, but they can help us get out of debt.
These include familiar spices and herbs: cinnamon, cloves and saffron, as well as exotic ones: oak moss and galangal. These herbs can be kept with money, placed around green candles, or used as a talisman.

Many plants have been used for centuries to bring love; these include rose, lavender, orange blossom, iris, violet, jasmine, basil. Thousands of “conspiracies and spells were found in the records of magicians and healers. Tinctures were prepared and spells were read, and all in the name of love.
Love may seem magical, but it is no more supernatural than magic itself. Magic cannot immediately create love, but love can be found through it. Many love spells are meant for you personally. This is intended to attract others, those who are simply looking for friendship.
Although love spells will not make subject “A” fall in love with subject “B” (not a single spell will help you). But it can facilitate the meeting of "A" with "B", "C", "D", "E" and "F". And after one of these meetings, a relationship may begin. The role of magic in the creation of love is another example of the ease of herbal magic.
Remember the love spells I mentioned earlier. Most of them are related to sex, but not to love. Remember that all love herbs must be well charged before use.

Another category of herbs helps bring out our natural physical capabilities. Most healers believe that all people, in fact, are healers from birth. But we are usually taught to block this natural gift by the time we grow up and become part of society. There are also those who have reacquired this gift through training and practice.
Many herbs have long been used by those who wanted to strengthen their physical state. Schisandra, star anise, Chernobyl, saffron (quite expensive herbs) and yarrow were energized and used in medicinal mixtures. These herbs can be mixed, charged and kept next to your hospital chart. You can also make sachets (small fabric bags filled with herbs) and snort as needed. Also, Chernobyl tea (pure or with a spoon of honey) is used to improve well-being.

There are significantly fewer of them. But a handful of such herbs will help calm the soul and heart. Among them are frankincense, sandalwood, aloe wood and myrrh. They are usually charged with energy, set on fire and used during meditation or seances, as well as religious ceremonies. Their subtle aroma soothes and creates a feeling of comfort.

One of the dark chapters in the history of herbs was traditional use“destructive” (poisonous) herbs. Such herbs, including henbane, hemlock, hellebore, mandrake and datura, were popular during the Renaissance. They were used to induce visions, create illusion physical strength, clouding the consciousness, and even dulled the pain of those who were executed for magic.
“Destructive” herbs took an “honorable” place in magic due to their specific chemical structure. These herbs contain special chemical components that cause hallucinations by affecting the brain. They are used in the manufacture of ointments, balms and other magical potions, as well as for smoking.
Although such herbs can easily cause brain disease, bodily harm and even death, they have been used in magic for many centuries.
The most common was their use for the preparation of so-called “flying ointments”. These were prepared by boiling herbs in fat. This ointment was applied to the body (you had to be near the fire). Hallucinations appeared, creating an incredibly real feeling of flight. The most vivid fantasies visited people during such hallucinogenic trips. Many now claim that these compounds were used to promote astral flights of the imagination (the conscious separation of thought from the body to help consciousness move freely through time and space). If this is true, then the use of such lethal ointments was a dangerous and unreliable method. It's best not to use it these days. (Astral flights of the imagination are more likely to be achieved through hard work.) Drugs cannot enhance this process, and your brain will be damaged. G
But there are other, more harmless (safe) ways to use such herbs. Many of them are used in medicine; they can also be used to make magic talismans, some are even used to attract love. But it is better to avoid these herbs: they can kill, and besides, drugs have nothing to do with plant magic.

Basil(Ocimum basilicum): It is the national plant of India. It was used to attract love. In addition, if this weed is kept in a pocket with money or glued to a cash register, it will bring in money.
Laurel(Laurusnobilis). In ancient Greece, this noble plant was awarded to winners. It brings protection and is also used for spiritual cleansing purposes. You can also make a wish, write it on a bay leaf and burn it.
Cedar(Cedrus libani). An amazing plant that promotes a speedy recovery; it is added to healing talismans and burned on coal to extract its energy. Kept at home, it will soften many of life's blows.
Cinnamon(Cinnamonum zeylanicum). This well-known plant is widely used in magic. It is added to mixtures to attract money, love, health, and provides protection and physical improvement to the body. Since this plant is highly energetic, it must be thoroughly charged before use to bring the most effective results.
Dracaena(Dracena sp.) The resin of this shrub is red in color, which is why it is popularly called “dragon’s blood.” It is used to prepare love potions. To prepare a protective agent, the resin must be crushed and mixed with salt.
Incense(Boswellia carterii). This plant, which has high spiritual properties, is set on fire to perform a ritual of spiritual cleansing of the house and protection.
Garlic(Allium sativum). A well-known culinary vegetable in the hands of healers turns into the strongest magic remedy. To cleanse your home of negative energy, place garlic cloves throughout your home at night and throw them away the next morning. And a whole head of garlic can be stored in the house to protect against unwanted intrusions and theft.
Juniper(Juniperus communis). Juniper berries are added to prepare medicinal and health-improving mixtures; they are scattered throughout the house for protection, and carried with them in case of an accident.
Patchouli(Poqostemon cablin). This plant comes from India and is very popular among European magicians and healers. One of the most effective means to attract money.
Rose(Rosa sp.) Rose petals are added to baths to attract love, to create love talismans, and are also used in healing mixtures. A rosebud is placed under the pillow at night to promote good dreams.
Rosemary(Rosemarinus officinalis). Rosemary is used to smudge a space that you want to cleanse and protect. You can also put it under your pillow to prevent nightmares. Rosemary has many magical uses.
Sandalwood(Santalum album). Sandalwood, like frankincense, is one of the most spiritual plants in the world. It is used for protection, healing and cleansing rituals. Smoke is conducive to meditation. Sandalwood drops are used to enhance the atmosphere during a session.
Yarrow(Achillea millefolium). The inflorescences of this beautiful plant are used in love magic. Strong-smelling, it gives courage during sessions and inspires confidence. This is one of the most beloved plants by healers.

Now that we have discussed the main points of herbal magic (technique, theory, remedies and the herbs themselves), it’s time to move on to conspiracies and spells. The following rites and ceremonies, which have never before appeared in print, can be performed using ordinary household items, and the components can be purchased at any store.
If you decide to perform these rituals, then remember a few important points.
- Connect your energy with the energy of the herbs you use.
- Learn to manage this energy.
- You don’t need to believe in the magic of herbs, but you need to know that it is effective.
- Most spells should be repeated at least once a day for a week.
- Gradually, with practice and experience, it will become easier for you.
Now let's move on to the spells!

Required components:
- large flat plate;
- a small photograph with your image (there should be no one in it but you);
- cinnamon;
- dry basil;
- ceramic or glass bowl;
- cone-shaped candle Pink colour;
- pink thread;

This ritual can be performed at any time.
Take the candle in both hands. Close your eyes. Imagine that you are loved. Fill yourself with love. Transfer this energy to the candle. Insert the candle into the candlestick and light it. Then place the plate in front of the candle. Place your small photo in the center of the plate. Use a spoon or the spice jar itself to sprinkle a small circle of cinnamon on a plate around your photo. Tell:
"Love surrounds me."
Sprinkle another, larger circle of basil around the cinnamon, again saying, “Love surrounds me.”
Now again sprinkle cinnamon on the third, largest circle around the basil, saying: “Love surrounds me.”
Place your hands, palms down, over the three circles and your photo, and hold for a moment. Feel how the powers emanating from the herbs come to you.
Connect your powers with the powers of the herbs and imagine it in your mind. Carefully pour the spices and photo into a bowl. Place your hands there and, stirring the contents with your fingers, send your energy, while saying:
"Spices and herbs,
Plants and trees!
Send me someone
Who would love me
And we will divide this love in half;
So let my wish come true!”
Dry your hands. Sprinkle the spices and photo onto the pink cloth. Gather the ends, twist them and tie with pink thread. Place your love talisman behind the candle. Let him lie there for at least 18 minutes.
Then blow out the candle and carry the talisman with you. Light a candle at approximately the same time every day for 7 minutes and love will find you!

Required components:
- 5 whole bay leaves (of the same size);
- 1 pen with red ink;
- 5 white candles and 5 candlesticks;
- matches (and a heat-resistant container for used matches).
Perform this ritual during the daytime, preferably at noon.
Darken the room. Place everything you will need on a flat surface. Close your eyes for a few minutes. Breathe deeply. Open your eyes and begin the ritual.
Take a large bay leaf and index fingers the hand you usually write with. Close your eyes and imagine yourself protected: you are surrounded bright light, guarded by a loyal, ferocious animal, dressed in an armored suit. (The things you imagine are not as important as the effectiveness they give you. You must feel the power in yourself and around you.) And then send your energy to the herbs.
Put bay leaves on the table further away, and one directly in front of you. The stem should point to the left, and the top of the leaf should point to the right. Use a red pen to write the letter “3” on this piece of paper. Then place it directly 15cm away from you with the stem pointing towards you.
On the second piece of paper write the letter “A” in the same way as on the first. Place it to the right of the first leaf so that their stems touch.
On the third piece of paper write “SH”. Place it behind the second one, connecting the stems. "
On the fourth, write “I”, placing it behind the third.
The fifth is "T" and the sixth is "A".
You should end up with a semblance of a flower made from bay leaves and the word “PROTECTION”. Take the candles in your hands and mentally direct your energy into each of them, and only after that place them in the candlesticks. Place each candle in front of each leaf at a distance of approximately 2.5 cm. This way you have a ring of candles located around the herbs.
Light the first candle and say: “Protection comes here.”
Light the second candle and say: “Protection from heaven and earth.”
Light the third candle and say: “ Devilry flies away."
Light the fourth candle and say: “And you won’t bother me anymore.”
Light the fifth candle and say, “Nothing will hurt me.”
Light the sixth candle and say: “Neither mental nor physical.”
Raise your hands over the leaves and candle flames and say: “I am protected; evil disappears! May this come true! Open the curtains to flood the room with light. Leave everything for 15 minutes and then return to the herbs and candles.
Collect bay leaves and bury them in the ground. Blow out the candles, and then light them every day for 15 minutes until they burn out.

"Vinegar of Health":
1 liter apple cider vinegar;
2 heaping tablespoons of rosemary;
1 heaping tablespoon of fennel seeds;
1 tablespoon rose petals;
2 bay leaves (chopped);
1 pinch of pure saffron.
Place the rosemary in a bowl. Charge it with your energy. By adding each ingredient separately, send it your energy and strength. Pour vinegar into a jar and add the herb mixture into it. Close the lid tightly, shake and let brew for 2-3 days. Strain the liquid through a filter, bottle it, and label it. For faster recovery, add 6 tablespoons during each bath.

5 tablespoons cloves (chopped);
5 tablespoons of cinnamon;
5 teaspoons grated nutmeg;
3 teaspoons (heaped) basil;
1 pinch of black tea;
1 square (8x8) green cotton fabric;
green thread.
Add each ingredient separately to a bowl. Fill the mixture with your energy while simultaneously imagining how you pay bills and receive money. Pour the energized mixture into the center of the green cloth. Connect the ends and tie with green thread. Hang or place this talisman in your home to attract money. (Move it to a different location every 3 months.)