Reviews about "rejuvenating apple". What are rejuvenating apples in fairy tales and do they exist in reality? Rejuvenating apples - a real magic remedy

Rejuvenating apples ... Wikipedia

This term has other meanings, see Apple (meanings). Red apple ... Wikipedia

Location Omsk, Right Bank of the Irtysh, 153 Founded 09/22/2006 Director N. Polezhaeva Artistic director A. Goncharuk Chief director A. Goncharuk Website Of. website of the Theater Studio of A. Goncharuk “Theater Studio of A. Goncharuk” Om ... Wikipedia

Basic information Genre... Wikipedia

To tie? Leonid Ivanovich Vigorov ... Wikipedia

One of the options for the image of the world tree. D. g. actualizes mythological ideas about life in the fullness of its meanings and, therefore, is opposed to the tree of death, the death of evil. Often D. can also reflect a negative term... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

Holy Grail Contents 1 Weapons and armor 1.1 Swords ... Wikipedia

Noun, s., used. often Morphology: (no) what? apples, what? apple, (see) what? apple, what? apple, what about? about an apple; pl. What? apples, (no) what? apples, what? apples, (see) what? apples, what? apples, what about? about apples 1. An apple is a fruit... ... Dmitriev's Explanatory Dictionary

- (Old Historic singular iotunn, Old English eoton), thurs (Old Historic purs, Old English pyrs), in the later Scandinavian tradition trolls (singular troll), in Scandinavian mythology giants. They are presented in two ways. On the one hand, these are ancient giants... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology

A drug, in most religious mythological and ritual traditions, is an important attribute of mythological characters, a means of achieving a special sacred state; personified deity. It is characteristic that in many traditions... ... Encyclopedia of Mythology


  • Rejuvenating apples, Dmitry Mansurov. Once upon a time there lived Ivan Tsarevich, he had fun for his own pleasure, and did not need anything. And suddenly his restless father, the king of the distant kingdom and a great lover of apples, found out that there are apples in the world...
  • Rejuvenating apples, Dmitry Mansurov. Once upon a time there lived Ivan Tsarevich, he had fun for his own pleasure, and did not need anything. And suddenly his restless father - the king of the distant kingdom and a great lover of apples - found out what there was in the world...

Folk tales are good because they contain enormous worldly experience and wisdom. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' they said that “a fairy tale is a lie - but there is a hint in it.” Some heroes of Russian fairy tales ridicule human vices and bad deeds, others punish evil and treachery, and others glorify kindness, honesty, courage and courage. “Rejuvenating Apples” is a fairy tale that will teach you a lot and tell you that every cloud has a silver lining. Any child who reads this fairy tale will definitely learn a lot of useful things and get ideas about true values and develop a sense of beauty.

Fairy tale “Rejuvenating apples”. Summary

In a certain kingdom, in a certain state, there lived a king. And he had three sons. The eldest is Fedor, the middle one is Vasily and the youngest is Ivan. The king grew old, and his hearing and eyes were no longer the same. However, he learned that far away, far away, an apple tree with rejuvenating apples was growing and there was a well with living water. If you taste an apple, you will become younger, and if you wash your eyes with water, you will see well.

The king arranged a feast and invited all the boyars, princes and his sons. And he spoke to them about the fact that if there was a person who could get him rejuvenating apples and a jug of water, he would give half the kingdom to this brave man. The older brothers could not restrain themselves and were immediately indignant; they did not want to share their inheritance with anyone.

The Adventures of Brother Fyodor

The eldest son Fyodor was the first to decide to go on the road to get wonderful gifts. He took himself an unridden horse, an unbridled bridle, an unwhipped whip, twelve girths for strength and rode off. Whether it was long or short, but suddenly at the crossroads of three roads he saw a huge stone on which was written: “If you go to the right, you will lose your horse, if you go straight, you will be married, if you go to the left, you will save your horse, and you will lose yourself.” And he, of course, chose the straight road. He goes and goes, and then lo and behold, there is a tower with a gilded roof. A beautiful maiden came out of it and invited the king’s son to come into the house, eat and rest from the road. At first Fedor stubbornly refused, but then he agreed. The girl fed him, gave him something to drink and put him to sleep against the wall. And then she turned the bed so that the guest flew straight into a deep hole.

Brother Vasily's mistake

After some time, the king again gathers all his nobles and again asks to get him rejuvenating apples and a jug of water, and as a reward he gives half the kingdom. The second Tsar’s son Vasily also did not want to share his father’s inheritance, so he soon got ready to go on the road. And the same fate awaited him as his older brother. Now the two of them waited for their release in the dark pit of the girl.

Ivan Tsarevich in search of rejuvenating apples

Time passed, and the king gathered a third feast and again talked about rejuvenating apples and living water. This time Ivan Tsarevich decided to get all this for his father, and he also had to find his brothers. Ivan received his father's blessing and got ready to set off on his journey. There was no worthy horse in the royal stables. Ivan became sad and suddenly saw his backyard grandmother, who, recognizing his sadness, told him that in the cellar there was a good horse chained to an iron chain. Ivan Tsarevich approached the cellar, kicked the iron plate, tore the chain off the horse, bridled it, saddled it and put on twelve girths. And he galloped off to test the brave little girl.

He got to the stone slab, read all its inscriptions and decided to go along the path of “saving the horse, but losing himself.” He rode for a long time or a short time, but at sunset he came across a hut on chicken legs. He turned the front of the hut towards him, and the back towards the forest and went into it. Babka Yaga immediately sensed the Russian spirit. And let's ask him, they say, who he is and where he comes from, but Ivan first asked him to feed him and give him a break from the road, and then he told her where he was going and what treasures he needed. Baba Yaga knew where the rejuvenating apples were and living water, as it turned out, from her own niece - the maiden Sineglazka, a strong hero. But it is almost impossible to find her. And then she sent him to her middle sister and gave him her horse. He quickly got to her, but she didn’t know how to find the girl Sineglazka. And then she gave him her horse and drove him to her eldest, most knowledgeable sister. She told Ivan Tsarevich that their niece Sineglazka lived behind high and thick walls, and she had great security. She gave the young man her war horse and warned: “When you approach the walls of Sineglazka’s palace, hit the horse’s sides, and it will fly over this wall in an instant.” Ivan Tsarevich immediately set off on his journey.

Maiden Sineglazka

He quickly reached the kingdom of the maiden Sineglazka and saw that her guards were all asleep. Then he spurred his horse and found himself in a magical garden, where an apple tree with rejuvenating apples grew, and under it there was a well of water. He picked the fruits, scooped up water and was about to run, but curiosity overtook him: to look at this girl Sineglazka. He went into her chamber and saw that she was sleeping, and next to her were all her servants of a dozen girls. Ivan Tsarevich could not restrain himself and kissed her. And then he pulled the horse under the bridle, but that was not the case. The horse touched the wall with one horseshoe, the ringing echoed throughout the area. Everyone suddenly woke up and noticed the loss.

Ivan Tsarevich drives his horse at full speed, and behind him the hero Sineglazka rushes with all her guards. In the end, she caught up with him and wanted to severely punish him for theft, but she couldn’t, because she liked this kind fellow. And he began to kiss her sugary lips. They walked for three days and three nights. And then she ordered him to go home, without turning anywhere, and wait for her for three years. But Ivan did not listen to her and went to rescue his brothers from trouble. He turned onto that fateful path and ended up right in the mansion of the treacherous girl. But he did not help himself and go to bed, but threw her straight into the pit, and from there the brothers began to call for help. Their brother Ivan helped them out, but they did not appreciate it. They deceived him, took away the rejuvenating apples and a jug of water, and threw him into the abyss.


The Nagai bird helped him get out of the cave and took him straight to his homeland. He learned that the brothers had brought magical gifts to the father-tsar, and he became good health. And then Ivan Tsarevich did not want to return home to his father, but gathered the tavern goli and drunkards, began drinking with them and walking around the taverns.

Meanwhile, Sineglazka gave birth to two sons. They grew by leaps and bounds. And then she called her sons, gathered an army and set off to look for Ivan Tsarevich. She came to his kingdom and pitched a tent in the field, and then sent a messenger to the king so that he would give her the prince - his son. The tsar was frightened at first, drove the eldest son Fyodor, and then the middle Vasily, but she did not recognize her Ivan Tsarevich in them, she only ordered her sons to flog them with a cane for treachery and deception. Yes, she ordered them to tell the whole truth to their father and urgently find Ivan. The king, having learned the truth, burst into burning tears.

Long-awaited meeting

At this time, Ivan Tsarevich himself goes to Sineglazka with tavern clothes, they throw them to the sides, they tear the cloth under his feet. Sineglazka recognized the drunkard as Ivan Tsarevich - the father of her children - and ordered her sons to take him and take him to the tent to change him and give him a rest after three years of innocent suffering. And she gave his tavern friends a glass each and sent them home.

A day passed, and the hero Sineglazka arrived with Ivan Tsarevich to the palace and they arranged a merry wedding feast there. And Fyodor and Vasily were driven out of the yard out of sight. But the newlyweds did not stay in their father’s kingdom, but left for the Sineglazkino kingdom. They began to live there happily and not to bother.


This is how the fairy tale ended with a happy ending. Ivan Tsarevich received rejuvenating apples and a faithful wife. Summary although it could not contain everything interesting and important that happened to the heroes, it told the main thing. And the main thing is that we are Once again We are convinced that the heroes of Russian fairy tales teach us moral behavior and spiritual purity. This also suggests that at all times human values ​​have been above all else. “Rejuvenating Apples” is a fairy tale that will not leave any reader indifferent and will give wonderful memories of childhood to adults, and to kids - an amazing, beautiful story and the belief that good will always triumph over evil.

The Ural Forestry Institute (now a university) has the only Garden in Russia medicinal crops. It was founded more than half a century ago by Leonid Ivanovich Vigorov, professor of the department of botany and dendrology of the institute. Thanks to his research, the research laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry that he created for the first time in the country, which studied biologically, also gained all-Union fame thanks to his research. active substances(BAS) fruits and berries. In the 50-60s of the last century, Vigorov came to the conclusion that in conditions of urbanization, fruits with these substances that are especially valuable for health can have an effect on humans beneficial influence, expanding the adaptive capabilities of the body and preventing certain diseases. But, having become the pioneer of therapeutic and preventive gardening, Vigorov did not have time to bring all his ideas to life. His son, Candidate of Biological Sciences Yuri Leonidovich Vigorov, and our special correspondent Venedikt Dadykin, who visited Yekaterinburg, talk about what Leonid Ivanovich Vigorov managed to do despite the circumstances of his time. Vigorov was not only a great scientist, but also a great optimist. Looking ahead from positions today, he wrote in his book “The Garden of Medicinal Crops” (the book was never published during his lifetime): “And the gardener of the distant future will remember with surprise those incomprehensible times when the value of fruits and berries was judged only by their taste qualities, size and aroma, regardless of their actual significance for protecting health, maintaining high performance and prolonging human life.”

Science and life // Illustrations

L. I. Vigorov at a blooming apple tree. 1959

This is what the young Garden of Medicinal Crops and the building of the Laboratory of Biologically Active Substances of the Ural Forestry Engineering Institute looked like in the 1960s and early 1970s.

Head of the Department of Botany of the Ural Forestry Engineering University A.P. Kozhevnikov at a cedar planted in the Garden of Medicinal Crops.

Apples in Russian folk tales were credited with a special power that could restore youth to a person. It is no coincidence that they were called rejuvenating. I first learned not about the fabulous, but about the very real rejuvenating apples of Leonid Ivanovich Vigorov back in the 70s of the last century. And not only from reports in newspapers and magazines of those years, but also from serious scientific publications: I came across reports from several conferences in which plant breeders, biochemists, doctors and other specialists from leading institutes of the country comprehensively discussed various aspects of the work, which essentially opened up a new direction in gardening and medicine - therapeutic and preventive.

Its implementation promised neither more nor less, but... health for everyone - to plant generous gardens widely enough. Not with simple varieties, but with those that are capable of producing medicinal fruits for use as the best prophylactic. It was about the fruits of increased content and a certain combination of biologically active substances.

The scope and goals of the Ural scientist could not help but seem incredible, almost fantastic, which is difficult to believe. And Leonid Ivanovich completely understood the skeptics, himself urging his colleagues not to take anything for granted, but to double-check his conclusions. That's why I organized clinical trials using medicinal fruits in several hospitals in Sverdlovsk.


“An apple a day and the disease will go away” - numerous variations of sayings different nations On this topic, Leonid Ivanovich did not so much question it, but rather clarified it. Thanks to deep, many years of research, he laid out a serious scientific basis for them. The result is strict conclusions that have not yet been refuted by anyone, expressed in figures and facts.

Let's think about the simplest ones: with the daily urgent need of our body for 70-100 mg of vitamin C (without it we are susceptible to flu, colds and other infections, as well as diseases such as atherosclerosis, stomach and duodenal ulcers) in the most common and fruits available to everyone - ordinary apples - have very little of it (14 mg in every 100 g). But this, please note, is on average. Depending on the variety and its origin, the presence of vitamin C ranges from 2 to 40 mg%. That is, the difference is twentyfold, more than significant!

In southern varieties - Western European (Italian, Spanish, Greek) and South American (Argentine, Chilean), and in domestic southern Russian apples, which are sold in stores all year round, vitamin C is only 2-5 mg%. Vigorov called such apples “dummy”, since in order to compensate for the deficiency in vitamin C, you need to eat almost a bag of them every day.

But here are the exact calculations of Professor Vigorov: the daily therapeutic dose of southern imported apples (for example, the most popular varieties Jonathan or Golden Delicious) is 5-7 kg, common in the middle zone of the “average” in the form of Pepin saffron and most others - 2.5 kg, and the best high-vitamin ones (Renet Chernenko) - 500 g. For preventive purposes healthy people It is enough to eat half of this amount - for example, a couple of apples of the Renet Chernenko variety.

But we more often than not eat high-vitamin apples, but the first ones we come across, and even those not every day. And not a bag a day. The result is a chronic deficiency of vitamin C and other essential biologically active substances, which, according to doctors, becomes the root cause of loss of immunity, premature aging and the emergence of a whole “bouquet” of diseases.

At the same time, in the best varieties of apples that could be grown almost everywhere, L. I. Vigorov identified 25 natural medicines, including 10 essential vitamins, 6 microelements, 3 antibiotics, several radioprotective compounds.

For normal well-being, all 25 substances contained in abundance in “healing” apples are required daily. As Vigorov emphasized, these fruits, in addition to vitamin C, are rich in the second most important vitamin - P, more precisely, P-active compounds that normalize the permeability and elasticity of the walls blood vessels, including the most important capillary ones, which prevents atherosclerosis and cerebral hemorrhage - the scourge of our time, and also maintains normal blood pressure...

But here is another discovery of the professor: in comparison with southern varieties of apples, ruddy and large, apples grown in the middle zone, often not so elegant and smaller, contain many times more capillary-strengthening vitamins - at least 3-4 times, and in small-fruited ones Ural and Siberian - 10-15 times.

The situation is similar with other fruits: some varieties provide benefits, like candy, while others are a storehouse of health and can prevent many ailments.

But in last years did not come into fashion at all medicinal fruits with biologically active substances (BAS), and so-called dietary supplements (dietary supplements).


They say about such scientists: their trouble is that they are ahead of their time. However, what L. I. Vigorov managed to do, despite the circumstances of his time, is very significant, although it has not yet been appreciated. And most importantly, we did not take advantage of these discoveries.

Leonid Ivanovich’s research in the direction of therapeutic and preventive gardening - for all its uniqueness - initially did not fit into the framework of scientific and educational activities Ural Forestry Institute, where he worked as head of the department of botany and dendrology, and then as a research laboratory of plant physiology and biochemistry and director of the Garden of Medicinal Crops.

At the Agricultural Academy and the Ministry Agriculture they didn’t understand him either: in times of empty shelves there was no time for rejuvenating apples - any were in short supply.

Nevertheless, Vigorov’s achievements have not lost any of their significance to this day. In the garden, the planting of which began back in 1950, and the collection was replenished until 1976, he collected and obtained the rarest varieties and forms of medicinal fruit and berry crops: hundreds of forms of “medicinal” apples, pears, plums, cherries, hawthorn, currants and other crops that were supposed to become “donors” of future, much more advanced varieties with specified healing properties. Two breeding masterpieces were also created - apple varieties Vitamin White and Pamyati Dibrova, combining a high content of vitamins, microelements and natural antibiotics.

Leonid Ivanovich’s main achievement is overcoming the stereotype of primitive evaluation of fruits only by taste, size and yield. He developed a technique for their rapid biochemical analysis right in the garden. More precisely, in the laboratory created and equipped by him, where they carried out error-free tests showing the healing benefits of any fruit in certain numbers. Analyzing samples of dozens and hundreds of promising varieties (about 1,200 samples of apples alone), the laboratory staff - experienced biochemists - selected unique specimens (chemoclones) containing large quantities biologically active substances. “Not a single horticultural institute,” Vigorov wrote at that time, “has found a single new medicinal compound in fruits; we have rediscovered 20 such substances.”

As a result, out of many hundreds of varieties grown in Russia, only a few received the “title” of medicinal ones. And these were not the well-known Grushovka, Papirovka and Borovinka, but, alas, rarely found in the gardens of Naliv scarlet, Zarya, Aport Aleksandrova, Skryzhapel, Tikhonovskoye, as well as some small-fruited Ural-Siberian varieties of apple trees, not inferior in the accumulation of vitamins to citrus fruits. Local nurseries began to grow seedlings of many of them under the influence of Vigorov.

Ural healing garden attracted to himself, like a magnet, both specialists and amateur gardeners, to whom Leonid Ivanovich generously distributed cuttings. And for specialists he organized five all-Union conferences, at which, after informal discussions, no one was able to refute the conclusions of the “provincial” professor.

His example turned out to be so contagious that many horticultural research centers in the country began to create laboratories that used Vigorov’s methodology. And it seemed that widespread selection and cultivation of medicinal fruits in such quantities were about to begin that they would be on every table.

And as usual at all times, the story of rejuvenating fruits ended very badly: on one spring day, L. I. Vigorov saw roaring bulldozers tearing up one of the sections of his garden under a good pretext: a site was needed for the construction of a hostel.


Leonid Ivanovich dreamed of an unusual vitamin record holder - rose hips with seedless fleshy berries, thornless large-fruited sea buckthorn and other fruits that beg to be eaten straight into the mouth, combining both taste and real benefits. Unfortunately, after the death of the scientist, this most important direction not only did not receive further development, but was actually lost.

What's left?

Having visited Yekaterinburg, I sadly remembered the famous folk wisdom: “The garden blooms only as long as its owner lives.” No, all the formalities and even the law seem to have been observed: the Garden of Medicinal Crops has the status of a natural monument of regional significance, and at the entrance there is the name of its creator. And even in the center, near the reconstructed administration house, where Vigorov once worked without weekends or holidays, there is a granite monument to him. Only little remains of the former Garden of Medicinal Crops. Some unique varieties of apple trees that were found or bred and to this day have not been propagated by anyone (for example, Pamyati Dibrov) have aged and disappeared forever. Many plantings are in disrepair. Without anti-aging pruning, their lifespan is approaching its limit. The once famous biological laboratory has also been closed for a long time.

The garden's current employees are successfully defending their dissertations, and former students have become professors. But their work does not promise the continuation of what was once such a brilliant undertaking, although the health of the nation has been declared a priority national project.

It is a pity that in the more than thirty years that have passed since the death of the scientist, Vigorov’s books, which have become a bibliographic rarity, have not been republished, although a tome-album has been released, outwardly “solid”, on coated paper, with catchy illustrations. Formally - for the 55th anniversary of the garden, but, alas, such a description does not awaken any thoughts or feelings, although, probably, it contains information that is of interest to a narrow circle of specialists. But “naked theory” is not capable of adding health to anyone.

However, there is news: the university has been allocated 10 hectares of land on a new territory, supposedly for the Garden of Medicinal Crops. If only this land was used for its intended purpose, and not for landscape design and propagation of ornamental plants.

Recently, the department of botany at the university was headed by a talented dendrologist, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences A.P. Kozhevnikov. After graduating from the Ural Forestry Engineering Institute, he managed the garden for several years and achieved interesting results on the variability and selection of sea buckthorn. His interests are wide, and so are his opportunities, but he is not a biochemist.

And really, is it necessary to do all this in the Urals, in a zone of risky agriculture, and also at a local university? Vigorov himself hoped for the development of this problem not in the Urals. In various papers of those years, which he sent “up”, they talked about the creation three experienced medicinal gardening stations in three zones of the country - middle, northern and southern.

Why not create all-Russian centers for medicinal gardening in our science cities - Novosibirsk and Michurinsk, especially since the latter has three “profile” institutes at once?


Attempts to implement Vigorov’s ideas were made not only in the Urals. Biochemical selection in different years led by Professor S. I. Isaev (MSU, Moscow), D. K. Shapiro (Central Botanical Garden, Minsk), E. I. Sedov (All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding, Orel), Barnaul breeders (All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after M.A. Lisavenko, Barnaul), Professor Shupan (Germany), etc.

According to Vigorov’s calculations, the following varieties can rightfully be considered truly medicinal (vitamin C - 25-30 mg% and P - more than 300 mg%), and therefore antihypertensive and antivitaminosis apples: Polyvitaminnoe (Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, Moscow); Skala, Uspenskoye (VNII of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants, Michurinsk); Beauty of Sverdlovsk, Sokovoe-2, Radonitsa (Sverdlovsk Horticulture Breeding Station, Yekaterinburg); Ranetka Ermolaeva, Barnaulochka, Altai skorospelka (All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after M. A. Lisavenko, Barnaul); Flashlight, Scarlet Flower (Krasnoyarsk Experimental Horticulture Station, Krasnoyarsk); Vita (All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding, Orel); Kerr, Chinese from Canada.

The pinnacle in the creation of high-vitamin antihypertensive varieties are the apple varieties Veselovka, Zaeltsovskoe, Siberian Souvenir, Kulundinskoe, Palmetta, Siberian Rumyantskoe, Dauria, Divo, Morskoe Botanicheskoe and Zolotodolinskoe, created by scientists of the Central Siberian Botanical Garden (Novosibirsk). They contain up to 45 mg% of vitamin C, and up to 1300 mg% of P-active compounds. Such fruits are healthier than oranges!

Prevents diseases of the liver, kidneys and Bladder, including the deposition of stones and sand due to the increased content of arbutin (up to 80 mg% instead of 5-10 mg%) and chlorogenic acid (up to 200 mg%) pear varieties originating from the wild Ussuri: Tenderness, Memory of Yakovlev, Severyanka, Svetlyanka, Lyubimitsa Yakovleva and Skorospelka (All-Russian Research Institute of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants, Michurinsk); Myth and Fairytale (South Ural Institute of Horticulture, Chelyabinsk); Zablachnaya, Penguin, Sverdlovchanka, Valentina, Nizkoroslaya (Sverdlovsk Horticulture Breeding Station, Yekaterinburg); Lada, Chizhovskaya, Cathedral, Naryadnaya Efimova (TSHA, Moscow).

The highest capillary-strengthening activity (P-active compounds - up to 3700 mg%) has chokeberry (chokeberry), which is not widely used due to its astringent taste. However, a new variety of it, without astringency, was developed in Michurinsk - Chernookaya.

The record holders among fruit and berry crops for the content of anti-cold and strengthening vitamin C (up to 4000 mg%) were the best varieties of rose hips: Vitamin (All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, Moscow), Ural Champion and Bagryany (South Ural Research Institute of Horticulture, Chelyabinsk) .

An alternative to rose hips is the newest varieties of actinidia: Parkovaya, Lakomka, Fantasy Gardens, Lyubitelskaya (VSTISP Experimental Station, Moscow Region).

It has an increased content of vitamins C and P (in berries 300 and 1300 mg%, respectively, instead of the usual 100 and 500 mg%, in leaves - many times more) black currant varieties Kipiana, Kupalinka, Muravushka. They were created at the All-Russian Research Institute for Breeding Fruit Crops (Oryol).

A noticeable hematopoietic effect due to the optimal content of vitamins C, B 9 and iron can be exerted by garden strawberries with dark cherry-colored pulp of the Ruby Pendant and Firework varieties (VNII of Genetics and Selection of Fruit Plants, Michurinsk);

Kokinskaya early, Rosinka, Amulet, Solovushka (Kokinsky stronghold of VSTISP, Bryansk region).

A unique natural storehouse of essential vitamins, including vitamin E, which prevents vascular sclerosis and muscle dystrophy, is found in the currently rare varieties of sea buckthorn with red-orange berries: Obilnaya, Orange, Otradnaya, Pepper, Ryabinovaya, Amber Necklace, Trofimovskaya. They were bred at the All-Russian Research Institute of Horticulture of Siberia named after. M. A. Lisavenko (Barnaul) and in the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University (Moscow).

It’s a shame that, despite the commercial benefits and demand, in Russia there is still not a single nursery of medicinal crops that specializes in growing seedlings of the listed varieties, much less their postal delivery.

There is only one thing left to do: contact the nearest institutes and research centers where the listed varieties were created. There is only one institute that sends cuttings of some apple trees in early spring for everyone who knows how to graft - this is the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding in Orel.

But almost everywhere you can buy seeds of medicinal varieties of various vegetable crops, the selection of which Vigorov began in the last years of his life. I take the liberty of offering a list of such varieties and hybrids.

Beetroot Smuglyanka, Mulatto and Mona. It is distinguished by a triple content of anthocyanins (pigments with antioxidant activity) and an increased content of betaine, which activates the functioning of the liver, kidneys, digestion, increases blood pressure, and improves blood composition.

Vitamin Carrot, Chantane Royal (royal), Nantes Semco, Emperor. These varieties and hybrids with dark orange flesh are especially useful for visual impairment, diseases of cardio-vascular system. All of them are real carotene concentrators - up to 37 mg%.

Winter pumpkin Gribovskaya, Russian, Kroshka, Atlant, New. Provitamin A in these varieties is up to 30 mg%. Frequent consumption of pumpkin dishes is recommended for malfunctions of the cardiovascular system, liver and kidney dysfunctions, and salt deposition.

Bee-pollinated cucumber hybrids Captain, Teremok, Faithful Friends, Lord, Saltan. Contains a complex complex of vitamins and a rich set of vitamins in microdoses minerals. Useful for chronic hepatitis, anemia, atherosclerosis, gastritis, stomach ulcers, dermatitis, skin diseases, obesity. And since they are rich in copper, they can prevent graying and hair loss.

Sweet pepper hybrids Maxim, Zarya, Vitamin, Garden Ring and the Cornet variety can be considered leaders in vitamin C content among vegetables - 480 mg% ascorbic acid in combination with a high content of P-active compounds, B vitamins, carotene, and sugars. Frequent consumption of this pepper improves brain activity, digestion, increases excretion gastric juice, and also useful for rheumatic pain, neuralgia, muscle inflammation, acute gastrointestinal disorders.

Different varieties contain anti-ulcer vitamin U white cabbage. Mineral salts and other biologically active substances are rich leaf salad, dill, parsley, spinach. However, no one takes “measurements” for the presence of such substances. Moreover, further breeding work on developing varieties of vegetables with specified medicinal properties has been nullified.

In general, we have to note with disappointment that in the USA, where much later than in Russia, they began to study similar problems, medicinal gardening is gradually gaining priority development, as well as governmental support their Vigorovs. Well, in our country, if not the current, then the next generation of scientists will have to restore what was lost bit by bit, or even start from scratch. It's a shame!

Ekaterinburg - Moscow.

See the issue on the same topic

As children, we were all read fairy tales by our mothers and grandmothers. I think everyone remembers the fairy tale about apples that give youth. Remember?! But what are rejuvenating apples in fairy tales and do they exist in reality? In Russian folk tales, these apples are unusual. They relieve deadly diseases, can prolong life and restore youth. Do you think this is only in fairy tales? Don't think that everything is so simple. Such miracles can be found not only in the unreal world of literary fantasy.

Rejuvenating apples actually exist, and to be convinced of this, you just need to get acquainted with the results of many years of work by the breeding scientist, Professor Vigorov. Long years he studied the properties of various fruit and berry crops, trying to develop new species whose yield would be healing properties.

Professor Vigorov’s scientific research began with a collection he collected in 1960, consisting of seven hundred varieties of apple trees. Together with a group of like-minded people, the scientist began to study the fruits for the content of vitamins, microelements, natural antibiotics and other compounds beneficial to humans.

The result slightly shocked the professor - only 5% of the tree samples bore fruits containing biologically active substances in such doses that could have a truly serious effect on human health.

Moreover, it was necessary to state the “uselessness” of such widespread and beloved varieties as “White filling”, “Melba”, “Welsey”, “Papirovka”, “Korochnevoe striped”, “Grushovka Moskovskaya”, “Pepin saffron” and many others. The content of the two main vitamins – C and P – in their fruits was very low, so it was impossible to talk about replenishing their deficiency by actively eating apples.

But the work was not in vain, because as a result of long experiments, varieties were selected whose fruits were very different. high content vitamins and others useful substances. It was then that Professor Vigorov had the idea to create a completely the new kind apple trees

Success did not come to the scientist immediately. In those years in which his experiments began, the main directions of work of breeders were considered to be increasing productivity, improving taste and appearance fetus Therefore, in his work, Vigorov had to face many difficulties, misunderstanding of his colleagues and opposition from bureaucratic functionaries who led the activities of scientific organizations.

And yet, the persistent scientist achieved his goal - apples were born, which immediately received the unofficial name “rejuvenating”. As the professor himself used to say in those days, if you eat 1 or 2 rejuvenating apples, the benefits will be comparable to eating 10 kg of ordinary fruits.

So, what varieties of apple trees can be classified as rejuvenating? These are “Pouring Scarlet”, “Babushkino”, “Chernenko’s Recipe”, “Vitamin Isaev”. These varieties are intended for cultivation in the central zone of our country, and “Dolgo”, “Ranetka Dessertnaya”, “Zorka”, “Grushovka Omskaya” are suitable for the Siberian regions and the Urals.

All of the listed varieties are characterized by a high content of vitamins P and C in their fruits. Therefore regular use Eating such apples helps normalize blood pressure and improve the cardiovascular system.

Another group of rejuvenating apples consists of varieties whose harvest helps prevent the occurrence of gastrointestinal diseases, and also improves overall immunity. These types include “Ural Maslenitsa”, “Melon Dibrova”, “Anisik Omsky”, “Arkad yellow”, “Apricot”, “Peach”, “Severyanka Lisavenko”.

Thanks to the efforts of Vigorov’s scientific group, several varieties of pears were created that can be called medicinal. Their fruits contain the antibiotic artubin, the use of which helps prevent inflammatory processes and prevents the development of urolithiasis. These are mainly Far Eastern varieties “Tema”, “Olya”, “Sibiryachka”.

The professor also worked with black currants, the main advantage of which is considered to be the presence of vitamin C. In the bred varieties, its content is 3-4 times higher than in traditionally grown ones. These are “Dove”, “Memory of Michurin” and “Victory”.

For the prevention of neuroses and disorders nervous activity Vitamin B2 is essential for humans. A large amount of it was found in plums, after which, as a result of targeted work, the varieties “Yellow Trouble” and “Manchurian Prune” appeared.

Vitamin B9 is considered useful in the fight against cancer, which is abundant in the fruits of the “Griot Pobeda” cherry bred by Vigorov and the “Pamyat Kuzmina” raspberries.

All this work took the professor and his associates more than 40 years. Unfortunately, Vigorov failed to bring his activities to a logical conclusion; he died too early, after which many of his undertakings were consigned to oblivion.

So today the varieties of apples and other crops listed above are still very rare. Only a few examples of medicinal varieties can be found in nurseries and special breeding centers. The Michurinsky Moscow Garden and the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University boast the most complete collection.

So rejuvenating apples are Vigorov's apples. And they are real! Order seedlings of these apple trees and plant them on your site!

Rehabilitation center "Rejuvenating Apple" specializes in restoring motor and speech functions, as well as social adaptation people who have suffered strokes or other serious injuries. The institution is located in the private Moscow sanatorium “Sokolniki” and is provided with all the equipment necessary for the use of traditional and innovative rehabilitation methods. Big team professionals of general and narrow specialization provide visitors to the sanatorium after a stroke with a full range of therapeutic, preventive and patronage services.

The principles of operation of the sanatorium and the advantages of its programs

Private rehabilitation center in Sokolniki is focused on caring for patients in order to increase their physical endurance and develop self-care skills. Specialists devote a lot of time to restoring walking and speech that were lost or changed after an injury. acute disorder cerebral circulation. In every specific case An individual program is used, which is compiled by a group of specialized specialists based on the diagnostic results.

The advantages of undergoing rehabilitation after a stroke at the Molodilnoe Yabloko sanatorium:

  • The post-stroke treatment center accepts patients in early period their restoration.
  • The institution's programs involve a combination of classical and modern methods work. Clients receive medication, social, movement, and speech therapy. The methods of clinic specialists differ high efficiency, which is confirmed by high ratings from international organizations.
  • An individual approach includes the prevention of complications and treatment of concomitant pathologies.
  • Medical assistance and necessary nursing care are available around the clock.
  • During the therapy, patients and their relatives are provided with psychological support. If necessary, close people of the client may be given the opportunity cohabitation with the patient.
  • Medical support is provided even after completion of the treatment.
  • The Rejuvenating Apple Center is located in Sokolniki Park, one of the most environmentally friendly areas of Moscow. The complex has fully equipped rooms for massage and exercise therapy, a swimming pool, and walking areas.

To obtain a decision on hospitalization, it is enough to send the discharge summary to the clinic. The answer will be provided within 2-3 hours, after which you can proceed with the registration and check-in of the patient.

Specifics of working with neurological patients

The private center for rehabilitation after stroke “Rejuvenating Apple” has developed a whole range of activities designed for visitors with neurological diseases. He accepts people at stage 2-3 of the recovery process, which depends on the characteristics of the case, the severity of the condition, and the degree of identified functional disorders.

The first stage of working with the patient is making a clinical and functional diagnosis, assessing the types of disorders of vital processes. Based on the results, an optimal work program is selected or an individual one is drawn up. During rehabilitation, neurologists, therapists, physical therapy doctors, endocrinologists, speech therapists, and psychologists work with each patient after a stroke. Regular monitoring of the visitor’s condition allows you to track the severity of positive dynamics and, if necessary, make adjustments to the treatment course.

Rehabilitation after a stroke at the Moscow clinic “Moloditelnoe Yabloko” includes the prevention of bedsores and the development of thrombosis lower limbs and reduction muscle tone. A complex approach to therapy reduces the risk of developing disability in patients and increases the likelihood of their returning to a full life.

Brief description of a basic stroke rehabilitation program

The recommended minimum duration of the recovery course after a stroke in the Molodilnoe Yabloko sanatorium is 21 days. Upon arrival, the patient is examined by a therapist and a neurologist. These same specialists draw up a treatment plan and monitor the quality of the therapy provided. According to indications, the client of the center receives consultations from a psychologist, cardiologist, endocrinologist, and works with a speech therapist and exercise therapy doctor. He visits the pool massotherapy, classes to restore everyday skills.

Treatment of hypertension

Timely prevention and treatment arterial hypertension allows you to avoid such severe consequences like a heart attack or stroke.

The list of clinic services includes such manipulations as feeding and bathing the client, changing his bed and underwear. With the doctor's permission, the medical staff takes the visitor for walks. The institution provides wide range individual non-specialized manipulations for an additional fee.