Medicinal and magical properties of some plants. Black elderberry magical properties

. Elderberry in mythopoetic representations different nations belongs to the group of generally dubious Plants associated with misfortune, death, evil spirits, and creatures of the chthonic type. In some versions of Christian tradition, Judas hanged himself on an elderberry, which is why it had such a specific smell. Other sources say that he hanged himself on an aspen tree; at the same time, some Christian authors call it the tree of the crucifixion. In Ireland, witches were believed to use elderberry twigs as horses. Sending is associated with the elderberry bad dreams, sometimes divinations (cf. the mythologized image of the elderberry in “The Golden Pot” by E. T. A. Hoffmann). At the same time, among the Prussians, elderberry is a sacred tree. They live under it Pushkites and the gnomes in his service - barzduki And marcopoli . According to ancient Greek myths, Prometheus carried away the fire he had stolen from Olympus in a hollow elderberry stalk. In the Middle Ages, the image of the elderberry was shrouded in mystery.
The bead was associated with witchcraft and magic. In order to protect oneself from evil spirits, on Walpurgis Night it was customary to pin elderberry branches to clothes.
The people of Wales believed that elderberries would grow only where human blood had spilled on the ground. In the language of flowers, elderberry symbolizes diligence. The elderberry is considered an unclean plant - the devil planted it and himself settled in its roots. You should not build a house in the place where the elderberry stump sticks out - this is the dwelling of the devil. Elderberry cannot be chopped or dug up, so as not to disturb the unclean. Anyone who digs up an elderberry bush will have cramped arms and legs. They also say that Judas hanged himself not on an aspen tree, but on an elder tree, for which God cursed her. Another legend says that previously there were no berries on the elderberry, they supposedly appeared after the Great Martyr Barbara was hanged on the elderberry, and before that her body was scraped with iron scrapers - drops of the saint’s blood turned into bright red berries.
In magic, elderberry is dedicated to the goddess Venus. Element - air. There are also Greek sources that mention a dryad - the Mother of the Elderberry, who lives only in the elderberry and watches over it.
Elderberry has strong protective qualities, so it is recommended to carry dried leaves and berries with you in a special bag to ward off the evil eye. Elder branches were hung in the house and barn to ward off evil spirits. Elderberry could also be placed in the grave if the dead person was suspected of vampirism. It was believed that this would protect the living from the ghoul. The flowers of this plant were considered more early remedy from vampires than Elderberry is a magical tree. A witch simply needs elderberry - for amulets, for a broom, for making potions and simply for demonstrating her culinary delights.

Several types of elderberry are known: red, Canadian, Kamchatka, black, etc. Three species can grow in central Russia: red (scientific name cystic or ordinary), herbaceous and black.

Black elderberry is a branched shrub or small tree from 3 to 7 m tall, with a characteristically unpleasant-smelling light bark and a loose core. The leaves are opposite, compound, with 5 serrate leaflets. The flowers are bisexual, small, yellowish, in large corymbose inflorescences. The fruits are spherical black drupes on long stalks and contain blood-black juice. Flower tea is used for colds, as well as a blood purifier for unclean skin and unpleasant smell bodies. Side effect: the flowers are not dangerous at all. Leaves and bark - can sometimes cause stomach and intestinal irritation. Unripe fruits are slightly poisonous. Fresh Juice in its raw form causes vomiting and diarrhea, just like the fruit. On the contrary, like jam, they are very good for health, as they contain vitamins and valuable minerals. In order for the processed black elderberry products to be tasty, you must add citric acid, or use sour fruits and berries (apples, gooseberries). Black elderberry juice and berries have a strong analgesic effect.

Red elderberry is a shrub 1.5 – 3 m in height. The leaves are compound, with 5 opposite ovate-lanceolate leaflets. The flowers are small, bisexual, with 5 greenish-yellow petals, in dense ovoid panicles. The fruits are drupes, small, shiny, red: juice is obtained from them. It has an unpleasant odor that repels flies, so it is traditionally planted near cesspools, compost heaps, and toilets. The leaves and flowers are an insecticidal agent against leaf-eating and sucking pests; in addition, mice do not like this plant. Elderberry (red) berries can be used to wash your hands.

Elderberry is a bushy perennial up to 1.5 m tall, with a powerful horizontal rhizome, poisonous, the rhizome is used as a diaphoretic, diuretic and laxative. Fresh berries dark purple in color are poisonous because they contain a large number of hydrocyanic acid. A strong unpleasant odor is used to repel insects, rodents, pests such as kidney mites, and butterflies. That’s why maybe they planted it near barns, or because at least They didn’t really uproot it if it grew like a weed in the gardens.

Elderberry grows in the undergrowth of coniferous and sometimes mixed forests, on their edges and in thickets of other shrubs or small trees. The main condition for the wide distribution of elderberry is fertility, moisture and richness of the soil.

Elderberry flowers are collected in the initial period of its flowering, when the corollas have not yet fallen off (June-July). Flowers and berries are collected on the growing Lena, from sunrise to noon. Inflorescences or branches should never be torn off; it is better to cut the flowers with a knife. When collecting elderflowers, the most important thing is to send them to dry as quickly as possible, since they become damp and spoil very quickly. Dry the collected flowers in well-ventilated, shaded rooms or places. The dried flowers are then separated from other parts of the plant. The collected raw materials are also stored in well-ventilated, dark rooms, as they deteriorate very quickly from moisture.

Common Name: Devil's Eye, Maiden Sambuca, Trumpet Tree, Sweet Elder, Tree of Destiny, Old Lady

Aura: cold

Planet: Venus

Element: Water

Deities: Venus

Plant parts used: leaves, berries, flowers

Main properties: purification, love, exorcism

It should be remembered that elderberry not only protects from evil forces, evil spirits live in it, so you need to be more careful with it. It is believed that this is why the elderberry “bleeds” if its branches are cut. And before cutting it down, they recite the following spell: Lady Elderberry, give me your wood. I'll give you mine when I become a tree myself.

There is a legend that the cross on which Christ was crucified was made of elderberry, and also that it was on an elderberry that the traitor Judas hanged himself. The Slavs believed that under the elderberry, in its roots, as well as in the tree itself, there lived a spirit, a demonic creature, a devil. Therefore, elderberries are never dug up by the roots - nothing will ever grow in the place where the elderberry was dug up. Among the Hutsuls, places where elderberry grows are considered unclean. The Serbs believed that the elderberry bush was the home of the Veela, so whoever cut it down would face death or paralysis. Sometimes cripples or mentally ill people were hired for this purpose.

The elderberry bush is the habitat of household spirits, guardians of the household. That's why it so often grows near residential buildings, stalls and barns. Under the elderberry, conspiracies were pronounced against misfortune, to gain strength and courage, to get rid of any misfortune, so that the court would not condemn. IN folk medicine in the treatment of certain diseases (consumption, fever, toothache) they were transferred to elderberry. They buried a tangle under the elderberry tree, poured water under it, in which they bathed the sick child, and tied the bush with threads from the patient’s clothes. The Slovenes buried a child's cropped hair under an elderberry to protect him from headaches, and the Slovaks bathed children in a decoction of elderflower flowers to ensure their health. To a healthy person You can’t sleep under an elderberry, but the mother took a sick child under a flowering elderberry bush and left him there, while she returned home and did three jobs, while remaining silent. Water was poured through the elderberry branches, which was then given to the sick. Among the southern Slavs, elderberry was used for bites from snakes, scorpions and wasps, as well as in veterinary medicine.

In Northern Europe, elderberry branches were used as a talisman against evil spirits. They were hung above the door of the house on the eve of St. George's Day and on the night of Ivan Kupala. By picking elderberry branches or berries, people apologize to the tree. Lusatians used elderberry branches to protect a woman in labor and a newborn, while the Slovaks washed the place where the deceased lay with elderberry decoction. As a plant associated with the lower world, elderberry was sometimes planted on graves and was also used to make rain. Among the Czechs and Slovenes, girls used elderberries to tell fortunes about marriage. It was believed that on Kupala night one could see one’s betrothed in an elderberry bush.

“I learned my love for herbs from early childhood, from my grandfather’s creaky wooden house, under the window of which a black elderberry grew. Village magicians consider the black elderberry to be an evil tree; sleeping under it leads to madness and mental disorders. If you hit an animal or person with an elderberry branch, it can be damaged. Grandfather talked about this. But he loved his elderberry and took care of it. Now I know that the black elder was a guardian tree.”

Elderberry is often mentioned in connection with the customs and morals of fairies, magical people. It is very useful for birds, which feed on its berries in winter, and fairies are known to love birds. The berries can be burned as an offering for fairies, or homemade elderberry wine can be made. Whoever drinks elderberry wine will be able to see the fairies, and if it is a glass from which the fairies themselves drank before, then the ability to see will remain forever. You can’t break or cut an elderberry without asking; you need to ask the tree in special words: “Old lady, give me your tree, and I’ll give you mine when I have it.” It was also forbidden to burn elderberries in the fireplace, so as not to invite misfortune, and to make a cradle out of it for a child, so that the fairies would not pinch him at night.

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Rowan is the most magical plant. Its wood has a unique quality - it can dampen inertia, which is why handles for sledgehammers are made from it. The tree itself has unusually strong energy and controls the entire forest. For a long time, the sick were taken out under the rowan tree, since the strong astral energy of the tree healed all diseases. Rowan berries save you from burning. They are given to the patient to chew, as rowan increases resistance to oxygen starvation. Rowan jam calms the nerves, and the bark of the tree heals the liver. Rowan fruits have hemostatic, antimicrobial, contraceptive, diuretic, laxative effects, reduce fat content in the liver, normalize metabolism, eliminate vitamin deficiency, help with anemia and exhaustion of the body, reduce cholesterol in the blood and arterial pressure, improve heart function, increase the strength of blood vessels. Rowan is very useful for diabetes mellitus, obesity and diseases thyroid gland. Masks made from rowan fruits eliminate wrinkles, give the skin freshness and a pleasant matte pink color.

In magic, rowan is used to protect a home from magical attacks and evil spirits. To do this, rowan berries are planted near the porch or at the gate. A sprig of rowan with fruits has long been attached above the front door. This is the best protective amulet.

If you cover a person with rowan branches (there must be leaves and berries on the branches), give half a liter of infusion of rowan berries (hot) to drink, then after three hours the person will be removed from moderate damage. Throw away the branches after this procedure.

Verbena - universal remedy from any weakness, headaches (if placed under the pillow). A vervain branch is worn as a protective amulet against the evil eye. Vervain is used to treat impotence. Often used as a highly effective love potion. Drinking a love potion with the addition of verbena awakens a passionate desire for sex and increases the accumulation of sperm. If a man drinks an infusion of verbena, he becomes stronger in sexually. To summon spirits, a sprig of verbena is placed on the altar. Promotes fortune telling and clairvoyance. Verbena has long been considered miraculous. Greek warriors believed that verbena made their body invulnerable and put their enemies to flight. In the Middle Ages, verbena was collected once a year on a moonless night, when the planets Venus and Mercury were shining. The Druids revered vervain and believed that it healed all diseases. Currently, verbena is most often used for diseases of the liver, spleen, against rheumatic pain, for exhaustion and loss of strength, as well as for scanty and short menstruation. Verbena infusion cleanses the blood, improves its composition and increases total blood for anemia. It is blood purifying, anti-inflammatory, vasodilating, wound healing and choleretic effect verbena makes it a panacea for all diseases.

Nettle - enhances Martian (fighting) traits in a person (bravery, courage, initiative, honesty, etc.) Nettle is used when you need to dramatically change something in yourself. Smoking with a nettle sprig removes the evil eye. Bathing in a bath with nettle decoction relieves mild types of damage. Nettle is especially useful for people over 35 years of age. If you apply the blood of a sacrificial animal, or your own, to a freshly cut sprig of nettle, and then read a certain spell depending on the desired effect, and then fumigate the room with this sprig, you can cause a quarrel between residents, complete ruin (if it is a store or a company office), or vice versa , happiness and wealth.

Nettle heals vision, kidneys, liver, improves blood circulation, burns fat. If you wash your face with nettle decoction, your skin will become smooth and velvety.

Mint is an excellent love spell. One of the most effective. Mint decoction increases sexual desire (there is a rush of blood to the genitals and natural sexual desire appears). Drops of blood in the decoction and a certain spell enhance the effect of the love spell. Regular use of mint love decoction enhances the implementation of the program in a person. We know people who are so accustomed to mint tea that they cannot go a day without it. Addiction appears. Without mint tea, such people become irritable, nervous and incapable of sex within two days. A decoction of mint is given to a person for several days after the removal of a love spell, damage or other magical attack.

Mint is used for increased acidity gastric juice, colitis, nausea, insomnia, loss of strength, angina pectoris, hypertension. Improves metabolism, dilates blood vessels in the brain, internal organs, gives vigor, relieves fatigue, increases performance. Antiseptic. An effective stimulator and regulator of heart function. A decoction of mint calms the nerves, tones the body, expels bile, eliminates belching, and gives the face a healthy, cheerful appearance.

St. John's wort (hyperwort)- a strong remedy against any magic. They try to prepare it on time summer solstice on Kupala (June 21-24) or on the day of Perun (August 2). A branch of St. John's wort is hung over the door as a protective amulet and carried with oneself against the evil eye. St. John's wort smoke is used to fumigate a house to drive out evil spirits and neutralize negative energy. St. John's wort makes strong love potions. He is a good honey plant. In ancient times, the flowering upper part was used to make “Erofeich” tincture and bitter vodkas.

St. John's wort is the most important thing medicinal plant of all known. Both fresh and dried it is always effective. It’s not for nothing that it’s called “the herb for 99 diseases.” It is used for diabetes, gastrointestinal diseases, diseases of the liver, bladder, heart, enhances gastric secretion, gently increasing acidity, regulates metabolic processes in the body, enhances absorption ultraviolet rays skin (only alcohol extract of the herb), relieves headaches, heaviness in the stomach, helps with urinary incontinence, stomach ulcers, hypertension, impotence, neurasthenia, increased excitability, insomnia, as a rinse for bad breath. An infusion of the herb increases urine output by 40% and stimulates the amplitude of contractions of the heart and uterus. It reduces bile stagnation in gallbladder, relieves spasm of the colon and small intestine, increases urine filtration in the kidneys, strengthens capillary walls, improves blood circulation and much more.

Hazel (hazelnut, hazel)- a magical plant, conductor and energy converter. A magic wand is made from it, since hazel conducts well and transforms human energy into more subtle energy. Using this wand, you can apply information to plants, stones, and water. All objects have their own energy and resist the introduction of foreign energy. That's why in magical rituals hazel is used as a conductor of human will. Information passing through the hazel tree is perceived as native, and objects do not resist the introduction of such information. When preparing a love potion, it is stirred with a hazel stick.

Hazel is a universal remedy; it is used in both positive and negative magic. In magical rituals, hazel is used both to restore the genitourinary tract and to destroy it. With the help of hazel you can cure infertility. If a program of aggression is applied to a hazel tree, then the program of aggression will go to the buds. A person will turn into a tyrant, a despot with all the ensuing consequences both for him and for his entire family. With the help of hazel, you can create conditions for the emergence of a family curse program.

Hazel is drunk as a diuretic tea, as a tonic for nervous diseases, urinary incontinence, general and sexual weakness, inflammation of the prostate gland, urolithiasis, anemia, disease lymph nodes, liver. During the flowering period of the hazel tree (April-May), you can collect pollen from its inflorescences. This is a male protein, a strong biostimulant. Place a plastic bag on the branch and shake it. Arriving home, hazel pollen is added to honey. Hazel is one of the the best plants for the treatment of impotence, prostatitis and atherosclerosis.

Calamus common- it is called angel grass, Tatar potion, cinquefoil. Increases the tone of the depressed nervous system. Improves digestion. Treats stomach ulcers. Increases body tone, rejuvenates, gives vigor. Even the most annoying heartburn will stop if you take calamus root powder on the tip of a knife several times a day. If you take a solution of powder (0.5 tbsp per glass of water) every morning, you will be cheerful and cheerful all day long. Calamus root can be chewed to improve memory, increase sexual function (for impotence), for heartburn, toothache, and to strengthen teeth and gums. With the help of calamus you can quit smoking once and for all!

In magic, calamus is used as a love spell. The root is charmed and added to cream, cookies, liqueur, and meat and fish dishes.

Juniper - protects the house, protects from damage and other magical attacks, drives away evil spirits. It is good to plant juniper at the gate of the house or under the windows. Fumigate a house and a sick person with a juniper branch (to cleanse the energy). Daily fumigation speeds up recovery. Juniper has strong phytoncidal properties. It has long been noticed that in the places where it grows, the air is cleaner; exhausted, sick animals go there, and by eating the fruits, they restore their strength. IN North America To treat tuberculosis of the skin, bones and joints, the Indians placed patients in juniper thickets, where the air was thickly saturated with healing volatile oils. Virgil wrote that during severe epidemics it is necessary to fumigate the premises with juniper branches.

IN medicinal purposes Juniper berries are used as a strong diuretic and choleretic, disinfectant urinary tract means. They are recommended for kidney and liver diseases, cystitis, gout, rheumatism, to improve the quality of blood, cleanse the body of toxins, and stomach ulcers. Chewing berries disinfects bile ducts. Berry infusion is used for swelling cardiac origin, while not only water is removed from the body, but also extra salt. A decoction of pine needles normalizes blood circulation, improves metabolic processes, and calms the central nervous system, especially after wiping the entire body with it or taking baths.

Sage is an ingredient in many potions. Returns strength and joy to a person who has experienced a magical attack.

For medicinal purposes, sage infusion strengthens the nervous system, improves metabolism, and normalizes sexual function, relieves hand tremors. It is used for paralysis bad memory as a general tonic and vasodilator. To treat radiculitis and polyarthritis, aromatic baths with sage are used. An infusion of the herb is drunk to treat swelling and treat urinary incontinence. The decoction cleanses the stomach, has a good effect on the kidneys and liver, and enhances the activity of the glands. internal secretion. Wash your hair with the decoction to strengthen your hair.

Thistle (thistle, tartar)- one of the most strong means to expel unclean spirits from the house. If you keep thistle in the house, it helps against the evil eye and damage. Protects against poltergeists (expels them). Gives peace to those grieving for close relatives who have passed into the afterlife. Placed at the head of the bed, it protects against nightmares. If you keep thistle near the bed, the husband will stop walking or will completely leave the house for his mistress (a good turnaround remedy if the wife dreams of freeing herself from her walking husband).

For medicinal purposes, an infusion of thistle flower baskets is used for seizures, epilepsy, insomnia, and to normalize heart rate and increased pressure. A decoction of the herb perfectly regulates the activity of the central nervous system; in small doses it excites, and in large doses it calms. The decoction is used as a bath for children against fear and the evil eye. A decoction of the roots is drunk for intestinal, renal, and hepatic colitis, to remove fluid from the body during edema of various origins.

Sleep-herb - helps to see prophetic dreams. The flower is dried and placed under or near the pillow. Included in drugs that relieve insomnia.

Periwinkle - helps preserve love in the family, makes marriage strong. This is a Venus plant. Periwinkle should be planted near the porch or near the gate. A decoction of periwinkle leaves is used as a powerful love spell. For medicinal purposes, an infusion of periwinkle leaves is drunk as a means to improve memory and cerebral circulation(cleanses brain vessels). Useful for hypertensive patients and after a stroke.

Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb)- helps against damage. Calms the brownie. Expels a poltergeist (when a violent spirit makes noise at night, falls on sleepy household members and strangles them).

For medicinal purposes, an infusion of the herb is drunk when poor digestion, kidney ailments, as a blood purifier and stomach strengthener. Thyme tea is drunk as a sedative for insomnia, stress mental work, nervous system disorders, headaches, alcoholism, bedwetting.

Cypress is a strong protective agent against the evil eye. For many peoples, cypress is a tree of sadness, sadness, and death. It owes its popularity not only to its exotic appearance, but also to its fragrant wood, from which rosaries, icons, crosses, crucifixes, and icon boards have long been made. Various amulets are still made from it. IN Ancient Rome cypress was planted simultaneously with the birth of a child, especially girls.

Wormwood - wards off evil spirits, protects the home if the sprig is hung above the front door or placed in a vase. Wormwood is used to fumigate a home or a sick household member, since wormwood perfectly neutralizes negative energy. A decoction of wormwood is added to the water used to wash the floor to destroy harmful microbes in room.

For medicinal purposes, a decoction of wormwood expands blood vessels, lowers blood pressure, reduces swelling. An infusion of wormwood is drunk for insomnia, seizures, diabetes, obesity, and rheumatism.

Pansies- good against the evil eye. Planted in the garden, they protect the house from magic.

Cornflower is a magical plant. Used in ritual magic to communicate with the afterlife (placed on the altar). As a component, it is included in the black potion for inducing magic. Helps in communicating with spirits and evil spirits.

For medicinal purposes, cornflower infusion works well on cardiovascular system, relieves heart palpitations, calms the nervous system (for nervous diseases), useful in treatment night blindness(impaired twilight vision). Children with diathesis and eczema are bathed in cornflower decoction.

Aspen is a magical tree that takes energy. According to folk legends, vampires are killed with an aspen stake. An aspen cross is placed on the graves of sorcerers and witches. If the spirit of a deceased relative disturbs him at night, an aspen stake or cross is stuck into his grave. Aspen is used in the magic of sacrifice and negative magic.

Sweet clover - helps even from severe damage. This is a poison, so sweet clover decoction is drunk carefully, in small doses. Sweet clover is also used to fumigate a spoiled person. An infusion of clover is drunk for inflammation of the respiratory system, chronic bronchitis, hypertension, heart attack, flatulence, menstruation disorder, menopause, pain in bladder and kidneys. As a narcotic and sedative, it is used for neurasthenia, insomnia, headaches, and increased excitability of the nervous system.

Garlic - used to make amulets (flower or clove). According to legends, garlic protects against vampires, werewolves and other evil spirits. Since garlic activates the first chakra, it strengthens a person’s etheric field, so it is used as protection against the evil eye and in protection magic in general. It is useful to place a clove of garlic near the computer if you have to work a lot (garlic helps to even out imbalances in energy). Garlic juice is effective for quick cleansing body. It stimulates the secretion of gastric juice, improves intestinal motility and urination, cleanses the lungs and bronchi from mucus accumulation, and promotes the release of poisons through the pores of the skin. Garlic juice removes warts and various spots on the skin and strengthens hair. It is enough to chew a clove of garlic for a few minutes to completely cleanse your mouth of all bacteria. To eliminate the smell of garlic, a simple method is to chew some fresh parsley, as the chlorophyll of this herb replaces the most expensive deodorant and is a natural mouth rinse.

Weeping grass - expels unclean spirits from the house.

Rupture-grass - according to legend, helps against the evil eye and damage. It was used to make amulets and find treasures. This herb was used to remove the protective spell.

I predict the future using rotten rats, warm dragon droppings and human entrails, in the presence of the customer. I can also brew a love potion or elixir of youth with an eighty percent guarantee. Twenty - on death

Dream-grass (Pulsatilla or Anemone patens), many L. rast. family Ranunculaceae, large purple flowers, in early spring in dry places.

The common grass is popularly called “touchy-feely”, “gross-growing”, “don’t touch me”. It is common in oak and beech forests, in all damp places - near streams, rivers, and blooms in large numbers in the middle of summer. yellow flowers with red specks. Among the rare and endangered plants of the Karmalyukova Gora reserve there is a gap-grass.

Weeping grass, loosestrife, perennial herbaceous plant from the genus Lorenzo.

now about the sequence In folk medicine, they are used for metabolic disorders, including scrofula, rickets, diabetes mellitus, osteochondrosis, as well as for rheumatism, radiculitis, gout, bronchitis, poor digestion, traumatic edema, bone fractures, concussion, ulcer duodenum, acute pain. At skin diseases(eczema, wounds, ulcers, pimples) use a decoction of the herb internally and externally. Sometimes the decoction is used to soften the skin and remove acne.
Among the magical properties, I think it is worth pointing out that they are used to wean a husband from “walking to the left” and so that horses do not pass.
If you are interested in something more specific, please contact us.

I predict the future using rotten rats, warm dragon droppings and human entrails, in the presence of the customer. I can also brew a love potion or elixir of youth with an eighty percent guarantee. Twenty - fatal

Elderberry (Sambucus canadensis)

Common Name: Devil's Eye, Maiden Sambuca, Trumpet Tree, Sweet Elder, Tree of Destiny, Old Lady
Aura: cold
Planet: Venus
Deities: Venus
Plant parts used: leaves, berries, flowers
Magical powers: exorcism, protection, healing, prosperity, sleep, purification, love, magic
Ritual Use: Elder was used in burial rites in Britain when buried in burial mounds. Thanks to its white flowers, the elderberry is considered a symbol of many Mother Goddess statues. There was a belief that witches and spirits lived inside the elderberry. Therefore, when it is chopped, red juice flows from it - it “bleeds”. Before cutting it down, read the following spell:
“Mistress Elderberry, Give me your wood. I’ll give you mine, When I become a tree myself.”
These words are said while kneeling in front of the tree before cutting begins, to give the witches and spirits time to leave the tree.
Magical uses: If you wear elderberry, no one will ever attack you. Elderberry, hung over doors and windows, drives out evil spirits from the house. She also has the power to force evil sorcerers to neutralize any magic they may have cast on you. If you carry elderberries with you, evil forces will leave you alone. If you burn elderberry in the hearth of your home, death will soon come to your house. If you plant an elderberry in the yard of a house, that house will prosper. If you place elderberry branches around the house (one branch in each room), this will protect the house from thieves. Elderberry growing near the house protects against the destructive effects of witchcraft and lightning.
To bless a person, place or thing, throw leaves and berries to the four winds in the name of the person or thing you want to bless. Then sprinkle elderberry on the person or object itself.
Elder branches were used to protect a woman in labor and her newborn; some washed the place where the deceased lay with elderberry infusion. Elderberry promotes healing from various ailments, prosperity in life, preservation of marital fidelity and simply peaceful and restful sleep.
To get rid of a fever, rake the ground in complete silence with an elderberry branch.
Dental the pain will go away, if you chew an elderberry twig and then stick it into a crack in the wall (you can throw it over the fence) with the words: Go away, evil spirit! In the old days it was believed that toothache- the machinations of evil spirits.
To protect yourself from rheumatism, tie three or four knots on an elderberry branch and carry it in your pocket.
Warts will disappear if you rub them with a green elderberry branch and then bury them in the dirt.
Elderberry growing near the house ensures its prosperity, and elderberry sticks placed in the house protect against burglars and snakes.
Elderberry is used at weddings as it brings happiness to the newlyweds, and pregnant women kiss the branches of the tree to unborn child was lucky.
If you have trouble falling asleep, place elderberries under your pillow. Your sleep will be sound.
If you carry elderberries with you, they will keep you from adultery. Photo Elderberry Sambucus Ebulus
Make a flute out of elderberry and call upon the spirits with music. It is best to do this at night in a remote place, away from people.
Many people believe that burning an elderberry tree is dangerous, especially since gypsies always prohibit the use of elderberry for fire. However, magicians have used elderberry wood for centuries to make wands.

Elderberry has a very strong magical effect and is very actively used by magicians of all countries. Elderberry was quite often used as a talisman, giving very strong energy protection from evil forces.
They made an elderberry amulet like this: they took a small twig a few centimeters in size from the middle of the elderberry crown and carried it with them in their right breast pocket - this action will protect you from various evil spirits and simply evil forces.
They also made another amulet: they took a small white linen bag and put 12 elderberries in it, and put it in the bed next to the head, under the pillow. If you tie such a bag and hang it around your neck, then the amulet will continue to scare away various ghosts, spirits, other evil spirits and undead from you, and will keep you safe. But at night you need to remove the bag and put it back under the pillow.
If it happens to you that you simply feel an encroachment on your life in the form of various evil spells, then you can get rid of them by calling on elderberry for help. To do this, you need to ask permission from the tree to pick one branch, ask for forgiveness for such rudeness, and only after that take 3 elderberry branches. One of the 3 branches must be chewed for 3 minutes, then spat out over the threshold. You should always carry the second branch with you; you can simply hang it around your neck. The third branch must be placed in the bed, and preferably under the mattress at the head of the head. You can also attach elderberry sprigs above the windows and leave a few by the front door, in the corner closest to it.
But you should remember that elderberry not only protects from evil forces, evil spirits live in it, so you need to be more careful with it.
It is believed that this is why the elderberry “bleeds” if its branches are cut. And before cutting it down, they read the following spell:
Mrs. Elderberry, give me some of your wood. I'll give you mine when I become a tree myself.

Ancient Russian herbalists recommended making amulets from elderberry branches. The soft core was hollowed out, and the resulting void was filled with powder from wolf eyes, lizard tongues, hearts of dogs and swallows. If at the same time the cane is covered with iron knobs at both ends, then devilry won't even come close to you.

Sentences were turned to the elderberry in girls' fortune telling about marriage. It was believed that on Kupala night one could see one’s betrothed in an elderberry bush.
If you collect elderberry leaves on the last day of April and apply them to wounds, the wounds will not become inflamed.
To cure epilepsy, cut a piece of elderberry branch between two "joints" where you have never fallen Sunbeam, and hang it around the patient’s neck.

In all Northern European countries this tree is revered as a great magical power. Rune masters usually associate the runes of the human world with elderberry - Fehu and Odal. New elder branches easily grow to replace broken old ones, and any branch that ends up on the ground can take root. Tea is brewed from elderberry flowers “to purify the blood”; a soothing infusion is obtained from the bark; but the fumes emanating from this plant are considered pathogenic and even fatal for those who linger under its shade(I don’t even recommend trying it. You start feeling nauseous after just 5 minutes of standing next to it). According to the Elder Edda, the goddess Freya chose the black elderberry as her home. Popular beliefs They warn not to burn elderberry wood in the house, as this brings inevitable misfortune. In the Middle Ages, the elderberry was considered a witch tree, the twigs of which were used by witches for night flights. Elderberry is the darkness of the Lower World. It provides the opportunity for active aggressive defense, and therefore in Northern Europe it is believed that when an elderberry grows at the gate of a house, it is good, but bringing it into the house is not worth it. And therefore you should think seriously before breaking an elderberry branch and carving runes on it.

In Europe, this plant symbolizes witchcraft, magic and the power of spirits. A sprig of elderberry was worn on Walpurgis Night.
Elderberry symbolizes diligence. Sorcerers and magicians believe that this plant prolongs life and gives the ability to guess the future. If you constantly carry a sprig of elderberry with you, it will serve as a talisman against harmful forces. Given the dual nature of any magical plant, sometimes in predictions elderberry marks the arrival of misfortune.

And from me about the medicinal properties.

Collection time - flowers are collected during full bloom; fruits in August-September; bark in the spring before sap flow begins.
Flowers have: diaphoretic, antipyretic, diuretic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and soothing effects.
Leaves: blood purifying properties.
Bark: strong laxative, diuretic (selective, does not affect the heart and does not change blood pressure).
Ingredients: flowers contain bitter glucoside, sambunigrin, rutin, choline, malic, valeric, acetic, chlorogenic, caffeic acids, ethyl-, isobutyl- and isoamylamines, vitamin C, essential oil. Leaves - sambunigrin, hexene and glycolic aldehydes (!), carotene, vitamin C, essential oil. Berries - vitamin C, carotene, anthocyanin substances - cyanidin glucoside chlorides, tannins, carboxylic acids and amino acids.
As an external remedy, you can use sandalwood essential oil, which is applied to pre-steamed (moderately) hot water with soda) the surface of the nail or skin. On the nail - without diluting, on the skin - mix three or four drops with any moisturizer (to avoid allergies). As the nail grows, remove damaged areas.

Already tested on two men. The result is 100%.

But it's better not to get sick at all

If you are in doubt about the road, take a travel companion; if you are sure, go alone.

The Elderberry plant is a shrub or small tree that belongs to the honeysuckle family. The maximum height is 10 meters. It grows mainly in Russia and the Baltic countries, loves both sunny places and shade. Black elderberry has medicinal properties. And in this article we will tell you about all the advantages of this plant.

What is elderberry?

This plant has a gray trunk and branches, green unpaired leaves, small flowers with a strong aroma. The flowering period is May-June, and by September the black and purple berries ripen.

For medicinal purposes, elderberry inflorescences and fruits are used, which are dried in special ovens. Occasionally, the bark of a plant or branch is collected. Flowers are collected in dry sunny weather, in the afternoon, and dried at a temperature of no more than 35 degrees. The collection and preparation of berries is carried out under similar conditions.

Dried flowers can be stored for no more than 3 years, and berries only for six months.

Elderberry plant in magic

Ancestors often called the elder tree the tree in which “angels live.” This plant was attributed magical properties, it served as protection for the house, driving away trouble and misfortune from it.

The presence of elderberry near the witch's house was especially important. In this case, the tree cannot be dug up in the forest and brought to the house, only cut off the branches and planted. But that’s why it existed special rite with conspiracies. Moreover, this could only be done at a certain time.

You can’t even bring cuttings into the house, only plant them outside. When the time comes to trim the overgrown tree, you need to take an ax, grease the blade with lard and consecrate it in church on Easter.

Thanks to this complex ritual, a person received magically strong talisman for his home, which charged him with well-being for the next years.

Healing and dangerous properties of elderberry

Many beneficial properties are attributed to this plant:

  • reduces body temperature;
  • expels sweat;
  • diuretic;
  • relieves inflammation and pain;
  • allows you to cough;
  • has a sedative effect.

Plant danger

Red elderberries Absolutely forbidden to eat. Even if a person touches them, they must immediately wash their hands with soap, and if they come into contact with mucous membranes, they must immediately contact a specialist.

Black elderberry is dangerous in the following cases:

  • during pregnancy;
  • diabetes;
  • Crohn's disease;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including chronic ones.

It is almost impossible to distinguish black elderberry from red elderberry, so you must be extremely careful when collecting. If you are not sure that what you have found is a bush with black berries, it is better not to touch it. Otherwise, instead of benefit, you can get the most complex poisoning.

Traditional medicine recipes

Elderberry flowers are included in diaphoretic and laxative preparations. Young leaves are boiled in water with the addition of honey and used as a laxative for prolonged and severe constipation.

  1. The leaves are used to make lotions for rheumatism and gout, applied to problem joints. Elderberry flowers are mixed in equal quantities with chamomile herb, folded into a gauze bag and doused with boiling water.
  2. In the treatment of dropsy, kidney diseases and urinary system The roots of young elderberry are brewed - 0.5 liters of boiling water yields 68 grams of dry composition. The mixture simmers in the oven for up to 6 hours.
  3. To relieve the pain of rheumatism, you can take baths; for this, 100 grams of collected roots and branches must be poured with 5 liters of boiling water and left to cool. This decoction is added to bath water.
  4. You can prepare an infusion that is used as a laxative or for colds. Both fresh and dried berries are used. A tablespoon of dried collection is brewed in a glass of water, the container is covered and left for half an hour to infuse. Take a decoction of ¼ cup up to 4 times a day before meals. It is better to dilute it with honey.
  5. For stones and sand in the kidneys, a decoction of 20 grams of flowers per glass of boiling water helps. It is brought to readiness within a quarter of an hour in a water bath. A warm decoction with honey is drunk before meals, 1/3 cup.
  6. For sore throats and colds, an infusion of flowers, which contains 2 tablespoons of dried inflorescences, can be a great help. Drink the infusion hot, 50 ml three times a day, after which you need to lie down under a warm blanket. You can use it only at night, half a glass. The effect will also be positive.
  7. An excellent remedy is obtained from elderberry flowers. Flowers are placed in a liter container and poured sugar syrup– 450 g of sugar per 500 ml of water. The product is infused for 2 days and filtered. This produces elderberry honey, which is used for influenza, colds, and sore throats. Can be used during the season to prevent colds and viral diseases.

Elderberry helps to improve the health of the body, helps maintain its youth and beauty. Very beneficial influence affects the condition of the intestines, which is very important for normal human life.

We wish you excellent health and good mood!))

Common name: devil's eye, maiden sambuco, trumpet tree, sweet elderberry, tree of fate, old lady
Aura: cold
Planet: Venus
Deities: Venus
Plant parts used: leaves, berries, flowers

Magic powers: exorcism, protection, healing, prosperity, sleep, cleansing, love, magic

Ritual use: Elderberry was used in funeral rites in Britain when buried in burial mounds. Thanks to its white flowers, the elderberry is considered a symbol of many Mother Goddess statues. There was a belief that witches and spirits lived inside the elderberry. Therefore, when it is chopped, red juice flows from it - it “bleeds”. Before cutting it down, read the following spell:
“Mistress Elderberry, Give me your wood. I’ll give you mine, When I become a tree myself.”
These words are said while kneeling in front of the tree before cutting begins, to give the witches and spirits time to leave the tree.

Magical uses: If you wear elderberry, no one will ever attack you. Elderberry, hung over doors and windows, drives out evil spirits from the house.

She also has the power to force evil sorcerers to neutralize any magic they may have cast on you.

If you carry elderberries with you, evil forces will leave you alone.

If you burn elderberry in the hearth of your home, death will soon come to your house.

If you plant an elderberry in the yard of a house, that house will prosper.

If you place elderberry branches around the house (one branch in each room), this will protect the house from thieves.

Elderberry growing near the house protects against the destructive effects of witchcraft and lightning.

To bless a person, place or thing, throw leaves and berries to the four winds in the name of the person or thing you want to bless. Then sprinkle elderberry on the person or object itself.

Elder branches were used to protect a woman in labor and her newborn; some washed the place where the deceased lay with elderberry infusion. Elderberry promotes healing from various ailments, prosperity in life, preservation of marital fidelity and simply peaceful and restful sleep.

To get rid of a fever, rake the ground in complete silence with an elderberry branch.
Toothache will go away if you chew an elderberry sprig and then stick it into a crack in the wall (you can throw it over the fence) with the words: Go away, evil spirit! In the old days, it was believed that toothache was the work of evil spirits.

To protect yourself from rheumatism, tie three or four knots on an elderberry branch and carry it in your pocket.

Warts will disappear if you rub them with a green elderberry branch and then bury them in the dirt.
Elderberry growing near the house ensures its prosperity, and elderberry sticks placed in the house protect against burglars and snakes.

Elderberry is used at weddings as it brings happiness to the newlyweds, and pregnant women kiss the branches of the tree to ensure good luck for their unborn child.

If you have trouble falling asleep, place elderberries under your pillow. Your sleep will be sound.
If you carry elderberries with you, they will keep you from adultery.
Make a flute out of elderberry and call upon the spirits with music. It is best to do this at night in a remote place, away from people.

Many people believe that burning an elderberry tree is dangerous, especially since gypsies always prohibit the use of elderberry for fire. However, magicians have used elderberry wood for centuries to make wands.

Elderberry has a very strong magical effect and is very actively used by magicians of all countries. Elderberry was quite often used as a talisman, providing very strong energetic protection against evil forces.

They made an elderberry amulet like this: they took a small twig a few centimeters in size from the middle of the elderberry crown and carried it with them in their right breast pocket - this action will protect you from various evil spirits and simply evil forces.

They also made another amulet: they took a small white linen bag and put 12 elderberries in it, and put it in the bed next to the head, under the pillow. If you tie such a bag and hang it around your neck, then the amulet will continue to scare away various ghosts, spirits, other evil spirits and undead from you, and will keep you safe. But at night you need to remove the bag and put it back under the pillow.

If it happens to you that you simply feel an encroachment on your life in the form of various evil spells, then you can get rid of them by calling on elderberry for help. To do this, you need to ask permission from the tree to pick one branch, ask for forgiveness for such rudeness, and only after that take 3 elderberry branches. One of the 3 branches must be chewed for 3 minutes, then spat out over the threshold. You should always carry the second branch with you; you can simply hang it around your neck. The third branch must be placed in the bed, and preferably under the mattress at the head of the head. You can also attach elderberry sprigs above the windows and leave a few by the front door, in the corner closest to it.

But you should remember that elderberry not only protects from evil forces, evil spirits live in it, so you need to be more careful with it.

It is believed that this is why the elderberry “bleeds” if its branches are cut. And before cutting it down, they read the following spell: “Mistress Elderberry, give me your wood. I will give you mine when I become a tree myself.”

Ancient Russian herbalists recommended making amulets from elderberry branches. The soft core was hollowed out, and the resulting void was filled with powder from wolf eyes, lizard tongues, hearts of dogs and swallows. If you close the cane at both ends with iron knobs, then the evil spirits will not even come close to you.

Sentences were turned to the elderberry in girls' fortune telling about marriage. It was believed that on Kupala night one could see one’s betrothed in an elderberry bush.

With the help of elderberry one could make it rain.

If a man puts three elderberries in his trouser pocket, this will protect him from adultery.
If you beat a boy with an elder stick, he will stop growing.

If you collect elderberry leaves on the last day of April and apply them to wounds, the wounds will not become inflamed.

To cure epilepsy, cut a piece of elderberry branch between two "joints" where the sun's ray has never fallen, and hang it around the patient's neck.

In all Northern European countries, this tree is revered for its great magical powers. Rune masters usually associate the runes of the human world with elderberry - Fehu and Odal. New elder branches easily grow to replace broken old ones, and any branch that ends up on the ground can take root. Tea is brewed from elderberry flowers “to purify the blood”; a soothing infusion is obtained from the bark, but the fumes emanating from this plant are considered pathogenic and even fatal for those who linger under its shade. According to the Elder Edda, the goddess Freya chose the black elderberry as her home. Popular beliefs warn against burning elderberry wood in the house, as this brings inevitable misfortune. In the Middle Ages, the elderberry was considered a witch tree, the twigs of which were used by witches for night flights. Elderberry is the darkness of the Lower World. It provides the opportunity for active aggressive defense, and therefore in Northern Europe it is believed that when an elderberry grows at the gate of a house, it is good, but bringing it into the house is not worth it. And therefore you should think seriously before breaking an elderberry branch and carving runes on it.

In Europe, this plant symbolizes witchcraft, magic and the power of spirits. A sprig of elderberry was worn on Walpurgis Night.

Elderberry symbolizes diligence. Sorcerers and magicians believe that this plant prolongs life and gives the ability to guess the future. If you constantly carry a sprig of elderberry with you, it will serve as a talisman against harmful forces. Given the dual nature of any magical plant, sometimes in predictions elderberry marks the arrival of misfortune.