Elderberry plant: properties, use in everyday life and magic. Medicinal and magical properties of some plants

Beneficial features elderberries have found use in folk medicine, but there are also many beliefs associated with this plant, often quite gloomy. The common people called this tree the eye of the devil. Despite the gloomy name, it was used for protection and healing.

Elderberry is a tree associated with the mystery of death and birth. It is used in the practice of communicating with the spirits of the departed, awaiting new life.

In the Middle Ages, people believed that elderberry twigs were used by witches for their night flights and to inflict nightmares.

In magic, this plant is endowed with the properties of aggressive protection. Therefore, it is recommended to plant elderberries closer to the gates of the house in order to block the path for ill-wishers. If an elderberry planted on a site does not take root, this may indicate that this place has negative energy and is capable of taking from a person vitality and health. Accordingly, if elderberry is already growing on the plot that you just want to buy, this good sign. It is believed that this tree encourages responsible behavior, diligence and work, so it will reward the person who takes proper care of it.

There is an ominous belief that if you burn any part of this tree at home, it will definitely lead to trouble. The gypsies were completely forbidden to use its wood for fires. If someone from the camp accidentally burned elderberry, he would face severe punishment, including expulsion.

In the old days, people believed that elder trees harbored evil spirits. When chopping, a red liquid oozes out of it. It was believed that she was bleeding like that. They cut it down only when absolutely necessary, after casting a special spell beforehand and giving time for the spirits to leave the tree.

Elderberry branches were hung over the windows and entrance to the house to drive out evil spirits from it and protect oneself from witchcraft. They also carried the berries of this plant with them to protect against dark forces. Any part of the elderberry was used as a talisman against hooligans and robbers.

To avoid rheumatism, 3 knots were tied on a small elderberry branch and kept in a clothing pocket. A ritual for toothache is also known: a young twig of this green helper had to be chewed and placed in a crack in the wall, demanding that the evil spirit leave, since
Dental diseases were associated precisely with the machinations of spirits.

With the help of elderberry, warts are effectively removed. To do this, they are rubbed with the green shoot of the plant, which is then buried in the ground.

Elderberry in folk medicine

For coughs and colds

A tablespoon of dried elderberry leaves is poured into a glass hot water and boil in a water bath for about 15 minutes. After the broth is cooled, filtered and brought to 200 ml boiled water. You need to drink half a glass twice or thrice a day.

For skin abscesses and erysipelas

Fresh elderberries are kneaded into a paste and applied to the affected areas.

For kidney diseases

Take 4 tbsp per liter of boiling water. dried elderberry flowers. The drink is cooled naturally and then filtered. Take it a glass before bed.

For joint problems

Before taking a bath, you need to throw a little elderberry bark or a couple of small twigs into it.

General strengthening agent

Tablespoon dried fruits elderberry is poured with half a liter of warm boiled water. Infuses for 12 hours. Add a couple of tablespoons of honey to the resulting infusion and drink it slightly warmed three times a day.


The main thing to remember before using elderberry is that its fresh fruits are poisonous and can cause severe poisoning. For preparing various dosage forms Only dried berries are used.

Decoctions, infusions and tinctures of elderberry do not combine well with drugs that lower blood sugar and diuretics.

In magic, elderberry (other names - old lady, maiden sambuca, tree of fate, eye of the devil) is assigned such magical powers as protection, deep sleep, healing, love and exorcism. Esotericists collect berries, inflorescences, leaf parts of the plant and make all kinds of amulets and love spells from them. But elderberry is famous not only for its witchcraft abilities, but also for its strong healing qualities, which allows it to be actively used by traditional healers in alternative medicine.

Magic properties

Even in ancient times, sorcerers knew about the miraculous abilities of the elderberry. Usually, magicians use the plant to drive out evil spirits from the house, for which they hang a bunch of grass over the windows and entrance doors. Elderberry has the incredible property of neutralizing evil witchcraft. With its help, you can invite death into the house if you burn grass in the hearth or, conversely, attract prosperity by planting bushes in the yard.

To protect the house from thieves, sorcerers advise placing a sprig of elderberry in each room. Magic plant - strong amulet for pregnant women and babies, and is also a healing remedy for many ailments. Plus, elderberry is a love plant that helps maintain marital fidelity, a strong marriage and long-lasting love between spouses, and if you use the herb at weddings, the life of the newlyweds will be filled with happiness and optimism. The eye of the devil helps with insomnia; just put red elderberry berries under your pillow and you will sleep soundly until the morning.

Healing properties

The plant is an excellent mucolytic, which allows it to be used in folk medicine.

Traditional healers identified a considerable number useful qualities elderberry for human body. And it has the following positive effect:

  • normalizes body temperature;
  • enhances urine excretion;
  • relieves pain discomfort;
  • eliminates the inflammatory focus;
  • has a diaphoretic, coughing and sedative effect.

to his therapeutic effect virgin sambuca has a rich composition, which includes the following components:

  • tannins;
  • choline;
  • organic acids;
  • carotene;
  • essential oils;
  • ascorbic acid;
  • B vitamins;
  • alkaloids.

The leaf part of elderberry has a laxative effect and helps strengthen the body as a whole. If you steam the leaves unique plant, you will be able to get rid of diaper rash, burns, furunculosis and external inflammation. The bark of the tree of fate also has benefits, for example, a decoction prepared from it speeds up the treatment of skin and liver pathologies, and by taking a bath with it, you can quickly recover from rheumatism and arthritis.

Who will it harm?

A pregnant woman is contraindicated from using this plant for treatment.

Despite the enormous benefits of elderberry, not everyone is allowed to use it. Yes, magically medicinal plant Contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women. Berries should not be used for diabetes mellitus, Crohn's disease, pathologies digestive system. The plant is considered dangerous and therefore, after touching it, you should immediately wash your hands with soap, and if it gets on the mucous membranes, immediately consult a doctor.

How is it used?

Folk recipes

A common method is to prepare a solution through which you can relieve inflammation from skin and mucous membranes. You will need 20 g each of tree of fate, mallow and salvia. Natural ingredients mix and measure out 20 g of the mixture from the total mixture, pour a glass of boiling water, leave and filter.

To normalize stool when defecation is difficult, a healing infusion will help, which can be made according to the following recipe:

  1. Take 10 g of dried elderberries.
  2. Pour 250 ml of boiled, cooled water.
  3. Leave for 120 minutes.
  4. Pass through gauze folded in several layers.
  5. Consume 150-200 ml daily.

A decoction prepared from the flowers of this plant helps with the presence of kidney stones.

To cleanse the kidneys of stones and sand, healers suggest using a decoction made from 20 g of elderberry flowers and a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to boil it in a water bath for 25 minutes. Take 75 ml with honey before the main meal. In addition, elderberry - excellent remedy for colds and sore throats. Traditional healers recommend drinking an infusion made from 2 tablespoons of dried inflorescences, which must be infused in a glass of boiling water. Take the medicine 50 ml three times a day.

Each time after taking the infusion, the patient is strongly recommended to lie down in a warm bed.

Elderberry.Sambucus nigra. Sambucus racemosa. Family: Honeysuckle. Botanical name: Sambucus nigra L. Pharmacy: herbaceous elderberry root - Ebuli Radix (Radix Ebuli) Generic name: Sambucus - presumably from the name of an Iranian musical three-stringed instrument, which was made from elderberry wood and was called "sambucus". Folk names: In the common people, elderberry had quite a few names: devil's eye, maiden sambuca, trumpet tree, sweet elderberry, tree of fate, old lady, stinking elderberry, wild elderberry, buchkan, squeaker, elderberry. Planet:- Uranus, Saturn. Mars. Moon. (Venus for Sambucus canadersis, according to Cunningham) - Zodiac sign:- Taurus (for black), Aries (for stinking elderberry - Sambusus ebulus) Element: - Water Language of flowers: - Compassion, kindness, humility, loyalty. Sometimes misfortune (perhaps we're talking about about black elderberry). Basic properties: - cleansing, love, exorcism Description:Black elderberry – Sambucus nigra Shrub 3-7 m in height, with light bark and loose core. The leaves are opposite, compound, with 5 serrate leaflets. The flowers are bisexual, small, yellowish, in large corymbose inflorescences. The fruits are spherical black drupes on long stalks and contain blood-black juice. Red elder – Sambucus racemosa Shrub 1.5 – 3 m in height. The leaves are compound, with 5 opposite ovate-lanceolate leaflets. The flowers are small, bisexual, with 5 greenish-yellow petals, in dense ovoid panicles. The fruits are drupes, small, shiny, red: juice is obtained from them. Places of growth: European part of the CIS (from the Gulf of Finland to the Don), Caucasus (including Transcaucasia and Ciscaucasia), middle Asia, European part of Russia. Elderberry grows in the undergrowth of coniferous and sometimes mixed forests, on their edges and in thickets of other shrubs or small trees. The main condition for the wide distribution of elderberry is fertility, moisture and richness of the soil. Parts used: Almost all parts of the plant are used: berries (various infusions, drinks, cocktails and medicinal solutions), leaves (decoctions, medicinal potions), roots (also medicinal potions), bark (shavings), but still elderberry flowers are most popular in medicine, cooking and magic. Collection and preparation Elderberry flowers are collected in the initial period of its flowering, when the corollas have not yet fallen off (June-July). Flowers and berries are collected on the waxing Moon, from sunrise to noon. Inflorescences or branches should never be cut off; it is better to cut the flowers with a knife or pruning shears. When collecting elderflowers, the most important thing is to send them to dry as quickly as possible, since they become damp and spoil very quickly. Dry the collected flowers in well-ventilated, shaded rooms or places. The dried flowers are then separated from other parts of the plant. The collected raw materials are also stored in well-ventilated, dark rooms, as they deteriorate very quickly from moisture. Dried finished elderberry raw materials are flowers or buds on small stalks or without them at all with a strong aroma and spicy taste. Medicine: Elderberry has many beneficial substances. Elderberry tea is used as a diaphoretic, antipyretic, mild expectorant, sedative, immunostimulating, diuretic and astringent for colds, chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis, gout, sciatica, constipation, rheumatism, kidney stone disease, pneumonia, flu and sore throat. Sometimes the flowers are also used for inhalants. An infusion of flowers is used for rinsing the mouth and throat, when the nasopharynx is inflamed, as well as for laryngitis and sore throat. Further, preparations from elderberry flowers are also used for some functional disorders liver, as well as a diuretic for kidney disease, most often in the presence of edema. Good results gives the use of elderberry flowers in the treatment of myositis, cystitis, polyarthritis, neuralgia and joint diseases, if the plant is used in the form of a poultice. Except internal use, elderberry is also popular for various burns, wounds, and boils. Usually, lotions or wet dressings are applied. The use of elderberry helps remove toxins and fluids from the body = helps effective reduction person's weight. Active substances: Elderberry is very rich in various useful substances. For example, fatty oil, hexonealdehyde and glycolaldehyde, vitamin C, glycoside, benzaldehyde, which promotes diaphoretic action, carotene, flavone glycoside rutin. The fruits contain fructose and glucose, organic acids, and tannins. The flowers also contain approximately 82 mg% ascorbic acid, a glycoside of sambunigrin, which breaks down into hydrocyanic acid. Elderberry contains acids such as chlorogenic, caffeic, valeric and malic; carboxylic acids and amino acids. Sambunigrin is secreted in unripe berries and leaves. The bark of elderberry branches contains essential oil, choline, sitosterol. Ethnoscience: In folk medicine, elderberry was used quite often, fortunately it useful plant grew in almost every yard. It is known that the flowers were used as a diaphoretic, laxative, and anti-inflammatory agent. The leaves and bark of the plant have a strong laxative and emetic effect. Infusion of flowers and alcohol tincture of these were also used as a diaphoretic for colds, headaches, bronchial asthma, diseases respiratory tract and rheumatism. The berry jelly was again taken as a rather strong laxative. A decoction of the flowers was used to gargle for sore throats, coughs, and simply inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. The external use of elderberry flowers and leaves was also popular, for example, for injuries, bruises, neuralgia, rheumatism, gout. The bark was used for eczema, bone fractures, dislocations, and wounds. Tea from the bark, flowers and fruits was taken for renal colic, rheumatism, dropsy, urethritis, edema and a variety of skin rashes. Elderwood shavings were even placed in the mouths of women in labor to induce vomiting and uterine contractions to speed up labor. Also, for some diseases, in folk medicine people went to the elderberry and tried to “give” their illnesses to it. In addition, water was poured under the elderberry in the hope that the child washed in this bath would recover, and the disease would take away the spirit living under the elderberry. Also, elderberry branches were used as a filter - and only then they drank regular water. Be careful! Doses of elderberry must be safe and not exceed the norm, or you risk getting an overdose, which will lead to a variety of, but unpleasant, consequences! Conclusion and recommendations for use: The elderberry plant is most effective when used for various colds or flu, when all you need to do is drink a few cups of elderberry tea and you will feel much better. Elderberry is a very useful plant! Of course, it has some of its own, personal distinctive qualities, accordingly, what it can cure is of a purely personal nature. That is, elderberry can cure specific diseases, protect against evil forces, improve your health, or simply bring joy from a delicious cocktail! But you need to be careful with the dosage - because elderberries contain a large number of acids, which are by no means harmless and can cause damage to your health if taken in the wrong, too large doses Magic: Elderberry has a very strong magical effect and is very actively used by magicians of all countries. Elderberry was quite often used as a talisman, giving very strong energy protection from evil forces. Elder branches were used to protect a woman in labor and her newborn; some washed the place where the deceased lay with elderberry infusion. Elderberry promotes healing from various ailments, prosperity in life, preservation of marital fidelity and simply peaceful and peaceful sleep. They made an elderberry amulet like this: they took a small twig a few centimeters in size from the middle of the elderberry crown and carried it with them in their right breast pocket - this action will protect you from various evil spirits and simply evil forces. They also made another amulet: they took a small white linen bag and put 12 elderberries in it, and put it in the bed next to the head, under the pillow. If you tie such a bag and hang it around your neck, then the amulet will continue to scare away various ghosts, spirits, other evil spirits and undead from you, and will keep you safe. But at night you need to remove the bag and put it back under the pillow. If it happens to you that you simply feel an encroachment on your life in the form of various evil spells, then you can get rid of them by calling on elderberry for help. To do this, you need to ask the tree for permission to pick one branch, ask for forgiveness for such rudeness... and only after that take 3 elderberry branches. One of the 3 branches must be chewed for 3 minutes, then spat out over the threshold. You should always carry the second branch with you; you can simply hang it around your neck. The third branch must be placed in the bed, and preferably under the mattress at the head of the head. You can also attach elderberry sprigs above the windows and leave a few by the front door, in the corner closest to it. If your teeth hurt, then you can take a sprig of elderberry and say, “Elderberry, drive out evil spirits, toothache take it away” - after that you need to chew the twig (no need to eat!) for at least 1 minute and throw it over the fence. But you should remember that elderberry not only protects from evil forces, evil spirits live in it, so you need to be more careful with it. It is believed that this is why the elderberry “bleeds” if its branches are cut. And before cutting it down, they recite the following spell: Lady Elderberry, give me your wood. I'll give you mine when I become a tree myself. Ancient Russian herbalists recommended making amulets from elderberry branches. The soft core was hollowed out, and the resulting void was filled with powder from wolf eyes, lizard tongues, hearts of dogs and swallows. If at the same time the cane is covered with iron knobs at both ends, then devilry won't even come close to you. Elderberries were used to make magic wands. And if you carve a flute from an elderberry twig, you can summon spirits with its music. Of course, this must be done away from people and at night. Sentences were turned to the elderberry in girls' fortune telling about marriage. It was believed that on Kupala night one could see one’s betrothed in an elderberry bush. And also, with the help of elderberry one could make it rain... Myths and legends: People have many beliefs and legends associated with elderberry. Beliefs and superstitions:

  • An elder tree is never struck by lightning
  • If you burn elderberry in your home, death will soon come to your home.
  • A rider who carries two small branches of elderberry in his pockets will never rub or bruise his horse's back, no matter how fast he gallops.
  • If you plant an elderberry in the yard of a house, that house will prosper
  • If you place elderberry branches around the house (one branch in each room), this will protect the house from thieves
  • If a man puts three elderberries in his trouser pocket, this will protect him from adultery
  • If you beat a boy with an elder stick, he will stop growing. (note to deans and prefects;))
  • If you collect elderberry leaves on the last day of April and apply them to wounds, the wounds will not become inflamed
  • To cure epilepsy, cut a piece of elderberry branch between two "joints" where you have never fallen Sunbeam, and hang it around the patient's neck
  • To remove a wart, rub it with a green elderberry branch and bury the branch to rot.
  • There is an elderberry in the garden, and a guy in Kyiv.
  • In the garden it will protect the garden, the house; under the bed will protect sleep.
  • Once, on Midsummer's Eve, local residents went to one place and feasted there, and then ritually cut down the witch tree (elderberry). Blood flowed from him, and the stone king nodded his head...
  • It was in Cyresham, Northamptonshire. One man cut a twig for his little beloved son, but was horrified to see blood oozing from the cut. After some time, it was noticed that a certain woman suspected of witchcraft had her hand bandaged... People even took this coincidence as proof that yes, she was indeed a witch...
  • There is even a legend that the cross on which Christ was crucified was made of elderberry, and also that it was on an elderberry that the traitor Judas hanged himself.
  • Even Britain has its own elderberry legend! And it consisted in the fact that if you fall asleep under an elderberry on Midsummer's Day, you can see the fairy king himself. They associated the elderberry itself with magical world- fairy, that is, a fairy tale.
Recipes, infusions, decoctions: Magic recipes Elderberry was very often added to healing potions, which had an excellent healing effect. For example, this decoction: 1 tbsp. l. boil elderflower flowers in 250 ml of water for 5 minutes, after cooling, filter the contents. They are used in a slightly warm state for repeated rinsing of the throat and mouth for diseases such as sore throat, cough and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Infusion: Take 2 tsp. dried elderberry flowers, add to 250 ml of boiling water and leave for 10-15 minutes. Also taken warm, 100 ml 2 times a day (you need to drink slowly, in small sips, with sufficient breaks). It is used as a diaphoretic for the following diseases: colds, headaches, bronchial asthma, rheumatism and respiratory diseases. For colds: You need to brew 1 tablespoon of dried elderberry flowers with 1 glass of boiling water, then leave for 20 minutes, and then strain. Take the infusion 1/4 cup (If together with honey, it will work much better) 3-4 times a day 15 minutes before meals. Option 2: Elder flowers, Linden blossom, chamomile flowers, mullein flowers, blackthorn flowers, willow bark - all ingredients should be the same amount. Brew a tablespoon of crushed ingredients with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, and then strain. The infusion should be drunk hot, 2-3 glasses daily. Option 3: Elderberry flowers, chamomile flowers - the same number of these plants. Brew a tablespoon of crushed ingredients with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, and then strain. The infusion should be drunk hot, 2-3 glasses daily. Option 4: Elderberry flowers, chamomile flowers, linden blossom, peppermint leaf - again the same amount. Brew a tablespoon of crushed ingredients with a glass of boiling water, leave for 15 minutes, and then strain. The infusion should be drunk hot, 2-3 glasses daily. Option 5: Elder flowers - 2 teaspoons, linden blossom - 2 teaspoons, willow bark - 3 teaspoons, peony flowers - 1 teaspoon, licorice root - 1 teaspoon, chamomile flowers - 1 tsp. Brew 2 tablespoons of crushed ingredients in 0.5 liters of boiling water, then leave for 15 minutes, and at the end, strain. Drink the infusion warm during the day or it will expire and the beneficial substances will evaporate. With tracheobronchitis, chronic bronchitis, cough: Elder flowers - 1 tsp, fenugreek seeds - 1 tsp, fennel fruits - 1 tsp, linden blossom - 2 tsp, tricolor violet herb - 2 tsp. A tablespoon of chopped herbs must be placed in a glass with cold water and leave for 2 hours. You only need to cook for a few minutes and strain after cooling. It is advisable to drink the decoction warm in several doses in one day. Elderberry tea: Pour 1-2 teaspoons of chopped rhizomes with cold water, then slowly bring to a boil and strain. Drink no more than 2 cups per day. Use in cooking: Elderberry is very common in cooking! Here are some recipes: Cocktail Strawberry with Elderberry: Ingredients: - strawberries - 600 g - grapefruit juice - 160 ml - strawberry syrup - 40 ml - 4 ice cubes - 100 g black elderberries - granulated sugar - 100 ml cream Method of preparation: This cocktail does not contain alcohol, and therefore can be drunk by anyone children. Take and wash 12 large strawberries. Cut off the leaves from the berries, use a spoon to make a paste out of the fruit a la puree, adding grapefruit juice, strawberry syrup and 3-4 ice cubes. Next, take 100 g of black elderberry, peel and prepare the berries for consumption and make the same puree, but with 2 tbsp. l. granulated sugar. Using a light spell, whip 100 ml of cream and mix it with the mass made from elderberry. You can first put strawberry puree in 4 glasses and then carefully add the elderflower cream. The cocktail is ready to drink! Champagne with Elderberry: Ingredients: - 3 elderberry branches - 1 lemon - 1/8 l vinegar - 500 g sugar. Method of preparation: Place three branches of elderberry in a large clean clay pot, then add lemon cut into even slices, add 1/8 liter of vinegar, sprinkle the resulting 500 g of sugar and at the very end close the lid. When the sugar dissolves, you need to add 5 liters of boiled water to the pot and stir the mixture. When 3 days have passed, the resulting liquid should be poured into clean bottles, sealed tightly with a cork and placed in a cool place. The champagne will be ready to drink in two weeks. Elderflower syrup: Ingredients: - approximately 50 clusters of elderflowers - 3 liters of water - 1.5 kg of sugar Method of preparation: Freshly picked elderflowers should be placed in a large pan filled with water for 1 day, after which the water will have strong smell elderberries. The contents must be strained and filtered through a cloth so that no small particles of the plant remain in the water. For canning, the solution is boiled together with sugar, which is added to the pan and the syrup is left until it boils. Immediately after this action, a very hot solution (carefully!) is poured into clean jars or bottles. The syrup can be stored, for example, in the refrigerator throughout the year. It must be placed there immediately after production. Elderberry lemonade: Ingredients: - 10 liters of water - 30 - 50 clusters of elderflowers - 1 kg of sugar - 3 lemons, cut into slices - Juice of 1 lemon Preparation: Place elderflowers together with lemon slices in an earthenware bowl, add water and leave for 24 hours. Next, you need to strain the solution and add sugar, then add lemon juice. After thoroughly mixing all the contents of the pan, we need to leave the mixture alone for 1 day. Due to the slight fermentation process that can and will occur in the solution, our lemonade becomes almost ready to drink. This drink should be bottled and stored in the basement or refrigerator. After about 1 month, carbon dioxide will form in the lemonade, and our drink, well chilled in the refrigerator, will be drunk like champagne, while it will tickle and tingle in your mouth.


ELDER(Sambucus) The generic name comes from Greek word"sambuca", which translates as "red paint" and is associated with the use of the fruits of the red elderberry species to paint canvas. According to another assumption, the name comes from the name of the Iranian musical instrument Sambuca, made from elderberry wood.

Although elderberry grows in many Ukrainian gardens and yards, the attitude towards this beautiful tree and shrub at any time - from bud break, flowering to fruiting - is ambivalent. Unlike Europe, where it was revered as a sacred tree that prolongs life and youth, among the Slavs it was considered a cursed tree .

According to beliefs, the elderberry has existed since the beginning of the creation of the world and is therefore associated with ancient events: the fall of Adam and Eve, the murder of Abel, the betrayal of Judas. In Ukraine, it was believed that he hanged himself on an elderberry tree, which is why its leaves emit a corpse-like smell. Other's Slavic peoples this role is attributed to aspen.

Elderberry is also spoken of in one of the Christian legends. There were no berries on it before. They appeared on it after, in order to achieve a renunciation of the faith of Christ, they hung the Great Martyr Varvara on an elder tree and, while torturing her, scraped her body with iron scrapers. Drops of the saint's blood turned into bright red berries.

Elderberry was considered unclean dangerous plant, because she was “planted by the devil” and now constantly lives under her. Hence there are many prohibitions: you cannot dig up or uproot an elderberry, so as not to irritate it, otherwise this will lead to misfortunes, illnesses and even the death of a person or the loss of livestock. If necessary, they called in the crippled or the mentally ill, the devil didn’t touch them, they were already wretched.

If you burn elderberry in the hearth of your home, death will soon come to your house. It was impossible to break the elderberry branches - it would twist your arms and legs. This was allowed to be done only once a year - on Thursday last week Great Lent. It was forbidden to make toys from elderberry - it would give children headaches. It is forbidden healthy person sleeping under the elderberry will definitely make you sick. It was believed that nothing would ever grow in the place of a dug up elderberry bush. In the place where the elderberry grew, you cannot build anything, because this is the devil’s hiding place, an unlucky place and people will get sick and die, and livestock will die; In the garden, elderberries can only be weeded with glanders smeared with blessed lard.

It is not surprising that elderberry was not used in family and calendar rituals. But in magic, conspiracies - quite widely. Elder sticks were used to make pipes, which are magical in fairy tales.

Elderberry was widely used in spells. In Western Ukraine, she was often called “Elderberry Adam”, they asked for help: “God help, elderberry” from misfortune, so that the court does not condemn her, give her strength and courage, deliver her from all trouble. Believed in her healing power: “Elderberry, Dazhbog sent me to you so that you would take upon yourself my illness.”

The mother would leave the sick child under a blooming elderberry bush, and she would go into the house to do “three things,” always silently, and then pick him up, already healthy.

Water from the font of a sick child was poured under an elderberry bush. People suffering from rheumatism, on their knees in front of the bush, asked the elderberry to take over their “illness.” There was a belief that if you put three elderberries in a man's trouser pocket, this would protect him from betrayal. Here she was completely credited positive traits, and she acted as a talisman for a person, home, household. Elderberry was perceived as the abode of household spirits who did good to their owners. If you plant an elderberry near a house, then this house will prosper. The elder tree is never struck by lightning. Its branches were used as a universal amulet against evil spirits, witches and sorcerers. They were stuck into doorposts at home, in barns where livestock were located, and carried on people. They believed that if you set off on a journey with an elder staff, you would not be afraid of either evil people or wild animals, at the sight of him, the evil spirit runs away as fast as he can. They believed that on the night of Ivan Kupala you could see your betrothed in an elderberry bush.

Back in the Middle Ages, Russian tsars revered elderberry, especially black elderberry, as a healing plant in every sense. Black elderberry berries were consumed both fresh and dried or processed. It was used to make jam, marmalade, make wine, and use it in cosmetics. But since the black elderberry comes from Southern Europe, the palace nobles sent ambassadors specifically to Ukraine to get elderberry berries or flowers. And, of course, each of us has heard at least once in our lives the saying “There is an elderberry in the garden, and a man in Kiev,” which means disparate and incomparable things, objects, events.

6 The elder tree is never struck by lightning. (Lincolnshire and some other places. This superstition still exists).

If you burn elderberry in the hearth of your home, death will soon come to your house. (Sussex).
A rider who carries two small branches of elderberry in his pockets will never rub or bruise his horse's back, no matter how fast he gallops. (This advice was given by Culpepper (English Physician), and we know some riders who still carry elderberry sprigs.)
If you beat a boy with an elder stick, he will stop growing. (Everywhere in the 17th century).

If you collect elderberry leaves on the last day of April and apply them to wounds, the wounds will not become inflamed.

To cure epilepsy, cut a piece of elderberry branch between two "joints" where the sun's ray has never fallen, and hang it around the patient's neck. (It was common in the 17th century).
All these superstitions about elderberry arose as a result of the legend that the cross on which Christ was crucified was made from elderberry, and that the traitor Judas hanged himself on an elderberry. In all Christian countries, elderberry has been used for centuries as a remedy against damage. In medieval Scotland, houses and gardens were protected from witches by hanging elderberry branches on doors and windows. In the old cemetery on the island of Sanda, the remains of an elder tree have been lying since time immemorial, and anyone who steps over them risks dying before the end of the year. In Germany, cut nails and hair secretly buried under an elderberry bush so that witches could not reach them and use contagious magic to harm their owner. To cure fever, the Slavs bent three shoots of an elderberry bush to the ground and pressed them down with stones. The patient crawled under this arch three times, and then cut down the shoots with the words: “With three shoots I cut out the disease.” Strangely, in England there was also a similar ritual performed with oak or aspen. The Bavarians treated fever by sticking an elderberry branch into the ground with certain words . In this way, the fever was transferred to the branch, and whoever pulled this branch out of the ground could become infected with the disease. Elderberry was also considered effective means from epilepsy (epilepsy). An Irish superstition says: “Cut a branch of elderberry into nine pieces and hang them like beads around the neck of someone with epilepsy. In this way you will get rid of the disease.” It should be added, however, that if these beads fall to the ground, the spell will be broken and The talisman must be burned immediately and a new one made. According to the Russians folk beliefs, elderberry also had special magical properties. So, "the elder cane is attributed magical property protect and protect the traveler from dangerous animals and evil people, for this it is advised to do this: on the eve of the holiday of All Saints, cut off the elder cane of the desired size, hollow out the soft core from the lower end and in this void put wolf eyes, tongues from three green lizards, the heart of a dog and three swallow hearts, all of this turned into the powder should be put into the said void. To this powder you need to add iron ore powder and cover it with an iron knob." Unlike English beliefs, elderberry in Russian folk tradition is not associated with Christian themes. According to Russian legends, the cross on which Jesus Christ was crucified was made of cypress, and Judas hanged himself from an aspen tree.
To remove a wart, rub it with a green elderberry branch and bury the branch to rot.