Thistle magical properties reviews. The magical properties of thistle

Every phenomenon of the natural world, be it a tree, a flower, an insect, a bird or a rainbow with rain, has its own magical power. In any case, our ancestors were absolutely sure of this, creating numerous signs, some of which have come down to us.

In the pragmatic modern reality, many find it difficult to believe that a sparrow chirping on the windowsill is trying to convey some message to you, and that overgrown ivy caused the departure of a loved one. However, life is so complex and multifaceted, and there are so many unexplored areas in it, that one should not immediately reject the possibility of the existence of something unknown and beyond logical explanation. For example, many people believe that such an ordinary plant as thistle (aka burdock, thorn, sow thistle, thistle, tartar) is quite capable of becoming an excellent amulet, protecting both the house and its inhabitants from negative energy.

  • Even the name of this herb speaks for itself. After all, “thistle” means one who is able to strip (drive away) devils. With its resistance to any adverse influences and numerous thorns, the plant really helps protect against the influence of negative energy if its branch is placed under the threshold or on the frame of the front door.
  • The active growth of thistle on someone’s property should alert you. Apparently he doesn't belong too much good people, if the magic weed has to “call for reinforcements” to clear the area of ​​many evil spirits.
  • It has long been customary to plant thistles on the graves of people who were suspected of owning black magic. It is believed that even after physical death they are able to carry out their evil deeds, and the thorny plant will not release their dark soul.
  • Burdock covered with flowers most effectively protects against damage or the evil eye. It is during this period that he reaches the highest concentration of his magical abilities. Anyone who always carries with him a thorn-covered amulet, plucked at noon just before the new moon and wrapping his hair around it, need not be afraid of the effects of any dark magic. Moreover, any negative message will be sent back and cause harm to the one who became its generator.
  • If in Lately your family is haunted by big troubles and bothered by minor troubles, then with the help of thorns you can carry out a ritual of cleansing the home and its inhabitants. To do this, the dried plant is set on fire, and all rooms are fumigated with its smoke, thereby expelling evil entities that harm the household.
  • A dry bouquet of thistles, standing in a vase or stored as a herbarium, will be an excellent source of positive energy for you. His presence will help you cope with troubles, support you in moments of bitter disappointment and raise your vitality after a hard day at work.
  • A sprig of burdock placed under the pillow will help with bad dreams and soothe frayed nerves. Naturally, the thorny amulet should first be wrapped in several layers of fabric so as not to accidentally get hurt. A burdock flower, hidden at the head of the bed, is especially good at banishing children's night fears and promoting good sleep baby.
  • The herb will also help with other phobias. For example, if you are afraid of a thunderstorm and are sure that you will become the next victim of a discharge of atmospheric electricity, then burn several dry branches of tartar in a fire, stove or fireplace. This ritual will allow you to get rid of the obsessive fear of thunder and lightning forever.
  • If there is a sick person in the house, place a bowl filled with thistle flowers in his room. The plant will increase the body's resistance to disease, give it energy, lift its spirits and stimulate recovery.
  • A few thistle bushes, carefully grown in several places around the perimeter of the yard or plot, will protect your home from thieves and other unkind people.
  • The plant also helps people who have recently lost loved one. His presence consoles, softens grief, calms uncontrollable sobs for those who have passed on to another world, and promotes reconciliation with grief.
  • Thistle has a special effect on men. Even a single flower in a pocket or purse turns phlegmatic and indifferent representatives of the stronger sex into passionate and tireless lovers.
  • Our ancestors considered sow thistle an excellent remedy from adultery. A prickly bouquet at the head of the marriage bed will make the husband think about his behavior and stop. If a woman wants to get rid of her reveler husband forever, then the burdock will forever drive him not only from bed, but also from the house.
  • IN real life The Tatar has only positive talents, but his presence in the land of dreams is not so positive. If in a dream you are making your way through thickets of grass, then in reality you will have to overcome numerous difficulties. Do you cut off thorny stems while in the world of Morpheus? In reality, be attentive to your words and actions, as there is a high probability that you will later have to bitterly regret what you did.

People have long known about the magical properties of some plants. One of these plants is thistle, the flowers of which are believed to have a special power - to keep evil spirits out of your home. For magical protection, the grass was placed under the threshold, attached around the front door and on shutters. According to our ancestors, it could protect against various slander, protect against damage and people who could be jinxed. It is not for nothing that people gave it the name thistle - “scaring devils”, “thistle”.

Thistle belongs to the Asteraceae family and is a herbaceous perennial with a thick stem, strong rhizome and spiny leaves. Grows as a weed in meadows and roadsides in Europe, Asia, North Africa. Some species reach two meters or more.

Flowering begins in mid-summer and ends at the end of September. Thistle flower is small, it looks very impressive in dry bouquets. The colors are very bright - mostly crimson, purple and pink shades, sometimes blue. Unusual beautiful color This plant even gave the name to one of the shades in the color scale; it is called thistle color.

In total, about 120 species of this herb are found in nature. Some of them are so decorative that they are used in landscape design:

  • lactic;
  • curly;
  • drooping.

Because of the way thistles look, they can be planted as a solitary plant in flower beds. The only drawback- it grows quickly and is difficult to eradicate, so you need to constantly monitor the growth of the plant.

In addition, thistle has medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine

Medicinal properties

Thistle is afraid not only of evil spirits, but also various diseases. For treatment, flowers and leaves are used, which are successfully used for the following diseases:

  • viral and colds;
  • asthma and spasms in the bronchi;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • cirrhosis and hepatitis.

In winter and spring, when the body is in a weakened state and suffers from a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to use a decoction of thistle herb. Medicinal properties plants allow it to be used even for pregnant women and infants. For example, tea is prepared from it, which helps with shortages breast milk, enhances lactation.

Since ancient times, this herb has been known as a plant that helps with liver diseases; poultices from the herb have been used to get rid of skin diseases, rash, psoriasis.

Use in magic

Our ancestors believed that the plant has enormous magical properties. Thistle was used as a ritual plant; amulets and herbal dolls were made from it - it was believed that they had a huge protective power. The simplest amulet- a plant branch tied with hair. To do this, the plant had to be cut at noon during the waxing moon. This amulet protects against negative impact, damage, returns evil to the offender.

Previously, a mantle was always planted on the grave of the deceased; people believed that its roots would protect the deceased, or rather, his soul, and would not allow devils to enter the coffin and drag the soul of the deceased to hell for the sins that he had committed during his lifetime.

When changing your place of residence or church holidays it was necessary to carry out a ritual to cleanse the house of evil spirits, negativity, and anger. To do this, the grass was collected and dried, then it was set on fire and the smoking grass was passed around all the rooms. After that, it was left outside the house so that it could smolder until the end.

If damage or the evil eye was suspected, a person was put to sleep on a pillow stuffed with dry thistle and St. John's wort. Placed near the headboard church candles, they were lit every night for seven days.

It is also believed that the flower helps to see prophetic dreams . To do this, you need to prepare a decoction by mixing equal quantities of lavender and thistle flowers with mimosa and fern rhizomes. The collection is boiled for 20 minutes, you can only stir it silver spoon. If you take such a decoction before bed for three days, then on the last night you will definitely have a prophetic dream that will tell you in detail about the future.

By planting a prickly beauty on a personal plot, you can get not only decorative decoration garden, but also useful medicinal plant, which also protects the house and its residents from negative influences.

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Two-year herbaceous plant came to us from Europe, although the main place of growth is Asia. There are legends about the magical qualities of the plant from the Asteraceae family. They are interesting, but very controversial. But the medicinal ones beneficial features known in folk medicine and do not raise any doubts. People call it “Tatarnik” and “Bodyak”. There are contraindications, so consultation with a doctor is recommended before use.

What does thistle look like?

Seeing thistle in reality and in photos, it is easy to confuse thistle with other representatives of the flora, so most often the generic name of the plant is used. In southern conditions it is easy to find on wastelands, steppe roads and slopes, sandy hills.

Erva woolly: medicinal properties and contraindications here:

It looks like this:

  • straight stem, branched at the top;
  • length reaches two meters in height;
  • spiny leaves and baskets containing bright purple flowers;
  • flowers are solitary, usually at the top of the stem.


In past times, magical properties helped get rid of “strange” phenomena and evil creatures. Many plants, like thistles, have their own magical legends about scaring away evil forces. Chertogon, influencing the aura, is able to protect a person, but in “unkind hands” it can harm the body.

  1. Thistle protects against magical damage and all types of evil eye.
  2. Protects the house from manifestations of evil spirits.
  3. It has been noticed that thistle likes to grow near homes evil people, especially those associated with magical rituals.
  4. A special potion with a beneficial anti-evil eye effect is brewed from the flowers.
  5. Pagan fortune-telling by girls on the holiday of Ivan Kupala involves collecting a flower along with 11 other medicinal plants.

ABOUT healing properties Ivan da Marya more details here:


Despite minor photo differences, it is possible to understand the plant varieties.

Purslane - medicinal properties, method of preparation. More details here:

Eryngium flatifolia is another name for the spiny blue thistle. The low (up to half a meter) plant is widely distributed as a weed. Although it is often bred in original flower beds by exotic lovers.
All varieties of herbs have similar beneficial medicinal properties and same contraindications. But this particular variety is used:

  • for blood purification,
  • as a sedative for severe toothache and headaches,
  • with painful female periods,
  • as an expectorant for irritating, suffocating bronchitis cough.

Read how to brew Veronica herb here:


The variety, called “curly”, actually turns out to be useful weed. What is the use of prickly thistle?

  1. A good honey plant.
  2. In combination with others useful herbs You can achieve therapeutic diuretic, anticonvulsant effects, and also effectively use it as a natural antidepressant.
  3. Smoke from smoldering dry parts of plants helps with symptoms of bronchial asthma.
  4. The effect is beneficial for the skin: eliminates such skin problems, like ulcers and boils.
  5. No contraindications have been identified.


Based on photo analysis, botanists noticed interesting feature: Before rain, this species becomes less spiny.
Plants of this thorny family have similar medicinal beneficial properties, which are manifested in:

  • complex rinsing different types wounds;
  • using a diuretic effect;
  • some northern peoples use it to treat anthrax;
  • indispensable in eliminating skin cancer.

Tartar and thistle differences

There is also an interesting geographical fact: thistle grass is a generally recognized national symbol of the country of Scotland. The state's coat of arms bears an image of a plant, which has become a distinctive sign of the Scots. Even a special knightly order received a “grassy” name in his honor, becoming the personification of the motto: “No one will dare touch me with impunity.”
Christian preachers and teachers saw in the magical chamber a symbol of a lonely, vulnerable, poor soul that is ready for self-sacrifice. It is not for nothing that its sad thorns began to be associated with Christ’s suffering due to sinful malice.

Servants of religious European cults use grass to drive away evil.

Most often, the plant is confused with Tatar. Even in the photo of a Tatar, they sometimes give a description of the chamber, which is a small but mistake. They are similar, but the flowers of the latter are lilac-pink.

Thistle herb beneficial properties and contraindications

The magical ancient known properties of thistle are based on its beneficial phytocomposition.

Obvious healing effect For of cardio-vascular system, since it increases blood pressure through a combination of actions.

Bactericidal wound healing useful action stops bleeding.

The anti-cancer composition makes it possible to use the stems and flowers of this plant for the prevention and recovery of cancer patients.

Relieves joint pain in simple forms of rheumatism.

Beneficial features

Thistle is taken, the beneficial medicinal properties of which are undeniable, in the form of:

  • infused decoctions (1 tablespoon of herb or, alternatively, root with a glass of water);
  • juice of fresh leaves of the plant;
  • oils;
  • evaporated syrup.


The contraindications of chertogon have been studied extensively, but biologists have decided that it has low toxicity, which means that the harm from its preparations is minimal.
Main contraindications to medicinal use Thistles can be grouped as follows:

  1. Inhibitory effect on the nervous system in hypertension.
  2. Causes an increase intraocular pressure, which is fraught with glaucoma.

By following the dosage and consultations with your doctor, all contraindications will be minimized as much as possible.

The use of thistle in folk medicine

The color of age-old wisdom, traditional medicine uses old recipes based on thistle

The following examples of folk healing are known:

1. Belarusians burn the dried tops of the flowering prickly grass and fumigate children with it out of fear.
2. Ibn Sina suggested using an infusion of chamomile for diarrhea.
3. Healers know its anticonvulsant effect.
4. Consumption of flowers for diseases of the uterus (including cancer).


The oil is pressed from the milk powder, which is popular in folk medicine as a cleansing hepatoprotector that restores liver function.

Therapeutic effects:

Wound healing,

From the evil eye

Thistle grass also has a magical ritual effect. The use against the evil eye is widely known among people.

1. A prickly bouquet kept in the house is believed to be able to ward off sorcerers and evil spirits; copes with poltergeists.
2. Charms impregnated with it healing juice– powerful amulets that protect against damage. If you drop juice on a photo of your ex-loved one, you can get rid of attachment.
3. A chapel placed at the head of the bed helps to ward off nightmares.

The bad reputation of the prickly weed does not prevent the plant from bringing tangible benefits in folk medicine and agriculture. Although official medicine has not yet made a final verdict, she recommends its careful use in accordance with traditional folk recipes.

ratings, average:

Since ancient times, people have known the magical properties of many plants. Fern on the night of Ivan Kupala helps a person find treasure, St. John's wort drives away evil spirits, snowdrops are widely used in love magic and so on.

Thistle's name speaks for itself. The Old Slavs believed that this plant helps protect a person from troubles, damage and the evil eye. But the most important property was the ability to prevent evil spirits from entering the house. Thistle sprigs were hung on the front door frame, placed under the threshold and secured in the shutters.

Use in folk medicine

In addition to mystical properties, thistle also has a number of very valuable therapeutic features, which are still widely used in folk medicine. The second name of thistle is grandfather. This plant can reach a height of more than 2 meters, has a thick stem that is topped small flowers bright purple hue.

Each such “cap” is surrounded by pointed leaves, which sometimes turn into spines near the bud itself. The thistle's root system is very developed; the plant can bloom from July to September.

Our grandmothers used thistle decoctions in the fight against viral and colds. This tea also helped with difficulty breathing, asthma and bronchial spasms. It was often drunk in winter and spring, during vitamin deficiency, to prevent strengthening the immune system.

Thistle has no contraindications for pregnant women and small children. Tea from this plant was used by women who, after childbirth, had problems with a lack of breast milk.

In the east, thistle is better known as a faithful assistant. to cleanse and normalize liver function. Extracts from it were used to combat cirrhosis and all types of hepatitis. This is a real panacea for almost all diseases. Poultices made from thistle decoction are recommended for use for skin diseases, rashes, psoriasis, and various dermatitis.

Our ancestors used a decoction of this plant as a strong hemostatic agent. It was drunk at nervous disorders, insomnia, epilepsy and neuroses. The flowers and roots of the plant were used to treat scrofula and gonorrhea. Doctors often prescribe baths with thistle for restless and hyperactive children.

IN Tibetan medicine Thistle is used for stomach problems, gastritis, peptic ulcer, diarrhea. It is often used as an emetic, for washing dirty, festering wounds and ulcers. In the latter case, they do not use a decoction, but a pulp of crushed dried roots of the plant.

Some gourmets use thistle as a seasoning for various dishes . It is used to make salad dressings and added to soups and refreshing drinks. Honey produced by bees pollinating in the thistle fields is considered one of the most delicious and healthy. It has a golden or greenish hue and a slightly bitter taste.

Magical properties and photos of herbs

Thistle is often used in various magical rituals. It has strong protective properties and is used in the manufacture of amulets and herbal dolls. The very name of this plant indicates its ability to protect a person from the machinations of evil spirits.

In former times, thistles were planted on the graves of the dead, because it was believed that the root system of the plant would create reliable protection around the soul of the deceased, and thereby prevent the devils from dragging his soul to hell for the sins committed during life.

Dried thistle inflorescences were used to fumigate people at home, when moving, and on major church holidays. The smoke emanating from a smoldering plant is very caustic and unpleasant; people believed that in this way the room would be cleared of negative energy and harmony and peace would be maintained in the family.

If it was believed that a person was under damage or the evil eye, he was put to sleep on a pillow stuffed with a mixture of thistle and St. John's wort, and a church candle was burned at his head for seven days in a row. In this way, foreign energy was removed from the patient’s aura and his life balance was restored.

Various amulets and talismans were made from the plant. The most powerful and at the same time simplest is considered to be a dry sprig of thistle tied with a strand of human hair. For this amulet, the plant must be cut at noon during the waxing moon. It was believed that such an amulet would not only protect its owner from damage, envy and the malice of ill-wishers, but would reward those who tried to harm him.

In magic, thistle is used to induce prophetic dreams and visions.. To do this, crushed dedovnik flowers were mixed with lavender flowers and rhizomes of fern and mimosa. From the resulting collection they made tea, stirring it with a silver spoon and drank it before bed for three days. The dream that occurred on the third night was considered prophetic.


As our great-great-grandmothers said, thistle - a commotion for the devils. They believed that the plant took root best in the place where people with strong negative energy lived or were buried.

Thistles were kept in the house, tied to door and window openings, as strongest defense from evil spirits. If, with the arrival of a guest in the house, a sprig of thistle fell out of the doorpost, it was believed that this person brought trouble into the house with him.

The grandfather gained the greatest magical power during its flowering period. It was believed that if a flower gained color at the wrong time, a person who lived nearby would face a serious illness and failure in any endeavor. If a thistle that bloomed early grew near a town or village, this could indicate an epidemic or a series of terrible events that will befall the residents.

Our ancestors also believed that thistle protected a person from lightning strikes during a storm. When a thunderstorm began, branches of a dry plant were thrown into the fire and a special spell was read to protect their home. Thistle is also known as a reliable protector against theft. Dry stems with flowers were placed in vases in the most visible place in the house to ward off trouble and dashing people.

Thistle as a talisman

Thistle is a strong talisman for home. They put it in vases, decorate doorways with it, stuff it into motanka dolls, drink it as a decoction, and all in order to protect themselves and their loved ones from the negative effects of evil spirits. Children were given tea from this herb to cure severe fright.

Thistle was burned and fumigated in the room to restore the energy background, carried small branches and amulets from the plant with them to avoid theft, damage, the evil eye and unfortunate circumstances.

Thistle helped pregnant women easy birth and painless. Thistle sprigs were often woven into the walls of the cradle of babies and children, since they were the most vulnerable to the unclean spirit. The plant helped restore harmony in family relationships between lovers and helped restore trust and respect between people.

Thistles for amulets and talismans should be cut during the flowering period, dug up along with the roots. Rhizomes were used most often, believing that they contained all the magical power of the flower. Attention should be paid to tall plants with thick stems and large caps of inflorescences. The healthier and more beautiful the thistle looks, the stronger its magical properties will be as a talisman.

Magic properties Thistles have been known for a long time. Thanks to its sharp needles, it has always been considered a universal protective talisman, which protects from vampires, devils, poltergeists and various kinds energy attacks. Nowadays, those who are interested in magic continue to use it in various rituals.

The magical properties of thorny thistle

The word “thistle” has ancient Slavic roots, and literally means “to alarm the devil”, “to scare the devil”. This name clearly reflects its magical purpose. In Scottish culture, this plant occupies absolutely special place– it was even placed on the coat of arms. This is believed to reflect the misanthropy, defiance and vindictiveness of the state.

It is believed that a herb such as thistle is used in magic primarily as a talisman for homes against evil spirits. To do this, a stem with a flower was hung above the entrance to the house - it was believed that this would prevent one evil spirit from entering the room.

In ancient times, when people were afraid of witches and sorcerers even after their death, it was customary to plant thistles on their graves, which protected both the world of the living and the afterlife from negative influence dead magician. Moreover, this action prevented the devils from dragging the soul of the unfortunate person to Hell.

It is believed that thistle can not only cause wounds, but also accelerate their healing. Therefore, thistle was also used in magic as a healing potion.

In ancient times, many people carried thistles with them as a talisman: after all, neither a vampire, nor a witch, nor a ghoul could get close to such a person. Thistle was also used in the rites of exorcism - expelling a demon that has taken possession of a person. It, along with other ingredients, was added to a special potion that helped the priest cope with evil spirits.

Thistle for the evil eye and damage

This plant provides universal protection to those who have been hit by an energy attack. different strengths- evil eye or damage. There were several ways to fight.

If the residents of a house believed that an evil spirit had settled in the house, or that someone in the household was damaged, it was customary to fumigate the room with smoke from the dried flowers of this plant set on fire. It is worth noting that this is quite unpleasant procedure: Acrid smoke has a very specific smell and for a long time persists in the room, even if it is thoroughly ventilated.

Another way to combat damage is quite simple: if you take dried flower thistle and wrap the hair of the person on whom the energy impact was applied, the evil eye or damage will return to the one who caused it. However, here it is important to follow the smallest instructions for carrying out the ritual: the flower must be cut personally by the person who needs the amulet and strictly on the hot afternoon before the new moon. This must be done alone. Whole year one flower is worn, then a new one is cut, and until next year and the beginning of the lunar cycle, you need to have both copies with you. When the new moon comes, the old flower should be burned, but before that it should be thanked for its help. Every year you need to burn one old flower and add one new one in its place. Each flower absorbs the power of its predecessors, which is why such a talisman becomes more powerful over the years.

A herb like thistle not only relieves the evil eye and damage, but is also a preventive measure. In other words, you can have the thistle color as a talisman without waiting for a bad situation to occur.

Remember that thistle is a powerful plant and should only be used for simple self-defense by a beginner in magical matters.

Many people have heard about the thorny plant - thistle. But few people know about its magical properties.

This plant is considered a symbol of Scotland. Its image was located on the coat of arms of the kingdom and there was a special knightly order in honor of this plant. In Alan Milan's work "Winnie the Pooh", this particular grass is mentioned as the favorite food of the donkey Eeyore. But to another character in the book - Tigre prickly thistle I absolutely didn't like it.

Popular beliefs It was often argued that the presence of this grass on a residential plot indicates the evil nature of the owners of the plot. On the night of Ivan Kupala, this herb was necessarily included in the list of necessary plants to collect. The main focus is on the thistle because it has medicinal and magical properties.

The magical properties of thistle

The very name of the plant is translated from the ancient Slavic language as “scaring devils or alarming devils.” In ancient times, it was believed that the place where thistles grew protected those around them from the forces of evil. On the graves of sorcerers and cursed people, rhizomes and seeds of this herb were specially planted to protect souls from falling into the underworld.

In magic, this plant is often used to prepare special potions. The main purpose of such a substance is to expel evil forces.

Areas of application of thistle

The magical properties of thistle are associated with the functions that this plant performs:

1 Protective. Most people hang a stalk of grass over the entrance to their home to protect the house from evil spirits. Many residents scatter dried flowers in their homes to protect them from the evil eye or damage. If you wrap hair around a dried flower, the damage will return a hundredfold to the ill-wisher.

It was also believed that a thistle amulet would protect a person from vampires and other evil spirits. Popular beliefs claimed that finding a thistle near the family bed would return the unfaithful spouse to the family or help him leave for another if his wife desired.

Many healers and healers used this herb to help families get rid of scandals. According to the superstition, it is possible to avoid troubles on the road by sewing this plant into your pocket.

If a thistle grows in a garden, then it protects it from thieves. You can avoid lightning striking your home by throwing grass into the fire.

2. Medicinal. The plant is believed to have magical property wound healing. This herb helps with menstrual pain in women, malaria, liver disorder, insomnia, epilepsy, skin cancer, rheumatism, gonorrhea, diseases respiratory system, neuroses, urinary retention.

The positive effect of this herb improves blood circulation and strengthens memory. Many local grandmothers knew that smoking thistle helps with a frightened child. The advantage of this herb is that it has no side effects.

3. Helps in hunting. Most forest hunters, in order to painlessly finish off game, specially fumigated their guns with thistles.

4. Calming. For people grieving the loss of loved ones, a thistle decoction will help.

If you dreamed of thistle in a dream

Particular attention should be paid to dreams about a plant. Cutting thistle grass promises regret from a rash act. The road through a wasteland overgrown with plants promises difficulties that will be resolved unexpectedly.

You should not perform rituals using this herb without knowing the subtleties and features of magic. In this area it is better to trust the professionals. Because if you follow the nuances ineptly and inaccurately, you can invite disaster.

Thus, thistle protects against troubles and is an indicator of human weaknesses. Therefore, you should not destroy this plant if it has settled on the site. Perhaps it protects the house from evil. But it can also be considered a sign that the people around you are not what they really seem to be.

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It has been known since ancient times that plants are endowed with a certain energy and their own biofield, which in a certain way influence a person - his psyche and subconscious.
Witches, healers and shamans devoted a lot of time to studying magical and healing properties herbs. They passed on their knowledge from generation to generation. Many “secrets” have survived to this day.

Can be called whole list plants that have magical properties. Moreover, many of them can be grown in your own home without any problems. These are unique talismans that can protect a person from evil forces, as well as fill the space around with positive energy and love.
Which of the plants known to everyone have such abilities?

I would especially like to note thistle. This prickly, inconspicuous-looking plant has long been considered an effective amulet against evil spells. Previously, they believed that it scared away devils, and therefore, a bunch of this dried grass was always hung at the entrance to many houses. The following ritual was also practiced - thistles were planted on the graves of evil sorcerers in order to prevent them from escaping from the other world. But the plant was not used in smoking mixtures because it is extremely bitter.

According to popular belief, the thistle gains its greatest magical power during its flowering period.
Have you noticed that thistles are growing like a weed near your home? You should not mow it, because the plant protects you and your loved ones from bad misfortunes and evil spirits.

Special protective properties are famous and dracaenas. Shamans and witches believed that this plant has powerful magic - it cleanses the energy of the space around and fills it with happiness and love. And as soon as they call dracaena now - the palm of love, and the lucky bamboo, and the tree of family happiness.
Many unmarried ladies, believing in the magical properties of dracaena, plant this beautiful ornamental plant at home to attract their betrothed.

By the way, and verbena is also considered a symbol of love and happiness. Even the patroness of the plant is the goddess of love - Venus. Ancient herbalists collected verbena leaves a day summer solstice, dried them and used them as amulets and amulets. And to this day, many people believe that verbena can protect them from troubles and attract happiness.
Vervain amulets are even given to children. It is believed that it will help them develop and learn.

The magical properties of verbena can attract wealth into the house, get rid of nightmares, and win the sympathy of a loved one.

Also known to many, it is endowed with loving and protective properties. hyacinth. IN ancient Greece this plant was considered a symbol of sadness and death. There is also one legend associated with it, according to which after the death of Hyacinth, the favorite of the god Apollo, he was turned into a beautiful flower named after him.

Despite such sad story Since ancient times, hyacinths have been considered a real “protector” from evil spells. And it’s not for nothing that the witches always said - inhale the aroma of hyacinths, and the sadness will go away. But more often this plant is used in various love rituals- to attract the betrothed. Hereditary herbalists make amulets and amulets from hyacinths, and fill incense bags with crushed leaves.
Do you want love, luck and happiness to never leave your home? Then place hyacinths on your windowsill.

Endowed with the strongest magical properties anthurium. Now this beautiful flower They call it “male happiness.” Our ancestors believed that he brings into the house family happiness and well-being. And if peace and harmony reign between a man and a woman, they are not afraid of any evil spell.
To enhance the magical properties of anthurium, spathiphyllum – “women’s happiness” – is often planted next to it.
Witches and herbalists, when preparing love potions, certainly added anthurium to it. To this day, this plant, when dried, is poured into bags of incense, which are then worn by unmarried young ladies as an amulet.

People have long known about the magical properties of some plants. One of these plants is thistle, the flowers of which are believed to have a special power - to keep evil spirits out of your home. For magical protection, the grass was placed under the threshold, attached around the front door and on shutters. According to our ancestors, it could protect against various slander, protect against damage and people who could be jinxed. It is not for nothing that people gave it the name thistle - “scaring devils”, “thistle”.

Botanical description

Thistle belongs to the Asteraceae family and is a herbaceous perennial with a thick stem, strong rhizome and spiny leaves. Grows as a weed in meadows and roadsides in Europe, Asia, and North Africa. Some species reach two meters or more.

Flowering begins in mid-summer and ends at the end of September. Thistle flower is small, it looks very impressive in dry bouquets. The colors are very bright - mostly crimson, purple and pink shades, sometimes blue. The unusual beautiful color of this plant even gave the name to one of the shades in the color scale; it is called the color of thistle.

In total, about 120 species of this herb are found in nature. Some of them are so decorative that they are used in landscape design:

  • lactic;
  • curly;
  • drooping.

Because of the way thistles look, they can be planted as a solitary plant in flower beds. The only drawback- it grows quickly and is difficult to eradicate, so you need to constantly monitor the growth of the plant.

In addition, thistle has medicinal properties and is widely used in folk medicine.

Medicinal properties

Thistle is afraid not only of evil spirits, but also of various diseases. For treatment, flowers and leaves are used, which are successfully used for the following diseases:

  • viral and colds;
  • asthma and spasms in the bronchi;
  • vitamin deficiency;
  • cirrhosis and hepatitis.

In winter and spring, when the body is in a weakened state and suffers from a lack of vitamins, it is recommended to use a decoction of thistle herb. The medicinal properties of the plant allow it to be used even for pregnant women and infants. For example, tea is made from it, which helps with a lack of breast milk and enhances lactation.

Since ancient times, this herb has been known as a plant that helps with liver diseases; poultices from the herb have been used to get rid of skin diseases, rashes, and psoriasis.

Use in magic

Our ancestors believed that the plant has enormous magical properties. Thistle was used as a ritual plant; amulets and herbal dolls were made from it - it was believed that they had enormous protective power. The simplest amulet- a plant branch tied with hair. To do this, the plant had to be cut at noon during the waxing moon. Such an amulet protects against negative influences, damage, and returns evil to the offender.

Previously, a mantle was always planted on the grave of the deceased; people believed that its roots would protect the deceased, or rather, his soul, and would not allow devils to enter the coffin and drag the soul of the deceased to hell for the sins that he had committed during his lifetime.

When changing place of residence or on church holidays, it was necessary to carry out a ritual to cleanse the house of evil spirits, negativity, and anger. To do this, the grass was collected and dried, then it was set on fire and the smoking grass was passed around all the rooms. After that, it was left outside the house so that it could smolder until the end.

If damage or the evil eye was suspected, a person was put to sleep on a pillow stuffed with dry thistle and St. John's wort. Church candles were placed near the head of the bed and lit every night for seven days.

It is also believed that the flower helps to see prophetic dreams. To do this, you need to prepare a decoction by mixing equal quantities of lavender and thistle flowers with mimosa and fern rhizomes. The mixture is boiled for 20 minutes; you can stir it only with a silver spoon. If you take such a decoction before bed for three days, then on the last night you will definitely have a prophetic dream that will tell you in detail about the future.

By planting this handsome thorny plant on your garden plot, you can get not only a decorative garden decoration, but also a useful medicinal plant, which also protects the house and its residents from negative influences.