What to do to have an easy birth. Do we want an easy birth? Let's go to courses for expectant mothers

Because the birth of a child is small miracle, then such a sacrament must occur correctly, because panic, hysterics of a pregnant woman and other chaotic movements during birth process are inappropriate. The process itself is quite painful, painful, exhausting, but if you give birth correctly, you can avoid psychological shock, which very often becomes the cause postpartum depression and ruptures. In this article we will talk about how to give birth correctly in order to avoid undesirable consequences and enjoy happy motherhood.

What is included in the concept of “giving birth correctly”?

If we talk about the very concept of “how to give birth correctly,” then there is no definition for it, and each expectant mother chooses her “correct” way. What is meant in most cases by “giving birth correctly”:

  • correct breathing during the process, there is an article about it: ;
  • correct behavior during childbirth, which will help reduce pain to a minimum;
  • necessary actions to avoid tears and cuts;
  • the correct psychological attitude of the expectant mother;
  • selection of specialists who will deliver the child.

Everything in the complex the above actions can be called correct birth, but how to prepare for them?

What indicates the beginning of the birth process?

Pregnant women, especially if they are giving birth for the first time, at 9 months are tormented by the question of when will the labor process begin? Signs of the beginning of this “event” exist and any woman, knowing them, can actively prepare for delivery after their detection. These symptoms include the following:

1. Removal of the mucus plug. The sign is indirect, since in some cases the plug comes off 1–2 weeks before birth.

3. Nagging pain lower abdomen and pelvis. This pain intensifies during contractions.

4. Frequent urge to urination and acts of defecation, which are caused by the pressure of the fetal head on the intestines and bladder.

5. Discharge of water. This a clear sign the onset of labor, but for each woman, this happens individually. For some, a little water comes out, for others it pours out abundantly, and for others they break through the bladder so that the water can pour out.

How to give birth correctly? Let's discuss the course of labor

The course of labor is divided into four main stages, each of which has its own time; the stages are conventionally divided according to opening uterine cervix, an article has been written about this in more detail: . After going through all the stages, the woman will meet her child. But how to behave correctly in each of these periods, read below.

How to give birth correctly during the first latent stage?

Period of mild contractions and correct behavior

So the contractions have started, now main question, how to give birth correctly, is the most relevant. The first and longest stage, which is divided into two periods, is considered to be the dilation of the cervix. It is accompanied by contractions that repeat with ever shorter intervals of time. The duration of contractions can reach 16–18 hours; this time is divided into three phases. The first one can be called the easiest, because apart from minimal back pain and uterine contractions, the pregnant woman feels normal.

How to behave in the first phase of childbirth? As usual. If you are at home, then it is best to start reviewing your collected things, because it’s time to go to the pre-selected maternity hospital. There is no need to panic, since things have already been collected, and in the near future you will already be holding your baby in your arms.

How to give birth correctly during the second stage of cervical dilatation?

Correct behavior during medium and fast contractions

The second stage is divided into two phases of disclosure:

  • 4–8 cm;
  • up to 10 cm.

At this time, contractions appear more intense, last longer, and the time between them decreases.

How to behave when pregnant? Decrease pain syndrome will contribute:

  • fitball, if available. This handy ball will help you take suitable posture, and small rocking will calm you down for a while;
  • shower on the lumbar area, it will relax the muscles and reduce painful sensations.

Lying down is not recommended; it is better to walk around, since physical activity helps speed up the birth process. In case of unbearable pain, stand, leaning on the railing of the bed, since you cannot sit down during such periods, since in a sitting position it occurs strong pressure on the fetal head, which can lead to injury.

How to give birth correctly during the third stage? Learning to behave during expulsion of the fetus

Of course, myself physiological process does not depend in any way on the desire to give birth or not, but if you are already at the third stage, then a miracle will happen very soon. 80% of the successful completion of childbirth lies on the shoulders of the expectant mother, which is why her correct behavior during expulsion of the fetus is so important.

When the stage of expulsion of the fetus occurs, women are sent to the delivery room to give birth. There is a special chair on which the child is born.

When the fetus begins to move through the birth canal, you need to push, but not all the time. When the uterus contracts, the obstetrician will tell you to push. Before pushing, you need to draw in as much air as possible and hold it while you strain. The stronger the attempts, the faster uterus will push the baby out.

You must strictly follow the instructions of your obstetrician or gynecologist; this is the key to an easy birth without ruptures. They will tell you how to breathe correctly, how and when to push. If you give in to panic and do not pay attention to the advice of specialists, you can harm both yourself and your child. After all, the obstetrician protects the mother's perineum from tears with her hand, stretching the tissue so that the baby's head can pass through the narrow hole without damaging it.

How to give birth correctly during the fourth stage? Birth of placenta

After the baby, the placenta is born. The uterus itself actively contracts, pushing it and the remaining birth fluid out. Experienced specialists, if necessary, will advise you if you need to push further. If a rupture does occur, the doctor sutures these places. This is unpleasant, but less painful than passing a baby through the birth canal.

How to give birth correctly? Correct breathing during childbirth

Knowing how to breathe correctly when you give birth is simply necessary, since the correctness of pushing depends on breathing, and it also saves energy for the most important moment. Remember, screaming, no matter how much it hurts you, is prohibited! Such actions on the part of the woman in labor can lead to a lack of oxygen and fetal hypoxia. So how should you breathe?

1. How to breathe correctly during contractions? During the first two stages of the labor process, when the cervix dilates, with increasing strength of contractions, you need to breathe deeply: inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth. As the duration of contractions increases, breaths should become deeper and longer. When the contraction passes, relax completely, breathe evenly, since the strength will be useful later for pushing. During this time, breathe naturally, as always.

2. How to breathe correctly while pushing? The breathing technique during pushing changes. Here you need to listen to your obstetrician or gynecologist, and inhalations/exhalations should be shallow and short. When you receive a “command” from a specialist to push, you need to do deep breath, hold the breath. After the effort passes, exhale smoothly.

How to give birth correctly? A few words about preparing for a crucial moment

It is impossible to learn how to give birth, but it is quite possible to prepare for this action. To do this, you should prepare throughout pregnancy. How? Read below.

2. Do you want to take courses for pregnant women? In addition to proper breathing techniques, such courses teach you to think positively, and also tell you how to care for a newborn, how to communicate with him, and how to understand him.

3. Read literature about pregnancy, childbirth, and child care. Comprehensive “awareness” helps you stop being afraid of the unknown. Also, in such literature you can learn a lot of interesting, useful things that will come in handy when caring for a baby. You can get information not only from paper publications; the Internet quite often becomes a great assistant a young mother, where she can find out everything that interests her, as well as communicate with other mothers on various forums. Our website also has (where you can discuss your questions with an obstetrician-gynecologist.

4. Don't be shy to ask. Very important point, since many women are embarrassed to ask questions to their gynecologist, but they should be interested in how the pregnancy is progressing. Because the more aware you are, the less fear you may have. Discuss with him everything that interests you, and then giving birth will not be scary.

5. Do intimate exercises. This will help give birth without ruptures and the birth canal will recover faster.

What should a future mother not forget?

Preparation should not only be physical. Future mommy Before going to give birth, you should take care of the following:

1. Choose a maternity hospital and a specialist who will lead the birth process.

3. Collect the necessary things, so that during contractions you do not waste precious energy on collecting bags and the “nerves” of suddenly forgetting something.

We hope our tips on how to give birth correctly will help you. Take care of your health, be physically active, eat right, and when that day comes, listen to your obstetrician or gynecologist and then nothing will spoil your long-awaited meeting with your child.

Author of the publication: Leonid Guryev

An expectant mother prepared for childbirth is calm, confident, knows how to behave during labor, and what methods of pain relief can be used. This preparation should begin as early as possible, as it may take long time– and then you are likely to have an easy birth.

1. Easy birth: it’s harmful to be afraid

Often the main component of increased pain during childbirth is the fear and stress of the laboring woman. Anxiety and psycho-emotional stress lead to the release of stress hormones adrenaline and norepinephrine, which cause vasospasm, impair blood supply to the uterus, reduce the pain threshold (i.e., even mild pain becomes difficult to tolerate), and can also reduce the effectiveness of uterine contractions, thereby lengthening the duration of labor.

First you need to understand what exactly you are afraid of. Maybe you don’t feel psychologically ready for motherhood, you are worried about your relationship with your husband, fear of ruining your figure, or fear of pain. Working with fears is very important in terms of prenatal preparation. Some people turn to a psychotherapist, others are helped by conversations with friends who have given birth.

For peace of mind expectant mother important has an acquaintance with the obstetrician who will deliver the child. In this case, it is possible to discuss with him all the concerns regarding labor management and pain management. It is also necessary to resolve the issue of partner childbirth in advance. For many women, the presence of loved ones gives confidence and helps a lot. For some, on the contrary, it makes it difficult to concentrate and increases nervousness. But in any case, it is important for a woman to have a positive attitude towards an easy birth, since the fear of pain aggravates stress, tension, and, consequently, pain.

2. Theoretical preparation

Quite often, worries about pregnancy and childbirth arise due to the fact that a woman does not know how the process of giving birth to a baby occurs. Therefore, during pregnancy it will not be superfluous to master theoretical material on this issue. Having an idea of ​​the course of labor, the expectant mother will not panic at the slightest reason and will be able to become an active participant in the process of bringing her baby into the world, and not just an outside observer.

Preparing ourselves for an easy birth

You can obtain such information yourself from books, specialized magazines or on the Internet. Currently, a lot of special literature for expectant mothers is being published. It is only important to choose the right sources of information. It must be remembered that during pregnancy you should avoid reading special medical literature intended for doctors. Textbooks and monographs mostly talk about various disorders during pregnancy and childbirth, which can negatively affect the mood and psychological state impressionable pregnant women. In addition, it is desirable that publications be “fresh” and contain information about modern view on the process of childbirth and caring for a newborn. When choosing periodicals, you should pay attention to the authors of the articles: it is better if they are practicing doctors who have first-hand knowledge of the issues in question.

There are many different sites that tell about the course of pregnancy and childbirth, about the rules of caring for a newborn, and forums where future parents can communicate, get answers to many of their questions, and exchange experiences.

Do we want an easy birth? Let's go to courses for expectant mothers

Now in major cities works a lot various schools and courses for expectant mothers. Such courses are usually taught by an obstetrician-gynecologist; separate classes can be conducted by a psychologist, pediatrician, consultant breastfeeding. The courses give important information about how childbirth proceeds and how a woman should behave during this important event. Expectant mothers master breathing techniques that make childbirth easier, learn relaxation and master the techniques of special pain-relieving massage, learn what to take with them to the maternity hospital, etc.

When choosing such courses for expectant mothers, you need to be very careful, since some schools promote home birth, which is very dangerous for the woman and fetus due to the impossibility of providing urgent qualified medical care in case of any complications.

3. How to give birth faster? Active behavior during childbirth

To relieve pain in the first stage of labor, there are many various methods. One of the most common and easily implemented is active behavior during childbirth. The essence of this method is that during dilation of the cervix, a woman does not lie on the bed in one position, but behaves actively - walks around the room, looks for a comfortable position, and makes various movements. Vertical position for women in labor during labor this in itself gives positive results: the uterus puts less pressure on others internal organs, vessels and nerve plexuses, muscles pelvic floor relax, the pressure of the head and amniotic sac on lower sections of the uterus, which facilitates the dilatation of the cervix. Contractions ultimately become more effective and less painful. Childbirth goes faster. In addition, with constant physical activity, blood oxygen saturation increases, and blood supply to the muscles occurs more actively than at rest. Consequently, the muscles of the uterus receive more oxygen, and this significantly alleviates pain.

Finally, movement during contractions distracts you from focusing on the pain. Anticipation of pain causes nervous tension, which, in turn, only contributes to strengthening painful sensations. And by being distracted, a woman breaks this vicious circle.

Moving freely around the ward, making a wide variety of movements, the woman gradually begins to navigate own feelings and chooses the behavior or position that makes her feel most comfortable. If the birth proceeds without complications, the choice of positions and movements during the contraction remains hers. However, during pregnancy it is worth learning the most common positions that reduce pain during contractions, this will greatly help during childbirth.

4. Massage for easy childbirth

The effectiveness of massage is due to the effect of touch on skin receptors, from which impulses spread to the cerebral cortex, causing a response there that competes with pain signals from the uterus. In addition, massage relaxes and provides general beneficial influence on nervous system, increasing the threshold of sensitivity to pain (i.e. pain is not felt as strongly). Massage helps relieve excessive muscle tension and prevents cramps. In addition, it stimulates the production of endorphins (the so-called joy hormones) - natural painkillers - and reduces the release of cortisol - a stress hormone, which, due to its effect on the nervous system and blood vessels, promotes muscle tension, including the perineum and uterus.

If during childbirth the vaginal muscles are constantly clamped, this disrupts the process of opening the cervix, prevents the baby from passing through the birth canal, which, in turn, causes suffering both for the woman in labor, for whom childbirth becomes more painful, and for the fetus, because he is trying to overcome resistance tense muscles. Under the influence of massage, by increasing blood flow to the massaged areas, metabolism increases, and decay products released during intense muscle work are eliminated faster. This, in turn, helps them relax, rest and reduce pain. It is also advisable to learn massage and self-massage techniques in advance.

5. Relaxation will help you have an easy birth.

One of the methods of self-pain relief is relaxation - relaxation. These skills also need to be mastered at the stage of preparation for childbirth, so that later you do not strain during contractions and completely relax during the break between them, saving energy. There are many techniques and exercises, by performing which a woman learns to consciously control the tension and relaxation of all the muscles of her body. These exercises should be performed regularly, preferably daily or even several times a day for 10–15 minutes.

Relaxation techniques can be very helpful during a vaginal examination performed by your doctor. This manipulation is necessary in order to determine how the cervix is ​​dilating and where the fetal head is located. If a woman tenses during the examination, this increases the pain and prevents the doctor from assessing the necessary parameters, and, consequently, increases the duration of the examination. In the moment vaginal examination It is recommended to breathe deeply, relax the muscles of the perineum as much as possible, remembering that this examination takes very little time.

6. Proper breathing during childbirth

Proper breathing during childbirth is one of the most effective ways reducing pain during contractions, and there are no contraindications for it. In addition, it facilitates labor and ensures adequate oxygen supply to the fetus. It is also important that by concentrating on breathing correctly during childbirth, a woman will quickly relax and distract herself from her own experiences.

At first glance, breathing correctly during childbirth is quite simple. However, during childbirth, expectant mothers forget about all the recommendations, begin to hold their breath, scream, thereby increasing the pain and interfering with the normal dilatation of the cervix. That's why breathing techniques It is advisable to master it in advance - even during pregnancy. These exercises are taught in classes for pregnant women in courses for expectant mothers. You can master the technique and regularly conduct breathing exercises at home on your own.

How to breathe correctly when pushing

During the pushing period, it is also necessary to refrain from screaming. Firstly, screaming weakens the effort and makes it ineffective. Secondly, the contraction of muscles (including the pelvic floor and perineum), which occurs when screaming, increases the risk of ruptures of the soft tissues of the birth canal. In addition, screaming prevents the expectant mother from interacting with medical personnel, which is collateral normal course childbirth and one of the factors in the prevention of ruptures.

7. Physical training will help during childbirth.

Its goal is to prepare the body for childbirth: strengthen muscles and increase tissue elasticity. We can talk a lot about the benefits of physical activity. Pregnant woman physical exercise doubly necessary, because the baby’s ability to fully develop depends on her health. They help prepare the body for upcoming birth, which are known to be hard physical work.

First of all, physical training includes the daily activity of a pregnant woman. Doing housework, walking, climbing stairs are familiar activities that, nevertheless, force several muscle groups to work and maintain the physical shape of the expectant mother.

Gymnastics for pregnant women is of great benefit. In the absence of contraindications, the expectant mother can perform simple exercises herself at home. Such exercises will help strengthen your muscles and make your body more resilient. In addition, physical exercise during pregnancy can prevent or alleviate pregnancy-related ailments such as varicose veins veins, back pain, constipation, cramps calf muscles, swelling, stretch marks, excess weight gain.

Gymnastics should be done regularly and careful attention should be paid to ensure that the exercises do not cause discomfort. Many prenatal courses offer physical training for women in the "position": this could be yoga, Pilates, gymnastics for pregnant women or classes in the pool. In addition, many fitness clubs offer special programs for expectant mothers. Before enrolling in such courses, it is advisable to discuss your choice with the doctor who is managing your pregnancy. He will tell you what you can do and what it is better to abstain from so as not to harm your health and your unborn baby. In addition, it is necessary to find out whether the instructor conducting such classes has experience working specifically with pregnant women.

There is another very useful option physical activity is pool swimming that doctors recommend to most pregnant women. Indeed, water relaxes, gently massages the body, helping the baby to take the correct position, and meanwhile the muscles of the expectant mother receive the necessary load. You can do water aerobics at any stage of pregnancy in the absence of contraindications.

If the expectant mother, even during pregnancy, pays attention to preparing for childbirth, then with a high probability it will pass easily and safely, leaving behind only pleasant memories.

Why can't you scream during childbirth?

It is important to remember that you should not scream during childbirth: this has a pronounced negative effect on the process of dilation of the cervix, since screaming causes muscle tension, leading the laboring woman to severe fatigue.

This is a risk factor for the development of labor disturbances, both during the period of cervical dilatation and during pushing, when maximum composure and muscle work are required. In addition, the risk of developing oxygen starvation fetus: due to vascular spasm that occurs when screaming at the height of the contraction, because the baby receives less blood, carrying oxygen.

The arrival of a baby in a family is a bright and joyful event. The natural desire of every mother is that the birth takes place without complications and the child is born healthy. Equally important is the speedy recovery of a woman after childbirth, so that she can return home with her child to a loving family as quickly as possible. During pregnancy, every expectant mother is concerned with the question of how to give birth without ruptures.

Not everything at the moment a baby is born depends on the mother in labor or the doctor. But several preparatory procedures and compliance certain rules during childbirth will help avoid complications.

To understand whether it is possible to give birth without ruptures, it is worth understanding the reasons for their occurrence. Ruptures during childbirth occur due to various reasons. In some cases, a high probability of their formation can be predicted during pregnancy, and sometimes they arise spontaneously.

The likelihood of soft tissue tears increases if:

  • a primigravida woman is over 35 years old, at this age the tissues lose their elasticity;
  • there are scars from previous births;
  • a large baby is due;
  • the child is in ;
  • drug stimulation of the birth process is carried out;
  • active medical intervention during the birth process ( obstetric forceps, vacuum extraction);
  • rapid labor;
  • premature attempts occur due to the panic of the woman in labor;
  • available chronic infections genitals.

Degrees and types of ruptures

Depending on the depth of tissue damage, the following degrees of perineal rupture are distinguished:

  1. First degree– ruptures of the vaginal walls and posterior commissure, the perineal muscles are intact.
  2. Second degree– ruptures of the skin of the perineum, vaginal walls and muscles to the sphincter.
  3. Third degree– an additional rupture of the sphincter or rectal wall is added.

If the perineum is torn on its own, then the woman may experience itching, burning, discomfort, which last up to six months. The sutures may subsequently heal poorly and become inflamed. When a surgical incision is made, the wound healing period is shortened, and the recovery process itself is much easier.

In addition to perineal rupture during childbirth, damage to the cervix is ​​possible, which are also classified by degree:

  1. First degree– less than 2 cm.
  2. Second degree– more than 2 cm;
  3. Third degree– damage to the vaginal vault.

Features and causes of pain

Unfortunately, pain during childbirth is inevitable. A woman experiences pain during contractions and during pushing. They are caused by contraction of the uterus and tension of the ligaments, irritation of the inner part of the sacrum, and pressure from the fetus.

The correct psycho-emotional mood of a woman during childbirth can reduce pain. And vice versa, if a woman is frightened or panicking, then the pain will manifest itself more strongly, because the release of adrenaline into the blood causes a spasm muscle tissue. Such muscle tightness leads to difficulty in dilating the cervix, the passage of the fetus through the birth canal, and increased suffering for the woman in labor.

Fear reduces a woman's ability to give birth without tearing. According to doctors, only a third of pain is caused by physiology, and the rest is caused by fear of the process.

How to reduce the risk of ruptures?

How to give birth without cuts and tears? No one can definitely guarantee childbirth without ruptures. But preliminary preparation will help reduce their likelihood. It includes:

  • physical training aimed at increasing the elasticity of the perineal tissues ( special exercises, massage);
  • rational nutrition: you should limit the consumption of sweets and flour products so that the baby is not very large;
  • the correct psychological attitude of a woman aimed at a successful delivery;
  • preliminary study of breathing techniques.

Preparing for childbirth without gaps

Childbirth without pain and tearing requires certain physical and psychological preparation of the expectant mother.

Physical training

It is advisable to start preparing before conception. Probability mild course labor can be increased with the help of:

  • proper nutrition;
  • performing physical exercises;
  • perineal massage.

Everyone knows that nutrition during pregnancy should be treated very carefully. But not everyone understands what this means. The expectant mother should not eat “for two”; her menu must be varied and balanced.

In recent months, it is advisable to reduce the amount of animal proteins and not consume them without a doctor’s prescription. vitamin complexes and calcium supplements. You should not eat baked goods or flour products during this period. Yeast in their composition can provoke thrush, which reduces the elasticity of the perineal tissue. It is recommended to include evening primrose oil in your menu. This product, a source of valuable polyunsaturated acids, prepares the cervix for childbirth.

The elasticity of the perineal muscles is increased by certain physical at exercises for childbirth without gaps. Today's lifestyle involves in most cases sedentary work, Personal car. Inactivity of the muscles that will participate in childbirth leads to decreased blood circulation and, accordingly, loss of elasticity.

With the onset of pregnancy, it is difficult to make drastic lifestyle changes, so you should do certain exercises. First of all, this is a general complex aimed at maintaining good physical fitness and improved blood flow. This may include stretching exercises, hiking. In winter, it is recommended to walk for an hour and a half a day, and in summer, increase the duration of walks to 3 hours.

To prepare the perineum and increase the elasticity of its muscles, it is recommended to perform special Kegel exercises.

Childbirth without tears and incisions is more likely with regular perineal massage. It is advisable to perform it daily from the 30th week of pregnancy.

You can do this on a different schedule:

  • until the 20th week 1 time per week;
  • from 20 to 28 weeks - twice a week;
  • 28-35 weeks – every other day;
  • further daily.

To perform the procedure, you need to stock up on sterile gloves and any natural oil. Almond oil, calendula oil, and wheat germ oil are suitable. You can take olive or sunflower oil, boiled in a water bath.

Pour a little oil onto your gloved fingers. The massage is carried out in a circular motion: first the labia are massaged, then stimulation is carried out inside the vagina. To do this, insert a finger onto one phalanx and press it on the walls for a few seconds until a tingling sensation is felt. The entire circumference of the vagina is treated in this way.

The procedure is unpleasant, but effective. Its duration ranges from 5 to 10 minutes. Before starting a course of procedures, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

Psychological preparation

In order for childbirth to take place without pain and ruptures, preliminary psychological preparation expectant mother, which includes:

  • theoretical study of the process of childbirth, so that there is an understanding of how childbirth occurs;
  • advance choice of maternity hospital and doctor;
  • attending courses for expectant mothers;
  • contacting a psychologist if a woman understands that she cannot cope with panic before childbirth on her own.

Dissection of the perineum as a way to give birth without tearing

If during childbirth there is a high probability of rupture of the perineal tissue, or the process has already begun, the perineum is dissected. This method has certain advantages:

  • an even cut heals better than a laceration;
  • dissection allows you to avoid future deformation of the perineum;
  • infection of the incision occurs much less frequently than inflammation of the laceration;
  • dissection avoids injury to the sphincter and rectum.

The perineal incision is made to preserve the health of mother and baby, since it allows the head to pass more freely through the birth canal. This method is practiced for premature birth, fetal hypoxia, and the application of forceps. It is also used to maintain the health of the mother. For example, you can reduce the intensity of pushing in case of myopia, hypertension and other diseases of a woman.

You have been waiting for a long 9 months to meet your baby. And finally, this long-awaited day has arrived. But the child is in no hurry to leave his first home - his mother’s belly. How to give birth faster without harming yourself and your baby? This question interests many expectant mothers.

Speeding up labor

Give birth faster than women they want various reasons. Some of them carried the child longer than expected and are worried about their health and his health, others are simply tired of their situation. But, even if you are suffering from swelling, back pain and big belly, which interferes with normal movement, does not mean that you can provoke the onset of labor whenever you want.

For the baby to be fully formed, at least 38 weeks of pregnancy must pass. In addition, the expectant mother’s body must be ready for childbirth.

What methods do women use to stimulate the onset of contractions?

Having sex

Many people resort to this most common and pleasant method. It even happens that gynecologists themselves recommend using it. Sexual contact, of course, does not cause labor instantly, but thanks to it, the cervix smoothes and softens. As a result, the period of contractions decreases.

If a woman experiences an orgasm, the muscles of the uterus contract sharply. At longer stages of pregnancy, this can become an impetus for the onset of labor.

Some tips:

  • Choose a position so that there is no pressure on the stomach, as well as on the chest of a pregnant woman.
  • Use special lubricants for sex. Because female body during pregnancy is not in the mood for intimacy, the use of such means will make intimacy more comfortable.

Having sex should not harm your baby if you follow these rules.

Nipple stimulation

The hormone oxytocin is responsible for the onset of labor. Its production can be enhanced by massaging the nipples. Artificially produced oxytocin is used in gynecology to induce labor.

A woman can carry out this procedure herself or resort to the help of her husband. You need to knead your nipples very carefully and gently for 20–25 minutes. Lubricate your fingers with massage oil or regular baby cream. It is allowed to repeat the massage up to four times a day.

This method will not only help speed up the onset of uterine contractions, but also prepare the nipples for future feeding of the baby.

Physical activity

This method of accelerating labor requires special care. Pregnant women are prohibited from lifting heavy objects or running; this is dangerous for both the woman and her unborn baby. Such actions contribute to the detachment of the placenta. While expecting a child, you can, for example, clean the apartment; this is also a kind of physical education.

The expectant mother should do not too intense exercises that contribute to the overall support of her physical condition.


There is an opinion that eating certain foods helps stimulate the birth process. And although medical confirmation this does not matter, some pregnant women still resort to this method to speed up labor.

What kind of products are these?

  • Any spicy dishes, including traditional Japanese cuisine.
  • Olive oil. You need to drink it several times a day, a tablespoon before meals. The oil increases the elasticity of the perineum and cervix, which accelerates its opening and reduces the risk of rupture.
  • Tea made from raspberry leaves. Tones the muscles of the uterus and pelvis. You need to start drinking it after 34 weeks. This type of tea drinking is widely used in American medical practice, the main thing here is not to overdo it, 1-2 cups of broth per day will be enough.
  • Tea made from ginger, cinnamon and cloves causes uterine contractions. You need to drink it from 39 weeks several times a day.
  • Primrose oil, which can be purchased at the pharmacy. Release form: capsules. It is recommended to drink one per day. The oil from this plant contains fatty acids.
  • Some people drink Castor oil. It causes an upset stomach, the intestinal walls contract intensively, thereby provoking the cervix to contractions.

Reception of decoctions, fees and oils from medicinal plants must be agreed upon with the doctor with whom you are registered. He will warn you about possible contraindications, adverse reactions and we'll write it down correct dosage facilities.

Other methods

You can speed up the onset of labor with a cleansing enema. During the enema process, back wall the uterus becomes irritated and begins to contract, the mucous plug quickly comes off. This method is suitable for women who carried their child to term.

Helps some acupressure. It is necessary to knead the point on the foot, which is located between the big and index finger, and top part feet near the ankle.

Another very pleasant method is taking a bath and aromatherapy. But don't do it too much hot water, the temperature should not exceed 37 degrees. Inhaling the vapors of rose, lavender, jasmine or clove oils has a beneficial effect on the development of labor.

Do not get carried away with using aroma lamps if you are allergic to oil vapors.

Medical methods

If there are indications for inducing labor, doctors resort to the following methods:

  • Amniotomy - the amniotic sac is opened, after which the body begins to intensively produce prostaglandins. This procedure promotes reflex contraction uterus. It is painless and does not take much time. The bladder can be pierced only if the cervix is ​​ready to dilate. Indications for this method: polyhydramnios and weak labor activity.
  • Injection of oxytocin or Enzaprost into a vein, the required dose of which is selected individually. During this procedure, doctors constantly monitor the condition of the fetus by listening to its heartbeat.

The doctor’s choice of stimulation method is based on the examination of the pregnant woman, taking into account the indications and possible risks. Do not self-medicate or prescribe procedures on your own.

In the delivery room

When contractions appear more frequently, the woman is sent to the delivery room. The task of every woman in labor at this time is to do everything possible to ensure that the birth ends as quickly as possible.

We offer some tips on how to behave during childbirth:

  • The most important thing is not to be afraid. A crippling feeling of fear will not allow you to relax and focus on the birth process. IN mandatory you need to try to calm down and do everything in your power to make the birth end faster.
  • Provide yourself with freedom of action. What does it mean? A woman very often feels with her own body what she needs to do in this moment to ease your condition during childbirth. It is worth noting that doctors do not approve of such amateur activities. Discuss this option with your doctor or go to the birth center. private clinic, where they are more loyal to “progressive methods”.

It is necessary to prepare for the birth process in advance. Sign up for a training course for expectant mothers that teaches breathing techniques. This will help reduce pain and, in addition, proper breathing helps speed up labor.

The danger of post-term pregnancy

The gestation period for a child is 38 weeks, with a deviation of one to two weeks in both directions. After forty weeks, the baby is considered post-term and is in mortal danger in the mother's womb.

In addition, one can highlight whole list complications caused by post-term pregnancy:

  • Oxygen starvation (hypoxia) of the fetus, since the placenta no longer provides the child’s need for oxygen.
  • Slowing down the biochemical processes in the umbilical cord and placenta also negatively affects the baby.
  • Problems arise when the child passes through birth canal, due to hardening of the skull bones and an increase in the size of the fetus.

Plus, in such cases, women experience very weak labor, the amount of bleeding increases, and asphyxia (suffocation) of the fetus during childbirth is possible.

Drawing conclusions

If none of the suggested methods helped you, don’t worry. Nature has come up with everything in such a way that the child himself knows perfectly well when his time has come to be born and believe me, it will not depend on you. Try to switch your thoughts to something else positive and try to relax.

It happens that doctors make mistakes in setting a preliminary due date, so just wait. Well, if experts insist that you carried the baby, then you need to trust them so as not to harm the baby.

How to give birth correctly? Photo from wwwomen.com.ua

Women during pregnancy, especially in the third trimester, begin to think about childbirth: how painful it is, how to breathe correctly, what needs to be done to avoid ruptures. The last question causes particular concern among expectant mothers. Is it possible to avoid ruptures or is this an uncontrollable process? How should a woman prepare for childbirth to avoid stitches?

In fact, even a fragile and thin girl with a narrow pelvis can give birth to a large child without ruptures and severe pain, since risk factors do not include the mother’s body type.

Factors influencing the occurrence of ruptures during childbirth

In total, there are three factors that influence complications after childbirth, in particular ruptures and pain:

Baby head size

If a woman gives birth on time, then small size The baby's head is unlikely to cause ruptures, but if earlier than 37 weeks, then there is a high risk of damage. If the pregnancy is full-term, then the average size of the head does not affect the characteristics of childbirth, but a large head can still provoke ruptures. In this case, the woman will not be able to do anything, since it is impossible to influence the developmental characteristics of the baby; it often depends on genetic factors.

Elasticity of fabrics

The perineum and pelvic floor are also determined genetically. Doctors say that the capabilities of skin and tissues depend on hereditary factor, timing of pregnancy and nutritional quality. From the middle of the third trimester, a woman’s body begins to prepare for childbirth, the tissue becomes more elastic, so a large fetus born on time will not cause as much damage as premature baby. But it depends individual characteristics body!

Speed ​​of passage of the baby through the birth canal

Another factor that influences the appearance of gaps. A high risk of injury occurs during rapid labor, but even if the process is slow, the last pushes, when the baby's head and shoulders appear, are very powerful, so you need to breathe correctly at this time and follow the obstetrician's recommendations.

How to Avoid Breakups: Basic Rules

During the period of bearing a child, a woman should do everything possible to avoid ruptures. To do this, it is important to know a few rules:

  • preparing the perineum for childbirth with the help of special massage and exercises;
  • the use of oils and other means to nourish the perineum;
  • compliance with all recommendations of the gynecologist so that the child is not born prematurely.

A calm and correct gestation period is the key to an easy birth

Many women who are concerned about how to give birth without ruptures think that preparation immediately before childbirth is enough. But this is not so, the course of this process is affected by the entire period of pregnancy, starting from the first week, so it is important to take care of the peace and favorable atmosphere that will surround you. A pregnant woman exposed to stress and anxiety may give birth prematurely, and premature birth several times increase the risk of ruptures.

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In the last 2 months, you need to take special care of yourself and begin active preparation for childbirth. During this period, pay special attention to your diet and consume as much as possible. plant food, give up sweets, lemons are especially useful. Such products prevent the occurrence of infections, in particular thrush, which loosen tissues and reduce their elasticity.

Preparing for childbirth: massage

Oil massage is an important part of preparation if you are interested in how to give birth without tears or incisions. This method increases the elasticity of the perineal tissue and strengthens the vaginal walls.

For these procedures you can only choose natural oils without cosmetic additives that may cause irritation or allergies. For example, almond, calendula, olive, sesame oil. The closer the due date, the more often this procedure needs to be performed.

The best time for a massage is after taking a bath, sauna or sauna. During pregnancy, the oil is applied to all parts of the body, including the intimate area, and a month before giving birth - directly to the vagina. For this you will need melted butter, and it’s better not to buy it, but to prepare it yourself to be sure that there is no harmful substances. A small piece of this product is applied to the perineum in the evening before bed and rubbed until it is absorbed.

You cannot do oiling and massage if there are inflammatory processes with discharge and itching.

So that after the procedure of oiling the whole body, you can easily get rid of the remaining oil on the body, prepare pea, oatmeal or corn porridge in water with a consistency similar to sour cream. The mass is applied to the body, it absorbs oils and gives the skin vitamins and other useful material, after washing it off, you don’t need to use any more products.

Some women carry out such procedures daily, but once a week will be good result.

Psychological mood of a pregnant woman

During preparation for childbirth, this is another important nuance, which will explain how to give birth without ruptures and pain, why it is so important to set yourself up correctly and maintain composure.

Every woman who was pregnant, at least once, experienced fear of childbirth. To overcome it, you can enroll in courses for young parents, where they will explain in detail how childbirth takes place, how to behave correctly, and talk about all the features of the process.

But it won't help if women constantly read dark stories about difficult and long labor, about complications. During this period, it is better to think only about good things and joyfully look forward to meeting your baby.

Gymnastics for pregnant women - a way to avoid ruptures

To prepare for childbirth, special exercises should be performed several months before giving birth. The most important thing is that the exercises should be performed regularly and in different positions several times a day, standing, sitting and lying down.

Many gynecologists and specialists who teach courses on preparation for childbirth recommend three exercises that will help prepare the vagina and avoid ruptures.

Exercise "Elevator"

To do this, a woman should take a comfortable position lying down, sitting or standing, and imagine that her vagina is a shaft along which an elevator moves. First, you need to lift the elevator up, deep into the vagina, alternately strain various muscles, and then, on the contrary, relax.

Kegel exercise

Another common exercise that will help train the walls of the vagina. To perform it, you need to tense the muscles of the vagina and anus, and then relax.

Exercise "Bag"

This exercise is performed standing, legs slightly bent at the knees. It is worth imagining that you need to lift the bag by the handle with your vagina. First, you need to take imaginary hands and tense your vaginal muscles to lift the bag. Each time you need to try to hold the presented object for as long as possible.

In addition to exercise, it’s good to go to the pool or do yoga, and there are special courses for pregnant women that will help you relax, give your back a rest and strengthen the vaginal muscles, making the tissue more elastic. And, of course, you need to walk and breathe as much as possible fresh air.

Correct behavior during childbirth

The preparatory process, which consists of gymnastics, massage and oiling, will not help protect against tears and cuts if a woman behaves incorrectly during childbirth.

It is important to know that in no case should you agree to stimulation if there is no reason for it real readings. Rapid labor increase the risk of ruptures. To prevent this from happening, you need to choose in advance a doctor and an obstetrician who will monitor the progress of labor and deliver the baby.

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Another important point is changing positions. If there are no IVs and doctors do not prohibit it, then it is better to change positions: first you can lie on one side, then on the other, stand, walk, take a shower to relieve pain, etc. The main thing is that these activities do not harm the child.

Let's breathe correctly!

Breathing is an important part of any birth, so you need to follow the basic rules. To make it easier to understand, you can watch a video on how to give birth without ruptures; it will tell you what breathing should be like in order to relieve pain, speed up the process and not harm the baby.

Basic rules for breathing during a contraction

  • inhalations must be made only through the nose, and exhalations through the mouth;
  • exhale – long, inhale – short. During strong contractions, practice breathing “like a dog” - gentle and frequent inhalations and exhalations, this relieves pain;
  • as soon as the contraction has passed, you need to relax, catch your breath and save your strength until a new one comes;
  • Under no circumstances should you shout! Forget and don’t watch movies where women in labor scream wildly during contractions, you need to focus your energy on proper breathing and endure the pain, otherwise the risk of ruptures is too high.

Behaviors during pushing

  • as soon as the pushing begins, you need to gather all your strength and do everything as the obstetrician says, because in just a few minutes the long-awaited meeting with the baby will come;
  • if the obstetrician forbids pushing, then you need to breathe “like a dog,” as described above. When it is very difficult to endure, it means that the baby will appear soon;
  • however, pushing can last up to 20 seconds; before starting, it is important to take a deep breath and then gradually exhale.

What is an episiotomy and what is it used for?

An episiotomy is performed by an obstetrician during labor if the vagina is not dilated enough to allow the fetus to come out. The doctor makes an incision with a special instrument in the perineal area. An episiotomy is performed if there is a risk of fetal hypoxia, traumatic brain injury and other risks to the child’s health.

Not a single doctor will tell you how to give birth without episiotomy and ruptures, since the condition of the woman in labor and her capabilities can only be assessed during the process of childbirth. Despite this, this procedure is performed without anesthesia, it is practically painless due to the strong tension of the vagina, which reduces sensitivity. After the baby's place comes out, the incision is sutured under local anesthesia.

If the doctor notices in time that ruptures cannot be avoided, he will make an incision, since it will be much easier and faster to stitch it up, and the healing time will be reduced from 1 month to 10 days.

Preparing for childbirth is an important and responsible stage; it should include special gymnastics, massage, oiling and studying information about the birth process itself, breathing and rules of behavior so that there are no tears or cuts.