Four unusual causes of cough. Strange cough How to maintain breastfeeding after a child’s illness

In cold weather, our household members may be repeatedly exposed to mild colds and ailments. But if you notice that your child has an uncharacteristic cough, it’s time to sound the alarm. Surely this is something more serious than a common cold. When should you be concerned? We'll talk about this in the next publication.

Barking cough

Your child went to bed with a stuffy nose and slept peacefully for several hours. But in the middle of the night you were awakened loud sound, reminiscent loud bark dogs. You jump up to the bed and see that the baby is unable to catch his breath.

This symptom may indicate croup - viral disease affecting children younger age(from 6 months to 3 years). This disease causes inflammation of the larynx and trachea, rampant in cold period(from October to March). During the day, as a rule, the cough disappears. Hidden, he seems to be waiting in the wings. As night falls, severe attacks recur. Sometimes, when inhaling, a piercing whistle is heard from the child's larynx. A similar illness more often overtakes children who live in a cold apartment.

A walk in the frost will bring immediate relief. Cold air relaxes the airways. If you don't want to go outside in the middle of the night, then place your coughing baby in a bathtub filled with water for 20 minutes. hot water. Warm, moist air improves breathing. If the situation does not improve, call an ambulance.

Mucous cough

You have noticed that your child produces mucus when he coughs. This is accompanied by a runny nose, sore throat, poor appetite and lacrimation. Such symptoms may indicate or be a long-term (two-week) cold. initial stage. On average, children may be exposed to colds six to ten times annually.

Make an appointment with your pediatrician, but don't insist on taking antibiotics. In this case they are powerless. The mucus cough will disappear as soon as you clear your nasal passages. If your child is unable to blow his nose, use saline solutions for washing and special devices for pumping out mucus.

Dry cough at night

A regular dry cough at night may indicate asthma or chronic diseases respiratory tract. The lungs become inflamed, which leads to narrowing of the channels and excess mucus, resulting in a cough. Some parents mistakenly believe that characteristic wheezing from the throat indicates asthma. However, sometimes the only symptom of this disease may be a dry cough at night.

If you suspect asthma, contact your pediatrician. This disease can be detected as early as 5 years of age. The child blows into a special tube that tests lung function. In younger children, it is difficult to confirm the diagnosis immediately. Usually, after examination, the parents are interviewed in detail and the history of allergic diseases of relatives is raised.

Weak cough

Is your child refusing to play for the first time in his life and is overly depressed? This is accompanied by a weak, slightly hoarse cough, high temperature, muscle pain and runny nose. An acute viral disease (influenza) has taken over the baby’s body, affecting respiratory system. Remember that the influenza virus in children has a long lifespan incubation period. They may already be infected for several days before symptoms become so obvious. This disease can be transmitted from a classmate who sneezed at a distance. Through microscopic droplets, the influenza virus will quickly spread throughout the room.

Before being examined by a pediatrician, give your baby plenty of fluids and antipyretics as possible. If a child is often sick, it is better to play it safe and resort to vaccination.

Hoarse cough

A few days after the child has caught a cold, he develops hoarse cough accompanied by whistling sounds. In this case, breathing may be intermittent and rapid. Such symptoms may be signs of bronchiolitis, an inflammation of the smallest tracts of the lower respiratory tract. When swollen, the bronchioles become filled with mucus. This makes it difficult for the baby to breathe. The disease is common in children under one year of age.

If such manifestations are detected, you should not hesitate. It is necessary to contact your pediatrician for a referral for an x-ray examination. In this case, blood tests are also indicated. In particularly serious cases, the baby should be placed in a hospital for treatment.

Whooping cough

Such attacks may occur in children who have had a cold for more than one week. Attacks of convulsive cough are observed with high frequency in one breath (up to 20 spasms). Between the attacks themselves, breathing is accompanied by strange sounds. Most probable cause These symptoms are whooping cough. Children under 6 years of age receive a dosed vaccine against this disease. However, in the intervals between vaccinations, until immunity has developed, the child runs the risk of “catching” whooping cough. Infants under the age of six months are especially at risk, since their lungs do not yet have sufficient strength. In this regard, the symptoms of the disease are not so pronounced, which makes detection difficult.

If you suspect whooping cough, a child under six months old needs urgent hospitalization. Older children recover with antibiotic treatment. However, other family members will need prophylactic agents in order to avoid this disease. Remember that whooping cough is contagious, and immunity begins to weaken within 5 years after vaccination.

Moist cough

With a prolonged cold, the child may become worse and worse. At the same time, the baby is tormented moist cough with phlegm and mucus, elevated temperature the body does not subside, and breathing is rapid. The baby probably suffered from pneumonia. In pneumonia, a virus or bacteria infects this organ, completely filling it with fluid. Pediatricians cannot always visually diagnose this condition, so an x-ray or oxygen level test will be needed to show the full picture. Unlike viral bacterial pneumonia treated with antibiotics. Most often, the child requires hospitalization.

31.10.2009, 23:44


I know that I need to see a doctor, but which one? Our local therapist will 100% prescribe the same ACCs.

Please help, thanks in advance

01.11.2009, 12:03

Start with an ENT doctor.

02.11.2009, 00:03

I was, although at that time the cough was not so frequent, although it was of the same type. he said that he didn’t find anything in his field

See an allergist, but I’ve never had an allergy, and I wouldn’t say that it’s due to any special conditions

On one forum they actually wrote to me that this is supposedly a reflux of bile, it’s annoying, but it’s not clear which doctor it’s for

How can I subscribe to a topic so that notifications arrive?

14.11.2009, 20:34

help me please

Please tell me what this is, why bile gets into the throat, and which doctor should I see?

I now understand why the “cough” is so painful - clearing my throat seems like nothing, apparently a reaction to these same droplets.

I couldn’t find a section for gastroenterologists in the forum :(

15.11.2009, 01:57

I don’t know of a situation where bile regularly gets into the stomach like this on its own, then into the esophagus (without vomiting).
However, the presence of gastroesophageal reflux is possible; the acidic contents of the stomach without bile will cause irritation of the mucous membrane and cough.
There is no section "gastroenterology", describe your problem in Therapy

15.11.2009, 14:39


I'm worried about some strange cough, it starts with a strange sensation in the throat - not a soreness, but at the very entrance (almost the end of the roof of the mouth) like an itch, it doesn't itch, but there is discomfort - if I start coughing, it stops after a while, if not, it's wildly unpleasant , tears flow, it’s unbearable to endure.

But the problem is that if I cough hard, it’s absolutely terrifying—I even get short of breath.

For me, cough is a popular problem, and There were some lungs, but such a cough occurred only once or twice during the entire cold. And now I have only had this for the third week. Broncholitin always helped in the past. This time I drank it, and Ambrobene, and some other powders, now I drink ACC a little easier - the cough is the same type, but at least I can clear my throat.

No allergies. It happens that coughing intensifies the itching, I can even get out of the metro/minibus before coughing which is already a shame.

Please tell any doctor what this strange symptom is - the cough does not start in the chest as usual, but at the entrance to the throat. It’s as if I’m trying to cough up a foreign object, just as if I had sand in there.

/However, the presence of gastroesophageal reflux is possible; the acidic contents of the stomach without bile will cause irritation of the mucous membrane and cough./

I really had something wrong with my esophagus, I had a gastroscopy. Then, in my opinion, they didn’t even prescribe anything. But what causes the disease to worsen? And how can this be mitigated?

thanks in advance

15.11.2009, 18:50

Your age?
How did the cough start? Was there a fever, nasal congestion, runny nose or other signs of ARVI?
Does your cough get worse when you lie down? Do you have heartburn?

Do you have nasal congestion?
Does coughing interfere with sleep?

16.11.2009, 22:30

Your age?

How did the cough start?

Some special reasons I do not find. He's had colds before, but rarely. If you cough hard, it gets worse. It seems to get worse if the air is dry, but maybe it’s just me. If you start chewing gum while you cough, it will get worse.

Was there a fever, nasal congestion, runny nose or other signs of ARVI?

No. Perhaps a slight runny nose, but I almost always have it during cold weather.

Does your cough get worse when you lie down?

Do you have heartburn?

No. Just looked up on Wikipedia what it is, in my opinion it never happened, unless in childhood and I don’t remember

Worsening cough in spring/autumn? At home/outside?

No, the attacks are not tied to anything. Start coughing violently = make the attack worse, stop drinking water in small sips

Do you have nasal congestion?

Does coughing interfere with sleep?

No. If I start coughing a lot it gets worse but then goes away. Sometimes it happens at night but rarely

Tell me, can’t it be psychological in nature? I understand this is nonsense, but in my opinion sometimes it starts when I do something uninteresting, I have a habit of holding my breath in a hurry. But maybe it just seems like it to me.

Thanks for your questions and thanks in advance for your answer.

16.11.2009, 23:10

Do you smoke?

16.11.2009, 23:30

Do you smoke?

Are you taking any medications?

Examination by a therapist, ENT doctor, chest x-ray.

The therapist and ENT visited about a month ago, x-ray in April, everything is ok

The cough has almost disappeared, or rather, I found how to fight it - I drink. attacks are much less common, but I still want to know what it is

16.11.2009, 23:33

Also try to avoid contact with tobacco smoke, "strong" perfumes, paint and varnish products, household chemicals for a period until the cough goes away.

16.11.2009, 23:52

Perhaps it will help to inhale warm, humidified air.

Where can I get it... but water doesn’t help me yet. it doesn’t seem to be connected to the lungs, as I say, the sensation is in the throat. there is no sensation in the chest, as happens with a normal cough

Also try to avoid contact with tobacco smoke, “strong” perfumes,

Well, I always use perfume, but I don’t see any connection - I can spray it on at home and nothing, and in the evening, when everything has disappeared, I cough

Paint and varnish products, household chemicals for the period until the cough goes away.

By the way, does your cough get worse after laughing?

That is, it has nothing to do with the stomach, but something to do with the respiratory organs?

16.11.2009, 23:53

who knows why drinking water helps me?

16.11.2009, 23:58

For a sore throat, sucking or chewing stimulates saliva production, which in turn reduces irritation. Any warm liquid has the same effect.
For the same purpose, I advise you to breathe warm, humidified air. It's actually not difficult to do. It is enough, for example, to open hot water in the bathroom.

Whether this is related to the stomach or not is unknown. 40% of people with extraesophageal manifestations of gastroesophageal reflux disease do not have heartburn. In your case it is impossible to determine clinically. What did you have according to the FGDS data?
You can also use a trial of drugs that suppress secretion.

Dear mothers, I love and hug you all! My topic is rather speculative. I am by nature very emotional and impressionable, in life this helps me more than it hinders me :) But what I constantly notice in myself is the shock to my emotions when I sneeze/cough/fever/bumps/dental

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Some strange cough......???

Girls, maybe someone has had this... We are 8 months old, the baby has no signs of a cold, but I am confused and somehow alarmed by a strange cough that looks like a barking cough, and it does not happen all the time, but only when it is small, for example, choked or choked. In the clinic