What to do if you can't wake up in the morning. List of used literature


Regularly being late for work or important meeting, dissatisfaction with your boss, monetary fines and lack of bonuses are powerful arguments to think about your daily routine. Irresponsible people who make others wait simply do not know how to properly organize their time, correctly setting priorities. In order to cope with upcoming tasks in the fast pace of megacities, many sacrifice their own rest, increasing the length of the day. However, such an action is invariably accompanied by a negative connotation - difficulty waking up in the morning.

To correct the usual set of circumstances, it is important to plan a list of tasks for the day in advance. When creating tasks, you need to rationally assess your own strengths - you won’t be able to do more than you can. Preparing for upcoming events is an opportunity to evenly distribute your energy throughout the entire length of your work activity. By mastering your assigned goals, you will develop self-confidence, avoiding the occurrence of . By properly organizing your schedule, you will learn to get up in the morning easily, arriving at the appointed place on time. Once you get used to the new regime, you will notice how positive side change the attitude of others towards you.

How to fall asleep quickly?

Initially, it is important to realize that only those people who go to bed earlier can get up easily in the morning. To replenish internal resources, the body requires a certain period of time, so it is almost impossible to wake up before the allotted time. In the current situation, it becomes especially difficult for “night owls,” whose daily routine involves staying awake under the cover of darkness. Insomnia and useless stay in bed, uncomfortable sleeping place and thoughts overwhelming the mind - there are a variety of reasons that prevent you from falling asleep. By following simple recommendations, you will learn, waking up in a great mood and with positive emotions:

Turn off in the rest room electrical devices and instruments to dive into complete darkness. At night, the body releases a special hormone that causes drowsiness, so the absence of light becomes a kind of command for changes in the functioning of biological mechanisms.
Get rid of it by tuning into a positive spectrum of emotions. Positive thinking will allow you to quickly fall asleep, without focusing on the cold or heat, extraneous noise or snoring of your chosen one.
Place a bowl of water next to your sleeping area, into which you first add 2-3 drops of lavender, bergamot or geranium essential oil. The properties of such extracts will help you relax, calming the nervous system.
Find before going to bed by organizing your thoughts in your head. Think ahead about the events that happened during the day. Don't leave unsolved problems when you go to bed. Find a way out of difficult situations in advance so that you can rest in a peaceful state.
Avoid eating before bed so as not to provoke work digestive tract. Such activity will definitely interfere with your rest, because you will regularly get up to go to the toilet or be distracted by extraneous noises “spewed” by your stomach.

Neglecting the advice listed above is an irrational decision, because healthy sleep allows you to gain strength and replenish the energy necessary for new achievements. If you learn to fall asleep earlier, waking up in the morning will be much easier. During the rest period, the body will recover after a hard day of work, preparing to conquer uncharted heights.

The first 5 minutes after waking up

The first five minutes after waking up is the fundamental time period from which you need to extract maximum benefit. During this interval, you can get rid of drowsiness, recharging yourself with positive energy for the coming day, or, conversely, set yourself up for negative outcomes of events by staying in bed until lunch. It is important to realize that thoughts are material, and the future directly depends on your actions in the present. If you do not neglect the 5-minute rules, then waking up in the morning will become much easier. You just need to put the recommendations into practice, adhering to the following sequence:

First minute. Take these 60 seconds to positive emotions, plunging into a world of dreams and pleasant memories. Imagine a future car for which you are diligently saving money, or recreate your school graduation in your subconscious, think about your loved ones and loved ones, imagine your desired position at work - do not limit your imagination.
Second minute. Pay attention to your body. The first thing you need to do is stretch to help your body activate. Be sure to take 2-3 measured breaths, saturating your lungs with oxygen.
Third minute. Massage slowly occipital part scalp, earlobes and temples, improving blood circulation. Simple actions are designed to activate vital processes.
Fourth minute. Slowly get out of bed, sitting on the corner sleeping place. Collect your thoughts by drinking 250 ml of pasteurized water with a slice of lemon or orange. A drink like this helps get things going gastrointestinal tract, which will not allow you to stay in bed for a long time.
Fifth minute. Get out of bed and go to the window. Open the curtains and look outside. Imagine yourself next to people who are already rushing to work or warming up their cars. To find yourself among strong-willed individuals, all you have to do is clean yourself up and have breakfast.

It is important to consider that waking up easily is only possible if you have actually had enough sleep. There are no recommendations that can help you easily wake up after a hard day of work by resting for 60–120 minutes. Don't forget to go to bed on time, setting aside at least 7-8 hours for healthy sleep. To achieve the desired result, you need to take a responsible approach to the preparation process. You must realize that rest is an integral part of life, which should not be neglected.

By learning to go to bed earlier, you will already have taken a tangible step towards your cherished goal. However, you can make it easier to wake up in the morning with the help of others. practical recommendations that allow you to easily get rid of drowsiness:

Give yourself a good reason to wake up earlier (increasing productivity or meeting your loved one).
Keep a diary where you can mark your successes and reflect your failures (indicate in the schedule of waking up and falling asleep exact time, regularly monitoring changes).
Place the alarm clock in the far corner of the room, choosing the most unpleasant and loud melody (you will have to get out of bed to turn off the electronic device).
Take the help of loved ones who are already accustomed to waking up early (let relatives or friends call you at a pre-agreed time).
Contact the morning alert service, where at the appointed hour the company’s employees will definitely achieve their goal by waking you up using all possible means.
– another compelling argument to wake up (during intimacy hormones are produced that speed up brain activity).
Avoid using stimulants that negatively affect sleep (caffeine, alcohol, drugs and tobacco products).
Change your daily routine gradually, enjoying small victories on the way to your cherished goal (start waking up earlier, first by 15 minutes, then by 20, etc.).
Come up with a reward for completing a task (treat yourself to a movie or restaurant, buy a gadget or item of clothing).

If you follow simple rules, you will provide yourself with a positive charge of emotions throughout the coming day. becomes an integral component good morning when a person properly awakens from sleep. It is not surprising that well-rested people are distinguished from everyday crowds by their smiles and “fire” in their eyes.

By adhering to the above tips and recommendations, you will adjust your own reputation among others. By waking up on time in the morning, you will be in time to get to the right place at the appointed time, getting rid of the status of an irresponsible person. The attitude of loved ones and work colleagues will improve, and the length of the day will increase significantly. Achieve your desired goal during the day when everyone is passionate labor activity, much simpler.

March 24, 2014

There are not so many people on our planet who know how easy it is to wake up in the morning and even practice it. Most working citizens painfully experience the transition from the sweet state of sleep to morning wakefulness.

The more pleasant the dream was and the more unpleasant the events awaiting you during the day, the more difficult this transition is. And we are all waiting for the weekend to get the long-awaited sleep and... sleep! But it’s simply impossible to always do what you want. Do you work, study, are a housewife, but have you taken it upon yourself to take your child to kindergarten every morning? Then you definitely need to know how to easily get up in the morning in order to feel energetic all day and not want to tear to pieces anyone who gets in your way.

Rules for falling asleep for those who find it difficult to get up in the morning

If you have a hard time getting up in the morning, the first thing you need to do is learn how to fall asleep correctly. Do not watch news, action films, thrillers, TV shows, etc. before going to bed. documentaries stimulating mental activity. Immersion in them is a sure way to insomnia. Instead of falling asleep, your brain will spend hours digesting what you saw. Use the following methods to fall asleep:

  1. You get up the way you eat!

    If you want to wake up easily in the morning, don't eat a lot of heavy food before bed. Overeating in the evening is a way to deprive yourself of a good night's rest. If the stomach is overloaded, the body puts all its energy into digesting food. As a result, he is simply deprived of the opportunity to rest. There’s not much to be said about the nightmares that too much dinner can cause.

  2. Exercise for healthy sleep.

    If you are sensitive, restless sleep, and you don’t know how to wake up early in the morning, use one more tip. 2-3 hours before bedtime, give yourself the maximum: play outdoor games with your child, take a walk, run around the stadium, actively fulfill your marital duty. The more tired you are, the faster and more soundly you will fall asleep. With deep and sound sleep The body is able to rest faster, which means it will be easier for you to wake up.

  3. Peace and quiet.

    Don’t know how to learn to get up early and still get enough sleep? Remember: evening hours in the house should be the quietest. Do not play music, TV shows, or movies loudly. All noise-producing equipment should either operate at minimum volume or be turned off altogether. Silence is an ideal environment for normal relaxation. Let your brain rest, not your body while lying on the couch watching an action movie, but rather your brain. Relaxed and quiet time spent in the evening is the key to a vigorous awakening in the morning.

  4. Put your body to sleep.

    This is not a lullaby. Although, if there are people who want to perform it for you, use it! If not, then in the late afternoon find yourself a quiet activity that makes you sleepy. This could be reading, knitting, folding a puzzle, putting a mask on your face, looking at photos, etc. The psyche that has been agitated during the day needs to be calmed down. After this, your sleep will be stronger and you will rest better. Then the question of how easy it is to wake up in the morning will not arise.

How to wake up easily in the morning: surefire ways

  1. Create a reason to wake up soon.

    If you don’t know how easy it is to wake up in the morning, and you definitely need to do this, use one trick. If something very pleasant awaits you in the morning, then getting up in the morning from unpleasant becomes long-awaited. Prepare yourself this “pleasure” in advance so that it literally lures you out of bed. For a woman, this could be some amazing outfit or new makeup, thought out and planned the night before. You can lure a man out of bed with some kind of “yummy.” If a wife gets up earlier than her husband, all she needs to do is prepare her husband something tasty and always aromatic for breakfast. The appetizing smell can work real miracles in the morning and pull even the most avid couch potatoes out of the bedroom. This is the first way to wake up early yourself and help your family do the same.

  2. Choose your alarm melody wisely!

    Do you know how easy it is to get up in the morning without the painful “I don’t want to, but I have to”? To make getting up in the morning pleasant, something very pleasant should await you during the day. Set your alarm clock to your favorite tune. And one that makes you dance. Some rumba, hip-hop or something like that. The main thing is that the music should encourage you to get out of bed and “move your butt.” This is a very powerful incentive and it works flawlessly for many musical people. There is an opinion that a calm, non-aggressive melody has a positive effect on a newly awakened body. This is true, but keep in mind that a composition that is too melodic can make you wrap yourself even more comfortably in the blanket and accidentally fall asleep again.

  3. Use technology.

    This is another one effective way to learn to get up early. For example, install unusual alarm clocks on your smartphone, like the Alarmy app (SleepIf U Can). This state-of-the-art alarm clock will ring until the person gets up and takes a couple of pictures. The application is free. It has a system for setting shooting conditions. Selfie fans will be pleased to wake up with the thought that they can practice photography right in the morning.

  4. Free yourself from unpleasant responsibilities.

    Our body tends to protect itself from what makes it uncomfortable. And if you don’t know how to wake up early in the morning, and even with a smile, don’t plan any unpleasant responsibilities for the morning. It is better to postpone the jogging to the evening; exercise, if it’s a burden for you, too. Replace it with stretching and enjoyable exercise. No laundry or cooking, washing dishes or rushing through yesterday's work tasks! If possible, prepare breakfast in advance so that in the morning you can simply warm it up and enjoy the taste. If you have a multicooker with a delayed start function, prepare the ingredients the night before, set the start time closer to when you wake up, and enjoy waking up to the aroma of milk porridge, just like when you were a child. It is a scientifically proven fact that if you experience pleasant emotions similar to those of children, you become happier.

Make every effort to have a joyful day ahead. In the evening, get rid of all the reasons why you... Then the question of how to wake up early in the morning and not want to kill anyone will no longer arise. You will desire awakening and subconsciously prepare for it closer to the morning. Your body will tell you “Thank you” for letting it sleep, and instead of a gloomy expression on your face, you greeted the morning with a smile. And you will suddenly discover that morning is a wonderful time of day, when you are full of strength and energy for new achievements.

Waking up on time in the morning is practically impossible for many people. impossible mission. Getting out of bed turns into sliding, instead of vigor and a feeling of freshness - weakness and drowsiness. How easy it is to wake up in the morning - this problem is relevant for many. Here are some tips on how to learn to wake up quickly and easily in the morning.

Check your health. Perhaps the feeling of morning sleepiness is a sign of some kind of disease or lack of vitamins and important microelements: B vitamins, rutin, vitamin D, iodine. Check your work thyroid gland– many diseases endocrine system cause a feeling of drowsiness. In men, drowsiness is one of the symptoms of prostatitis.

Don't forget about the disease of this century - chronic fatigue syndrome. In addition to drowsiness, CFS is also characterized by depression, apathy, and a feeling of exhaustion. Drowsiness is one of the symptoms of vegetative-vascular dystonia, herpes infection, and hormonal imbalances in the body. In some cases, drowsiness is initial sign cardiovascular diseases.

To improve your health, you need to drink vitamin complex, boost your immunity, consult a doctor to identify hidden diseases. After the examination is completed, if nothing is revealed, you will have peace of mind about the state of your health.

Think about sleep hygiene

The deeper and more restful your sleep is, the faster your body will recover. Here are some tips on what to do and how to get up easily in the morning:

  1. Organize Better conditions for sleeping: purchase a flat or orthopedic pillow, choose an orthopedic mattress that is comfortable for you.
  2. Provide during sleep complete absence light in the room and extraneous sounds. If this is not possible, buy a sleep mask and earplugs.
  3. Remove the TV and laptop from the bedroom - the bed should only be used for sleeping. There should be no provoking factors in the room so that you cannot say to yourself - I’ll just take a look now email and go straight to sleep.
  4. Be sure to ventilate your bedroom before going to bed to saturate it with oxygen.

Your sleep norm

Determine your sleep norm. A common person sleeps on average 7-9 hours. Lack of sleep is just as harmful as oversleeping. If you do not get enough sleep, the lack of sleep will accumulate until the weekend and will manifest itself on weekdays. daytime sleepiness, deterioration in concentration and memory.

It's a good idea to determine whether you're a night owl or a lark. Larks have an easier life; they are naturally better adapted to waking up early. There are not particularly many biological owls in life - only 2-3 cases per 1000. All other people who consider themselves owls are simply disorganized larks. It is important to get back to normal on time.

If you are used to going to bed at 1, but need to get up at 7 and this sleep time is not enough, then you need to gradually move the time of falling asleep, first to 12 o’clock at night, then to 11. If an unusual time causes difficulty falling asleep, you can use a mild natural sleeping pill - a hormone sleep, such as melatonin. It causes mild drowsiness, which can be used to fall asleep. The next morning after taking melatonin you do not feel tired or drowsy, it is not addictive.

Sleep cycles

However, sometimes even after sleeping for 8 hours, you wake up exhausted, exhausted and completely incapable of active life. Why is this happening?

Human sleep is divided into cycles, each of which lasts approximately one and a half to two hours. Each cycle is divided into slow and fast phases. Slow phases are deep dream, which is of particular importance for the restoration of the body. Phase REM sleep or rapid eye movement phase - this is a more superficial sleep, during which the intellectual abilities person. From the evening in the cycle longer duration the slow phase of sleep occupies, by the morning the fast phase of sleep begins to predominate.

If a person is woken up while he is in the slow phase of sleep, he will wake up very hard, with a feeling of drowsiness and weakness. A person comes out of the REM sleep phase very easily. Therefore, in order to wake up easily, you need to do it in the fast phase of sleep.

When to fall asleep to wake up correctly

Earlier official medicine it was believed that any falling asleep before 12 am is beneficial, which is the most healthy sleep until 12 am. In Ayurveda, the period during which the body is fully restored is considered to be from 10 pm to 12 pm. That is, in order for a person to be cheerful and fresh in the morning, he needs to be fast asleep by 10 pm.

Modern methods for calculating optimal sleep and waking times support these settings. That is, if you take average duration sleep, necessary for a person to restore the body, the time of melatonin production, as well as cyclicity, then optimal time for falling asleep it’s easy to calculate.

If we take the average duration of a cycle as one and a half hours and 6-8 hours, then on average a person should sleep through 4-5 sleep cycles. How to quickly wake up in the morning easily? To do this, he must wake up in REM sleep. The REM sleep phase takes approximately 15-20 minutes of the entire cycle. That is, if you wake up in the middle of the cycle, you will fall right into the slow phase of sleep and will feel sleepy, irritated and angry. What is the best time to wake up to get up easily? If the end of sleep falls between cycles, then a feeling of vigor and freshness will come, even if you have to wake up early.

How to wake up in the morning right time? Based on this data, many calculators have been developed to calculate bedtime. However, you need to take into account that these calculators calculate the time of falling asleep. That is, in fact, a person needs 15 minutes to fall asleep. Therefore, you need to go to bed 15 minutes earlier so that you are already deeply asleep by the calculated time.

What life hacks will help you wake up in the right phase early in the morning?

An ordinary alarm clock, depending on the volume, can, of course, wake up a person in any phase of sleep. Although everyone, probably at least once, in the morning found themselves in a situation where they wondered in bewilderment how in a dream he managed to bypass all the passwords and turn off all 5 alarm clocks. In the REM phase of sleep, any slight noise can wake a person.

Fitness bracelet

People who are interested have probably come across such a gadget as a fitness bracelet with a built-in sleep sensor. The fitness bracelet is not able to calculate the stages of sleep, but it can analyze the quality of sleep. The slow phase of sleep is characterized by a slowdown in cardiac activity, breathing becomes more shallow, and blood pressure decreases. In the REM phase of sleep, all readings change, in addition, a person in the REM phase begins to experience muscle activity. The bracelet takes all these readings and analyzes them.

A sound sensor with ultra-sensitive sound recording sensors records a person's activity during sleep. The more movement and activity you have, the more likely you are to be in the active fast phase. The fitness bracelet also has built-in accelerometers and a heart rate monitor.

Main function fitness smart alarm clock is to monitor the onset of the REM sleep stage, when the body itself is ready to awaken. In this alarm clock, the wake-up time can be set to a half-hour range, in which the body should wake up. Initially, at the beginning of the fast phase, the alarm clock gives a preliminary light, quiet vibrating signal that awakens the body, and then, after some time, when the body is ready to wake up, it gives the main vibrating signal.

Sleep trackers on your phone

Creators software for smartphones, they have long turned phones into everything they can, including sleep sensors. Today, more than 50 such applications are sold on the Apple Store and Android Market, all of which use accelerometers built into smartphones. All applications function approximately the same. The smartphone with the installed application should be placed near the sleeping person’s head on the pillow. The built-in motion sensor will analyze all human movements during sleep, thus distinguishing deep phase sleep from fast active.

However, these applications also have disadvantages:

  • they give false signals if two people are sleeping in the bed or if a cat is also sleeping;
  • During night reading of information, the smartphone battery can be discharged up to 80%.

How you can help yourself wake up

So, you woke up on time, but you need a little more help to recover from sleep. The first 5 minutes after waking up are especially important for creating the right mood:

  • 1 minute – when you wake up, think about something very pleasant and motivating: buying a car, an upcoming vacation, or just about your loved one;
  • 2 minutes - stretch straight in bed: this will help straighten the muscles and enrich them with oxygen;
  • 3 minutes – rub your head, neck, ears;
  • 4 minutes – sit on the bed and drink a glass of water placed near the bed in the evening. The body dehydrates overnight and this will help it return to normal. However, water can be replaced with tea, cola, coffee - depending on your preferences. Orange juice is a good invigorator;
  • 5 minutes - get up and open the window - let fresh air fill the room while you carry out your morning hygiene procedures.

What else will help you wake up and get up easily in the morning? Buy a night light with a timer and set the lamp to turn on 10-15 minutes before you expect to wake up. If the room is light, getting up will be easy. Turning on the TV on a timer on a news channel or turning on the timer on the music center to pleasant, non-scaring music can also have a positive effect on waking up. Melodies need to be changed, because on average it takes 2 weeks for the brain to get used to them.

List of used literature:

  • Neurology. Directory medical practitioner. D. R. Shtulman, O. S. Levin. M. "Medpress", 2008.
  • National Institutes of Health. NINDS Hypersomnia Information Page (June 2008). Archived April 6, 2012 (English)
  • Poluektov M.G. (ed.) Somnology and sleep medicine. National leadership in memory of A.N. Vein and Ya.I. Levina M.: “Medforum”, 2016.

How easy is it to get up in the morning? This question has plagued more than one generation. We are no exception. Some people manage to easily get out of bed every day and greet the sunrise with a smile on their face. But what should those who are night owls do?

Solving the question of how easy it is to get up in the morning is not so simple. If everything could be attributed to “owls”, “larks” and “pigeons”, then everyone would have given up on it long ago. But the relevance of this problem does not subside, which means that it is necessary to talk about it, to look for an answer again and again.

What’s the point of writing tips on how to get up easily in the morning that don’t work, you’ll say, and you’ll be absolutely right. Therefore, this article contains a unique selection of facts and research by scientists on the topic of early rise. Read it, and perhaps today you will understand what exactly you are missing to make waking up in the morning easy and pleasant.

How easy is it to get up in the morning?

1) And the first point in solving the problem of how to easily get up in the morning is . What does it mean? It's simple. In the evening, when you go to bed, you should get ready to get up early. This place is good for relaxation. And at the moment when you feel that your body is completely relaxed, and perhaps you are already falling asleep, you should give yourself a positive attitude. For example, tomorrow I wake up cheerful and energetic at 6.00 am! Repeat this setting several times. You may not be able to catch the right moment the first time. But after a few days of such a simple workout, you will understand when you need to give instructions to your body.

2) You definitely need to take a sip fresh air . Scientists have found that at two, even after evening ventilation and installation of a lamp, the salt air is saturated carbon dioxide in just 2 hours. That is, the air becomes stale and stale. This slows down our awakening. If it’s cold outside or you can’t sleep with the window slightly open, then the first thing you need to do after waking up is take a breath of fresh air! Do morning exercises at open window or just open the window and breathe full breasts- say hello to the Sun! This will start the work of all body systems.

3) The alarm clock doesn't stand a chance. When we turn off the alarm clock and let ourselves sleep for another 5, 10, 15 minutes, the body cannot react correctly to getting up. After the alarm rings, accept vertical position without delaying the rise. Yes, it’s unpleasant and difficult, but then you won’t feel overwhelmed and tired all day long.

4) You can get up with eyes closed . Scientists have found that even most larks get out of bed with their eyes slightly closed. They don't try to wake up in bed, they get up and only then wake up in the process. Tests have shown that the main awakening occurs when a person begins to wash his face. Therefore, you don’t need to lie in bed endlessly and set the alarm clock for another 5 minutes, and then another 5... Get up as you are and straight to the washbasin. Moreover, water has amazing property: she takes off everything negative energy, refreshes and gives a feeling of vigor. Ideally, you should take a shower and not just wash your face.

5) After washing, you can do light exercises. You don't need any super complicated exercises. If you don’t have time for a full morning warm-up, a few bends, head and shoulder rotations, and a little leg stretching will be enough. This will set you up for the coming day, and the sleep will go away completely. Those who practice yoga do not face the problem of getting up in the morning; try starting your day with the "" complex. It wonderfully awakens the body after sleep and charges it with energy for the whole day.

6) . It's not so easy to find time to cook in the morning. But this is a must-do if you want to wake up easily in the morning. Dense, tasty and healthy breakfast will help you improve your mood in the morning! You need to forget about sandwiches and make healthy and healthy breakfasts!

7) The secret is to never be late. And finally, in order not to be late for work in the morning, when choosing clothes, prepare them in the evening. This habit is very difficult to take root. But when you experience all the charm of this action, you will no longer want to pick up clothes in a hurry in the morning. If you still find it difficult to prepare clothes in the evening, then at least, just think about what you will wear in the morning, then after the morning preparations and breakfast you will take much less time to get ready.

Well, the last piece of advice from "" for everyone who wants to know how easy it is to wake up in the morning: Smile at yourself in the mirror and wink - in this way, tune in to good mood, recharge yourself with positivity so that the whole day passes on a wave of lightness and joy!

I really hope that you will implement at least some of the scientific advice on how to easily get up in the morning into your life, and maybe it will become at least a little easier for you to wake up in the morning!

And if someone finds enough willpower to start following all the recommendations from the proposed list, then the coming day will certainly be marked by your easy morning awakening, great mood and excellent health!

How many people justify their night image life by some mythical properties of the organism. I’m supposedly a night owl, and my body is designed in such a way that I can’t get up early, but at night I’m very energetic. Have you ever wondered why, for example, there are no owls or larks in the army? Yes, because there is a regime! And with him all people are people, and not birds.

Staying up early in the morning or in the afternoon is just a force of habit. It is this lady who forces us to take her instructions for personal desires. I first felt this when I stopped adding sugar to my tea. The once favorite sweet drink suddenly became completely tasteless. A month after the start of my experiment, I decided to add sugar to tea and was surprised to find that such a drink no longer seemed tasty to me.

If you went to bed late, then getting up early is out of the question. Vicious circle.

The same is true with sleep. At first I got up at 8 o'clock in the morning. When my workday began to depend only on me, I was happy. I could sleep until 10. Then, somehow, imperceptibly, my working day began at 11, then at 12 noon. And so I began to get up at 3 o’clock. The later I got up, the more difficult it was to fall asleep early, so my bedtime shifted every time. And if you went to bed late, then getting up early is out of the question. Vicious circle. This is how people mutate into owls.

The moment came when I received an offer to host a morning show. This meant that I had to get up at 4:30 am. Of course, I could not refuse such a tempting offer. I had two months to change my routine. Every day I tried to get up a little earlier than the previous day. At first it was difficult - every morning I was ready to give up on this idea. But the motivation was very high.

How did I learn to get up early and be cheerful in the morning?

First rule: to get up earlier, you need to go to bed earlier.

Oh, what a difficult task this is! It can be even more difficult to lie down earlier than to get up earlier. Don't wait until you feel sleepy. Go to bed at the same time every night.

At first it will be difficult to fall asleep. Use some tricks.

  • Be sure to turn off the lights and all electrical appliances. Darkness will signal the release of a hormone that causes drowsiness. If you watched TV or sat at the computer for a long time before going to bed, this may delay the release of hormones for some time. Therefore, avoid these activities before bed.
  • Add scent to your bedroom essential oils. Many people recommend using lavender, but I don't like the smell. I add bergamot or geranium oil to water and diffuse the aroma throughout the bedroom using a spray bottle.
  • Don't eat before bed. Your body will try to digest the food, which will make it harder to fall asleep.

Second rule: the first 5 minutes after waking up are very important, make them as comfortable as possible for yourself.

  1. 1st minute. Immediately after you open your eyes, think about the people close to you and the places where you were incredibly happy. Pleasant memories will be created the right attitude. My friend likes to imagine her future car in the morning, and the day goes great.
  2. 2nd minute. Stretch - this will awaken your body. Make a few deep breaths and exhalations - this will saturate it with oxygen.
  3. 3rd minute. Massage the back of your head, temples, eyebrows and earlobes. This will ensure a rush of blood to the head.
  4. 4th minute. Rub your palms together. This will improve blood circulation. Rub your body.
  5. 5th minute. Start to rise slowly. Sit on your bed and drink a glass of water. I pour it in the evening and leave it on the bedside table.

Third rule: bright colors and cheerful smells should be yours faithful companions every morning.

Hang bright curtains in the kitchen, buy bright dishes. I made a pomander that now hangs in my kitchen. This is a fragrant ball that fills the room. The simplest pomander, which is very suitable for waking up in the morning, is made from citrus fruits. Take an orange, tangerine or lemon, pierce it with a sharp stick and rub it with cinnamon powder. Stick clove seeds into the holes. We put the finished “device” in a warm place for 1.5–2 weeks. After this time, we tie it with a beautiful ribbon and hang it in the kitchen. The citrus pomander will delight you with its aromas for about six months.

And be sure, before you decide to start getting up earlier, decide for yourself why you need it. Lifehacker has already talked about it more than once. But if motivation is lacking, use shredder alarm clocks. You put a couple of hundred rubles into the alarm clock, and if you don’t get up at the appointed time in the morning, the alarm clock shreds the bills into small pieces.