What is Show where crayfish spend the winter? Meaning and interpretation of the word pokazat gde raki zimujut, definition of the term. Where do crayfish spend the winter? You may be interested in knowing the lexical, literal or figurative meaning of these words

Show where crayfish spend the winter- expression of threat. The turnover is associated with the times of serfdom, when landowners left for the winter in the cities, where the season of balls and receptions began. Crayfish were considered one of the most delicious dishes at dinner parties. Gourmets claimed that crayfish are truly tasty only in those months whose names contain the letter r, i.e. from September to April. Since crayfish were needed in winter, we had to climb into the cold water to get them. It was very difficult to find them in their burrows.

Show where crayfish spend the winter

expression of threat. The turnover is associated with the times of serfdom, when landowners left for the winter in the cities, where the season of balls and receptions began. Crayfish were considered one of the most delicious dishes at dinner parties. Gourmets claimed that crayfish are truly tasty only in those months whose names contain the letter r, i.e. from September to April. Since crayfish were needed in winter, we had to climb into the cold water to get them. It was very difficult to find them in their burrows.

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expression of threat. The turnover is associated with the times of serfdom, when landowners left for the winter in the cities, where the season of balls and receptions began. Crayfish were considered one of the most delicious dishes at dinner parties. Gourmets claimed that crayfish are truly tasty only in those months whose names contain the letter r, i.e. from September to April. Since crayfish were needed in winter, we had to climb into the cold water to get them. It was very difficult to find them in their burrows.

Handbook of phraseology. 2012

See also interpretations, synonyms, meanings of the word and what it means to SHOW WHERE CRASHES WINTER in Russian in dictionaries, encyclopedias and reference books:

  • CANCER in the Dictionary of Thieves' Slang:
    - horned...
  • CANCER in the Big Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    the same as...
  • CANCER in big Soviet encyclopedia, TSB:
    class of invertebrate animals; same as crustaceans...
    cm. …
  • WHERE in the Modern Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    (crustaceans), a class of invertebrate animals such as arthropods. Length from fractions of a mm to 80 cm. About 30 thousand species, widely distributed, most ...
  • WHERE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    h is the distance from the axis of the hole to the surface of the liquid g is the acceleration of free fall. Bred by E. Torricelli in 1641. Establishes...
  • SHOW V Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    , -I'm already, -I'm already; - azan; owls 1. someone or something to whom. To give the opportunity to see someone, to see something, to learn something. P. book. P., …
  • WHERE in the Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    -EITHER, places. adv. Same as anywhere. -SOMEWHERE, places. adv. In some not exactly known place. We'll meet someday. -TO, places. ...
  • CANCER in the Big Russian Encyclopedic Dictionary:
    CANCER, the same as crustaceans...
    ? cm. …
  • SHOW in the Complete Accented Paradigm according to Zaliznyak:
    show, show, while you're pressing, while you're chewing, while you're chewing, while you're chewing, while you're chewing, show, show, show, show, show, show, show, show “those who showed, who showed, who showed, who showed, who showed, who showed, who showed lice, ...
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    1. Syn: depict, present, convey, demonstrate (book) 2. ‘in any way external manifestation make any of your feelings, states noticeable to others’ Syn: ...
  • SHOW in the Russian Language Thesaurus:
    1. Syn: depict, imagine, convey, demonstrate (book) 2. ‘by some external manifestation, make any of your feelings noticeable to others, ...
  • SHOW in Abramov's Dictionary of Synonyms:
    see punish, ...
  • SHOW
    Syn: depict, imagine, convey, demonstrate (book, by any external manifestation, make any of your feelings, states noticeable to others Syn: manifest, discover, ...
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    somewhere, somewhere...
  • SHOW
    owls trans. cm. …
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    show, show, ...
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    show, show...
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    show, show, ...
  • SHOW
    discover, show P. excellent knowledge. P. yourself as a good worker. P. your resourcefulness. show, give the opportunity to see something, verify something, ...
  • WHERE in Ozhegov’s Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    Non-st == somewhere Look, have you lost G. where in what place G. do you work? City, city I lived. Where …
  • WHERE in Dahl's Dictionary:
    adv. in which place, in which place, in the interrogative and demonstrative sense. Where are you? Go back to where you were. | Where do you...
  • CANCER in Modern explanatory dictionary, TSB:
    the same as...
  • SHOW
    I'll show you, you'll show me, owls. (to show). 1. to whom or what. Letting be seen, presenting for examination. He showed me his painting. || Present...
  • WHERE in Ushakov’s Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    adv. 1. will ask. In which place? Where do you live? || In a rhetorical question - about something. disappeared, past (book poet). ...
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    show owls trans. cm. …
  • WHERE in Ephraim's Explanatory Dictionary:
    adv. 1) In what place? 2) Is there? is there? does it exist? 3) a) Why is it missing? which disappeared? b) Used. ...
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    owls trans. cm. …
  • WHERE in the New Dictionary of the Russian Language by Efremova:
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    owls trans. cm. …
  • WHERE in the Large Modern Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language:
    I adv. circumstances places 1. In what place? 2. Used as a conjunctive word, joining subordinate clauses places, defining, explanatory and ...
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The expression to show a person “where crayfish spend the winter” has a completely understandable meaning. Given the fact that crayfish, common in fresh water bodies of Europe, winters deep, the message takes on a very bad meaning.

The only way out is to know exactly where the crayfish spend the winter. This is the only way to explain to a potential offender that he is wrong on a specific issue.

Introduction to Cancer

Imagine that we have an ordinary cancer. The biological name of the species is Astacus astacus. Length adult reaches 20 cm. If it survives. The color depends on the habitat, so it varies from brown-green to dirty brown.

Crayfish, by the way, live in exceptionally clean fresh water bodies. This could be a river, stream, lake, pond or flooded quarry. The issue of the cleanliness of the reservoir is key. These animals are markers of the ecological purity of the area. They are the first to disappear if the reservoir becomes polluted. And they are the last to return if the ecosystem has recovered.

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What do crayfish eat?

Crayfish, whose wintering place is proposed to be found out good people evil, omnivorous.

  • Firstly, they eat meat, rich in protein, food. The diet includes fattened mollusks, wriggling worms, insects with their offspring at the larval stage, fish fry and immature tadpoles.
  • Secondly, crayfish eat all the above-mentioned foods, but only in dead form. They swim to the smell of dead frog, human flesh or fish from a fairly large distance. Because of this passion for carrion, crayfish were removed from the list of kosher animals.
  • Thirdly, cute broad-toed crayfish love fortified aquatic plants - water lilies, elodea and algae. In winter, include fallen leaves in your poly-paleo diet. Fourthly, every adult crayfish engages in cannibalism.

Animals, regardless of their gender, prefer to eat at dusk or at night. With a view of the stars, so to speak.

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We have already found out that crayfish hunts and eats at night. What does he do during the day? Hiding. Under stones, in holes, in objects that once fell to the bottom or in the hulls of sunken ships. In extreme cases, between the roots of trees growing on the shore. In their free time, crayfish dig holes. If the rock lining the bottom of the reservoir allows, the depth of crayfish burrows can reach 120 cm.

From them, they control the territory and also monitor the movements of females suitable for reproduction. Crayfish need these same holes when they are in the molting period. Growing individuals molt about 6 times a year. Adults, if they survive, 2 times a year. Animals deprived of chitinous cover are defenseless in the eyes predatory fish and their own relatives. Therefore, crayfish prefer to sit out their difficult days in burrows.

Have you ever thought about the meaning of the phraseological unit “I’ll show you where the crayfish spend the winter!” This phrase has a clearly negative connotation. What is it about their wintering that gives rise to this persistent expression?

Where do crayfish spend the winter?

The habitat of crayfish is clean, fresh running water (rivers, ponds). They live in burrows, which they dig in rough ground about 3 meters deep. Crayfish crawl out of their shelter to get plant foods, and sometimes bugs. They winter in the same place where they live permanently. Finding their wintering place is quite difficult: they try to go to depths where the water does not turn into ice even in severe frost. They climb under snags or dig holes, where they spend most of the day dozing. All life processes animals slow down. Only when water breaks through the thickness sunlight, crayfish can leave their hibernation site for 2-3 hours in search of food. They do not go far from the mink - they will nibble on algae, if they are lucky, they will catch a worm, and then back. This sedentary lifestyle is characteristic only of male crayfish. Females, on the contrary, are very busy in winter period- after all, in October they lay about 200 eggs on their abdomen. Female crustaceans bear their offspring for approximately eight months. Future crustaceans must be walked so that they receive sufficient quantity oxygen, monitor the cleanliness of the eggs. These worries end only at the beginning of summer, when the offspring are born.

I'll show you where the crayfish spend the winter!

Often our ill-wishers promise to show us where crayfish spend the winter. And we understand that nothing good can be expected. Where does this phraseological unit come from? We determined that the wintering place for the crayfish is underwater at great depths. In Rus', many landowners loved to eat crayfish in winter. They sent the disobedient or guilty peasant to look for crayfish in the ice water. The poor guy had to spend at least waist-deep, or even neck-deep, water long time before he finds his prey. Naturally, after such a catch, the peasant could become seriously ill or even die. Therefore, the expression “show where crayfish spend the winter” carries a threat. There is an even more cruel version of the origin of this idiom. It is believed that in the Middle Ages in Rus' this type was used death penalty for criminals like drowning in cold water. Those who were guilty were thrown into an ice hole in ice water, where crayfish spend the winter. That is, in this case, the expression “show where the crayfish spend the winter” meant drowning. Therefore, beware of the person who uses this phraseology in relation to you.

Where do crayfish spend the winter? Vitaly Bianchi.

The phrase “where the crayfish spend the winter” has a literary meaning. Namely, this is the fairy tale of the same name by Vitaly Bianchi, a famous children's writer (1894-1959). In his books, Bianchi described the beauty of nature and animal world. The heroes of his works - a bear, a mongoose, an ant, a squirrel - and many other feathered and furry inhabitants of forests and fields. They invariably arouse the reader's sympathy. You can get acquainted with the fairy tale “Where the Crayfish Winter” by Vitaly Bianki at the following link: Vitaly Bianki “Where the Crayfish Winter” .

The fairy tale tells about the adventures of one crayfish, how he was able to avoid death in a pan of boiling water and get to a deep river, where he was able to dig a hole for himself and wait out the winter. Bianchi describes the processes occurring in the animal world: wintering, molting. This helps children better know and love their native nature.

Now you know exactly where these arthropods spend the winter. And we hope you don’t want to show anyone where the crayfish spend the winter!

Show where crayfish spend the winter to whom. Razg. Express To teach a lesson, to punish someone cruelly. More often used as an expression of threat. - What right did they have to act without permission? Well, wait a minute... I'll show you where the crayfish spend the winter(P. Belyakov. The attack began at dawn).

Russian phraseological dictionary literary language. - M.: Astrel, AST. A. I. Fedorov. 2008.

See what “Show where crayfish spend the winter” in other dictionaries:

    show where crayfish spend the winter- Razg. Only owls. To teach a lesson, to severely punish someone (an expression of threat). With noun with value faces: grandfather, father... will he show it to whom? to you, brother, to everyone... where crayfish spend the winter. What right did they have to act without permission? Well, wait a minute... I'll show you where the crayfish spend the winter! (P.… … Educational phraseological dictionary

    show where crayfish spend the winter- (order strictly) Wed. Now, mark my words, if he reaches it, he will show you where the crayfish spend the winter. Saltykov. Letters to my aunt. 1 … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary

    Show where crayfish spend the winter- Show where the crayfish spend the winter (order strictly). Wed. Now, mark my words, if only he “reaches”, he will show you where the crayfish spend the winter. Saltykov. Letters to my aunt. 1 … Michelson's Large Explanatory and Phraseological Dictionary (original spelling)

    show where crayfish spend the winter- expression of threat. The turnover is associated with the times of serfdom, when landowners left for the winter in the cities, where the season of balls and receptions began. Crayfish were considered one of the most delicious dishes at dinner parties. Gourmets claimed that crayfish are truly... Phraseology Guide

    Show where crayfish spend the winter- Razg. Deal with anyone. FSRY, 384; ZS 1996, 63; Glukhov 1988, 127; Mokienko 1990, 51; BMS 1998, 488 ... Large dictionary of Russian sayings

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    cancer- Show where crayfish spend the winter (colloquial fam.) an expression of threat. I wish I could show you where the crayfish spend the winter! Chekhov. To know where crayfish spend the winter (colloquial fam.) to be cunning, insightful, possessing the necessary for what. searches for information. that scoundrel... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language


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