I want to break the dishes, what should I do? Why can't you lie down on the table? Interpretation of broken dishes by day of the week

No housewife can do without dishes in the kitchen. Saucers, plates, mugs and cups - every kitchen has it all. And it is not surprising that these household items are overgrown with many signs and superstitions. So anyway, what does it mean broken dishes? Of course, she fights for happiness. Everyone has heard about it. However, not everything is exactly like this in every situation; sometimes this can portend some troubles.

Why do dishes break?

For example, at a wedding, any broken dishes only mean the happiness of the newlyweds. So, if a cup or mug, having broken, scatters into many small pieces, this portends a long and happy life for the young.

Previously, there was a rather instructive custom in the villages. The young bride, before entering the groom's house, had to break a clay pot at the threshold. If the pot broke, it meant that the girl retained her virginity, but if it did not break, it meant that she did not save herself for her future husband.

In some regions, on the second day of the wedding, guests who came to the holiday began to break clay pots for the happiness of the newlyweds. In some places such traditions still remain to this day. During a wedding, the groom, or the groom and the bride, must break the plate of food that the guests present to him. This will mean that the newlyweds are leaving behind all the troubles and adversities.

All of the above helps to conclude that you should not be upset if dishes break at a wedding. This good sign, like some others But not in all countries. For example, in Scotland, if a bride breaks something during a wedding, it is bad luck.

IN Everyday life dishes break regularly, and this normal phenomenon. But, in the event that the plate is broken during a quarrel, with negative emotions, then this does not bode well. You should expect a period of failures and disappointments, lack of money and quarrels with loved ones. But if any dishes were broken with positive emotions, for example, “for luck,” then this promises the approach of a “white streak” in a person’s life, a variety of benefits, good luck and prosperity.

Cracked dishes

A rather bad omen is the appearance of cracks on dishes without human intervention. In this case, it is recommended to immediately collect the broken pieces and fragments, and not throw them into a household trash bag, but immediately take them outside and throw them in a trash can. This kind of crack foreshadows financial losses and other troubles. IN folk traditions cracks on dishes symbolize their absorption of energy, so the appearance of cracks on dishes is initially Bad sign.

The same applies to glassware; it is better to immediately throw it into a street bin and not leave it in the apartment, this is not good.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the broken glasses. Although, in different regions, opinions on this matter are diametrically opposed. Somewhere it is believed that a broken glass portends good luck, improvement business relations and business success. But this interpretation is not true for all situations. If the glass full of water If a woman breaks it, then she should take a closer look at her husband; most likely, he has a mistress.

Cracked or damaged dishes should not be used, even if the damage is not serious, and the dishes are still suitable for use for their intended purpose, even if it is a simple bread box, because there is. If you continue to use such utensils, it can cause unhappiness and make a person’s life “cracked.” All the fragments need to be quickly collected and taken out of the house. Regardless of whether the item broke by accident or by luck.

History will take place with dishes

Signs associated with dishes are deeply ancient history. Since the time of clay pots there have been different rules and instructions on how to handle these household items. For example, if a clay pot broke, it meant that trouble would soon come to the house. Our ancestors associated dishes with wealth and well-being, which was given by the god of the Sun - Yarilo. And broken dishes showed a person’s disrespectful attitude towards him, with all that it implies negative consequences. Same as different

Nowadays, on the contrary, we say “fortunately”, maybe precisely positive attitude and drives away trouble from a person. But still, it is better not to store broken dishes in the house. This is the most well-known and old sign associated with broken dishes.

Dishes are a very important item in any home. Therefore, signs associated with it simply exist a huge number. For example, why do dishes break? Fortunately, of course. Probably everyone knows about this. However, this is not always the case. In some situations, broken dishes are a sign of impending trouble.

Why do dishes break at a wedding?

It is believed that at a wedding, dishes breaking only brings good luck.

So, if a plate or cup shatters into many small fragments, this promises the newlyweds a happy old age. Once upon a time there was a very interesting custom in the villages. The bride, before crossing the threshold of her future husband's house, had to throw it on the floor. If it broke, it meant that she had retained her virginity. If not, it means the girl did not protect herself. In many areas, on the second day of the wedding, guests began to beat people. Similar traditions exist in our time. At a wedding, the groom, and sometimes the bride and groom together, must break the presented plate of food. According to legend, this allows you to leave all failures behind.

Thus, don't worry if dishes break at your wedding. This sign is very good. Although not everyone thinks so. For example, the Scots advise the bride and groom to prepare for various kinds misfortune if the plate touched by the bride breaks into pieces.

Plates specially broken

Of course, in everyday life, dishes break for good luck. However, if the plate was broken in anger, this does not bode well. A series of failures, lack of money and quarrels awaits you. If a glass, cup or saucer is broken on purpose, but with good intentions (that is, with the words “For good luck”), then you can expect a “white streak” in life, all kinds of success and prosperity.

Cracked cups and plates

A plate or cup that is cracked by itself is not too bad either. If you notice that this has happened, then you need to prepare for losses and serious troubles. Cracks in the popular understanding are absorbers of energy, and therefore, good luck and luck. In this case, the answer to the question: “Why do dishes break?” obvious - to various kinds of losses.

Why does glassware break?

If this kind of trouble happened with glass products- this is also not a particularly good sign. Knowledgeable people In this case, it is advised to collect all the fragments and throw them not in the household trash can, but take them directly outside to the trash can. This way you can avoid the troubles that a broken glass cup or glass promises. So, as you can see, the belief “If the dishes break, expect good luck” is not always true. And you need to be especially careful with glassware.

There are also signs associated with ordinary glasses. Moreover, opinions on this matter are quite contradictory. In some areas it is believed that a broken glass brings good luck to its owner. There is even a saying: “Where the glass breaks, life is good.” For example, if such a bowl filled with water is dropped from the hands of a businessman, this is a sign of good luck in matters related to real estate. But in most cases such a nuisance, which happened to a glass, is considered not a very good omen. So, if a woman breaks it, she needs to keep an eye on her fiancé or husband. Perhaps he had a mistress.

What to do with broken dishes

So, the answer to the question of why dishes break is not as obvious as it might seem at first glance. In any case, cracked plates, cups, glasses and glasses should never be used. The fragments must be collected and thrown away immediately, regardless of whether the item broke for good or bad. It is best to wrap them in some unnecessary rag, take them outside and throw them away with it. It is believed that in this way all adversities and misfortunes can be removed from the house.

There are an unlimited number of folk signs. Some people believe in them unconditionally, others are skeptical about them. Of course, you shouldn’t worry too much about your favorite cup suddenly cracking. Most likely, nothing bad will happen. The nature of signs is such that they, for the most part, warn of dangers that can be prevented if desired. So there is nothing fatal about dishes broken out of place. Well, if an ordinary plate falls and breaks into pieces, you can safely expect prosperity and prosperity. After all, optimism and luck always go hand in hand.

It is believed that dishes scattered into pieces promise well-being in life. However, not in all cases a broken plate or glass will bring happiness to a person. Dishes broken into small fragments in a state of passion means that the girl will have a difficult life period and many severe tests. If a glass goblet or glass is dropped stranger in a woman’s house - this speaks of envy, hypocrisy and betrayal of someone from the close circle of the mistress of the house. When dishes fall in the evening, you should not look for a secret meaning, since this happened due to fatigue accumulated during the working day.

Signs about broken dishes

Kitchenware can beat in different ways:

  1. 1. The smallest fragments foreshadow family well-being and prosperity.
  2. 2. Large parts promise a pleasant surprise, good news.
  3. 3. A small broken piece means that the family idyll will be disrupted due to the intervention of an outsider.

You cannot store a broken cup, cracked plate or other utensils, as such items promise poverty and loneliness.

A broken plate promises good luck in business. But a crack at its bottom portends trouble. It could be a disease close relative or financial problems.

A cup turned into fragments means that there will be peace and family well-being in the house, unmarried girl meet a guy who will love her. And if there is already a young man, there is no need to doubt his feelings.

But if you drop the gifted cup, then, according to signs, you will have to part with the person who presented this thing.

Breaking a vase is a good sign. When a young unmarried girl accidentally drops it on the floor, it foretells an imminent wedding and a happy family life.

Situations in which dishes break

If dishes break only in the hands of one family member, this is a sign of bad energy and someone else’s interference in personal life this man. Possible strong envy and the evil eye. Plates that often break and crack themselves portend a life of need, financial difficulties. Dishes that regularly break for no apparent reason can clear the room of negative energy, as if absorbing everything bad that happens in this house.

Accidentally breaking a plate or cup on your birthday is considered a good omen.

Breaking a plate or glass during a special event means living in abundance and prosperity.

If the glass is cracked before any important event, you should not take it. important decisions in the near future, it is recommended to reschedule the event to another date.

Dropping a vase during pregnancy means being lucky and happy long years. For married woman this promises a strong and sincere relationship with your spouse and the appearance of offspring soon.

If a boss or a large businessman breaks a glass or a glass filled with water at work, the person will be successful and happy, a profitable deal is expected in the near future. For the average employee, the same means that changes are coming in professional activity: job change or promotion.

Breaking a plate or cup at a funeral - bad sign. if this happens, do not touch the fragments with bare hands, should be collected broken glass using cotton cloth.

There is no housewife who can do without dishes. Plates, saucers, cups - these elements and many others are present in any kitchen. And this is not strange, since such household items were able to acquire big amount will accept.

Almost all people know that dishes breaking are a great blessing. But in a dream everything is completely different. According to many dream books, broken dishes will definitely lead to discord in relationships. But do not adjust all your dreams to fit these interpretations. Do you want to know for sure what broken dishes indicate in a dream? Clarify every nuance of what happened using various dream books.

Dream Interpretation of Hasse

The famous medium interprets meanings, taking into account emotional condition a person who is sleeping. Did you dream that you were breaking dishes during an argument? This will bring luck to you and strengthen your relationship with your loved one.

  • Did you break your favorite cup in a dream? Then you will soon separate from your loved one
  • Did you break your crystal glassware? A friend or comrade whom you have always tried to trust will betray you
  • Your hopes will not be justified if in a dream you see a broken cup with a cloudy liquid

Freud's Dream Book

Freud is a famous psychoanalyst. He is well versed in dreams that involve broken dishes. In his opinion, broken dishes in a dream express a malfunction in the inner world.

  • If a person dreams of fragments of a cup, then the person is constantly tormented by his conscience for having committed a crime
  • Such a dream can also symbolize problems related to intimate life.
  • Dissatisfaction with sex in reality can often be a cause of nervous tension

Miller's Dream Book

  • Did you see a beautiful but broken set in a dream? Please note the short term favorable period a time during which success will always be with you: in business, love.
  • In the event that the broken dishes were dirty from the very beginning, then you do not need to get involved with those people in whom you are not at all sure.
  • Clean, washed, but broken dishes indicate a scandal in the family on domestic grounds.

Types of broken dishes in a dream:

The interpretations of dreams with broken dishes offered by dream books may differ. It all depends on what kind of utensils were broken.

  • Broken glass - disagreements with a loved one due to the incompatibility of their habits
  • A broken saucer is a quarrel between people who live in the same house.
  • A broken cup means dissatisfaction with your actions
  • Broken vase - cooling of feelings for close friends
  • Broken pan - lack of ideas in the most difficult moments

Material of broken dishes:

Broken dishes even happen in dreams different types made from a variety of materials.


  • If in a dream you dreamed of broken cups or porcelain plates, then in reality you will be able to offend your best friend
  • Porcelain plates in a dream are clean, but broken - an unintentional offense
  • A broken dirty plate - a friend will speak very harshly in your direction, and you will insult him in return

Glass, crystal:

  • In a dream, drinking from a broken glass glass means a break in relationships due to unwillingness to compromise
  • Drinking from a crystal glass covered with small cracks - trust in your own partner

Clay, ceramics:

  • To see a lot of clay fragments in a dream means that you will soon have to forget about realizing your own ideas;
  • A dropped ceramic bowl in a dream suggests that you can cope with problems if you concentrate on the task at hand.

Metal, wood:

  • A split cast-iron frying pan in a dream means problems with money await you.
  • Broken wooden dishes - you will listen to the recommendations of professional colleagues.
  • A damaged aluminum pan is a waste after unexpected guests arrive.

Breaking dishes: a sign

The life of every person, without exception, is built on all kinds of signs. They are passed on from one generation to another generation. Signs and superstitions were invented by people themselves after various incidents happened to them.

Broken plate

Most signs indicate that a broken plate or saucer is the beginning of significant life changes. If you want to understand the nature of future changes and prepare for them, look at the moments of what happened.

  • An accidentally broken plate means that happiness in life is approaching.
  • A broken plate on purpose means that the offense will not go away, the conflict will last for a very long time.
  • Broken plate in New Year's Eve– a successful year awaits you ahead, which will delight you with pleasant moments.
  • A plate broken on your birthday means a long and happy life awaits you.
  • The plate broke during the wedding celebration - in the future, the newlyweds will face a scandal due to their husband’s infidelity. To neutralize given value, the bride must step on the fragments of the broken plate with her left foot.

Broken glass, cup, glass:

  • A broken glass at a wedding entails natural changes in fate that are associated with marriage
  • A glass filled with wine is broken - the person who broke it will need to answer for the offenses committed by others
  • A groom who broke a glass at a wedding may become a drunkard in the future.

Broken kettle:

A broken kettle means the following:

  • A split appears on an empty kettle - a small upset
  • A filled kettle breaks - portends a quarrel
  • The kettle fell and broke in a hurry - profit
  • A girl who is not married breaks the kettle, staining herself with tea leaves - an imminent wedding

When does broken dishes bring happiness, and when does it do the opposite?

Dishes can break both to great happiness and to trouble and misfortune. Let's look at both options in more detail.

Broken dishes are unfortunate:

  • Appears on a cup, saucer or mug crack- this is a very bad omen. It may portend trouble.
  • Before a trip, sometimes a porcelain mug breaks - this sign indicates that it is advisable to postpone the trip, to abandon the planned trip.
  • Break a cup while in sleepy state- a bad omen. As a rule, such a sign indicates the following - very a large number of effort was wasted in order to achieve empty goals.
  • Dishes filled with food broke, which was previously intact, portends misfortune. Perhaps people who are married will face widowhood.

  • A plate that is unexpectedly broken by the bride is also considered a bad omen. Such a marriage will show cracks in the future.
  • So that no misfortune occurs in the house after moving broken dishes, you need to collect the fragments and throw them away before lunch the next day.
  • A very bad omen– broken dishes at a funeral. If this happens, you need to immediately sweep up the fragments on a dustpan and put them in a bag. Add food from the table to the fragments. When it gets dark, you need to throw the bag away where there are no people at all. But you should wash your hands when you return. cool water, preferably a saint.

Broken dishes are lucky:

There are a lot of nuances that directly affect the interpretation of an event. It is difficult to list them all, but we will try to describe those that bring people luck and happiness.

  • Since ancient times, people at wedding celebrations have smashed plates and claimed that it was “lucky.” This sign indicates the following: the marriage of the young will be strong and long-term.
  • Broken dishes Previously, people scared away diseases. They believed that such a process was considered a “medicine” that helped fight seizures and fevers.

  • Broken cup on the floor means that the family will be able to experience good events very soon.
  • A plate broke on the floor- guests will come soon, things will happen good changes, pleasant gifts and surprises await you.
  • Broken saucer indicates that a good friend will soon come to the house.

Why can't you store broken dishes?

One hundred percent of every home has dishes that have cracks and other minor damage. After all, sometimes it is very difficult to part with your favorite mug, even if it has quite noticeable chips. And such sentimentality can be fraught with enormous troubles and danger.

  • Keeping dishes that have cracks can attract loneliness. Have you ever heard that a broken cup cannot be mended? This sign especially applies to married couples.
  • Dishes that have defects, as we wrote above, tend to scare away good luck and fortune. A plate on which a crack has been noticed attracts poverty.

Try to quickly throw away broken or chipped dishes. Throw her out of your apartment or house, so you can get rid of troubles and save your family from harm. Do this preferably at night, during the new moon.

Wrap the broken dishes in a clean piece of cotton material and take them very far away, preferably to a vacant lot. Leave it there and read a special prayer.

Why do dishes break in the house?

There is an opinion - if some dishes break in your home, it means happiness and joy await the house. But does this superstition always work?

There are quite a lot of signs about why dishes break at home. After all, this question may contain some nuances, for example, why the cup broke, what does it mean, and so on.

Often, dishes break not on purpose, not on purpose. And all because someone can sometimes be careless and ridiculous. So what signs are associated with broken dishes at home?


  • The plate broke for some kind of celebration - the imminent acquisition of wealth
  • A plate that broke on Monday - the whole week will be filled with troubles and problems
  • A plate that broke at the end of the week - next week will be difficult
  • A plate broken by a single woman means happiness

Cup, glass, glass:

  • The wife broke a cup that her husband loves very much - this means that the wife has a rival. The husband, however, sometimes doesn’t even know about it and is faithful to his beloved. However, that other woman at this time can make plans to win the heart of her married husband.
  • If a child's cup breaks, someone might put the evil eye on the baby.
  • If a glass or glass in which red wine was poured cracks, very soon the one who broke it will want to take the blame from another. A broken glass of water brings success at work, profitable deals, and winning the lottery.


  • A broken vase does not mean anything bad.
  • A vase accidentally broken into small pieces means good luck in all matters for at least 5 years
  • A fallen vase that broke in its place - the family will be replenished very soon, and a lonely heart will meet its love

Other signs:

  • The dishes were broken in the bedroom - a bad omen. She says that someone in the family may have health problems;
  • Dishes broken on purpose - financial problems, waste of money;
  • A mug broke under the dining table - loss of money, someone may have to lend money;
  • If a ceramic teapot breaks, guests, distant relatives will come soon, or maybe you will just meet with an old friend.

Why do dishes break at work?

It is not surprising that most often it is business people are subject to various signs and superstitions. Perhaps the reason is that they constantly have at stake a large amount money, huge projects, the well-being of employees and colleagues, the number of which in many enterprises amounts to hundreds and thousands.

It’s not for nothing that people take the sound of broken glassware as a good omen. Even earlier, when goods were transported only on ships, they were not allowed in until a bottle of champagne broke on board.

Let's look at the most common signs of broken dishes that happen in the workplace:

  • If a boss or an ordinary employee drops a glass at the workplace, breaking it into small fragments, containing water, then this person will be lucky. Any business he starts will bring him a lot of money.
  • Everyone at work loves to drink tea or coffee. If the cup will break– don’t be upset. Such a small incident means the beginning of a change in career growth. You need to prepare for them and not miss out on luck.

  • A glass broke- that's more a difficult situation. If someone’s present is broken, it means you need to part with the owner of this item or move away from him. Because he is not sincere and loyal.
  • A broken glass can also mean the following: in the future, the person who broke it will have a better relationship in business. You should try to use such connections to the maximum. The most important thing is that the chance you get is not lost.
  • If there was water in the broken glass, it means that the person will have good luck during the transaction or a profitable purchase of real estate.

The dishes break on their own

It happens that dishes begin to break and crack just like that, without anyone’s help. In such a situation, you need to prepare for difficult challenges. It may even happen that you will be overcome by difficulties related to money.

  • Cracks that appear on dishes tend to absorb the energy of a person and the house, plus good luck and fortune. However, a person who is warned is well armed, therefore, you should not give up. Act as your heart tells you, no matter the circumstances. Fight, you will see, bad luck will leave you very soon.

  • In some situations, dishes can not only crack, but also break just like that, without human help. Many people believe that the brownie himself does this. Do you want your dishes to never break again? Appease the brownie, for example, by placing a saucer filled with milk in the corner of the kitchen. And place sweets near this saucer. In the morning, give sweets to birds or pets.
  • There is also a second version this process– the dishes break on their own, as they are considered a kind of conductor. She absorbs negative energy, which accumulates in the house. And when there is a lot of such energy, the dishes begin to crack and break, thereby freeing the rooms from bad forces and all kinds of troubles.

Dishes constantly break

Have you started to notice that glasses, plates, cups and other utensils break very often in your home? We advise you to take a closer look at this fact. Here's the thing - perhaps in your home there is constantly present bad energy . Consequently, everything in your home will regularly deteriorate, that is, “work” not in your favor.

You should be attentive to signs, but not completely involve them in your life. Take care of your nerves and dishes in the house, maintain comfort and mutual understanding with your loved ones and, believe me, everything in your life will be wonderful!

Video: “Why do dishes break - signs”

There is a sign that If the dishes break, then this is fortunate. In most cases, this is exactly the case, but one simple rule should be taken into account - you should not glue broken dishes back together, no matter how sorry you may be. Moreover, it is not advisable to eat from dishes that have cracks and chips. This may have a negative impact on the person using such utensils.

In addition, there are cases when dishes, especially ceramic or porcelain, try to warn their owner about the negative attitude of a certain person towards him. And this happens very in an original way- dishes in the hands of such a person crack and break. If you invited a guest, and in his hands, say, a cup burst, and not just a cup, but also your favorite one, the conclusion is simple: you should not continue inviting such a person into your home. Most likely he is not your friend, best case scenario- envious.

Of course, you don’t need to pay attention to this sign every time, but if it seems to you that the cup burst not just because of boiling water poured into it, but for another reason, listen to your inner voice.

➢ Don’t start eating crucian carp or pike from the head, otherwise you will invite trouble.

➢ The dishes break - fortunately.

➢ After eating at the table, don’t let yourself go - you’ll become a widow.

➢ After dinner, don’t leave half-eaten pieces of bread from your slice on the table - you leave your happiness there.

➢ Don’t sweep the table with your hand - there will be no wealth.

➢ When the sun has set, don’t start a new adventure - poverty will overcome.

➢ Accidentally spilling sugar is a good sign, salt is a sign of a quarrel (the more, the harder it is. Everything can be done if the spilled salt is thrown (sprinkled) over left shoulder or laugh).

➢ Choked at the table - the guest is in a hurry.

➢ Sparks from the stove or a firebrand falls out - to the guest.

➢ A girl cannot sit on the table - the loaf will not work.

The fork fell, what's the use of the knife?

Forks, spoons, and knives have also long been associated with signs of hospitality. It is believed that if a knife falls on the floor, wait for a male guest, if a spoon or fork means a woman will come. If the arrival of guests is undesirable for the owner of the house, then there is a simple rule to distract unexpected visitors from the road to your home. To do this, pick up the fallen cutlery and knock it on the floor three times. According to legend, after such a knock, the guests will turn away from the path and go to have fun in another house. It is believed that after visiting guests and after they have used your dishes, they should be washed with special care. It is clear that this is prescribed by basic hygiene rules, but there is also a more “mystical” justification for such actions. If the guests, or some of them, were not very friendly towards you, were insincere, or you simply do not want them to exert their influence on your personal life, “wash away” the traces of their presence in your home. This way you will be cleared of their visit.

By the way, dropping a fork on the floor not only foreshadows the arrival of a guest, but also expresses the following sign, very widespread in Russia: dropping a fork while setting the table means driving away your love.

If in one gravy boat or in a saucepan there accidentally (let us emphasize that it was by accident and not intentionally) two spoons, and even crossed over each other, then this sure sign that a wedding is expected in the house soon.

They gave me a knife, scissors, and a needle as a gift. What can happen?

It was considered a less favorable omen for a girl to receive a knife or other sharp object, for example, scissors or a needle, as a gift - they believed that this was a sure sign that soon love would pass and the young people would part, and with scandal.

Here is another interesting sign related to knives - if, while setting the table, you put the knives in such a way that they accidentally crossed, then this indicates an upcoming trip in the near future. However, if you don’t want to go anywhere, you can remove the knives that accidentally crossed and put others on the table.

The kitchen table has always been especially revered, and in popular ideas it was associated with the altar, with the gifts of higher powers, and therefore the attitude towards it was extremely respectful. For example, it was considered quite a bad omen to cut something directly on the table, especially if it was a kitchen or dining table.

In addition, you cannot sit on the dining table, since according to legend, this can lead to an accident with one of the family members, and it is also undesirable to put money directly on the table. And the point here, again, is not only about observing the rules of hygiene and cleanliness - it is believed that such gross “interference” of the material world can offend the higher powers guarding the table and everyone who is behind it.

But when setting the table, it is advisable to place a salt shaker with salt on it at the very beginning, which must be removed at the very last stage, so that evil forces cannot prevent the household from eating and do not cause them to quarrel among themselves.

Why can't you sit on a regular table?

It was impossible to sit directly on the table and leave it untidy after the meal - to do so meant to express disrespect for the guardian spirits of the house. It was also undesirable for the owner of the house to walk around the table, as it was believed that this could lead to the death of his wife; on the contrary, an unmarried person who definitely wanted to get married was advised to walk around the table clockwise - it was believed that within a year he would find his love.

Why can't you lie down on the table?

It was strictly forbidden for a person to lie down on the table, since according to popular belief, this foreshadowed the appearance of a dead person in the house. This sign, however, can be explained from the point of view of modern ethnography. Imitative magic takes place here, when in order to achieve a certain result, an imitation of some action or event was performed. In this case, the deceased was placed on the table, and if such an action was performed by a living person, therefore, it could be perceived as magical influence to reality.

The tablecloth laid on the table also had a certain magical meaning , which only needed to be “read” correctly. For example, if the hostess wanted to save money on treating the guests, but at the same time not to be considered greedy, then she should have put a knife under the tablecloth - in this case, the guests ate very little, and left full and satisfied.

The magic of kitchen utensils

A few words about positive magic using kitchen and dining utensils - of course, you can use it to influence the fulfillment of desires. It is believed that if you lift a fork or spoon vertically and look closely at it, while visualizing the fulfillment of your desire, then it will certainly come true soon. You can also make a wish at the moment when you first see some silverware.

Silver - the metal is mystical in many ways, and maybe, who knows, you'll get really lucky. But it’s still not recommended to clean your plate down to the last crumb - it’s better to leave a couple of pieces, even if it’s unusual delicious dish. In this way, you show beings from the “other” world your respect for them and you can count on them to send you material well-being in return.