Names for lap dogs are Russian. Original nicknames for small dogs

Names for small breeds should be chosen taking into account the small size of the animal. Today, popular nicknames for males are in fashion, associated with literary characters or celebrities, and containing a certain number of sonorous letters. However cool nicknames, chosen with a sense of humor, sound unusual and emphasize the individuality of the pet.

Small dogs should be named according to the following rules:

  1. 1. Light and short nicknames consisting of 1-2 syllables are suitable for miniature breeds, since animals perceive only the first pair of sounds by ear. You should not choose a name that is long or difficult to pronounce, or that includes several words.
  2. 2. Dogs respond well to voiced consonants - b, c, d, d, g, z, l, m, n, r, c.
  3. 3. It is inappropriate to call a dog by a name for large breed or too simple, for example, Bobik.
  4. 4. When giving your pet a common nickname, you need to be prepared for the fact that more than one dog on the site may run up to the call. Each animal is unique, so its name must be special.
  5. 5. It is also undesirable to use human Russian names, so as not to get into an awkward position when strangers turn around when you call.
  6. 6. Country of origin can also play an important role when choosing a nickname. For example, a Chinese Crested can be called by a Chinese name, french bulldog- French.
  7. 7. Puppies taken from the kennel have already been assigned “legal nicknames” in the documents. They are formed from the names of the parents and the name of the nursery. The entire litter is named after one letter of the alphabet. These beautiful but complex names can always be shortened, for example, Martin Newman Onyx - Marty, etc.
  8. 8. It is undesirable that nicknames for male dogs resemble any commands, otherwise confusion with training may occur. For example, Sid is very reminiscent of the order “Sit”, and Funtik is “Fu”.

Well chosen for nickname (scientific “zoonym”) reflects individual characteristics, character and temperament traits, exterior qualities pet. Name the Maltese not an easy matter. There are many subtleties and bottlenecks in the task: conciseness, gender specificity, originality and ease of memorization, both by the dog and the owner. These are just the surface importance and features choosing a name to a pet.

Document flow of Maltese dogs

In the pedigree books, the breeder registers each litter and assigns it the next letter of the alphabet. After the nickname, the origin (“factory”) is written through a hyphen. According to the template: Rocky–MorningStar, Rada–MorningStar.

Litter activation ends with the creation of litter-wide and individual passports, in which nicknames, identification codes and digital combinations of microchips are recorded.

Options for choosing a Maltese nickname

To speed up and simplify the process choosing a Maltese nickname, Some aspects to consider:

  • All family members are required to take part in the creative process;
  • the event is serious: the nickname will have to be pronounced loudly in public places;
  • selectable Name should not be consonant with official commands;
  • the chosen nickname will reflect the individual characteristics of the owner and his feelings for the shaggy dog;
  • The nickname is assigned once, renaming is not recommended.

Haste in selection is unacceptable: it is better to think for a couple of days, discuss and consider various options rather than endlessly and stupidly going through your pet’s name. There is no need to delay either. The sooner maltese will acquire its own “call sign”, the faster socialization and education activities will start lap dogs .

Choosing a name is a creative and fun field of activity for the whole family. Options nicknames of Maltese Bichons infinite number. Take your choice responsibly: nickname pet will become a word repeated many times a day.

Creative brainstorming

Choosing a nickname for a Maltese dog Most often this is done subjectively, based on tastes, knowledge, and memorable stories. Sometimes fashion trends, popular books, films, and television shows become the selection criteria.

In any case, the naming process must be full of positive emotions and a powerful charge good mood. Resulting from creative brainstorming“proper name” will invariably bring joy and energy to both the owner and the shaggy pet.

The selection criterion may also be the exterior features of the Maltese. Link the name you choose to the characteristic virtues and traits of the dog:

  • the dog’s magnificent snow-white fur;
  • miniature fragility and aristocratic article of a favorite;
  • tireless playfulness and energy of the Maltese.

Come up with Maltese's name history will help. "Cleopatra" - great choice for a magnificent Maltese dog: slightly pretentious, but stylish and dignified. Unless in household use it turns into “Klepa”. Somehow it didn’t sound very good... Think about how the pet’s pet name will sound, it is used much more often than the full name.

What's in your name?!

Name of the lap dog full of secret energy swirls and mystical connections with fate. Breeders and experienced owners Maltese dogs claim that nickname The development of dogs greatly influences the formation of the dog’s character, his behavioral reactions and habits.

Experts divide “soft” and “hard” nicknames. Nicknames with the presence of sounds [L], [M] and [N] guarantee the light, slightly absent-mindedly languid character of the Maltese. For example: Sonya, Musya, Yuna, Tommy, Nikki.

“Formidable” consonants [B], [D] and [R] will contribute to the rigidity and even aggressiveness of the Maltese: Jackie, Romulus, Margot, Gordy. Nicknames of Maltese dogs ending in “ii” (Boniface, Horace) guarantee the sedateness and impressiveness of the snow-white lap dog.

The main thing is practicality

Being original and striking with creativity, thinking painfully and for a long time about name for Maltese , we must not forget about primitive practicality and everyday good quality. Yes, nickname should correspond to the pet and reflect its entire being, but at the same time the word should be easy to pronounce and easily remembered. No more than two syllables with a maximum presence of sibilants and sibilants: most Maltese Bichons “have a soft spot” for them.

Basic rules for choosing a nickname

Inevitable Given: Chosen nickname of the Maltese dog will sound in the owner's home for many, many years.

The nickname should:

  • easy to speak out;
  • sound decent, without any insinuations, so as not to be embarrassed in society;
  • logically correlated with the gender of the pet and the characteristics of the Maltese breed.

Five “secret” rules for choosing nicknames for maltese :

  • Polysyllabic constructions and constructions are unacceptable: small dogs perceive no more than two syllables. And it’s incredibly difficult to operate structures like “Vitualdo the Magnificent” in everyday life.
  • Human names for dogs are bad manners. Already better name mountain or waterfall than the name of a close friend or relative.
  • Fun and humor are good in moderation. Laughing yourself and making others laugh is a good thing. But a little dog will have to respond to “this dissonant nickname” all his life.
  • The use of the names of former, now deceased dogs is fraught with mystical continuity.
  • Diminutive forms disorient the puppy. Abbreviations and declinations of nicknames are perceived by the dog as completely different words. It is advisable to use it in communication with a dog full name. This disciplines the Maltese.

The British have a great saying: “call a magnificent dog a bad name and feel free to drown it in a pond.” Mystical dog handlers interpret the name of a pet as “coded information” that affects character and destiny.

The main selection criterion Maltese nicknames is the Maltese itself. Look into the puppy's eyes, listen to the echo of your heart: the little Maltese will certainly tell you what its real name is.

TOP nicknames

Nicknames for Maltese boys: Austin, Monty, Vander, Cupcake, Roland.

Nicknames for Maltese girls: Charlie, Lucy, Blondie, Emmy, Zhully.

Nickname for a lap dog- an important component of her life. With all your heart, with all your sympathy and love, choose a magnificent maltese dog beautiful Name , which will determine the entire long and joyful life of the dog next to you.

Choosing a name is important not only for a person, but also for a dog. With the help of a name you will communicate with your pet, so you need to carefully consider your choice so that it emphasizes your taste and pleases everyone with its pleasant sound.

Rules for choosing a nickname for a lapdog

It is quite understandable that the owners want to give their charming for a small pet, which adequately represents the breed Maltese, a beautiful and memorable name. Everyone knows that if you buy a puppy with a pedigree, then your imagination will be limited by the possibility of choosing a name only for a certain letter of the alphabet.

This is due to breeding rules. Many dog ​​breeders get around this restriction by giving their lapdog a double name - one for the pedigree, and the other for direct communication with it. For the lapdog breed, nicknames are those that convey its essence, namely, that it is a charming creature.

Of course, it is difficult to imagine a dog of this breed with the names Buran or Bagheera. Beautiful foreign names in their diminutive forms are more suitable:

  • Emmy,
  • Becky,
  • Jazzy,
  • Alice,
  • Pierre,
  • Paul,

Also interesting are the majestic royal names, which emphasize the elite origin of this breed:

  1. Antoinette,
  2. Gertrude,
  3. Napoleon.

Lovers of names that evoke associations with great figures of history can easily put their knowledge into practice by naming their snow-white lap dogs with such names. Less ambitious owners give their dogs names that reflect their appearance or personality:

  • Baby,
  • Fluff,
  • Dandelion,
  • doll,
  • Belyanka,
  • Bunny,
  • Paw.

Such names emphasize the charm of little ones. funny dogs, making them even more touching.

If you are thinking about what to name a lapdog, you can turn to mythology Ancient Greece and Egypt, since these dogs were favorites of the nobility in these civilizations. Of course, you need to choose cheerful names, therefore, despite the external euphony of the name, be sure to clarify its meaning.

This will save you from ridiculous situations when, over time, it turns out that you named your cute creature in honor of the god of the underworld. Sometimes owners, when choosing a name for a lap dog, are guided by their preferences. This is how tail-wagging Martini, Poker or Ferrari appear. All these nicknames have the right to recognition, the main thing is that you feel comfortable using them, and that it is easy for your pet to get used to them.

Choice a suitable name for a lapdog, the process is not complicated, but on the contrary, fascinating. If you call on your imagination to help, without forgetting common sense, you can choose a nickname for your pet that will greatly decorate it.

New parents of four-legged tomboys face a huge number of not only difficulties, but also pleasant moments. One of them is choosing a pet name. In our article we will look at the most popular nicknames for boys and girls of small dog breeds.

How to choose a nickname for a four-legged boy

In fact, choosing a pet name may be limited not only by your imagination. If you take a puppy from a club, then you need to understand that all names of representatives of this line in small breeds must begin with one of the letters assigned to the RKF club. Club nicknames usually consist of several names and are a rather complex structure.

Just like in a club, in a kennel one litter must have a certain letter with which their nicknames must begin (regardless of the size of the dog). But don’t be alarmed, you can safely shorten or even change the name that the dog will use everywhere.

As for the sources for choosing the right name, there are a lot of them, for example: movies, music, literature, politics, cartoons, etc. The name can be suggested by the dog itself or the breed, if, for example, it has some characteristics of character or appearance . Therefore, to begin with, just watch your furry baby, and you will definitely find the right name.

Basic rules for choosing a male nickname

There are few rules when choosing the name of a small breed male puppy. Firstly: the nickname should not be offensive to the dog. Such a nickname will not only humiliate your puppy, but also show you off the best side. Try to choose a name that emphasizes the puppy's individuality, his positive features, peculiarities. Secondly: the dog's name must comply with censorship rules, unless, of course, you want to get a fine for shouting such a name somewhere on a dog park.

Thirdly: the nickname should not be long and difficult to pronounce. This will not only make your life much easier, but will also help your male puppy remember his name. Believe me, it is easier for any pet to identify with the name Max than with Maximilian Louis II. Therefore, it is better for owners of owners of such “pedigree” names to use a short nickname in household use. It is also not recommended to call names that will be consonant to various teams, such as Siddi or Mass.

Popular nicknames and their designations for boys

What can you call a male of a small breed? The variety of dog names for small breeds is simply amazing; here you can find simple nicknames and fancy ones. long names. You can choose something unusual (Carlson, Lev, Ritter) or one of the more familiar nicknames (Lucky, Joker, Henry).

The only thing is to take into account the size and character of the puppy. You shouldn’t call a little gentle Spitz Zorro or Pirate. But the nimble sneak and brave taxi driver can easily get along with the name Thunder. The table shows nicknames for small dogs for boys.


Viola, Ali, Atom


Bambino, Bruno, Bucky, Bass, Brom, Brutus, Baby, Bambi, Boomer, Big Ben, Bucks, Borsch


Wolfgang, Willy, Winnie, Sparrow, Wally, Van Gogh


Thunder, Homer, Gizmo, Henry, Gnome, Nail, Penny, Hooter


Joe, Joker, Dingo


Beast, Zippo, Zephyr


Cabo, Cupcake, Bug, Cody, Pretzel, Kewpie, Mosquito, Carlson


Lucky, Leo, Leon, Limur


Max, Mars, Muscat, Mongoose, Monster


Oscar, Orion


Patron, Pierre, Dumpling, Donut


Rio, Ritter


Falcon, Sunny, Snoopy, Spider, Soup, Swippy, Snickers


Fog, Taco, Tomi, Tinkle, Troll, Tato


Phantom, Phil, Filya, Frodo, Funtik


Tail, Juan


Charlie, Chizhik


Electron, Elf

Nicknames for boys based on eye and coat color

The color scheme of the coat and the eyes of a puppy of any breed can also serve as a very good guide when choosing a nickname. The table shows only a few possible nicknames.

Common mistakes when choosing nicknames for girls

Next we will talk about what nicknames there are for small dogs for girls. Unlike males of small breeds, young ladies should have more sophisticated nicknames. Nicknames such as Laska, Cary, Yoko will sound very good. But you can also play with the nickname if you are lucky enough to become the owner of a little naughty girl. Such dogs may be given nicknames such as Havana, Elka, Cola, and even funny ones like Osa.

You shouldn’t call dogs of small breeds full-bodied, they are very complex names. Also, do not use nicknames related to the Scandinavian group (they are much more suitable German Shepherds or husky).

From the video “Names for Girls' Dogs” you will learn a lot of interesting things.

Names for four-legged ladies

What to call the little lady? Other examples of suitable nicknames are presented in our table.


Amalia, Aqua, Asta, Agatha, Ariel


Bardot, Britney, Storm, Barbie, Bijit


Vanessa, Venus, Cheesecake


Havana, Gaga, Greta, Gadget, Thunderstorm


Dudka, Daisy


Jasmine, Vest


Yoko, Toffee


Comet, Cola, Kelly, Carmen, Carey, Button, Drop, Kanga


Weasel, Luna


Martini, Margo, Mary, Milady, Mouse, Mimi, Moshka, Mike, Mole


Nana, Noshpa


Omega, Onega, Wasp, Olivia


Palm, Paris, Penny, Pandora, Bullet, Fluff, Pill


Savannah, Arrow, Drying


Taco, Thea. Tablet


Frida, Flora, Fifi, Chip


Harley, Hannah, Persimmon


Chelsea, Chile, Chilita


Female names for dogs based on eye and coat color

It is very easy to emphasize the beauty of a small breed dog by giving your girl a beautiful nickname that is in tune with the color of her coat, size or eye color. Interesting nicknames for small dogs for girls are presented in our table.

Video “Funny Pet Names”

Every dog, regardless of its breed, needs a nickname. However, owners often face the problem of not knowing what to call a female dog. Coming up with a good nickname for a dog is really difficult. It should be easy to pronounce and sound good. And if it comes to a bitch, then everything is even more complicated. The nickname should not only have the qualities described above, but also be beautiful and feminine. How to choose such a nickname? You will get the answer to this question by reading this article.

What to name a girl dog? This question worries many. After all, choosing a name for a dog is not an easy task. To come up with a good nickname for a girl dog, imagination is not enough. It is necessary to follow certain rules.

  • Consider character. It’s not just what they say: you choose a name, you choose your destiny. The nickname really affects the character of the pet. This is confirmed not only by experienced dog owners, but also by expert animal psychologists. It is for this reason that you should not underestimate the power of verbal programming. Do you want your pet to be playful and cute? In this case, do not name the dog Shapoklyak.
  • Don't forget about phonetics. The name should be easy to pronounce and sound good. In order to achieve this effect, the nickname must contain no more than 3 syllables. If the dog is amenable to training, then it is worth considering that the shorter the name, the faster the animal responds to commands.
  • Don't call your dog by a human name. First of all, around great amount alternatives. Why call a dog Dasha if you can choose some exotic nickname like Amanda, Fita, etc. Secondly, with a dog bearing a human name, various problems may arise awkward situations. For example, it will be quite inconvenient to shout “Dasha, come to me!” to the whole park.
  • Consider the dog's wishes. Sometimes it happens that a dog simply does not respond to its name. If for a long time the bitch refuses to respond to a nickname, then it makes sense to come up with a new nickname for the dog.

By following the rules described above, you can choose a good nickname for your dog.

How to come up with an affectionate nickname?

A girl dog should have a cute, pleasant and affectionate nickname. To come up with such a nickname, you must adhere to certain phonetic rules. Eg:

  • Use soft sounds. Names like Adele, Alfa, Chanel do not hurt the ear, but on the contrary, they sound extremely soft and pleasant.
  • Avoid repetition of consonants. The combination of two vowels or more, as a rule, sounds extremely unmelodic. Names such as Stella, Jess, Gretta certainly cannot be called affectionate.
  • Use the letters “i”, “yu”, etc. They make the consonants in front softer, making the nickname sound gentle and beautiful. In this case, the click itself should be as short as possible. For example, Sonya, Nyusha, Bonya, Busya, Asya, Pusya, etc.

As practice shows, dogs with affectionate names are more gentle and kinder.

Choosing a name depending on the breed

For example, consider nicknames for dogs of small breed girls. The names below sound quite affectionate. This makes them ideal for decorative dogs.

Chihuahua- one of the most popular ornamental breeds. These dogs are famous for their miniature size and are real record holders in this regard. At the same time, representatives of the Chihuahua family are patient, intelligent and, most importantly, devoted to their owner. The following names are perfect for bitches of this breed:

  • Mimosa (abbreviated as Mi-mi);
  • Linda;
  • Silvia;
  • Gloria;
  • Lyme;
  • Elsa.

Yorkshire Terriers Although they belong to decorative dogs, their character is more like large dogs. Representatives of this breed are quite grumpy, but at the same time gentle and hardworking.

If you are looking good name for a Yorkie girl, then in this case you should pay attention to one of these nicknames:

  • Daisy;
  • Tina;
  • Amanda;
  • Elbe.

For other little ones decorative dogs The following names are suitable:

  • Pixie;
  • Zhulka;
  • Vesta;
  • Squirrel;
  • Adelaide (abbreviated Adela or Adele);
  • Unita;
  • Lada.

Beautiful nicknames

In this part of the article we will provide beautiful nicknames for girls dogs. They can be used if your pet exudes some kind of majesty. In addition, such nicknames are perfect for purebred bitches who have a good pedigree. Among the beautiful names for a girl’s dog, the following options can be noted:

  • Laura;
  • Ruby;
  • Frida;
  • Arlet;
  • Anga;
  • Anabella;
  • Becky;
  • Milisa;
  • Maggie;
  • Ursula;
  • Gerda;
  • Mabel;
  • Cola;
  • Marietta;
  • Tera;
  • Yalta.

Based on the color of the coat, you can come up with a couple of beautiful names. For example, a black female can be called Blackie (from in English black - black).

A dog that has a beautiful light coat can be given the nickname Goldie (from English gold), Shiny (from English shine) or Blondie. A lapdog with brown fur can be called Chocolate or Toffee. Well, of course, one cannot fail to mention the timeless classic - Kashtanka. A red-haired bitch will feel comfortable with a nickname like Foxy, Vixen (from the English fox and vixen - fox).

Ancient gods

If you want to give your dog a girl a beautiful and rare name with meaning, then in this case you can turn to mythology Ancient Egypt, Rome, Babylon, China and other nations.

For a girl dog, the names of ancient goddesses are perfect. Eg:

  • Aphrodite (goddess of love);
  • Artemis (patron of hunting);
  • Bellona (goddess of war);
  • Lelya (goddess of spring);
  • Gaia (goddess of the earth);
  • Hera (guardian of family ties);
  • Nut (mistress of the sky);
  • Flora (goddess of nature);
  • Fortuna (patron of good luck);
  • Selene (goddess of the moon);
  • Juno (protector of women);
  • Clotho (patron of destinies);
  • Theia (Titan goddess);
  • Amaterasu (Japanese sun goddess);
  • Demeter (patron of agriculture, fertility);
  • Ata (goddess of deception, lies);
  • Aura (mistress of the wind);
  • Moira (known as the goddess of fate in ancient Greek mythology);
  • Muse (patron of sciences and art).

Having understood the culture of ancient peoples, you can find a lot of beautiful, majestic and, most importantly, original nicknames for your dog. Such nicknames are not only sweet-sounding and aesthetic, but also have historical origins.

Modern Art

Literature, cinema, the music scene are all great sources of inspiration. Most characters in the art world can boast beautiful, original and memorable names. And the number of cultural figures is so great that you can find a unique name without any problems. For example, if you are a fan of some actress, then in this case you can name your favorite dog. This theme was played out in the popular television series “Sex in big city" The King Charles spaniel that belonged to Charlotte (one of the heroines) was named Elizabeth Taylor.

The world of art is not limited to actresses. You can name your dog after a designer, critic, literary or cartoon character. The following nicknames are perfect for a girl's dog:

  • Coco;
  • Shakira;
  • Stone;
  • Tootsie;
  • Mata;
  • Grace;
  • Yoko;
  • Mata;
  • Cerutti;
  • Vivien;
  • Agatha;
  • Anouk;
  • Oprah;
  • Monica;
  • Clara;
  • Trinity;
  • Whitney;
  • Rachel;
  • Chanel;
  • Sakura;
  • Sharon;
  • Chloe.


Choosing a name for a girl’s dog is a rather difficult task, but quite doable. When coming up with a nickname for your lapdog, you can and even need to use your imagination to the maximum. Nevertheless, do not forget about the standard rules that must be followed when choosing a nickname. The nickname should be short, easy to pronounce, you should not use human names, take into account the dog’s character - when coming up with a nickname for a bitch, you need to keep all this in mind.

Whatever you name your pet, the most important thing is to show it love and care. Only in this case will the dog reciprocate and be faithful to you for many years.

If fantasy fails and nothing sensible comes to mind, then in this case it is worth turning to culture. You can name your dog after ancient gods, a fictional character, or a real artist.