How to teach your dog the “down” command. Step-by-step guide, learning mistakes

An educated person is considered to be a person who, based on ethical standards, adapts his behavior to the specific situation and specific environment in which he is located.

And a dog is considered well-mannered when it, regardless of any circumstances in which it finds itself, conforms its behavior only to the commands of its owner.

That is, a well-mannered dog, both in the roar of the stadium, and in the roar of the electric train, and in the ocean of shocking smells of the veterinary hospital, should be able to detach himself from reality and react only to the quiet voice of his owner: “Lie down!” We'll look at how to teach a dog this command in this article.

Description of the “Down!” command: benefits, application

This command, along with others like “Ugh!”, “Place!”, “Sit!”, “Nearby!” is basic and is included in the golden fund of skills of any well-mannered dog.

Such commands were not invented at all in order to stroke the vanity of the owner, who is proud of his power over the animal: their purpose is purely functional and almost always determined by vital necessity. In addition, all of them, regardless of purpose, serve one more important matter- strengthening invisible connection between owner and dog.

Did you know? Dogs are able to learn up to 250 commands in the form of words or gestures. So big number explained by the development of their intelligence, comparable to a two-year-old child.

As for the categorical order “Lie down!”, it, in addition to demonstrating the animal’s obvious obedience to the voice or gesture of its owner, also carries very practical benefits.

For example, its implementation is extremely relevant when visiting veterinary clinic, when traveling by train or other transport, when the owner communicates with strangers, and especially children, and in other similar situations.

At what age should you start learning?

However, one should take into account the important fact that the use of harsh means of coercion, and especially punishment, is possible only from three months of dog age. Therefore, starting training with one month old, you should rely exclusively on incentive methods of influence.
Education at a young age dog age has an advantage based on the natural curiosity of puppies and what is popularly called “puppy joy.” Kids are delighted to learn everything new, especially what they perceive as a game.

If you use these properties of young animals, then learning will proceed quickly and extremely effectively. Sometimes you have to start training an adult dog. The principles of training are similar here, but there are some nuances.

What you will need

Training one-month-old puppies must necessarily be accompanied by some encouraging factors in the form of treats, favorite toys and a kind word. Some people believe, to paraphrase an old maxim, that a piece of cheese and a kind word can do more than just a kind word.

However, one should never underestimate the enormous value of praising a puppy from the owner’s mouth. In some cases, for young dogs that have reached the age of three months, a collar and leash may be required for physical influence on specimens that are too lazy to learn or overly wayward.

Did you know? The famous canine sense of smell, if expressed in numbers, allows these animals to distinguish more than 500,000 odors, and they are able to determine where the smell came from and the distance to it.

Step-by-step instruction

There are several ways to teach a dog to obey the “Down!” command, which differ from each other not only in the different combinations of reward and coercion methods, but also depend on the age of the puppies. Training adult animals also has some peculiarities.

Training an adult dog

The dog is capable of producing conditioned reflexes and in adulthood. True, this process is not as intense as in puppies. An adult animal does not always react as violently to a toy or treat as a young dog, so it is not so easy to force him to do something incomprehensible to him for a reward.

In addition, the dog’s previous experience, the conditions in which it was located, and the owners with whom it previously lived play a huge role. The character of the animal, which he has already developed before the start of training, is also important.

Based on all of the above, it should be said that adult dog It is quite possible to teach commands unknown to her, but it is absolutely impossible to say how quickly this will happen.

When an adult animal gets to a new owner, you should not immediately begin training. The dog needs time to get used to unfamiliar place, get used to other people's smells and feel trust in the new owners.

Video: teaching a dog the commands “Sit”, “Lie down”, “Stand” Only when an invisible friendly connection arises between them and their pet can they begin to teach the animal new commands. Since an adult dog is not so susceptible to temptations in the form of treats and toys, he needs additional incentives to firmly remember orders.

For this purpose, a special device was invented in the form of a small box that, when pressed, makes a light click, effectively attracting the dog’s attention. The device is called a clicker and is sold in any pet store.

It is best to start training in a calm environment at home, when there are no distractions around the dog. After each successful execution of the given command, you must immediately click the clicker and reward the dog with a treat, not forgetting to encourage it with a kind word.

Click immediately after correct execution an order and the immediately following delicacy, flavored with the owner’s praise, quickly build cause-and-effect relationships in the animal’s brain, forming a conditioned reflex.
After achieving success in following the command in a calm environment, you can move on to training in the presence of distractions. Every time your pet is distracted by external stimuli, you should not scold him or punish him in any way.

You just need to attract his attention to yourself again by clicking the clicker, and then repeat the order, immediately rewarding the dog with a treat. When the animal begins to flawlessly execute the command, not paying attention to external stimuli, the clicker can be put aside.

As soon as it, in order to better examine the contents of the hand, does not turn around with its entire body, but sits down, turning its head back, you should immediately reward it with a treat, without sparing it. kind words. Dogs learn this command quickly.
And after it you can move on to the command “Lie down!” A sitting dog needs to show the treat in his hand by extending it forward and then down. At the same time, when pronouncing the order “Lie down!”, you can lightly press the withers with your other hand. Training is best done no later than two hours before a meal or three hours after it.

Training a puppy

There are three proven and most popular ways to teach a puppy to obey the “Down!” command:

Video: how to teach a dog the command “Lie down!”

Important! The training process should not exceed ten minutes, and the command should not be repeated more than five times per session.

To consolidate what you have learned, you need to gradually lengthen the interval between the execution of the command and the reward, bringing it to five seconds. A three-month-old puppy doesn’t need anything more yet. In the case when the dog, without waiting for encouragement, jumps up on its paws, it is necessary again, after pronouncing the order, to lay it on the floor.

When the dog has fully mastered the wisdom of executing the command “Lie down!”, it must be taught to obey hand gestures. For this order, you need to extend your hand forward, palm down, and then quickly lower it to your thigh.

When accustoming a three-month-old puppy to this gesture, you need to gradually lengthen the distance between the owner and his pet to three meters, and increase the shutter speed to seven seconds.

When the dog reaches four months of age, the distance and endurance must be increased again. For an eight-month-old dog, there is a standard according to which it must obey the order “Lie down!” the first time at a distance of 15 meters with a shutter speed of 15 seconds.
After successfully mastering the command in a calm environment, the puppy must be trained to carry out the same order in crowded places such as a store or near a noisy playground. By ten months the pet should perform regulatory requirements in any conditions.

Whatever commands you have to teach your dog, there are general rules, which, according to the advice of dog handlers, should be followed when communicating with an animal.

  1. A treat that rewards a pet for a well-executed command should not be a reward for every exercise. It is more beneficial to give treats every other time.
  2. You should not issue commands one after another. It is necessary to give the pet time to properly complete one command, and only then give another. The main thing is not the number of orders completed over a period of time, but the quality of their execution.
  3. A dog is not a parrot; it does not need to repeat the same thing several times. She must immediately execute a command given only once.
Video: how to raise the perfect dog

Important! Before giving any command to the puppy, it is recommended to first say his name. This will concentrate the dog’s attention on the owner and make him treat the order more conscientiously.

If you have free time, patience, Have a good mood and, most importantly, love for animals, training our four-legged friends can turn from a necessity into a true pleasure, and for the dog too.

Dogs are very smart animals. And it would seem that they grab everything on the fly. But sometimes they are so stubborn that they do not want to obey. Therefore, every dog ​​breeder must know how to teach a dog the command “Lie down!” We offer you some training secrets.

The team is mandatory element course standard training. When traveling on public transport, you simply cannot do without it. A dog that lies calmly at the feet of its owner is not dangerous to others and does not cause discontent among passengers.

During a visit to the veterinarian this command will help you examine your pet, as well as complete the prescribed procedures. Often to establish correct diagnosis it is necessary to take tests and undergo various examinations. A pet that carries out such a command without problems will behave calmly and allow the attending physician to carry out various manipulations.

If your pet will participate in an exhibition, he should also be sure to learn how to obey the order “Lie down!” The dog must be able to carry out this command in any situation, including running, playing, etc. The command is necessary element education.

Ways of learning

From a sitting position

Before moving on to the “Down!” command, the pet must perfectly execute the “Sit!” command. So, you order the dog to “Sit!”, then put one hand on the withers, command “Lie down!”, and with your free hand, bending slightly, show the treasured piece of tasty treat almost right to the ground.

It is important to hold the treat in such a way that your pet has to reach forward and down for it. At this moment, you hold the withers and do not allow the dog to stand up. As a result, she assumes a prone position. Now it’s time to give the dog a treat, actively praise it in a gentle voice and cancel the command, releasing the dog with the words “Go for a walk!”

There are some pets that do not lie down and are not attracted to treats at all. At this moment, they just sit, move their nose, turn their heads to the sides, and perhaps stretch their necks out of interest. This behavior should not be encouraged. You should repeat the order loudly and confidently, and pull the leash down.

There are times when the dog resists in every possible way, sits down or tries to get up. In this case, you should watch for the moment when the dog is about to lie down and quickly give the order “Lie down!” It turns out that the pet did not lie down on its own, but followed the owner’s command. In such situations, the owner should be more persistent and not give up. It may take more time, but if the owner does not back down, the pet will obey.

Footrest for front legs

The second option, which allows you to train the animal, is that you put one hand on the dog’s withers, and put the other behind the front limbs, so you seem to be tripping the dog, then the order “Lie down!” is given. At this time, you press on the withers with one hand and push forward with the other. After completing the command, give the treasured treat and cancel the order.

You can pull the leash forward and down while simultaneously pressing on the withers. This will force your pet into a lying position. The command “Lie down!” for your dog after training it will be easy, and you won’t even have to press on the withers.

Now gradually increase the length of time between lying down and the “yummy”. A three month old puppy is trained at 5 second intervals. The baby is impatient, jumps up and expects encouragement, don’t be upset, be patient and give the command one more time.

By gesture

If you have trained your dog to carry out a command in the first two ways, then you can move on to using a gesture. The right hand is raised and placed horizontally, palm facing down, then lowered to the right thigh. During exercise, increase the distance between you and your pet to 3 m, and the waiting time to 7 seconds.

To execute the command “Lie down!” in non-standard conditions, the pet should be trained for up to 10 months.

Pay attention to the correct position of the dog while he is in a prone position. The body should be straight, the front legs extended, and the hind legs tucked under.

Video "Dog Training"

In this video you will learn how to teach your dog the “Down!” command.

Rules for working on a team

Training must be carried out according to the rules. To do this, we suggest using the following instructions:

  1. While practicing the skill, it is not necessary to give the dog a treat every time; you can do it every other time.
  2. One command should be practiced until the dog begins to obey and carry out the order correctly. Don’t be repetitive and don’t give order after order; it’s important that the pet gets his bearings and does everything clearly.
  3. The order should be given once so that the dog learns that it must be carried out the first time, and not when the owner does it several times in a row.
  4. During training, do not be rude to the dog.
  5. Approach the implementation gradually and patiently. You should not expect perfect endurance from your baby.
  6. On initial stage do not train in bad weather so that the pet does not have to lie down on a wet surface.
  7. Release after the command follows the orders “Walk!”, but not “Come to me!” The latter is classified as pleasant. Therefore, it will be difficult for the dog to withstand 15 seconds.

As a rule, novice trainers often encounter problems precisely when teaching the “” command. Teaching a restless puppy to sit or stand at the owner’s command is much easier: energy and curiosity literally burst into the four-legged baby and do not allow him to remain motionless for at least a few seconds. Meanwhile, this command is one of the most important endurance exercises: the owner needs to ensure that the dog not only accepts horizontal position, but also moved without appropriate instructions. The fact is that such a pose in the animal world demonstrates complete submission to the owner and is a kind of recognition of human leadership on the part of the pet.

Teaching the command “Down!” It is best to start at 5-7 months, when the puppy has already fully mastered the “ ” command and there is a strong emotional contact between him and the owner, based on trust and friendship. However, nothing prevents you from starting training even more early age. The main thing is to take into account the dog’s temperament and character and choose the right time for training: alternating active games and training usually allows a pet of any age to better concentrate attention on the owner, and therefore more successfully master new commands.

From simple to complex

In order for your pet to master the “Down!” command, it is necessary to use both conditioned and unconditioned stimuli. Conditioned stimuli are understood as a voice command and a gesture (quickly lowering a hand raised above shoulder level), and unconditioned stimuli include the use of a treat, pressing on the dog’s withers, carefully cutting the front paws and fixing the dog in the desired position.

Training must be divided into several steps:

  • Have the puppy sit next to your left knee and focus his attention on you. Turn to face the dog and kneel in front of him.
  • After calling the dog's name, say the command clearly and loudly. With your left hand, press on the puppy’s withers, and with your right hand, gently stretch the pet’s front paws forward.
  • After the pet has taken the desired position, hold it in this position for 10 seconds. Be sure to pet and give a treat, even if the puppy resists. If the dog refuses to lie down and tries to get up, increase the pressure on the withers and repeat the command in a more stern voice.

This exercise is repeated 2-3 times in a row several times a day. Please note that the dog should not be overloaded with new knowledge, and in the process of learning the command “Lie down!” do not forget to repeat previously mastered tricks and encourage your pet with praise and voice.


It is worth noting that some dog trainers recommend teaching the puppy this command by jerking the leash. If you do not have enough experience in training, you should avoid this method: too strong a jerk can injure the puppy or cause him pain, so it is better to use your hands.

Other training options

There is another, no less popular method of teaching the command “Lie down!”: after you have sat the puppy down, bring a treat to his nose and move your hand forward and down, gently pressing on the withers. The pet will very quickly understand what you want from it.

When the puppy begins to perform the exercise on a voice command, gradually increase the exposure time, leaving the dog to lie first for 30 seconds, and then for several minutes. Start connecting to and the corresponding gesture that will accompany the command. The exercise is considered completed when the dog remains in a lying position for five minutes, and the trainer is able to move away from the pet at a distance of at least 20 meters.

It should be noted that the first steps in teaching the command “Lie down!” It should be done not in a group, but by working with the dog individually. Extraneous sounds, the presence of other dogs and people will distract the puppy from training, and correcting mistakes in behavior will subsequently be much more difficult than working on a command from the basics to perfection.

“Lie down” is one of the basic training commands, which is often used in Everyday life. It may be useful when transporting public transport, being examined by a veterinarian. With participation in various kinds shows and exhibitions, this skill is also mandatory in the performance program.

Anyone who has owned a dog knows how difficult it is to live with a domesticated but disobedient animal. And it doesn't matter what breed the dog is. In any case, she will have the instincts inherent in all animals and its own special character. Therefore, it is especially important to be an authority for your pet and teach him to obey at least basic commands unquestioningly and in any situation.

Anything can happen in life. The dog may attack its own or random person, run after a cat or a car, become aggressive in a crowded place. There can be many situations. With a responsible approach to the issue of training, any unwanted behavior will be quickly stopped, with one word or gesture.

“Lie down” is one of the main ones in training. It is often necessary in everyday life. For example, when transported in transport, during examination by a veterinarian, when participating in dog shows or at exhibitions. Based on this, it is very important to figure out how to teach a dog the “lie down” command.

The first step is to decide what position the dog needs to take if the order was to “lie down”. It depends on the breed, size or other factors important to the owner. For domestic and hunting animals, the most common position is in which the dog's head lies on the front outstretched paws, and the nose lightly touches the tips of the paws. Service dogs even in a supine position they must always be ready to carry out another command, so they must have their heads raised.

Why is the "down" command important?

It is difficult for dogs to learn to force themselves to be alone in an unfamiliar place and at the same time not run after their owner. Other commands: “come to me” or “stand up” performed with greater joy and stop the unpleasant task. It is for this reason that the first thing you need to do is teach your pet the commands “sit” and “lie down”. It will be easier for other teams to train. A properly trained dog should lie down at any moment of fun, fight or hunt. Only in this case can you be completely sure that the dog I completely understood this command and will not let you down.

How to teach a puppy the "down" command?

There is no point in teaching commands at an early age. The pet must be ready to gain new knowledge. Otherwise, he will not be able to understand what each command means. Trying to train a puppy under the age of three months equivalent in most cases to teaching first-year subjects to a three-year-old child higher educational institution . A puppy with a very playful and active character will simply forget everything very quickly, and the next day everything will have to start all over again.

With pets, everything is about the same as with people. One receiving new knowledge in childhood It comes easily, but others need to repeat it many times. So be careful and don't miss out important point. Conduct your first lessons as a game. And when you realize that your pet is ready to learn new skills, begin to approach the matter with all seriousness.

Experts recommend starting training at the age of three months. This is the most optimal age in dogs for training. This recommendation relates not only to the “down” command, but also to other commands. Also, for effective learning The dog must clearly understand who its owner is. This should be a person who spends a lot of time with her and has been caring for her since childhood. Therefore, in the first months of a pet’s life, it is undesirable to allow other people to spend a lot of time with it, often treat it with treats, pet it, and play.

General rules

One of the basic rules is regular and consistent approach to this matter. For proper training dogs to commands, it is important to study in advance correct methods training and possible mistakes. Experts advise watching various videos on the Internet to clearly understand the techniques and methods of teaching the “down” command.

The place for training is chosen to be quiet and calm, where there will be no no distracting sounds or other animals. It is also worth paying attention to ensuring that the place is clean. It will also be more pleasant for the dog to lie down on the ground. Conducting classes only at home is risky, because the animal may learn that it is necessary to obey only within the apartment. During training, do not use rudeness or cruelty under any circumstances. Any type of communication with an animal should be based on affection and understanding. In the eyes of your pet, you need to look like a leader, but not a tyrant.

The approach to this matter must be immediately correct, since retraining will be much more difficult than training from scratch. Try not to confuse your pet by trying to speed up and combine the "down" command with others, especially in the same sequence. The dog can remember this sequence of commands and will execute them only in this order. When teaching the “down” command, it is important not to allow the pet to get up until the owner gives permission. Discipline and precise execution of commands are the most important stages of training.

Algorithm for teaching the "down" command

Start teaching your pet the “down” command from a sitting position, it will be easier. For this reason, the first step is to teach the “sit” command. When this command is mastered, have the puppy sit at your left leg.

  1. Bring some tasty food to your nose and clearly say “down.”
  2. Slowly place the food on the ground. The dog will reach for a treat and will have to lie down.
  3. Praise the puppy, pet it and repeat the exercise.

Some animals may try to snatch food from your hands or squirm under your feet. Give the treat only if you notice even small or hesitant attempts to lie down. If the dog does not listen to you, then you should not give the treat. Of course, it is advisable to train on an empty stomach. But it in no way follows from this that you need to bring your pet to the point of exhaustion. If the dog has a desire to change his position, lightly press his back with your hand or pull the leash down. In case of disobedience, the punishment must be gentle, but at the same time act confidently. When your pet does lie down, try to hold him in this position for at least 5 seconds. If there are attempts to change the position, tell the dog in a calm voice to “lie down.”

Immediately pay attention to the fact that the dog lies down as it should and does not fall to the side. Some animals, with particularly stubborn personalities, may not want to lie down when ordered. In this case, try to catch the moment when the dog wants to lie down. It is at this moment that you tell her to “lie down.” She will have the feeling that this was done on your orders.

Try not to make the following mistakes when training:

How to teach the “down” command to a dog? This question often arises among those people who have recently acquired a dog. “Lie down” is a basic command. For training you will need a leash and collar. It should be trained in a quiet, quiet place. "lying" at home?

The pet should stand at the left leg and lie down there too. His gaze should be directed at you. When executing a command, the dog should not lie in front, behind or sideways.

First way of learning

How to teach your dog commands at home? The photo below clearly illustrates this method. This method is very simple. Your dog will definitely love it. You will teach the command using treats. The process can occur if the dog is in a standing or sitting position.

For example, if your dog is sitting, then take a treat in your hand and squeeze it into a fist. Next, bring it to the dog's nose. Then lower the treat to the ground, the dog should reach for it. As soon as this starts to happen, give the command “down.” After the pet takes the indicated position, treat it with something tasty.

How to train four-legged friend in a standing position? All the same. Give a treat to your nose, then lower your hand to the ground. As soon as the dog reaches for him, give the command, wait until the dog lies down. As soon as she performs the required action, give her a treat and praise her.

What to do if the dog took the required position with the help of a treat, but got up without your command? To prevent this from happening, use a leash and collar. If the dog gets up without a command, immediately make a sharp jerk with the leash down to the ground. Additionally, apply pressure with your hand on the withers.

Then repeat the command. Then practice the shutter speed, starting at fifteen seconds, gradually increasing the time.

Method two

How to teach the “down” command to a dog? This method is similar to the first, but it needs to be fixed. Next we will talk about irritants (additional external influences). So you brought a treat to the dog, lowered it to the ground, then it either did not want to lie down or did not react at all. What to do? How to teach a dog the “down” command?

Next, you take the dog by the leash and make a sharp jerk down, while pressing on the withers. This way the dog lies completely on the ground. When she takes the required position, you reinforce her action by calling the command.

Third way of learning

How to teach the “down” command to a dog? The third method is an improved form of the second training method. This is also done with the help of a leash. This method is suitable for a dog that already knows the command, but the owner wants to reinforce it better.

The dog sits down left leg from the owner who holds the leash right hand. Next, step on the sagging leash with your left foot. This will pull the dog towards the ground. When the dog begins the required action, say the command. Be sure to praise upon completion.

Method four

How to teach the “down” command to a dog? This method is similar to the third. Only here you stretch the dog’s paws forward. As soon as she starts to lie down, say the command “lie down.” After the dog takes the required position, give him a treat. And be sure to praise him.

Method five

How to teach a dog the “down” command? Of course, throughout its life, the dog sometimes takes a lying position on its own. You can use this to your advantage. How exactly? When the dog begins to lie down, immediately say the command “lie down”. After she has assumed a horizontal position, praise her.

Which way is better? It's impossible to say for sure. They are all good in their own way. It’s best to start training with the first one, and hone your skills with the rest. Don't forget to teach your dog patience. This will be needed not only now during training, but also in the future.

The "sit" command

Now you know how to teach the “down” command to a dog at home. We'll look at another lesson next. We will tell you how to teach your dog the “sit” command. The team also belongs to OKD. A puppy older than 3 months should be trained.
Please note that the dog should always sit at the left leg. By the way, this rule also applies to walking.

How to teach a dog the “sit” command? There are several ways. Let's look at them:

  • Method one. For training you need: a leash, a treat and a collar. When the dog is in a standing position, say the command “sit”, press on the croup, and give a strong upward jerk on the leash. If everything worked out, then give a treat and verbally praise the pet.
  • Method two. The method is similar to the first. Only in this case the dog is in a lying position. Give the command “Sit”, make a sharp jerk upward. In this case, there is no need to press on the croup. When following a command, praise your pet verbally and, of course, reward it with a treat. If you did everything according to the instructions, but the dog is completely up, then repeat the first method.

  • Method three. As you understand, the dog can sit down on its own, without anyone’s instructions. As soon as you notice this, say the command. After she sits down, give her a treat and don’t forget to praise her verbally, too.

A little conclusion

Now you know how to teach your dog the “sit” and “down” commands. We hope that the recommendations given in the article will help you. We wish you success in training your pet!