Interesting. The day of a person’s death is not random, just like the day of birth


The fear of death is the strongest in the entire range of fears that accompany the life of every person. Therefore, people have always been interested in the question: is it possible to somehow delay the onset of death? Can prayers do this? medical supplies, power systems, physical exercise or any special practices? Is the date of death an inevitable predetermination or a point that can be moved along the line of life?

The question is philosophical and there are as many answers to it as there are philosophers. The range of opinions is very wide: from “man is the architect of his own destiny” to “everything is destined and you cannot escape fate.”

Of course, while working on a big book about fate, happiness and the meaning of life (), we could not ignore this issue and took the following position in it:

“...the lifespan is a program point and is outside the corridor of the will. Both prayers and medicines will be useless to change it. To prove this we cited sessions regressive hypnosis, predictions of clairvoyants and various stories from people’s lives, confirming information from the Subtle World...

Many people live with guilt over death loved one or with the idea that someone else is to blame for this death: they didn’t look after them, they loved them little, they cared for them poorly, they treated them incorrectly, etc.

Since time immemorial, people have been looking for means to prolong life: the philosopher's stone, the elixir of youth, longevity pills. Many people have spent their entire lives searching for means that will grant immortality or at least longevity.

It is probably not an exaggeration to say that most of humanity is gripped by the desire to prolong their life and the fear of losing it prematurely. And with such feelings, life itself becomes qualitatively worse.

Therefore, let us emphasize not a simple thought, but the Truth: a person’s life span is measured before his first breath and is not subject to revision under any circumstances.

Let us remember once again the clairvoyant Vanga. Often she "saw" imminent death your visitors. Knowing well that nothing could be changed, Vanga sometimes tried to do it, and warned the person about the fateful day and hour for him. But even with such information, all attempts by people to avoid death were unsuccessful.

Krasimira Stoyanova, the niece of the famous prophetess, wrote the book “The Truth about Vanga”, in which she gives the following dialogue:

If it so happens that you see an imminent misfortune or even the death of a person who has come to you, can you do anything to avoid misfortune?

No, neither I nor anyone else can do anything.

And if troubles or even a disaster threaten an entire city or state, is it possible to prepare something in advance?

It's useless.

“The Washington Pythia,” as Jane Dixon was called in the United States, accurately predicted the dates of death of many prominent figures - Presidents Franklin Roosevelt and John Kennedy, Mahatma Gandhi and John Dulles (US Secretary of State), Robert Kennedy and Martin Luther King, Iraqi King Faisal and Secretary General UN Dag Hammerskjöld, Apollo 1 astronauts- Virgil Grissom, Edward White and Roger Chaffee (seven days before their death during the tests), and many others, less famous personalities. In some cases, she indicated the specific circumstances under which death would occur. The clairvoyant did not hide her visions and even tried to save many from death by passing on her information to them, but everything turned out to be in vain: everyone died exactly then and as predicted.

Nemtsov also had his own oracle.Here's what the World News agency reports about it:

“An interview with the former secretary of Boris Nemtsov, who was killed on Friday evening, appeared in the media. A woman who worked with the politician for many years said that his death was predicted by a participant in the show “Battle of Psychics” several years ago.
According to the former secretary, Nemtsov was always interested in all kinds of clairvoyants, psychics and other sorcerers. “He, like any sane person, of course did not believe in them,” she said. - Moreover, I have always been “for” any initiatives to ban alternative medicine and other magic. But whenever possible - for example, when I encountered psychics on the set or at some event, I did not miss the opportunity to tell fortunes and ask about my fate - but not seriously, as if as a joke.”
A few years ago, Boris Nemtsov met Alexander Agapit, a participant in the 4th season of the show “Battle of Psychics,” at the television center, who himself approached the politician and warned that he would not die “a natural death in 2015.”
Nemtsov laughed and clarified what “not by his own death” meant, to which he was told: “because of a woman.”
It is premature to talk about those who ordered the murder of Boris Nemtsov, but according to one version of the investigation, the murder could have been committed by a killer hired ex-lover Anna Duritskaya - the same fashion model who left him for Nemtsov, who, as has already been established and officially announced, some time ago had an abortion from Nemtsov and who was with him at the time of his death.
By the way, this version is also supported by the fact that the killer’s bullets (they shot at the politician 7-8 times) did not hit the girl.” (World of news)

For many years we have been collecting stories about incredible rescues, and ridiculous deaths. Today, a thick book can be compiled from them and they all confirm the Truth:behind seemingly absurd or incredible events there is a Plan of earthly life with the date of its end written in it. If “the hour has struck,” nothing will stop death, and if it has not struck, no circumstances will lead to death.

The great French scientist Pierre Curie, laureate Nobel Prize in physics, once wrote down in his diary the prediction he received of “death from the crew.” He accompanied this prediction with the following comment: “Of course, I couldn’t believe it. My mind does not allow me to believe in such absurdities.” But on a rainy day on April 19, 1906, “absurdities” still happened: while crossing the street, Pierre Curie slipped on the wet road and fell, and a passing carriage crushed his head with its wheel.”

We will not retell in detail the contents of Chapter 8, from which the above lines are taken (almost all visitors to our site are well acquainted with this book), but we will jump straight to the news that has excited the public in many countries - the murder of Boris Nemtsov.

“Who killed?”, “Why?”, “For what?” “Who benefits?”... The Internet is replete with versions, conjectures, assumptions, statements... The only thing that hasn’t been voiced is simple truth: “The hour has struck.” Everything else - customers, inspirers, directors, performers, circumstances - are just details of the painting “The Death of Nemtsov,” written before his birth.

Of course, now investigators will intensively search (and will find, of course!) logical explanations for Nemtsov’s death - fortunately, there are enough witnesses and specialists in the investigation of such cases. Surely they will put forward and prove a version that is understandable and convincing both for the court and for the average person.

And few people will understand that it’s just overa chain of cause-and-effect relationships that stretched from the date of birth of Boris Nemtsov, and on the evening of February 27 he set off across the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge not for a walk, but towards his death. “Annushka has already spilled oil” (Mikhail Bulgakov, “The Master and Margarita”) and this event, already recorded in the Akashic Chronicles, manifested itself in our reality.

Is it possible to change the date of death? This issue is far from the last for systemic constructions of ensuring personal safety. All fundamental systems safety measures are built precisely with the goal of changing situations in order to avoid negative manifestations, although it is formulated verbally and documented differently. In historical practice, these tasks have been worked on from time immemorial, but to this day they are implemented by various forces and means and, as a result, too often the world media and mournful melodies proclaim that not all systems perform their function effectively.

The strategy for ensuring personal safety fundamentally depends on the answer to the question: is it possible to change the date of death? The overall security of society depends on the safety of the individual. No matter how quantitatively this is determined.
If it is possible to change the onset of a sudden lethal ending, then it is possible that the system itself should be built on different principles. Protected persons, on whose actions the development of international relations largely depended, ended their lives in a specific place and at a specific time.

Not only fatal coincidences of circumstances, as in the case of or with, but also the killers overtook their single and numerous victims by first answering the questions Who? Where? When and how?

With fatal logic, fatal series of events are associated with a certain universal algorithm that is directly related to the date of death. But if this algorithm, even associatively or presumably, exists, then theoretically, anyone can use it to their advantage.

Only personal interest determines the image concrete actions. Someone protects, and someone kills. And speaking about any murder, disaster or tragic incident, we are always faced with the fact that all this happens at a certain time and in a certain place. But what, and how, determines the victim, the place, the time, and most importantly, the mode of action of the vital terminator?

Is it possible to predict such events and change the negative course of events for a certain person, leading him to accidental or violent death? To answer this question, we must have certain information and understand it correctly. What are the signs of impending trouble? What should be the actions of a victim of circumstances moving towards the abyss of eternity, so that the irreparable does not happen?

What might the libretto of an oratorio called “Life and Death” look like?

Where and how to get information about the sudden end of the tragedy? How is such information distributed? Why, even having signals of an approaching tragedy, are the vast majority of people unable to adequately respond to it? What is the interdependence between personal behavior and the nature of social relations that determine fate specific person? What does this mean? Is it possible to translate this data into the language of numbers and entrust the calculations to computers? The answers to these questions always lie beyond the realm of knowledge and require the use of certain technologies to obtain and analyze them. You also need to learn not only to understand the data received, but also to use it effectively.

Today, the practice of obtaining information by a person in a state of altered consciousness has turned from a theorem into an axiom. How it works and how reliable this information is remains a matter of individual perception. But there are things that are difficult to dispute, or the rejection of which removes an individual from the category of those capable of thinking logically. If there is a certain amount of known knowledge, then it is quite logical to assume that there is knowledge that lies beyond its boundaries. If a person does not believe in a particular statement, this does not mean that it is false. In the practice of professional security structures, a very simple rule works - if it is stupid, but it works, then it is not stupid. And everything that works can and should be used to achieve the goal. But not everything is taken for granted. The main evaluation criterion is the sustainable practical result from the use of a particular technology or knowledge.

By turning to specialists in the field of obtaining information in a state of altered consciousness, we pursue one goal - to obtain reliable information for their practical application in their own rational or humanistic aspirations.

Axiomatic positions

Responses regarding Metacontact technology were received in mid-2008.

Is it possible to change the date of death?

The vector of social orientation determines the fate of each of you. And only due to the weakness or power of their psychological properties and qualities, a person achieves his ultimate goal - the direction of this vector. But not always life cycle a person can achieve his destiny. If he finds himself in an alien social environment, refuses harmony, the whole and healthy image life, then a decline occurs, the personality dies before all its unrealized interests and goals. The soul is losing a number of information arrays and blocks that it needs to live more clearly in this world.

Because the world is woven from the fabric of ethical concepts and therefore one must always think about what is moral in this life and what is immoral. Only resonance with the spiritual gives moral strengthening and overall strength. The degree of humanity and reluctance to harm when choosing life goal there is a form that automatically includes everything positive energies the universe in resonance with man. No conflict with environment allows a person to receive proactive information at the level of intuition, allowing him to avoid all the bumps and downturns in life in a timely manner.
Therefore, the death of a person is his free choice. There are a number of conditions and deadlines for their implementation. This is where the date of death comes from, associated with billions of combinations of various interactions of energies, thoughts and modes of action.
And there are about 15 more possible options development of the individual in his physical body. You didn’t ask about other options for leaving life.

According to what pattern is this date determined?

This is a different case. All violent and random event combinations stem from a certain mood of the individual. If there are any factors in his existence that force him to go out of life, then circumstances at the level of behavior programming move him to one point or another.

What is the algorithm for the pattern of death?

This is multi-variant. Everyone has an individual case, unique to him.

Is it possible to avoid sudden death, which is not associated with natural causes?

When there is a moment of choosing the so-called return point, for greater understanding. If this point has been passed, such as, for example, a person throwing himself out the window, then it is no longer possible to stop him, but if he is in thought about whether to stand on the windowsill or not, then this is the opportunity to avoid something until the moment he gets up. There are always chances and they are not literally predetermined.

But there are periods of critical living, when, wittingly or unwittingly, the situation develops in such a way that a person risks dying due to an incorrect worldview. Moreover, this incorrect understanding of the world at that particular moment has an overflowing critical character, that this cannot continue to be the case, it is necessary either to change something serious in life, or to leave it.
There are certain life patterns that were brought to you in an allegorical and intelligible form in the form of widely known folk proverbs and sayings, you just need to understand them well and try to follow what is said, for example:

- “the head will be further away from the kings”
- “Don’t dig a hole for someone else, you’ll fall into it yourself.”
- don’t spit in the well – you’ll need to drink some water
- don’t open your mouth to someone else’s loaf
- a bad peace is better than a good quarrel
- the elbow is close, the tongue is short, etc.

This one folk wisdom you should have included it in the basic law of the country, maybe then people followed the right choice, thereby prolonging your life.


It is very difficult to draw quick and unambiguous conclusions from the answers received. It takes time for comprehension and collective analytical work of specialists who, having experience of rational perception, are guided by the nuances of the arrangement of words and the construction of figures of speech of higher intelligence.
We are just beginning to comprehend the basics of knowledge that cannot be explained in terms of basic sciences. But the path to the professional world lies only through expanding consciousness and understanding the information received.

to be continued

In everyday life, when we are talking with someone we know, and he says: “You know, so-and-so has died,” common reaction to this question: How died? Very important, How a person dies. Death is important to a person's sense of self. It is not only negative in nature.

If we look at life philosophically, we know that there is no life without death, the concept of life can only be assessed from the perspective of death.

I once had to communicate with artists and sculptors, and I asked them: “You depict various aspects of a person’s life, you can depict love, friendship, beauty, but how would you depict death?” And no one immediately gave a clear answer.

One sculptor who immortalized the siege of Leningrad promised to think about it. And shortly before his death, he answered me like this: “I would depict death in the image of Christ.” I asked: “Is Christ crucified?” - “No, the ascension of Christ.”

One German sculptor depicted a flying angel, the shadow of whose wings was death. When a person fell into this shadow, he fell into the power of death. Another sculptor depicted death in the form of two boys: one boy sits on a stone, with his head on his knees, his whole head directed downwards.

In the hands of the second boy, there is a pipe, his head is thrown back, he is all focused on following the tune. And the explanation of this sculpture was this: it is impossible to depict death without accompanying life, and life without death.

Death is a natural process. Many writers tried to portray life as immortal, but it was a terrible, terrible immortality. What is endless life - endless repetition of earthly experience, cessation of development or endless aging? It is difficult to even imagine the painful state of a person who is immortal.

Death is a reward, a respite; it is abnormal only when it comes suddenly, when a person is still on the rise, full of strength. And older people want to die. Some old women ask: “Now that she’s healed, it’s time to die.” And the patterns of death that we read about in the literature, when death befell the peasants, were normative in nature.

When a villager felt that he could no longer work as before, that he was becoming a burden to his family, he went to the bathhouse, put on clean clothes, lay down under the icon, said goodbye to his neighbors and relatives and died calmly. His death occurred without the pronounced suffering that occurs when a person struggles with death.

The peasants knew that life is not a dandelion flower that grew, blossomed and scattered with the blow of the wind. Life has deep meaning.

This example of the death of peasants dying after giving themselves permission to die is not a peculiarity of those people; we can find similar examples today. Once a cancer patient came to us. A former military man, he carried himself well and joked: “I went through three wars, pulled death’s mustache, and now its time has come to pull me.”

We, of course, supported him, but suddenly one day he could not get out of bed, and he took it completely unambiguously: “That’s it, I’m dying, I can’t get up anymore.” We told him: “Don’t worry, this is a metastasis, people with metastases in the spine live a long time, we will take care of you, you will get used to it.” - “No, no, this is death, I know.”

And, imagine, after a few days he dies, without having any physiological prerequisites for this. He dies because he decided to die. This means that this good will to death or some kind of projection of death occurs in reality.

It is necessary to allow life to end naturally, because death is programmed at the moment of human conception. A person acquires a unique experience of death during childbirth, at the moment of birth. When you deal with this problem, you can see how intelligently life is structured. As a person is born, so he dies, easily born - easily dies, hard to be born - hard to die.

And the day of a person’s death is also not random, just like the day of birth. Statisticians are the first to raise this problem, discovering that people often have the same date of death and date of birth. Or, when we remember some significant anniversaries of the death of our relatives, it suddenly turns out that the grandmother died and a grandson was born. This transmission across generations and the non-randomness of the day of death and the day of birth is striking.

Clinical death or another life?

Not a single sage has yet understood what death is, what happens during death. Such a stage as clinical death was left practically unattended. A man falls into coma, his breath and heart stop, but unexpectedly for himself and for others, he returns to life and tells amazing stories.

Natalya Petrovna Bekhtereva recently died. At one time we often argued, I told cases clinical death that were in my practice, and she said that it was all nonsense, that changes were just happening in the brain, and so on. And one day I gave her an example, which she then began to use and tell herself.

I worked for 10 years at the Oncological Institute as a psychotherapist, and one day I was called to see a young woman. During the operation, her heart stopped, they could not start it for a long time, and when she woke up, I was asked to see if her psyche had changed due to the long oxygen starvation brain

I came to the intensive care ward, she was just coming to her senses. I asked: “Can you talk to me?”, “Yes, but I would like to apologize to you, I caused you so much trouble,” “What trouble?”, “Well, of course.” My heart stopped, I experienced such stress, and I saw that it was also a lot of stress for the doctors.”

I was surprised: “How could you see this if you were in a state of deep narcotic sleep, and then your heart stopped?” “Doctor, I would tell you much more if you promise not to send me to a psychiatric hospital.”

And she said the following: when she fell into a narcotic sleep, she suddenly felt as if a soft blow to her feet made something inside her turn, like a screw being turned out. She had the feeling that her soul had turned outward and emerged into some foggy space.

Looking closer, she saw a group of doctors bending over the body. She thought: what a familiar face this woman has! And then suddenly I remembered that it was herself. Suddenly a voice rang out: “Stop the operation immediately, the heart has stopped, you need to start it.”

She thought she had died and remembered with horror that she had not said goodbye to either her mother or her five-year-old daughter. Anxiety for them literally pushed her into the back, she flew out of the operating room and in an instant found herself in her apartment.

She saw a rather peaceful scene - a girl playing with dolls, her grandmother, her mother, sewing something. There was a knock on the door and a neighbor, Lidia Stepanovna, came in. She was holding a small polka dot dress in her hands. “Masha,” said the neighbor, “you always tried to be like your mother, so I sewed for you the same dress as your mother.”

The girl happily rushed to her neighbor, on the way she touched the tablecloth, an antique cup fell, and a teaspoon fell under the carpet. There is noise, the girl is crying, the grandmother exclaims: “Masha, how awkward you are,” Lidia Stepanovna says that the dishes are beating fortunately - a common situation.

And the girl’s mother, forgetting about herself, came up to her daughter, stroked her on the head and said: “Masha, this is not the worst grief in life.” Mashenka looked at her mother, but not seeing her, she turned away. And suddenly, this woman realized that when she touched the girl’s head, she did not feel this touch. Then she rushed to the mirror, and did not see herself in the mirror.

In horror, she remembered that she was supposed to be in the hospital, that her heart had stopped. She rushed out of the house and found herself in the operating room. And then I heard a voice: “The heart has started, we are doing an operation, but rather, because there may be a repeated cardiac arrest.”

After listening to this woman, I said: “Don’t you want me to come to your house and tell your family that everything is fine, they can see you?” She happily agreed.

I went to the address given to me, my grandmother opened the door, I told how the operation went, and then asked: “Tell me, did your neighbor Lidiya Stepanovna come to you at half past ten?” Do you know her?”, “Didn’t she bring a dress with polka dots?”, “Are you a wizard, doctor?”

I continue to ask, and everything came together down to the details, except for one thing - the spoon was not found. Then I say: “Did you look under the carpet?” They lift the carpet and there is a spoon there.

This story had a great effect on Bekhtereva. And then she herself experienced a similar incident. On the same day, she lost both her stepson and her husband, both of whom committed suicide. It was terribly stressful for her. And then one day, entering the room, she saw her husband, and he addressed her with some words.

She, an excellent psychiatrist, decided that these were hallucinations, returned to another room and asked her relative to see what was in that room. She came up, looked in and recoiled: “Yes, your husband is there!” Then she did what her husband asked, making sure that such cases were not fiction.

She told me: “No one knows the brain better than me (Bekhtereva was the director of the Institute of the Human Brain in St. Petersburg). And I have the feeling that I am standing in front of some huge wall, behind which I hear voices, and I know that there is a wonderful and huge world, but I cannot convey to others what I see and hear. Because in order for this to be scientifically valid, everyone must repeat my experience.”

Once I was sitting next to a dying patient. I put a music box that was playing a touching melody, then asked: “Turn it off, is it bothering you?” “No, let it play.” Suddenly her breathing stopped, her relatives rushed: “Do something, she’s not breathing.”

I rashly gave her an injection of adrenaline, and she came to her senses again, turned to me: “Andrey Vladimirovich, what was that?” - “You know, it was clinical death.” She smiled and said: “No, life!”

What is this state that the brain goes into during clinical death? After all, death is death. We register death when we see that breathing has stopped, the heart has stopped, the brain does not work, it cannot perceive information and, moreover, send it out.

Does this mean that the brain is only a transmitter, but there is something deeper, more powerful in a person? And here we are faced with the concept of the soul. After all, this concept has almost been supplanted by the concept of the psyche. There is a psyche, but there is no soul.

How would you like to die?

We asked both the healthy and the sick: “How would you like to die?” And people with certain characterological qualities built a model of death in their own way.

People with schizoid type characters, such as Don Quixote, rather strangely characterized their desire: “We would like to die in such a way that no one around us would see my body.”

Epileptoids considered it unthinkable for themselves to lie quietly and wait for death to come; they had to be able to somehow participate in this process.

Cycloids - people like Sancho Panza, would like to die surrounded by their loved ones. Psychasthenics are anxious and suspicious people; they worried about what they would look like when they died. Hysteroids wanted to die at sunrise or sunset, on the seashore, in the mountains.

I compared these desires, but I remembered the words of one monk who said this: “I don’t care what will surround me, what the situation will be around me. It’s important to me that I die while praying, thanking God for giving me life and seeing the power and beauty of His creation.”

Heraclitus of Ephesus said: “A man lights a light for himself on the night of death; and he is not dead, having extinguished his eyes, but is alive; but he comes into contact with the dead - while dozing, while awake - he comes into contact with the dormant,” a phrase that you can puzzle over almost your entire life.

Being in contact with the patient, I could agree with him that when he died, he would try to let me know whether there was something behind the coffin or not. And I received this answer more than once.

I once made an agreement with one woman, she died, and I soon forgot about our agreement. And then one day, when I was at the dacha, I suddenly woke up when the light came on in the room. I thought that I forgot to turn off the light, but then I saw that the same woman was sitting on the bed opposite me. I was happy, started talking to her, and suddenly I remembered - she died!

I thought I was dreaming all this, so I turned away and tried to go to sleep so I could wake up. Some time passed, I raised my head. The light was on again, I looked back in horror - she was still sitting on the bed and looking at me. I want to say something, but I can’t - it’s terrible. I realized what was in front of me dead man. And suddenly she smiled sadly and said: “But this is not a dream.”

Why do I give such examples? Because the uncertainty of what awaits us forces us to return to the old principle: “Do no harm.” That is « “don’t rush death” is a powerful argument against euthanasia. To what extent do we have the right to intervene in the condition that the patient is experiencing? How can we hasten his death when he may be experiencing his greatest life at this moment?

Quality of life and permission to die

What matters is not the number of days we live, but the quality. What does quality of life give? Quality of life gives you the opportunity to be pain-free, the ability to control your consciousness, the opportunity to be surrounded by relatives and family.

Why is communication with relatives so important? Because children often repeat the plot of the lives of their parents or relatives. Sometimes it's in the details that are amazing. And this repetition of life is often a repetition of death.

The blessing of relatives, the parental blessing of a dying person to children is very important, it can even save them later, protect them from something. Again, returning to cultural heritage fairy tales

Remember the plot: an old father dies, he has three sons. He asks: “After my death, go to my grave for three days.” The older brothers either don’t want to go or are afraid, only the younger one, a fool, goes to the grave, and at the end of the third day the father reveals some secret to him.

When a person passes away, he sometimes thinks: “Well, let me die, let me get sick, but let my family be healthy, let the illness end on me, I’ll pay the bills for the whole family.” And so, having set a goal, no matter rationally or affectively, a person receives a meaningful departure from life.

Hospice is a home that offers quality life. Not an easy death, but a quality life. This is a place where a person can end his life meaningfully and deeply, accompanied by relatives.

When a person leaves, the air does not just come out of him, like from a rubber ball, he needs to take a leap, he needs strength in order to step into the unknown. A person must allow himself to take this step. And he receives first permission from relatives, then from medical personnel, from volunteers, from the priest and from himself. And this permission to die from oneself is the most difficult thing.

You know that Christ, before suffering and praying in the Garden of Gethsemane, asked his disciples: “Stay with me, do not sleep.” Three times the disciples promised Him to stay awake, but fell asleep without providing support. So here's the hospice in spiritual sense is a place where a person can ask: “Stay with me.”

And if such a greatest personality - God Incarnate - needed human help, if He said: “I no longer call you slaves. I called you friends,” addressing people, then follow this example and saturate them with spiritual content last days patient is very important.

Prepared the text; photo: Maria Stroganova

If you care about matters of life and death,

Would you like to know how long you will live and when you will die? It must be admitted that not everyone has the desire to find out the date of death. Many people are afraid to know their future. On the one hand, this is reasonable - why burden yourself with unnecessary information? But on the other hand, knowing your date of death, you will be mentally prepared for what awaits you. We invite you to find out the date of death for free using numerological calculations.

Calculation of date of death by date of birth

Take a piece of paper and write your date of birth on it. Then add up all the numbers that make it up. The resulting number will help you calculate the date of death. The result of the calculation must be unambiguous (that is, the result must be a number from 1 to 9). If you succeeded two-digit number, then you need to add up its component numbers.

Let's give an example: 01/13/1969 = 29 = 2+9 = 11 = 1+1 = 2. The number 2 is the key to the date of death in the given example of the date of birth.

When you calculate your number, all you have to do is decipher the resulting value. So, what do the numbers in death numerology mean?

The meaning of numbers in the numerology of death

1 - You will die at a ripe old age between 80 and 95 years old. Your death will be easy and quick as you will live a happy and vibrant life.

2 - There is a high probability that death will overtake you as a result of an accident. Be careful, as this number in death numerology predicts danger through no fault of your own. Dangerous years life when you can die: 7, 19, 29, 45, 67.

3 - You will live to an old age, but in old age you will be overcome by diseases that will hasten your death. Dangerous years of life: 44 and 73.

4 - You are a long-liver. According to numerology numbers, death will overtake you at the age of 100 years. Moreover, you will feel very good in old age.

5 - Death is on your heels, but you are lucky! Fate constantly seems to take you away from accidents, accidents and dangers. You are very lucky and have the opportunity to live a long and happy life, as long as you don’t cause harm to people around you. Dangerous years of life: 3, 15, 24, 48, 62, 76.

6 - You depend on your karma. It is very difficult to find out the cause and date of death using this numerological birth number. You should first find out your karmic debt, and based on this, make assumptions regarding your date of death. Dangerous years of life: 13, 22, 47, 68.

7 - You strong guardian angel. However, even he sometimes cannot keep up with you. Be careful around fire and water. There is a high probability that your life will be taken by the force of a natural disaster. Dangerous years of life: 24, 36, 61.

8 -You are playing with death. It's dangerous for you to take risks. Be more restrained and prudent, then you will live long. The age you will live to is 65-70 years.

9 - Your life can be cut short enough at a young age. According to numerological calculation, people with that death rate rarely live past 50. You should be more careful about your health. Alcohol and tobacco are strictly contraindicated for you. Dangerous years of life: 16, 23, 38, 47.

Don’t be alarmed if you receive something unpleasant during the calculation. Remember that your life is in your hands. Every minute you make choices, decisions, actions that shape your future. Take responsibility for your life into your own hands and then live as long as you want. Be happy and don't forget to click and

23.03.2014 15:26

On June 8, the famous soothsayer and healer Juna died in Moscow. The whole country mourns the loss - Juna Davitashivli was one...

Sometimes Jewelry passed down to us by inheritance. On the one hand, a person is practical, but...

Quite often I have to perform funeral services after the Liturgy in the cemetery church. Are you faced with different situations, you encounter human grief, sometimes inconsolable, at least, at the moment when they say goodbye to the deceased, whose life was interrupted in the prime of life in an unexpected way. I can’t help but say that God’s will was revealed in this death.
One dies in a car accident. Another from a medical error during an operation or diagnosis (they began to treat for the wrong thing for what was needed). The third is killed in an unexpected way, in the courtyard of his own house, when he goes out for a walk with the dog, by complete strangers, stoned, under a narcotic intoxication (for some reason they did not like that 26-year-old guy).
A seven-year-old girl, not noticing the approaching train and breaking away from her mother, when crossing the railway tracks, falls straight under the train. Well, and so on, and so on (all real cases).
There is a tragic accident in such situations. And although many believers say that nothing happens by chance in the world, I cannot agree with this statement.

But I can’t because if there are no accidents, then everything turns out predetermined and programmed. If the world is truly created according to the principle of freedom, then there will certainly be unforeseen accidents. Another thing is that all these accidents in our case are precisely a consequence of his fallen state, where sin, time and death reign. And if God’s will is not unambiguous for a person’s sin, for any evil he does, then how can one say that a person’s death, which occurs from violence or from an accident, will be according to the will of God?

Excellent, in my opinion, written by Fr. Sergius Zheludkov in “Liturgical Notes”:

“A special and incomparably more difficult problem is the catechumen word for the burial of an infant, baptized or unbaptized. The death of a child - in this event the question of God's Providence is raised most acutely. Do we act correctly, or Orthodoxy, when we attribute everything that happens to the good will of God? Or maybe we should think that in the senseless death of a child the action of the World Evil, the Devil, was manifested - that this (not without our common guilt) is defeat good Providence? Here - "undecidability", our eternal bewilderment, to which we will never receive an answer from any scholasticism. It seems that only under such a question mark can the word be spoken on the burial of the baby.”

This applies not only to child deaths, but to the death of people in general from wars and any other kind of violence.
I have already written about the fact that in many cases what seemed at first an accident can later be realized as not at all accidental, and sometimes even key moment or a turning point in a person’s life. And this is the indisputable and indisputable experience of the most different people. A conscious accident ceases to be an accident. But can every accident be interpreted in this way? No, not all of them, although here one can easily fall into subjectivity in assessments. Which, however, will be inevitable in such situations. Let's say I can be accused of rationalism here. But it seems to me that even worse and more primitive rationalism is the assertion that every death certainly happens with the knowledge and will of God. In any case, this statement does not follow at all from the inscrutability of the Lord’s ways.

No two lives are the same, but no deaths are the same. The reasons for the latter can be very different. Death from illness, as a result of which a person becomes enlightened and repents of his past sins, can well be regarded as providential. Death is sudden and unforeseen - rather as a result of a random combination of circumstances or not without the influence of evil forces, their temporary victory.

Well, in any case, no matter what age death occurs and no matter what reasons precede it, the human spirit as a whole somehow resists it and does not fully accept it.

Just today I read from Archimandrite Viktor Mamontov:
“Human life arose in love. The property of love is not to stand still, but to communicate with others, to spread in depth and breadth. As the French philosopher Albert Camus wrote, every time one says to another: “I love you,” he thereby proclaims: “I want you to never die, so that you live forever.” Therefore, a person has an ineradicable desire to live forever. But we live under the law earthly nature, which does not give us eternal life. All we have left is the desire for such a life. Two enemies of our highest nature - sin and death - hold a person in their power... Two lives are given to us - temporary and eternal. The Lord addresses each of us: “I have set before you life and death... Choose life” (Deut. 30:19). Offering death does not mean that God wishes us harm. He seems to be saying: “You live in a world of evil, it always provokes, but don’t give in to it. Do not respond to evil with evil, but strive to persevere in love. Try to respond to any decline in the moral and spiritual level around you not by lowering it, but by raising it. If you resist, you will live, if not, you will die physically and spiritually.”

This is a very interesting and important idea, which can be continued in relation to our topic: many different unforeseen and absurd deaths happen around us, which can confuse us, plunge us into despondency and despair. We cannot help but succumb to such sentiments, at least temporarily. But if we remain in this state for a long time, then we only allow evil or the same death around us to spread even more when they take possession of us ourselves, paralyzing our will. But God still calls us to be His co-workers and daring servants, since He has no other hands in this created world except ours...