How to remember past lives using regressive hypnosis, meditation or in a dream. How to remember previous lives

Has the thought crossed your mind, “Where did I come from and what will happen when I die? Have I had other lives before this one? You will find answers to all these questions with the help of memories of your past incarnations, the memory of which is kept by our eternal soul.

In fact, the past life is no longer a secret behind seven locks. This article will help you understand how to remember your past life on your own.

To date, there are different ways allowing you to remember your past life. Let's take a look at the most popular of them.

Method 1. Excursion to past incarnations

The keys to past reincarnations are hidden in the present. This is an excellent method for which there is no need to enter altered states of consciousness. Plus, it helps to activate the flow of chaotic memories.

The technique itself is that you need to look for "evidence" in your current life, thanks to which you will restore the picture of your past.

To do this, you should take a piece of paper and write down the following points on it:

  • What games did you like to play as a child?
  • What are you doing now?
  • What style of clothing do you prefer?
  • What talents and abilities do you have?
  • What race and pedigree are you?
  • List your favorite book?
  • What films do you watch the most?
  • Where would you like to visit?
  • What animals do you like?
  • What kind climatic conditions do you like the most?
  • Features of your temper and behavior?
  • culture
  • What are you afraid of?
  • In which historical era would you like to be?
  • What injuries did you get, what diseases did you have, what scars?
  • The deja vu effect

Then you need to analyze all these points and understand which of them you feel a response to within yourself. All of them will become your clues, which will form the overall picture.

You will need to use your intuition to the maximum, even if at first the picture is not very expressive, the unconscious will sooner or later show you the right path.

Story. A woman from childhood was fond of war films, she could watch them for hours and felt a powerful emotional response from them. Plus I saw dreams about the war. Then she established that in her past incarnation she was a military man.

Method 2. Feelings

In this technique, first you should choose the area of ​​your life that you want to improve, in which there are some problems.

You should ask yourself the following questions:

  • What kind of relationship do you have with others?
  • What is your health?
  • Are you experiencing financial difficulties?
  • What talents and abilities do you dream of activating?

Say your biggest challenge in life out loud. Feel those feelings with emotional experiences that have a connection with this area. You also need to establish what types of sensations they provoke in the body. For example, it may be a feeling of squeezing in the sternum or difficulty breathing.

After that, you will need to “walk” throughout the body and highlight the feelings regarding the problem situation.

For example, you were mistreated when you were a baby in the family and you would like to forgive your parents for this. Start thinking about them and about the conversion that caused you pain.

At the same time, start traveling through the depths of your body in search of a source in which accumulate negative emotions. Try to imagine them in physical form - their color characteristics, size, shape, and the like.

By giving an answer to all these questions, you will draw out the memories that have accumulated in your body, placing the emphasis of your consciousness on them.

This technique is very effective, because the memories of incarnations are stored not only by your brain, but also by the physical shell. Engaging the body to discover past incarnations is a unique and powerful technique!

Method 3. Mirror.

Here you will need to stock up on a mirror. Sit in comfortable posture and relax. The light in the room should be dimmed. Gaze at your reflection in the mirror. Probably, over time, it will begin to change and you will be able to see your appearance in one of the past incarnations.

At the same time, from time to time you need to cover your eyes and peer into sharply appearing images on the mirror surface.

Method 4. Dreams

In dreams, a person receives information related to both the present and the past. These are cryptic messages of the mind that often hide warnings of danger or a source of creative inspiration.

Also, dreams are often gates to various mystical realms, allowing you to travel to parallel worlds. Through them, you can also find out the features of your past incarnation.

Alternatively, in a dream, you can observe a death scene from your past life, because it leaves a very strong imprint in the memory of the soul and body. Other associations and images related to your past life may also arise.

Not everyone, when they are born, forget about their past reincarnations. Kids remember them best, since they were “on the other side of life” quite recently. They will be able to tell you about who they were before, what connection you have with them and why you chose them as your parents.

Story. A little boy at the age of three, he began to tell his parents that he was engaged in the construction of walls, but then soldiers appeared from somewhere and began to destroy everything. He shot the soldiers, and they killed him. Then he saw a picture depicting Napoleon and began to assure his parents that he was there. Napoleon became for him obsession, he reviewed many films and series dedicated to the famous commander, and also studied the style of his clothes and tried to find out everything possible about this man. It is likely that he used to be a soldier in his army.

Method 6. Fabulous

Try to resurrect in your memory what fairy tales and cartoons you liked as a child. Which fairy tale character would you like to be? What attracted you the most about these looks? With the help of the plot of a fairy tale, you can enter the scenario of one of your past incarnations.

Method 7. Date of birth

Researchers from Tibet have established a connection between the date of birth of a person and his incarnations. Based on this connection, they developed the astrology of karma.

At one of the international conferences of karmic astrologers, a specialist from Vladivostok named Rempel presented his report, which describes how the date of birth, personal totem and destiny of a person are related.

Not everyone knows, but your date of birth can tell you who you were in your life. past life where they lived, as well as get other valuable and interesting information.

At the same time, there are some differences in the interpretation of the Tibetan approach, the Slavic theory of reincarnation, as well as classical astrology, but all these methods provide information about your past incarnations.

Method 8. Divination

You can find out the features of your past life with the help of divination in different ways: using Tarot cards, stones, various horoscopes, and so on. Let your intuition tell you the way that is best for you personally.

Method 9. Hellinger constellations

Here they adhere to the same principle as in the traditional Hellinger constellations. On the initial stage there are individual generic constellations, which subsequently reach past incarnations.

To use this method, you need to have an unbending intention and clearly follow all the instructions of a specialist.

Method 10. Reincarnation

Reincarnation is a tour of an individual's past incarnations. It is suitable for everyone and everyone, absolutely anyone who wants to know themselves better. If you are interested in knowing why you were born in this particular time period, in this state, in this family, and for what reasons your life as a whole has developed the way it has developed.

Explaining more in plain language- Reincarnation is a way to connect to the World Wide Web. When you connect to it, ask questions and get answers to them.

Why is this method of finding out your past lives considered special?

Because Reincarnation has its own certain virtues, namely:

  • ease of technique, through which you get rid of fears and prejudices regarding past lives and through this discover life, death and evolution in a completely new light;
  • the ability to perceive information independently during the session, which significantly increases a person’s confidence in this information;
  • an exit to the space between lives, where you can get tips from your Spiritual Guides on how to go through your life tasks in the easiest and most harmonious way;
  • environmental friendliness of the method - the ability to follow your Spiritual Teachers without adding anything extra from yourself;
  • search for resource states and the ability to use this positive energy in the present moment;
  • the opportunity to start using those opportunities, abilities and talents that you have developed in past reincarnations with their instant implementation in real life;
  • access to a new evolutionary step in the development of the Soul and the expansion of one's consciousness.

That is why knowledge about past incarnations has become so popular today. People strive to open the veil of their past in order to learn how to adequately perceive the present, as well as improve their future.

At a certain stage of life, people begin to think about such important issues, like: “Where did man come from?”, “Does each of us really have a soul?”, “Did our life exist before that?” and many others.

Quite a long time ago, scientists put forward the hypothesis that a person lives many lives, only in different bodies. Unfortunately, only a few remember what happened before the last rebirth. Therefore, it is quite obvious that many are interested in how to remember a past life. Some do not even believe that they existed long before the appearance in the twentieth - twenty-first century.

Journey into the past

It is believed that the smallest details of events that took place in a certain period remain in the subconscious of a person from a previous life. Today, few people study their soul, but every day there are more and more people who want to know themselves. It is quite obvious that a person is interested in how to remember a past life, and somewhere in the depths of his subconscious, he believes that he existed before. Of course, there are people who refuse to believe in mysticism, personal development and esotericism, but this does not rid them of the past. It is believed that truly internally developed person can know his past, is able, so to speak, to travel in time. Everyone can get the necessary level of knowledge. To do this, it is not necessary to be born unique, absolutely everyone can do it. The only remark and advice: constantly train, take care of yourself, improve - and then everything will work out.

Past life, what is it?

Today it is hard to believe that the past is a part of the person himself, and it has a place to be. It needs to be understood and unraveled. How to remember a past life? People created and developed various techniques helping to achieve the desired result. Among the ways to "awaken memories" is very popular hypnosis, but it does not always work one hundred percent. To learn how to travel in time, you need to practice. This can be done alone or with the help of friends or relatives. Nowadays there is a lot of literature containing theory and practice that could help to awaken past life memories. Studies show that many people quit classes halfway through, because they do not see any changes (results). This is completely in vain, since by desire alone nothing will happen. Having chosen a certain technique, a person must adhere to it and practice daily, and the result will not be long in coming. And it is very important to believe in what you are doing, otherwise it will just be a waste of time.

Human experience

Past life of a person the greatest secret, which is unraveled in individually. Only a separate person is able to understand his essence and visit any time, feel emotions and survive the events of those times. Being engaged, a person differently perceives what is happening. Some see sketches, such as sketches of the past. Others manage to visit there in a dream and feel everything for themselves, as if it were yesterday. Still others suddenly receive information that fits into a puzzle and becomes obvious.

One way or another, the memory of a past life returns, gradually or suddenly, taking the person by surprise. Sometimes people can experience events that have already happened a long time ago. For example, to observe the communication of the characters as if from the outside and gradually realize that one of them is Me. After a certain time, people heard incomprehensible, alien speech, which, however, used to be their own. Some of them understood this language, although they had never before in their life (real, momentary) encountered its speakers. The experience of each person is individual, and the subconscious mind can react to what is happening in completely different ways.

Method called "Rainbow"

Not everyone believes in reincarnation, but many are interested in whether there is a past life. Agree, who would not want to know the most striking events that took place many years ago, and even with whom? With myself! That is why methods, techniques have been developed to help lift the mysterious veil. How to remember a past life? Try a method called "Rainbow".

The essence of the method is as follows: a person should lie down comfortably and relax as much as possible. If it is more comfortable to be in a sitting position - please. Next, you need to close your eyes, free your mind from unnecessary thoughts, your body from tension, your soul from emotions. Our goal is to achieve relaxation. It's okay if it doesn't work the first time, this procedure is really difficult. Agree, who can instantly stop thinking? A variety of thoughts come into my head: “What to cook for dinner?”, “When do I pay the bills?”, “I forgot to drink necessary medicines" and so on. But over time, the right state comes. Breathing should be even, mood upbeat, but in general you should be in absolute calmness. A person should feel the pleasure of peace, not forgetting to breathe. When you have reached this state, it is necessary to proceed to the analysis of the soul. Look inside, say to yourself: "I remember a past life." Play with flowers. First imagine red, stop, notice the sensations, then orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo and violet. What do you see? It is possible that at these moments some memories will come up in a person or emotions will come flooding in, for example, joy, excitement, sadness, and so on.

Essence of Techniques

If a person decides to find out about his past life by all means, then he needs to remember the following. Before proceeding with the analysis of your perception of the soul, it is necessary to achieve complete relaxation, while not forgetting to breathe. Optimal rhythm: deep breath, hold for a few seconds and exhale. In general, this procedure should take at least 10 seconds. Also, you should always practice in silence and comfort. Nothing should distract or annoy the person. Past life regression is quite laborious and Long procces but don't stop half way. You should pay attention to sensations - they are the key to knowing the past life.


The rainbow effect is based on sensations that intersect with the most common colors. The soul must react to one of them, the memory will awaken, and drawings, sketches, pictures may appear in the head. The main thing is to concentrate, not to rush, everything will come gradually. The Rainbow effect is to analyze the colors in a certain sequence. At the end of the exercise, everything must be done in reverse. That is, start with purple and end with red. At the end of the process, stretch, straighten, restore your breath and put your palms to your eyes. If you rub your hands together, they will become hot. Putting palms to the eyes, a person will feel the flow of energy, warmth. After that, they can be opened - the procedure is considered completed.

Application of methods

You can search for memories from the past as much as you like, even every day. The main thing is to do it right. You can't just sit down and torment your mind, trying to remember everything. In fact, this is unrealistic, because you don’t even know what to remember ... First you need to relax, feel peace, and then set a goal for yourself. In the same way, you can’t get up abruptly and go about your business. You need to relax, slowly open your eyes and slowly get up. The whole process should be calm, relaxed, and then the result will be. As mentioned, there are a lot of techniques, but they all require concentration. Therefore, no matter what way of knowing oneself a person chooses, he must learn to enter a state of relaxation and exit it. To get to your subconscious, you need to work, but it's worth it.

Independent work

Note that to the question: “How to find out your past life?” there are three answers: on your own, through hypnosis and research. Consider the first case, which is available to absolutely everyone. First you need to prepare the room (room). To do this, you need to create the most favorable conditions: turn off the phone, turn off the noise, turn off the lights, and so on. If a person relaxes better to the sound of waves beating against the shore, or the singing of birds, then appropriate music should be put on. The second stage is complete relaxation (how to achieve it is described above). Having concentrated, it is necessary to mentally prepare for a journey into the past. At this moment, you can imagine anything, for example, a road, railroad tracks, a train, an airplane, a car, and so on. Then start your journey. Imagine that you see a door, and behind it - your past life. When you're ready, open it. Everything that a person sees at such moments is not accidental, therefore, after waking up, you need to analyze every detail. Perhaps, after several trips, the answer will come by itself. It is important to be patient, if nothing can be seen or, conversely, there is too much of everything, and you start to get confused, you should not be upset. Practice pays off. Remember to return to the present (calmly, relaxed).


If past life regression fails, you can always turn to a hypnotherapist who will gladly help you remember everything. During the session, it may be possible to find out Interesting Facts and details.

The study of metaphysical questions

Beginner Tips

It is worth noting that a person's past life does not always consist of fabulous events and is similar to paradise. Sometimes people find out about terrible events that happened to them before. But do not be afraid of them - this is a bitter experience that we had to endure, which, fortunately, was left behind.

It is recommended to write down all memories after waking up. Let something seem like a trifle, but perhaps this will be the key to unraveling. Also, a person must understand that memories are part of his soul, so you should not be very critical of them. In addition, it is not recommended to be too zealous, because of this you will not be able to know yourself faster. It is worth noting that if the technique does not work, you can consider and study other techniques, maybe this is the case. go faster. If it doesn't work, try again and again until you know everything that interests you. One way or another, past lives, future lives - they all do not matter as much as the present, so you do not need to dwell on them too much. Live for today, but keep in mind that deep down you may be a brilliant poet or an amazing actress. Memories hidden in the depths of the subconscious can dramatically change your life. And they can explain a lot. For example, fear of heights, darkness, confined space, and so on - most likely, not very pleasant events from a previous life are associated with them. After all, as the proverb says, whoever does not know his past has no future. But with the help of this knowledge, you can get rid of phobias and even cure many diseases.

It is not common for an ordinary person to remember moments from past lives, therefore many teachings and religions completely deny the phenomenon of reincarnations, arguing that a person is given one single incarnation of the soul. However, there is a lot of evidence in the world that the soul of almost every person already has the experience of other incarnations.

Today, there are many theories and methods that tell how to find out who a person was in a past life. Below we will consider some of them, which are the most popular.

Listen to bodily sensations

There is a theory that all information about the experience of past lives is stored in the body. In order to get this data, you need to try to track your feelings by asking yourself important life questions.

Example: “What are my hidden talents?”, “How do I feel about people and the world?”

Such auto-training will not only help you learn about the hidden corners of the soul and past lives, but also get to know yourself better, find harmony with yourself.

use a mirror

Images from the past life can be seen in the reflection of the mirror. The room should be dimly lit. Sit down, put a mirror in front of you and relax, look at your reflection. Ideally, turn off the light and light a candle. When it “floats” on the mirror surface, there will be a feeling as if ripples are going through the water, you need to create an intention: “I want to see my past incarnation / my past life.” And watch what happens. Having finished the practice, the candle is extinguished, and the mirror is removed. But we must keep in mind that this method will work well if you do meditation and energy practices regularly. If not, you will need at least 7 workouts to start getting something.

Analyze dreams

The mysterious world of dreams has not yet been 100% explored. Many believe that during sleep a person can make out-of-body travel to other worlds and look into past incarnations. And, perhaps, in the very plot of the dream, your image from a past life will come to you.

To do this, every time before going to sleep for several weeks, set the intention (calmly, unemotionally) - to look at your past life. It is recommended to express intention calmly, but categorically. You can use the following phrases: "I want to see my past incarnation" or "I want to see who I was in a past life." Many people manage to go on a journey through a past life in a dream. Someone sees fragments, and someone looks like a movie.

Take advantage of numerology knowledge

As you know, a person's date of birth and other numerological data can tell a lot not only about a person's current life, but also about previous incarnations. There are many teachings, such as karma astrology, which gives information about past lives, current destiny, karmic circles, etc.

Examine your habits

Also the right way get to know yourself and open the veil of past incarnations of the soul - listen to yourself, your interests, character, health, preferences, habits. Perhaps you live in a region with a cold climate, but in some inexplicable way you are always drawn to the sea or, conversely, to the mountains and snow. But what if it is the climate or area where you lived in your past reincarnation that beckons you?

The character and habits of a person is a wide area for self-knowledge and the search for information about previous lives. For example, many women are distinguished by a brave and firm character, as well as other qualities of a man, or vice versa - a man is overly feminine and has a fine mental organization. In such cases, there is a possibility that these people had a completely different gender and lifestyle in their past incarnations.

Despite the fact that many scientific facts and religions deny the theory of the rebirth of the soul, today there is a lot of evidence for the veracity of this theory. Especially much is said about this in Indian spiritual practices and astrology. It is never too late to start studying yourself, and, perhaps, amazing and interesting facts about past incarnations will be revealed to you. And don't get discouraged if something doesn't work the first time. Train, change ways and you will definitely open that very door!


You can resurrect the past on your own, if the psyche has not put up a barrier. They are usually protected by too difficult memories, events that caused severe stress. Only a professional psychologist can break through this barrier. But most events can be remembered independently, the main thing is the right attitude.

You will need to conduct a psychoanalysis session yourself. To do this, decide what period of life you want to remember. Try to find the objects that surrounded you then. Gather them together. Prepare a notebook, a pen - you will write down all the memories and feelings that will appear during the session.

You need to conduct a session of memories in solitude. Close the door and windows tightly so that noise does not distract you. Draw the curtains. Sit comfortably - on a chair or sofa. Place a small table or chair next to it - there you will place things from the past, a notebook, a pen.

Close your eyes, relax. Feel the heaviness and warmth in the limbs. Turn off the senses - you do not see, do not hear, only consciousness works. Start moving into the past with today. You sit in a chair, get up, prepare everything for the session, wake up, then the night, you sleep ... Then speed up your memories, think about the significant events that happened to you over a certain period. As you approach the desired date, try to remember the details. The more details, the better. From time to time, look at the things that are in front of you. Record all feelings and memories in a notebook. When you realize that you can’t remember anything else, stop the session.

The next session, work with a notebook, purposefully tuning in to the events that have occurred. Relax, close your eyes, and think about each sentence you write down. In the process, more and more detailed memories will come to you. Mark everything in your notebook. Thus, it is possible to almost completely restore an event that seemed to be erased from memory forever.

Recall past lives - this very thought seems incredible, but people who are versed in esotericism and ancient Eastern teachings, argue that, having reached a certain level of knowledge and development, everyone can remember their lives.
There are a number of techniques based on long meditations and work with consciousness. For example, a method called "Rainbow", the effectiveness of which is manifested with regular practices.


Choose the body position in which you feel most comfortable (sitting or lying down). Close your eyes and try to relax.

The basis of meditation is in clearing the mind of any thoughts; imagine a broom that sweeps them out the first time they appear. At first, achieving a clear state will not be easy, but the resulting feeling of bliss is worth it.

Work with your breath, align it, this will also help you in the process of meditation. For a count of four, take a deep breath, then hold your breath for the same amount and exhale the same way for a count of four.

Keep breathing like this and enjoy achieved state. Soon you will feel how heavy your body is, like a huge glacier. Remember this state. Then imagine your body incredibly light, lighter than a cloud floating in the sky.

the main objective at this stage - do not fall asleep. As soon as you feel the possibility of this, continue to work with . Take a look into yourself. Remember and concentrate on your main task - to remember your past life. Emotions and that you have at this moment are key in unraveling the secrets of your past.

Now imagine in turn: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet. Record the sensations that arise.

Then stop, at this moment you can see pictures from your past. Of course, visions will not come to you immediately, but the main thing is not to stop and continue the practice.

Repeat the previous exercise, imagining the colors already in reverse order.

Now bring your breath back to its normal state. Inhale as deeply as possible and stretch your body.

Rub your palms together until they are warm and place them on closed eyes. Imagine and feel how the warmth from the hands passes to the eyes and face.

Now open your eyes and remove your palms from them. Get up slowly without making sudden movements. Your state is similar to the one in which you wake up from sleep, so do not burden yourself, rest for a while and do something light.

Practicing a similar method long time, you will begin to notice new pictures that are not related to your current one, but are clearly related to you. Hear voices, including your own and those of your past environment. The main thing is not to stop at what you started, and the memories of your past will visit you this one.

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Useful advice

How to remember past lives. Again I ask myself a question. It sounds extremely simple - “Why am I doing this job?” This is the influence on the memory mechanism of the emotional factor, read astral influences. The same thing happens, apparently, with the mechanism of reproduction of memories of past lives, if it is put into action. Such experiments are known and widespread in the form of regressive hypnosis, meditations with going into the "past" and other techniques of working with the subconscious.


Memory is one of the most mysterious properties human brain. Numerous studies conducted around the world shed little light on the functioning and laws of memory. However, there are many technologies for managing memory, for example, the ability to recall certain developments.

You will need

  • - assistance of a psychotherapist.


Regardless of when the event occurred, associations and all sorts of details of the situation will help to remember all its details. The ideal option is to return to the place where the event took place. When you see the objects, houses that surrounded you at that moment, memory resources are activated and you remember some details. However, associations can be obtained without moving in space. Music, smells, voices, photographs - all this will help to revive memories. Moreover, the picture can arise quite clearly if some association turns out to be very bright. For example, you will hear the music that was playing during your slow dance, and instantly remember all the forgotten details.

If the event happened recently, and you no longer remember it, use the so-called "coil method". It is especially effective if you have lost something or missed the details of a recent conversation. Sit in a calm, quiet environment, eliminating all potential irritants. Relax and think back to the last time you saw the thing. “Unwinding the tangle”, reproduce in sequence the entire chain of further events. So you can understand at what point you missed the most important thing. This method you can also use it in reverse order, moving from the present to the past.

Events of the distant past that are important to you can be remembered with the help of hypnosis. Ours has amazing property blocking negative memories. This is especially true of early childhood events. However, they can be extremely important. For example, in early age you could have suffered some kind of trauma that influenced the adult and the formation of a number of complexes. An experienced psychotherapist will help you return to those times and "live" the past again. So you will surely get to everything.


Keep in mind that your current emotions, fantasies, experiences are added to your memories. That is why you can remember the events of the past in a distorted form.

Useful advice

Try to constantly train your memory so that the need to remember something gradually decreases. Memorize numbers, names, verses, study foreign languages.

Early childhood forgotten very quickly. As you get older, you don't pay attention to it. But then I really want to remember the time when I was a child! In addition, these memories can shed light on phobias and fears that do not allow you to live in peace and enjoy what is happening.


Memories of childhood sit deep within the subconscious. They will help them to pull out the objects that once surrounded you. You may forget the teacher's name in kindergarten. But at the same time, be sure to remember the bear that you slept with until school. Try to find as many things as possible - toys, clothes that you had as a child.

When you have collected a sufficient collection of children's things, work with the subconscious. You need complete peace of mind. Close the room, close the curtains, dim the lights. No sounds should distract you from the process. Therefore, turn off the TV, telephone, intercom, ask your family to be quiet. And it is better to conduct a session when no one is at home. Then you can completely immerse yourself in your own memories.

Sit on the sofa or in an armchair, put a bag with things and toys on the table next to it. Put a pen and a notebook there - they will be needed to write down your feelings.

Relax and close your eyes. Feel that your arms and legs are heavy and warm. Direct your gaze inwards. Rewind life. Here you get a job, graduate from college, school, here is the first of September, your first day in the adult world. From now on, write down all the sensations. What do you remember? How did a high school student carry on his shoulder? How did you meet your first teacher? How did you get your first grade? Write down everything, even the smallest details, in a notebook.

If something negative from the past days does not give rest, if you can’t forget it, you need to get rid of these feelings. Modern offers several methods: from forgiveness to hypnosis. Start with the ways that you can do without outside help If they don't help, go to a specialist.


Almost all the pain of the past is related to people. Sometimes a person hurt you directly, sometimes indirectly. If you forgive all the participants in the events, if you change your attitude towards them, then the memories will become different. This method requires the utmost honesty with yourself. It will be necessary to write letters to all participants in the incident. The first letter to the one who caused the most suffering.

Free up space and time when no one will disturb you. Get paper and pen ready. And write the first appeal: "You are to blame." And then list everything that the person has done negatively to you. Blame him, talk about the pain that he caused, detail every moment, remember all the details. It is unpleasant to write, there are usually tears, but it comes out the pain that was not released. This process will lead to further relief of the condition.

The second letter can be written not immediately, but as soon as it is ready. It is dedicated to the same person, but you need to write in it that you yourself ask for forgiveness. Usually all situations occur with the participation of several people, and the blame falls on everyone. In the process of creating the first letter, you will see that there is also incorrect behavior on your part. Write about it, sorry. After that, you will feel much better. It is worth doing this for each participant in the event. If you are honest and tell everything, the situation itself will cease to seem acute, suddenly it will be forgotten.

Changes in the situation

The transformation of the situation can be done in the imagination. You need to relax, meditation or just calm music is suitable for this. Imagine in front of your eyes a moment of the past that hurts. And replay it, figure out how everything went according to a different scenario, how everything became different. Pay attention to the words, actions, look at the details, remember it all. This review helps, because in the future you will remember your script that you came up with. If it doesn’t work out right away, do the exercise several times until you believe in a fictitious scenario.

Small situations can be changed with humor. Imagine the past, how things happened. And then “turn on” cheerful music in the background. You can come up with a melody in advance, it should only evoke positive. Remember the picture and overlay the composition. And immediately the past will no longer be so terrible, and sometimes even funny.

You can also treat the participants of the event with humor. Imagine that everyone who was present was suddenly dressed differently. Dress them up in clown costumes and let them do the same, but in this guise. You can imagine ballet tutus, family shorts or nudes, then rely on your imagination.

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Have you been an astronaut? A pioneer? An actress, a king? How to find out? Recall previous lives it's not that hard. You don't even need a professional hypnotist! Follow this instruction, and you will definitely remember who you were in a past life!


Try to do it yourself

    Prepare the room. The room should not be cold, not hot. Close the curtains, turn off the TV, radio, your phone. If you have a noise generator - turn it on to drown out the noise from the street. Try setting it up like this:

    • White noise. The sound of the TV on when no channel is working.
    • pink noise. A sound reminiscent of a mountain waterfall.
    • brown noise. The distant sound of the ocean.
  1. Relax your mind and imagine a calm, safe place. Sit or lie down in a quiet, dark room. If you are distracted or hungry, it will be difficult for you to concentrate.

    Relax your body. Spread out on a chair or in any other place - where it is more convenient for you. Relax and get ready for the journey.

  2. Get ready. Close your eyes and get comfortable. Lie on your back, put your hands at your sides and do the following:

    • Imagine that you are surrounded by white light. You need to see it mentally, it illuminates your legs, knees, hips, stomach and arms, your neck, face, head. This white light protects you from negative impact. This blinding light is love, warmth and enlightenment. It envelops you and protects you from everything bad.
    • Watch with your consciousness, feel the warmth of the light and let it envelop you completely. Repeat out loud or to yourself: “I am breathing in powerful protective energy. This energy strengthens my protective aura. This aura will protect me always and everywhere.”
    • Say this five times as you take five deep breaths. Then concentrate on visualizing and feeling this energy, let it become brighter and stronger. Let it take on any other color. Repeat this until you feel ready to move on to the next step.
  3. Start your journey. Imagine yourself in a long hall with a large door at the end. Let the image be as detailed as possible.

    • Your hall can be made entirely of gold, with beautiful patterns and images on the walls, or gothic - like an old church built entirely of precious stones, the floor of the hall can also be covered with a grass carpet and flowers, and its walls with tree branches.
    • Create a hall in your mind and imagine it every time you remember events from a past life. Imagine that when you reach the big door at the end of the hall, you will see what happened to you in one of your past lives.
  4. Walk slowly across the room. Let each step be taken with the awareness of the approaching goal. Watch your feet touch the hallway floor every time you next step. Imagine the smell that reigns in your hall, the sounds heard in its walls, the color of the floor and the lighting.

    • When you finally reach the end of the hall—when you are completely ready—put your hand on the doorknob. Feel the texture of the handle, imagine the sound with which it turns. Take a deep breath and open the door.
  5. Welcome to the past life! Accept what you see the next second after opening the door as an episode from your past life.

    • It could be something abstract, like yellow, or something specific - for example, a beloved child sleeping peacefully in your arms. Let this first memory be the foundation. Build all subsequent memories on this basis. Feel it. Keep this image in your mind, opening it up for later memories.
    • Soon you will see how the yellow turns into a carpet. As you delve deeper into your memories, you will realize that in fact the yellow color is just a reflection of the sun on the carpet. Perhaps you will suddenly realize that this is your home in London. Continue in the same spirit.
    • At this stage, you may have doubts. But there is no need to doubt - it is your past life that you remember.
  6. Be patient. If you can't see anything, try thinking about your favorite pastime, hobby, favorite resort, exotic country. Think why do you like it? Maybe it has something to do with your previous life?

    • If you still can't see anything, try this: Look at your soles, imagine shoes on your feet. For example, you will see sandals. And then you suddenly realize that you are wearing a tunic with a belt. Maybe you will see shoes with turned up toes, and then you will realize that you are wearing a silk robe.
    • If you see that you are in a beautiful house with a beautiful wife, smile and continue to explore the situation.
    • Once you have remembered something - even if it is just a pair of sandals - and you are sure that this is the truth about your past life, then begin your next memory dive with this image. Always start the next "session" with what you have already seen in one of the previous ones. Move from the known to the unknown.
  7. Take everything you see for granted. At first it will seem to you that you just came up with all these images. Sometimes it is - but it is an integral part of the process of remembering previous lives.

    • In such visions there is almost always a grain of truth. You will be able to distinguish between the fruits of your imagination and memories only in time, when you gain some experience in conducting such sessions. You will begin to notice patterns and logic in your visions.
    • In the meantime, you have no choice but to believe in what you saw. If you don't believe, you will never get results. Your conscious mind will simply block all the memories that are trying to emerge from your subconscious.
  8. Return to the present. Unless you suddenly stumble upon an unpleasant memory, you will have to end the session, as you will simply run out of strength. The images will stop appearing, or you'll just be distracted by something else. Then you have to open your eyes.

    • If it doesn't, but you want to go back to the present, just imagine walking out the same door in the great hall. Close the door behind you and walk through the hall to the place where you started your journey. Tell yourself that once you get to this point, you will come back to the present and open your eyes and remember everything you could see from your past life.


    Start exploring metaphysical questions

    • Don't take visions and figments of your imagination for truth, or, as Bob Dylan said, "don't confuse the next house with heaven."
    • Remember that very strange things can happen during self-hypnosis. The most common phenomenon is out-of-body travel, the so-called exit astral body. During such a journey, you feel as if you are floating above your body, as if you are a spirit hovering over your body. It is not a memory of a previous life, but it is one of the most exalted and spiritual experiences. During this experience, your heart rate may increase and your eyes move as if you were in REM sleep.
    • A lot of cases have been recorded when children recalled some episodes from their past lives. Children recalled events, names and places they had never heard of before. This usually happens to children as young as 2 years of age.
    • If you suddenly see some unpleasant memory from the past, you need to immediately realize that this is the past and force yourself to wake up. Despite the fact that you have surrounded yourself with a protective shell of light, sometimes such memories still manage to break through it. Just open your eyes. If you decide to continue viewing unpleasant memories from your past life, remember that you are just an outside observer, and all the things that you see are not really happening. Remember that this is only a bad memory. You are protected from everyone negative emotions a powerful shell of light that envelops you from all sides. Tell yourself clearly and clearly that what is happening cannot affect or upset you in any way.
    • Another common phenomenon is "fragmentation". Your memories become more and more clear, your pulse quickens, and then you begin to feel that you are very, very small size that your little consciousness is at the point where the eyes should be. The image will be broken into fragments - as broken glass. You will begin to imagine abstract things, shapes and figures. Gradually memories from past lives will end, leaving only this state of "fragmentation". But don't worry - remember some ordinary object. Think of your body and you will immediately return to it.
    • There is an ancient Chinese proverb - "It doesn't matter if the cat is black or white - the main thing is to catch mice." From a psychological point of view, it does not matter at all whether your memories are real or not. Perhaps this is just a play of the imagination. It matters what people decide great amount their problems (including psychological) in this way. Recovery of memories from past lives has cured a huge number of people. And this is the most important thing.
    • Many people, especially in the West, are very skeptical about reincarnation and the existence of previous lives. No one has yet been able to prove that reincarnation exists, no one has yet managed, for example, to bring an old Roman coin with them from a trance - but despite this, more than half of the world's population continues to believe.
    • Here, as in any other religion, it's all about faith. Recovering memories from past lives helps us realize who we are now and why. It is a fact.