How to get into and out of lucid dreams without consequences. How to have lucid dreams

Today you rarely meet a person who, at least once in his life, has not found himself in or in something very close to it ( sleep paralysis, false awakenings, etc.). If you want to consciously influence yourself to be in a lucid dream, then this article is for you!

The Easiest Way to Induce a Lucid Dream

Also called lucid dreams are OS, phase, phase state, astral, etc.

1. We set ourselves 3 tasks of what we will do after we become aware. For example, fly, find out some information, meet someone. For your first experience, it is recommended that you set the first task to “look in the mirror.”

2. Before going to bed, set the alarm 6 hours from the time we plan to fall asleep.

3. We get up on the alarm clock and do something for 5 minutes (drink water, go to the toilet, remember 3 sleep tasks).

4. We go to bed again with the intention that after I wake up, I will practice entering a lucid dream.

5. We fall asleep and sleep until we wake up.

6. After waking up, we try not to move, but to immediately separate from the body. We do it confidently, aggressively and at all costs. If separation has occurred, congratulations, you are in phase!

7. If not, then we do 2-3 practices one by one until one of them works, but no more than 1 minute. There should be about 4 cycles. As soon as some practice starts to work out, we strengthen it and try to separate ourselves. Here are some of the techniques:

  • Concentration on phantom sounds (if we hear sounds that do not exist in reality, we amplify them).
  • We rotate around our axis in different sides alternately (without moving your body).
  • Phantom swing (we feel like we are leaving the body or pulling out parts of the body, for example, raising and lowering an arm without straining the muscles).
  • We imagine as if we are holding three palms against each other in front of our face (we try to see them, feel the friction).

8. If you succeed in splitting, congratulations, you are in phase! If we couldn’t get out within 1 minute, then we stop practicing and continue to sleep. It will be much more effective to continue the next time you wake up.

9. During the next awakening, regardless of whether it was possible to go into lucid dream or not, we repeat the entire cycle, starting from point 6. In one morning you can experience several “out-of-body” experiences.

- in the evening before the current practice, do not do the technique under any circumstances. You just need to lie down and sleep well.
- it is best to try to become lucid in a dream in this way no more than 2-3 times a week.
- come up with and write 3 sleep tasks right now on a piece of paper and before going to bed, put it under your pillow to read in the morning.

The method is very effective.

You can find out more about the technique in all the details and nuances in Mikhail Raduga’s book “PHASE. A practical textbook on out-of-body experiences" All the subtleties are described there this method, typical mistakes practitioners, as well as a lot of other useful practical information on.

What does it take to find yourself in a vivid, consciously controlled dream? Meditation? Strengthening personal energy? Maybe a diet? If you have set yourself the goal of getting into an lucid dream (lucid dreaming), you don’t have to do such things! Of course, meditation and diets are all great. But going this way to conquer the space of sleep is like going from St. Petersburg to Moscow via Vladivostok. You can get there, but why, when there is a direct and simple path?

This was worth mentioning, since there are “methods” when, even before entering a lucid dream, you need to long time sit on vegetarian diet, it is unclear why and what to cleanse the body of. Or immerse yourself in meditation practice. And all this, mind you, is just preparation!

Of course, if you do yoga, practice meditation or something like that, no one is going to dissuade you from these, of course, useful activities. Moreover, they will be a good help. But that’s exactly what we’ll help you with! To get into a lucid dream, they are not necessary, and therefore it is not worth spending time on abstract practices just for the sake of lucid dreaming.

A complicated method that takes too much time is an extremely bad method.

Such methods can take months or even years to implement. Do you have these years? Are you ready to spend several years to find yourself in a lucid dream? Isn't it easier to take the direct path to the goal?

How to quickly get into a lucid dream?

For success, make it a habit to write down your dreams. Everything you can remember. If conditions permit, it is better to make notes in the morning, when dreams are easier to remember.

This is not a waste of time, as it might seem at first glance. Try to write down everything you remember. Keep a separate notebook for this. By accustoming yourself to writing down your dreams, even in a sleeping state you will be somewhat ready to remember the dream, which in itself increases the level of awareness, and therefore the chances of success. This action directs attention in the right direction, and it is attention that most people lack in order for an ordinary dream to become lucid.

Another one good habit, which can itself replace any method. Periodically ask yourself: “Am I dreaming?”. At some point you will ask yourself this question after you fall asleep. This alone can turn a simple dream into a lucid dream.

Maybe you are sleeping right now? And are you dreaming about all this?

Now let's describe the method itself. It's very simple. In the sense that it does not require much effort, but the result is good. You can start today, why wait?

  1. Go to bed as early as possible. Don't try to lucid dream in the evening. The body needs to gain strength and rest. No meditations at night, kundalini, “mental settings” and other things. Just go to sleep.
  2. Wake up in 5-6 hours, for which it is better to set an alarm in advance. Take a quick trip to the toilet. Be sure to wash your face, it will refresh you a little.
  3. Go back to bed, don't waste time. Lie on your right side, accept comfortable position and breathe. This is the most difficult thing in all technology. Take frequent inhalations and exhalations without pauses for 1–2 minutes. Not more. It is necessary to ensure that the brain is saturated with oxygen, but at the same time there is no dizziness. Inhale and exhale, without pause, deeply enough, but at the same time effortlessly, easily. Over time, you will “catch” the desired rhythm.
  4. Go to sleep. The body is relaxed, the body will fall asleep quickly, because you were awake for only 2-3 minutes.
  5. Sleep begins, but the brain will not turn off completely - it has already had time to rest for several hours, and then you also gave it energy - saturated it with oxygen. As a result, with a high degree of probability you will find yourself in a lucid dream. This is where technology comes in handy “Am I dreaming?” or similar. The main thing is to understand that you already you are in the OS, do not lose awareness, but rather strengthen it.

The very first time, most likely, it will not work - internal excitement will interfere. Perhaps luck will smile on the third or fifth time, but for a novice dreamer this is a very good result. Keep trying and don't forget to write down your dreams - this is an important part of the technique!

I won’t tell you what a lucid dream is; those who come here should have at least some idea about this phenomenon. So, let's look at the different steps you should take, or at least try to do, if you want to have a lucid dream.

Step 1

Is one of the most common tips for mastering, lucid dreams.
Repeatedly throughout the day, you need to ask yourself the question “Am I sleeping?” Of course, you need to make this practice a habit; this may not take a day or two. When this becomes constant, you will ask yourself this question in your sleep.

Step 2

Keep a journal next to your bed so you can write down your dreams when you wake up. Many believe that this is one of the most important steps in the development of dreams. This will help you identify elements, things or unique circumstances unique to your dreams. Psychology says the following about this method: we force the brain to understand that dreams are very important to you and should not be forgotten.

Step 3

Find out the time at which you have a greater chance of becoming lucid in a dream. This step requires more time to study; you can try to write down when you went to bed, how long you slept and what kind of sleep you had. But numerous studies show that sleeping after waking up without an alarm clock is very conducive to lucid dreaming.

Step 4

Try Stephen LaBerge's Dream Mnemonic
- Set an alarm so that it wakes you up 4.5 hours later, 6 or 7.5 hours after falling asleep.
- When you wake up from your alarm, try to remember as many dreams as possible.
- When you realize that you have remembered all your dreams, lie down and imagine your last dream, and say to yourself " I will remember that I am dreaming".
- If random thoughts confuse you, return to remembering the dream, scroll it in front of you.

Step 5

Set an alarm 5 hours after falling asleep
-Fall asleep
-After waking up, stay awake for one hour, but do not use means such as TV and books that distract your attention, change your consciousness.
-You can go have tea, consciously, think about dreams, look through your dream diary.
-Then go to bed

Step 6

Try direct techniques
Use meditations aimed at lucid dreams before going to bed (to be honest, I have no idea what kind of special meditations these are, I read that yogis have a whole section “Dream Yoga” but have not studied it).
The easiest way to find yourself on the verge of sleep is to lie in bed on your back and focus your attention on the back of your head where it touches the pillow. Wait until the inner voice begins to subside, imagine that you are sinking into a pillow.

Step 7

Try writing the letter P on your palm when you woke up, which means woke up; if you see it during the day, check yourself for awareness.

Step 8

Learn to set check points.

First you need to find out what elements appear in your dreams. For example, in your dreams you often look in the mirror. And when we actually notice these elements, be sure to check ourselves. You can also use inconsistencies, non-standard situations, when in reality you see something that is rare, for example, a plumber with flowers, in general, any unusual event for you. You need to stop and check yourself for awareness, any methods that you know will do

Do you know how to induce a lucid dream in which you can do whatever your heart desires? There are several methods different authors. We will share them with you, and you can choose the most suitable one.

Ordinary dreams The ones you manage to remember are beyond your control. You simply observe events, see bright or not so bright images, but cannot in any way influence what is happening.

The practice of lucid dreaming allows you to stop being a passive participant and turn into a director own dreams. Once immersed in an altered state of consciousness, you will be able to build castles, travel, fly and do whatever your heart desires.

Basic facts about lucid dreaming:

  • You control the process - change the role of a passive observer to a participant and director of the “scenario”
  • You are immersed in the unconscious part of the brain, which is impossible to achieve while awake
  • According to Zealand, you are traveling through parallel realities that actually exist. But in ordinary life it is very difficult to switch to different levels

Important: in Reality Transurfing, a book that popularized the practice of lucid dreaming, the author strictly warns about the dangers of such travel across different worlds.

Zeland claims: if you play too much, sooner or later you may end up in another reality without waking up in the one in which you fell asleep. Therefore, you should be extremely careful and not abuse it.

The opinion of other experts is the same: they generally do not recommend practicing lucid dreaming on your own.


How to get into a lucid dream the first time and can it be done so quickly? It all depends on your ability to concentrate. Not all people can induce lucidity in a dream right away, but you can try.

What is important to do to make it work:

  1. Start keeping a dream journal. Place a notebook and pen near your bed and write down the plot of your dream as soon as you wake up.
  2. Develop visualization skills. You must learn to very clearly draw different images in your imagination so that they are vivid and realistic
  3. Learn to plan your intentions, separating them from desires
  4. Respect for your own unconscious

Let's talk in detail about each skill.

Dream Diary

All people see four or five dreams in one night, but not everyone remembers them. It all depends on what stage of sleep you woke up in. If it’s fast, you “had a dream,” if it’s slow, you won’t remember it.

But if you keep a diary regularly, over time you will remember absolutely all your dreams: 4-5 per night. It is important to write down not only the plot itself, but also to share your feelings and emotions.


Anyone can learn to visualize: for this you need to develop your imagination. If everything works out for you now, you can skip this point.

For others, there is a simple exercise:

  1. Close your eyes and imagine a huge black screen in front of you, similar to the one in cinemas
  2. Mentally draw a picture on the screen. Start with something simple - for example, imagine that a fruit or a primitive landscape appears on the screen
  3. Gradually increase the level of difficulty: “paint” pictures with many small details

You can practice visualization every day. It's better to do this before bed, when you feel like you're starting to fall asleep. At this time, consciousness is most receptive.

Planning Intention

It is very important that you learn to translate your desires into intentions. What is the difference?

Let's say you want to eat an apple. As long as it is just a wish, nothing happens. But then you go to the store and you clearly know that in a few minutes the fruit will be in your hands. That feeling that you already have what you want and know that it is real is intention.

Train this skill by practicing on more complex desires.


If you do not want frightening consequences, you must respect the world of your own dreams. You must accept them in any way - scary, unpleasant. Unconditional acceptance of any dream without negative emotions- that's the key to success.

Realize that any picture in the subconscious is a reflection of your personality. Therefore, do not complain about nightmares, but try to understand which dark side manifested itself in them.

Zealand method

If you have already sufficiently mastered all the necessary skills, you can begin special exercises, which will induce lucid dreaming. How quickly this will happen is unknown.

What will lead to success:

  • Yours desire, turned into an intention, to induce a lucid dream
  • The practice of “reality testing”. Several times during the day, think: “Am I dreaming right now?” This is exactly what Zeland’s method is, set out in the book about reality transurfing

To check what's in this moment you exist in reality, you can pinch yourself, touch yourself, scream out loud. And don’t forget to write down all your dreams in the morning.

Watch a video on how to induce a lucid dream:

Safety precautions

We have already warned that the practice of lucid dreaming is quite dangerous. There are many reviews about what people tried, and when it worked, they were very scared, and never repeated attempts to induce a realistic dream.

To keep yourself as safe as possible, follow these recommendations:

  • Learn to fully accept your dreams and the emotions they evoke. Control it in yourself
  • Make sure you are prepared for unpredictable consequences that can seriously frighten you. Will you be able to control severe stress after a successful attempt at lucid dreaming?
  • Don't overuse it. Otherwise, you risk losing the line between sleep and reality, losing your sense of reality and destroying your personality

Practice lucid dreaming only if you real life You happy man without any problems. If you are looking for something in your dreams that is missing in reality, the consequences can be very negative. Miracles happening in conscious reality, will never replace real sensations, but will create dangerous illusions.

Tell your fortune for today using the “Card of the Day” Tarot layout!

For correct fortune telling: Focus on the subconscious and don’t think about anything for at least 1-2 minutes.

When you are ready, draw a card:

Surely everyone at least once dreamed of seeing in their dreams what they wanted. A lucid dream can transport you to a tropical island or a starry sky, or you can even have a pleasant time with a member of the opposite sex. Surely many of us would like to realize all our desires, at least in our dreams. But only a few of those who ask questions about how to get into a lucid dream actually achieve results. In this article we will dwell on this issue in detail and tell you how to enter a lucid dream yourself.

How to get into a lucid dream and learn to control it: a lucid dreaming technique for beginners.

Before entering a lucid dream, you need to prepare for the practice. Exists special technique, which allows you not to make mistakes and achieve results faster. Success depends on your desire and attitude, so banish all negative thoughts and train constantly. Remember, everything is not given at once; it may take a long time before you learn how to become aware of yourself in a dream. It’s different for everyone, some may learn after a week or a month, while for others it won’t take even a year.

A mandatory attribute of practice is a diary, which must be started at the very beginning of training. After you open your eyes in the morning, the first thing you do is write down everything that you managed to remember from the dream. Even little things will need to be written down in it, giving them no small importance. It's better to put such a diary under your pillow or near your bed so you can immediately start writing in the morning, while the information is still fresh in your memory.

However, if a person has not decided to have a notebook for recording sleep, you can try without it. The most important condition is to remember the details of what is happening.

There is an opinion that those who are addicted computer games, involuntarily, over time, begin to become aware of their dreams. Maybe for you this will be one of the steps towards understanding dreams. Scientists have proven that if a person plays games at least once or twice a week, over time he will begin to become aware of his dreams. The practice of lucid dreams also includes meditation, thanks to which you can tune into positive result. Don't forget to include a complex of vitamins in your diet to help your brain function better.

Methods for inducing lucid dreams

Surely you have wondered how to induce a lucid dream and how to manipulate it. The following is one method called a “reality check.” Its essence is to gradually accustom yourself in real life to what you will do in a dream and learn to control your actions. To do this, perform a reality check every two hours, namely, pay attention to the little things around you.

Reality check

  • How can this be done? Look closely at your left and right hand. What are you used to doing in real life? What manipulations do you most often perform with them? Try to give it your time Special attention, because in a dream the situation may change and your hands will become unusual, maybe more fingers or something else.
  • Another way is to try pinching your nose with your hands and see if it’s comfortable to breathe. If you breathe freely and it does not bother you, it means that you are in your dream and can do whatever you see fit there.
  • Look at the alarm clock, be sure to remember the time, because in the dream it will be different, even the numbers may be unusual. You can take a piece of blank paper and write a phrase, pay attention to the handwriting. If it becomes incomprehensible, but can be read from it, then it is also a lucid dream.

Exist different methods reality checks to help you enter a lucid dream.

Mnemonic method

  • There are other methods for becoming aware of yourself in a dream. One of them is mnemonic, which is aimed at memorizing certain information.
  • How it's done? You need to take a piece of blank paper and write a certain phrase on it, which is then better to learn by heart. Every day you need to repeat it several times, especially before you go to bed.
  • How to start memory training without making mistakes? You can first read a piece of paper, then automatically learn to do it.
  • Before going to bed, you can say the following any phrase, there are no restrictions, the main thing is that it is focused on getting results.
  • Or you can do it differently by combining two methods at once, reality testing and pronouncing a phrase, thereby quickly learning to lucid dream.

Finding Signs of a Dream

Have you done as required by the lucid dream technique, keep a special notebook, write down everything after waking up in the morning, but still nothing works? What's the matter? Most likely, something is not being done quite correctly or you made a mistake somewhere.

Go back to the tips on how to have a lucid dream that were given earlier, study them thoroughly again and start over. Try to pay attention to how you behave in your sleep and what you do. After that, make the recording again early in the morning. There is no need to fantasize, write only what you remember.

This will be the main condition for you to begin to be aware of your dreams, even if only at the initial level. Pay attention to the furniture or other objects present in the dream, their color and shape, as well as pets, which may not look the same as in real life.

Timely Wake Up Method

Have you ever gone to bed after just waking up and drinking tea? Try this, but in the meantime, pay attention to your diary and the entries in it. You're probably wondering how this will affect lucid dreaming? In this way, you will be able to draw intermediate conclusions and understand what was unclear until now. The main goal will be to quickly wake up, do a few actions and fall asleep again. This may not work out the first time, but over time you will learn to immerse yourself in this state.

Another way, try opening your eyes at night, but before that, to be on the safe side, set your alarm clock for earlier in the morning, maybe four, five or six o'clock in the morning. There is an increased likelihood that you will be able to fall into a lucid dream and see a continuation of what you dreamed.

After waking up, start moving actively, but first, write down all the visions, even the little things, in your diary. You can go to the kitchen and eat, or you can do exercises. There are "dream alarms" that monitor your immersion. They are charged with the energy of the sun and help achieve the desired result.

How to induce a waking dream

Control lucid dreams Anyone can master it over time.

  • Imagine, it turns out that you can induce your dreams in real life, otherwise they are called sleep paralysis. What is it and how can you learn to manipulate it? The point is that learn to go beyond the boundaries of your dream, changing what does not suit you.
  • Usually, at the beginning of the journey, a person may experience discomfort or even fear, and the state becomes depressed. Some representatives of the human race have learned to consciously immerse themselves in such a state and can control their actions.
  • Others, on the contrary, behave uncertainly during this process and believe that this is a hallucination. Don't be afraid of anything, just take it for granted and control your behavior. Over time, you will get used to it and learn to carry out a number of actions.
  • What can cause sleep paralysis? If you don't get enough sleep or go to bed different time. To prevent this from happening, you can go to bed for an hour during the day, but at the same time. In the evening, it is better to go to bed no later than ten in the evening, taking a comfortable position.
  • If you are used to sleeping on your stomach, you are unlikely to be able to enter a lucid dream state. Try to change your habits and roll over onto your back, your body should be as relaxed as possible. Don’t forget about the phrase that is best said before a dream. Think only about good things and avoid negative thoughts.
  • You can set your watch for a specific time, but first make sure that you sleep for at least four to six hours. If you suddenly wake up with two or more hours left before your alarm clock, turn on the TV and watch a slightly interesting movie. Over time, you will fall asleep, maybe even while watching TV.

How to get out of a lucid dream

  • If a person has learned how to manage a lucid dream, he needs to learn and get out of it. This will help in those circumstances when you dream of something bad and want to run away from it. How to do this? If you suddenly feel scared in a dream, you need to wake up urgently. After you open your eyes, you can look around and slap yourself on the cheeks to come to your senses.
  • People who have been engaged in this practice for a long time know all the nuances, but beginners often make mistakes. As soon as they get scared, they start to get nervous and sometimes scream. There is no need to do this, it is better to remain calm.
  • If you cannot experience fear in a dream, but understand that it is time to get out of this state, then start looking at one point for a minute or less. It will begin to become incomprehensible, this is a sign that you are returning to reality.

Video “Secrets of Lucid Dreaming”