Lucid dreaming - what is it and how to achieve it? How to get into a lucid dream Methods of entering a lucid dream.

Lucid dreaming is when you realize while you are dreaming that you are dreaming. This awareness can range from a subtle understanding to a significant expansion of the images seen in the dream. Lucid dreams usually begin with a person in the middle of normal sleep suddenly realizes that he is dreaming. This is called lucid dreaming caused by imagination. Initiated by awakening conscious dream happens when you move back from the awakening stage to the sleep stage without lapses in consciousness. In any case, in such dreams everything seems more bizarre and emotional than in ordinary dreams. And most importantly, to have lucid dreams, you must have at least some skills of control over “yourself in a dream”, as well as over your environment.


Using lucid dreaming techniques

    Keep a dream journal. At night, keep it by your bed so that immediately after waking up you can record your dream or the emotions and feelings that you felt when you woke up. This will teach you to remember more content from your dreams, which is very important for lucid dreaming. Besides, if you immediately forget everything by the morning, there is no benefit to managing your dreams.

    Do reality checks often. During the day, every few hours, ask yourself the question: “Am I dreaming?” – and do one of the following reality checks. With enough practice, you will begin to follow this habit even in your sleep, which will make you aware of the fact that you are dreaming.

    Every time before falling asleep, until you pass out, repeat:"I will be aware that I am dreaming." You can also use any other similar phrase. This technique is called mnemonic lucid dream induction. Mnemonic entry means that you are using a "memory property" or, in this case, a mechanically memorized phrase that triggers dream lucidity and turns it into an automatic habit.

    • Some people like to combine this step with a reality check in the form of examining their hands just before falling asleep.
  1. Learn to recognize the signs of your own dreams. Regularly re-read your dream diary and pay attention to “signs” that repeat in your dreams. These will be recurring situations or events that you may notice in own dreams. Remember them, and you may recognize them in your next dream, which will make you realize that you are dreaming.

    • You probably already know some of your dreams. Frequently occurring dreams include dreams of teeth falling out, being chased by someone huge, or appearing in public place naked.
  2. Try taking a nap again after waking up from sleep. When you wake up and remember the dream, write it down in your journal, then close your eyes and focus on the dream again. Imagine being in a dream, noticing an inherent sign or corresponding reality check result, and realizing that it is a dream. Try to hold on to this thought until you begin to drift off; the result may be a lucid dream.

  3. Consider purchasing a light alarm clock. Go online and buy a light alarm clock instead of a sound one, or even a special “dream alarm clock” designed to stimulate lucid dreams. Set your alarm to go off 4.5, 6, or 7 hours after you fall asleep, or set it to go off every hour if possible. Although auditory, tactile, and other stimulation during REM sleep (when the eyes move rapidly while you sleep) can make a sleeper aware that they are dreaming, one study found that the most effective stimulus is light.

    • You don't actually need to wake up (unless you want to use the timely awakening technique described below). Keep the lighted alarm clock out of reach of your own hands and away from the bed and/or cover it with a sheet or set it to a dimer light.

Using the Timely Wake Up Method

  1. Understand when lucid dreams are more likely to occur. Lucid dreaming and vivid dreams in general, they almost always occur during the REM stage of sleep, which is characterized by rapid eye movement. The first stage of REM sleep occurs approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep, and the remaining stages then repeat approximately every 90 minutes. Target this method consists of waking up during the REM stage of sleep, and then falling back to sleep and continuing to dream, already aware of being in the dream.

    • You won't be able to pinpoint the timing of your sleep stages without visiting a sleep laboratory or having a very helpful "night bird" watch your eyelids in the middle of the night. It's more realistic to just keep trying the method below repeatedly until you catch yourself in the REM stage of sleep.
  2. Consider taking galantamine. Galantamine is a drug synthesized from snowdrops that may be the most effective medication inducing lucid dreams. For optimal results, take 4-8 mg of galantamine in the middle of the night. Taking medication before bed may impair sleep quality and cause unpleasant dreams. Due to this feature and the bad ones listed below side effects galantamine is recommended for use only occasionally as an adjunct to other methods.

    • Please consult your doctor first to see if you have any health problems. Galantamine may worsen conditions such as asthma or heart problems.
    • This medicine increases the chance of sleep paralysis, which is harmless but terrible condition when a person wakes up and cannot move his muscles for several minutes.
  3. Consider taking periodic B vitamins. Vitamins B5 and B6 can make dreams more vivid, bizarre, and emotionally rich, which can lead to lucid dreaming. However, to notice the effect you will need to take a dose of 100 mg. This is significantly more than recommended for daily intake dose, and if you take the vitamin in such volumes for long period time, this can cause damage to peripheral nerves. Use the vitamin only for special occasions and at your own peril and risk.

    • Consult your doctor if you are currently taking other medications or if you have any bleeding, stomach, bowel, or heart problems.
    • This drug may cause some people to wake up in the middle of the night, so it may be counterproductive if you are a light sleeper.
  • Lucid dreaming is a skill that needs to be learned, and even those people who have lucid dreams regularly only have them 1-2 times a month. Be patient and continue to practice the above techniques and you will gradually increase your chances and frequency of lucid dreaming.
  • If you periodically experience “false awakenings” during sleep, get into the habit of doing a reality check (for example, trying to read a book) immediately after waking up. Otherwise, a false awakening can turn a lucid dream into a completely ordinary one.
  • When experiencing a lucid dream, consider intentionally waking up a few minutes later. This will increase the chances of remembering the dream.
  • Don't drink anything within an hour before bed. Waking up to need to go to the toilet is the last thing you want when successfully experiencing a lucid dream.
  • If your sleep is not going as you would like, “close your eyes” while you sleep, and then forcefully open them. Repeat until you wake up.
  • If you think you are losing control of your sleep, shout very loudly what you want to happen next, and do this until you regain control of your sleep or until what you wanted happens.


  • If you become very agitated during a lucid dream, you may suddenly wake up. To try to return to sleep, close your eyes and concentrate on it. If you are only half awake but still "in a dream", turn around or rub your palms together.
  • A lucid dream can cause sleep paralysis, in which, when you wake up, you remain conscious and aware of your surroundings, but find yourself unable to move your muscles. This is harmless, but often frightening, especially when combined with hallucinations of someone's presence in the room. Sometimes some muscles are less susceptible to paralysis than others, so concentrate on trying to wiggle your toes or swallow and remain calm until your hallucination stops.

First, let's talk about the rules. Just don’t think that I deceived you when I spoke about complete freedom and impunity for actions in lucid dreams. Freedom is freedom, but there are still two rules. Of course, they are not as strict as in reality, and are not laws that require strict execution, but...

Rule 1. In a lucid dream, I do not recommend killing yourself. Of course, you can commit suicide in a dream out of curiosity or out of fear of doing it for real, but I assure you that for several days after the “dream suicide” you will not feel particularly good: depressed, broken and sad. If this doesn’t scare you, then... feel free to fight with yourself!

Rule 2. In a lucid dream, it is not advisable to kill anyone else, especially people. There will be nothing terrible if in a lucid dream you destroy the monster from your nightmares, it will be just as commendable and interesting to turn an evil boss into a mosquito and crush him, but to kill a person - the hero of a dream... In reality you may be left with a very unpleasant aftertaste, and for a long time you you will walk with your head bowed. So in a lucid dream you can be naughty, but if you act there in accordance with your morals, you will get more pleasure.

Now let's talk about the exercises that need to be performed to achieve lucidity in a dream. Here, the set of exercises is individual for each person - choose according to your taste. Here are some general ones:

1. Analysis of your dreams.

If you want to have lucid dreams, make it a point to record and analyze your normal dreams. Keep a special journal: a notebook, notepad, file on the computer, etc. Let this journal be only for dreams - do not write down other information there. Be prepared for the fact that you need to write it down even at night, because in the morning many dreams are forgotten, no matter how hard you try to remember them. So keep your dream journal near where you sleep. Write down your dreams as soon as possible. If you can remember and describe two dreams in one night, well done, I praise you!

After two or three weeks, you will notice that your memory has become better for both dreams and real events. As for dream analysis, in every dream look for everything unusual, everything fantastic. For example, your friend looked very strange in her dream; you dreamed of a house that was demolished long ago; a country you've never been to; actions that have never been performed or that are impossible to perform according to the laws of physics. The more unusual details you can notice when analyzing a dream, the easier it will be for you to notice such details while directly in the dream state. So you are sleeping and have a dream in which you are climbing a sheer cliff without any insurance. In a dream, you understand that this is impossible and say to yourself: "This is a dream!" From this moment on, your dream becomes lucid.

2. Reality check.

Both the previous and this exercise are recommended by literally all authors of books on lucid dreaming. You need to ask yourself the question at least 7-10 times a day: “Am I dreaming?” Does the question seem stupid? But don't rush to answer. I understand that I want to answer without hesitation: “Of course, I’m not sleeping!” But wait! Having asked yourself this question, listen to yourself and to those around you, look around, remember what you were thinking about a few minutes ago, what you feel now, what emotions you are experiencing. In general, look for reasons, grounds for an answer. For example: “I don’t sleep, because if I order myself to take off, I won’t take off, because this is impossible while awake!” etc. In a dream, including a lucid one, everything changes very quickly, so to check reality I highly recommend looking at the same object twice with a minute interval. If it has not changed at all, then you are not sleeping. It is also very good to look at the clock. In a dream, the clock will constantly show nonsense or not the time at all, but the weather.

The following exercises are also effective:

3. The opposite of the previous one.

At least 7-10 times a day you need to convince yourself that everything that is happening to you and around you is just a dream! There is no need for any reason here! Just listen to yourself and the world, look around and say: “It’s all just a dream!” These opposite exercises will help you learn to ask yourself during your sleep: “Am I dreaming?” or confidently assert: “It’s just a dream!” Don’t be afraid, after such exercises you will not forget how to distinguish between sleep and wakefulness, your awareness of yourself as sleeping or not sleeping will simply increase.

4. Training of will and attention.

Give yourself time every day - 5-10 minutes for some absurd action. For example, for 5 minutes 3 times a day, or at least once, stand on a chair, cross out vowels in the text, count birds on a branch, and stuff like that. The exercise should capture your full attention. The main thing is to be able to enjoy it. This will improve attention, and memory will follow suit.

5. Sleep incubation.

In this exercise, you need to nurture the plot of the desired lucid dream in your head, like in an incubator. Let's say you want to go boating in the pouring rain with... good friend. Think about this dream at least half an hour a day, imagine the whole picture, read, watch something about boats, about rain. Let the idea of ​​the dream settle firmly in your brain.

6. Countdown.

You need to completely relax, try to get all thoughts out of your head - this exercise is done immediately before falling asleep - and count in reverse order. The invoice must be accompanied either simply by the phrase “I’m sleeping” or by this phrase plus brief description a desired dream, for example “I sleep and fly”; “I sleep and ride a boat!” And so, by counting, you can understand from the phrase “61 I sleep and ride a boat...” that you are actually sleeping. This exercise is not suitable for everyone. For many, the bill prevents them from relaxing.

7. Throw it away and forget it.

This exercise is for those who, due to the desire to see lucid dreams, have lost peace and sleep in general. Then for several days you should completely forget about the intention to be aware of yourself in a dream: do not do any exercises, do not read books on this topic, do not think or talk about dreams and do not write down dreams. Then lucid dreams will appear by themselves.

8. Just before falling asleep, read literature about lucid dreaming or your dream journal.

It is desirable, of course, that the books be in audio format, so that you don’t read, but listen. This will make it easier to relax and tune in.

9. Wake up between 4 and 6 am and lie on your back.

At this time and in this position of the body, a lucid dream is more likely to overtake you. This is my personal observation.

10. “Stop and back, thoughts!”

The essence of the exercise is that several times during the day, and preferably just before falling asleep, you need to track the progress of your thoughts. So you lay down, think about something and after 5 minutes you say to yourself: “Stop!” The flow of thoughts stops, and you have to remember what you were thinking about for the previous 5 minutes, that is, it’s like replaying a film of thoughts back in slow motion. And so several times every 5 minutes. This exercise will again increase concentration, improve memory and help you be aware of yourself in a dream.

11. “Am I really dreaming?”

This is the simplest exercise to test your awareness in a dream. So you went to bed, thoroughly relaxed, and feel like you are falling asleep. Tell yourself to take off! If you succeeded, and you were able to “overcome gravity, then you have already fallen asleep and can control and manage your sleep.

These exercises can be easily combined, but I do not recommend doing everything at once in one day, otherwise you will get confused. With desire, patience and concentration, the result, although tiny, is guaranteed.

Lucid dream - fiction or reality? Psychology relates it to very real things, namely the highest mastery of mastering techniques. The success of all future activities depends on how we sleep. Of course, I want to be able to “install disks” with interesting and pleasant dreams, and even better, be able to get out of bad dreams, wake yourself up. But this is only one side of the issue of lucid dreaming.

Dreams are a reflection of our mental (conscious and unconscious). In dreams, everything is objectified, which is why they seem so strange to us. After all, needs and problems are not always of a material nature.

Dream - functional state person. There are slow and fast sleep phases. NREM sleep is characterized by delta impulses, while REM sleep is characterized by alpha waves. REM sleep is close to the waking state. During slow sleep, anabolic processes occur in the body (recovery). This is the physiology of sleep psychological side as follows:

  • At the stage of slow-wave sleep, there are practically no dreams; all information received during the day is systematized and processed (the important remains, the unnecessary is forgotten).
  • REM sleep promotes intensification of search activity, dreaming and reflection. A person seeks and finds answers to the most painful questions that cannot be analyzed in reality.

What is a lucid dream

Stephen LaBerge is considered the founder of the theory of lucid dreaming. However, the psychophysiologist was not only a theorist, but also a practitioner. He himself applied and promoted these ideas. The term “lucid dream” was introduced by the Dutch psychiatrist Frederik van Eeden in the 19th-20th centuries. These ideas came to Russia much later. And there is still no exact data about who can be considered the father of the Russian theory about lucid dreams.

Lucid dream is a form of altered consciousness used to correct psychophysiological, physical, psychological state body. Scientific research has confirmed that lucid dreaming is borderline state not only between sleep and wakefulness, but also between sleep phases. In phases closer to fast sleep, but even closer in brain function (the lobes responsible for control, planning and understanding are active) to the waking state.

With the help of lucid sleep, you can change the nature of dreams (lowest level) and the content of dreams (highest level). The desired maximum is to wake up and not remember what you dreamed, but to feel a surge of strength and positivity, to understand that you dreamed something very pleasant.

Lucid dreams border on mysticism and esotericism; everything described seems unreal. But at the intersection of psychology and somnology, this phenomenon has been studied for a long time. You can read about this, for example, in the work of V.I. Gromov. Although this topic is still little studied, primarily due to the lack of Russian literature. But this is not the only problem:

  • Difficulty in interpretation is another problem. Modern researchers determine the success or failure of the experimental subject by prior agreement: having achieved lucid sleep, he will make a certain movement with his eyes. But active eye movements are always present during the REM phase of sleep, so it is impossible to say with 100% accuracy what they mean at a particular moment. Although, on the other hand, if the process is controlled by technology, then the neural signals from the brain will not be similar to the REM sleep phase.
  • Subjectivity of information. The test subjects themselves talk about their “travels”; scientists simply have to write down their words, interpretations and vision of the situation.
  • It is difficult to repeat the first and control experiments under absolutely identical conditions.

Interesting fact: lucid dreams occur more easily and sometimes spontaneously in children. But as we grow older, this ability is lost. However, another surge in such activity is observed at the age of 15-16 years.

Is lucid dreaming dangerous?

This issue has also been little studied; there is no exact data at all. But several positions can be assumed.

  1. Such practices are contraindicated for weak and mentally ill people.
  2. The second danger is the possibility of confusion (analogy with video games). A person can make a mistake, get confused and real life do something unwanted while thinking he is sleeping.
  3. And one more problem: having mastered lucid dreams, a person will most likely deprive himself of natural sleep. It’s not clear how the psyche will react to this. But if we remember that dreams free our subconscious, allow us to process, find answers to difficult questions and think about the very name “lucid dream”, we can conclude: the subconscious will be tightly locked, and the consciousness, on the contrary, will work at the limit. But, believe me, the subconscious will not give up without a fight. It will find how to express itself in real life, since its rightful sleep has been taken away from it.
  4. Trying to find optimal time to induce lucid sleep, waking up and falling asleep will certainly disrupt the established routine. And the fact that nothing improves our health like good sleep, undeniable.

So before you start such practices, think again about the essence of the phenomenon - a form of altered consciousness. Of course, changes can always be positive or negative. But in this case, no one gives any guarantees, and the result may be the most unexpected.

Psychologists are actively studying the use of the lucid dream method for the correction of complexes and syndromes, especially those accompanied by nightmares and panic attacks in dreams. In this case, psychophysiologists allow such practices, but only under the supervision of a doctor.

However, experts strongly discourage using this method. healthy people who want to try, indulge, play, experience new sensations. But for schoolchildren it is completely prohibited, since the child’s brain has not yet formed and become stronger. In any case, lucid dreaming is an abnormal functioning of the brain.

The modern world of consumption could not stay away. People are offered various kinds devices, headbands, helmets, glasses and applications for phones that supposedly help you get into a lucid dream without any preparation. It's all a myth. Perhaps we’ll make a small allowance for (people’s self-hypnosis), but otherwise we can only hope for the development of self-regulation.

Benefits of lucid dreaming

If you do this competently, under the supervision of a specialist and with specific purpose, for example, to correct the mistakes of the past (to survive), then this is a good method of treatment. As you know, our demons (experiences, uncertainty, problems in adaptation, etc.) can spoil how mental health, and physical (), and indeed throughout life. Then the idea of ​​solving a problem in a dream looks quite good, for example, replaying a situation that torments you, but with a pleasant outcome for you. This is especially true if in real life you cannot meet with specific person or find yourself in specific circumstances.

In a lucid dream you can:

  • ask forgiveness from a deceased relative or hear important words from him;
  • get rid of fears by placing yourself in frightening conditions, but realizing that this is a conscious safe sleep, which you manage.

But it immediately pops up back side medals: giving in to panic and forgetting about the unreality of what is happening, your body will experience a real shock. Unfortunately, no one can say in advance how the vital systems of the body will react to this:

  • On the one hand, the experience gained in a lucid dream can be repeated in practice.
  • But on the other hand, the feeling of control over the situation in a dream can overshadow adequate self-perception and cause a state of severe frustration in case of failure.

We live in two worlds. One is familiar to us, real and tangible, the one in which we live, to which we are accustomed. The second is the world of dreams, astral bodies and subtle matters. It is impossible to just see it, it is difficult to control, and not everyone even believes in its existence.

But if you have heard about a lucid dream or even experienced this extraordinary phenomenon yourself, then you can confidently confirm that the subtle world exists. What is a lucid dream, how to get into a lucid dream and what to do to learn it?

Lucid dreams, or lucid dreams, are an altered state of human consciousness in which a person is in a state of sleep, but at the same time clearly and clearly understands that he is sleeping. In this wonderful state, you can control events, compose and create your own fairy-tale reality, and do things that are impossible in reality - even fly and pass through walls. It sounds like a fairy tale, but these are lucid dreams. To understand them and understand how it works, you should not confuse the concepts. Exist:

  • Lucid dreaming.
  • Astral travel.
  • Leaving the body.

This - different states, but they are sometimes confused. In this case, we will talk specifically about lucid dreams, and how to learn to see them, where to start, and what kind of practice is suitable for mastering this unusual skill.

What are the features?

What is a lucid dream? This concept is not made up, it has been proven by scientists. Awareness arises in dreams for various reasons. Sometimes it happens spontaneously during sleep, sometimes it happens intentionally. This usually happens for a short time - the person realizes that he is sleeping, but wakes up very quickly. And then he really wants to repeat the experience, but he can’t. Surely this practice is familiar to you too.

After such an experience, I really want to experience a lucid dream again, to evoke it at will. It's possible. A huge amount of literature has been written on this topic, more than one practice and instruction has been created, and there are textbooks. It is even known that with the help of this practice and lucid dreams you can solve your own psychological problems, find answers to questions and tips from higher powers, and much more. Let's try to figure out how it works and how to learn to control your consciousness in order to fully exist in two worlds.

Before you begin the practice of lucid dreaming, remember the basic rules and precautions. Working with consciousness is a delicate thing, and you need to treat it responsibly.

1. Under no circumstances should you practice lucid dreaming while under the influence of alcohol or any other form of intoxication. This way you can cause irreparable harm to your psyche and body, and the consequences may be irreparable.

2. Of course, everyone really wants to learn lucid dreams the first time, to find practices and techniques that will work right away. This is how we are designed – we look for easy ways. There is one caveat. Perhaps it is the first practice that will be successful - this happens often, and many manage to see and realize themselves in dreams the first time.

But the second time, as well as the third, may be unsuccessful. Do not despair! The first time is given to us so that we can touch this world, understand what it looks like, what a lucid dream is - and then we will not be able to confuse it. But to learn, you need constant practice, as with everything. Just constant exercise - and everything will work out.

3. Take your time. Any technique requires repetition and improvement. Don't be lazy to do it additional exercises. To control the world of dreams and maintain a state of awareness, you need to develop attention and be able to turn off internal dialogue, you need to master relaxation and concentration techniques.

4. Every little thing matters. This is a serious practice that is not easy to learn. Need to lead correct image life, do meditation, keep normal physical fitness. This is all interconnected and very important. To make your dreams lucid, you need to work on it throughout the day.

5. Get enough sleep. This - necessary requirement for travel in the world of dreams. You will have to sleep at least 8-9 full hours a day.

6. Be sure to keep a diary! After reading articles and books on this topic, you will notice that this recommendation is almost in first place. And for good reason! Every experience you have must be written down. Whether it was successful or unsuccessful, all the nuances and mistakes, everything you did, the results. This will help you a lot. Write down absolutely all your dreams, even minor ones. This will strengthen your memory for dreams and help you penetrate deeper into them.

7. Try it different techniques. There are many of them, and they lead to good result, but everyone has their own. Find exactly your method, but to do this you will have to try several. One universal and effective method no, alas. Try different exercises and techniques and you will succeed!

Let's start practicing

So, how to induce a lucid dream, where should you start? There are a variety of techniques. You need to act consistently. The first is to try to work specifically on inducing awareness in dreams. The second is to develop the necessary qualities of consciousness that will help maintain and manage the state. Let's start with the first one and understand how to induce a lucid dream.

The first method is simple, but requires care. It works in many cases and can lead to spontaneous awareness. To do this, remember the phrase “This is a dream.” Take it as a basis.

Every time during the day, as soon as you remember this exercise, concentrate, look around, stop - and mentally say “Is this a dream?” Look around and realize that this is reality, continue to go about your business. The more often you repeat the exercise, the sooner the result will be. In your dreams, you will suddenly realize that you are dreaming, look around, and you will be able to control this state.

Another similar way is to “catch” your attention to some object. The most accessible thing that is always nearby is your hands. During the day, check often to see if you are sleeping. Of course, it sounds a little ironic, because you are sure that this is reality. But the point is in the exercise itself. Check if you are dreaming by looking at your own brushes; in your dreams they will be blurry. The more often you do this simple exercise, the sooner you will repeat it in your dreams. And then you will realize that you are dreaming...

To start seeing lucid dreams, there is another practice - attunement. You need to practice all day, right in the morning. Prepare yourself for the fact that there will be awareness at night. Just say to yourself with confidence: “Today I will become lucid in a dream!”, and be sure that this will happen.

A specific technique to start with is control. physical condition and intermediate states. Before you begin, you will have to start living strictly on a schedule. Go to bed at exactly the same time, devote sufficient time to dreams (at least 8 hours).

The practice is as follows: you go to bed in the evening, as usual, and set your alarm clock for a time so that you sleep for exactly five hours. When you wake up to the alarm, you immediately get up. Brew yourself natural coffee - and stronger, so that it excites your nervous system. You drink quietly and go to bed again, getting ready to dream. Coffee will affect your nervous system, and you won't be able to fall asleep right away. But you try. Turn off thoughts and internal dialogue, create silence within yourself.

This intermediate, subtle state between reality and dreams is exactly what is needed. In this state, all thoughts should be focused on the OS. Repeat like a mantra “this is a dream.” Soon your consciousness will help you do what you want, and you will become aware of yourself in your dreams.

Try another fun practice to practice awareness in your dreams. When you see dreams at night that you like or simply remember, waking up without getting out of bed, carefully remember them, scroll through the whole plot again. Then come up with a continuation or simply form a clear intention to continue your dreams from the point where you left off. While your consciousness is relaxed and you are in an intermediate state between the worlds, not yet awakened, this is quite possible to do. Only now your dreams will not be ordinary, but lucid.

Oddly enough, one of the most effective techniques is to record pictures from the world of dreams. What is this for? To learn to remember and subsequently control! If a person does not remember his visions, then perhaps he often dreams of just such, conscious ones - but he does not remember this. In a word, write it down. Absolutely everyone, every morning, immediately after waking up. This is a very effective method.

Perhaps, main secret is to create a clear and firm intention. To begin to become aware of yourself in dreams, you just need to want it. And nothing more, that may be enough! This is the basic practice - to intend to do it. Think about this goal every day, keep a diary, read inspiring articles and the experiences of other dreamers. In general, “simmer” in this topic. After a maximum of two to three weeks, the first result is guaranteed to appear!

Exercises to accumulate energy

It turns out that the main problem is not learning to enter a lucid dream, but learning to maintain this subtle, fragile state. It is very difficult! Everything worked out, your dreams became lucid and vivid, but as soon as you start doing something, you immediately wake up. Why and what does this depend on?

First of all, this comes from a lack of energy. It is difficult to explain such things in words, because we are not talking about physical strength, but about internal reserve, which is not so easy to calculate. But you can feel it for yourself. For example, when you are sick or haven’t gotten enough sleep, you yourself feel that there is not enough energy inside, it definitely doesn’t flow in full swing. So, to maintain awareness in dreams, you need a lot of it. Where should it come from? To accumulate it, there are special techniques and exercises that are simple and very helpful.

A very effective practice for accumulating energy is yoga and other eastern wisdom. Yoga practice is ideal for this purpose. Special asanas have one secret - they are not just useful for the body, spine and joints. They are designed in such a way that they clear energy channels in a person, accumulate and concentrate energy, collect it from the periphery to the center, and so on. In a word - try it.

Breathing exercises are also very effective, and are excellent for accumulating and maintaining energy. Description of these simple exercises easy to find and even easier to make. They are enjoyable and effortless, taking no more than five minutes each day. But if you start doing them every day, without skipping them, the effect will greatly surprise you.

If you want to try something powerful and effective, then the “vow of silence” practice is for you.. It may seem strange to you, but you will be amazed at its effect. It's simple - remain silent for a whole day. Be silent outside and inside! Do not communicate with gestures, do not write, do not read. No music, books, films - complete vacuum! Take a walk, wander aimlessly, don’t contact anyone. Ideally, be in the forest, in nature. This amazing exercise will accumulate so much energy within you that you can not only experience lucid dreams immediately, but also stay in them for quite a long time.

extra work

What else is missing to control dreams? There are many qualities and skills. This - physical strength, agility and concentration, the ability to turn off the internal monologue and concentrate, relaxation. All these exercises will bring you very close to your goal.

Concentration. This is an important factor, and if you improve this skill, then not only entering the OS, but also maintaining the state will be simple and easy for you. How to train concentration? Spend about five minutes a day on this, and better in the morning and in the evening.

Choose a simple item, as simple as possible. It could be a branch, a pencil, or just your own palm. The task is to look at the object in complete silence without distraction. Lost concentration, got distracted, thought about something? Come back, focus. You reach the point of complete disconnection from the outside world.

Turning off internal dialogue. Well, this is almost everyone's problem. Go to bed, close your eyes... and the 857th episode of the series begins, each with their own. Thoughts, fantasies, continuations of daytime worries and problems begin. You need to disconnect from all this. How? By force of will. Some people find mantras or spiritual music helpful. Someone's watch is ticking. For some, imagining a uniform screen in front of their eyes, or concentrating on their own breathing. Find your method and learn to immerse yourself in silence.

Need to learn to relax. Complete relaxation of the body is a beneficial practice that will help you achieve an altered state of consciousness. This needs to be done consistently, without rushing. Take a comfortable position - preferably on your back, straightening all your limbs so that they do not become numb. Start from the bottom.

Focus on the tip thumb his right leg. Imagine how it fills with lead, becomes heavier, and becomes unbearable. Gradually, the lead flows into the next finger, then into the next one, and so fills the entire foot. Then - the second leg, buttocks, stomach, arms...

Walk mentally over your entire body, don’t miss a single centimeter of it. You will feel that your body is heavy and unbearable. After this, breathe deeply. Do not confuse this with tension - the body will seem heavy, but there is no need to strain the muscles. On the contrary, you will completely relax, and, most likely, you will immediately plunge into daydreams.

It may seem that everything is very difficult, there is too much work, and it is a lot of trouble. It only seems that way until you start doing it. Make a clear plan. Get a special notebook or notebook. Write a plan on the first page. For example:

  • In the morning, write down everything you dreamed about.
  • Concentration exercise (5 min).
  • Yoga (20 min).
  • Repeat “This is a dream” throughout the day.
  • Yesterday there was a concentration exercise (5 min).
  • Before bed - relaxation.
  • OS practice.

Is it difficult? No. And it takes little time. The most important thing is to follow this plan without missing a day. And create a clear, firm intention. This is the main secret. And everything will work out!

Somewhere below, in the middle of endless green fields, a river meandered like a blue ribbon. It was as if she was playing with him. Who will be the first to reach the hill on which the city stands? He floated silently under the clouds, enjoying every moment. It's hard to describe. A desire simply arises in the heart, and every cell of the body responds to this wonderful call. And now it was calling forward. To his own city. With a magnificent palace in the center and a beautiful garden behind it. There was a stunning gazebo among the trees where he loved to sit alone, enjoying the birdsong.

A quiet rustling sound was heard nearby. Looking around, he saw a pair of young dragons. My heart began to flutter. But not from fear, but from joy. It was like meeting old friends. They sailed majestically across the sky, like two huge ships. The golden scales shimmered in the sun with all the colors of the rainbow. At the sight of such a spectacle, he wanted to scream with all his might, but the dragons got ahead of him. They let out a long, joyful cry, soared up and disappeared into the clouds.

And he flew and thought how the doors of his city would open before him, how his friends would greet him. The birds will sit on his hands and sing their songs for him. After all, this is his city. This is his world...

Do you think this is a fairy tale? Fiction? You guessed wrong. The world described above is quite real. This is the world of lucid dreaming, and everyone is as capable or better. Of course, you can say that this is all fiction, unreal, and so on. The fact is that reality is not so simple either. Our brain doesn’t care at all whether it takes a picture from dusty memory archives (perhaps even from an old movie) or receives it from an external source. You won't even notice the change. To a simple question: “Are you sure you’re not sleeping right now?” - most people won't even be able to answer. How to have lucid dreams? This is what we will learn today.

What are lucid dreams?

How to enter a lucid dream? Before getting an answer to this question, you need to find out what it even is? Essentially, the answer follows from the title. A person sees a dream, realizing that he is sleeping. This is the very first, main and most difficult step towards building your own world in your dreams. The problem is that most people on the planet are not only unable to control their dreams, but are not even able to understand that they are in a dream. And at the same time, we are still trying to talk about what is real in this world and what is not!

Exist different types of people. Some people have vivid, beautiful (or scary) unforgettable dreams. Others have absolutely no memory of what they saw in their dreams after waking up. There are also people who are given the gift of self-awareness in dreams from birth, without any training or exercise.

There is no need to think that this is some kind of modern invention. The first mentions date back to the distant 8th century AD. Even then, people thought about traveling in their dreams. Serious Scientific research began to be carried out much later, in the 20th century by S. Laberge, and later by other scientists.

Why is this necessary?

Before we start talking about how to enter a lucid dream, you need to find out why it is even necessary? Let's forget for a moment about such things as the hidden reserves of our body, inexhaustible sources of new knowledge, additional sources of energy, and so on. Let's turn to dry and banal mathematics. For hundreds of thousands of years, people have been looking for a way to extend their relatively short life. Whatever is being done for this purpose: new medicines are invented, diets and exercises are invented. People go to great lengths to stay in this world for a little while. But very few people think about the fact that every day we delete from our lives as much as 8 hours allocated for sleep (some less or more). It doesn’t seem like much, one third of a day. Okay, we lose 10 days out of a month. More interesting now, right? Over 30 years of life, lost time is gained by 10 years! But we can’t stay awake, you say. That's right, we can't. But we have the power to fill this emptiness with meaning! Imagine having the opportunity to add years to your life, this is no joke! Time in a lucid dream is full of surprises. It seems that I slept for several hours, and the needle only moved by fifteen minutes. Moreover, there are cases where a person lived in a dream for several days, weeks and even months. And in the real world, as if nothing had happened, he woke up 8 hours later in the morning. Should we neglect the opportunity to increase our life expectancy by an order of magnitude?

There are many “supernatural” possibilities that open up to us in such dreams. This is unexpected knowledge and talents that formerly man I didn’t notice it myself. There are more interesting “revelations”, but it is better to leave them behind the curtain, since every traveler in the world of dreams must discover them for himself.

Psychologically, this is a great way to relax and give vent to your emotions. After all, this is your world! Everything here lives according to your laws, although it will not be possible to fully understand this right away. If you want to fly, fly, swim underwater, please. If you want to relax on the beach in Crimea every day - good luck! Your brain can create amazing landscapes and panoramas if you make it work for you. We'll talk about how to do this later.

Is it possible?

How to get into a lucid dream? Is it possible? Many people, after several unsuccessful attempts, become disappointed and come to the conclusion that either they were deceived and these are all fairy tales, or they do not have the ability to do this. Both of these are fundamentally wrong. First of all, everything written here is true! Secondly, there are no people who are unable to become aware of themselves in a dream. Some people succeed right away, others take weeks or even months, but in the end they are still successful. Maybe you won’t be able to build beautiful castles and raise golden dragons right away; it’s quite difficult. Everything will come in time if you don’t stop and go to the end! First you need to step over the main barrier - awareness. What are we going to do now? Are you willing to go down the rabbit hole? Ready? Then go ahead! We master the entrance to a lucid dream (LS).


How to get into a lucid dream? Don't try to call OS when you're tired. If you have a hard job, go to bed early, set an alarm, and after you wake up, try to log into the OS.

Do not drink before bed, the urge to go to the toilet will ruin any

Prepare a notebook and pen for journaling.


Always keep a pen and notebook near your bed. After waking up, dreams are erased very quickly, you need to have time to write everything down. Record everything you can remember: the area, people, animals, tastes, sensations. Try drawing a map of your movements. Over time, you will notice some patterns. Something like locations will be drawn, as in computer games. Transition locations will appear. You probably remember how in a dream you are suddenly transported from one place to another. When you start keeping a diary, you will understand that such places are also natural. Remember them. Constantly re-read your diary, analyze and make a plan for next dream. Even if you can’t control yourself yet, make a plan over and over again: go there, explore such and such a place, try to fly... One day everything will work out.

Changing consciousness

Everyone calls this exercise differently - “ critical thinking” or “reality check” - but the essence remains the same: force yourself to doubt the reality of the world around you. It sounds pretty fantastic, but there's nothing wrong with that. Constantly ask yourself, “Am I dreaming?” - and find convincing evidence. For example, look at the same sign or object twice. In the dream they will change. Or try to fly. However, the most effective method- this is the first option. Over time, this habit will take hold and begin to manifest itself even in sleep.


It will be nice if throughout the day you constantly tune yourself to positive result. Repeat to yourself: “Today I will succeed” or “Today in my dreams I will fly.” This should not sound like a cry of despair. You must believe unconditionally in your success. If you didn’t succeed and you just fell asleep, when you wake up, tell yourself: “It’s okay, I’ll try again.” Sooner or later this fortress will collapse, and victory will be yours. Just don't give up!


One of the main criteria for success in our event. Increased arousal is a disaster both when trying to enter a dream and when you are already there (instant departure). Meditation can be a good help in this case. If you learn to control your thoughts and feelings, this will be a big step towards success.

Fixing attention

Quite complicated, but efficient technique lucid dream from the waking state. As mentioned above, you should not try to enter a lucid dream when you are tired, otherwise you will simply pass out. Either go into a lucid dream during the day, or set an alarm, wake up, and do it at night.

So. Lie down on your back (it’s better to choose a harder pillow) and close your eyes. Relax and calm your breathing. Mentally walk through your body, all muscles should be relaxed. Now it is important to free yourself from thoughts. This is quite difficult (this is where meditation practice will help), but it is necessary. You will feel like you are falling into some viscous substance (like resin). Don't be alarmed, this point is very important. It only lasts a few seconds. The main thing is not to let your consciousness turn off at this moment. A few seconds - and you are on the other side! You are in a lucid dream! This method is extremely complex and simple at the same time. Difficult because it can be difficult to relax, concentrate and not let your consciousness turn off while passing through the “tar” layer. Simple because it is the shortest path to the world of lucid dreaming. This technique has several undoubted advantages. If something goes wrong, you can stop, calm down and continue rather than wait next day. No additional exercises, attitudes, devices or substances are needed. When correct execution transition to lucid sleep is guaranteed. Many people recommend using for such exercises daytime. The advantages of this choice are obvious, especially at the beginning of the journey. You're less likely to simply switch off. When everything starts to work out, you will be less dependent on fatigue, the state of your body and the time of day.


Maybe some banal phrases will follow, but it’s still worth reminding about this for the common good. The technique of lucid dreaming should not be mastered by an unhealthy body. Therefore, if you are suffering from fever or headache, reschedule your classes. Also, do not do this with a full stomach, drunk or hungover. Believe me, our consciousness is a fragile, precious instrument. Handle it with care!

What's next?

Let's say everything worked out for you, and this will certainly happen if you have desire and perseverance. What happens next? How will your first life begin? mindful travel in a dream? First of all, you want to look at your hands. No one knows exactly why, but most often this is where it starts. Later, if you feel that the dream is starting to fade (you wake up), take a special look at your hands. This will allow the situation to deepen somewhat. An amazing sensation is the second most popular action performed in lucid dreams. At the beginning of the article such a flight is described; it is difficult to describe the physical sensations experienced during it. After such dreams, the feeling remains that our laws of the universe are not as unshakable as we were told about them from childhood.


Even in a lucid dream, you often have to remind yourself who is boss. Our consciousness can be compared to a large garbage dump. What and who is not here! You can meet both beautiful and terrible creatures. Until you have learned to control and create something in your dreams, you remain just an observer. The main thing is not to be scared! It is important to remember that this is your world and you are the master here. Whoever you meet, you can command him or make him disappear. For this you need one condition - self-confidence! People, animals, things, buildings will appear in front of you. You can remove or adjust them, but always remind yourself that everything here is subordinate only to you.


You don’t need to think that the lucid dream technique requires you to draw every twig or leaf. Your brain remembers perfectly well what a forest, river or dog is, but if you want to correct something, the matter is limited only by your imagination. Write down everything you do in your sleep and mark it on a map. Write what you are going to do. Chances are good that one day you will return to the house or castle you built last night. Or get yourself a golden dragon that will meet you and protect you in every dream. You can create multiple locations and move between them using the transitions described above.


Many people use the state of lucid dreaming to get answers to questions that interest them. Hidden talents and opportunities are revealed. Perhaps this is due to the fact that in a dream our consciousness does not have the usual limitations. People often create a secret room, a magic ball or a magic box in their dreams, which they use to get answers to their questions. And, oddly enough, it works; a person really often receives information that is inaccessible to him in the real world.


Now you know what the lucid dream technique is. There are the most contradictory reviews about it. There are people who say that staying in the OS for a long time worsens a person’s connection with real world. Someone says that a person can go into a lucid dream and not return from there. Some people think you can go crazy there. As a rule, these are people who have either never had such dreams, or have made a couple of unsuccessful attempts and abandoned this activity.

There are others too. Those for whom the practice of conscious sleep has helped get rid of various complexes. Some learned to write poetry, music, made discoveries, learned foreign language. And some simply found a place to relax and retire. The practice of lucid dreaming is a vast, unexplored area, containing so many wonders and possibilities that we cannot even imagine. But all you need is a little desire, patience and self-confidence!