Lucid dreaming technique for beginners. Lucid dreaming

Lucid dreaming is when you realize while you are dreaming that you are dreaming. This awareness can range from a subtle understanding to a significant expansion of the images seen in the dream. Lucid dreams usually begin with a person in the middle of normal sleep suddenly realizes that he is dreaming. This is called lucid dreaming caused by imagination. Awakening-initiated lucid dreaming occurs when you move back from the awakening stage to the sleep stage without lapses in consciousness. In any case, in such dreams everything seems more bizarre and emotional than in ordinary dreams. And most importantly, for lucid dreams you must have at least some skills of control over “yourself in a dream”, as well as over the environment.


Using lucid dreaming techniques

    Keep a dream journal. At night, keep it by your bed so that immediately after waking up you can record your dream or the emotions and feelings that you felt when you woke up. This will teach you to remember more content from your dreams, which is very important for lucid dreaming. Besides, if you immediately forget everything by the morning, there is no benefit to managing your dreams.

    Do reality checks often. During the day, every few hours, ask yourself the question: “Am I dreaming?” – and do one of the following reality checks. With enough practice, you will begin to follow this habit even in your sleep, which will make you aware of the fact that you are dreaming.

    Every time before falling asleep, until you pass out, repeat:"I will be aware that I am dreaming." You can also use any other similar phrase. This technique is called mnemonic lucid dream induction. Mnemonic entry means that you are using a "memory property" or, in this case, a mechanically memorized phrase that triggers dream lucidity and turns it into an automatic habit.

    • Some people like to combine this step with a reality check in the form of examining their hands just before falling asleep.
  1. Learn to recognize the signs of your own dreams. Regularly re-read your dream diary and pay attention to “signs” that repeat in your dreams. These will be recurring situations or events that you may notice in your own dreams. Remember them, and you may recognize them in your next dream, which will make you realize that you are dreaming.

    • You probably already know some of your dreams. Frequently occurring dreams include dreams of teeth falling out, being chased by someone huge, or appearing in public place naked.
  2. Try taking a nap again after waking up from sleep. When you wake up and remember the dream, write it down in your journal, then close your eyes and focus on the dream again. Imagine being in a dream, noticing an inherent sign or corresponding reality check result, and realizing that it is a dream. Try to hold on to this thought until you begin to drift off; the result may be a lucid dream.

  3. Consider purchasing a light alarm clock. Go online and buy a light alarm clock instead of a sound one, or even a special “dream alarm clock” designed to stimulate lucid dreams. Set your alarm to go off 4.5, 6, or 7 hours after you fall asleep, or set it to go off every hour if possible. Despite the fact that sound, tactile and other stimulation during the stage REM sleep(when the eyes move quickly during sleep) can make the sleeping person aware of the fact that they are in a dream, one study showed that the most effective stimulus is light.

    • You don't actually need to wake up (unless you want to use the timely awakening technique described below). Keep the lighted alarm clock out of reach of your own hands and away from the bed and/or cover it with a sheet or set it to a dimer light.

Using the Timely Wake Up Method

  1. Understand when lucid dreams are more likely to occur. Lucid dreaming and vivid dreams in general, they almost always occur during the REM stage of sleep, which is characterized by rapid eye movement. The first stage of REM sleep occurs approximately 90 minutes after falling asleep, and the remaining stages then repeat approximately every 90 minutes. Target this method consists of waking up during the REM stage of sleep, and then falling back to sleep and continuing to dream, already aware of being in the dream.

    • You won't be able to pinpoint the timing of your sleep stages without visiting a sleep laboratory or having a very helpful "night bird" watch your eyelids in the middle of the night. It's more realistic to just keep trying the method below repeatedly until you catch yourself in the REM stage of sleep.
  2. Consider taking galantamine. Galantamine is a drug synthesized from snowdrops that may be the most effective medication inducing lucid dreams. For optimal results, take 4-8 mg of galantamine in the middle of the night. Taking medication before bed may impair sleep quality and cause unpleasant dreams. Due to this feature and the bad ones listed below side effects galantamine is recommended for use only occasionally as an adjunct to other methods.

    • Please consult your doctor first to see if you have any health problems. Galantamine may worsen conditions such as asthma or heart problems.
    • This medicine increases the likelihood sleep paralysis, harmless but terrible condition when a person wakes up and cannot move his muscles for several minutes.
  3. Consider taking periodic B vitamins. Vitamins B5 and B6 can make dreams more vivid, bizarre, and emotionally rich, which can lead to lucid dreaming. However, to notice the effect you will need to take a dose of 100 mg. This is significantly more than recommended for daily intake dose, and if you take the vitamin in such volumes for long period time, this can cause damage to peripheral nerves. Use the vitamin only for special occasions and at your own peril and risk.

    • Consult your doctor if you are currently taking other medications or if you have any bleeding, stomach, bowel, or heart problems.
    • This drug may cause some people to wake up in the middle of the night, so it may be counterproductive if you are a light sleeper.
  • Lucid dreaming is a skill that needs to be learned, and even those people who regularly have lucid dreams only have them 1-2 times a month. Be patient and continue to practice the above techniques and you will gradually increase your chances and frequency of lucid dreaming.
  • If you periodically experience “false awakenings” during sleep, get into the habit of doing a reality check (for example, trying to read a book) immediately after waking up. Otherwise, a false awakening can turn a lucid dream into a completely ordinary one.
  • When experiencing a lucid dream, consider intentionally waking up a few minutes later. This will increase the chances of remembering the dream.
  • Don't drink anything within an hour before bed. Waking up to need to go to the toilet is the last thing you want when successfully experiencing a lucid dream.
  • If your sleep is not going as you would like, “close your eyes” while you sleep, and then forcefully open them. Repeat until you wake up.
  • If you think you are losing control of your sleep, shout very loudly what you want to happen next, and do this until you regain control of your sleep or until what you wanted happens.


  • If you become very agitated during a lucid dream, you may suddenly wake up. To try to return to sleep, close your eyes and concentrate on it. If you are only half awake but still "in a dream", turn around or rub your palms together.
  • A lucid dream can cause sleep paralysis, in which, when you wake up, you remain conscious and aware of your surroundings, but find yourself unable to move your muscles. This is harmless, but often frightening, especially when combined with hallucinations of someone's presence in the room. Sometimes some muscles are less susceptible to paralysis than others, so concentrate on trying to wiggle your toes or swallow and remain calm until your hallucination stops.

It has been around for over 4000 years. In this article we have collected the most popular and effective techniques to enter a lucid dream.

This article describes the following techniques:

  • "Drawing" technique
  • Overload technique
  • “Anchors” technique
  • Hyperventilation technique
  • Technique of "return to sleep"
  • Self-hypnosis
  • "Hatching" dreams
  • Mobile phone technology

Auxiliary: dream diary and mask

Dream Diary

The first thing we need is to keep a dream diary. In this case, a regular notebook and pen will do, which should be located near the bed; it is best to put them under the pillow. After each awakening from sleep, we must write down as quickly as possible all the details of what we dreamed.

If we do not do this right away, our consciousness will forget the dream. It is advisable that the bed is not close to the window, since after waking up we are likely to scatter our attention on a large number of objects outside the window and we also will not be able to remember our dream.

Why do we need this diary? Firstly, it promotes the development of memory and attention in dreams, and secondly, some small details that we notice in a dream will help us in the future to improve the practice of lucid dreaming.


Get into the habit of using an eye mask for your workouts. You can see such masks on an airplane, some international buses, or buy them at a regular pharmacy. They are usually simple and cheap. Of course, there are expensive relaxing masks, but the most important thing for us is that it be dark. Therefore, a cheap Chinese one, or just a homemade convenient option, will do just fine.

In addition, with regular training, the mask will help the body tune in to the OS, like an anchor in NLP.

There are also masks that give a signal (light) for a person to start doing exercises. But it’s best to first master OS techniques on your own, and then try technical innovations on yourself.

Well, earplugs often serve as an addition to the mask. This is true if your household is different time go to bed, or do you live in big city and even at night the noise from passing cars does not stop under the window. Earplugs (the drugstore variety or regular cotton wool) will help you reduce noise levels and focus on your workouts.

Remember, all techniques presented require constant practice and repetition. You are unlikely to succeed the first time, but this is not a reason to give up and give up.

There is no best technique for entering lucid dreams, since people are individual and what helps one may not produce results for another.

At the stage of choosing the technique that suits you, you need to choose: do you want to start training in a state of sleep or in a state of wakefulness? Starting training while awake will give you an advantage, and training from a dream state will be more like luck in the beginning.

So, let's get straight to the techniques.

"Drawing" technique.

Also called the silent counting technique, this technique is a variation of Tibetan sleep yoga developed by Tartanga Tulk, a Tibetan teacher living and working in the United States.

From the outside it may seem that the technique is very simple. But in fact it's the other way around. What do we need to do? When we go to bed, calm down and relax the body, it will take no more than 3 minutes. Next, we draw numbers in our imagination, starting from one. The presentation of numbers itself is very important; it can be a board with chalk, a stick and sand on the beach, or a spray can and a wall. The choice is yours, let your imagination run wild.

Let's start drawing. We mentally draw the first number, it is important to imagine it clearly and clearly, then erase it and draw the next one, and so on until 1000. At the same time, it is important to constantly repeat to yourself: “I am sleeping.” The difficulty of the practice lies in the fact that the exercise itself takes a lot of time and requires enormous concentration. But if you do everything right, you will eventually achieve what you want.

Soon you will realize that you are in a lucid dream, what to do next is up to you. This technique is also remarkable because it trains well concentration, willpower and maintaining awareness. All this will be useful to us in further lucid dreaming practices.

Overload technique

This is one of the most extreme techniques that requires the longest preparation.

The day before the experiment you need to spend a sleepless night. But you should not just stay awake, but do it intensely and brightly. Best to go to night club or to a place that will fill you with impressions and events. It is very important to be sober at all times.

After our sleepless night we have a busy day to spend. We can go to the cinema, do something unusual, or even extreme, this is of course at your discretion. It is important to spend the night and day so that you don’t get bored for a minute. At the end of the day, your body will be tired, but your mind will be awake as it processes past events.

As a result, you will have a short gap before going to bed, when your mind is still awake and your body is asleep. This can be used, but we need a “starting point” - Carlos Castaneda in his book “The Art of Dreams” suggests looking at your hands at the beginning of practice. Although preparation for this method is quite complicated, the effectiveness of the “Overload” technique is quite high.

“Hypnotic imagery” technique

The essence of this technique lies in a special state of “half-sleep,” as the Russian philosopher P.D. called it. Uspensky, who for a long time studied the moment a person enters a state of sleep. Subsequently, American psychiatrist Nathan Rapport refined the method of entering a lucid dream by concentrating on hypnotic images.

When we go to bed and close our eyes, after a while we begin to notice various objects in front of our eyes, various waves, circles and figures, they are called phosphenes. If you contemplate them for a long time, you can wait for a certain moment on the border of sleep and contemplation, when we relax, various hypnotic images jump out from our subconscious.

These could be voices, lights, etc., which later become brighter and clearer. These images are the precursors of sleep. The complexity of this technique lies in the fact that we only have one small time gap in order to get into a lucid dream. If we miss it, we will wake up in the morning, but if we try to catch our attention on these images too early, we risk, on the contrary, waking up.

In any case, we won’t succeed the first time; we need practice. But when using this technique, many people noted the brightness and richness of sensations during the dream itself.

“Anchors” technique

This is the most famous and widespread technique. It is also called the “critical state check technique”, it is described in more detail in the book “The Practice of Dreams” by Stephen LaBerge, a man who is considered a guru and ancestor of scientific approach in the study of dreams. The essence of this technique is that we must build a bridge between sleep and reality with the help of anchors.

An anchor is an object or event after which a certain pre-planned action should be taken. An anchor can be anything, the main thing is that we encounter it in everyday life as often as possible. This could be a sign, a car, a billboard, a person, etc. It is also important that the anchor often appears in our dreams, here we help will come the above diary.

After we have chosen an anchor, we need to perform a certain procedure.

  • Termination. All actions that we did before meeting the anchor should be stopped. Everything is clear here, for example, if we were walking, we stop.
  • Question. We ask ourselves the question, is this a dream?
  • Examination. We look at our hands, or at our watch, re-read the same text a couple of times, etc.
  • Action. Doing something impossible in real life, for example, we try to force ourselves to take off by force of will.

No matter how funny some points may sound, they must be done necessarily and sincerely. When we bring these actions to automaticity, we involuntarily perform them during sleep. Eventually our consciousness awakens and we enter a lucid dream.

Hyperventilation technique

It also has the name " Breathing method", this is a fairly ancient practice breathing exercises, or pranayama - breathing yoga, which is applicable to achieving lucid dreaming. This technique has been described by many gurus and scientists studying this phenomenon, such as Carlos Castaneda, Stephen LaBerge, etc.

This is the most simple technique but, despite its simplicity, it works, and for us this is the most important thing. Before going to bed, set an alarm for 4 am. When he calls, we wake up and are in a state of vigor for about 20-30 minutes, although everything is individual, for some two or three may be enough. The main task is to achieve such a state that you are aware of what is happening, but still want to sleep.

Next we proceed to the hyperventilation phase. When we lie down in bed, we begin to breathe frequently and deeply, as if after a long run. We do this for no more than 2 minutes. What happens next? We somehow discover that we are already inside a lucid dream.

Technique of "return to sleep"

This method belongs to the so-called “indirect techniques” of entering a lucid dream. The secret of the success of indirect techniques is due to the fact that attempts to enter the OS are carried out in a state of awakening. At this time, the brain, according to research, is very close to the desired phase state.

On average, when using the indirect technique, it takes 1-2 days and about 5 attempts to achieve a result. Those. If this method works for you, it will work quickly enough, and there is no point in training it for weeks, and even more so for months if something doesn’t work out.

So how to do indirect technique Return to sleep:

Step 1. After getting a little sleep, after 4-6 hours of sleep, you wake up to the alarm clock. After a few minutes (but no more than an hour), you go back to sleep. It will be great if during this period of time you do something related to lucid dreams - for example, read a book with techniques, or fill out a dream diary.

Step 2. We fall asleep with the intention of entering a lucid dream.

For example, you should have time - at least an hour after falling asleep again. So it is very convenient to try this method on the weekend.

Step 3. When we wake up again, without opening our eyes yet, we try to separate ourselves from the body. To do this, use the following techniques in turn: stand up, roll out, take off. We do this without straining physically, using sensations. The main thing is to try right away without wasting time. Otherwise, you will fall asleep or wake up completely.

Step 4. If it doesn’t work within a few seconds, then we go through well-known easy techniques (for example, visualization of hands, or the mobile phone technique), suddenly one of them will work. Don’t spend a lot of time on each, use just a few seconds each.

Step 5. If it doesn’t work again, we fall asleep and when we wake up, we try to leave the body into a lucid dream again. You can do this several times until you get up.

The downside of this technique is that you can disrupt your sleep schedule. On the other hand, very often the first lucid dreams come precisely when using this method.


The point is to convince yourself in the evening, before going to bed, that today you will definitely succeed. And there will be a lucid dream.
It doesn’t always work, but it can work for people who are prone to suggestion.

The second variation of this technique is receiving reminders.
Before falling asleep, concentrate on the desire to remember your dreams. Repeat a text like this several times, like a mantra: “Next time I have a dream, I will definitely remember it.” You can remind yourself all day, keep in mind to go to the store in the evening and buy bread and milk. The same principle applies here.

Technologies of "awakened consciousness"

This is a collection of techniques close to self-hypnosis, based on an attempt to maintain consciousness while falling asleep. To do this, lie down, completely relax and use any technique that suits you: forward or backward counting to 100, mental contemplation of pictures (so-called hypnotic images), focusing on the sound of tinnitus, etc.

Minor physical discomfort

There is no need to keep yourself sleep-deprived here. It is enough just to give yourself uncomfortable position, or sit on a hard-backed chair, or something similar.

The fact is that if you lie comfortably in bed, then the temptation to fall asleep will be much greater than to remain conscious in order to see a lucid dream and remember it. It is assumed that when you fall asleep in an uncomfortable position, your consciousness will remain awake longer, and your state will be closer to a trance than to normal sleep.

"Hatching" dreams

Some time before the dream, you begin to think about your dream, for example, “I want to go snowboarding.”
Write down this phrase, think about it, wish for it.. And when you are thoroughly excited about dreaming about such a dream, immediately go to sleep. And try to make sure that your thoughts about your goal are the last thing before you fall asleep.

Mobile phone technology

When you wake up, imagine that you have something in your hand. The easiest way to imagine it is a mobile phone, hence the name of the technology.

Actively concentrate on the feeling in your palm, it should become brighter. Feel it with your fingers (in sensations, not physically). When you can twist the mobile phone in your hand, use techniques of separation from the body - standing up, rolling out.

Now you know more techniques for achieving lucid dreaming.
Apply them and look for the best ones for yourself.

There is a fine line between a lucid dream and a normal one, when you are not able to control the events in a dream, and only observe what is happening, interact with other characters in the dream, and run away if danger threatens. Wake up in a dream world, just like in real world, the easier it is who is able to maintain awareness. The technique of lucid dreaming is both simple and complex at the same time. But all the authors who have been involved in the development of this topic agree on one thing - anyone who shows sufficient persistence and makes an effort is able to personally understand for themselves what lucid dreams exist and how to learn to enter into them.

Where to start preparing for lucid dreaming

Of course, preparing for a lucid dream begins with planning. First, let go of all expectations - you may wake up in your sleep after a couple of nights, but this can happen after months of training. First and foremost important rule- keep a dream diary and start recording your own dreams. The main problem that beginner dreamers face is the statement “I don’t dream” or “I can’t remember my dreams.” There is no need to remember everything, and not seeing most likely means simply not remembering what you saw in the dream world.

By regularly recording your dreams, you will determine individual characteristics. Noticing them will make it easier for you to realize that you are dreaming.

So, get a special notebook, a notepad that will always be next to your bed, and a pen that will always be at hand if, for example, you wake up in the middle of the night or in the morning and you need to write down a dream you had. And you will definitely need it, because as soon as you give yourself the mindset to remember, you will be surprised how many dreams you actually see. The main goal of this practice is to learn and get used to remembering as many details from your own dreams as possible.

The habit of recording your own dreams on paper develops memory, concentration and attention to detail. After 21 days, you will find that remembering your next dream is not difficult for you and you remember much more than before.

Over time, you will begin to notice that you have been to some places that perhaps exist in reality, and perhaps are somewhat different from their “real copies” in the waking world, or even exist only in the dream world, more than once . By visiting such places, you will learn to recognize them. This can be a starting point to identify and systematize the main features of your own dreams.

These signs will become the determining factor that will help you wake up in a dream, or rather, being in the world of sleep, remember that there is also a real world and you do not lose connections with it, but are temporarily in the world of dreams. To do this, every morning after waking up, immediately, without delay, write down everything you saw in your dream, even if at first it will be an incoherent text or a set of descriptions.

First steps to wake up in a dream

Once you have determined individual characteristics own sleep, try to use them as a beacon that will help bring you back to awareness at the moment when physical body will rest, and the creature will continue to work. For example, in your dreams you often see a multi-story building in which certain events unfold each time, but each time you recognize this place, and for a moment you realize that you have already been here before in a dream. Ask yourself: am I dreaming now or am I awake? This will not be difficult if during the day, while you are awake, you ask yourself the same question and try to answer it as consciously and with all your attention as possible.

Write a dream plan for yourself, a plot that you would like to play out. For example, you want to be in a clearing covered with greenery on a sunny day

Every time you ask yourself a question while you are awake and answer it, where exactly in this moment you are there, try to notice as many details as possible - what surrounds you, what colors objects are painted in. Now pay attention to what emotions you are experiencing at this moment, what your mind is doing. By doing a similar practice, asking yourself in the dream world: “Am I dreaming now?”, you become aware of where you are. There is one more important point- develop a rough plan for the dream you would like to see. The events in the dream will not necessarily develop exactly this way, but the plot is the main line and the people you plan to see will probably be there.

By defining in advance what you want to see in your dream, you can solve a certain problem in real life. For example, if you have a fear of public speaking, in a lucid dream you will be able to simulate situations where you clearly and with great success deliver your speech in public. The emotions and confidence that you experience will remain after awakening.

Develop a dream plan - this means writing down an event in your dream diary or describing a meeting with a person you would like to see. There are no boundaries in the world of sleep; having gained control over the world of dreams, you will be able to do what you have long planned - visit anywhere in the world, see any person. But the most important rule is not to desire or do anything for which you would be ashamed or punished in reality.

Techniques for entering lucid dreaming

You are much more likely to have a lucid dream if you regulate your sleep-wake schedule. The practice of dreamers shows that lucid dreams most often appear in the morning. If you plan to get serious about lucid dreaming, you need to ensure that you can sleep for at least two hours after six in the morning. In addition, it is important to set yourself up for learning. Realize that you really want to have a lucid dream and before going to bed, write in your dream journal: “I am lucid dreaming.”

Before you fall asleep, give yourself the mindset that you will see dreams and be able to realize them

In addition to the fact that it is important to ask yourself during the day, “Am I dreaming right now?”, after waking up, you need to ask yourself: “What did I see in my dream right now?” It is also useful to note during the day (you will most likely do the same during sleep) inconsistencies with reality. For example, in the real world, while you are awake, you are unlikely to see a coffee cup moving on its own across the table. Or how Digital Watch show the time 25:00 or any other absurdity. In the world of dreams, this may not be the case. Therefore, by developing the habit of noting such inconsistencies, in a dream you become aware that you are dreaming.

Attention to detail is another key to lucid dreaming. Develop the habit of noticing inconsistencies, everything non-standard in real life. Then in the world of sleep it will not be difficult.

A simple practice will help you learn to “catch” a borderline state that can serve as an entrance to a lucid dream - relaxation sessions for 20-30 minutes. Surely during the day you had to rest after intense intellectual work or physical labor, falling asleep for a short period of time. A twenty-minute nap sometimes provided more rest than several hours of sleep at night. You can also use such periods of daytime rest to practice lucid dreaming. Get into the habit immediately after waking up in the morning and after a short nap stay in bed and lie motionless for several minutes in the same position in which you woke up.

Do not open your eyes and direct all your attention to the images that were just before your eyes in a dream. Try to develop the plot. Consciously change the picture of the dream, interact with its characters and observe the reactions. Have you seen pleasant dream and you really didn’t want this vision to end when you realized that you were waking up and the picture was blurry. minutes borderline state after waking up, if you don’t allow yourself to wake up completely, it can become a starting point for a lucid dream. Maintain a state of relaxation and consciously direct your attention back to the dream. This is one of the ways to enter a lucid dream. In the process of practice, you will choose the individual and most effective method for yourself.

Instead of a conclusion

Lucid dreams are not such an unattainable reality. Despite the fact that development various techniques To enter lucid dreams you will need enough effort and time; realizing that you are dreaming is just like breathing. Sometimes the only thing that prevents you from seeing lucid dreams is internal fear - the unknown, potential danger, as well as lack of determination and unclear .

For mentally healthy person lucid dreams are a way to discover and explore the world of subtle energies, perhaps to realize ideas and long-held dreams that in the real world objective reasons cannot be implemented. Some dreamers use lucid dreams to get rid of complexes, fears, and develop new character traits.

There are no boundaries in the dream world, you can have any experience you want

According to one of the dreamers, the practice of lucid dreaming led to a fateful meeting in the real world. In youth and after twice mature age a man saw in a dream a woman whom he described as ideal for himself. After he managed to achieve a state of lucid sleep, the man deliberately created a situation in his dream where he could meet again the ideal woman and chat with her.

Finding your soul mate and communicating is, of course, necessary in the real world. But the image of an ideal man/woman in a dream will help you realize and clearly indicate what you expect from potential partner and, accordingly, speed up fateful meeting simply because you can see these qualities in one or one of the people in the real world.

As a result, after a fairly short period of time, the man met her in reality. Trying to achieve lucid dreams, everyone sets their own goals, which have one thing in common - the opportunity to become better, realize and develop their talents, and, ultimately, be more effective in the real world.

Lucid dreams are an exciting and interesting phenomenon when the sleeping person is clearly aware and understands that he is dreaming. In this case, all events in the dream are controllable and completely subject to the one who sees the dream. This is the main difference from ordinary dreams, where a person is just a spectator and cannot in any way influence the unfolding of events.

Many people confuse lucid dreaming with the astral plane, but these are different things. However, it is through lucid dreams that you can easily get into the astral plane, into an even more exciting world. There are many methods and techniques on how to become aware of yourself in a dream. And everyone chooses the one that resonates most with them and works well.


Lucid dreaming practice

For those who practice lucid dreaming, the practice of entering the astral plane will no longer seem like something transcendental and incomprehensible, which is why it is advised to start with lucid dreams. One of the good practices for becoming aware in a dream is to develop the habit of constantly checking and asking yourself: “Am I dreaming?” You can start doing this right now in real life, and after that the habit will transfer to your dreams. This is considered one of the simple ways.

And of course, for those who want to see lucid dreams every night, practice and perseverance should come first. Few people succeed in realizing themselves the first time, but then it becomes almost automatic. For some, this will take a matter of days, or rather nights, and for others, months or years. It is important to set an intention, then it will definitely work out.

There is also such a lucid dreaming technique as falling asleep after waking up. To do this, you need to set your alarm clock so that you wake up in five hours. After the alarm clock wakes you up, do not try to immediately fall asleep again, but remember and analyze what you dreamed about before and try to plunge into that interrupted state.

This lucid dreaming technique is very helpful, especially for beginners who want to quickly become lucid. There are other techniques, so you can easily find one that will work for you for sure. But no one forbids you to create your own techniques, using your imagination and practical experience.

Books about lucid dreaming have been published en masse in the last 10-15 years, when interest in this phenomenon has increased significantly, when people began to strive to know themselves and their essence.

And in books you can read not only lucid dreaming techniques, but also reviews from practicing authors, advice and even warnings. In general, you can learn from other people's mistakes. You can read in detail about lucid dreams in one of Carlos Castaneda’s books, which contains a very unconventional opinion about the world of dreams in general, which cannot but interest the reader.

Stephen Laberge devoted a lot of time to such a topic as lucid dreaming, whose books are known all over the world. This book is called “Lucid Dreaming.”

Some may wonder: “Why do I need all this? Why have lucid dreams, you can get by with simple ones?” However, if you experience such dreams a couple of times, then simple dreams will seem boring and uninteresting to you. After all, the world of lucid dreams knows neither frames nor boundaries.

It is possible to realize everything there, and it is limited only by yours. by one's own desire and intention. Having studied this process subtly and carefully in dreams, you can transfer and project it into life. This is exactly what Vadim Zeland writes about in his books on reality transurfing. That is, with the help of lucid dreams you can learn to create reality yourself, and in this case the dream will be like a draft.

Also, the world of lucid dreams facilitates travel to any space and at any time. There are no boundaries, it’s so fascinating, because you can experience so much different condition, while the experiences will be difficult to distinguish from real ones. In lucid dreams, you can ask any question and get an answer instantly.

Many people diagnose the condition of their body in this way. And what can I say, because a dream is a conversation with the soul, and it’s nice if this conversation is remembered and used for good. This powerful tool not only for self-knowledge, but also for spiritual development personality.

IN Lately many began to study lucid dreams, how to enter this state, how to then move to the astral plane and out-of-body experience. Forums are created with numerous users to exchange experiences, techniques, and tips.

Many people advise keeping a diary to write everything down while you sleep or immediately upon waking up. This way you can analyze a lot, and your brain can receive instructions. Mikhail Raduga gave and gives a lot of information to everyone who wants to practice lucid dreaming, how to enter a whole range of techniques for beginners, and who have been in the subject for a long time.


For many, Mikhail Rainbow and lucid dreaming have become almost synonymous. Ten years ago or so, he was so inspired by his experiences in lucid dreams that he decided to tell the whole world about it, and most importantly, teach this process how to larger number people, which he does well.

He was filmed documentary Several books have been written on this topic, there is a fairly popular website, its example inspires hundreds of thousands of people who want to learn from their own experience what lucid dreams are and how they can be used in their lives.

Mikhail Raduga presents lucid dreams and exit techniques differently for beginners and those with experience. Therefore, on its resources everyone can find something interesting and easy to understand. It is clear that the person loves what he does and shares it with joy.


How to get into a lucid dream? It's not that difficult, the main thing is the desire to master the skill. Below are exercises that will help you become aware of your dreams.

In the article:

How to get into a lucid dream - information for a beginner

If a person already knows what a conscious dream is, what opportunities and dangers it offers, you can begin exercises that will teach you to become aware of night travel. To try to get into a meaningful dream for the first time, you need to know the rules.

The main condition for learning to dream lucidly is the desire and regularity of training. If you have a desire to learn and a willingness to spend time achieving your goal without expecting immediate results, you should start practicing. When to Expect Success - unknown, the skill is developed individually.

It is imperative, regardless of the chosen technique, to maintain dream diary. In the morning, after waking up, you need to write down everything you saw at night. Experts who study lucid dreams believe that it is worth starting a dream diary several days before starting the practice. You need to write down all your dreams - both ordinary and lucid. The notes will be useful in the future and will strengthen your memory.

People who play video games are more likely to be aware of themselves while they sleep. If a person is interested in how to induce a lucid dream, it is worth adding relaxation while playing your favorite game to your schedule. Scientists have found that one hour of video game play a week promotes meaningful dreaming. Meditations are also useful. Taking B vitamins increases the likelihood of lucid dreaming.

How to Enter a Lucid Dream - Reality Check

Entering a meaningful dream: where to start? One simple way is the reality check method, based on developing a waking habit that will also manifest itself in a dream. Every few hours it is necessary to perform a reality check, looking at what appears differently in dreams than in reality.

The most common option is to look at your hands. If a person does this in real life, you definitely need to do this at night. In a dream, hands change shape and length, and the number of fingers may also change.

You need to pinch or close your nose to see if you can breathe. If there is no shortage of air, it means the person is sleeping. Another option is to look at any text or watch, then turn away and look again. In a dream, the text or time will change, the inscriptions will blur, become incoherent and unclear.

The main thing at this stage is to avoid strong emotions that contribute to awakening. You need to calm down and continue studying new reality and its capabilities.

Lucid dreaming - how to learn using the mnemonic method

Reality check - no the only way training Mnemonic method involves the use of a phrase learned and memorized to the point of mechanical repetition, which includes understanding in a dream and contributes to the development of such a habit as awareness of oneself at night.

How to learn to dream meaningful dreams using memory? Before falling asleep, you need to repeat:

I will be aware that I am dreaming.

The phrase can be anything, but the meaning must correspond to the purpose - a short sentence is suitable. Before you go to bed, you need to perform a reality check - these two methods are combined and enhance each other's effectiveness.

How to become aware of yourself in a dream - looking for signs of sleep

If someone who wants to have lucid dreams already keeps a dream diary, but still wonders how to become aware of themselves in a dream, the notes will help. You need to re-read the diary and find what you dream about most often at night. You should remember these signs of sleep, noting them as something that makes it possible to separate fantasy from reality.

This helps to enter a lucid dream. It doesn’t matter whether the sign of sleep is a change in the color of your favorite sofa in the house or an increase in the number of tails on your cat.

If you don’t have a dream diary, you should definitely try this method. Memorizing the signs of a dream is combined with any other methods of dream awareness.

How to induce daydreams or sleep paralysis

How to awaken a waking dream (sleep paralysis)? This phenomenon is associated with awareness in a dream and access to the astral and subtle worlds. The person is conscious, however, he cannot move until the dream comes to an end; hallucinations are also possible. People periodically suffer from sleep paralysis without wanting to cause it. The condition is safe if not combined with other disorders.

The first condition for increasing the likelihood of sleep paralysis is lack of sleep and lack of routine. It is necessary to combine waking sleep with short-term rest during the day or evening. Best period- from 19:00 to 22:00. It is necessary to sleep on your back - this body position increases the likelihood of waking sleep. You should repeat any word, concentrating on it and not be distracted. You can count silently to stay conscious.

Another option is to set your alarm so you can sleep for 4-6 hours. Then you need to wake up for 15-30 minutes, read or watch a movie to engage your brain. Then go back to bed and try to sleep. If sleep does not come, you need to take a comfortable position.

How to induce a lucid dream using timely awakening

You can try going to bed a few minutes after the person wakes up. For example, after keeping a dream diary every morning. How will this help induce meaningful dreaming? This way you can understand when lucid dreams most often occur. The goal is to wake up in REM sleep and then fall asleep. Here you need to guess: outside the laboratory, it is impossible to calculate the sleep phase on your own, unless you ask someone to observe eye movements while the person is sleeping.

Another option is to try waking up during the night. You need to set the alarm to ring in 4, 5, 6 or 7 hours. So the probability of “getting” into the phase sleep soon will be higher. It is believed that after this time the REM sleep phase becomes prolonged. If a person had a dream before waking up, when he goes back to sleep, he needs to imagine the continuation of the dream.

After getting up on the alarm clock, you need to bring your body into an active, wakeful state: have a snack or just move around. According to research, you need to stay awake from several minutes to an hour - the time will have to be selected individually, by trial and error.

Turns out to be an assistant light alarm clock or a special device for dream awareness - “dream alarm clock”. It is not necessary to wake up if you do not want to try the interrupted sleep technique. Light stimulation during REM sleep produces positive results.

How to get out of a lucid dream

If you have an understanding of how to enter meaningful dreams, but you cannot control what is happening in dreams, you should learn how to get out of dreams into reality. This will help if the plot has involuntarily changed: interesting adventures have turned into a nightmare. Coming out of a lucid dream is easier than entering, but there is a problem - false awakenings.

Emotions contribute to awakening. If you get scared, a person wakes up. This happens to beginners who are delighted with their first successes in becoming aware of themselves in a dream. If you don’t want to wake up, you need to remain calm.