When can an icon be consecrated? Questions for a priest of the Russian Orthodox Church: Shrines

Miraculous words: prayer for the consecration of icons at home in full description from all the sources we found.

Each new thing carries the energy of other people. Before the item came to us, it passed through the hands of creators and sellers. As a result, illnesses and possible losses await you if the energy of the purchase is negative. Only prayer for the sanctification of every thing can eliminate the negative influences of extraneous energy.

It will take a single touch for matter to remember you. Remember how psychics read information from objects on TV - here is the proof. By the way, they may not even touch the object, interacting only with its energy field.

Surely at least once you have had the feeling that something is alien? This happens when you wear clothes with energy that is incompatible with yours. In addition, objects are capable of storing information about the person who touched them.

It was touched by people whose stamp of anger and problems you may now need to get rid of.

And then what can we say about something that has already been used! How much alien energy is on it? The latter applies to used cars and real estate.

The breviary will tell you which prayer for the consecration of a thing (including an apartment and a car), making the object yours, will suit you. The prayer text contains a sound code that relieves absorbed energy. Some call it neuro-linguistic programming, but believers call it prayer.

How to properly consecrate a new thing?

For centuries, clergy have collected prayers for consecration new thing. They are aimed not only at charging an object positive energy, but also to cleanse it. Think about it, the people who took part in the production of this item could have had an “evil eye” and, without even meaning to, put negativity into the finished product.

And buyers who have hypersensitivity to reading other people’s energy messages and weak protection, they will feel uncomfortable touching “someone else’s” things. Prayers reduce discomfort in these circumstances.

The Breviary will tell you which text is best to choose. A thing taken by a layman is deprived of alien energy by reading the following text to consecrate the thing.

Consecration is carried out to let God's blessing into personal life owner of the item. Use this prayer service to consecrate anything. Although, if we are talking about a car or an apartment, it is better to invite a priest for these purposes. To do this, come to church, approach the priest and agree to meet when it suits you. The clergyman will definitely help you consecrate the item.

Faith is the main condition for effective prayer

The text found in the breviary for the consecration of any thing gives a feeling of pleasure when using it. Treat it when you buy an item or accept it as a gift. Treat it the same way when you buy an item that you have already used. But any prayer requires unquenchable faith from the utterer; only then will it be effective.

Sometimes you will need to seek the services of a clergyman. This applies to serious, large purchases. People have special hopes for them, focusing on long-term use of them. And so that these acquisitions are protected from negative influence those around you, you need to contact the clergy.

Orthodox prayer will work, the main thing is to know that what you want will come true.

You can strengthen your faith by praying often and going to church. Where, if not in the Temple of God, is it possible to truly believe? It is important to say and listen to prayers. Solve yourself, tune in to the good, detach yourself from today’s problems. God will help you resolve your issues. Everything is His will. Breathe calmly. Remember - His love, his care for his children will not leave you.

How many times have you noticed the onset of a certain feeling, a pleasant and blissful state, when reading a prayer service or visiting a temple? This happens because pure thoughts dwell here, excluding all evil. In the church they pray for souls, for the Earth, for the righteous and sinners - for everyone. That's why it's so easy here. If you say a prayer for the consecration of a purchase in a temple, it will have special power, filled, in addition to your personal energy, with the energy of the entire Orthodox egregor.

Previously, people came to church every week on Sundays to relax.

Once there, you will understand why this happened. Here you actually relax, finding peace of mind, renouncing worldly worries. Now the role of the church is downplayed, however, this is not a reason to forget where the storehouse of clean energy is located. By turning to the Lord in the temple with a request to cleanse a thing, you concentrate on the Heavenly world, gaining a connection with God. Imagine how holy prayer fills you with amazing power, inspiring you to achieve accomplishments. Now anything is available to you thanks to the power of prayer!

Prayer for the sanctification of every thing: comments

One comment

It is imperative to sanctify things so that they serve well. Indeed, things carry the energy of those who created them, who used them before you. Sanctification removes all negativity. It is especially useful to consecrate new house or the apartment you are moving to, or new car. In a word, a thing with which your life and the life of your family is connected. Health and prosperity to everyone!

Prayer for the sanctification of every thing: text and comments

Orthodoxy, more than all other denominations, attaches importance to the material component of life. Among the traditional prayer rites adopted in it are ceremonies for the consecration of almost everything that surrounds a person - from jewelry and clothes to planes and ships. Some of them are acceptable to use even for lay people. An example of this kind is the prayer for the consecration of any thing and the ritual associated with it.

The Need for Sanctification

The Orthodox tradition insists that matter in any form is subject to the influence of subtle energies or forces, which in nature can be either demonic, that is, evil, or beneficial, emanating from God. Based on this theory, the Orthodox Church in its practice strives to bring blessed energy everywhere, driving out the unclean. Therefore, adherents of this branch of Christianity consecrate their homes, cars, clothes, furniture and even pets. In special cases, for example, to consecrate an apartment, a priest is invited to perform a complex ceremony. As for household items, everything is simpler - the layperson is offered to read independently a prayer for the consecration of every thing. After it is pronounced, the thing to be blessed should be sprinkled with holy water. As a result of these actions, the item is considered purified and blessed from above.

There are several prayers for this case. One of them can definitely be found in almost any prayer book. Below is the most popular and simplest one.

Prayer for the sanctification of things

In prayer books the text is given in Church Slavonic language. Here, for a better understanding of the meaning, a Russian translation is given.

Creator and Creator of the human race! Giver of spiritual grace, giver of eternal salvation! You, Lord, yourself sent down your Holy Spirit with a blessing from above on this thing. Let it be armed with the power of Heaven's intercession for those who wish to use it. May she be strong for the salvation of the body and for intercession and help through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Comments on prayer

Creator and Creator of the human race!

IN Orthodox prayers this is a traditional appeal to God.

Giver of spiritual grace, giver of eternal salvation!

The theme of salvation is touched upon here, because it is in the light of sotereology (the doctrine of salvation) that Orthodoxy looks at the world. God sanctifies matter, not simply expelling evil from it, but spiritualizing it, thereby deifying and transforming it. In the orthodox tradition, it is the material world and the material body that are subject to salvation. Therefore, the process of consecrating even a new handkerchief or shirt is an anticipation and at the same time part of this great redemption of matter from corruption and death. Prayer for the sanctification of every thing emphasizes this connection.

You, Lord, yourself sent down your Holy Spirit with a blessing from above on this thing.

It is the Holy Spirit - the third hypostasis of the Trinity - that performs the function of the sanctifier of the world, as a special dynamic form of the presence of the deity.

Let it be armed with the power of Heaven's intercession for those who wish to use it.

Here, the prayer for the consecration of every thing affirms a subtle, grace-filled connection between the object and Heaven, that is, the spiritual kingdom of God.

May she be strong for the salvation of the body and for intercession and help through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The words “through Christ” reflect the Orthodox belief that the salvation of the world is possible only through the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross.

Other rites of consecration

Other most popular consecration ceremonies that are acceptable for the laity are prayers for blessing food, roads and travel. The most common rituals performed by a priest are the consecration of an icon, a cross, a home and a vehicle.

Translations of liturgical books



Priest: Blessed be our God always, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Reader: Amen. Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

To the Heavenly King: Trisagion. Most Holy Trinity: Our Father: Priest: For Thine is the kingdom: Reader: Amen. Lord, have mercy, 12. Come, let us worship: three times.

Reader: Amen. Glory to You, our God, glory to You.

King of Heaven: Trisagion. Glory, and now: Most Holy Trinity: Lord, have mercy. (3) Glory, and now: Our Father: Priest: For Thine is the kingdom: Reader: Amen. Lord have mercy. (12) Glory, and now: Come, let us worship: (3)

I will sing of Your mercy, O Lord, forever, I will proclaim Your truth with my mouth to generation and generation. Thou hast declared: mercy will be created forever, Thy truth will be prepared in Heaven. I have made a covenant with my chosen ones, I have sworn an oath to David my servant: I will prepare your seed forever, and I will build up your throne for generations and generations. The heavens will confess Your wonders, O Lord, for Your truth is in the church of the saints. For who in the clouds can be equal to the Lord? Will he become like the Lord in the sons of God? God is glorified in the council of saints, He is Great and Terrible above all those around Him. Lord God of hosts, who is like You? Thou art strong, O Lord, and Thy truth is all around Thee. You rule over the power of the sea; you tame the disturbance of its waves. Thou hast humbled Thou as the plague of the proud, Thou hast squandered Thy strength with the arm of Thy enemies. The heavens are Yours, and the earth is Yours, You founded the universe and its fulfillment. You created the north and the sea, Tabor and Hermon will rejoice in Your name. Thy arm is with strength: let Thy hand be strengthened, and Thy right hand be exalted. Truth and destiny are the preparation of Thy Throne: mercy and truth shall come before Thy face. Blessed are the people who cry out: Lord, in the light of Your face they will walk, and in Your name they will rejoice all day long, and in Your righteousness they will be exalted. For You are the praise of their strength, and in Your favor our horn will be exalted.

Your mercies, O Lord, I will sing forever, I will proclaim Your truth through my mouth to generation and generation, for You said: “Mercy will be established forever,” and Your truth will be established in heaven. “I have made a covenant with My chosen ones, I have sworn to My servant David: I will establish your seed forever and establish your throne for generations and generations.” The heavens will proclaim Your wonders, O Lord, and Your truth in the assembly of the saints. For who in the clouds will be equal to the Lord, will be like the Lord among the sons of God? God, glorified in the host of saints, is great and terrible for everyone around Him. Lord God of hosts, who is like You? You are strong, O Lord, and Your truth is around You. You rule over the power of the sea, and You tame the disturbance of its waves. You humbled the proud, like a wounded man, strong muscle Thine scattered Thy enemies. The heavens are Yours, and the earth is Yours, You founded the universe and what fills it. You created the north and the sea; Tabor and Hermon will rejoice in Your name. Your muscle is with strength; may Thy hand be strengthened and may Thy right hand be exalted! Justice and judgment are the foundation of Your throne; mercy and truth will go before Your face. Blessed is the people who know the cry of victory; Lord, in the light of Your face they will walk, and in Your name they will rejoice all the day, and in Your righteousness they will be exalted. For You are the praise of their strength, and in Your favor our horn will be exalted. Ps 88:2–18

Also the deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

Lik: Lord, have mercy.

Deacon: Let us pray to the Lord.

Chorus: Lord, have mercy.

The priest reads a prayer

Lord Almighty God our Father, glorified and worshiped in the Trinity of Saints, Whom neither the mind can comprehend, nor a word can say, Whom no one has seen from man anywhere, just as we have learned from the holy scriptures, here we believe and herein You, God the Father without beginning, and the Son We confess Your Consubstantiality and Your Spirit with the Throne. Like in the Old Testament, in Your appearance to Patriarch Abraham in the form of Three Angels, in the last days after the incarnation of the Only Begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ from the Ever-Virgin Mary, in the baptism of John on the Jordan, in the most luminous transfiguration on Tabor, and in the glorious ascension on Olivet, appearing, you showed us the image of the Holy Trinity; also the miraculous image of our Lord Jesus Christ, not made by hands, was depicted by Him on the ubrus, and was sent to the Edessa prince Abgar, and thereby healed many people suffering from various ailments, and taught us to honor this; Likewise, do not reject the images and likenesses of Your saints, but accept them. Even now, look upon these icons, which are Your servants, for the honor and glory of You, the only glorified God in the Trinity of saints, and Your Only Begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, His Most Pure and Most Blessed Mother, our Lady. Holy Mother of God and Ever-Virgin Mary, and in memory of Thy saints [names], I have built, bless and sanctify, and give them healing power, driving away all the snares of the devil, and in all things, those who diligently pray before them will be heard, and attract the mercy of Thy love for mankind, and receive grace create. For You are our sanctification, and to You we send glory to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages.

Lord Almighty, God of our fathers, glorified and worshiped in the Holy Trinity, Whom neither the mind can comprehend nor the word can describe! None of the people has ever seen You, and we only believe what we have learned from the Holy Scriptures, and so we confess You, God the Father Without Beginning, and Your Consubstantial Son, and Your Co-Altaral Spirit. Are you in Old Testament in Your appearance to Patriarch Abraham in the image of Three Angels, and towards the end of time after the incarnation of the Only Begotten Son of God, our Lord Jesus Christ from the Ever-Virgin Mary, in the baptism of John on the Jordan, in the most luminous transfiguration on Tabor, and in the glorious Ascension on Olivet, the image appeared showed us the Holy Trinity, as well as miraculous image Our Lord Jesus Christ, miraculously depicted by Him on the plate and sent to the Edessa prince Abgar: to them You are him and many others who are sick various ailments He healed and taught us to honor him; You also do not reject the images and likenesses of Your saints, but You accept them. Even now, look at these icons, which are Your servants in honor and glory of You, the One glorified God in the Holy Trinity, and Your only begotten Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, His Most Pure and Blessed Mother, our Lady Holy Mother of God and the Ever-Virgin Mary, and in memory of Thy saints (names) created, bless them and sanctify them, and give them healing power, driving away all the snares of the devil, and make sure that all who pray diligently before them are heard, and receive the mercy of Thy love for mankind, and received grace. For You are our sanctification, and to You we send up glory, to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages.

Lik: And to your spirit.

Deacon: Bow your heads to the Lord.

Lik: To you, Lord.

Priest: Peace to all.

Choir: And to your spirit.

Deacon: Bow your heads before the Lord.

Choir: To you, Lord.

Priest, bow in his head, secretly reads a prayer

Beginningless, invisible and incomprehensible Lord, who of old in the Old Testament created the likeness of the Cherubim from wood and gold and sewn work, in the tabernacle of testimony and in the temple of Solomon, to create the commanded, and now the images are not exactly in remembrance of Your saving benefits and Divine manifestations to the human race, in honor accept the glory of Your Most Holy Name, but do not reject those created in memory and imitation of Your holy saints, hear our humble prayer; bless these icons and consecrate them, and give them the grace and power to drive away demons and heal all ailments.

Beginningless, invisible, and incomprehensible Lord! In ancient times, in the Old Testament, You commanded to create images of Cherubim from wood, and gold, and woven work in the Tabernacle of Meeting and in the Temple of Solomon, and now images, not only created in remembrance of Your saving benefits and Divine manifestations to the human race and in honor and glory You accept Your most holy name, but you do not reject those things done in memory and imitation of Your holy servants! Hear our humble prayer: bless and consecrate these icons, and give them grace and the power to drive away demons and heal all ailments.

And he proclaims: For You are the One who blesses and sanctifies all things, O Christ our God, and to You we ascribe glory, with Your beginningless Father, and Your Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and ever, and to the ages of ages.

Exclamation: For You bless and sanctify everything, Christ our God, and we ascribe glory to You, with Your beginningless Father, and Your Most Holy, and Good, and Life-giving Spirit, now and always, and unto the ages of ages.

And the priest sprinkles the offered icon three times, saying:

And then the priest sprinkles the offered icons, saying three times:

These icons are consecrated by the grace of the Most Holy Spirit, by sprinkling sowing sacred water, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen. Three times.

These icons are consecrated by the grace of the Most Holy Spirit, sprinkling this sacred water, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen. (3)

And having sprinkled it, the priest burns incense, and bows before them, and kisses me. The Face sings the festive troparia, and therefore dismisses.

And having sprinkled them, the priest burns them with incense, and bows before them, and kisses them. The choir sings holiday troparia. And then dismissal is pronounced.

(c) Translations of Holy Scripture and Liturgical texts: Fr. Ambrose (Timrot).

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Prayer for the consecration of house icons

Repent, for the Lord is coming to judge

Lay services

Prayer for the sanctification of every thing

T risholy. Holy Trinity: Our Father:

The elder reads a prayer:

With the creator and creator of the human race, the giver of spiritual grace, the giver of eternal salvation: Lord Himself, send Your Holy Spirit with the highest blessing on this thing (at the same time we call the thing, for example: “these candles” or “this oil”), as if armed e by the power of heavenly intercession, those who want to use it, help O will be needed for bodily salvation and intercession and help in Christ Jesus our Lord.

The elder sprinkles the thing three times with holy Epiphany water with the words:

This thing is blessed and sanctified (at the same time we call the thing) by sprinkling this sacred water in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

On Sunday s I M A (name of saint of a given day)

The rite of blessing and consecration of icons

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.

Heavenly King: (three times) – or from Easter to Ascension: “Christ is risen from the dead”

The reader reads the usual beginning:

(12 times(three times)

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Alleluia, Alleluia, Alleluia.

The elder sprinkles holy water on the icon in a cross shape, saying:

Oh, this image is consecrated by the grace of the Most Holy Spirit, by sprinkling the sacred water in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.

After this, during the consecration of the icons, troparia and kontakia are sung in honor of the person depicted on the icon (holiday or saint). Then there is a vacation.

Blessing of a new home

Only a true Orthodox priest can consecrate a home with complete consecration. If one is not available or is absent due to the circumstances of the retreat, then any faithful can consecrate their home by sprinkling the holy Epiphany (Epiphany water). In the absence of priests and churches, Epiphany water can be taken on the night of Epiphany from any natural source With clean water during the singing of the troparion for the feast of the Epiphany three times (tone 1): “In the Jordan I was baptized to You, Lord, / Trinitarian worship appeared, / for the voice of your parents testified to You, / calling Your beloved Son, / and the Spirit in the form of a dove, / the affirmation of your words was known. / Christ God appeared, / and the world of enlightenment, glory to You.” . Best time to collect holy water between 12 and 2 a.m. local (not translated) time.

Before starting, you need to draw a cross on each wall of the house (east, west, south and north). For example, schematic:

A table is prepared in advance in the house, covered with a good clean tablecloth, a vessel with holy water is placed on it, oil is illuminated in a small vessel, the Gospel and the Cross are placed and candles are lit in candlesticks.

Through the prayers of our Holy Fathers, Lord Jesus Christ our God, have mercy on us.

Heavenly King: (three times) – or from Easter to Ascension: “Christ is risen from the dead”

The reader reads the usual beginning:

T risholy. Holy Trinity: Our Father: Lord, have mercy (12 times). Glory, and now: Come, let us worship: (three times)

The reader reads Psalm 90:

Zhiv s He will be established in the help of the Most High, in the shelter of the Heavenly God.

Speech e t of the Lord: Thou art my Protector and my Refuge, my God, and I trust in Him.

Yako Toy will save you from e ty l O vchi, and from words e rebellious

Pleschm A He will overshadow you with his own, and under the krill e It's over e yes: with weapons s child is His truth.

Do not be afraid of fear at night A th, from the arrow flying in the days,

From things in the darkness that pass away, from Wed I now, and the midday demon.

Pad e t from countries s your I a thousand, and darkness is at your right hand, but it will not come near you,

For You, O Lord, are my hope, You have made the Most High your refuge.

Not at And evil will come to you, and the wound will not come near your body,

As His Angel commanded e is about you, keep you in all your ways.

In the arms of O they make you angry, but not when you stumble e hit your foot on a stone,

Nast on the asp and basilisk at write and let's go e shi of a lion and a serpent.

For I have trusted in Me, and I will deliver, and I will cover, and because I have known My name.

He will call to Me, and I will hear him: I am with him in sorrow, at him, and I will glorify him,

I will fill him with long days, and show him My salvation.

The brethren sing the troparion in the eighth tone:

To the skin of Zaccheus' house, O Christ, salvation became the entrance, and now the entrance of Thy sacred servants, and with them Thy saints, angel, grant Thy peace to this house and graciously bless it, saving and enlightening all who want to live in it.

The elder, facing east, reads a prayer:

Lord God, Master Almighty, bless, we pray to Thee, this dwelling and all Thy servants living in it, for they are protected by Thee, may they abide in peace, love and harmony: bless them, for those who do Thy holy will, dwell here until their old age and the sons of their sons will see their sons: bless them with joy, joy and abundance, as they console the poor; bless them with long life, as if pleasing to You, the Master, Creator and Savior, by Your mercy, those who live in this dwelling and into Your Heavenly Kingdom will enter, prepared for all who do Your commandments. Hear us, O All-Merciful One, and bless this dwelling and those who live in it: for may they always praise You, our God, the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages.

The elder sprinkles holy water on all the walls of the house, saying:

In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, by sprinkling sowing sacred water, may all the evil demonic action be put to flight, amen.

Having sprinkled everything, the elder anoints with oil the walls of the house where the cross was inscribed, in the middle of it, first on the eastern wall of the house, then on the western, then on the northern and finally on the southern, saying:

This house is blessed by the anointing of this holy oil, in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, amen.

At the end of the anointing with oil, candles are lit in front of each cross, on each wall.

The brethren sing the stichera in the fifth tone:

Bless, O Lord, this house, and fill it with Your earthly blessings, and in it, preserve those who are damaged from every evil situation and want to live piously, and grant all the abundance of Your heavenly and earthly blessings and, as you are generous, have mercy, according to Your great mercy.

Reading from Luke of the Holy Gospel.


Now the elder stands facing east and reads the Gospel of Luke (19, 1 – 10)

1 Then Jesus entered Jericho and passed through it.

2 And behold, there was a man named Zacchaeus, a chief of tax collectors and a rich man,

3 I sought to see Jesus who he was, but he could not see the people, because he was small in stature,

4 And he ran ahead and climbed up a fig tree to see Him, because He had to pass by it.

5 When Jesus came to this place, he looked and saw him and said to him: Zacchaeus! come down quickly, for today I need to be in your house.

6 And he hastened down and received Him with joy.

7 And everyone, seeing this, began to murmur, and said that He had come to a sinful man;

8 Zacchaeus stood and said to the Lord: Lord! I will give half of my property to the poor, and if I have offended anyone, I will repay him fourfold.

9 Jesus said to him, “Today salvation has come to this house, because he also is a son of Abraham,

10 For the Son of Man came to seek and to save that which was lost.

Glory to You, Lord, glory to You. -bow-

The reader reads Psalm 100:

I will sing mercy and judgment to You, O Lord;

I sing and understand on the way blamelessly; when at And come to me? I walked in the gentleness of my heart in the midst of my house.

Do not offer before my eyes a thing that is unlawful; those who commit crimes come to hate.

Don't cling e my heart is obstinate; I have not known the evil one who turns away from me.

The one who slanderes his sincere secret, I expel him; with a proud eye and an insatiable heart, there is no poison with this I X.

My eyes are on the faithful lands, plant them with me; walk on the blameless path, serve this me A she.

Do not live in the midst of my house and create pride; Say, the unrighteous does not make amends before my eyes.

In at tria beating all the sinful earths And that all who practice iniquity shall consume from the city of the Lord.

Lord have mercy. (12 times)- read instead of a petitionary litany

It is worthy to eat as you truly bless Thee, the Mother of God, the Ever-Blessed and Most Immaculate and the Mother of our God. We magnify You, the most honorable Cherub and the most glorious without comparison Seraphim, who gave birth to God the Word without corruption.

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. And now and ever and unto ages of ages. Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy, Lord have mercy. Bless.

On Sunday s th from the dead Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through His Most Pure prayers I M A Tere, the holy Apostle of love John the Theologian and other saints and all-praised Apostles, holy (name of the saint of the day), Saints and righteous Godfather Joachim and Anna and all the saints, have mercy and save us, for you are good and lover of mankind.

In ancient times there was no practice of consecrating icons. We find evidence of this from the VII Ecumenical Council, which says that icons are holy by the similarity of the image to the person depicted and by the inscription of the name, which confirms this similarity.

The need for a special rite of consecration arose only when the images themselves ceased to be “similar” in the original ancient understanding. That is, when they ceased to clearly express the holiness of the person depicted and the believers began to ask the clergy to do something to make the image holy.

The practice of sanctification arose first in the West. The ritual involved sprinkling the icon with holy water and reading a special prayer. However, the rite of consecration cannot make a sacred image out of an unsacred image. Because if this image not an icon in its style and artistic properties - it will not become an icon through sprinkling with holy water.

This means that the only understanding of the act of consecrating an icon is to perceive consecration as the acceptance of a given image by the Church, in order to certify by this consecration that the image is worthy (has the necessary qualities) in order to be included in the liturgical life of the Church. But believers can really pray in front of this image to God and the saint, and this image will help correct prayer. At the same time, the priest must have a fairly good understanding of such issues, for which there are the disciplines “theology of the icon” or “Orthodox iconology (iconology).”

“According to this rite, which is contained in our missals, icons were not consecrated in the old days,” writes Archimandrite Zinon. It is called the rite of blessing, not consecration, and should be considered as the Church’s approval of this image, and not as some kind of sacramental act. After all, no one will come to mind, having bought a new Gospel, to consecrate it before starting reading. In the icon, it is not the substance that is venerated, but the person depicted. The inscription is necessary, as they used to say, in order for the spirit of the person praying to be established, that is, so that the person praying knows exactly who he is addressing , because the iconography of many saints is similar."

The inscription of the name of a saint is similar to the naming of a baby. In ancient times it was done not by an icon painter, but by a bishop, thus certifying that the icon was executed canonically correctly. Now this action has been replaced by the rite of illuminating the icon, after which we have no doubt that the face of a specific saint is looking at us, to whom we can pray, which means that the work becomes an icon.

Thus, in our time, icons began to be consecrated to confirm the holiness of what is depicted. Actually, this action can be understood as evidence from the Church that the one who is inscribed is canonically correctly depicted, which means the icon is genuine. It is important to remember that before consecration the icon must be treated with the same reverence and respect as after. By consecrating any other object, we invoke the grace of the Holy Spirit. An icon is holy only because the Lord, the Mother of God or saints are depicted on it.

Good day! Forgive me for putting “I don’t know” in the “religion” column, it’s just that in St. Petersburg I encountered very great dishonesty on the part of the clergy, which I am doing now, as my great-grandmother told my mother, and my mother told me, i.e. according to the Biblical commandments, which were told like a bedtime story. I actually have 2 questions.
1) I embroider icons with beads, or rather, only the clothes of the icons, I don’t touch the face or hands. And I make icon eggs, i.e. I try on an icon on a wooden block so that it fits, and I decorate the robe in the same way, I took this method from the master, who gave me the go-ahead and told me how everything is done, there’s just one thing - when you attach the icon to the block, you need to make small cuts, but so that the face and hands are not hurt, but is it possible to cut their clothes? And if I accidentally cut it, what should I do (besides prayers and forgiveness)? The master said: burn it right away, but my hands were shaking when I did the first work, or rather the cuts, but then burn it, but my hand won’t even raise it! It’s just that maybe this shouldn’t be done at all, but I do it? But, on the other hand, I’m not doing it for fun, but for the sake of my own interest (in handmade) and I make beauty, and not for sale, but for people close to me and dear to me! It’s just that in our city, Father didn’t even undertake to consecrate the icon and didn’t say anything, didn’t explain, but simply asked him not to waste his time with nonsense! And sometimes there is some rude, unfriendly man (an example from my family: my aunt is a believer, but, unfortunately, she lives, not debunked and not painted, just men - one cannot be reached, far away, and the other is “shabby”, says: “Get pregnant , then I’ll get married!”, well, Father, he almost sent it without explaining anything! And the other Father comes once a month, but he doesn’t have much time, but he explains everything - I can’t get to him!). It’s just that after this you understand that among the clergy there is a wolf in sheep’s clothing! And of course you begin to believe on your own, as in the old fashioned way, somewhere in a corner near the icons and lamps, putting everything not only towards your loved ones, but also into your beadwork. Basically, the essence of the question is: is it possible for me to make eggs-icons and icons themselves? And what should you do if you suddenly spoiled, not for evil, an icon?
2) Recently a very terrible incident occurred, after which neither me nor my stepfather have yet recovered! It’s just that my stepfather’s daughter was killed in the 4th month of pregnancy, everything was very vague, terribly incomprehensible, some kind of injection, in the end they didn’t even do an autopsy at the morgue, but simply gave an overdose, although how do they know, purely one injection per hand! The mother of the “named sister” is a complete alcoholic, she didn’t care, my stepfather (I call him dad, because he raised me from the age of 3, so from now on I’ll just write “dad” - I’ll write, otherwise “stepfather” “- somehow it sounds very cold!) I paid for everything, but they didn’t even perform the burial service for her (but it was clearly clear that this was a murder, such bruises on the arms and legs! Moreover, the child grew up in it, and she took care of it with all her might, because she lost her first one because of a neighbor who poured a pot of boiling soup on her, and she really wanted this second child, because she shared it with me!)... Well, it’s God with everything ! Is it just possible to have a Christian burial on the 2nd day (it’s just that the 3rd day fell on Sunday! And on Sunday, as I know, they don’t bury, but even on the second day it’s too much? The most frightening thing was at night, around 3-4 at about o'clock in the morning there is an obvious knock on the door (I spent the night in a separate room, from my father and his aunt and her husband), very clear and persistent, but somehow not like living person, I think: “If dad’s aunt is necessary, then she will open it and come in, or one of her own!” It lasted about 5 minutes, then everything fell silent, but there were no steps, nothing, no one was walking! People simply reject the unusual, but then what was it? The next morning I asked everyone, no one got up at all that night, even to the restroom! Sorry for writing so much, this is just something that “torments” me! And what to do before 40 days so that the soul calms down at least a little? She just comes every night and doesn’t calm down! Just why doesn’t she come to her killer, but touches people who are really very grieving and worried about what happened?
Thank you very much in advance! I'll be waiting for your answer!

Shlisselburg, Leningrad region.
Don't know

QUESTION: In the church I was told that only icons consecrated in the church are “valid”. Without this lighting, they are almost simple pieces of paper. But it seems to me that icons are sanctified by those who are depicted on them. Same with body crosses, medallions with the image of the Virgin Mary. Or am I wrong? I just have quite a few icons at home - simple newspaper clippings, photocopies that I like. Do they need to be consecrated?

ANSWER: My dear friend!
Our good Lord, in His mercy, has given us many visible gifts, which we can use at our own discretion, these are: prayerful (church) consecration of a pleasing deed, consecration of a house (dwelling), consecration of a thing that serves us, an image (icon), consecration of food, consecration water, oil (oil), etc. Special place This is occupied by consecrated water, which itself serves us for sanctification: we can sprinkle or wipe ourselves, the thing or room we need with it. Epiphany water, blessed during the feast of the Epiphany, has special beneficial powers.
These are God's gifts to us, which we can use with gratitude to the Lord; neglecting them is not very useful for us: like everything given to us by God for our help, we will have to give an account for their correct use.
Yes, as St. John of Kronstadt writes about this, the image of the Cross of the Lord, images of the Lord, Mother of God and saints in themselves, in view of human intention during their production and use, are holy.
However, if we refuse to sanctify them also in the Church, then in this way we seem to neglect the gift of God and the Divine structure of the Church itself, for the Church is not somewhere outside of us, but we ourselves constitute the Church. The church hierarchy, with the help of which sanctification is carried out, is the Divine structure of the Church.
Some saints clearly distinguished images that were consecrated (churchly) from those that were not. St. Padre Pio, for example, had such a gift. He always meekly pointed out to a person that he should consecrate the icon or cross that he had, because... he probably bought it in a worldly store, and it was not consecrated.
I, like you, along with the icons I have, also have some favorite paper copies, photos and even drawings, and use them along with the icons. There is no sin in this, it only serves my piety: this is how I feel in my heart, this is, perhaps, the peculiarity of my perception.

QUESTION: When a priest was our guest, he blessed the entire apartment, sprinkled holy water in the rooms, including sprinkling the icons. This, in essence, is church consecration? Or is there a special rank for this?

ANSWER: Dear friend!
In the Orthodox Church there is a certain rite for consecrating an icon; In the Catholic Church, the priest also, when consecrating the icon, reads certain prayers and sprinkles it with sacred water.
The paper images that are especially dear to me and in front of which I often pray have value specifically for me and I do not distinguish them from consecrated icons. For another person this may not be the case. He can calmly put this "magazine clipping" (which prayerfully served someone long years) somewhere in a book or even burn it. This will not be a sin, because... for him it is not an icon, but only its illustration. He will not do this with the icon: in the worst case, he will take it to church or give it to some believer. This is the psychology of faith.
However, as I explained earlier, it is not just about psychology. This is the reality of faith. There is God, there is the Church, She has rituals and traditions. These are not just nuances or features, this is the reality of the presence of the Divine grace of the Holy Spirit, who, giving everyone life and vital energy, is present in the Church of Christ in His special gifts of grace.

Blessed be God.

With love in Christ Jesus our Lord.

Canonical orthodox icon shows us a world transformed by the grace of God. An icon is not a realistic image. Special techniques, with special paints, in symbolic form, the icon painter conveys a different, spiritual reality - the reality of the Kingdom of God. If we see the image of a saint on an icon, we are not just looking at a portrait of a Christian who lived in a certain era, despite the fact that portrait resemblance is inherent in the iconographic image. On the icon we see the image of a person, changed, purified, ennobled by the grace of the Holy Spirit.

The icon shows the spiritual appearance of a person, and is always turned to the praying person standing in front of it, because, like a saint, he remains in the spiritual world in unceasing prayer. The icon was created for prayer; its meaning is revealed only through prayer.

The chosen ones of Christ, who have acquired the grace of the Holy Spirit in earthly life, stand before the throne of God in eternal joy and bliss in the other world. In our lives, saints of God are spiritual intermediaries between God and people. The saints, especially those close to us in time, are well aware of all the difficulties and sorrows of earthly life. Out of love and compassion for people, they pray to God himself, for those who ask for their help.

The saints of God, for their special Christian feat, patience and humility, received many gifts from God: healing the sick, helping the suffering, consolation and admonition. Everyone knows that St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps on the road and in travel. St. Sergius Students from first-graders to undergraduate and graduate students pray to Radonezh. By the grace of the Holy Spirit, St. Sergius helps in understanding science and passing exams. In St. Petersburg there is a tradition of asking St. for help in many problems. blzh. Xenia of St. Petersburg is the patroness of the city and intercessor of all believers.

From time immemorial, Russian people have known that in difficult, insoluble circumstances one must pray with all one’s soul to one’s beloved saint or one’s heavenly patron and surrender everything into the hands of God. Many of us have this experience of incomprehensible resolution of problems through prayer to the saints.

Consecration of the icon

As for the consecration of icons, modern Church There are opposing opinions. Some clergy, based on the experience of the Middle Ages, believe that an image painted strictly according to iconographic canons represents embodied holiness. The Lord is holy - which means His image, created by the icon painter in prayer and with blessing, is also, undoubtedly, holy and worthy of worship. The name of God is holy, and every image is accompanied by the writing of the name. Therefore, no additional consecration is required.

Nowadays, the ancient traditions of icon painting, dating back to the works of the great Andrei Rublev, Daniil Cherny and other icon painters, are being successfully revived. If you have purchased an icon painted according to the old canons, you can place it in your home and pray in front of it without resorting to an additional rite of consecration.

At the same time, in modern Russian Orthodox Church There is a special rite for the consecration of icons. The rite of consecration of icons consists of reading special prayers and sprinkling with holy water. In practice, this ritual began to be used after the Schism and spread during the Synodal period.

Today it is customary to consecrate old, restored icons as a sign of the Church’s blessing on prayer before the found image. Embroidered icons are also blessed. Sometimes priests recommend consecrating an icon purchased in an antique store or given as a gift. A new icon from a church shop can be immediately placed on a wall or on a shelf and prayed in front of it. If there are doubts, and for some reason you want to consecrate the purchased icon in the temple, you should consult with the priest and do as the priest bless. In any case, there is nothing reprehensible in the rite of consecration of icons.

Where do they place icons of saints in the house?

Icons in the house of a believer can be located in all rooms, in the kitchen and in the hallway. Icons should be placed on the eastern wall, since Christians pray facing east. but if this is not possible due to the layout, it is permissible to place icons where there is enough free space. It is important to remember that in the interior of an apartment, icons should be separated from secular paintings, decorative panels and other decorations. The icon is placed in the apartment to pray before it.

Prayer before the icon of a saint requires certain conditions - silence, concentration. Therefore, you probably shouldn’t place icons in walk-through rooms, where children usually play, as well as in areas of the house cluttered with things, furniture, and other things. Prayer presupposes the presence of free space, order and silence.

Practice shows that it is most convenient when all the icons are placed somewhere in one place, on a shelf or rack, where a person usually reads morning and evening prayers, and generally prays. A special prayer atmosphere is created in this corner; nothing reminds you of everyday activities or distracts you. But individual icons of saints can be placed above the work desk, above the child’s school corner, as well as in the dining room or kitchen where the family has lunch.