Correction of cowardly behavior in dogs and puppies or how to stop being afraid of people. The dog is afraid of people The dog is afraid of everything how to treat

Many, having bought a clumsy tailed creature, are aware that they are entrusting themselves with a serious responsibility. Understanding that the pet will need care, proper maintenance, good feeding, few owners think about no less important side raising a normal adequate dog. About her psychological development. Due to this lack of attention to important component proper education the most different problems and questions. Owners often ask, “Why is my dog ​​afraid of dogs?” Let's take a closer look at where the roots of this problem come from and how to deal with it.

Animal psychologists claim that in psychological disorders With our four-legged friends, we ourselves are largely to blame. More precisely, of course, our way of life. By taking a puppy into the family, we make him a member of the “pack”; instinctively he behaves as an animal should, doing or not doing something. But there is no one else like him in the family. And the kid has no idea how to communicate with his own kind. When the animal grows up, being prone to aggression, it will attack all the dogs it sees on its way. If the pet is not a leader, it may grow into a cowardly dog. Your animal is afraid of dogs even if it was once brutally bitten, if you punished it too much for approaching another pet.

The baby can show fear in different ways: shy away, hide under objects, tuck his tail and lower his ears, even whine pitifully. If you have an adult at home big dog which the puppy is afraid of, he may continue to “cry” all the time. “How to stop a dog from whining?” the owners ask under such circumstances. As soon as the baby stops being afraid, he will stop whining; your task is to eliminate his fear of his adult brother. This is done through gradual habituation. Being close to animals, the owner should often bring them together in one place so that they sniff each other. Manifestations of aggression, even minimal ones, on the part of a large pet must be strictly suppressed.

If a puppy shy away from small or adult dogs on a walk, it’s easy to help. You need it for him. Preferably close in age and size. By playing with them during walks, the dog will understand that there is nothing scary about other puppies, on the contrary, they are very interesting.

If the adult situation is more complicated, it is also possible to solve the problem. It is necessary to gradually accustom her to the company of four-legged human friends. These need to be different pets, so that your animal does not get used to only one specific one. Take your dog for walks on a leash. Do not react to manifestations of cowardice, remain calm and calm. Praise for courage, but for any aggression you must punish - a jerk with the leash, a stern shout of “Ugh!”

By the way, when solving the problem of where to buy a dog, remember that when purchasing it from random people, you are taking a risk. Your shaggy friend may not be the breed you dreamed of, or even a mixed breed. There is nothing wrong with this if your dog, for example, guards the garden. You don't need any special qualities from this pet, just to bark. But what if you introduce a dog into a home, into a family with children? Crossbred blood in itself gives mental instability, and if the relatives of your new four-legged friend are Alabai, who guarded the sheep herds, serious and aggressive dogs? But you wanted a Labrador for your child. Each breed of dog should be used for its intended purpose; it is not for nothing that it has been bred for decades. So be careful, buy a purebred animal from trusted professional breeders. This way, you won’t have an unexpected problem like “my dog ​​is afraid of dogs” or, on the contrary, “my dog ​​hates all the animals in the area.”

Usually, fear of people in dogs occurs as a consequence of negative experiences in their life. The dog may have been very frightened or hurt and now it avoids strangers.

It is quite difficult to correct this situation, but it is possible.

  • Do not feel sorry for or scold the dog in those moments when it experiences fear. This further disorients and frightens the animal and reinforces the incorrect behavior.
  • The owner should behave calmly, as if nothing was happening.
  • First of all . You can start this by gradually expanding the circle of people she knows.

These could be guests, and you should also take your dog with you more often when going for a walk with friends. At the same time, acquaintances should not pay attention to the animal, so as not to frighten it even more. When the dog begins to feel calmer in company, you can ask someone to talk to it gently, then pet it gently, without looking directly into its eyes and raising your hand with your palm up.

Gradually, the number of people communicating with the dog needs to be increased. After some time, she will understand that people are not dangerous to her. But quite a lot of time can pass. For some particularly fearful animals, it may take more than a year to begin to trust people.

What else should you do if your dog is afraid of people?

Another way to socialize a dog is to have it interact with strangers in the presence of another, friendly dog. It is advisable that the second dog is older than her.

A cowardly animal, seeing that a person does not offend its fellow tribesman, will itself become much less afraid. Such communication in different companies you need to continue until the dog is completely cured of fear of people. In any case, with such a problem in the dog’s behavior, you should under no circumstances isolate it from people, this will lead to even greater alienation.

On the contrary, you need to carefully but systematically introduce the dog “to people”, achieving its complete indifference to strangers. The dog can be taken to the market, to exhibitions (even as a guest), to the subway, shops, and along crowded streets. Some dogs do not hide out of fear, but rather attack strangers.

In this case, when going out to where people are expected, the dog must be muzzled and taught the restraining command. It wouldn't hurt to ask for help.

Even though dogs are friendly and loyal creatures, in some cases they may not trust and fear their owners.

After all, dogs, like people, are by no means insensitive robots and have their own inner fears.

Cowardice- this is just one of the character traits that can be inherent in an animal.

To help your pet feel confident, you need to understand the reason for the appearance of fears.

Reasons for that. It's enough for a dog to be afraid of its own owner. One of them is cruelty to animals. Naturally, the pet will be afraid of the person who has used or is using physical punishment in his direction and screams loudly at the pet.

Another common reason for dog cowardice is lack of mother's love(as well as premature separation from her), aggression brothers or life in all alone. Your little one four-legged friend may be cowardly, since he was torn away from his mother early or was the weakest in the brood. The puppy will be afraid of the owner if most Spends time alone, does not see people or other dogs.

In some cases, a person difficult to find contact with the animal because of his cold and indifferent attitude towards the pet. This also happens with overly strict owners. The dog worries that its feelings are not being responded to, and begins to get nervous and scared. She feels that she has done something wrong; the owner does not approve of her behavior. Occasionally she believes that her owner is calling her to punish her. So that your furry friend is not afraid, you need to talk to him and praise him. If you don’t communicate with your pet, he will withdraw and withdraw into himself.

Some dogs begin to panic as soon as the owner approaches them, and at the same time show their submission by tucking their tail and lying down on the floor. They may salivate excessively due to fear.

If this happens, the pet should be calmed down. They call him, treat him kindly, play with him. After some time, the dog is asked to come again, praised for fulfilling the request. Repeat these steps until your furry friend stops feeling afraid. At the same time, you cannot shout or punish. It is necessary to remain calm so that the dog does not feel irritated.

One of the reasons for fear of a person can be called weak nervous system animal. This happens in cases where certain natural characteristics of the pet’s character are superimposed on the bad experience of living next to a person or errors in upbringing. The dog that is trained, developed and socialized will have strong nerves, because it is also a person. They need daily walks, training, close contact with the owner and communication with relatives.

When communicating with a dog, you should not wave your arms or shout, showing your superiority. We need to give her special place, where she will rest and sleep, maybe be alone.

The puppy must clearly understand what he is allowed to do and what is unacceptable. You can punish a dog only when you see that it is not “embarrassed” in acting out in your presence.

The dog is afraid of people, a situation that pet owners often have to deal with. This behavior is caused by a personality tendency or some actions of a puppy under three months that caused fear. The first three months are an important stage of socialization. The owner must introduce his dog to people and other animals. When fear occurs, it must be eliminated.

Causes of fear

The dog is afraid of people on the street for various reasons. One of them is the mistreatment of the dog by the owners early years. He develops a fear of people. This is mainly observed when the dog was raised by breeders, and not by experienced dog breeders.

The dog is afraid of people and barks as a result of lack of socialization for up to three months. During this period, the puppy should gain experience communicating with people. If this recommendation from dog breeders is not followed, correcting the situation by making the behavior calm is a difficult task.

A pet may experience fear of strangers due to weak nervous system. Most often, a puppy is born with this character trait. As he grows up, he faces phobias. To eliminate them, the owner will have to put a lot of effort.

The causes of fear can be idiopathic. Their origin is unknown. In such cases, the dog shows fear of something specific - he is afraid tall people, frightened by a loud voice. A similar situation can occur within a family when a pet experiences a feeling of fear towards one of the family members.

Why is a dog afraid of people?

In most situations a phobia can develop specific people. They may experience fear of citizens dressed in uniforms of a certain configuration with a smell. This often happens when a dog remembers his abuser who beat him.

May experience fear of veterinarian who is wearing a white robe. He is associated with painful sensations and discomfort. The dog experienced such feelings at the reception. Phobias can cause fear of a cyclist or a person with a beard.

Basic actions for fear in a dog

What to do if you have a passive reaction? The dog is afraid of strangers and begins to quickly run away from them in order to hide in a secluded place. This reaction is characteristic of melancholic and phlegmatic people. The owner must take adequate measures.

You must wait until the dog moves to a safe distance. In the event that he does not plan to stop, he needs to give the command “Come to me”. It is more correct to call the dog by name. You should approach your pet only after it has stopped. This should be done without fuss.

Make sure that the dog no longer feels afraid. After this, you can fasten the leash. To complete these actions, you must give the order “Nearby”. He needs to be distracted by games and simple tasks.

In many cases, a passive reaction is a confirmation of lack of self-confidence. In this situation, the owner must by example show that there is no need to worry. Dogs often copy human behavior.

How to deal with aggressive behavior

When an animal not only barks, but also uses its teeth, you need to see a professional dog handler. This reaction is typical active dogs by nature, sanguine and choleric. If the dog growls and barks, you need to confidently approach it and pull its collar, commanding “Quiet.” When this measure does not work, you need to clasp the pet’s sternum with your knees and hold it until the person who became the source of aggression leaves. Subsequently, you should sit nearby and say “Okay” in a stern tone.

Dog owners prohibit praising or petting the dog. In order not to encounter such behavior, it is necessary to engage in intensive socialization. It consists of regular walks and a kind attitude towards your friend.

Ways to adapt to a new place

You can accustom your dog to unfamiliar territory by following the recommendations of professional dog breeders. The result will be a reproduction of the situation that the dog is afraid of. To do this, you should take it with you everywhere. After gaining experience and understanding that an unfamiliar environment does not pose a danger, the animal can get rid of fear.

When alarm occurs, the owner should pat him on the back. Such actions will show that everything is in order and there is no need to be afraid of anything. On walks you need to take treats and designated toys with you. With their help, you can rid the animal of fear and entertain it.

When it is difficult to cope with fears, you need to use a different method. It consists in having the dog go for walks with brave dog. The confidence of another dog will be transferred to your dog.

It’s easier to get used to a new place if you recreate the old environment. To do this, you need to find out about the dog’s habits and recreate the same environment. You need to feed and walk him at the same time as before. Over time, the schedule can be shifted to suit you. Thus, you should do the same with your diet. It is necessary to devote time to care and play.

The dog is afraid of the owner, this behavior occurs at first. The animal may run away to find its former owner. Therefore, at first you should not leave your pet alone in the yard. You can overcome hostility towards the new owner by trying with all your might to please him (feed him more often and create comforts). To establish close contact, the dog can be fed by hand. During the first weeks you need to be with him constantly. This way he can get used to your presence.

The main way to eliminate animal fearfulness is to establish strong relationships. For this purpose, it is necessary to form the dog’s perception of its image in certain ways.

The person should enter the house first. The owner needs to control sleep, food and walking schedule. Attempts to enter prohibited territory, such as climbing onto a table or bed, should be resolutely discouraged. This must be done firmly, but it is prohibited to use physical force. You should also not allow yourself to be bitten even when playing. You can scare away a dog sharp sound. When she exhibits positive actions, she should be encouraged.

What actions to take when teams are ineffective

The pet owner has to face a problem when the dog does not understand any commands. He runs around and doesn't listen. Veterinarians believe that this behavior is due to the fact that a cowardly dog ​​is afraid of the owner’s intonation, which sounds threatening. You should call your pet as friendly as possible. At the same time, you need to be assertive so that he obeys.

Experienced dog breeders warn that when an animal approaches, it should not be punished. This measure is a mistake. The dog’s execution of the “Come to me” command is evidence of the level of trust in its owner.

It is also considered incorrect behavior for a person to run after a dog when it tries to escape. The correct behavior on the part of the owner would be to turn around and head in the opposite direction.

The dog may be disobedient on the street due to insufficient walking. The walk should be at least twenty to thirty minutes at a time. During this time, the animal will be able to communicate with the outside world.

It is not recommended to call your pet and put on a leash at the same time. During the walk you need to call the dog several times. You should run and play with him and only then put on a leash. This action indicates the completion of the walk.

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Fear is based on the instinctive desire to preserve one's own life and health. In the human world, everything is more or less clear - you shouldn’t walk on the roof, dive into unexplored places, wander down the street on a dark night, etc. In the world of dogs, the system of interaction with environment based on trust and experience. If the pet knows the creaking tree standing in the yard, he has examined it more than once, and even marked it, then the sudden noise of the branches will not cause fear. However, what to do if the dog is afraid of the owner, that is, you? The problem must be solved as quickly and loyally as possible, since a frightened animal can be dangerous both for others and for itself.

Before correcting previous mistakes, you need to admit that they existed and clearly determine what action (or series of actions) led to the emergence of a phobia. Human fear is primarily mistrust. Typically, a pet’s concerns are expressed in two forms:

  • Passive defensive reaction– flattened ears and tail, frequent licking of the muzzle, darting eyes, an attempt to run away, hide or take a lying position, uncontrolled urination.
  • Aggressive-defensive reaction– this is a consequence of a passive reaction to increased stimuli or an independent behavioral type. The dog grins, growls or barks. Turns away and tries to stick its muzzle into a corner or under furniture (then the dog will make a jerk towards the irritant and bite). The gaze is focused and controlling.

If, when showing a defensive reaction to the psyche, the dog continues to press, the next stage of defense begins. The animal whines, snaps its jaws in the air at the slightest attempt to approach, bites furniture or other objects nearby. Trembling and severe drooling. Usually, at this stage, the body temperature of the quadruped increases greatly.

Important! Good news The fact is that you can work with any type of defensive reaction and with due patience, your pet’s behavior can be corrected.

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Causes, depth and methods of eliminating a dog’s fear of humans

A common reason for the owner’s fear is the sharply negative emotions that the pet has experienced. Most often, inexperienced owners incorrectly punish their charges or demand too much from them, thereby undermining the leader’s own authority.

Below are the most common reasons for a pet’s loss of authority and mistrust:

  • Beatings– without comment, this measure is unacceptable in the educational process.
  • Punishment for an offense after following a command– for example, a pet came up on the command “Come to me” and was punished for walking for a long time.
  • Too harsh training– a strict tone when giving positive commands (Come to me, Walk, Fetch). Strong jerking of the parforce, lack of praise, ignoring the pet.
  • Catch up and scold- a rather funny, useless, but common method.
  • Insufficient socialization, absence or lack of walking– in this case, the dog is afraid not only of people, but also of the entire outside world.

The above reasons should be considered if the dog suddenly became afraid of its owner. A more difficult case to diagnose is fear in a dog that you adopted from a shelter or quarantine site. Most often, former “prisoners” are afraid of ammunition, loud sounds locks, screaming, in the case of a quarantine site, there may be fear of men.

Important! An aggressive-defensive reaction is dangerous for you and all family members, so self-correction of behavior is out of the question! Be sure to contact your trainer!

Read also: Learning to walk a dog correctly: laws and rules of etiquette

A passive defensive reaction can and should be fought. Moreover, most often, the most good results gives exactly independent work owner. It is worth understanding that when working with phobias you need to adhere to two canons - iron restraint and regularity. If a phobia exists, but its cause cannot be determined, it is worth assessing the degree of stress of the pet in the presence of the owner:

  • Fear of performing basic commands- the easiest type of phobia to correct; most likely, the reason is unknown contact. Perhaps you behave very strictly or coldly. An excellent method that works on both dogs and children is “One punishment, three rewards.” For reference - a rude “Ugh”, ignoring and dissatisfaction is already a punishment.
  • Fear when calling– fear that summoning will be followed by punishment. Show maximum patience and do not impose; if the dog does not give in, do not insist and let it move away. Repeat the call and attempt to encourage until the pet voluntarily allows itself to be petted. Naturally, in this case, walk your dog only on a leash.
  • Fear of returning home- that is, on the street the dog is quite adequate, but when it comes home the pet becomes meek and downtrodden. Perhaps you allowed yourself harsh punishments when your charge was a puppy? Did they poke their faces into puddles or physically punish them? If the dog is from a shelter, it may have experienced significant stress associated with entering the facility, such as vet checks or vaccinations. Do not persuade, and certainly do not drag the dog into the house by force. Move slowly, a few steps at a time, and stop. As soon as the student decides to go the distance, praise him. Usually, this method works quite successfully and quickly.
  • The dog is afraid to eat in the presence of its owners- most complex type phobias. Animals don't eat unless they feel safe. If your pet doesn't eat in front of you, he won't just not trust you...he fears for his life! The method for relieving a phobia is quite simple, but it will take a lot of time. After putting food in a bowl, move as far away as you can, but so that your pet can see you. It may be more reasonable to move feeding to a room adjacent to the corridor or another room. This way, when you leave the eating area, you will be in sight, but also in the distance. They walked away, sat on the floor, the dog sniffed the bowl (showed interest in food), and you took out a sandwich and ate it slowly. Stay where you are until your dog finishes his meal. Gradually, the distance should be reduced, for example, by 10–15 cm every 2 days. Good progress can be considered if your dog is eating in your presence. The exercise should be repeated in other rooms and outside (not in front of strangers). When the dog starts eating from your hands, the adjustment process can be considered complete.