Prayers read in the first week after fasting. Days of worship of the Orthodox Catholic Eastern Church

The first week of Lent is the most difficult. After Forgiveness Sunday, when Orthodox man asked for forgiveness for all his sins and admitted his guilt to the people dear to him, the first week of Lent is a kind of repentance before the Lord. This determines the severity that believers will have to experience, for they must be able to accept repentance for their sins.

Lent, also known as the Fourth Day, is considered the most important Orthodox fasting in all Christian denominations, the tasks of which is the procedure for preparing an Orthodox layman or monk for the celebration Great Easter. During Pentecost, numerous services are held in all churches of the Motherland and other Christian countries, and repentance and prayers are accepted.

The duration of Lent depends on the documented time of Jesus' stay in the desert, where he fasted for the good of the human soul. That is why its duration is associated with the number 40, however, variations are allowed, various in denominations. In fact, Lent lasts 48 days - we add the days of Holy Week before Easter.

In the first week, which all believers in the world begin with joy, including Russian Federation, proper nutrition plays main role. However, it is best to start such a difficult task when an action plan is clearly formed before your eyes, and necessary products will already be prepared in the refrigerator. This year, starting from February 17 and ending on March 10, the most important thing is to approach Lent correctly, so that its beginning becomes a joyful milestone on the way to the final stage - Great Easter.

The first week of Lent ends with the celebration of the Triumph of Orthodoxy - a great holiday celebrated by the church and all believers. Its history dates back to ancient times: more than 10 centuries Orthodox Church on this day he rejoices at the victory of the true teaching over the lies and heresies spread by heretics and false prophets. It was then that the priests in their speeches glorified the richness and power of the Truth of Christianity, which overcame all obstacles on the way to the minds of people.

Despite the fact that, according to Orthodox calculus, the beginning of the week marks Sunday, during Lent, according to custom, the beginning of the week is Monday, which completely coincides with the classical everyday calendar, in which Sunday ends the seven days. It makes life much easier a large number Orthodox and helps to avoid any confusion.

In some countries of the world, according to Scripture, Saturday is the last day of the week. Forgiveness Sunday is not the beginning of Lent, but precedes it.

What is allowed to eat in the first week of Lent?

Answering the question of what foods should be eaten during the first week of Lent, and which ones are forbidden to touch, it is first of all worth noting the basic rules that apply to the entire fast. So, products of animal origin, such as meat, milk and its derivatives, as well as eggs and dishes containing them, are strictly prohibited. In other words, you can only eat plant products- products that in no way relate to the animal world.

On the first day of the week, according to Orthodox sources, it is recommended to completely refuse to eat, and on the second to take only bread and water. However, clergy more than once emphasize that such strict observance of canonical Fasting is required only from monks and other Orthodox Christians who serve in the church, and laity should adjust their diet in accordance with the degree of fasting. physical activity and mental effort, take into account the consumption of calories and energy that are expended during everyday activities and work. They note that it is necessary to fast wisely, remembering that the most important thing is faith, good intentions and repentance, and not the amount of bread eaten.

On the first day of Lent, called Clean Monday, Orthodox Christians clean their homes, putting them in order. This is necessary so that a person accepts further fasting not only in a pure state of spirit, but also in a tidy space.

The Church gives recommendations regarding Clean Monday; dry foods contain only fruits and vegetables that have not been subjected to heat treatment, as well as nuts and dried fruits. If a believer has a very desire refuse food and he understands that this will help him achieve harmony in his soul, then before making a decision it is best to consult with your doctor or clergyman. Special attention Elderly people, pregnant women and children, who are strictly forbidden to fast as strictly as monks, should pay attention to their health.

On the second day of the week, monastic people eat bread and water, while lay people continue to eat dry food.

Foods eaten on the first and second days of Lent

First of all, permitted products include crackers (which are unleavened dried bread without salt), various dried fruits and nuts, the aforementioned water, fruits and vegetables without heat treatment, as well as honey and products made from it.

In addition, you can eat pickles that do not include oil and seasonings.

For those believers who are unable to adhere to the rules of dry eating for any reason - pregnancy, age, state of health and physical capabilities - there are a number of recipes that will help them not break the rules of Lent and not harm themselves.

Such recipes include potatoes or pumpkin baked in the oven, as well as baked vegetables, spreads that consist of garlic or beans, a variety of vegetable salads and herbal tea. It is important to remember that the dish should not contain salt, spices or other types of seasonings.

In case of individual intolerance to herbal tea, it is recommended to take fruit drinks and compotes, juices and various decoctions. Here the clergy do not indicate any restrictions, recalling only the inadmissibility of alcoholic beverages.

Third and fourth days of the first week of Lent

On the third and subsequent fourth day of the first week of Great Lent, monastic people gradually switch to dry eating, which the laity can also support. However, lay Orthodox Christians are advised to pay attention to the dishes and recipes written above in order to diversify their diet and not cause harm to health instead of the intended benefit and cleansing.

None distinctive features there is no provision for these two days.

Fifth day of Lent

The fifth day of Lent involves switching to eating boiled dishes prepared without vegetable oil. These include gentle porridge in water with honey or nuts added for taste (primarily oatmeal), which are eaten for breakfast. For lunch, believers eat pre-baked vegetables with mushrooms, or a pie with tomatoes and onions.

Despite the strict limits when choosing foods, Orthodox priests allow you to stick to eating boiled dishes without oil from the very beginning of the week, without limiting yourself in food so much. This is done, of course, out of concern for the health of the Orthodox, emphasizing once again that there is no need to push yourself.

During the final period of the first week of Lent - on weekends - food becomes even more free in terms of prohibitions. Moreover, throughout the rest of the fast, you can eat greatest number products. Vegetable oil and grape wine are allowed.

Dishes for the sixth and seventh days of Lent

On these days, breakfast includes lean pancakes or gingerbread, sweet baked plum buns, and beet caviar. Believers dine on cereals with meatless cutlets, salads or soups, and for dinner it is recommended to eat vegetable soups with fish and salads.

Number of meals in the first week of fasting

The question of how many times during the day to eat foods permitted by the clergy is one of the most common and is asked most often, since even with insatiable eating lean products It’s impossible to call such a regime Great Lent. In the opposite situation, when an Orthodox layman is too carried away by restrictions, such strong events can occur in his body, irreversible changes V general work the body, its digestive and metabolic systems, which can subsequently lead to dire consequences.

That is why, according to the experience of previous generations and clergy, on the most strict days of Lent, monks eat once a day, and laymen twice, and in non-strict periods 2 and 3 times, respectively.

People who are prohibited for health reasons heavy loads on gastrointestinal tract, it is recommended to consult with specialists, be it a local doctor or a priest in your favorite parish.

It is they who will be able to fully draw up a recommendation sheet containing their concessions. It should not be considered as an incomplete or defective way of fasting, it is only a help with existing restrictions.

In addition, if this is the believer’s first experience of Lent, the priests also prohibit following “every letter of the law” and starving oneself. To begin with you need to own experience understand how your body reacts to such changes in nutrition, as well as what needs to be added or taken away from your diet or actions in order for cleansing to become truly spiritual for you.

The first week (week) of Lent is strict. In this article we will look at...

IN Lately All more people decide to start fasting during Lent, and do this not for religious reasons, but because they believe it in a good way improve your well-being and maintain your health. Indeed, doctors confirm that by temporarily giving up animal products, you can actually benefit your body. However, they warn that in order not to harm your health, you must clearly understand how to fast correctly if you are doing it for the first time, and what proper nutrition should be like during fasting.

The topic of our conversation today is the first week of Lent. Let me remind you that, according to church canons, during Lent you cannot eat: meat and meat products, milk, dairy products (including powdered milk) and eggs, as well as products containing them, fish and seafood (except on certain days of the week) , vegetable oil (except on certain days of the week) and alcohol (except for light grape wine in certain days weeks).

How to fast during the first week of Lent?

Those who are fasting for the first time should enter the fast gradually. After all abrupt refusal from the usual food, especially after a generous table on Maslenitsa, can only harm you. In addition, we should not forget about the various diets during fasting, which we discussed in the previous article.

First week of Great Lent (Theodore week).

1 day of fasting. Clean Monday. Strict post.

On this day, as the name suggests, it is customary to put the house in order, clean, wash and put on clean, fresh linen in order to meet the fast in cleanliness.

According to the monastic charter, especially devout people completely refuse food on this day, maintaining their strength only with holy water.

To the laity, that is ordinary people, in turn, on the first day of fasting it is allowed to eat dry cold food of non-animal origin without the use of vegetable oil (dry eating).

2nd day of fasting. Tuesday. Strict post.

On this day, monks continue to abstain from food, eating only holy water and a crust of bread.

In the world, on the second day of fasting, people adhere to dry eating; with a more gentle regimen, you can also eat hot food prepared without the use of vegetable oil.

3, 4, 5 days of fasting. Wednesday Thursday Friday.

During the first four days of the first week of Lent, the Canon of Repentance is read in the church in the evening, giving a powerful incentive to realize and correct one’s sins. These days, according to the monastery charter, dry eating once a day evening time(it is allowed to eat only raw vegetables, fruits, nuts, bread, and do not mix them with vegetable oil).

The laity these days are allowed hot food without oil. This could be, for example, vegetables and mushrooms, steamed or baked in the oven, porridge, vegetable lean soups, fruits, honey, nuts, the main thing is that all these dishes are without oil.

6th day of fasting. Saturday.

On this day, according to the rules, the monks are allowed for the first time hot food with vegetable oil, twice a day - in the daytime and in the evening. In addition, a moderate amount of light grape wine is allowed.

Ordinary people are allowed to eat hot food with any vegetable oil (sunflower, olive, pumpkin, flaxseed) and a little light grape wine.

7th day of fasting. Sunday. The triumph of Orthodoxy.

In that religious holiday It is important to attend the liturgy in the morning, confess and receive communion.

On this day, the diet is the same as on Saturday.
So today you learned about How to fast during the first week of Lent. Remember that there are two main restrictions for lay people during the lay fast: you must eat food that does not contain animal products, and equally important, you must eat this food in moderation.

On Friday, after the prayer (at the end of the Li-tur-gy), the prayer non prp. and consecration (wheat with honey or rice with raisins). This is connected with the following incident. In 362, im-per-ra-tor Yuli-an Ot-step-nick on the first se-d-mi-tse Ve-li-to-go-a-hundred at-the-hall secretly sprinkled-drink all the products that were sold in the markets, the blood of idol-sacrificed animals. But the holy ve-li-to-mu-che-nik Fe-o-dor Ti-ron appeared in a dream vision of the episco-pu Ev-dok-sia, opened it to him a secret dis- s-ry-same to them and ordered not to buy anything at the market, but to f-t-t-to -li-vom. That's why on Friday a number of people are consecrated at the prayer kanon, and on Saturday the first week of Ve- is there one hundred so-ver-sha-et-sya blessed celebration of great-ness Fe-o-do- ru Ti-ro-nu.

First week and first week of the Great Post

The first gray-mi-tsa is particularly strict, because it is most personal to have the greatest jealousy for the other person. movement of goodness with the beginning of movement. According to this, the Church at the first sed-mi-tse so-ver-sha-has God's service longer-lived than in the next days. In the first two days, what-you-re-de-seven-tsy for those who can, don’t put the whole meal together.

From Sunday to Thursday, the Great Ka-non of St. An -drea Crete. In the kanon there are so-bra-ns and representations of many-numbered images in one hundred and one-hundreds of ways, when many examples from the Vet-ho-go and No-vo-go Za-veta applied to the moral I feel like I’m a sinner, I’m crying for my sins. Ka-non is called great, both because of the multitude of thoughts and memories contained in it, and because of the number of -there are tro-pa-rays kept in it (about 250, whereas in ordinary cans there would be about 30 of them). On the first four days of the first sed-mi-tsy called “Little hundred-I-ne-em” in the distance which is from “An-dre-eva or Ma-ri-i-na sto-ya-niya” on the 5th sed-mi-tse and ve-li-ko-go-st-ya-niya in Ve-li-kiy Pya- current.

These things are also called “me-fi-mo-na-mi” (Greek - “with us”), because on these ve-che-ri-yah sing the song “God is with us.” The external difference between the great ka-no-na of St. Andrew of Crete and other ka-no-novs is that that he has all 9 songs (including the 2nd song), and for each tro-pa-ryu there is a refrain “Po-mi- Love me, God, have mercy on me.” On Wednesday and Thursday, several tro-pa-rays will be added to Po-ka-yan-no-mu ka-no-nu in honor of the Most-Veign Ma -riy of Egypt, who ascended from a deep path to high bliss. Subsequently, tro-pa-ri were added to this ka-no-well in honor of its creator, Saint Andrew of Crete .

On weekdays or Tuesdays, the first day after morning or after hours, the priest in the epi-tra-hi-li chi-ta- is in his church with us “Prayers in the beginning of the Holy Day”, because false-wives in Treb-nik.

On Saturday, the first sed-mi-tsy, the Church creates a remembrance of the holy ve-li-to-mu-che-ni-ka Fe-o-do-ra Ti- ro-na and recalls the miraculous help that they provided to the Kon-stan-ti-Polish christ-a-us in 362 du under im-per-ra-to-re Yulia-an From-step-no-ke. Then, when the Christians were co-preserved by Fe-o-do-rom from the desecration of idol-sacrifices vein-blood in the first sed-mi-tsu of the Great Post: the saint appeared to the ar-hi-episco-pu Ev-dok-siyu and ordered Christ-sti-a-we should use a quantity instead of a hundred defiled food in the market. With this remembrance, the Church inspires the believers that fasting is pleasing to God, and that it is they walk under the special protection of God.

Service to Saint Fe-o-do-ru Ti-ro-nu na-chi-na-et-sya on Friday from the evening, unite-nya-yu- sharing with Li-tur-gi-ey of the Pre-sacred Gifts. At the end of the Li-tour-giya for the za-am-von-noy mo-lit-ve, the mo-leb-ny ka-non of St. Fe-o-do-ru and blah- there are a lot of words in the end. Mo-le-ben composes from the reading of Psalm 142, the song “God is the Lord,” tro-pa-rey, then chi-ta-et-sya ka-non sacred to-mu Fe-o-do-ru (Apo-table and Evan-ge-lie do not read).

At Matins on Saturday there is a ka-non in honor of St. Fe-o-do-ra, composed by John, mit-ro-po-li- Tom Ev-ha-it-skim.

On Li-tur-giya in Saturday-bo-tu po-lo-zhe-but read two Apo-sto-la and two Evangelia: for the day and the holy one, and for the pro-ki-men there is only one, 7 voices: “Here is the righteous one about the Lord.”

If the first day of the week occurs on Sunday, the Lord's Day, a temple holiday, or the Revelation of the Lord -you are John on the Cross, then the service will be held for them on Forgiveness Sunday.

If the observance of the head of John on the Cross and the temple holiday occurs in the period from Tuesday to Friday the first sed-mi-tsy, then the service of the Pre-ver-sha-et-sya either on Forgive Sunday or on Saturday Bo-tu 1 sed-mi-tsy in a hundred, and the temple - in the sub-bo-tu first sed-mi-tsy.

The First Week of Greatness is also called the Week of Right-to-Glory according to the Ver-sha-e-mo-mu on this day of the triumph of Right-of-Slava, established in Greece in the first half of the 9th century in remembrance of the triumph the power of the Right-glorious Church over all heresies that have dominated the Church, and especially over the last of them - Iko-no-bor-che-skoy, convicted at the VII All-Len So-bo-re in 787. On this Week there is a special divine service, which is called my rite of Right-of-Glory. This rank was created in the middle of the 9th century by Saint Me-fo-di-em, Pat-ri-ar-hom Kon-stan-ti-no-pol-sky.

From Greece, the rite of the Triumph of Right-of-Glory moved to the Russian Church. After all, Right-of-Glory in the Greek Church itself was first celebrated on the first Week of Greatness -go Po-sta. In this way, the basis of the celebration on this day of the celebration of Right-of-Glory has deep meanings. ri-che-skie roots. The Church, through this celebration, gives you some consolation for those who are going through the struggle, providing the living community of each of us in faith and life with the entire Church and provides the basis for mo- lit-ven-no-go-da-ta-stva for everyone before God. The triumph of Righteousness affirms and strengthens the faith of those in the Righteous Faith, continuously and invariably with -kept in purity until the end of the world on both sides- to-va-nuyu Gos-po-da ().


See more about this: Ti-pi-kon, ch. 33.

The rank of mo-leb-na-ho-dit-sya in Ti-pi-kon and in Lenten Tri-o-di in the study of heel 1 sed-mi-tsy, and also in “God-servant decrees for 1951.” Prayer for the good-slo-ve-nie of the ko-li-va in the Servant and in the Chin of the ble-go-slo-ve-nie of the ko-li -va on holiday.

At the present time, in many parishes of the central and southwestern regions on Friday (in Moscow - on Sunday -kre-se-ni-yam) so-ver-sha-et-sya tro-ga-tel-ny church-but-bo-go-service-rite, na-zy-va- e-my pass-si-ey (stra-yes-no-em). This ritual was introduced under the Kiev mit-ro-po-li-te Peter Mo-gi-le (XVII century). He serves on Ve-che-riy (on Friday) or on Ve-cherna (on Sunday) in the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and 4th week or the Week of the Great Fast, and consists of the reading of the Gospel and the singing of certain songs of Passion Seed -mi-tsy (“You are dressed in the light, like a robe”, “Come, please Joseph”), ka-sa- of the y-thous remembrances of the passions (passions) of Christ, from where the name itself came from -rya-yes. Our church Ti-pi-con doesn’t say anything about pass-si-yah. The charter and ritual of passion were first established at the end of Tsvetnoy Tri-o-di, given in 1702 under the Ar-hi-mand-ri-te Ki -e-in-Pecher-sky Joasa-f Kro-novsky, where at the end of the description it was said: “This is all the glory- they exist according to their own opinion, and not according to their own will, even though everything is under the dis-judgment of the Church. Xia."

“The rite of mo-leb-na in the Week of Pra-vo-slav-viya”, as he does at the present time, na-pe-cha-tan in “God-serving decrees” for 1949.

At the Sunday service from the Week of We-ta-ra and Fa-ri-see to the Week of All Saints, the Evangelical sti-hi-ra in the morning -no po-et-sya (or chi-ta-et-sya) before the first hour (before her s-et-sya or read-ta-et-sya “Glory, and now”).

Most active Christians today live in cities. The metropolis leaves its mark on our spiritual life. The townspeople are immersed in many everyday concerns: they work, study, are always in a hurry somewhere... Some, under the influence of various circumstances, do not find the strength and opportunity to take part in all Lenten services. The portal asked the pastors to say a few words about the main thing that, in their opinion, should fill the life of a Christian during the days of Lent, to suggest something from personal experience, to help troubled Christians determine the spiritual program - maximum and minimum - in these days.

Hegumen Nektariy (Morozov), rector of the temple in honor of the icon of the Mother of God “Assuage my sorrows” in Saratov:

– Our life is like a dream. The world draws us in, lulls us to sleep - we live day after day, not noticing what is happening in our soul, where we are moving, how healthy, or more precisely, how sick our “ inner man" The enemy also lulls us to sleep: as soon as we wake up and worry, he begins to insinuatingly reassure us: “Yes, we need to change something, fix it, and you will definitely do it, but not now, but then, later...”.

And often from this lull, from this state of false tranquility, only some kind of serious challenge- illness, grief, for which we are not prepared. And for some, such an awakening is death...

Archpriest Vasily Mazur, rector of the Sergius Church at regional hospital Kherson, associate professor of the Department of Ecology and Geography of Kherson state university:

– help each other (tactfully, unobtrusively) prepare more carefully and seriously for confession, confess several times during fasting and, if possible, partake of the holy mysteries;

– also, with the help of loved ones or on your own, set and solve any specific moral tasks (get rid of a particular habit, for example, smoking, visit someone who needs your help, make tangible donations to a cause, etc. .P.).

What not to do: make vows “for fasting” to abstain from some sin, bad habit: if it is a sin, then you need to get rid of it forever. So, for example, if you have a “problem” with alcohol and vow not to drink during Lent, this means that you will look forward to drinking for seven weeks and will greet the saint like a pig.

Archpriest Sergiy Vishnyakov, dean of the Obninsk district of the Kaluga diocese, director of the spiritual and educational center “Faith, Hope, Love”:

– The most important thing for a Christian during this time is to spend these days very carefully. This is a period of intense work on your internal state. Both abstinence in food and prayer are only the conditions under which our goal - cleansing the soul - is achieved. If possible, you need to come to the temple to pray. It is especially good, which with the depth of repentant thoughts has a very strong effect on the heart and mind. If this is not possible, then there is no need to despair.

Good to avoid external manifestation of your feat, not to make a downcast face during fasting, etc. Be friendly and calm. At the same time, try to be meek so that no negativity comes from you. One of the signs of incorrect fasting is irritability and anger. And it often manifests itself, especially when there is a struggle between the old and the new man. Therefore, attention (sobriety) is the core around which all life is built spiritual person. And during fasting, it is imperative to closely observe ourselves: what we say, what we listen to, where we look, what our heart’s thoughts are about. It is most important. It is necessary to understand that - not just some segment of our life path, and the image of our entire life is what the holy fathers taught.

While working on yourself, you need to figure out what torments your conscience more, what interferes with your life, what we want to get rid of. And try to make every effort to achieve this through fasting, repentance and prayer.

On the other hand, of course, the duration of fasting resembles a kind of tithe of the year, which we give to God, that is, it is a sacrifice to God. That's why you need to sacrifice. Let’s say a person has an attachment that seems innocent at first glance: he likes to crack seeds. Completely lean food, but it would be good to try to learn abstinence in small things, because, according to the words of the Apostle Paul, “nothing should possess me” (1 Cor. 6:12). Or, for example, try to abstain from sweets during fasting. Not to mention the fact that it is necessary to refrain from television, excessive communication, telephone conversations, communication on Internet forums and other activities that contribute to distraction.

And in a metropolis a person is quite capable of maintaining sobriety. In the first volume of his works there is even a chapter “The Order of One Who Heeds Himself, Living in the Middle of the World” - about how to be saved in big city, what thoughts to get up with, what to go to bed with, how to behave during the day. A Christian is not one who is isolated. If he’s a monk, then that’s a different matter, but we live in the world. Orthodox laity should differ from other people in their spiritual life. We pray: “Lord, hallowed be thy name.” The name is sanctified not only there, in heaven, but in us, so that people, looking at us, glorify our Heavenly Father and want to live as the Church teaches. This is what it means to love God. We should not all live the same way, but each one should live according to the measure of his faith, in accordance with the conditions of his life.

As for abstaining from food, everything is individual: fast as you can, but forcing yourself to abstain. For one it will be enough to abstain from meat, for the second it will be enough to fast more strictly, and for the third it is necessary to abstain from food altogether. A simple principle: “all things are lawful for me, but not all things are profitable” (1 Cor. 6:12).

Pride has two extremes: either everything or nothing. But the proud cannot follow the middle path. Everything should be in moderation so that our body does not interfere with our mind from praying. This main principle.

Let's return to our first point - attention.

There is no need to take on feats beyond your strength in this first week. Fasting is relaxed for the sick, students, and pregnant women. Excessive fatigue of the body by fasting is just as harmful as overeating. How can you pray if you are already falling, your legs are giving way in prayer from exhaustion? Experience church history: already the ancient ascetics realized that, it turns out, it is easier to fast than to fight thoughts, it is easier to sleep on the ground than to forgive. And since those times, the attitude towards asceticism and working on oneself has changed.

If a woman sits at home with her children and cannot come to church on Sunday, then she can read this canon at home (there are plenty of books now), even at night, as our pious grandmothers did.

And the most important thing during fasting is not to isolate yourself, but to try to correct yourself. You shouldn't engage in self-criticism. We are far from perfect, we can see things in ourselves that will make our minds fly, so we need to quickly get rid of what we see in ourselves through confession. Otherwise, despair and despondency will overwhelm you if you only consider your sins. Outwardly we should be welcoming and friendly. Remember that we are children of our Heavenly Father.

Priest Pavel Gumerov, cleric of the Church of St. Nicholas at the Rogozhskoye cemetery in Moscow:

– When I studied at the seminary, the songs of Hieromonk Roman (Matyushin) were very popular in our Bursat community. Now I remember a line from one of his songs: “Fasting with prayer will warm the soul, / The ringing of bells above the earth...”

It is important to limit exposure to information (TV, Internet) during fasting. Often such abstinence becomes more difficult than food restriction. As for our worries, we often multiply them for ourselves. You can safely forget about some of them during Lent.

And the most important thing, as I believe, is to set yourself a task during Lent - to overcome any specific, even small, sin. Without this, the post will be in vain. You can set yourself a reading program for Lent. For example, read some part Holy Scripture, some book from the ascetic works of the holy fathers, for example, the Monk Abba Dorotheos, St. Ignatius (Brianchaninov) or St. Theophan the Recluse. Lent should be a time of initiation into the reading of patristic literature.

Priest Vladimir Voitov, cleric of the Church of the Nativity of Christ in Obninsk:

– With the inner attitude we start any business, we will continue it with that. It’s the same with fasting: with what mood you entered into fasting, you will most likely spend it in the same spirit. This means that the first week of fasting must be treated especially responsibly. The Typikon prescribes complete non-eating during the first two days of Lent. However, our Typikon came from an ancient monastery Saint Sava Sanctified, who had the strictest rules, therefore I believe that such a strict rule is unacceptable for the laity. Once I asked the Old Believers: “How many days do you not eat during the first week?” “One day,” they answered. They even reduced this rule, although they strictly adhere to the letter of the charter. By the way, I know several Orthodox Christians who, during the first week, do not eat anything at all until Saturday. All week the “ascetics” have been walking around “green”; their psyche, one might say, is “at zero.” By the end of Friday they were already staggering with the wind from exhaustion... I am against this practice. According to the prediction of the ancient fathers and the general opinion of the holy fathers of recent times, extreme ascetic feats have been taken away from us, modern Orthodox Christians, due to our infection with pride. Such “extreme” feats will not benefit us, but will only fuel pride: “I’m not like everyone else!..” It’s very difficult to get rid of this feeling.

What rules should you take? The first thing you need to start with is to categorically refuse television and the Internet (except for work) for the entire Lent, until Easter. Only the Orthodox channel “Soyuz” is allowed - that’s what it was created for.

Second: it is necessary to refuse to visit guests - in principle, for the entire Lent, because there will definitely be temptations at a party: not only food, but also in the form of laughter and jokes. My position is this: we must not hesitate, but tell those inviting openly that now is the time of the saddest of all four fasts, because it is directly dedicated to the suffering of Christ, the Sacrifice of the Cross, for which God became incarnate in the world; For the sake of the suffering of Christ, we fast, abstaining from ourselves; The entire Orthodox world is fasting, and we are with it, so we won’t go on a visit...

In general, we Russian people tend to go to extremes. Just as some people don’t eat anything during the week, others, apparently strong, normal parishioners, come up from the very first day of fasting and, complaining of gastritis, say: “Allow the fast to be relaxed.” - "What would you like?" - “Eat meat or milk.” I know several people with stomach ulcers who follow. And they say that this does not harm their health at all, and they even feel better.

For pregnant, nursing mothers, children, the elderly and the sick, the fast is weakened, down to zero. For someone who does hard work physical work, there should also be relaxations. A person should feel: if there is exhaustion, mockery of his body, then he must, after consulting with a priest, reconsider his Lenten diet.

Fasting should not lead to a state of despondency or sadness. “Let us fast a pleasant fast,” it is sung in the stichera. Pleasant not in the sense of food, but in the sense beneficial influence per capita, and if this is not so, then you need to change your post.

Fasting is an exercise in abstinence, a small ascetic task that we can undertake. Exercise in abstinence fosters sobriety, that is, attention to oneself, the ability to restrain oneself, manage one’s emotions and feelings.

The maximum prayer program for the first week is to go to all services in the morning and evening.

In general, it is necessary for a layman, taking into account his life circumstances, to attend services at his own discretion. Everyone has their own measure of exercise in abstinence, so it is necessary to take into account age, soreness, and the severity of your work. It’s good to take a small separate additional rule in the middle of the day, for example, 30 Jesus prayers and five prostrations, but perform this rule exactly as the holy fathers teach: slowly, carefully and with reverence. Why in the middle of the day? Because in the morning and evening we always pray at home or in church, but in the middle of the day we are most caught up in the bustle. It must be broken by turning to God: spend just a few minutes and calmly pray this short prayer Jesus. This remembrance of God, restoration of connection with Him, repentance before Him will certainly give the peace of Christ to our soul. Anyone who has tried to do this knows what benefits it brings.

Religious reading: prayer for the first week of Lent to help our readers.

In order to properly spend Great Lent, it is necessary to engage in spiritual cleansing daily, for which prayers and the Bible are used. Almost every day of Pentecost has its own special readings.

Every day, except weekends and until Wednesday of Holy Week inclusive, the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian is read:

Lord and Master of my life, do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk. Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to Thy servant. To her, Lord, King, grant me to see my sins and not condemn my brother, for blessed are you forever and ever. Amen.

We should not forget that Saturdays of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th weeks are parental ones, when the souls of deceased relatives are remembered. The best way to do this is to submit a note in advance with the names of deceased relatives and be present at the liturgy.

First week

In the first week of Great Lent, the Canon of St. Andrew of Crete is read for four days: it is divided into four parts, one per day from Monday to Thursday. Also at this time Psalm 69 is read:

God, come to my help, Lord, strive for my help. Let those who seek my soul be ashamed and put to shame, let those who wish me evil turn back and be ashamed. May the abies return, ashamed, and say to us: better, better. Let all those who seek You, O God, rejoice and rejoice in You, and let them say, May the Lord be magnified, who love Your salvation: but I am poor and needy, O God, help me: Thou art my Helper and my Savior, O Lord, do not be stubborn.

IN Friday The troparion and kontakion are read to Saint Theodore Tyrone. Saturday is dedicated to communion, the prayer of St. Basil the Great is read. On Sunday is the Triumph of Orthodoxy, therefore they perform “Followment on the Sunday of Orthodoxy”

Second week

Parents' Saturday of the second week of Lent, liturgies are held in the church. Sunday the second week of Great Lent is associated with the name of St. Gregory Palamas. The Troparion and Kontakion of Gregory Palamas and the life of the saint himself are read.

Third week

Parent's Saturday of the third week of Great Lent. Sunday third week - Sunday of the Cross. The Troparion and Kontakion are read to the Cross.

Fourth week

IN Monday the troparion of the three song is read:

Having completed the fast, let us be bold in spirit for the future, youthful, well-behaved with God, brethren, for we will joyfully see the resurrected Christ at Easter.

Thou hast redeemed us from the legal oath with Thy honorable Blood, having been nailed to the cross, and pierced with a spear, Thou hast extinguished immortality as a man, Our Savior, glory to Thee!

Parents' Saturday of the fourth week of Great Lent. Read the stichera:

Whatever worldly sweetness remains uninvolved in sorrow; Whatever glory stands on earth is immutable; all the canopy is the weakest, all the sleep is the most charming: in one moment, and this all accepts death. But in the light, O Christ, of Thy face and in the delight of Thy beauty, which Thou hast chosen, rest, as a Lover of mankind.

Sunday the fourth week is named after St. John Climacus. The Troparion and Kontakion of John Climacus are read, as well as the life of the saint.

Fifth week

Monday- read “The Ladder” of John Climacus, word 9 (about memory malice)

Tuesday - word 12 (about lies) and 16 (about the love of money) from “The Ladder” by John Climacus is read.

Wednesday- the canon of Andrei Kritsky is read in full, Maryino Standing is performed in the church.

Saturday dedicated to the Akafest to the Most Holy Theotokos.

Sunday The fifth week of Great Lent is dedicated to the Venerable Mary of Egypt, her life is read.

Sixth week

Sunday The sixth week is dedicated to the event of the resurrection of the righteous Lazarus. The Gospel of John, chapter 11 and the festive troparion are read:

Assuring the general resurrection before Your passion, You raised Lazarus from the dead, O Christ our God. Likewise, we, like the youths of victory who bear signs of victory, cry out to you, the conqueror of death: Hosanna in the highest, blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord.

Seventh week

Monday: read the parable of the barren fig tree, which is contained in the Gospel of Luke (13:6).

Tuesday: dedicated to the parable of the ten virgins described in the Gospel of Matthew (chapter 25).

Wednesday: The Gospel of Matthew (26:6) speaks of the betrayal of Judas and the woman who anointed the Lord with chrism. This chapter was chosen by the Church for Wednesday of Holy Week.

Thursday: remember the Last Supper, a description of which is in the Gospel of Matthew (26:21).

Friday: 12 passionate gospels are read about what happened after the betrayal of Judas and before the burial of the Lord.

Saturday: reading the Gospel of Matthew (28:1-20)

Sunday: Easter day, the Easter canon is read.

By observing the instructions of the Church and Fasting, you can ease your soul and accomplish a small spiritual feat for yourself. All the best, and don't forget to press the buttons and

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Prayer of Ephraim the Syrian during Lent

Lent is a time when everyone Orthodox Christian cleansed from sins. During this period, prayers are the main weapon on the path.

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Lent is not just days when a person needs to give up animal food. At this time, everyone.

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On Clean Monday, every person can significantly increase their energy and cleanse themselves of negativity. This again.

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On Holy Week fall on the seven strictest days of the year. Eat right, as recommended by the church, to heal.

Forgiveness Sunday: who needs to be forgiven and for what?

Forgiveness Sunday is the last day before Lent. All believers will ask each other for forgiveness. This is ancient.

Prayer for Lent every day and before Easter. Prayer of Ephraim the Syrian during fasting before meals

Photo gallery: Prayer for Lent every day and before Easter. Prayer of Ephraim the Syrian during fasting before meals

Lent, which begins immediately after the end of Maslenitsa week, is accompanied not only by strict abstinence from meat and even dairy foods, but also by prayer. Prayer during Lent this is a personal appeal to God, asking him for forgiveness for committed unseemly acts and humility. Of course, there is no prayer without faith - those who kneel before icons in public, those who sin outside the church after the end of the service are pseudo-believers, hypocrites. Prayer lives in the soul, in the heart - next to God, and not in public, next to show. During the longest fast of Orthodoxy - Great Lent - believers read prayers every day, reread the Old and New Testament, attend worship services. For Orthodox Christians who abstain from rich food for forty days before Easter, there is a prayer by Ephraim the Syrian, said not only before meals, but also at other times of the day, starting from Sunday evening until Friday.

Orthodox prayer for every day during Lent

Saying prayer, believers turn to God, the saints, and the Most Holy Theotokos. On holidays, Orthodox Christians read joyful prayers, during Lent they ask the Almighty to grant them the strength to abstain from sins, and glorify the Lord God. The duration of prayers for each day varies depending on the person’s beliefs. For some, it is considered normal to pray for a long time in the morning, afternoon and evening; for others, a few minutes every day are enough for this; others pray exclusively at significant days before Easter and during Lent.

Examples of prayers for each day of fasting

The most important prayer of a Christian - the Lord's Prayer - is familiar to many by heart. It can be read on days of fasting, every day. It is also correct to say prayers of praise to the Lord, to pray to Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit. The Tresagrine Prayer, also called the angelic song, is read three times. In it, believers turn to the Holy Trinity. Dedications to the Most Holy Trinity and a separate prayer glorifying the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread; and forgive us our debts, just as we forgive our debtors; and do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one.

Or: The eyes of all trust in You, O Lord, and You give them food in due season, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every living good will (lines from Ps. 144).

For the blessing of food and drink for the laity

Lord, Jesus Christ, our God, bless our food and drink with the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all Your saints, for He is blessed forever and ever. Amen. (And cross food and drink)

Prayers after meals

We thank You, Christ our God, for You have filled us with Your earthly blessings; Do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom, but as You came in the midst of Your disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

Orthodox prayer during the fast before Easter

Many believers admit that the sensations they experience during Lent before Easter are incomparable to anything else. At this time, the Orthodox have a bright hope that life was not given to them in vain; they begin to understand the true meaning of the days given to them on earth. Many people kneel, praising the Almighty in prayers and asking him for forgiveness for their sins. Fasting gives hope, defines the goal: Easter and the resurrection of Christ are ahead. Fasting also gives a taste for life. A person who limits himself in food and joys begins to feel real joy from the most modest food. If fasting people abstain from marital relations, later this strengthens the family, strengthens the love of husband and wife, and produces healthy offspring.

Examples of prayers before Easter during Lent

Great Lent, which begins the day after the end of Maslenitsa, lasts forty days. At this time, daily services are held in churches, and Orthodox Christians pray for salvation and forgiveness. In the first week of Lent, the Penitential Canon of St. Andrew of Crete is read. The indefatigable Psalter is read both for the peace and health of loved ones; Such prayers can be ordered in churches or read in person. The most famous of all pre-Easter prayers - Ephraim the Syrian - is read daily, except Saturday and Sunday. Our Father and prayers to the saints during the fast before Easter are read more often, spoken both silently and out loud.

God, be merciful to me, a sinner.

Lord, be merciful to me, a sinner.

Prayer to the Lord Jesus Christ

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, prayers for the sake of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God, through the prayers of Your Most Pure Mother and all the saints, have mercy on us (show mercy to us). Amen.

Prayer to the Holy Spirit

Heavenly King, Comforter, Soul of truth, Who is everywhere and fulfills everything, Treasure of good things and Giver of life, come and dwell in us, and cleanse us from all filth, and save, O Good One, our soul.

Holy God, Holy Mighty, Holy Immortal, have mercy on us.

Holy God, Holy Almighty, Holy Immortal, be merciful to us.

Christian prayer of Ephraim the Syrian during Lent

Among other prayers of Lent, the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian is better known than others and is said daily, with the exception of Sunday and Saturday. This prayer of repentance is read both at services and at home. In a few short lines of appeal to God, the believer is asked to eradicate the spirit of idleness and idle talk in them and to grant them patience, chastity and love.

When and how is the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian read during Lent?

You should begin reading the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian on the evening of Forgiveness Resurrection before Lent. After asking for prayer, churchgoers bow and read the prayer “God, cleanse me, a sinner,” twelve times. In churches, the prayer of Ephraim the Syrian is read on Cheese Week on Wednesday and Friday, on Holy Pentecost and on Holy Week, on the first three days. The last time during Lent this prayer is said on Great Wednesday, four days before Easter.

Prayer of Ephraim the Syrian

Lord and Master of my life,

Do not give me the spirit of idleness, despondency, covetousness and idle talk.

Grant the spirit of chastity, humility, patience and love to me, Your servant.

Hey, Lord, King!

Grant me to see my sins,

And don't judge my brother

For blessed art thou unto the ages of ages.

What prayer to read during Lent

Fasting and prayer enable the believer to change and give hope for change. A person is given the opportunity to become better if he wants to. Common Orthodox prayer and the awareness that the entire Orthodox world is fasting gives you the feeling that you are not alone. By fasting and praying, a person cleanses not only his body, but also his soul and thoughts. During Lent, you need to read the Psalter and Akathist, asking for forgiveness from God and praising him. At home, believers can read any Christian prayers that are close to their soul.

Examples of Orthodox prayers during Lent

Unlike churches, where specific prayers are read for each day of fasting, in ordinary life believers can turn to God in their own words. There is no need to believe that by saying the words of the prayer incompletely, you exclude the possibility of conveying your thoughts to the Lord. The main thing in prayer is faith, humility and zeal

Prayer of praise to the Lord God

Glory to Thee, our God, glory to Thee.

Doxology to the Most Holy Trinity

Glory to the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever, and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Praise be to the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, now and always, and to endless ages. Amen.

Prayer to the Most Holy Trinity

Most Holy Trinity, have mercy on us; Lord, cleanse our sins; Master, forgive our iniquities; Holy One, visit and heal our infirmities, for Thy Name's sake.

Prayer during fasting before meals - Appeal to God

Lent is a time of abstinence from meat and dairy foods, renunciation of earthly pleasures, prayers and cleansing of the soul. For forty fast days prayers are said both before and after meals. They thank the Lord for the food sent in well-known Orthodox prayers or in their own words.

Examples of fasting prayers before meals

Before meals, in many Christian families during Lent and on other days, it is customary to pray before meals, saying “Our Father” before eating food and thanking the Lord for the food sent. During fasting, prayers also ask to strengthen faith in God, granting strength to abstain and renounce animal food.

Our Father, who art in heaven! Hallowed be Thy name, Thy will be done as it is in heaven and on earth. Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the Kingdom and the Power and the Glory, of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, now and ever and unto ages of ages. Amen.

Prayer before eating food

The eyes of all trust in You, Lord, and You give them food in good season, You open Your generous hand and fulfill every animal’s good will.

Prayer after eating food

We thank Thee, Christ our God, for Thou hast filled us with Thy earthly blessings; Do not deprive us of Your heavenly Kingdom, but as You came among Your disciples, Savior, give them peace, come to us and save us.

(We thank You, Christ our God, that You have nourished us with Your earthly blessings; do not deprive us of Your Heavenly Kingdom).

Prayer in the post-mortem helps believers understand the strength of spirit granted through bodily abstinence and cleansing from sinful acts. When praying during Lent, Orthodox Christians also thank Jesus Christ, the saints and the Mother of God for the gift of life and the opportunity to turn to the Almighty. Since prayer is always a sincere appeal to God, you can pray before Easter and during Lent before meals either in your own words or in words learned by heart. Christian prayers. One of the most famous prayers - Ephraim the Syrian - is read both during Lent and on the last day of Maslenitsa week. While reading prayers during Lent, a person’s faith is strengthened by the power of the Holy Spirit.