How much has the human brain been studied? The human brain: how much does it work and how can you reprogram your brain

Hello, dear readers! Today we will try to find out how many percent the human brain works, because there is an opinion that a person uses only 10 percent, and sometimes even 5 or 3. Therefore, we will try to figure out how things really are.

The history of the origin of the myth

As you already know from the article about, our brain is able to create electrical signals using neurons. So, in the middle of the last century, scientists decided to conduct an experiment to find out whether all the neurons are involved in the work, or whether some part of them is completely inactive. But, given the fact that they healthy person on the order of several billion, they would not be able to check each one.

Therefore, they examined one part, found a certain percentage of the most active, and put forward a hypothesis that this applies to both hemispheres, both. This process is called extrapolation and is used when it is impossible for some reason to conduct an experiment with a whole part of a phenomenon or material.

So, in the end, they found out that only a very small part of these neurons are involved in the work. While most of them are in the so-called sleep mode. That is why the conclusion about 10 percent followed. But in fact, this is a myth, and now you will understand why.

Debunking the Myths

I am sure you are aware that the human brain is actually a very complex structure that has a large number of levels and zones. Let's say, such as cognitive, sensory or motor. And each of them performs certain functions. That is, one is responsible for our propulsion system, another for memory and speech, and the third for sensations.

So, a person uses each zone in turn, that is, if he is engaged in active sports, then it is at this moment that the neurons responsible for speech can “rest”. Have you met people who watch TV so enthusiastically that they do not hear or notice what is happening in the room at all, even if you call them loudly by name?

Now imagine what will happen to our body if all neurons are activated at the same time. If it doesn't work, I'll let you know. A person can easily go crazy, because in an instant he will begin to experience all the sensations that he is capable of. A lot of thoughts will flash through his head, his body will be tormented by convulsions, feelings will become unbearable. After all, rage mixed with tenderness, sadness, anxiety, disgust, excitement, fear, etc., cannot be sustained at the same time.

Not pleasant, right? Therefore, rest is important for our hemispheres, which is why they engage in work only those departments that are necessary to solve some problem. And in order to achieve such an effect, it is necessary to find a balance between the inhibition of some processes, and the excitation of others.

There is such a disease as epilepsy, which just serves as a clear example of what will happen to a person if the maximum percentage of nerve cells is activated at the same time. In fact, epileptic seizure- this is excessive excitement that does not come out to "slow down", which causes convulsions, memory and control over one's actions disappear.

Training and development

It may seem that in this case it makes no sense to develop your abilities, since achieving 100 percent work of the hemispheres in an instant is not only impossible, but also very dangerous. But in fact, it is very important to train it, otherwise, over time, you can lose efficiency and the ability to work productively, process and remember information efficiently.

For example, have you heard stories when children were found in the forest who were brought up by some kind of animals? Many years of hard work with them subsequently did not help develop speech, they all remained wild “Mowglis”. And because, being born, the baby has a very large number of neurons, but still does not know how to form connections between them. Therefore, depending on the stimulus, they appear independently.

Daylight makes it necessary to learn to distinguish not only the time of day, but also the surrounding objects, colors, mother ... If he is born with a cataract that does not allow him to see, then, being operated on at an older age, nothing will change.

So with the "Mowgli", they will no longer have a zone responsible for speech. But orientation in space will be perfectly preserved even if it is no longer necessary. Once experiments were carried out on kittens, their eyelids were sewn up at birth, and over time, the stitches were removed for older ones. But, alas, they remained blind already and with their eyes open.

Therefore, a person should tirelessly take care of his mental development and even more so, their children. No wonder they adapt much faster to new technologies, instantly reading information on how to use gadgets, not even knowing how to walk or talk properly.

So, as you can see, both hemispheres of a person most likely work at all their 100%, and by mistake of some scientists, people long time demanded the impossible from themselves, forcing them to jump above their own heads and still bring the mythical 10% to the maximum mark.

How more workouts you will organize yourself, the better you will cope with various tasks. To do this, it is worth not just solving puzzles, but also developing other areas and abilities.

Live Consciously. And this means that you should always keep track of what and why you are doing. Why did you do it this way, and not otherwise, and what result do you want to come to in this way. This is the most best charger for the mind, giving positive results in human life. Start by being aware of yourself in the present moment, how you feel now, where you are, what sensations you experience, and what thoughts are circling in your head?

Look at the article, there you will find detailed information about what to do to notice yourself, and not how the days fly by.

Development of both hemispheres of the brain. It is important to learn how to use both hemispheres, left and right, at the same time, this is very difficult process, especially out of habit. But gradually, if you pay maximum attention to training, you will notice how well and productively you perform your duties, and indeed, you live. You can find development exercises at the link I gave above. In an article about the right hemisphere.

I.Q. If you are interested in knowing more exactly how developed your thinking is, I recommend that you read the article, it indicates full transcript values, and the test itself can be taken online.

Read. As much as possible, then you will not only be in good shape, but will also be able to fill the spiritual component of your personality. With the help of books, you can improve memory, attention, and also increase the level of knowledge. It's worth taking the time to do it.

Recommend. Recommend online service wikium. There are many exercises for brain development. You can also track the progress of your workouts and receive recommendations from the creators of this tool.


And that’s all for today, dear readers! I hope I was able to debunk the established myths about how developed a person is, and how much he gives all the best, both mentally and physically, in the process of life. Take care of yourself and never stop there, a person is capable of much, the main thing is perseverance!
The material was prepared by Alina Zhuravina.

Does the brain work at 100% or less, we humans, without outside help we can never. There is a well-known position that a tool for researching something should be an order of magnitude more accurate than the object of research. Then the accuracy will not be coarser than 10%. We study the brain with the help of the brain, i.e. the object and instrument of research are equivalent. In this case, the accuracy will be plus or minus bast shoes.

In order for the brain to work at one hundred percent, it needs to be provided with energy, as you know, our brain consumes up to 30% of the energy from all the food that enters our body, and at the same time it works only at 5%, so that the brain works at full capacity, can you imagine how many people need will eat? We will eat everything on the planet, it's simple physics, until humanity learns to use alternative energy sources, nothing turns on, there is not enough power. Of course, one can only guess about the capabilities of the brain, but judging by the rest of the creation, we will be no small witnesses, additional spectra of perception will open, additional frequency ranges of perception of the worlds will be available, human consciousness will move anywhere, since there are no limits, hypersensitivity and super-susceptibility will increase, processing of incoming information will increase, consciousness will expand, as is known from 400 billion units of information, our consciousness skips only 2000 so as not to overheat the brain, the human body will be able to accumulate great amount energy, only at this moment we will become like creators, since our thought will gain strength, energy, our dreams will come true, since there will be energy to implement all this, we will be able to control the armies of entities that live in subtle worlds and are vitally energy-dependent, all depends on energy, nothing exists and does not live without energy, we have a huge potential, we do not have enough relics. In the video, some of the human abilities available to everyone:

If we really imagine that human brain starts to work at 100%, then we will not just be able to manage someone or something. We can stop time, find out how our solar systems how life appeared on our planet. If you really think about it, then there are no states, countries, administrations, schools, families, we humans, like animals, have instincts for: procreation, care for offspring, fear,

anger. Take for example lions during their breeding season, the lions share the female, one kills the other, they don’t bury him, they don’t remember him, they just eat him and that’s it. there is no religion. If you think so, we are worse than animals, we pollute nature, we kill animals, many species disappear, plants do not have time to purify the air, we cut down the forest, we are not people. we increase our offspring, why are there already 7 billion of us, and our planet will feed only 12 billion people. The population slowly grew and grew, in 100 we will already be 150 billion. will already spaceships, teleports, we will look for life in others solar planets. The brain is something unusual, not fully studied by us. Already by 30% of our brain we will be able to move objects, control some electromagnetic waves, control our matter. By 60% we will be able to control the bodies of people. By 99%, we will be able to be in space without a spacesuit and we will not need air, we will not eat, drink, the use of our needs will not be necessary at all. And by 100% our material body will disappear and we will boom everywhere.

I am very doubtful of the statements of pseudo-scientists that the human brain is involved by 8-10 percent, and a little more in crisis situations. How did you know? By running the human brain at 100%, otherwise these are just allegations that do not deserve a serious attitude. There is also an opinion that the voiced 10% is the working memory of the brain, and everything else HDD, which is addressed by the operational 10% in cases of problems and where basic information is accumulated. But it is difficult to understand how full this storage of information is, perhaps just the subconscious, the memory of ancestors, occupies the main volume of the human brain. And including all this memory at 100 percent is as useless as loading a computer with stupid tasks. It is required at certain times, more like a database than as a source of super-fast information processing and omnipotence.

They say that people with the slightest superpowers (even just with more developed intuition than usual) the brain works on more high level, that is, usually not particularly active parts of the brain are involved. Imagine that if the brain works not a little better, but one hundred percent, then people will simply have developed intuition, but communicate mentally, move objects with the power of thought, and predict the future.

And if people begin to transparently see the thoughts and intentions of other people, then it will be possible to avoid all conflicts, from family ones to global ones.

The human brain works at 100%, the fact that it works at 10% is a myth, you can read the corresponding article on Wikipedia.

It’s just that separate parts of the brain show activity, but there are people who periodically have all parts work simultaneously and this action is called an epileptic attack. Here in your body all the muscles do not work at the same time, but what it will look like if they work, the same thing with the brain.

It makes no sense for an organism to maintain such an organ that consumes so many resources and does not work. So it's all just rumors and a bunch of films were made about this nonsense.

If a person, with that % of brain work, has left the ground and flies into space, then I can’t even imagine what will happen when his 100% work. Probably, a person is better off the way he is now, otherwise he can do such a thing.

My brother-in-law had cerebellar cancer and went into a coma after surgery. And to the questions: when will he wake up. what will happen after? and whether he can then this, this, another. the doctor replied: what do you want, I don’t know what will happen after, because the brain has not even been properly examined. We know almost nothing about him. All questions immediately disappeared automatically.

To be honest, I'm not sure that our brain only works by a few percent, but if you activate it, then some kind of miracle will happen and everyone will become geniuses. It's nice to think about it. Everyone wants to be a super human and control the whole world and other people. But if every person activates the brain by 100 percent, I don’t think that anything will remain of the Earth. Although there are drugs that can stimulate brain activity. By the way, the films "Areas of Darkness" and "Lucy" were shot on this topic.

"And if people begin to transparently see the thoughts and intentions of other people, then it will be possible to avoid all conflicts, from family to global ones." NONSENSE

And before about predicting the future Also nonsense! If a person can communicate mentally, move objects with the power of thought - this will be the maximum that a person will achieve!

Shoshina Vera Nikolaevna

Therapist, education: Northern medical University. Work experience 10 years.

Articles written

About how it works the most important body human body, the brain, there are many legends and pseudoscientific theories. The most common statement says: according to the studies, he spends no more than ten percent of the potential. Is it true? How much does the human brain actually work?

How the human brain works

The brain is the most complex organ in all living beings. Every moment he needs to process a huge amount of information, transmit signals to other body systems. So far, scientists have not been able to fully study its structure and functional features. In humans, the organ is responsible for such processes as: consciousness, speech functions, coordination, emotions, reflex functions.

Central nervous system normal person consists of spinal cord and brain. These organs include 2 types of cells: neurons (information carriers) and gliocytes (cells that act as a framework).

The entire human body is permeated with a network of nerves, which are a continuation of the central nervous system. Through neurons, information from the brain diverges throughout the body and comes back for processing. All nerve cells create a single information network with it.

The myth of using 10% of the brain

There is no reliable data on where the Ten Percent theory came from, presumably it all happened like this:

  1. At the turn of the 19th and 20th centuries, two researchers Sidis and James studied the abilities of children, testing the theory of accelerated human development, and came to the conclusion that the human brain has a huge potential that is not fully used. Later, Thomas, another famous scientist, when writing the preface to Carnegie's work, recalled this theory and suggested that the human brain actually works only at ten percent of its potential.
  2. A group of scientists, conducting research in neurobiology, studying the cortex of his hemispheres, concluded that every second he is involved by ten percent. Later, when asked how many percent of the brain works in a person, a truncated answer began to be given in books and television programs.

So the common myth turned into reality. The legend that the average person uses only a tenth of their potential has become very popular. She is constantly exaggerated in fiction and cinema, many books and films have been created on its basis.

Unscrupulous psychotherapists and various kinds of psychics profit well from the existing myth, offering training programs, conducting expensive courses where a person:

  • promise to train the brain until reaching one hundred percent disclosure of potential;
  • guarantee that every smart child will become a genius, using the proposed methods;
  • offer to find and reveal hidden paranormal abilities, supposedly dormant in every person.

What is really

But what about in reality, how much does the brain work and how to check whether a person uses his potential to the fullest?

Argument for full use of the brain:

  • Do not rely on the conclusions of scientists made at the end of the nineteenth century. In those days, there simply was no technical possibility to calculate the percentage of the number of neurons involved in the work.
  • Many years of experiments, tests and studies have shown that when performing a simple action (communication, reading, etc.), all parts of the body are activated. Therefore, it works not at 10, but at 100 percent.
  • Severe often leads to serious disturbances in the functioning of the body, the loss of many functions. When using a tenth of the activity of the brain, a person would not notice the difference, the organ could compensate for the injury and use the rest of the potential.
  • Nature is economical, because about twenty percent of energy is expended on the brain processes that take place in the human body. It is unlikely that so much energy would be spent on an organ that is partially used.
  • The size of the brain also indicates that it uses a much larger percentage of the substance. All organs of the human body are directly proportional to their functions. A brain that uses only a tenth of its potential would weigh as much as a lamb.
  • The acceleration of thought processes in the brain occurs if the correct training methods and hard work are applied, and there is no activation of idle areas with the help of expensive courses.

Mystical abilities

Man in critical situation may feel in himself simply mystical abilities to solve the problem. There are cases when people at the moment of danger lifted huge weights, made the necessary decisions in a short fraction of a second, and increased the speed of information perception.

What happens in such cases: the mobilization of the body and the release of adrenaline into the blood or the awakening of the rest of the body? It is well known that, having survived extreme situation, a person feels very tired, because the body has spent a large amount of energy on actions. Therefore, it is not a matter of mystical abilities that lie dormant in the brain, but in the mobilization of the organ for the solution of an important task.

There is an opinion that the human brain is used by us only by 10%. This is probably why a person cannot figure out how to develop it 100%. Question: why then is the brain so arranged and how can you still make it work one hundred percent?

The myth of the brain

It is not true! The statement that the human brain works at 10% (5%, 3%) is an old, completely false and completely unkillable myth. Let's see where he came from.

In the middle of the last century, it was completely incomprehensible how a person thinks (now it is also incomprehensible, but on a different level). But some things were known - for example, that the brain is made up of neurons and that neurons can generate electrical signals.

Some scientists then believed that if a neuron generates an impulse, then it works, and if it does not generate, then it is “lazy”. And then someone came up with the idea to check: how many neurons in the whole brain are “working”, and how many are “beating the buckets”?

There are several billion neurons in the brain, and it would be pure madness to measure the activity of each of them - it would take many years. So instead of studying all the neurons in a row, the scientists examined only a small part, determined the percentage of active neurons among them, and assumed that this percentage is the same throughout the brain (this assumption is called extrapolation).

And it turned out that only an indecently small percentage of neurons "works", that is, it generates impulses, while the rest are "silent". A somewhat straightforward conclusion was drawn from this: silent neurons are idlers, and the brain works only at a small part of its capabilities.

This conclusion was absolutely wrong, but since it was customary at that time to “correct nature”, for example, turning rivers back, irrigating deserts and draining the seas, the idea that brain function can also be improved took root and began its victorious march through newspapers. pages and magazine spreads. Even now, something like this is sometimes found in the yellow press.

How does the brain work

Now let's try to figure out how things really are.

The human brain is a complex, multilevel, highly organized structure. What is written below is a very simplified picture.

There are many areas in the brain. Some of them are called sensory - they receive information about what we feel (well, let's say, touching the palm). Other areas are motor areas, they control our movements. Still others are cognitive, it is thanks to them that we can think. Fourth are responsible for our emotions. Etc.

Why don't all the neurons in the brain fire at the same time? Yes, very simple. When we are not walking, the neurons that trigger the process of walking are inactive. When we are silent, the neurons that control speech are “silent”. When we do not hear anything, the neurons responsible for hearing are not excited. When we don’t feel fear, the “fear neurons” don’t work. In other words, if the neurons in this moment not needed - they are inactive. And that's great.

Because if it were not so... Imagine for a second that we can excite ALL our neurons at the same time (our body simply cannot bear such mockery for more than a second).

We will immediately begin to suffer from hallucinations, because sensory neurons will make us experience absolutely everything. possible sensations. At the same time, motor neurons will start all the movements that we are only capable of. And cognitive neurons... Thinking is such a complex thing that there is hardly a single person on this planet who can say what will happen if all cognitive neurons are fired at the same time. But suppose, for simplicity, that we then begin to think simultaneously all possible thoughts. And we will experience all possible emotions. And there's a lot more to come that I won't write about, because there just isn't enough space here.

Now let's look from the outside at this creature suffering from hallucinations, twitching from convulsions, simultaneously feeling joy, horror and rage. It doesn't look like a creature that has upgraded its brain to 100% efficiency!

Vice versa. Excessive activity of the brain is not good, but only harmful. When we eat, we don’t need to run, when we sit at the computer, we don’t need to sing, and if, while solving a math problem, we think not only about it, but also about the birds outside the window, then this problem is unlikely to be solved. In order to think, it is not enough to THINK about something, you must also NOT THINK about everything else. It is important not only to excite the “necessary” neurons, but also to inhibit the “unnecessary” ones. A balance is needed between excitation and inhibition. And the violation of this balance can lead to very sad consequences.

For example, the severe disease epilepsy, in which a person suffers from seizures, occurs when excitation in the brain "outweighs" inhibition. Because of this, during a seizure, even those neurons that should be silent at that second are activated; they transmit excitation to the next neurons, those to the next, and a continuous wave of excitation goes through the brain. When this wave reaches the motor neurons, they send signals to the muscles, they contract, and the person begins to have convulsions. What the patient feels at the same time, it is impossible to say, because at the time of the seizure, the person loses his memory.

How to make your brain work more efficiently

I hope you have already understood that trying to make the brain work better by exciting all the neurons in a row is a hopeless business, and even dangerous. However, you can "train" the brain to work more efficiently. This, of course, is a topic for a huge book (and not even one), and not a small article. Therefore, I will only talk about one way. You have to start from afar.

When is born Small child, the number of neurons in his brain is even greater than that of an adult. But there are still almost no connections between these neurons, and therefore a newborn little man is not yet able to use his brain correctly - for example, he practically cannot see or hear. The neurons in his retina, even if they sense light, have not yet formed connections with other neurons to carry information further into the cortex. hemispheres. That is, the eye sees the light, but the brain is not able to understand it. Gradually, the necessary connections are formed, and in the end the child learns to distinguish at first just light, then silhouettes of simple objects, colors, and so on. The more diverse things the child sees, the more connections form him. visual pathways and the better the part of his brain that is associated with vision works.

But the most surprising thing is not this, but the fact that such bonds can be formed almost exclusively in childhood. And so if a child for some reason cannot see anything in early age(say, he has a congenital cataract), then the necessary neural connections in his brain will never be formed, and the person will not learn to see. Even if this person is operated on for cataracts as an adult, he will still remain blind. Quite cruel experiments were carried out on kittens, whose eyes were sewn up in a newborn state. The kittens grew up without ever seeing anything; after that, they had their stitches removed as adults. Their eyes were healthy, their eyes saw light - but the animals remained blind. Having not learned to see in childhood, they were no longer able to see in adulthood.

That is, there is some critical period in which the neural connections necessary for the development of vision are formed, and if the brain does not learn to see during this period, it will never learn to do so. The same applies to hearing, and, to a lesser extent, to other human abilities and skills - smell, touch and taste, the ability to speak and read, to play on musical instruments, navigate in nature and so on. A vivid example of this is the "Mowgli children" who got lost in early childhood and were raised by wild animals. In adulthood, they still cannot master human speech, because they did not train this skill in their childhood. But they are able to navigate in the forest in a way that no person who grew up in civilized conditions can.

And further. You never know at what moment some skill acquired in childhood will “shoot out”. For example, a person who in childhood actively trained fine motor skills of hands, doing drawing, modeling, needlework, will find it easier to become a surgeon who performs filigree, precise operations in which not a single wrong movement can be allowed.

In other words, if anything can make the brain work better, then it is training, and training from childhood. The more the brain works, the better it works, and vice versa - the less it is loaded, the worse it will function. And the younger the brain, the more “flexible” and receptive it is. That is why schools teach small children, and not adult uncles and aunts. That is why children are able to adapt to new situations much faster than adults (for example, they master computer literacy or learn foreign languages). That is why it is necessary to train your intellect from childhood. And if you do this, then nothing will prevent you from making great discoveries. For example, how the brain works.

Answered: Vera Bashmakova

Together with scientists from Rostov, the site debunks common misconceptions and scientific myths. Should we be afraid of GMOs? Are we really only using 10% of our brains? What is the difference between black holes and cosmic wormholes? We ask these and other questions to specialists from Rostov universities and research organizations. The first conversation was devoted to the topic of radiation. This time we decided to talk about the human brain. We decided to ask Alexey Perekhov, Associate Professor of the Department of Psychiatry and Narcology of Rostov State Medical University, questions about him.

Mysterious and beautiful

The human brain is one of the most important and at the same time the most mysterious parts of our body. It is the highly developed brain that is considered the most important difference between humans and animals. However, despite all the efforts of scientists, it has not yet been fully studied. Its mystique has become rich ground for many myths. Some of them even formed the basis of feature films and became very popular.

To look for answers, we went to Rostov State Medical University

Myth #1: The brain is made up of "grey matter". This is what distinguishes man from animals.

In fact, the human brain is made up of many different parts. The gray matter is only its bark. In addition, the brain contains, for example, the so-called white matter - the subcortical layer. It takes not less space than gray matter. There are also many substances that are neither gray nor white matter do not apply.

Gray matter is also found in animals. Monkeys, dolphins, even domestic dogs have it. The difference lies not in the very presence of gray matter, but in the features of its development, its volume and capabilities.

Is it true that it is the amount of gray matter in the brain that determines the intelligence of a person?

– This myth most likely comes from the idea that the larger the brain, the smarter man. However, this is not quite true. At some stage, the size of the brain ceases to be decisive. Of course, there are cases when the brain is quite small. So much so that it cannot perform its functions. Then this is really a problem, a pathology, such people become severe oligophrenics. However, in the case of a normally functioning brain, size is not critical.

The weight of a normal human brain ranges from about 1 to 1.5 kilograms. With this logic, we would have to conclude that people with a brain weighing 1.5 kilograms are significantly smarter than those with only 1 kilogram. However, research on the brains of geniuses different years shows that among them were people with both large and small brains.

Alexey Perekhov: "Intelligence depends more on the structure of the brain, and not on its size"

What then is of decisive importance for the formation of intelligence?

Great importance has to do with how the brain works, in particular the arrangement of neurotransmitter networks that connect tens of billions of brain cells.

Myth #2: The convolutions affect how a person remembers information. With the acquisition of new knowledge, new convolutions are formed.

- This is outdated information. Right now in modern science, no one is already studying how many convolutions a person has, what they are. With the help of positron tomography, we were able to penetrate the brain cells themselves. For the brain, it does not matter at all how many convolutions it has. More important is the number of connections between neurons, the system of their organization, the speed of data transfer, the work of special neurotransmitter substances that provide “opening” and “closing” nerve cell. With the acquisition of new knowledge, new neural connections are formed, but not convolutions.

Myth #3. The human brain works at only 10% of its capacity. You can increase this figure with various techniques and/or special preparations

- that there is something in healthy body a person does not work 100% - this is fiction. In nature, everything always works 100%, there is no other way. Another question is what part of the brain's work are we aware of? Answer: very small. If we were aware of all the processes of the brain, we would not have the subconscious and the unconscious. Incidentally, cybernetics are often asked this question now. After all, true artificial intelligence will control all the processes occurring in his brain by 100%. This will deprive him human emotions and feelings.

Is there any way to stimulate the brain?

- Yes, in certain cases"coefficient useful action» the brain can increase. At brilliant people this happens due to insights, in ordinary ones - with certain physical states, for example, with a sharp release of adrenaline. But it won't go up to 100%. In addition, the work of the brain can be stimulated by special drugs - psychostimulants. However, taking them for a long time is dangerous to health. And you probably won’t be able to become a genius that way, not to mention the purely mythical “hidden capabilities” of the brain that often appear in science fiction films. Geniuses, unfortunately, are born, not made. Fighting nature is pointless.

In Luc Besson's film "Lucy", the main character received superpowers by taking a drug that stimulates the brain. In reality, large doses of psychostimulants threaten human body severe consequences

Myth number 4. Brain cells do not regenerate, and any damage to the brain necessarily leads to serious problems with development and thinking

This myth has a real basis. With brain damage of a certain extent - for example, with a stroke - they will not recover. It's the same as cutting off a person's finger. It obviously won't grow back. With the brain, the situation is the same except for one moment - nervous tissue very plastic. The peculiarity of the human brain is that the functions that were performed by dead cells can be taken over by other parts of the brain. This process has been recently launched. Before that, it was believed that the brain is very rigidly divided into various departments: hearing center, music perception center and so on. It was assumed that if a certain department dies, then the brain loses its function. It is now known that due to plasticity, almost any lost function can be restored. Only the function of speech cannot be restored. The fact is that the speech center of the brain is a very young structure. All other functions exist in the brain for several hundred thousand, if not millions of years. Speech function appeared only about 40 million years ago. Our brain has not yet learned to compensate for its loss.

A study using an encephalograph allows you to study the activity of the brain

How large-scale loss of cells in the brain can be compensated in this way?

– In some cases, it is possible to successfully compensate for huge losses. There are very severe forms epilepsy, in which a person needs to remove half of the brain. This operation is carried out in childhood. It would seem that such a person should become a “vegetable” bedridden for life. But with the right further development the preserved parts of the brain take over the functions of the lost part. As a result, such people are able to lead full life. Communicating with them, you will never guess that these people do not have half the brain.