We answer the question: why was the child born with teeth? Natal and neonatal pathologies of dental development, what does it mean if a child is born with teeth

According to medical research, if the baby’s teeth appear from the first days of life or grow within 30 days in relation to existing norm- the first ones appear at 6-7 months of the baby’s life - they are called:

  • natal
  • neonatal.

The presented types are divided into:

  • complete
  • spare.

Complete ones are also called dairy ones. They appear when the baby is still in the womb.

The disadvantage of the described phenomenon is that they quickly wear off and cause harm not only to the baby (they injure the baby’s tongue), but also to the mother (they harm the mother’s nipples during feeding). The small consolation is that they leave the mouth before the child reaches 4 years of age.

Spares also appear while the baby is still in the womb. They form the second row. If they are removed, their real dairy counterparts will grow exactly on schedule.

This is important to know: If after the removal of temporary milk teeth the permanent ones do not erupt, it is necessary to install a plate so that the existing teeth do not close together and provide passage for the eruption of new teeth.

It is not always worth removing neonatal teeth. As an exception, they can be left if they stay firmly in the gums and do not interfere with the development of a correct bite.

Reasons for appearance

There are at least 5 changes in the body that can cause the appearance of a newborn with an anomaly:

  1. High levels of calcium contained in a woman’s body. In addition to calcium, in this case the level of vitamin D is also important, which can also affect the appearance of the described phenomenon in children at birth.
  2. Use of medications.
  3. Heredity.
  4. Environmental factors.
  5. A certain level of health endocrine system.

All of the factors presented can affect the baby’s health and the proper development of all teeth.

What to do with uterine milk teeth

As stated earlier, it is necessary to remove them as they will become a problem during breastfeeding.

However, it is worth noting that there are two points of view on this issue. The first states that it is necessary to remove both complete and spare teeth to reduce the risk of harm to both the child and the mother.

According to the second, the spare ones should be removed immediately, since permanent milk teeth will take their place. The complete ones should not be removed - with them the child will wait for their original brothers.

Thus, we indicated the main types of intrauterine teeth, noted the reasons for their appearance and considered ways to solve this problem.

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Is it possible to have a baby with teeth? Invented myth or reality? This is an amazing and extraordinary event, so from the first days of life such a child is surrounded by an aura of mystery, surprising the people around him. Doctors in all countries have so far been unable to explain this phenomenon. There is no way to predict whether a baby will be born with teeth or not, it is just a matter of chance.

Are children often born with teeth?

Often, only after six months does a child begin to erupt a tooth, but if it appears at least three or four months, then it is considered that these are early teeth. There are unique children who are born with teeth, while others erupt teeth within the first 30 days of life. Approximately one baby out of several thousand is born with one tooth, much less often - with two.

Most often congenital are lower teeth, in most cases they are not at all strong, they can wobble, and if they are not removed, they will soon fall out on their own. However, there are also exceptional cases, when the congenital teeth are very strong and remain until replaced by molars.

Causes of early tooth growth

Shaping everyone is vital important organs in a child, not excluding the formation of teeth, occurs in the first few months of pregnancy. During development, tooth buds accumulate minerals, is formed vasculature and nerve endings. The tooth grows, matures and erupts. The time of teething, the structure and health of a child’s teeth may depend on the following factors:

The most common theory for teeth appearing prematurely is based on the genetics of the embryo. This may also be due to excessive accumulation of calcium and vitamin D during pregnancy in the mother.

Features of natal teeth

The teeth that erupt in the baby inside the mother’s womb are called natal, and those that appear within a month after birth are called neonatal. Only in 5% of cases are these additional, supernumerary teeth; in the rest, these are the first incisors. This phenomenon occurs more often among girls than among males.

Regardless of their location, these teeth are smaller, with plastic enamel, prone to various damages, they may look like in the photo (see also:). Despite the fact that natal (neonatal) teeth have no connection with physiological or mental acceleration, this phenomenon can have a rather negative impact on the development of the jaw bone and almost the entire facial skeleton. This is why a child with premature or congenital teeth must receive a consultation. pediatric dentist to understand what to do next. The options may be the following:

  1. If the neonatal teeth are firmly attached to the bone and do not affect the bite, then they are left.
  2. If the doctor determines that the teeth that appear are spare (additional) teeth, then they are removed. In order to prevent their unexpected entry into Airways during the fall.
  3. If neonatal teeth are weak, shaky, have a dangerous sharp chip (edge), and develop with malocclusion, then they need to be removed.

Caring for your natal teeth

The opinions of practicing dentists regarding actions with natal and neonatal teeth are very contradictory. Some doctors advise removing them, given the possibility of injuring the frenulum of the tongue, difficulties with breastfeeding, insufficient development and weakness of these teeth. Others insist that only spare teeth should be removed, while others should be preserved.

The complexity of the decision lies in the fact that it is not always possible to accurately determine which teeth the child has grown, complete or spare. In some cases, fluoroscopy is necessary for diagnosis, which is sometimes unacceptable for an infant.

If a child is born with teeth, what does this mean? Mothers begin to wonder whether this is an unknown disease, or simply accelerated development. Natal and neonatal dental pathology is not so common, but deserves attention. It is necessary to know what causes this anomaly and whether it can lead to complications.

Why was the child born already with teeth?

Many young mothers will confidently answer negatively when asked whether children are born with teeth. But this is not so, the baby may be born with teeth or they will erupt during the first month of life. This phenomenon is rare; for every 1 toothed baby there are about 800 toothless newborns.

Due to the fact that such situations rarely occur, many do not even realize what the imminent teething could mean. Others believe in omens: the child will snap at loved ones all his life, or all his strength will go into the first incisors, and the child will be weak.

If we turn to medicine, the teeth of newborns are divided into neonatal and natal. The natal ones are already present at birth, and the neonatal ones will appear a little later, a week or two after birth. The development of neonatal teeth occurs more often than the formation of teeth in the womb.

According to statistics, girls are 1.5 times more likely to be born with teeth. IN early age incisors appear, while fangs can be seen in newborns only in 0.5% of cases.

There are several reasons for this natal and neonatal pathology. Experts call increased calcium levels the most common provoking factor, but sometimes children’s teeth can indicate more serious problems in organism:

  1. Maternal infections before and during pregnancy.
  2. Any previous illness of the pregnant woman, accompanied by high fever.
  3. Exposure to toxins and other harmful substances for the expectant mother.
  4. Genetic pathologies. Perhaps these are signs of a disorder bone tissue or the presence of numerous cysts in oral cavity.

Only neonatologists using diagnostic measures will be able to pinpoint the root cause early appearance baby's incisors.

Different types of teeth in a child

There may be several teeth, in pairs on top or bottom, or just one. Their quality also varies - it can be a full-fledged strong incisor, or there is an option with only a seal in the gum.

Classification according to teeth characteristics:

  1. The crown is shell-shaped, soft, the tooth has no roots, and is held in place only by the gum tissue.
  2. The crown is somewhat denser than in the first option. There is no root, the tooth is held on by the gum.
  3. Cutting through the natal teeth with the edge of the incisor.
  4. The tooth can be felt, but it is hidden in the periodontal tissues.

By type, early teeth are divided into complete and spare. Complete ones appeared before birth and will cause a lot of problems, since trauma to the soft tissues surrounding the teeth and frenulum is likely. Spare ones are also formed in the womb, but they form an additional row of milk teeth, which are quite weak and will interfere with the eruption of the main row.

Should I brush my teeth or not?

If a child was born with teeth or acquired several incisors in the first days after birth, is it worth removing them, and what should be done? A neonatologist and pediatrician will only be able to tell after a thorough examination whether it is necessary to remove teeth. After diagnosing any pathology, not only removal, but also a course of therapy will be carried out.

A child born with teeth is a rarity, and if this feature does not affect feeding and further development, they are left. Within a few years they will be replaced by new ones. However, it is worth remembering that oral care must begin much earlier: thoroughly brush your teeth every day, and be constantly examined by a dentist.

Are babies born with teeth? As a rule, children’s first teeth begin to appear after they reach six months of age, but in medical practice there are often cases of children being born with teeth. Such deviations from the norm are much more common in girls than in boys.

According to statistics, no more than 2000 such cases are diagnosed annually, therefore, when identifying teeth in a newborn medical staff is surprised, and the parents worry about their child. Today we will try to figure out what this deviation is connected with, what it entails and what to do in this case.

Newborn girl with teeth.

Why was the child born with teeth?

If a child is born with a tooth in his mouth, what does this mean? This is the question that modern doctors and parents ask when they discover teeth in a newborn baby. Most often this phenomenon is associated with:

  • the content of calcium and vitamin D in a woman’s body during pregnancy;
  • superficial location of the primary sources of teeth;
  • infectious diseases in a severe stage of a pregnant woman, accompanied by an increase in body temperature;
  • various congenital pathologies and ailments;
  • taking certain medications in the first three months of pregnancy, when the effect on the fetus is most significant;
  • endocrine disorders and hormonal imbalances in the maternal body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • environmental features

Important! The formation of tooth primordia occurs during the development of the child in the mother’s womb.

In this regard, it must be remembered that the nutrition and lifestyle of a woman during pregnancy have a direct impact on the development of the baby. If a child is born with teeth, genetic testing will most likely be ordered. This will allow us to determine the reasons for the development of natal teeth.

Child with Sotos syndrome.

What types of teeth do children have at birth?

The teeth found in the oral cavity of a newborn child may be complete or spare. Regardless of the variety, such teeth are characterized by inferior structure, softness, weakness and rapid wear.

Depending on the variety, “early” teeth also have certain characteristics:

  • Teething complete teeth occurs during the intrauterine development of the baby. Their main drawback is represented by the weakness of the structure. These bone structures They deteriorate and wear off very quickly and most often fall out before the child reaches the age of four, causing a lot of inconvenience caring parents and the child. The main inconveniences are associated with the inability to ensure normal breastfeeding of the child, because the woman will constantly face injury to her nipples. Sharp teeth in the child’s oral cavity may also be the cause of regular violation of the integrity of soft tissues, accompanied by the formation of ulcers and wounds.
  • Spares teeth presented additional row milk teeth, the formation and eruption of which also occurs during intrauterine development. Most often, spare teeth fall out soon after the baby is born, but they can also remain for a long period. In this case, they most often resort to removing these teeth so that a full-fledged dentition can be formed. Spare teeth also cause a lot of inconvenience, limiting normal feeding and causing many wounds and ulcers in the baby’s mouth.

Should I worry?

If a child was born with a tooth, what does this mean and whether this deviation poses a danger, only a specialist can tell after comprehensive examination, the need for which is due to the fact that the phenomenon is often associated with dangerous syndromes presented by:

  • Ellis-Van Creveld syndrome – very rare genetic disease influencing the growth of bone structures;
  • Hallerman-Streiff syndrome - maxillofacial dysmorphia;
  • craniofacial synostosis, in which early closure of the sutures of the skull occurs, making it limited and deformed ( this pathology most often diagnosed among boys);
  • multiple steatocystoma - benign disease, accompanied by the development of numerous skin cystic nodules;
  • congenital form of pachyonychia, characterized by damage to the nail plates, their compaction and the appearance of longitudinal grooves;
  • Sotos syndrome - congenital disease, which is characterized by tall stature, convexity of the frontal lobe of the skull and accelerated development of bone tissue;
  • Robin's anomaly congenital defect characterized by inadequate development lower jaw and recessed tongue;
  • cleft palate - congenital pathology, in which the halves of the palate do not grow together (in society the anomaly is called a cleft palate).

Attention! When identifying teeth in a newborn, you should not immediately panic, because the likelihood that the deviation is associated with one of the listed pathologies is very small.

The baby should be shown to the dentist even if the first milk teeth erupt in the first month after birth. Ignoring the situation is fraught with disturbances in the development of the jaw and facial skeleton as a whole.

A child chews on a teething rattle.

Do these teeth need to be removed?

The decision about what to do with baby teeth that appear ahead of schedule should be made only by qualified specialist after studies have been carried out, one of which is a clinical examination of the baby’s oral cavity.

The diagnostic method includes:

  • External examination of teeth to determine their mobility, shade and shape. More detailed information can also be obtained through radiographic examination. In the case of missing roots, the decision is most often made to remove the tooth. This is necessary to prevent it from entering the respiratory tract of a newborn baby after a sudden loss.
  • Studying the condition of the soft tissues of the tongue and gums to identify possible damage from the sharp tips of the teeth, granulomatous lesions and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.
  • Prescribing tests, conducting consultations with specialists of a narrow profile, performing diagnostic studies that will help eliminate dangerous reasons anomalies.

All the results are combined and will help you make a decision regarding deletion or preservation early teeth, therapy of concomitant pathologies. It is impossible to identify a single tactic for the behavior of specialists in relation to such teeth.

Important! Some dentists recommend getting rid of such bone formations, guided by their underdevelopment, weakness, difficulties in ensuring breastfeeding, high risk soft tissue injury accompanied by inflammatory processes in the oral cavity.

At the same time, a number of experts insist on surgical interventions only for spare teeth. After removing the reserve row of bone formations that formed in the oral cavity during intrauterine development, healthy baby teeth can erupt in their place in time, which will perfectly cope with their assigned functions until the permanent ones appear.

But the removal of complete teeth is fraught with the fact that the child will lack the necessary bone formations until they appear permanent teeth with root systems. As a result of such a decision, there is a possibility of encountering an abnormal jaw structure, displacement of baby teeth, etc.

Most often, difficulties in determining the further fate of such teeth are associated with the inability to correctly determine their type. Often in such cases, fluoroscopy may be prescribed, but many parents refuse such medical events due to the high risk for the child. As shown medical practice, only in 5% of cases the teeth are spare. In all other cases we're talking about about complete teeth.

Doctor Komarovsky's opinion

Dr. Komarovsky is also studying the question of whether a child can be born with teeth, who notes that deviations of 6 months in the established time frame, both upward and downward, are considered an acceptable norm.

However, the specialist insists on a mandatory visit to the dentist if teething is very late and there is an uncharacteristic localization of developing baby teeth. The doctor also considers the appearance of teeth before birth to be situations that require additional study.

Important! All of the above deviations may be associated with dangerous pathological processes V developing organism baby, so they should not be left without due attention. Only a specialist can exclude dangerous deviations and appoint timely and effective treatment, if necessary.

Now you know for sure whether children are born with teeth and what this may be connected with, but if such an anomaly is identified, you should not worry, because most often it is a minor deviation from the norm that can be easily corrected.

The birth of a child with one tooth or several teeth is rare. Usually, babies' first teeth appear at the age of 6-7 months. If teeth appear at 4-5 months, then the child has early teeth. If children are born with teeth, or teeth erupt within 30 days after birth, then we are talking about natal and neonatal teeth. This phenomenon occurs less frequently in boys than in girls.

Why are children sometimes born with teeth? What is the nature of this phenomenon and the reasons? This is not known exactly. Since the rudiments of teeth are formed in the womb, great importance has the level of vitamins and microelements in a woman’s body, her lifestyle, and nutrition.

Doctors include factors that influence the formation of teeth:

  • the level of calcium and vitamin D entering the body of a pregnant woman;
  • application of some medicines, especially in the 1st trimester of pregnancy;
  • state of the endocrine system, hormonal background in the mother's body;
  • genetic predisposition;
  • environmental ecology;
  • other.

If a baby is born in a family with teeth, doctors advise genetic testing. This is necessary in order to understand the reason for the appearance of natal teeth.

Most often, doctors cite excess calcium and a genetic feature, rather than a disease, as the reason for the birth of a child with teeth.


A newborn’s teeth have an inferior structure; they are soft, weak, and wear out quickly. Natal and neonatal teeth are divided into complete and spare.


Complete teeth are regular baby teeth that erupt in utero. Their disadvantage is their weak structure. Such teeth quickly wear down and deteriorate. Often these teeth fall out before the age of 4. They can cause a lot of trouble for both mother and baby.

When breastfeeding, a woman experiences painful sensations, nipples can be seriously injured by teeth. The child may also suffer from sharp teeth. They injure the frenulum of the tongue, traumatic wounds and ulcers appear.


Sometimes an additional row of baby teeth is formed in the child’s body (still in utero). If such teeth are removed, full-fledged milk teeth will appear in time. Spare teeth, like complete teeth, can cause trouble and interfere with breastfeeding your baby.

Spare teeth are often very weak, small, and fall out soon after the child is born.

What to do

Doctors do not have a uniform tactic of behavior in relation to natal and neonatal teeth. Some doctors, taking into account the weakness of the teeth, underdevelopment, difficulties with breastfeeding, the possibility of injury to the frenulum of the tongue and the tongue itself, it is recommended to remove such teeth.

Other doctors insist that only the spare ones should be removed and the complete ones should not be touched. The fact is that after removing spare teeth, milk teeth appear in their place. healthy teeth. And if you remove the complete ones, the child will remain without teeth until they grow up.

  • Recommended reading:

The absence of teeth will affect the incorrect formation of the bite and jaw, and the displacement of milk teeth will occur. In this case, doctors insert special plates that prevent the teeth from moving. Spare teeth fall out on their own because they are very weak and small. If they are not removed, then if they fall out on their own, they can get into the child’s respiratory tract, which is dangerous for the baby’s life.

The complexity of the issue lies in the fact that doctors cannot always accurately determine whether a child has complete or spare teeth. Sometimes fluoroscopy is used for diagnosis, which is not always acceptable for a newborn baby. An experienced dentist can help you make the right decision.

In approximately 95% of cases, natal teeth are complete, and only in 5% of cases are spare teeth.


There is more than one superstition about “toothy” babies. If a child is born with one or more teeth, belief promises a comfortable life happy life And good health. Children who are born with teeth will be strong in life, able to stand up for themselves and fight back. Another sign, on the contrary, promises health problems. If a child was born with teeth, then there will be little strength in the future, since they have gone into the early teeth.

  • Interesting read:

To believe in omens or not, to each his own. And grow up healthy baby clean air will help, healthy eating, vitamins and parental love.


In most cases, the birth of a child with teeth is not a serious anomaly or disease. Most often this genetic trait. In the long term, the prognosis is favorable. None negative consequences is not expected for the child in the future.

In case of tooth extraction, if necessary, you must see a dentist and monitor proper development bite in a child. After the molars appear, it is possible to form a correct bite.

Children with natal teeth, in the future, will not differ in their development from their peers. In this case, we can assume that the sign promising such children well-being and strength is completely justified. But a sign that promises health problems remains just a sign, a superstition.