Treatment of caries of primary teeth. Treatment of caries of primary teeth in young children - prevention

The portal contains prices for the treatment of childhood caries in Moscow. Convenient tables for comparison show the cost of the most common dental services for children. Using the filter, you can select the area and metro station you are interested in, selecting the most suitable geographical option. Reviews about the treatment of caries of primary teeth left by parents of young patients will be useful.

How to properly treat caries in children? Modern approach

Caries of primary teeth in children develops rapidly. Often from the onset of the pathological process to the appearance acute pain It only takes 6-12 months. Treatment of caries in children should begin as soon as cloudiness or yellowish spots appear on the enamel.

Stages of caries of primary teeth

The main reason why caries appears in a child at the age of 2 is insufficient mineralization. A baby's enamel matures and becomes saturated with minerals gradually; it cannot effectively resist the attack of bacteria, like the enamel of an adult. Bottle caries in children is caused by:

  • drinking sweet water and juices at night;
  • breastfeeding or drinking milk porridge;
  • lack of oral hygiene.

Parents can understand that at this age children sleep poorly. If the baby wakes up, eats and falls asleep, no one will wake him up to rinse his mouth. In 80% of cases, caries in a 3-year-old child is a continuation of the bottle form of the disease, which was not noticed and not cured. What are the features of caries of primary teeth in children:

  • opaque white spots appear on the enamel;
  • the white color of the spots darkens, the lesion deepens;
  • yellow color gives way to brown;
  • The baby begins to suffer from toothache.

Unfortunately, most often caries in children forms where they cannot reach Toothbrush, in places that are difficult to inspect and clean, for example, in dimples on the chewing surface of the teeth, near the gums, at the junctions between teeth. Pathogenic bacteria multiply and penetrate through the enamel into the dentin, and then cause inflammation of the pulp. Deep caries in children is becoming a real problem, because toothache drives the child crazy, and tears and hysterics begin in the dental chair.

Fortunately, there are methods for treating caries in children, in which the child experiences a minimum of stress. General rule for this disease: the sooner the parents take the baby to the doctor, the less harm there will be to health, and the less money will have to be spent on the dentist.

Prevention and treatment of initial caries in children

The question that concerns every parent: should caries be treated in baby teeth if they will fall out sooner or later anyway? Dentists definitely recommend trying to save the tooth first, and only removing it if it is deeply damaged. Premature removal leads to improper chewing load, disturbances in bite and rate of teething permanent teeth.

Over the past 5 years, methods of treating caries in children have changed significantly. Now kids tolerate a visit to the doctor well, because treatment of caries in children early age It is carried out quickly and not painfully. When choosing a clinic, parents need to make sure that doctors use new standards, and not remove any baby tooth the old fashioned way.

Can be stopped at the chalk spot stage pathological process, if you cover the tooth with a special sealant or strengthening fluoride varnish. The cost of fissure sealing starts from 250 rubles per tooth, and fluoride varnish coating will cost 350-450 rubles. The procedures take place quickly, in 15-30 minutes, without pain, no anesthesia is needed, without the use of a drill.

Treatment of caries of primary teeth in children using fluoride varnish has the following advantages:

  • the composition saturates the enamel with fluoride;
  • accelerated maturation of enamel occurs;
  • the enamel is strengthened and compacted;
  • the pathological process does not spread deeper.

Early caries can occur even at the teething stage in babies up to one year old. At the age of 4 to 7 years, caries of primary teeth is diagnosed in 70% of children. As a rule, the pathological process does not affect the front milk teeth, but is localized at the ends of the dentition. Some parents do not attach importance to early caries of baby teeth, arguing that the teeth will soon fall out. This is the wrong approach. Decay in primary teeth in children is no less serious than the appearance of stains and cavities on permanent teeth.

Although the causes of caries in primary teeth are varied, the main source is pathogenic microorganisms. If you do not pay enough attention to the problem, the pathological process can spread deep into the tissues and cause complications. From this article you can find out why the disease develops and why children need dental treatment.

Features of the course of caries in a child

Early caries varies in location, depth and intensity. Currently in use next classification carious diseases in children:

  1. caries of primary teeth - observed in children younger age, starting from the moment the lower incisors appear;
  2. caries of permanent teeth - diagnosed in children from the age of five (from the beginning of the change of permanent teeth).

Varieties according to the depth of the pathological process:

  1. Initial - at this stage of development, you can notice a stain on the enamel. If you seek help in a timely manner, successful treatment is possible, since the pathological process affects only the protective top layer.
  2. Superficial - the disease is spreading, but the dentin is not yet affected.
  3. Medium - the enamel surface is completely destroyed, the pathological process spreads deep into the hard tissues.
  4. Deep - dentin is destroyed, caries reaches the pulp.

There is a classification according to the primary nature of the disease:

  • primary;
  • secondary.

Depending on the rate of development, caries of temporary and permanent teeth has the following classification:

  1. Compensated - the disease progresses very slowly or stops developing.
  2. Subcompensated - the pathological process develops over a long time; parents may not notice its presence in the child for a long time.
  3. Acute - characterized by rapid destruction of hard tooth tissues and is accompanied by severe pain. Children refuse to eat, become capricious and restless.

Caries of primary teeth, like permanent teeth, varies in location and can be:

  • fissure;
  • approximal;
  • cervical;
  • circular.

Caries of primary teeth in young children can be either single, multiple or even generalized. In the latter case, manifestations of early caries can lead to sad consequences- in addition to the destruction of milk teeth, those teeth that have not yet grown can also suffer.

  • due to its characteristics, temporary teeth susceptible to rapid spread of the disease;
  • On children's teeth, caries can occur as a consequence of infectious diseases;
  • caries damage to primary teeth can be multiple;
  • the circular form of the disease is characteristic exclusively of childhood caries;
  • often the disease does not manifest itself in any way, except for minor changes in hard tissues;
  • circular caries or another form of the disease can be diagnosed even in one year old child soon after the first incisors erupt.

Causes of caries in baby teeth

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Many parents are sure that bad teeth a child may only have it because of the candy. If you reduce your consumption of sweets, you don’t have to worry about the health of your kids’ teeth. Except harmful effects sugar, caries in young children can occur for the following reasons:

  1. Caries in a one-year-old child develops due to improper care behind the oral cavity. Baby teeth also need care. You can start taking care of them at 9 months, when the lower incisors come out. Often, if there is an accumulation of plaque on the enamel, parents do not attach much importance to it. Due to the fact that the mineralization process lasts 2-3 years, the disease spreads quickly, affecting chewing and side surfaces(see also: ).
  2. A common cause of caries in primary teeth is non-compliance with hygiene standards by parents who allow small children to eat with the same spoon. In the presence of carious cavities in the mouth of an adult, transmission occurs pathogenic microorganisms children.
  3. Circular caries occurs due to genetic predisposition. Reception medicines and smoking during pregnancy negatively affect the formation of enamel and cause caries of primary teeth.
  4. The causes of caries in primary teeth also include taking medications by children under 2 years of age. The development of early caries can be caused by a deficiency of fluoride or calcium in food.
  5. Emergence deep caries baby teeth occurs as a result of prolonged use of a bottle with a pacifier. Bottle caries develops when all front teeth are affected.

Initial stage of the disease

Despite the fact that changes in the enamel are quite noticeable, without sufficient experience it is difficult to recognize the signs of caries in primary teeth. At first glance, the child’s teeth look absolutely healthy, but in fact the enamel begins to deteriorate. The initial stage of caries of primary teeth is characterized by the appearance of white spots of different shapes and sizes. Over time they change color, becoming dark brown or even black. In the photo accompanying the article you can see signs of the initial and advanced stages in a 5-year-old child.

Treatment methods depending on age

Dentists often hear the question from parents: why treat baby teeth? Bad baby teeth will fall out, and when new ones grow, they will be beautiful and healthy (we recommend reading:). Timely treatment will help prevent serious consequences, as the development of pulpitis, periodontitis, periostitis. In addition, an infected molar may grow in place of the fallen out tooth.

Treatment of caries in children begins with diagnosis. After a visual examination, the dentist decides on the choice of caries treatment method based on the degree of tissue damage and the patient’s age. In any case it will be necessary A complex approach, simultaneously aimed at treatment and prevention.

Treatment method for children under two years of age

In the treatment of children under two years of age, techniques such as silvering and deep fluoridation of enamel are used. These measures will help stop the pathological process initial stage. Mineralization is carried out in several stages, which makes treatment difficult. It is difficult to make a one-year-old baby sit for a long time with open mouth. The disadvantage of silvering is that the enamel surface turns black.

For the treatment of caries of primary teeth are used conservative treatment(more details in the article:). The carious cavity is cleaned and filled with light-curing materials. However, children are often very afraid of the buzzing of operating devices, which significantly complicates the dentist’s work.

A good alternative traditional treatment is the use of chemical preparation. A special preparation is injected into the carious cavity, which softens the layers of pathological formations. After this, the cavity is cleaned and filled using hand tools. This method is used both for treating children from 1-2 years old, and for older patients - aged 3-6 years.

During treatment, children must be given pain relief using local anesthesia. In some cases, for example, during removal, intravenous anesthesia is used.

Treatment of children over 2 years of age

Superficial and medium caries on permanent teeth are treated by cleaning carious cavities with hand instruments or at low speed with a drill. First, an anesthetic injection is given or a local anesthetic is applied. First visit dental office should not cause negative emotions from the child, so that later he will go to the appointment without fear. Colored fillings are often used for fillings. composite materials. The child himself chooses the color he likes, this will help relieve fear and arouse interest in treatment.

In many clinics equipped with modern equipment, various methods are used for treatment:

  1. Chemical-mechanical method. It is a non-invasive way to open carious cavities. A special solution is applied to the affected area; after a certain time, the softened tissue is removed using a drill or hand tools.
  2. Air abrasive method. The carious cavity is opened and treated special composition which is supplied under pressure. The processing is more precise, and the abrasive additive allows you to thoroughly clean the cavity.
  3. Ultrasound. A special feature of the method is the targeted effect of ultrasonic waves on the affected area, which have the ability to break molecular bonds. The result of using ultrasound is easy removal of the treated tissues.
  4. Laser method. Refers to non-contact methods of therapy. The advantage of this technology is absolute sterility and the ability to treat any surface.

The techniques presented above help cope with superficial, circular, cervical caries. Modern quick-hardening materials are usually used to fill temporary teeth.

Prevention of caries in children

Prevention of childhood caries must be addressed at the stage of planning and carrying a baby. Pregnant women are recommended to eat foods rich in vitamins and microelements.

Particular attention should be paid to the content of calcium, fluorine, and phosphorus in food. You will also need to accept necessary measures to prevent pathological conditions which may affect fetal development.

For prevention purposes, it is advisable to comply with the following conditions:

  • during the first six months, the child must be fed with mother’s milk, complementary foods must be introduced strictly according to age and the composition and variety of the diet must be monitored;
  • prevention should include general health improvement body - long walks, preferably in the park;
  • you should gradually reduce the number of night feedings during artificial feeding;
  • limit the consumption of sweets;
  • organize nutrition in such a way as to fully satisfy all the body’s needs for vitamins and minerals;
  • It is recommended to purchase individual dishes and cutlery for your baby.

In order to combat childhood caries, attention should be paid to oral hygiene. The procedures should begin simultaneously with the beginning of the appearance of the first teeth. To clean off plaque, you need to use clean gauze soaked in water. It is wrapped around your finger and the soft layers are carefully removed. This must be done after every meal.

You will also need to visit your dentist twice a year for preventive examinations. The doctor may recommend smearing the teeth with fluoride varnish or silvering.

Many parents worry because their children's teeth begin to deteriorate at an early age. This problem is especially of concern to mothers and fathers of 1-3 year old children who notice signs of caries on the teeth of their young children. We have collected information that will help you find out the cause of childhood caries, choose a treatment method for teeth affected by this disease, and prevent the occurrence of this problem in the future.

Factors leading to caries in a child 1-3 years old

Caries(lat. Caries dentiis) is a pathological process that manifests itself after teething, during which demineralization and softening of hard tissues occurs, followed by the formation of a cavity.

Causes of damage to baby teeth by caries:

  • Illnesses suffered by the mother and medications taken in the first trimester pregnancy can contribute to improper formation of dental buds in the fetus. The consequences of this could be early caries.
  • Infection with carious microbes from parents through kisses and while eating with one spoon.
  • The main cause of dental disease is insufficient oral hygiene . The child should learn to brush his teeth as early as possible.
  • Harmful food addictions – another cause of caries. For example, long-term use nipple and falling asleep with a bottle contributes to the occurrence of “bottle” caries, which primarily affects the incisors. It is not advisable to allow your child to snack on sweets and chocolate between meals, since the carbohydrates contained in such food promote the growth of bacteria that damage the teeth. After eating these foods, you need to brush your teeth to avoid tooth decay.

How to identify caries in a child?

Signs of damage to baby teeth by caries:

  • Presence of stains on teeth.
  • Painful reactions to cold, hot, sweet.
  • Bad breath. Bacteria cause rotting of food debris, which contributes to the appearance of a specific odor in the oral cavity.
  • Dissolution of enamel on many teeth at the same time - characteristic feature caries in children.

Depending on the depth of the lesion, there are 4 stages of caries:

  • Initial caries. Characterized by the appearance of various stains on tooth enamel. Timely appeal Seeing a doctor allows you to stop the process of tooth damage that has begun.
  • Surface. It is characterized by deeper damage to the enamel. The formation of a carious cavity is possible. There is a painful reaction to sweet, salty or sour foods. Treatment involves filling the affected teeth.
  • With an average depth of damage dentin tissue is injured. Such caries is accompanied by stronger painful sensations and additional reactions to hot and cold. In this case, filling the tooth cavity is required.
  • Deep damage to teeth can spread to layers of the tooth such as pulp. Treatment will depend on its condition - filling or the use of special dental dams.

With absence timely treatment caries can cause complications such as pulpitis (damage to the soft tissues of the tooth, including nerves) and periodontitis (inflammation of surrounding tissues, possibly with purulent contents). In any of these cases, you must immediately contact a specialist, as the child experiences unbearable pain.

Treatment of caries in children under 3 years of age: traditional and modern methods

When children are affected by caries at an early age, they need the help of a dentist. Methods of treating young patients are reliable, safe and minimally traumatic in relation to the child’s psyche. Pediatric dentistry nowadays has a wide variety of methods for treating this pathology.

Modern methods of treating caries in children

Treatment method for caries in children How is caries treated using this method?
Laser ( photodynamic therapy) One of modern methods treatment using special medicinal materials that provide healing effect under the influence of a laser.
Silvering For superficial caries, a solution based on silver nitrate is applied to the affected area. A special film is formed that has a healing effect. The procedure must be repeated several times with a weekly break.
Reminerilization Recovery mineral composition tooth due to the application of trace elements such as sodium and calcium. The treatment is quite long. The duration is determined by the attending physician. Only used with superficial damage tooth tissues.
Sponge fluoridation The special drug Enamel-liquid allows for the treatment of superficial caries effective and painless with additional long-term remineralization of tooth tissue.
Manual processing (ART-method) Special hand tools allow you to remove the affected tooth tissue, then the carious cavity is treated with antiseptics. The prepared area of ​​the tooth is filled with glass ionomer cements saturated with fluorides.
Depophoresis A solution of copper-calcium hydroperoxide injected into the affected tooth allows you to clean small tubules with deep caries damage and save the tooth. The procedure site is anesthetized
ICON technology The enamel is cleaned of plaque, then a special gel is applied to the carious stain to remove the affected area of ​​enamel. Complete the process applying a highly flowable polymer, which hardens under the influence of a special lamp. The polymer provides strong and reliable tooth protection.
Preparation of a carious cavity Used for deep dental damage. The cavity is opened using a drill. After cleaning the inner layer of the tooth, the cavity is filled with calcium-containing preparations. and install a temporary filling.
Ozonation In the early stages of carious lesions, ozone is used, which allows you to remove bacteria from the surface of the tooth that cause caries.
Treatment under anesthesia It is carried out only when necessary, strictly according to indications, if the child under no circumstances allows treatment.

What should parents do to prevent the development of caries in children?

  • Get into the habit of brushing your teeth from an early age. To prevent dental diseases, it is necessary to teach your child to brush their teeth from an early age. For babies, cleansing is carried out using special finger brushes. From the age of two, children are taught to clean themselves.
  • Choose the right toothpaste. Experts have different opinions regarding toothpastes. The paste must be appropriate for the child's age. Since babies do not know how to rinse their mouths and swallow large amounts of toothpaste, they toothpaste should not contain fluorine or its amount should be minimal to prevent poisoning. Fluorides are acceptable for toothpastes intended for children over four years of age.
  • Learn how to brush your teeth correctly. Children should be taught to brush their teeth game form, so as not to discourage the child’s desire. The front teeth are brushed with vertical movements, behind the cheeks - in a circular motion. The chewing surface is cleaned with horizontal movements, back and forth. On the tongue side, the teeth must be “swept” from the gums to the top. Teeth must be brushed for 10 minutes or at least 6 movements per area. Your baby's teeth should be brushed morning and evening.
  • Organize proper nutrition to kid, because it prevents caries. It must be balanced in proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins. It is advisable to exclude sweets and chocolate.
  • Visit with a child pediatric dentist for preventive examination twice a year to examine the condition of baby teeth.

Observing simple rules oral hygiene, as well as by organizing proper nutrition for your baby, you can prevent the development of caries in your baby.

The development of diseases of the hard tissues of primary teeth, caused by the negative effects of microorganisms, can be influenced by the child’s tendency to colds, taking antibiotics or other factors. Tooth decay progresses faster in children than in adults. Treatment of baby teeth is carried out special methods and has its differences.

How is caries of primary teeth treated in children under 3 years of age?

It is not recommended to postpone a visit to the dental clinic at any age. Some parents believe that there is no need to treat baby teeth, but this opinion is a misconception. If you do not get rid of carious disease in a child in time, then this factor can negatively affect general state oral cavity in the future. Treatment is carried out using gentle techniques that cause the baby a minimum of discomfort.

Caries in children under 3 years of age has the following stages:

  • initial (characteristic spots appear on the enamel);
  • superficial (enamel is affected);
  • medium (enamel, partially dentin is affected);
  • deep (microorganisms attack enamel and dentin).

Silvering of baby teeth

Sweet dishes, drinks, cookies, dried goods and other food products, which are present in predominant quantities in the children's diet, negatively affect the enamel. Used for the prevention of hard tissue diseases special technique their silvering. Dentists use this method in some cases to treat caries in children under 3 years of age.

The essence of the silvering procedure is to apply tooth enamel silver nitrate 30% or fluorine and silver complex. The most common drugs are Argenate or Saforide. After treatment, a reaction occurs as a result of which the dentinal tubules close and the impact of carious microorganisms is suppressed. You can have your child’s teeth silvered at any dental clinic.

Removal of caries

Some parents wonder whether it is necessary to treat children's baby teeth when caries reaches the complication stage. To eliminate the problem, in some cases, serious procedures are used using numerous equipment and surgical intervention. The child may experience extreme stress, so treatment is carried out using inhalation, non-inhalation or complex anesthesia. The procedure involves a thorough examination of children by a doctor, identification of contraindications and several stages of preparing the baby.


The condition of tooth enamel depends on many factors. One of the most important elements necessary for her health is fluoride. A deficiency of this component leads to weakening of the enamel and the development of caries. Modern dental technologies offer two ways to carry out the fluoridation procedure for baby teeth. In the first case, a special preparation is applied to the enamel with a brush, in the second, the oral cavity is treated with a swab dipped in calcium and copper hydroxide milk. The second method (deep fluoridation) is considered more effective.

How to stop childhood caries

Damage to the dentin of primary teeth occurs at an accelerated rate in children under 3 years of age. There are many ways to stop this process, but the choice of which one depends on individual characteristics, the stage of the disease, the reasons for its appearance, the location of the lesion (for example, caries on the front teeth), the presence of complications. There is no clear answer to the question of how children’s teeth are treated. The determination of the required technique is carried out by a dentist.


If damage to the hard tissues of primary teeth has been ignored for a long time, then its stage reaches its most complex form. represents a serious violation of the condition of dentin and enamel. Stopping the development of the disease is carried out in two ways - using special therapeutic pads or filling. If there are complications, dental treatment in children is performed under anesthesia.


The main cause of a painful reaction to cold, hot, sour, salty or sweet foods is damage to tooth enamel. In this case, carious cavities can be not only dark, but also light. Superficial caries has similar symptoms. It is possible to stop the development of such a disease by filling the affected teeth and creating protection for healthy ones (silvering or fluoridation).


Combination of pain response to different types food with partial defeat Dentin is a type of caries. Symptoms mentioned characteristic of the middle stage of this disease. Treatment is carried out with the help of extensive filling, but in case of minor damage to the pulp, the doctor may prescribe conservative technique stopping the development of the disease.


Ignoring dental caries leads to complications. Flux is the most dangerous of them. The first sign of inflammation is painful swelling of the gums. In the absence of timely treatment harmful microorganisms enter the blood and spread to bone or muscle tissue. Elimination of this form of the disease is carried out by opening the tumor and following the recommendations of a specialist. In some cases, the dentist decides to remove a baby tooth.

Cost of treatment

Dental techniques are regularly updated in new ways using improved technology. Treatment of caries in children under 3 years of age can be carried out in public or private clinics. Prices for procedures will vary depending on status medical institution, the volume of proposed work, the need for additional procedures, the degree of damage to tooth enamel and tissues.

Price examples:

It is not difficult to determine the amount of costs in advance. Majority dental clinics have their own websites that provide information materials and price lists. What does it look like initial caries or launched form diseases are demonstrated by photographic examples. By visually comparing the images, you can select the proposed procedures from the price lists.

Video about bottle tooth decay

Caries in children is a disease regularly diagnosed by dentists. This is facilitated modern conditions life, the disdainful attitude of some parents towards the baby’s baby teeth, the reluctance to undergo regular preventive examinations.

Caries – dangerous disease. If the pathological process is ignored for a long time, many complications may develop, including the formation of abnormalities in the facial structure. If you don't take care of beautiful smile child in advance, he will have to face many problems in the future.


Causes of caries development in children different ages diverse. Doctors share factors that can lead to early illness in children of the first two years of life, and factors affecting older children.

Caries up to two years

Many parents are concerned about the question of why a one-year-old child or a 2-year-old child has caries on newly grown baby teeth. The fact is that before the baby is 2 years old, the tooth enamel is not fully adapted to the effects of organic acids that are formed during the breakdown of carbohydrates.

Other factors that trigger caries of primary teeth in young children may be:

  • the presence of health problems in the mother and their impact on intrauterine development;
  • early infectious or viral diseases, congenital pathologies heart, kidneys, liver;
  • neglect of the pediatrician’s recommendations on feeding the child;
  • infection with carious microbes from adults during kissing, sharing utensils;
  • the habit of feeding the baby at night with sweet milk formulas, leading to development;
  • poor oral hygiene.

Milk caries at an early age is a common phenomenon that needs to be combated.

Caries in older children

After 3 years of age, a child is exposed to even greater influences environment, how baby. In addition, after 3 years, maternal protective factors, which could protect against carious microbes for some time, cease to operate.

At 4 years of age, early childhood caries usually appears for the following reasons:

  • neglect of the rules of oral hygiene - parents did not teach how to care for teeth or do not monitor the implementation of daily rituals;
  • eating sweets in large quantities- hard candies that can be chewed are especially harmful;
  • improper and unbalanced diet - tendency to overeat, abuse of fast food, soda, etc.;
  • the influence of genetic predisposition;
  • frequent use of medications that negatively affect enamel - various effervescent mixtures such as vitamin C, ACC, etc.

With age, when units change, the damage to primary teeth in children is transferred to permanent teeth, and it is mainly the molars and incisors that suffer.


The classification of dental caries involves dividing the pathological process into 4 main stages:

  1. Spot. Most early stage development of the disease. It is usually easily treated if diagnosed early. The regression is complete, since the anatomical structures of the tooth are not affected.
  2. . At this stage, there is damage to the enamel, but the process can still be reversed, giving the tooth a chance to recover.
  3. . At this stage, destruction of not only enamel, but also dentin is noted. The process is irreversible and requires careful treatment.
  4. . The most severe stage of the disease. Pathological processes affected not only the enamel and dentin, but also penetrated deep into the tooth, affecting the pulp. Regression is impossible.


Before you begin to treat the disease, you need to identify it and consult a doctor. Not all parents today know what caries looks like and what symptoms require the help of a specialist.

You need to pay attention to the following signs:

  • bright spots appear on the enamel that stand out against the general background, which darken over time, and sometimes completely turn black, which indicates the progress of the disease;
  • the child complains about pain symptom, developing when eating sour or sweet foods;
  • as the disease progresses, complaints of increased temperature sensitivity (pain when eating cold or hot food) appear;
  • if caries has affected the front surface of the tooth, then it is visually possible to determine the cavity in which food debris and microbes begin to accumulate;
  • bad breath in a child;
  • advanced disease is accompanied constant pain, which increase when eating;
  • possible appearance common symptoms- rise in temperature, headaches, nausea, vomiting.

Which doctor treats caries in children?

Treatment of caries in children is the prerogative of pediatric dentists. If there is no pediatric dentist in your city, you can contact a specialist for adults.

In addition to the dentist, it is possible to attract doctors who will help fight chronic diseases(neurologists, gastroenterologists, gapathologists, etc., depending on the type of pathology).


Treatment of caries in temporary teeth, like permanent teeth, begins only after a diagnosis has been made.

For diagnostics you can use:

  • simple examination of the oral cavity using a probe and mirror;
  • radiography - if the equipment in the clinic allows, then panoramic photography of the dentition is possible;
  • transillumination - shining through teeth with special lamps;
  • laser examination - based on changes in the characteristics of the beam beam, a conclusion is drawn about the presence of pathology;
  • vital staining - a special dye is applied to the teeth, turning the affected areas blue;
  • electroodontometry - weak current discharges cause and evaluate pain;
  • drying out - in the early stages of the disease;
  • fluorescent stomatocopsy - teeth are examined under ultraviolet light.

Treatment of caries in children

Regardless of whether the child develops childhood caries milk teeth or permanent teeth are damaged, therapy must be started as early as possible.

Treatment of caries of primary teeth in children

Previously, the treatment of caries in children was delayed until the last minute in order to protect them from getting acquainted with the drill.

Today, caries treatment without a drill is possible thanks to modern technologies:

  • Remineralization - application to tooth surface composition made from fluorine and other protective elements.
  • Silvering, during which teeth are coated thin layer silver nitrate. They turn black until they are replaced. The protection is valid for up to six months, after which the procedure is repeated.
  • Laser treatment, in which a beam of light is applied to a tooth previously coated with medications. laser beams, activating the action of substances.
  • Depophoresis, in which a substance is injected into the tooth, cleaning its canals and protecting it from caries.
  • Ozonation is the removal of carious bacteria from the surface of teeth using ozone. Used in the early stages.

The use of these methods has made it possible to treat primary teeth in children without the use of a drill. The sooner therapy begins, the more effective it will be.

It is important to remember that if the disease has reached the middle or deep layers of the tooth, filling will still be necessary. Treatment of caries of primary teeth in advanced cases without a drill is impossible, although children are very scared to go to the dentist because of this.

Treatment of caries of permanent teeth in children

Even in children, permanent teeth are treated mainly with fillings. The silvering method is initially not suitable for this, since it permanently stains the units black, and the remineralization method gives only a temporary effect.

When treating caries of permanent teeth, it is necessary to exercise maximum care. Basically, filling is used to stop the pathological process. Anesthesia is sometimes given before this to protect the child from pain.

It is also possible to use the ART method, in which damaged tooth fragments are removed and the affected area is treated with substances that protect the tooth.


Timely treatment, as well as the use of measures to prevent dental caries in children, are necessary to avoid complications.

These include:

  • improper bite formation due to early loss of baby teeth;
  • the development of periodontitis, which affects the tissue surrounding the tooth;
  • Inadequate chewing of food, which causes digestive problems.

The presence of a permanent focus of infection with a decrease in immunity can lead to its spread throughout the body. As a result, damage to the heart and blood vessels, kidneys, and frequent allergic reactions are possible.

Chronic caries in children

Chronic caries is a condition in which new infectious foci constantly appear, and treatment brings only a temporary effect. This type of pathology is common not only among adults, but also among children.

The reasons that provoke the development of this type of pathology include mainly insufficient care oral cavity. If a child has suffered from caries, and the parents have not made sure that he learns how to properly care for his teeth, chronicity infectious process would be a natural outcome.

Even if dairy or permanent teeth successfully cured, to prevent a relapse, it is necessary to prevent caries in children up to school age.

It consists in:

  • compliance with the rules of oral hygiene - than before the child teach you how to brush your teeth, so much the better;
  • monitoring the baby’s health, preventing infections that can increase the susceptibility of teeth to carious bacteria;
  • regular visits to the dentist for preventive examinations and timely elimination of developing diseases;
  • control of the child’s nutrition - it must be complete, rich in vitamins and minerals.

Prevention of caries in school-age children follows the same principles.

Parents are advised to supervise hygiene measures the child until he is confident that he can perform them without outside supervision. After all, the development of caries in children of any age indicates, first of all, inadequate dental care.

Timely contact with doctors when caries develops will help prevent chronic infection and the occurrence of complications. The process cannot be started, even if only baby teeth are affected. Treatment of caries of permanent teeth in children may differ from the therapy that is carried out for damage to baby teeth.