Patriarch Theophilos III: biography. Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III: “Private individuals... cannot dictate to the Patriarchate what to do

Discusses the current and future role Greek Orthodox Church in matters related to Jerusalem and the peace settlement, responds to criticism and shares personal opinions.

Palestinian-Israeli Journal (Anna Koulouris): What is the significance of the Greek Orthodox Church for Jerusalem?

Patriarch Theophilos III: For the current and future status of Jerusalem, the role of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem and the Church is extremely important. Its history cannot be separated from the political and cultural-religious history of Jerusalem. It has been present here historically continuously for two thousand years, being the only religious institution that has survived many centuries on this site. Her purpose and calling continues to be pure and exclusively religious and spiritual; She does not pursue any other interests.

Many people have difficulty understanding what the name "Roman" means, and this represents a problem of cultural identity and its crisis. Also, the West has contributed to their confusion about self-identity, which can be resolved with education and an understanding of history. After all, you need to know about your roots. The past presence here cannot be ignored. The stones speak about it - and everything speaks about it. I have prepared an academic study in which I have conducted a very thorough and full analysis the meaning of the word "Rum" and what it means to be a member of this Church.

Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos

Although the Greek Orthodox Church has had a presence in Jerusalem since its inception, the current agenda poses problems with Israel's position. No one will deny that the Israeli authorities would like to obtain the property of the patriarchate, especially those in the Jaffa Gate area. Does the Church feel this pressure?

You have touched on a very delicate topic, the very essence of the significance of the existence of the Patriarchate and its role in relation to Jerusalem and the entire region. In a religious sense, it is expressed in the fact that many holy places under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate remained accessible to all pilgrims and visitors without any restrictions. This is possible thanks to the presence of the Brotherhood.

Both here, in the region, and in the world, everyone knows that if it were not for the activities of the Patriarchate, most of the holy places would have been destroyed or, in the end, turned into museums, archaeological sites and tourist attractions. But to this day, holy places remain places of reverence and veneration.

If we talk about the cultural, and even political aspects of the problem, the significance of the Patriarchy is very significant, first of all, in the sense that it provides confirmation of the legitimacy of historical claims and the Palestinian Authority to holy places - since both of these parties base their claims on the fact that that the Muslim Caliph Omar, upon capturing Jerusalem, concluded a peace treaty with the then Patriarch Sophronius, known as the “Pact of Omar.” This basic agreement became the basis of all legal transactions and agreements that took place between the patriarchy and the authorities.

The second important circumstance is that Patriarchy has inheritance rights for property, say, for churches, monasteries and other objects, the number of which increased over time. And this gives the Patriarchate weight in deciding the property, natural and demographic aspects of the life of Jerusalem.

The patriarchate continues to be the owner of property in and around the Old City, a key area for political strategy calculations.

Are any of the things on which the power of the Patriarchate is based today a source of tension with the Israeli government?


It represents the focus of what is happening in local politics, and it is quite natural that the Patriarchy is an indispensable participant in political conflicts and interests.

But the mission of the Patriarchate remains spiritual and religious. Unlike the other Churches represented here - and they also have a lot of property - the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate is the only independent, autonomous and autocephalous church institution. This means that the property of the Patriarchy is property located in this country, it remains here.

As for the property of other Churches, for example the Roman Catholic or Russian, this is state property. It belongs not to local communities, but to the respective states.

Some time ago, when visiting the Notre Dame Cathedral, one could find the inscription “Property of the Vatican”. The same thing happened recently when the Russians demanded that certain properties be restored and returned to their original owners. But who is negotiating this property with the Israeli authorities or with the Palestinian Authority? State, not Church.

And one more thing: the central bodies of other Churches are located far from Jerusalem. The powers of the heads of other Christian Churches and communities come from abroad, from outside - not from within. Therefore, the significance of the Patriarchate becomes clear - it is a local institution.

What is the current relationship with Jordan and Israel, the states whose lands are covered by the canonical territory of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate of Jerusalem?

Today the relationship is excellent. After the crisis that the Patriarchate went through, after I took responsibility as head of the Church, there were, of course, various kinds problems and misunderstandings. But in the end, everyone realized that my calling was to render to God what is God’s, and to Caesar what is Caesar’s.

How much significant role performed by the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate in the debate on Palestinian rights, especially given its close proximity to territories like Silouan (Siloam)? Does the Church feel the need to take a political stance on this issue?

We try not to interfere in politics, we don’t want to become politicians, but at the same time, this does not mean that we do not have sympathy for the suffering and disasters that the inhabitants of those places endure.

For this reason, the local church communities formed a kind of council to discuss issues of general concern. We pay attention to problems like the recent shooting in Silouan and others.

Our goal, from our point of view, is to contribute to the establishment of mutual respect and understanding, as well as peaceful existence and cohabitation. This is the duty of the Church. That is why we, as Churches, make repeated official statements and express our position regarding the status of Jerusalem.

Our position on Jerusalem is this: we want it to be open city, accessible to all, and Jerusalem can accommodate all religious communities.

We declare that permission to visit and honor places that are sacred to Jews, Muslims and Christians is sufficient for us. Even if we do not claim the place itself, we still claim the sanctity of these places.

An example is the Holy Mountain, as well as the tomb of King David on Mount Zion. When we celebrate in the monastery and school on Mount Zion, after the service we go in liturgical vestments for a procession to the burial of King David, where the synagogue is located. We go there for the sake of prayer, and we leave from there. That's what we want. This is how we understand presence in holy places. This is precisely the meaning I put into my words that Jerusalem can accommodate everyone.

From a political point of view, everyone has a claim on Jerusalem, and each side wants Jerusalem to be its capital. But according to religious beliefs, Jerusalem is the capital of God. I would express my understanding like this: Jerusalem breathes with three lungs, Christian, Jewish and Muslim. And these lungs breathe in harmony. This is how we see the future of Jerusalem.

What do you say about the ongoing tax treaty negotiations between Israel and the Vatican, which could result in church communities having to pay taxes: income, property, local? Does the Orthodox Church feel sidelined, knowing that if an agreement is reached, it will be a precedent for other Churches?

The situation with negotiations with the Vatican is much more complicated. The Greek Orthodox Church does not feel sidelined because its legal status is different from that of the Vatican. She is the only Church subject to the laws of Jordan. The patriarchy is a local institution, while the Vatican is a spiritual and political entity, so its representatives cannot speak on behalf of local Christians.

Many videos appear on the Internet about strife between the Greeks and in the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. This looks shameful, and it is very difficult to understand how such clashes can occur in holy places. How would you explain these violent actions?


I understand your question, but usually they tend to reduce the topic of religious conflicts and confrontations to some clashes taking place between the Franciscans, Greeks and Armenians, Armenians and Syrians, and Ethiopians, and so on.

But, in fact, we can look deeper and ask ourselves what is the essence of the conflict between Palestinian Muslims and Israeli Jews. Isn't it based on religion? Yes.

What's it like political significance Jerusalem? Is it important for military or strategic plans? Only religious value, nothing else. The clashes here are only religious.

When you watch the melee in Jerusalem, especially behind the Temple Mount and al-Haram al-Sharif - what is it for? Is it not for the sake of places of religious worship? But they focus on the particular case at the Holy Sepulcher; there is a reason for this; the problem is real. But they don’t take it wide view what is being done here in the Holy Land.

And we must not forget about the difficulties of human nature. In the past, all battles and skirmishes were in the name of God. What was the purpose of the Crusades? Isn't it in the name of God? And there are many other examples. Today they don’t say that, “in the name of God,” but in these circumstances, one way or another, religion is involved.

What place does the Greek Orthodox Church assign to itself as a full member or an outside participant?

The Orthodox Church and the Patriarchate of Jerusalem were among the pioneers and founders of the World Council of Churches. It was founded on the initiative of the Ecumenical Patriarchate of Constantinople, and subsequently all other Churches joined it. The Council plays an important role in bringing all Christian denominations into fellowship, and has done a great job of dispelling all prejudices.

But here is the problem - in the initial years the Council was focused on the unity of the Christian Churches and denominations, but then, under the influence of the Protestant Churches, the attention shifted from theological discussions to social issues. And still later, in many cases, he became involved in politics. And today the Council plays a prominent role, but not as significant as before, due to the many political changes and evolution.

Yet the Orthodox Church is committed to the mission of the World Council of Churches. That's why we participate in it. I myself became the first representative of the Patriarchate to become a member of the Central Committee of the Council. We have a plenipotentiary representative, and we recently welcomed the new Secretary General of the Council. We try to contribute as much as possible, because today it is essential, especially for our religion. This can promote peace and harmony and establish justice.

You recently met with the Prime Minister of Greece during his visit to Israel. What does the Patriarchate expect from the Greek government? Do you think that Georgios Papandreou will contribute to a better political climate in the region? Will you act with him as mediators in local political issues?

Papandreou's visit was indeed important. He stated that he considered it his task to support the initiative in a peaceful settlement. It is well known that he is respected by both the Israeli and Palestinian authorities. His father is known to have been a strong supporter of the Palestinians during the time of President Yasser Arafat. And the fact that he paid a visit to the Patriarchate became another sign of the general understanding of the importance of the Patriarchy, not only in the religious, but also in the political sphere.

Since, as I noted, the conflict is based on religious grounds, all political leaders are gradually beginning to understand that without the assistance and advice of the heads of religious communities, not only Christian, but also Jewish and Muslim, they will not succeed in their efforts to establish peace and harmony in the region.

Your point of view is very significant and very demanding, but you yourself are a modest person and live a simple life. Where do you get your strength every day?

Not an easy question. I believe that all powers are given from above; from the Church, from prayer. Exactly from this.

What advice could you give to people in modern world– struggling with the current state of affairs in the economy and other challenges posed by modernity and globalization?

I would tell people that the way out and refuge from the hardships of this world is faith in God.


Greek Orthodox Christians, or "Orthodox of Rum (Rome)" as they are historically known, have been present in Jerusalem for almost two thousand years. As the heir to tradition, property and authority, the Greek Orthodox Church strives to play a significant role in determining the political destinies of this city. The jurisdiction of the Greek Orthodox Patriarchate, which unites more than 150,000 Christians, extends throughout Israel, the Palestinian Authority, including Jerusalem and the Kingdom of Jordan. By his position, the patriarch acts as a political leader, whose voice is taken into account in resolving many issues of local and international importance. As a regional institution, the Greek Orthodox Church cooperates with the Government of Israel to carry out many of its shared functions. At the same time, each newly elected patriarch must obtain approval for his installation from three parties: Jordan, Israel and Palestine. Council members must have Jordanian citizenship. The first duty of the patriarchate is to preserve and protect the holy Christian cities, as it has done since the birth of Christianity.

10 years ago Patriarch Irenaeus was enthroned. Now the 140th successor of Brother Christ is awaiting death in captivity in Jerusalem

“Those who abandoned the conspiracy and convened an illegal council chose Archbishop Theophilus of Tabor, ordained by Us, who, knowing about his anti-canonical position and being ungrateful towards Us, since 2008 has kept Us isolated in Our house with the external gates of the courtyard located around the house locked, prohibits all communication with Our spiritual children and Holy Sepulcher fathers who come to Us, who remained faithful to Our Dimension, their lifelong Patriarch, and does this for the sole purpose - obvious from the fact that We were deprived of even medicines and medical care - in the hope of a “natural” Our death..." - the hand of the gray-bearded black man lifted himself from the paper from time to time to press it to his heart. Sticky sweat rolled like hail down his haggard face - September evenings in Jerusalem do not bring coolness.
The elder habitually wrote in the third person, on behalf of “Our Dimension,” as he had become accustomed to during the years of his patriarchate. He hurled angry reproaches at Theophilus, whom all local patriarchates recognized as the head of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church (OCC). The cradle of Christianity, the mother of Christian Churches, the keeper of the sacred treasures of the Holy Land for Christians in the third millennium found itself in the hands of “conspirators.” How could this happen?..
This message is dated September 15, 2010, the ninth anniversary of his enthronement. And five years earlier, the Synod defrocked the former Patriarch Irenaeus I: “...The bishops' court decided to expel the former Patriarch of Jerusalem from the patriarchal and episcopal ranks and reduce him to the dignity of a monk.” (Irenaeus refused to attend the meeting of the bishop’s court.) The “conspirators” stated: “ This decision was a forced canonical measure against the anti-canonical and anti-church actions of the former Patriarch, which brought the Church to the brink of schism.” A few days earlier, Irenaeus announced that he was removing from his posts those members of the Synod who organized his removal from power, but the intrigue had already become a tight noose.
...Vladyka Irenaeus (in the world Manuil Skopelitis, born 1939) was elected Patriarch of Jerusalem in August 2001. In March 2005, some media outlets first accused him of financial fraud with church real estate in the Old City of Jerusalem. Then spiteful critics started a rumor that he had once promised $400 thousand to the international adventurer Apostolos Vavilis for his election.
On May 6, 2005, the Synod of the TOC, with a two-thirds vote, declared no confidence in Patriarch Irenaeus. They talked about his involvement in a deal to lease a plot of land in the Old City near the Jaffa Gate, concluded with the Jewish organization Ateret Kohanim. Irenaeus denied that he was the initiator of the deal, stating that the financial manager of the Patriarchate, Nicholas Papadimas, who at that time had already gone on the run, was behind it. The Patriarch refused to submit to the Synod, citing church canons, which clearly define the lifelong status of the Primate of the Church. But the Pan-Orthodox Council convened in Istanbul confirmed the dismissal of the Synod.
Just a month later, the Palestinian National Authority published a report in the Al-Quds newspaper alleging that Irenaeus “did not participate in the transaction at any stage and did not receive any money” and that the transaction itself was illegal. because it was not fixed by the decision of the Synod.
An anonymous source in the Palestinian Authority leadership told the Associated Press that the deposed patriarch "was not involved in the deal to sell to Jewish investors an Arab plot of land in Jerusalem, which the Palestinians see as the capital of their future state." The Patriarch himself, demoted to simple monks, declared that he was an innocent victim of “rebels” in his own Patriarchate, led by the current Locum Tenens of the Patriarchal Throne, Metropolitan Cornelius, whom Irenaeus called “a man with the essence of Lucifer.”
But soon Awda Kawwas, chairman of the Palestinian parliament commission specially created to investigate the Irenaeus case, accused Palestinian Cabinet Minister Samir Khalail of excessively delaying the official ratification earlier decision taken autonomy government to recognize Irenaeus as deposed. And the Synod hastened to declare that the deposition “does not depend on the results of the investigation into his involvement in land transactions.” Irenaeus was charged with “conduct in general that destroyed the trust and normal functioning of the Holy Synod, and not at all certain real estate transactions.” The Patriarch was accused of creating “a web of lies and church misunderstandings, destruction of the entire church system, and irresponsible handling of the property of the Patriarchate.”
But for another three years, until 2008, Israeli police were on duty in the premises of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, guarding former patriarch Irenea. (The Patriarchal residence is located in Jerusalem; the main shrines of the Jerusalem Church are Golgotha ​​and the Holy Sepulcher in the Church of the Resurrection of Christ.)

"St. Tomb Brotherhood"
“The Asian Jews, seeing him in the temple, outraged all the people and laid hands on him, shouting: Men of Israel, help! this man teaches everyone everywhere against the people and the law and this place; Moreover, he brought the Greeks into the temple and desecrated Holy place this... The whole city began to move, and there was a crowd of people; and, seizing Paul, they dragged him out of the temple, and immediately the doors were locked.” This is what is written in the biblical book “The Acts of the Apostles” about the arrest and imprisonment of the great apostle of the nations, an unsurpassed preacher and theologian - “the vessel of election.” Two thousand years ago, the Apostle Paul fully experienced human injustice, the intrigues of corrupt officials and the hatred of religious fanatics. With slander, the haters of the apostle outraged the crowd, which almost tore Paul to pieces. And only the intervention of the Roman commander prevented the immediate execution of the Christian ascetic.
Subsequently, some theologians placed responsibility for the fate of Paul on the Jerusalem Church, with the Apostle James (died in 62) at its head. Jacob - the brother of the Lord - was the son of the righteous Joseph the Betrothed (husband of the Virgin Mary) from his first wife. As the story goes Holy Bible, Christ especially loved Saint James. Having risen from the dead, Christ appeared especially to His brother according to the flesh. Saint James presided over the First Apostolic Council in Jerusalem. According to the testimony of ancient writers, the apostles closest to Christ elected Saint James as the first bishop and primate of the Jerusalem Church. The Bible no longer mentions the Jerusalem Church. We know nothing about her communication with the Apostle Paul after her imprisonment. Did its leaders do anything to alleviate his situation?
Over the course of two millennia, one hundred and forty-one patriarchs have replaced the successors of the holy Apostle James; Vladyka Irenaeus was (and is?) the 140th. Biblical history has again become entangled in a knot of human contradictions and thoughtlessness, which can only be resolved by Divine providence. One thing is clear: we are witnessing an unfolding drama of great proportions, behind which lies both the Holy Land and the fate of European civilization.
… “The Holy Land is the cradle of all Christianity, a holy place and equally dear to all Orthodox Christians, no matter what nation they belong to; its meaning is not local, but general Christian and especially general Orthodox, which is why the Orthodox Jerusalem Patriarchate stands out sharply from other Orthodox patriarchates. The responsibility to maintain the Holy Sepulcher and all other holy places lies not only with the Greeks or the Orthodox natives of Palestine, but decisively with all Orthodox nationalities without any exceptions; the Greeks are only representatives and, so to speak, their authorized representatives at the Holy Sepulcher,” wrote Professor Nikolai Fedorovich Kapterev (1847 - 1917), church historian and public figure(“Theological Bulletin”, 1897).
For several centuries now, the highest clergy and monasticism of the Jerusalem Patriarchate have been represented exclusively by ethnic Greeks. At the same time, the flock of the Orthodox Patriarchate consists mainly of Palestinian Arabs (both citizens of Israel and the Palestinian Authority - about 15% of all Palestinian Arabs are Orthodox Christians). The Patriarchate of Jerusalem is the world's richest real estate owner, owning about 18 percent of the "golden" lands of Jerusalem. Even the land under the Israeli Knesset building is his property.
In the Middle Ages, the Jerusalem Patriarchate was extremely poor. But when power passed into the hands of the Greek patriarchs, precious church utensils and money appeared to rebuild dilapidated buildings. The Greeks began to buy up Georgian and Serbian monasteries in the Holy Land; they expanded their possessions mainly at the expense of other Orthodox Churches.
“So the clever and practical Greeks managed, over time, not only to finally secure for themselves the Patriarchal Throne of Jerusalem, all the episcopal departments of the Patriarchate and fill the Holy Sepulcher Brotherhood, but also to take possession of those Holy Places and monasteries that had previously been owned by the Arabs, Georgians and Serbs, and so “that over time, the Greeks turned out to be the only owners and stewards of all the holy places and institutions that the Orthodox previously owned,” wrote Professor Nikolai Kapterev.
The Greeks not only took possession of many holy places, but were always ready to fight literally tooth and nail “for every inch of land, for every inch of this or that sacred building, for every stone.” During this struggle, passions sometimes flared up to the point that the very lives of the energetic patriarchs were in serious danger.
When Patriarch Theophan (1608 - 1644), by decision of a Jerusalem judge, took the Holy Cave and Golgotha ​​from the Vatican, Catholics bribed the Pasha of Jerusalem, who imprisoned Theophan in the city prison. Pasha asked the qadi (judge) to impose a death sentence on Theophanes. Fortunately, the eunuch, who received an order from the ruler to kill the patriarch, had previously been a Christian and therefore, having received one hundred gold pieces from Theophanes, released him in peace, and the patriarch fled to Constantinople.
Patriarch Paisius (1645 - 1660) had a miter, which he brought from Moscow and decorated precious stones. Enemies reported to the Turkish ruler that Paisius had made a crown for the Moscow Tsar. Then the ruler threw the patriarch into a prison pit intended for murderers.
“It is clear from here how difficult and difficult it was sometimes for the Jerusalem patriarchs to correctly and usefully conduct the complex and intricate affairs of the patriarchate, when even their closest persons - members of the Holy Sepulcher Brotherhood - sometimes openly opposed them in their good activities, condemned and blasphemed them out of their ignorance, envy and insolence, brought confusion and disorder into the entire life of the patriarchate,” noted the Russian church historian.

"Apostolos" of crime
According to a centuries-old tradition, the candidate elected by the Council and Synod to the patriarchal throne is confirmed by the secular authorities of Jordan, Israel and Palestine. From the Israeli point of view, Patriarch Irenaeus was the most undesirable candidate for the Jerusalem throne, which was empty in 2000.
In August 2001, the Jordanian government recognized the new Patriarch of Jerusalem, but the Israeli government did this only in January 2004. The Israeli cabinet suspected Irenaeus of pro-Arab sentiments, of too close friendship with Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, and admitted the possibility of transferring church property into the hands of the Palestine Liberation Organization. Indeed, the new Patriarch always declared his support for the Palestinian struggle for independence, was friends with Arafat and condemned both Palestinian terrorist attacks and the actions of the Israeli army in the Palestinian territories. With the beginning of the Iraq campaign, the clergy of the Bethlehem Basilica subordinate to him called on the flock not to allow Bush, Blair and Rumsfeld into the temple. Therefore, Jordan and Palestine approved his candidacy immediately, Israel only after months of resistance.
Rumors of a deal with land plots, belonging to the Jerusalem Patriarchate, instantly changed the attitude of the Palestinians towards Irenaeus. They saw this as pandering to Israel’s “expansionist aspirations.” The fact is that the plots are located in that part of Jerusalem that is claimed by both the Israelis and the Palestinians. And the Arab street, in fact, completed the matter with brawls and demonstrations at the patriarchal residence. Patriarch Irenaeus received a blow from the side from which he least expected it
The same role of “information background” was played in this scandal by a famous international adventurer. In Greece, the public excitement around the figure of Apostolos Vavilis was dubbed the “Babylonian pandemonium” in consonance with his surname. In April 2005, he was arrested in the Italian city of Bologna as the main defendant in a case of corruption in the Greek Orthodox Church. According to police, Vavilis was an international adventurer who was wanted by Interpol on drug trafficking charges.
Vavilis was credited with connections with corrupt Church hierarchs and politicians, the mafia, and intelligence services of various countries. His name was associated with scams involving the supply of weapons, the organization of financial pyramids, as well as dubious commercial enterprises in many countries.
On a short time The figure of Vavilis also found itself at the center of the corruption scandal surrounding Irenaeus. The media claimed that in 2001, Vavilis was sent from Greece to Israel on a secret mission to elect the Patriarch of Jerusalem. Vavilis himself, in an interview given while on the run, claimed that he should have received 400 thousand dollars for the election of Irenaeus, but never saw this money.
Vavilis was soon extradited to Greece, and now he calmly reflects on the past in prison, no longer remembering the secret “mission”. Meanwhile, another corruption scandal is brewing in the Jerusalem Church. In the summer of 2011, the Israeli newspaper Makor Rishon published a sensational journalistic investigation, which alleged that the current head of the TOC, Theophilos III, allegedly offered a multimillion-dollar bribe to an Israeli government official for official recognition of him as patriarch.
According to the newspaper, in March 2007, a secret agreement was prepared between Patriarch Theophilos and the Israel Land Fund (“Keren Kayemet Le-Israel”). Under this agreement, the Patriarchate must pay the Land Trust $13 million if the Israeli government recognizes the new patriarch. This point was fulfilled: on December 16, 2007, more than two years after the overthrow of Irenaeus, the Israeli authorities recognized the election of Theophilus as Patriarch of Jerusalem. However, the newspaper indicates, Theophilus refused to pay...
The Russian-language Israeli resource IzRus commented on the “deal” as follows: “If members of the government knew about the above-mentioned agreement between Theophilos III and the Land Fund, then another question arises: how could members of the government make an objective and informed decision on appointing a new person to the position, after How did it become known that he paid $13 million for this decision?
“We will demand from Theophilos that he observe the law, stop transferring land to the Israelis and return back the lands sold by previous patriarchs,” he said general secretary Council of Orthodox Organizations of Palestine Elias Said.
Representatives Orthodox community The Palestinians accused the Patriarchate of “Judaizing” Palestinian lands “for thirty pieces of silver” and demanded that it stop performing “the functions of a real estate agency.”
- Over the past 62 years, the Patriarchate of Jerusalem has constantly sold and leased land to Israel. Even the Israeli parliament (Knesset) and the residence of the President of Israel were built on the territory of the Jerusalem Orthodox Church, noted Deputy Minister of Tourism of Palestine Marwan Toubasi.

"Remember my bonds"
“Our violent removal from the throne of the Jerusalem Patriarchate after Easter 2005 occurred as a result of threats and aggression from the clergy who conspired, who were the instrument of an unprecedented church history overt diplomatic Greek political intervention, pressure and leadership to what happened.” You can hear the creaking of a pen in the hands of a gray-bearded black man with a haggard face. Scandals latest news unknown to him, the furious noise of street pickets does not reach here, in the heart of Old Jerusalem. There is no light or telephone in the room on the second floor. There are bars on the windows. The old Arab brings food once a day and ties the bag to the end of a clothesline lowered down. The only water that goes through the pipes to the bathroom.
The 140th Patriarch recalls how, at the very height of the land scandal, Metropolitan Timofey, one of the contenders for the patriarchate, said: “Patriarchs resign voluntarily. No one can remove or recall the Patriarch, especially those who are outside the Church.”
On Easter, the old Arab shouted in horror that the Holy Fire allegedly did not descend to Patriarch Theophilus. In the remote corners of the church, vague rumors spread that the fire did not descend on people on the Easter holiday. Summer brought another terrible news: Greece is on the verge of ruin, there is a crisis in Europe, America is bombing the Middle East. The Day of the Lord is getting closer: “Our fatherly heart can no longer bear the sight of the Body of the Church of Christ bleeding through the fault of criminals and apostates...”
The Apostle Paul wrote, “Remember my bonds.” The mystery of Christian teaching was revealed to him in his suffering for Christ. He knew before that he was following the path of Christ in his ministry. Suffering for Christ, he rejoiced in suffering: it seemed to him that he had not suffered enough in the past.
...The imprisonment of Irenaeus seems to be surrounded by a cloud of omissions, vague hints and strange prophecies. His face is barely visible through the rare gaps. It is impossible to clarify how a man (a monk is also a man!), living in the center of Jerusalem, turned out to be inaccessible to anyone who remembers and loves him.
“The former patriarch is, in fact, in self-imprisonment in one of the church buildings in Jerusalem,” says Archpriest Igor Yakimchuk, secretary of the DECR of the Moscow Patriarchate. - Irenaeus was defrocked for a combination of violations. Only marginalized groups support it.
Let's assume. But why and by whom is the entrance to his cell tightly closed?!
It is known that representatives of the Holy Sepulcher Brotherhood agreed to hand over the keys to the Throne Hall of the Patriarchate to the chief of the Jerusalem police in exchange for Irenaeus’ promise not to convene a new Synod. What happened next?
The events preceding the imprisonment of Patriarch Irenaeus were surrounded by many rumors. His supporters said he sought to return to monastic life strict charter of the Holy Sepulcher Brotherhood. It was assumed that the patriarch interfered with the adoption of ecumenical decisions at Pan-Orthodox Councils.
Representatives of the Greek government have repeatedly called on Irenaeus himself to take political responsibility for the ongoing scandal. The authorities of the Palestinian Authority also reacted negatively to Irenaeus’ actions. The Jordanian government sent a letter to Irenaeus demanding that he return his diplomatic passport. Israel distanced itself from the scandal.
But in Russia they remember that the first Greek patriarch, Herman (1537 - 1579), established direct relations with Tsar Ivan the Terrible. In the middle of the 19th century, the Russian Spiritual Mission was founded in the Holy Land. Later, in 1882, the Orthodox Palestine Society was formed, renamed in 1889 the Imperial Orthodox Palestine Society. Through their labors, many churches, schools, hospitals were built in the Holy Land...
Now one learned cleric of the Russian Orthodox Church accuses Jerusalem-
Russian Patriarchate, for example, in connection with big politics: “Namely with the next onslaught of the international community on the East, with the approaching election campaign in Russia and the desire of the West through the humiliation of the Russian Orthodox Church in Once again destabilize the situation inside Russia."
The Orthodox world, in his opinion, now looks very disunited “at the level of coordination of actions between various Patriarchates and Churches.” I recall the bitter words of an ancient Palestinian elder: “Children, heresies and schisms arise only because we really do not love each other.”
...The Apostle Paul was under house arrest and enjoyed relative freedom, although he was chained to a soldier. This chain stretched from the soldier's hand to the prisoner's hand. The soldiers changed often, and the ascetic had every reason to say: “My bonds in Christ have become known to the whole praetorium and to everyone else.” The bent monk Irenaeus writes: “The martyrdom of our conscience is a sign of revelation to one and all...”

The only way Irenaeus could speak to The Associated Press last Thursday was through a radio microphone raised by a rope attached to the roof of a black bag used by his aides to deliver various foodstuffs to him.

Journalists who attempted to gain access to Irenaeus through the huge metal doors were prevented by church guards looking outside through a small opening.

“They don’t allow anyone to go out and no one to come in to visit me,” Irenaeus said. “They are afraid of the people, because the people love me, and I love them,” he said into the Associated Press microphone, looking over the edge of the roof.

A hard landing for a man who ruled his flock for four years as a respected clergyman!

Irenaeus noted that his successor, Theophilos III, does not allow lawyers, doctors and visitors to enter the house where he lived for almost 40 years, which is among large cluster buildings and is church property. He said that he had been imprisoned for three years for his refusal to yield to the Patriarchate.

Theophilus confronted Irenaeus in 2005 after allegations that he had sold church property to Israelis seeking to expand the Jewish presence in east Jerusalem, considered by Palestinians as the capital of a future state. Palestinians consider selling land a serious crime. And the majority of Orthodox Christians in Jerusalem are Palestinians.

Irenaeus claims that he did not know about the transactions and did not commit any injustice. The report, which was subsequently approved by Palestinian authorities in 2005, concluded that the patriarch was not involved in any sales. “I ask God every day to reveal the truth,” he said. - “There is no more patriarch. I am the patriarch."

Political disagreements within the Greek Orthodox community, always complex, last years took a wild turn.

When Irenaeus was elevated to the patriarchal throne, his supporters said that the accusations of selling property were invented by his political opponents.

The number of Christians in the West Bank and Jerusalem is decreasing by last decades, as they seek better economic conditions elsewhere. Christians also talk about persecution from the Muslim majority of the West Bank, however, always anonymously because they are afraid of punishment.

Irenaeus' replacement was not recognized by the three governments with jurisdiction over the Patriarchate - Israel, Jordan and the Palestinian Authority - until 2007.

One high-ranking representative of the Patriarchate in Athens (Greece) denied that Irenaeus is under house arrest, and other persons from the patriarch’s entourage. Theophilus refused to comment on this beyond what they said that Irenaeus is a liar.

Patr. Theophilus made a public appearance in Bethlehem for Christmas on Thursday but was not available to comment.

One official closely associated with the Jerusalem Patriarchate, a prominent bishop who spoke on condition of anonymity for fear of persecution, claimed that Theophilus was holding Irenaeus against his will because of their rivalry and for fear that Irenaeus would try to claim him. former place.

"The new patriarch is punishing the old one by keeping him behind locked doors to protect his place," said Marwan Toubazi, head of the Council of Arab Orthodox Organizations and a Palestinian Authority spokesman who works closely with church leaders.

Irenaeus said he is spending his days of isolation in prayer, reading and writing. He also wears the traditional black clothes and kamilavka of Greek Orthodox clergy.

As Orthodox Christians celebrated Christmas on Thursday, Irenaeus said he celebrated the Divine Liturgy alone because he was barred from entering the church a few steps away. He congratulated and blessed his supporters through mobile phone as the main means of communication with the outside world.

From time to time, his followers shouted greetings from the street, and he responded with Happy New Year greetings.

One Palestinian Muslim from Old Jerusalem, who called himself Abu Amar, said he has been sending bread, vegetables and water to the former patriarch by lifting them to him by rope for almost three years. Despite the difference in faith, he feels an impulse of love to meet the needs of Irenaeus. “I had a friendly connection with him and still do,” Amar said. - “I can’t leave him.”

Israeli police say they have not responded to the allegation of detention because no complaint has been recorded.

Irenaeus believes his situation should be resolved through church means rather than police intervention, and the power to free and restore Irenaeus lies in God's hands, said Daniel Robbins, a lawyer who has been able to visit the ex-patriarch twice in the past week.

Robbins said that when he represented another client in a case in which Irenaeus was a witness, one of the court orders ordered Church officials to allow him to enter the ex-patriarch's home.

“He has no family, no one who goes to him, and his life and everything in it is in the Patriarchate,” Robbins said.

Associated Press writers Fawda Hodali in Jerusalem and Mohammed Daraghmeh in Ramallah, West Bank, contributed to this report.

Official response from the Jerusalem Patriarchate

The Holy Synod of the Jerusalem Patriarchate, in accordance with the canons of the Eastern Orthodox Church and the statutes of the Patriarchate, declared Patriarch Irenaeus deposed from the post of Patriarch of Jerusalem on April 23/May 6, 2005. However, due to the continued anti-canonical actions of the deposed patriarch, the Holy Synod, following the norms of canon law of the Orthodox Church, on June 16 of the same year formed a Bishops' Tribunal of twelve members, which expelled the former Patriarch Irenaeus from the rank of bishop, leaving him among the monks.

Monk Irenaeus is not a prisoner. By his own choice, he chose a closed lifestyle inside the complex of buildings of the Patriarchate. At the same time, the Patriarchate is a monastic place where, like other monasteries in the world, it has its own rules to which everyone, without exception, is subject, including priests belonging to the Brotherhood of the Holy Sepulchre. Monk Irenaeus does not conform his life to the canons of the Church and persistently presents himself as a patriarch, usurping the title and dignity of the legitimate Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III, denying subordination to the Holy Synod of the Jerusalem Patriarchate and the spiritual dignity of the power of the real Patriarch Theophilos III.

Despite all of the above and the fact that the former Patriarch of Jerusalem Irenaeus, declared a monk, stubbornly refuses to recognize the legitimate Patriarch of Jerusalem Theophilos III, the Patriarchate under the leadership of His Beatitude Theophilos III made continuous attempts to help the monk Irenaeus in supplying him with food, which is provided to all members of the Patriarchate. Monk Irenaeus rejected this and continues to refuse food provided by the Patriarchate. He insists that he will take care of obtaining food himself and will choose the method of eating himself.

Georgios Vasiliou, Representation of the Patriarchate of Jerusalem in Greece.

Prepared by priest Philip Parfenov


Dear fathers, brothers and sisters!


Patriarch Irenaeus of Jerusalem did not sign in March 2016, as demanded by the ecumenists-invaders of the Church of Jerusalem, the renunciation of the patriarchate. For this they began to physically destroy him. The editors of the website “Moscow the Third Rome” received evidence from people close to him about the danger threatening the Patriarch-Confessor.

We ask everyone, literally all our fathers, brothers and sisters, to offer prayers for the martyr and confessor Patriarch of Jerusalem Irenaeus! Lord, have mercy on Your faithful servant and our Lord, Patriarch Irenaeus! Lord, protect and rescue the confessor Irenaeus from the clutches of the Antichrist’s servants! Help us Lord!

Fathers, brothers and sisters!

Below is a video that was edited by the editors of the “Moscow the Third Rome” website; it consists of fragments of video footage sent from Jerusalem. The video tells about the lawlessness currently happening in the Holy Land against Patriarch Irenaeus.

Currently, Patriarch Irenaeus is in very difficult physical and mental state. Moreover, just recently he was in a cheerful state of mind and practically in full physical health, met with pilgrims, priests, and no one noticed anything inappropriate or strange in his behavior and appearance.

In March 2016, during a meeting with the impostor ecumenist Theophilus, the latter demanded that Patriarch Irenaeus sign an agreement that the Patriarch was the servant of the Antichrist, Theophilus. Patriarch Irenaeus categorically refused and declared that he was the canonical Patriarch, and not the impostor Theophilos.

Meeting of Patriarch Irenaeus with the self-proclaimed ecumenist patriarch Theophilos (March 2016)

After this refusal, and also on the eve of the Wolf Council, which was criticized by Patriarch Irenaeus ( see link ), the enemies of the Church and Christ decided to destroy the Confessor-Patriarch, but not immediately, but gradually, so that the people would not suspect the deliberate murder of the good shepherd by the conspirators. There is no doubt that Patriarch Irenaeus is now under a strong influence: presumably chemical, mental, psychotropic, or all combined.

The film depicts Patriarch Irenaeus looking down and creating a clear feeling that he has difficulty understanding what is happening. He tries to put his fingers together for a blessing, but he fails. How painful it is to look at this! Next, M. Fotina, closest to him, talks about what she herself witnessed. There is no doubt that these conspirators and servants of the devil are deliberately destroying him.

God! Forbid Your enemies to mock and destroy our dear and beloved Patriarch Irenaeus! Help us! Tell us what to do in this situation! Save and preserve Your faithful Shepherd Irenaeus!

R.B.'s story Rostislav

Last meeting visiting Patriarch Irenaeus

In the winter, after Patriarch Irenaeus returned from the clinic, the regime of his detention was somewhat relaxed, and it was possible to get to a meeting with him. They opened the treasured door inside the Patriarchate, which we see in Galina Tsareva’s film “God is Surrendered in Silence,” behind which Patriarch Irenaeus blesses.

This is explained, first of all, by the wide resonance that took place in the media about Patriarch Irenaeus’s admission to an Israeli hospital. Theophilus pretends that he does not keep Patriarch Irenaeus locked up, but this is not so. Everything's under control.

For the first time in 8 years, relatives and pilgrims come to see him. Finally, Mother Fotina was able to communicate humanly with her confessor. Patriarch Irenaeus himself comes out onto the street for the first time. People shout “Axios” to him everywhere and ask for his blessing. No one considers him a former or simple monk, except, of course, those subordinate to the main pirate who captured the Ship-Church of Jerusalem, leader Theophilus. But even among his subordinates there are many who sympathize and truly love His Beatitude Irenaeus. Fr. is often on duty at the gate with Arab security. Meletius. He helps pilgrims get to the imprisoned patriarch for a blessing. Patriarch Irenaeus began to serve again.

But everything changes after Patriarch Irenaeus visited Theophilos’ birthday party. Faithful dogs Theophilus is reported to Fr. Meletius, and he is transferred away from the patriarchate with a ban on appearing with Patriarch Irenaeus. The treasured door is locked and strict orders are given not to let anyone in to Patriarch Irenaeus. Pilgrims came to the Patriarch at the end of Lent in anticipation of a happy Easter. We are among them.

Our real dream is to go to the Holy Fire not to the Holy Sepulcher, but to Patriarch Irenaeus, so that with our Patriarch, Chrysostom of our time, martyr and confessor, we can meet the Holy Light. This is how happy pilgrims from Egypt and Serbia did it, who witnessed how the Holy Fire descended in the home church of Patriarch Irenaeus on Easter and the candles of the pilgrims present themselves lit up.

Mother Fotina brought pilgrims from different countries, hoping for a miracle that she would somehow be able to lead everyone to the Patriarch. She herself does not yet know how this will happen so that so many people can be freely brought to Patriarch Irenaeus after the recent strengthening of the attendance control regime. They make a preliminary agreement with His Beatitude Irenaeus, who will have to go out to the door himself and open the door for the guests with the key. M. Fotina’s task is only to lead them to this door. But this is the most difficult task, because the guards do not let anyone in there.

Someone unlocked the door first or simply forgot to lock it by the grace of God. M. Fotina discovered that security was not there. She quickly commanded, and everyone whom mother had previously gathered from all over Israel easily slipped to the Vladyka for blessing. It was a real miracle! We then tried for a whole month to pull off the same trick, but we couldn’t even get close to the treasured door, which was then obviously already locked. We didn't even have the opportunity to pull the handle to check whether this was true or not.

Among the lucky ones who came to visit the Patriarch were pilgrims from Germany, young Orthodox Japanese from Japan, nuns from Ukraine, priests from the ROCOR who were not united with the ROC MP, pilgrims from Russia, Bulgaria and Greece.

Mother Photina looked around the Patriarch's large reception room, which was always clean and comfortable. I looked around the kitchen and saw that the Patriarch had almost no food. The refrigerator would have been empty if she had not put the food we brought there. Once again she was convinced that the products sent through the Arab almost did not reach the Patriarch at all.

She felt something, but could not clearly understand what was bothering her. Taking a closer look at the Lord, she noticed that he looked somehow unnatural, but she pushed the bad thoughts away. I started talking to the point, because time for a date is limited.

“Vladyka, will you give me some prosphora?” “No,” came the answer. “Do you need prosphora?” – she asked, because the Patriarch regularly serves. “No,” came the answer again. “Are you not serving now?” “No,” her answer was completely discouraging. She thought, “something is wrong with him!” He hasn’t served for a long time, since he doesn’t give prosphora, and he won’t serve, since he didn’t take the prosphora! The anxiety never left her.

She sat down next to him. Pilgrims fussed around, some took blessings, some took photographs, some wrote notes. Mother asked the Patriarch further. “How is your health?” “Are you feeling okay?” He didn't answer. She translated into English and Greek. There was no answer. Then she asked again in Russian: “Vladyka, is everything all right with your health? I didn’t hear you.” The answer was: “Yes.” She clarified: “Are you feeling well?” He replied: “Yes.”

He took her hand and, unnoticed by everyone, squeezed it tightly, as if he wanted to say something only to her. She did not calm down: “Vladyka, is everything okay with you?” The answer came immediately: “Yes.” And he squeezed her hand so hard that it hurt her so much that she stopped asking further questions. She endured and did not show that she was in pain. She realized that he wanted to tell her something, but couldn’t, didn’t know how to say it, or doubted whether it was worth explaining something. When words can’t express what’s happening here...

And the Patriarch held her hand for a long time. She realized that he had said everything. She remembered that she needed to take the blessing. After all, this must be done right now. Who can guarantee that they will be able to meet on Easter? “Vladyka, I will have to leave for Australia soon! Will you bless me? I told you, I need to go to Australia!” He is silent. She tried to say in English: “I’m not sure I’ll come back, I only have a one-way ticket. But I can leave only with your permission. So, will you let me go or not? I'm waiting for your answer. Yes or no?" – she rapped out in pure British dialect. He answered her in Russian: “But you will come back!” And she felt better.

She didn't recognize him at all. It seemed to her that he had stopped understanding languages. She had never seen him like this in more than 15 years: “Yes-No” - and the whole conversation. For Patriarch Irenaeus to talk like that? It was as if he had been drugged with something. Something is definitely wrong, he doesn’t even serve, he feels completely bad. Only extremely serious condition may interfere with his service; he cannot live without service. So he is so bad... But he blessed her! And even predicts that she will return safely. His words always come true as a law. She knows it. He is never wrong. But what is happening? M. Fotina prayed: “Lord! Give me a sign what's going on."

Suddenly the doors of the Patriarch’s apartment open from the outside, and the Arab Obumar enters his chambers. He enters the hall and walks around everyone present in surprise. With his eyes fixed on M. Fotina, he asks her a question in English: “How were you all able to get here in such a crowd? Who tricked you? Mother answers him: “I spent it.” How do you get here? Do you have your own keys? "Yes!" - the Arab answers as if it were a matter of course. “And you have your own key to the first door?” - Mother asked curiously. “Well, yes, of course, I feed him every day.” And where did he get so much trust from if Theophilus gave him his own keys to all the doors? And the security lets him through unhindered. Soon everyone said goodbye to the Patriarch and left, leaving the guards surprised how so many people could pass unnoticed.

After visiting the Patriarch, M. Photina could not come to her senses. What's happening? The always cheerful and temperamental Patriarch seemed to her like a motionless doll, barely answering “yes or no.” But he understands everything perfectly, and he knows what is happening to him. Only now no one else knows what is happening in the chambers of the Patriarch, in which he has involuntarily been sitting hostage for 11 years. She can’t get out of her head the empty refrigerator... Does this mean that the Patriarch can only eat what this Arab brings him today? Why such inconvenience, after all, it’s more convenient when the refrigerator is completely full and you don’t have to bother the old man again?

How Patriarch Irenaeus was besieged on all sides on Easter 2016, without allowing people to come to him, as well as about the descent of the Holy Fire in the cell of Patriarch Theophilus and the non-descent of the Holy Fire in 2016 on the Holy Sepulcher

In 2006 and 2007, one could safely go to Patriarch Irenaeus without obstacles. He calmly served himself in the Church of St. Thekla, which is located next to his cell, and in which the altar is so small that there is almost no space between the Royal Doors and the Throne. But Patriarch Irenaeus served there so graciously that the pilgrims never wanted to leave him and stayed with him all day long. And when Through the prayers of His Beatitude Irenaeus, the Holy Fire descended simultaneously in his cell and on the Holy Sepulcher Those present saw this and were delighted with such a magnificent phenomenon.

The conspirators did not like this very much. There were rumors throughout the city that the real Patriarch was now not in the Temple of the Sepulcher, but in his home church, begging for the Holy Fire. And when the dragoman reached the patriarchal church, he was perplexed how his people had already greeted him with Fire. And in 2008 they completely closed the temple, and the Patriarch could no longer serve in it.

This year, eyewitnesses recall how desperate believers, clinging to the door of the Patriarch, were severely beaten by the police. One African man and a Serbian woman, who, despite the kicks and blows, did not open their hands, still managed to stay with Patriarch Irenaeus for prayer this year. And this poor Christian, crying and sobbing, was miraculously comforted by the Lord. During the prayer, the candles in his bundle, broken by the police, suddenly lit up on their own! And this is when in the same In 2016, at the Holy Sepulcher itself, in the entire church, not a single candle ignited on its own!

In the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, our pilgrims hid in the Church of Constantine and Helena to attend the night service and receive the Holy Fire. But Theophilus gave the order to expel everyone. At night, policemen with weapons and dogs burst into the temple, walked around the entire temple and even entered the altar with dogs. People were shocked - after all, this is a patriarchal temple, how can the “patriarch” send Jewish policemen there to drive people out, and even enter the temple with dogs? It is clear that after such desecration the temple was not reconsecrated. It no longer became important to anyone that dogs were in the temple and in the altar. For the apostate Theophilus, this is not scary or important.


During the years of his ministry, Patriarch Irenaeus strictly forbade the police to expel people from the Church of the Holy Sepulchre. And when I found out that the police would still drive me out, I prayed in the temple until the morning so that pilgrims could arrive at the temple. Before the arrival of Theophilus, there was an iron rule: whoever of the pilgrims stayed overnight in the Temple remained there until the Descent of the Holy Fire. Now Theophilus gives an order to expel everyone.

IN Holy Saturday Old city The police imposed such a burden that no one could even dream of visiting Patriarch Irenaeus. Mother Fotina said, and we also observed this, that this year at the descent of the Holy Fire there was not a single flash, not a single lamp was lit in the temple, much less anyone’s fire itself was lit . This can also be seen in the NTV channel’s report on the descent of the Holy Fire in 2016.

A well-known cameraman from the NTV channel told me that, indeed, when Irenaeus served, they, the cameramen, remember how they directed the camera to the right place from where the Fire was supposed to appear. But every time they were perplexed when they discovered the appearance of Fire a few seconds, or even a minute earlier, somewhere in another part of the temple. And only then was it explained to him that this was a real miracle: the Flying of Fire on Holy Saturday. And he sincerely asks why for so many years now, under Theophilus, he has not noticed such a phenomenon?

The Fire in 2016, according to experienced people, was redder, and usually the Holy Fire is gentle at first blue color and warm. The smell of the candles this year, contrary to the usually sweet and pleasant smell, was especially stinky, as if everyone had deliberately conspired and bought the cheapest and poorest quality candles. So some believers have doubts as to whether the Holy Fire descended on the Holy Sepulcher this year?

On the eve of the overthrow of Patriarch Irenaeus of Jerusalem in 2005, a number of special signs were recorded in the Holy City. On Palm Sunday During the festive service, Patriarch Irenaeus walked around the temple with a palm tree. Having reached the aisle of the pillar of the flagellation of the Lord or the laying of the crown of thorns, Patriarch Irenaeus suddenly stopped and exclaimed: “How abundantly the icons stream myrrh in the aisle of the laying of the crown!” The same myrrh-streaming was visible in the area of ​​Sotnik-Longinus. Traces of myrrh-streaming on the icons can still be easily seen to this day.

The second unusual phenomenon that the Orthodox noticed: on the eve of the deposition of Patriarch Irenaeus, Golgotha, part of which is visible below between the boundaries of Adam and the laying of the Crown of Thorns, suddenly began to bleed profusely, so profusely that it was soon covered under glass.

And the third unusual phenomenon that Orthodox Christians saw in 2005 on Easter. The Holy Fire descended in flashes and candles were spontaneously lit during 10 Easter days in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher and in the Church of the Holy Sepulcher in Gethsemane. This phenomenon was so obvious and unusual that the Greeks at the Tomb of the Mother of God specifically turned off and did not turn on the electric light for a long time in order to observe such an unusual phenomenon, which had not previously been observed in Gethsemane. Spontaneous combustion of candles has also been seen several times.

In their Easter joy, people did not understand that this was an omen sent down to us. After ten days this phenomenon abruptly stopped and never happened again.

On the 6th day of Easter, a revolutionary coup began in the Jerusalem Patriarchate. Years later, the Orthodox believe that this sign was a kind of omen for Jerusalem, that the Lord thus warned: “I give you 10 years to admonish you, if you do not repent, after the expiration of 10 years the Holy Fire will stop descending.” 10 years have passed and in the 11th year they claim that the Holy Fire did not descend, that Theophilus simply deceived people this year.

It is necessary to bring to the attention of all Christians that all these years Edicule has not been searched by anyone, and no one has been searching Theophilus. He indirectly confirms this himself when he says that the Holy Fire for us is not the Grace of God, not a miraculous phenomenon, but just a ritual by which we remember that the Lord once rose again.

After the descent (or non-descent) of the Holy Fire, we tried to get into the Patriarchate, hoping that in the festive bustle it would be possible to get to Patriarch Irenaeus. But we came across such a cordon surrounded by barriers and police at his door that it became clear that he would not be able to get through. Theophilus gave strict and firm orders so that not even a mouse could sneak past Patriarch Irenaeus!

Mother Fotina somehow somehow made it to the cordon and decided to record historical event- as never before had the Patriarch been surrounded by a cordon of police officers led by a colonel. In her perfect English, she unobtrusively asked the yawning police officers to take a souvenir photo of themselves with the scary officer. He kindly poses for her.

Last meeting with Patriarch Irenaeus

All Easter days we tried to go to Patriarch Irenaeus. But it’s not that it was not possible to get to him, even to the Church of Constantine and Helen, the Church of the Patriarch of Jerusalem, into the territory of the Patriarchate. It was even surprising to me. In previous years I visited this place without hindrance. But after Easter 2016 I was never able to get there.

Mother Fotina tried to get through to the Patriarch. He didn't pick up the phone. If this happened before, he would definitely call her himself. But last weeks doesn't call or answer. There’s something wrong with him,” she states.

For more than 15 years, being his first assistant and right hand, she has been with him since the first days of his patriarchate. And she did not leave him even after the general renunciation of everyone. She has learned all his habits and understands him and feels him like family. They understand each other perfectly. So now, having seen him in person, she began to understand that clouds were gathering over Patriarch Irenaeus.

Even when his persecution and bullying of his former subordinates had just begun, she asked him whether it would be better to leave, to leave them. He answered her like this: “This is my Cross, and I will carry it to the end, no matter what the cost!” And she understood that he would not leave Jerusalem until his death. “Okay, and I will be with him as long as it pleases the Lord!” – she decided to herself.

But in recent weeks, M. Fotin has not found a place for himself. What she had been afraid of from the very beginning had begun. Now it is completely impossible to keep track of what they are doing with him there. The only connection is the phone, and it doesn’t answer. And her last conversations with him had completely thrown her off balance. She completely refuses to recognize this man as her Irenaeus. It’s as if he’s been replaced, as if he’s being poisoned with some kind of chemical, God forbid! His answers: Yes - No! There are no points of contact at all, developed over the years down to the slightest intonation and sigh. It just doesn't happen that way.

Theophilus' servants beat her, cursed her, pushed her out, kicked her, swore at her and spat in her face! But these are all small things compared to the pain she feels today.

Finally we gathered to Patriarch Irenaeus. Mother Fotina regrets that she did not take everyone with her when she came to him for the last time. Today this is completely impossible. And she takes me and another person with her, hoping to somehow get through the security to him. The Patriarch answers immediately. We agree on what he will reveal to us.

Mother’s task is to approach the door unnoticed. We go into the Patriarchate and come across an Arab guard who is blocking our way. M. Fotina explains to him that she needs to take the elderly woman to the toilet. Security escorts the women to the toilet and stands there, waiting for them to leave. Horrible! Muslims earn their bread to Theophilus to the point of absurdity. According to all laws, he was obliged to remain at the checkpoint. After the toilet, the women leisurely leave the temple and are accompanied back by two Arabs.

M. Fotina does not mince words: “Like in prison, you accompany us like criminals, like terrorists, as if we pose some kind of threat! The chickens laugh! Or do you have nothing to do at all? On the way, he meets a priest who recognizes Fr. Meletia. He passes by and heads to the door that is treasured for us, opens it with the key and enters. Then he locks it with a key from the inside. This is how we determine that the door is now tightly closed.

The Cypriot monks who had previously managed to get to the Patriarch also said that they noticed strong changes in him, especially this fact was drawn to the attention of Hierodeacon Demetrius, who was inseparably with the Patriarch in the hospital. He told M. Photina that P. Irenaeus seemed to have been replaced. He looks more like a doll. They suspect that some drugs are added to his food.

When, after all the unsuccessful attempts to get into the Patriarcha, we agreed for him to go out onto the roof, we didn’t recognize him at all! He is wearing a black simple monk's cap. It is clear that he is very weak. He barely looked out from behind the wall, as if he was afraid of something. His face was very swollen. He tried to bless us, but did not take the cross with him. And he blessed us with his hands with a bishop’s blessing, and it was clear how he was trying to fold his fingers correctly, but they did not obey him. It was very painful to see. What are they doing to him and how to save him?