Pioneers heroes Marat Kazei what he did. Marat Kazei - the young hero of a terrible war

Perhaps the ninth of May is one of the brightest and most holy holidays for any person. Victory Day is one of the few days that can unite not only all Russians, but even residents of France, Bulgaria, Ukraine and many other countries.

Media about the Great Victory

Some time before the holiday, many people begin to show on TV documentaries and programs An example is the series of programs “Liberators”, hosted by Dmitry Dyuzhev. He talks interestingly and colorfully about various events of the war.

Pioneer Heroes

Many books have been written about the exploits of great warriors. Don't forget about this. This article will talk about a man who, without hesitation for a second, gave his life so that we could all go outside and see a peaceful sky above our heads. First of all, the younger generation needs to know this, because, unfortunately, there are fewer and fewer heroes every year.

Pioneer heroes are those representatives of the pioneer community who committed great amount feats. Back in 1954, a list of these people was compiled, consisting of twenty-two names. But today we will talk about one of them: you will find out, Marat Kazei, and what mark he left in the history of our country.

Birth of Marat Kazei

The future hero was born on October 10, 1929 in the small village of Stankovo, Minsk region. The choice of name was made by his father Ivan, who was a convinced communist and had previously served in the Baltic Fleet. The name of the future hero was chosen in honor of the ship “Marat”, on which the boy’s father served.

The tragic fate of the father

Ivan Kazei was a Bolshevik to the core, and his work colleagues loved him very much. In addition, he led training courses for tractor drivers and participated in friendly court proceedings. Unfortunately, fate had a tragic decree: in 1935, Ivan Kazei was arrested on charges of sabotage. By the way, the accusation was undeserved. The sentence chosen was reference to Far East. He was rehabilitated posthumously 24 years later.

The fate of the hero's mother

Ivan Kazei’s sentence also affected his wife: she was fired from her job and expelled from the institute. The children were sent to relatives. Marat Kazeya's mother was arrested and released shortly before. Soon after her release, Anna joined the partisans.

The first Minsk partisans did not last long, as the Gestapo exposed them. After this, all the underground members were executed. Among those executed was the mother of 13-year-old Marat and his 16-year-old sister Ariadne. This event prompted young people to join the partisans, where Marat Kazei fought until the end of his life. Feat, summary which will be described below, forever inscribed the name of the pioneer in history.

Marat joins the partisans

In 1942, Marat became a scout. His task was to penetrate the enemy garrison and obtain valuable data, thanks to which the partisans were able to recapture an important point in Dzerzhinsk.

The first feat of Marat Kazei

The brave boy has more than one brave deed to his name. So, the first time he saved a detachment of his comrades from death dates back to 1943. German troops The partisans were surrounded, but Marat was able to get out, but not to save his life: he was able to bring help, and the enemy was defeated.

Towards the end of the same year, the feat of Marat Kazei was awarded an honorary award - the Order of the Patriotic War, first degree, as well as medals “For military merits" and "For courage."

Tragic death

In 1944, Operation Bagration began, thanks to which Belarus was liberated from the fascist invaders, which Marat Kazei could not see. The Nazis came to partisan detachment near the village of Khoromitskie. A battle ensued, in which Marat’s partner instantly dies. The Germans surround him, hoping to take him prisoner. Soon Marat ran out of all the cartridges, then he makes a fateful decision: to blow himself up with a grenade.

Today there are two versions that explain this feat of Marat Kazei:

  1. The pioneer hero did this to prevent a punitive operation in the village.
  2. To destroy the Germans.

The partisan was buried in a village in his small homeland. For heroism he was awarded the title in 1965. Marat Kazei lived such a short but fulfilling life.

The memory of the exploits will live forever, although both Ariadne and Marat Kazei died long ago. The monument to the hero was erected back in 1959, many streets in several countries are named after him.

In 1965, when Marat Kazei was awarded the title Soviet Union, a photograph of him was required. Sister Ariadne found best photo her brother, which, ironically, was taken by a German photographer, who ended up in the house of the future hero at the very beginning of the war. This photo can be seen in every encyclopedia.

This was the feat of Marat Kazei. Don't forget your heroes and remember that without them we most likely would not be living in the world today. The Great Patriotic War - terrible event not only for Russia, but for the whole world. I really wouldn't want something like this to happen again.

History knows not many heroes like Marat Kazei. The feat, a summary of which is given in this article, should be an example of courage for all living people.

Of all the pioneer heroes, Marat Kazei was probably the least fortunate. Soviet schoolchildren of the late USSR, not so much because of opposition views as out of childish stupidity, sang obscene poems in the school corridors mentioning the young war hero.

Some of those singing became ashamed with age, and some, probably to this day, see this as their contribution to the debunking of “Soviet myths.”

The true story of Marat Kazei was more dramatic than what teachers told children. But his feat is no less significant. On the contrary, this boy’s dedication and courage evoke even greater respect.

Marat Kazei. Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. Photo: RIA Novosti / Mezhevich

He was born on October 10, 1929 in the village of Stankovo, Minsk region. The boy was named Marat by his father, a staunch communist and former sailor of the Baltic Fleet. Ivan Kazei named his son in honor of the battleship “Marat”, on which he himself had the opportunity to serve.

The idealistic revolutionary Ivan Kazei named his daughter unusually - Ariadne, in honor of the heroine of the ancient Greek myth, which he really liked.

Idealist and sabotage

Marat's parents met in 1921, when 27-year-old revolutionary sailor Ivan Kazei came home on leave and fell madly in love with his namesake, 16-year-old Anyuta Kazei.

A year later, having written off, Ivan finally came to Stankovo ​​and married a girl.

Communist and activist Ivan Kazei was a convinced Bolshevik, was in good standing at work, headed tractor driver training courses, and was the chairman of a comrades' court.

It all ended one day when in 1935 he was arrested for sabotage. It is unknown whose vile hand wrote the false denunciation. Apparently, the idealism of Ivan Kazei, who never took a state penny for personal purposes, began to greatly irritate those who wanted to improve their own well-being at the expense of the people’s goods. Such people always exist, no matter what political system outside.

Ivan Kazei was exiled to the Far East, where he disappeared forever. He was rehabilitated only in 1959, posthumously.

Anna Kazei, an equally convinced communist, was fired from her job after her husband’s arrest, kicked out of her apartment, and expelled from the Moscow Pedagogical Institute, where she studied by correspondence. The children had to be sent to relatives, which turned out to be very the right decision— Anna herself was soon arrested for “Trotskyism.”

The “Trotskyist” mother was hanged by the Germans

It seems that Marat and his sister Ariadne had no reason to love Soviet power after what happened to their parents. But here’s a strange thing: most people of that time believed that the repressions falling on the heads of their relatives were the work of specific dishonest people in government bodies, and not the policy of the Soviet government as a whole.

Anna Kazei did not suffer the fate of her husband - just before the war she was released. Prison did not change her political views. A staunch communist Anna Kazei began collaborating with the Minsk underground from the first days of the occupation.

The history of the first Minsk underground workers turned out to be tragic. Not having sufficient skills in such activities, they were soon exposed by the Gestapo and arrested.

The underground fighter Anna Kazei, along with her comrades in the struggle, was hanged by the Nazis in Minsk.

Marat and Ariadne

For 16-year-old Ariadna and 13-year-old Marat Kazeev, the death of their mother served as the impetus for the beginning active struggle with the Nazis - in 1942 they became fighters in a partisan detachment.

Marat and Ariadna Kazei, c. 1935 (previously January 1, 1939). Photo: Public Domain

Marat was a scout. The clever boy successfully penetrated enemy garrisons in villages many times, obtaining valuable intelligence information.

In battle, Marat was fearless - in January 1943, even while wounded, he launched an attack on the enemy several times. He took part in dozens of sabotages on railways and other objects that were of particular importance to the Nazis.

In March 1943, Marat saved an entire partisan detachment. When the punitive forces took the Furmanov partisan detachment “in pincers” near the village of Rumok, it was scout Kazei who managed to break through the enemy’s “ring” and bring help from neighboring partisan detachments. As a result, the punitive forces were defeated.

In the winter of 1943, when the detachment was leaving encirclement, Ariadna Kazei received severe frostbite. To save the girl's life, doctors had to amputate her legs. field conditions, and then transport it by plane to the mainland. She was taken to the rear, to Irkutsk, where doctors managed to get her out.

And Marat continued to fight the enemy even angrier, more desperately, avenging his murdered mother, his crippled sister, his desecrated Motherland...

For his courage and bravery, Marat, who was only 14 years old at the end of 1943, was awarded the Order Patriotic War 1st degree, medals “For Courage” and “For Military Merit”.

Family of heroes

It was May 1944. Operation Bagration was already being prepared in full, which would bring freedom to Belarus from the Nazi yoke. But Marat was not destined to see this. On May 11, near the village of Khoromitsky, a reconnaissance group of partisans was discovered by the Nazis. Marat’s partner died immediately, and he himself entered the battle. The Germans surrounded him, hoping to capture the young partisan alive. When the cartridges ran out, Marat blew himself up with a grenade.

There are two versions - according to one, Marat blew himself up and the Germans approaching him. According to another, the partisans deliberately blew up only themselves, so as not to give the Nazis a reason for a punitive operation in the village of Khoromitsky.

Marat was buried in his native village.

For heroism in the fight against German fascist invaders By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR dated May 8, 1965, Kazei Marat Ivanovich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

Ariadna Kazei returned to Belarus in 1945. Despite the loss of her legs, she graduated from Minsk Pedagogical University, taught at school, and was elected as a deputy of the Supreme Council of Belarus. In 1968, the partisan heroine, honored teacher of Belarus Ariadna Ivanovna Kazei was awarded the title of Hero of Socialist Labor.

Ariadna Ivanovna passed away in 2008. But the memory of her and her brother, Marat Kazei, is alive. A monument to Marat was erected in Minsk; several streets in the cities of Belarus and in other countries are named after him. former USSR.

But the main memory is not in bronze, but in the souls of people. And while we remember the names of those who, sacrificing themselves, saved our Motherland from fascism, they remain close to us, strengthening and inspiring with their example in difficult moments of life.

Marat Ivanovich Kazei

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Marat and Ariadna Kazei - future Heroes
Life period

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Date of Birth
Date of death

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Type of army

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Years of service

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Job title

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Awards and prizes

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Marat Ivanovich Kazei (29th of October ( 19291029 ) , village of Stankovo, Dzerzhinsky district, Minsk region, BSSR, USSR - May 11, village of Khoromitskiye, Uzdensky district, Minsk region, BSSR, USSR) - Belarusian and Soviet pioneer hero, young red partisan intelligence officer, Hero of the Soviet Union (posthumously).


Marat's father, Ivan Georgievich Kazei, is a communist, activist, served for 10 years in the Baltic Fleet, then worked at the Machine and Tractor Station, headed training courses for tractor drivers, was the chairman of a comrades' court, was arrested in 1935 for sabotage, and rehabilitated posthumously in 1959.

His mother, Anna Aleksandrovna Kazei, was also an activist and was a member of the election commission for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. Just like her husband, she was subjected to repression: she was arrested twice on charges of “Trotskyism,” but then released. Despite the arrests, she continued to actively support Soviet power. During the Great Patriotic War, she hid wounded partisans and treated them, for which she was hanged by the Germans in Minsk in 1942.

After the death of her mother, Marat and her older sister Ariadne went to the partisan detachment named after. 25th anniversary of October (November 1942).

When the partisan detachment was leaving the encirclement, Ariadne's legs were frozen, and therefore she was taken by plane to Mainland, where she had to have both legs amputated. Marat, as a minor, was also offered to evacuate along with his sister, but he refused and remained in the detachment.

Subsequently, Marat was a scout at the headquarters of the brigade named after. K.K. Rokossovsky. In addition to reconnaissance, he participated in raids and sabotage. For courage and courage in battles he was awarded the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree, medals “For Courage” (wounded, raised the partisans to attack) and “For Military Merit”. Returning from reconnaissance, Marat and the reconnaissance commander of the brigade headquarters, Larin, arrived early in the morning in the village of Khoromitsky, where they had to meet with a liaison officer. The horses were tied behind the peasant's barn. Less than half an hour had passed when shots rang out. The village was surrounded by a chain of Germans. Larin was killed immediately. Marat, firing back, lay down in a hollow. He was seriously wounded. This happened in front of almost the entire village. While there were cartridges, he held the defense, and when the magazine was empty, he took one of the grenades hanging on his belt and threw it at the enemies. The Germans almost didn’t shoot; they wanted to take him alive. And with the second grenade, when they came very close, he blew himself up along with them.

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Excerpt characterizing Kazei, Marat Ivanovich

- So what should we do now? – I asked mentally “chattering my teeth”.
– Remember when you showed me your first monsters, you hit them with a green beam? – Once again, her eyes sparkling mischievously (again, she came to her senses faster than me!), Stella asked cheerfully. - Let `s together?..
I realized that, fortunately, she was still going to give up. And I decided to try it, because we had nothing to lose anyway...
But we didn’t have time to hit, because at that moment the spider suddenly stopped and we, feeling a strong push, plopped down to the ground with all our might... Apparently, he dragged us to his home much earlier than we expected...
We found ourselves in a very strange room (if, of course, you could call it that). It was dark inside and there was complete silence... There was a strong smell of mold, smoke and the bark of some unusual tree. And only from time to time we heard some faint sounds, similar to moans. It was as if the “sufferers” had no strength left...
– Can’t you illuminate this somehow? – I asked Stella quietly.
“I’ve already tried, but for some reason it doesn’t work...” the little girl answered in the same whisper.
And immediately a tiny light lit up right in front of us.
“That’s all I can do here.” – The girl sighed sadly
In such dim, meager lighting, she looked very tired and as if grown up. I kept forgetting that this amazing miracle child was just nothing - five years old! she is still a very tiny girl, who this moment It must have been terribly scary. But she endured everything courageously, and even planned to fight...
– Look who’s here? – the little girl whispered.
And peering into the darkness, I saw strange “shelves” on which people were lying, as if in a drying rack.
– Mom?.. Is that you, mom??? – a surprised thin voice whispered quietly. - How did you find us?
At first I didn’t understand that the child was addressing me. Having completely forgotten why we came here, I only realized that they were asking me specifically when Stella pushed me hard in the side with her fist.
“But we don’t know what their names are!” I whispered.
- Leah, what are you doing here? – a male voice sounded.
- I'm looking for you, daddy. – Stella answered mentally in Leah’s voice.
- How did you get here? – I asked.
“Surely, just like you...” was the quiet answer. – We were walking along the shore of the lake, and did not see that there was some kind of “failure” there... So we fell through there. And there was this beast waiting... What are we going to do?
- Leave. – I tried to answer as calmly as possible.
- And the rest? Do you want to leave them all?!. – Stella whispered.
- No, of course I don’t want to! But how are you going to get them out of here?..
Then a strange, round hole opened and a viscous, red light blinded my eyes. My head felt like pincers and I was dying to sleep...
- Hold on! Just don't sleep! – Stella shouted. And I realized that it had some kind of effect on us strong effect Apparently, this terrible creature needed us completely weak-willed, so that he could freely perform some kind of “ritual” of his own.
“We can’t do anything...” Stella muttered to herself. - Well, why doesn’t it work?..
And I thought she was absolutely right. We were both just children who, without thinking, embarked on very life-threatening journeys, and now did not know how to get out of it all.
Suddenly Stella removed our superimposed “images” and we became ourselves again.
- Oh, where’s mom? Who are you?... What did you do to mom?! – the boy hissed indignantly. - Well, bring her back immediately!
I really liked his fighting spirit, bearing in mind the hopelessness of our situation.
“The thing is, your mother wasn’t here,” Stella whispered quietly. – We met your mother where you “failed” here from. They are very worried about you because they cannot find you, so we offered to help. But, as you can see, we were not careful enough, and ended up in the same terrible situation...
- How long have you been here? Do you know what they will do to us? – trying to speak confidently, I asked quietly.
- We recently... He brings new people all the time, and sometimes small animals, and then they disappear, and he brings new ones.
I looked at Stella in horror:
- This is the real one real world, and completely real danger!.. This is no longer the innocent beauty that we created!.. What are we going to do?
- Leave. “The little girl repeated stubbornly again.
– We can try, right? And grandma won’t leave us if it’s really dangerous. Apparently we can still get out on our own if she doesn’t come. Don't worry, she won't leave us.
I would like her confidence!.. Although usually I was far from being a timid person, this situation made me very nervous, since not only we were here, but also those for whom we had come into this horror. Unfortunately, I didn’t know how to get out of this nightmare.
– There is no time here, but it usually comes at the same interval, approximately like there were days on earth. “Suddenly the boy answered my thoughts.
– Have you already been today? – Stella asked, clearly delighted.
The boy nodded.
- Well, let's go? – she looked at me carefully and I realized that she was asking me to “put” my “protection” on them.
Stella was the first to stick her red head out...
- Nobody! – she was delighted. - Wow, what a horror this is!..
Of course, I couldn’t stand it and climbed after her. There really was a real " nightmare“!.. Next to our strange “place of imprisonment”, in a completely incomprehensible way, hung in “bundles” upside down, human essences... They were suspended by the legs, and created a kind of inverted bouquet.
We came closer - none of the people showed signs of life...
– They are completely “pumped out”! – Stella was horrified. “They don’t even have a drop left.” vitality!.. That's it, let's run away!!!

Kazei Marat Ivanovich was born on October 10, 1929 in the village of Stankovo, Dzerzhinsky district. The parents of the future hero were staunch communist activists; his mother Anna Kazei was one of the members of the commission for elections to the Supreme Soviet of the USSR. The son was named after the Baltic battleship Marat, on which his father Ivan Kazei served for 10 years.

In 1935, Marat’s father, being the chairman of a comrades’ court, was repressed for “sabotage” and exiled to the Far East, where he died. The boy’s mother was also arrested twice “for Trotskyist beliefs”; she was later released. The trials and shocks she endured did not break the woman and did not dispel her faith in socialist ideals. When the Great Patriotic War began, Anna Kazei began collaborating with the partisan underground in Minsk (she hid and treated wounded soldiers), for which she was hanged by the Nazis in 1942.

The military biography of Marat Kazei began immediately after the death of his mother, when he, together with his older sister Ariadne, joined the partisan detachment named after the 25th anniversary of the October Revolution, where he became a scout. Fearless and dexterous, Marat penetrated German garrisons many times and returned to his comrades with valuable information. Also, the young hero was involved in many acts of sabotage at sites important to the Nazis. M. Kazei also took part in open battles with the enemy, in which he showed absolute fearlessness - even when wounded, he got up and went on the attack.

In the winter of 1943, Marat Kazei had the opportunity to go to the rear with his sister, since she urgently needed amputation of both legs. The boy was a minor at that time, so he had such a right, but he refused and continued his fight against the invaders.

The exploits of Marat Kazei.

One of his high-profile exploits was accomplished in March 1943, when, thanks to him, an entire partisan detachment was saved. Then, near the village of Rumok, German punitive forces surrounded a detachment named after them. Furmanov, and Marat Kazei was able to break through the enemy’s ring and bring help. The enemy was defeated, and his comrades were saved.

For the courage, bravery and feats shown in battles and sabotage, at the end of 1943, 14-year-old Marat Kazei was awarded three high awards: medals “For Military Merit”, “For Courage” and the Order of the Patriotic War, 1st degree.

Marat Kazei died on May 11, 1944 in a battle near the village of Khoromitsky. When he and his partner were returning from reconnaissance, they were surrounded by the Nazis. Having lost a comrade in a shootout, the young man blew himself up with a grenade, preventing the Germans from taking him alive or, according to another version, preventing a punitive operation in the village in the event of his capture. Another version of his biography says that Marat Kazei detonated an explosive device to kill along with himself several Germans who came too close to him, since he had run out of ammunition. The boy was buried in his native village.

The title of Hero of the Soviet Union was awarded to Marat Kazei on May 8, 1965. In Minsk, an obelisk was erected for the brave guy, capturing the last moments before his feat. Many streets throughout the former USSR were also named in his honor, especially in his homeland of Belarus. Soviet-era schoolchildren were raised in the spirit of patriotism in the pioneer camp of the village of Gorval, Rechitsa district, Belarusian SSR. The camp was called “Marat Kazei”.

In 1973, the book of the writer Boris Kostyukovsky “Life as it is” (Moscow, “Children’s Literature”) was published, who dedicated it to the biography and exploits of Marat Kazei and his sister Ariadna Kazei (died in 2008).

Previously, photographs of young heroes hung in every school, their biographies were printed on the covers of notebooks, monuments were erected to them, memorials were opened, streets and ships were named in their honor. Over the past 20 years, their memory has begun to fade. Modern schoolchildren do not know the names of Volodya Dubinin and Zina Portnova. Now, perhaps, only Belarus preserves the memory of their exploits. Among them is the name of Marat Kazei, Hero of the Soviet Union, holder of the Order of Lenin.

Watching today's youth with their gadgets, hobbies social networks and beer, you can’t help but wonder if these children will be able to accomplish this feat? As their peers, boys and girls, did during the terrible years of the Great Patriotic War.

Previously, photographs of young heroes hung in every school, their biographies were printed on the covers of notebooks, monuments were erected to them, memorials were opened, streets and ships were named in their honor. Over the past 20 years, their memory has begun to fade. Modern schoolchildren do not know the names of Volodya Dubinin, Zina Portnova, Marat Kazei. Now, perhaps, only Belarus preserves the memory of their exploits. Monuments and memories of heroes have been preserved there.

One of them is Belarusian Marat Kazei. He was born on October 10, 1929 in the village of Stankovo, Dzerzhinsky district, Minsk region of Belarus, into a peasant family. Graduated from 4th grade rural school. He received an unusual name for Belarus through the efforts of his father. He served in the Baltic Fleet, on the legendary battleship Marat, formerly Petropavlovsk.

The guy had a very difficult fate even before the war. His father was repressed. The mother was also arrested, but she was quickly released. But the family did not become embittered, did not hate the Motherland.

When the Germans arrived, Marat’s schooling ended; he no longer went to fifth grade. The school housed a German barracks.

Marat’s mother, Anna Aleksandrovna, the wife of a repressed man, unforgettably, hid Soviet party leaders and partisans in her home. She was soon exposed, sent to Minsk and hanged there. After this, the children, Marat and Ariadne fled to the Stankovsky forest, to join the partisan detachment. Actually, they no longer had anyone to stay with. The new partisan Marat Kazei was then twelve years old. It was July 21, 1942.

The partisans took care of the boy. He entered the first battle only in January 1943. In the first battle he was slightly wounded in the arm, but he did not leave his position. And by his example he inspired his comrades to counterattack. For which he was nominated for the medal “For Courage”. A real combat, soldier's medal, which was given only for serious merit, for real bravery. And then, having recovered, he was engaged in reconnaissance, went to the rear of the Germans, and participated in the bombing of railways. After his reconnaissance, the partisans launched an unexpected and daring attack and defeated the German garrison of the city of Dzerzhinsk.

In March 1943, the detachment named after. Furmanov was surrounded. All attempts to escape from the ring led to nothing. Delay threatened the death of the entire detachment. But Marat miraculously managed to break through the dense ranks of the attacking Germans and bring reinforcements. Thanks to this, dozens of our soldiers remained alive, and the detachment was preserved as a full-fledged combat unit.

During the difficult partisan life, when the fighters Once again leaving the encirclement, his sister Ariadne's feet were frozen. She was miraculously transported by plane to the mainland, to the rear, but the legs of a young girl, she was seventeen years old, had to be amputated. By the way, Marat’s sister later lived long life, graduated from a pedagogical institute, worked as a school teacher, studied social activities. Became a Hero Socialist Labor, deputy of the Supreme Council.

Then, in 1943, Marat Kazei was also offered to evacuate to the rear, together with his sister, finish school, and recover after being wounded. But the courageous boy categorically refused.

He continued to serve his Motherland and go on reconnaissance missions. So, in the winter of 1943, during the battle on the Slutsk highway, Marat managed to get important documents– maps and plans of the German command. Forwarded by the attacking Soviet troops they helped a lot in the liberation of Belarus.

But on May 11, 1944, Marat Kazei, together with the commander of the partisan reconnaissance, was returning from a mission. The Germans discovered them near the village of Khorometskoye, Uzdensky district, Minsk region. The commander died almost immediately. Marat fired back to the last bullet. He was already seriously wounded. When the ammunition ran out, so as not to fall alive into the hands of the enemy, he waited until the Germans came very close and blew himself up with their grenade.

The fantastically heroic life of a boy, a child who was a true patriot of the Motherland. I repeat, he could have evacuated, left the detachment many times. What motivated him, the son of a hanged mother, the brother of a mutilated sister? I think not only a feeling of revenge for loved ones. It’s just that the children of that time were raised differently, in love for the Motherland, in dedication and honesty to themselves and their comrades.

In Minsk, the pioneers raised money, and in 1959 a monument to Marat Kazei was unveiled in the Ivan Kupala Park. Excellent work by sculptor S. Selikhanov and architect V. Volchek. A little earlier, in 1958, an obelisk was erected on the Hero’s grave in his home village of Stankovo, Minsk region. On May 8, 1965, to commemorate the twentieth anniversary of the victory over the Nazi invaders, Marat Kazei was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union for his heroism in the fight against the occupiers. The Hero's Star and the Order of Lenin, the highest awards of the USSR, were given to his sister.

Preserving the memory of such people, ordinary boys and girls who stood up for the defense of the Motherland despite the difficulties, possible insults, despite not being at all a fighting age - this is the task of the current generations of children living in our countries.

Vladimir Kazakov