After visiting the temple, life changed. Why is it getting bad in the church? Causes, symptoms, mystical component and the opinion of clergy

Number of entries: 43

Hello! I have this problem: as soon as I enter church, I immediately feel uneasy, dizzy, and once I was at a fortune teller, she said that I was walking under the devil. Sometimes it feels like something is twitching inside. And, if it matters, I was born on Friday the 13th. Please explain what it could be?


Vitaly, you don’t need to go to fortune tellers anymore, no matter how much worse they do to you, but go to church, don’t leave, over time this temptation will go away from you. It’s the enemy who won’t let you go: first you went to visit him, to that fortune teller, then maybe you read some occult literature, consoled him, and now you’ve turned away from him and gone to God. How will he like this? So it’s malicious, it frightens, it tempts, it makes you feel all sorts of sensations. Don't be afraid! But through such “tricks” you will be even more convinced that the spiritual world exists. And when it gets bad, you can even say: “Thank you, enemy, with your tricks you strengthen me in faith: if in the spiritual world there is such rubbish as you, then, therefore, there are angels and the Lord Himself, so I am with them.” and I will strive!”

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father. When I stand at work, I feel bad - first a continuous yawning sets in, then I feel bad. Same thing on the subway. Doctors say it's heart failure syndrome. What should I do?


It’s quite possible, Iraida, that’s true. In any case, the situation in the subway is not at all similar to spiritual warfare. Check with your parish priest, perhaps it’s just stuffy in your church.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon, father. I have a difficult situation - my mother-in-law has schizophrenia, and my wife has some mental illness, because of which our ability to cohabitate in marriage is very limited. The mother-in-law turns off electrical appliances when leaving home, the wife turns them off before going to bed because “they squeak.” My wife wanted a wardrobe with mirrored doors, I bought it for her, so she went to sleep in another place - she is afraid of mirrors. He doesn’t listen to me or the priests, but he turns to the Internet or to his friends for all questions. controversial situations incapable of a calm dialogue, she immediately breaks into a heart-rending scream, even if it is two in the morning. Things went as far as breaking dishes and throwing the phone. On Saturday, because of her, we did not go to church, because “on Saturday you need to go to church only if you take communion.” And this despite the fact that it’s Lent! Then she gave me something that still leaves me in a stupor: “I feel bad in church, my faith is not confirmed by anything, why does God need my torment, no one asked me to come into the world.” She said many other terrible words, but when I asked her: “So are you a Christian or not,” she answered: “I don’t know.” I don’t know how! It has become unbearable to live with her - I am constantly afraid that she will commit suicide, and this will probably make me go crazy soon. For some reason, the priest who married us does not allow us to get a divorce, although there are every reason for this. What should I do?


Dear Alexey, you need a lot of patience and love in your situation. Your wife feels bad, she is nervous, and you need to understand why and why, what problems oppress her so much. If this is a mental disorder, a doctor's consultation is necessary, and a lot of effort may be required to get her to agree to go. Listens more than to you, to her friends - it means she hasn’t turned out very well mutual language. You seem to more like a person rational mindset, and the wife lives more with emotions. Learn mutual understanding, make contact that she understands. Slowly you'll figure out what's going on. In the meantime, we need to be understanding about unexpected, seemingly strange actions, such as turning off electrical appliances. Some people especially feel either electrical or magnetic fields, and experience discomfort from electrical equipment. Without understanding what the internal problem is, beware of putting pressure on compliance. outside. Do not appeal to the concept of “you are a Christian.” It is not words that will help here, but fervent prayer for your spouse. May God help you!

Priest Sergius Osipov

Hello! Please tell me what to do, what to do if things get bad in the church? When I’m at work, I feel very bad, there’s a ringing in my ears, and I feel nauseous. The grannies who are there say that, despite this, we must stand. But I can’t - it’s very bad. But I want to go to church. Tell me what to do? Thank you


Katya, first of all, don’t be afraid and don’t be embarrassed, this has happened to many, it will pass. Secondly, understand that these states are brought down on us by the devil, our enemy, if you do not retreat and give in, then you will win: he can only scare us, but the Lord will not allow us to actually harm him. On the other hand, why isn’t this a reinforcement of faith?! See how it works? And thereby we are involuntarily assured that a subtle spiritual world really exists, and that in this world some people feel very bad because we are going to God.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father. I have a question. Everything changed in my worldview after I came to faith, but when I come to church, I cannot hold back my tears, especially when I hear singing or stand at miraculous icons, and during confession I’m trembling all over, and I’m so ashamed, and the sobs are choking that I can’t say a word, but then, like a mountain moved from me, but I don’t stop crying. I’m ashamed of this, no one is crying, but I’m in tears, and people are watching, I’m already scared to go to church, what if I cry again. What is this, how to deal with it?


There’s no need to fight it, Elena, it’s very good! Tears of tenderness are a wonderful gift. If they flow, don't hold, don't be shy. Of course, there is no need to somehow artificially evoke them in yourself or stir up some other emotions in the church, but if there are tears, do not be embarrassed: crying about your sins, about your life is good.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, today I was at the morning service with my mother, 30-40 minutes passed, and I suddenly felt ill, my head began to burn, my ears were ringing, my eyes closed, I was lost in space. With difficulty I reached the bench, I felt a little better, then they took me outside and I felt good, and I returned to the temple. This is the second time, please tell me what is happening to me? Thank you.


By various reasons this can happen, Daniel. And from spiritual reasons, when the demon begins to tempt us, and simply from the stuffiness in the temple and the smoke of candles, if there are too many of them. It is best to talk about this with a priest during confession: here you will need to delve into the reasons together.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! I am pregnant! After I found out this, I can’t stand a single service. Before this everything was fine. Please tell me what to do and why this happens? Thank you.


Hello, Marina. It is better to think about God while sitting than to think about your feet while standing. It is not at all necessary to stand for services. You can hatch them. And get up only at the most important moments - for the reading of the Gospel and for the Eucharistic canon. The main thing is that you do not forget to pray. There's nothing to be ashamed of. God help you.

Priest Alexander Beloslyudov

Hello! Father, help me, please. Sometimes when I come to church I want to cry. Sometimes tears flow from the eyes themselves during the service, for no apparent reason. Tell me, is this normal? I don't understand why I want to cry.


Masha, my soul is simply yearning without God. It would be best for you to somehow prepare for confession, communion, come early to the service in the morning, repent of your sins, cleanse your soul, and take communion with a clear conscience. That would be a consolation for the soul! And we would do it more often. And so, of course, our situation is deplorable - there is a sea of ​​sins, and let’s be honest, we are not working on cleansing the soul from them, as we should. So the tears will flow involuntarily.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, fathers! When they were getting married in the church, she fainted, but the priest carried out the wedding to the end after some time. My mother’s friend asked the church ministers how to approach this, they said that I would bear all the burdens of family life on my shoulders and that I needed to be patient. Is it really? And another question, I heard that you can’t cry for the dead, they feel bad there, is that true?


Hello Svetlana! I think such a strange explanation was given not by a priest, but by some church employee from the category of “church grandmothers.” You should not believe such explanations. Even the holy Apostle Paul warned: “Stop worthless and women’s fables, and train yourself in piety” (1 Tim. 4:7). Family life in itself is the joint bearing of the Cross, and fainting has no meaning here. In relation to the dead, we must grieve, but with hope for God's mercy and eternal life. Inconsolable crying can only speak of our unbelief.

Priest Vladimir Shlykov

Hello, father! I have a friend with whom I have many common interests, both personal and professional. This year she declared herself a "healer" after several sessions with a man who called himself a sorcerer. Now she “heals” people with spells and, as she says, prayers; “takes power” from trees. This is alien to me, like a wall has grown in front of me, after ten years of good, fruitful communication, I completely stopped wanting to communicate. And the most surprising thing for me is that I cannot enter church with her, just go in, light a candle, I cannot pray if she is next to me. So I remain at the threshold, and she enters. I can’t pray next to the “healer”. What is this, my pride? How should I behave?


Larisa, all kinds of “healers”, “sorcerers”, “psychics” are servants of dark forces. Your friend uses magic - this is witchcraft, it is disgusting. If you can’t convince, then it’s better to stay away from such a “friend,” otherwise, by communicating with her, you yourself will begin to “heal people.” This is not pride, your soul just feels that this is not from God. Go to church without her, alone. Or find yourself another girlfriend, an Orthodox one.

Hieromonk Victorin (Aseev)

Hello. Recently, at the age of 63, my dad died. He consciously accepted baptism at the age of 40, but did not go to church. He said that he felt bad there, that since childhood he had felt uncomfortable there, something like fear. And his back always hurt a lot, he couldn’t stand for long. I don’t know if it’s always after baptism, but according to at least, recent years ten always wore pectoral cross. I don’t think he knew any prayers, although I may be wrong. But almost every day I went up to the icons at home, crossed myself, and asked God for something. Lately It seemed to me that he was getting closer and closer to God spiritually. But at the same time, he moves away from him in his actions: he suffered from the sin of drinking wine. He died (he was sober) suddenly, from a stroke. What I now really regret is that if he had just been in bed for a few days, maybe we could have invited a priest to the hospital or home. But that means this was the will of God. Can the soul of a person who turned to God but did not go to church have hope of salvation? How to pray for him?


Tanya, we Christians believe that God’s judgment is more merciful than human judgment. Pray for dad and don't despair. Your zeal is his justification before the Lord that his daughter is a Christian.

Archpriest Maxim Khizhiy

Father, good afternoon! Today I went to confession and the note listed my sins: irritation, resentment, condemnation. Father reproached me for being so nervous. I consulted with him that after the patristic books, this world seems hostile to me, I worry about the child, that there is a lot of destructive information in the world... Father said that the child can only be affected by my nervousness. I felt a little offended. I’m trying to improve, it’s hard for me to get away from my passions, I repent, I pray, I ask God for help, I want the child to be healthy and pious. Today I felt bad in church again.


Marina, situations like the one you described are simply passing, ordinary for spiritual life. Yes, confessors sometimes reproach us, sometimes they are even very strict with us. And there is a reason! If we are constantly patted on the head, what will grow out of us? We must remember that we did not come to the temple to look for caresses, but serious spiritual people. Those parishioners who came only to be pitied, believe me, very soon fall away from the temple. Don’t grieve, try to accept the priest’s reproach with wisdom: we have nothing to be offended by - we are only taking the first inept and rather lazy steps in faith, along the path of salvation. Reproaches and shocks are our dear guests, without them, in caresses and bliss, none of us will be saved.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! For the Exaltation of the Lord, I went to the church for an early service. On this day it was my birthday. I lit candles for the saints and stood at the service for 50 minutes. Then I suddenly felt sick while reading the Gospel, my vision darkened and nausea began, I couldn’t stay on my feet, I realized that I was going to fall. This is the first time this has happened to me. I left the temple, but the fresh air didn’t help me, so I went home. Things didn't get any better at home. I believe in God, I don’t do magic, I go to church. I can't understand why this happened. I really wanted to stand until the end of the service, but my condition did not allow it. I am very ashamed and embarrassed that I left the temple at such a moment, because this is impossible. Why is this and what could this be connected with?


Dear Viveya, do not attach importance to what happened unless it happens again. If this becomes a regular occurrence, consult a doctor. At your age, what happened may be the reason hormonal changes in organism. And, of course, pray before the service that the Lord will help and this will not happen again. God bless you!

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

After going to church for services, to confession, and to Communion, I already felt bad several times. Tell me, what does this mean? Tell me what to do? Thank you.


Peter, I am not inclined to immediately attach some kind of spiritual connotation to this malaise, although this, of course, happens. I think this may be a consequence of fatigue, getting up early for services in the morning, perhaps the stuffiness in the church. Don't rush to worry. But don’t stop praying, otherwise the demon will take advantage of this situation and will simulate such attacks for you, just so as not to let you into the temple.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Bless, father! The last time, when I had just taken communion and was already listening to the end Prayers of Thanksgiving, my nose suddenly began to bleed. I don’t know what this is connected with, I just think that everything happens for a reason, and I don’t think this is just an accident either. And they immediately gave me a napkin; it was covered in blood. What should I do with this napkin? I didn’t throw it away, because all this happened after receiving the Holy Body and Blood of Christ.


Svetlana, you could have simply thrown away the napkin, there is no need to add mysticism to such simple things, and even to the situation, even if it happened after communion. Everything is fine! Do not worry.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Good afternoon I went to communion on my birthday, got a headache in church, and after that I became very irritable, nervous, I even had a row in the store with the saleswoman, I was surprised by my behavior. Today is the second day, and so is the condition. What could it be?


Natalya, this is the most banal temptation. It's a pity that you succumbed to him. This often happens: the enemy attacks a person either before he is going to the temple, or after. Be more vigilant in the future.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello! I don’t have much opportunity to attend church services, because I live very far from the nearest Church, and my grandfather cannot take me every time, so I often pray at home. But with breaks: for example, the first week I pray, and the second too, but by the third week I’m already lazy. And now, after one week, I begin to pray again, and in the morning (during prayers) I feel very bad! I paused, lay down and then continued again. And again I felt so bad that I couldn’t even stand on my feet! This has never happened before! Only in the Church perhaps.


Anna, there is no need to give up prayer, especially for you in your situation, when you cannot often go to church and receive spiritual reinforcement. At least try, when you are able to come to a service, to confess and receive communion without fail, this will greatly strengthen you. And if you can’t get to the service for a long time, then you can arrange with the priest to administer communion at home. Stick to these for now simple rules, and I hope your weakness will pass.

Hegumen Nikon (Golovko)

Hello, father! I'm on my way to becoming a church member. Unfortunately, I am not a strong and resilient person. No different good health, I suffer from frequent headaches and get very tired. For me, even to defend the service in the temple - serious challenge. Because of this, I don’t visit the temple often (depending on how I feel). I understand that the Lord gives each of us those trials that he is able to endure, for our own good. However, I feel guilty that I cannot become a good Christian! What should I do? What do you recommend, father? And one more question. Is it possible to reduce morning and evening rule? Is there any mandatory minimum of morning and evening prayers? Unfortunately, I often do not have the strength and time to read all the morning and evening prayers that are contained in my prayer book.


Hello, Olesya. What happened can be explained physical reasons. Perhaps six hours of stress is too much for a teenage girl to handle. Do not doubt, the Lord God hears prayer requests everyone who came to venerate the Holy Relics of the Blessed One and the feat of your standing did not go unnoticed by God. God bless.

Priest Sergius Osipov

Good afternoon On Sunday I went to confession and communion. After confession (at the service), I felt bad (my lower back hurt, my head was spinning). After communion it became even worse - I lay at home until the evening, and besides, some kind of depression began, such a heaviness in my soul... But in the evening everything suddenly passed - the pain subsided, and my mood became absolutely wonderful. What does it mean? How to evaluate this? When I used to go to church, I rested my soul there. There was never a bad time in church. I was preparing for communion - this was very important for me. The last time I attended communion was about 15 years ago...


Hello, Anastasia. Congratulations on your acceptance of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. The one who kept you from Holy Communion for 15 years does not immediately give up, tries with all his might to bring despondency to the person, but under the influence of the Grace of God he ultimately retreats. Try to approach Confession and Holy Communion more often so as not to expose yourself to such attacks by enemy forces. God bless.

Priest Sergius Osipov


Reader question:

I don't know what to do. Every visit to the temple (almost every one) is associated with illness for me. I go in healthy and come out sick. And the cat cried for health anyway.
I go, confess, take communion and come down with the flu. If I go on a pilgrimage, the illness gets even worse. It all started with baptism. We were baptized in Moscow in an ice font at the beginning of November in a church that was not particularly heated. After - two years of fever, chronic sinusitis. I pull myself out and fall back into illness. Again and again.
In the summer I collected holy water in the temple - I caught it intestinal infection. I don’t even know what to do anymore. This has been going on for 14 years already. Where can I get the strength? I heard advice to pray and fast. I pray every day, I can’t fast at all – I have an ulcer, and in general my entire gastrointestinal tract is in ruins. Despondency and melancholy take over. Who would have thought that eating meat could be a punishment?
People leave the church joyfully, but I fall off my feet - just to get home and collapse on the bed. But I’m only 46 years old! I also ordered personalized bricks throughout the country, and I always ask my friends when I travel to light a candle for me. I always want to live at least a little more, to breathe full breasts, feel the joy of life. This year I buried my mother. I have very mixed feelings about this: I had to look after her for almost a year, and she was already in dementia. The day began with accusations of stealing money and ended with the fact that “you sold the apartment and drank the money away.” It seems that I did everything I could, but I’m a sinner - a month before her death, I couldn’t stand it and hired a nurse, because I realized that a little longer and I would commit suicide, just not to see her. With death, her relief did not come, and could not come, because death is always horror, it is something that is impossible to get used to. Yes, I confessed and repented, but it didn’t get any easier.
How and what to live on? Where do you get the strength to go to the temple and still drag your husband on the lasso?

Archpriest Andrei Efanov answers:

Good afternoon Yes... baptism in ice water, and even in a poorly heated room, not every person can stand it! You are 46. That is, a streak of illnesses began at the age of 32. Both those ages are not such long years and a lot can be changed. I would advise you to be very careful about your health. Take the time and money to find out why your immune system is so weak and what you can do about it. Also, if it is possible (precisely possible, and not in the sense that you are not lazy or unusual) to focus not on taking medications, but on some active health procedures, including slowly (and on the advice of a specialist) - playing sports and strengthening common physical fitness. If you have problems with the gastrointestinal tract, the menu is strictly as recommended by the doctor. This will be your post. And during fasting, in agreement with your confessor, you will somehow change prayer rule, reading church literature and so on. But put your health directly at the forefront or almost at the forefront, that is, it is your priority. Find a doctor, write down your own daily routine, understand what you should eat, how and when to go to your appointments. fresh air what to do to lift your mood and strength.

There is no need to drag your husband anywhere with a lasso! He's an adult, he'll figure out what's what. But ask him for support. It’s not so easy to restore health, and care, attention, help loved one will be more relevant and important than ever. What does your husband think about your health? Making attempts to help his beloved wife? Sometimes it is difficult for a man to understand what exactly to do. So understand what you need and feel free to ask him for it. Just don’t drag him to the temple. That is, to help you - yes, but for him to change his life under pressure - you cannot demand this.

Next, discuss with the priest to whom you are confessing the circumstances of your spiritual life. Maybe you need to change something, do something in this direction? The priest who knows you well knows better here.

It happens that physical state a person is associated with his spiritual and mental state. Talk to your priest about spiritual things. But about mental health, you can also consult a specialist psychologist.

As a recommendation, I can advise you to seek help from the Center for Crisis Psychology at the Church of the Resurrection of Christ on Semenovskaya (Moscow).
The oldest Center for Crisis Psychology, created with the blessing of Patriarch Alexy II, is located next to the Semenovskaya metro station. Highly professional Orthodox psychologists serve here who have already helped many people. If you have a difficult financial situation, then this should in no way stop you from receiving psychological assistance in the center. Donations to the center are determined only by your capabilities and gratitude. Providing assistance at the Center is in no way related to the amount of the donation (or complete absence). Living outside Moscow Consultations with the head of the crisis psychologist center are available via Skype.

An archive of all questions can be found. If you haven't found a question you're interested in, you can always ask

For some reason, both the Christian Church and Christians themselves are trying to avoid this topic. However, in my opinion, such things cannot be ignored. Because all this pop Her visit to churches every Sunday is nothing more than masochism. Abuse of both yourself and your children. Why?
When typing in Yandex, pay attention to query statistics "it's bad in church" and the same phrase "bad in" in Yandex search, from the pop-up tips it becomes clear that bad things only happen to people "in the church", or "during the heat". And it’s somehow strange that people who use Yandex search somehow don’t care at all why it happens "bad at the circus", "bad on the subway" or "bad on the market"... And they ask exactly why "it's bad in church". Apparently, many people have certain doubts and suspicions.

Now let's see what Google gives us in the search. In the first place comes the phrase "it's bad in church"(the higher the position, the more often the request for a specific phrase). And here, too, comments are unnecessary.

Next, I propose to run through the Internet, go around dozens of forums and other thematic sites where people communicate different people, and see if there is anything interesting there on the designated issue.

Black Cat:
Can someone explain to me why I felt bad in church? This summer I was on vacation in Cyprus, and there, as you know, there is an ancient monastery of Kykkos, where the miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept, and in general this monastery, in my opinion, is the 3rd most important place of Christianity... So, as soon as I entered to the altar, to the icons with the entire tourist group, I suddenly felt so bad... Words cannot describe... Something was coming from within, my head began to spin from the smell of incense... I couldn’t even get closer to the icons than 3 meters... After listening to the end excursion, I quickly left the monastery, and on the street I somehow came to my senses... I’ve never felt sick in churches before... Why does this even happen? I wear a cross on my body, but I also practice magic from time to time...
The same question... only since childhood I feel very bad when I go to a Russian Orthodox Church. I go into Catholic and Protestant churches and cathedrals calmly, and even get some kind of peace. But with the Orthodox it becomes very bad - to the point of losing consciousness... I have been avoiding them for the last couple of years.
I have the same. Such a strange reaction only to the Orthodox Church. It feels like even the vault of the church is “pressing” on me.
Interesting fact... I thought it was just me. I once went to Jerusalem Christian Places“And just like that, in one of the places I felt naturally ill. And when I went to the graves of local saints (not Christian), it was very normal and even in some places I felt a “corridor” upward...

In church, my ears get stuffy and I feel dizzy. And not every time, and not all the time, but sometimes, especially when the Acts of the Apostles are read or during the Eucharistic canon. And when I venerated the miraculous icon Holy Mother of God My whole face and ears were burning and I cried all day for no reason. How can this be explained? The priest says simply: “The grace of God has touched you.” What is happening, why the energy from miraculous icons is so strong that not all people can stand it. I watched this, some became ill, fainted, left the church, and as soon as you left the church, everything immediately stopped. I also felt unwell, but I decided that no matter what happened, I wouldn’t leave the church, and it slowly went away, but I cried like a fool all day.

Not so long ago... I went to church, to some kind of holiday, I don’t really remember. A friend took me, I wouldn’t have gone myself... so... as soon as I started approaching the church, my head started to feel dizzy, tears flowed from my eyes and a little panic began... after all, my friend managed to drag me there, and I behaved there too not very adequate... after that I didn’t feel very good for a week. I once watched a program that this seems to be bad... that it’s like some kind of demon is possessing you... So... I dreamed several times that someone really was possessing me, something bad, like an evil spirit... and I felt very good about it I feel... I’m already really scared... What could this be?

Chebanskaya Olga Nikolaevna:
Our family came to church a year ago, after the death of my father. After the funeral service, we talked with the priest about a frequently ill child, received good advice to give him communion, and came to the church. And so, when the priest was reading a prayer before confession, our 10-year-old son rolled his eyes and fell. There weren’t very many people, and he wasn’t overly worried, so stuffiness and emotions had nothing to do with it. They took him out of the church - he came to his senses, went back in - he felt bad again. So they ran back and forth until communion. Immediately after communion everything stopped, I felt wonderful.

I can’t stay in church for a long time, I get sick. I feel nauseous, dizzy, and start to hurt. It has always been like this, as long as I can remember. Can anyone explain to me why this is happening???

Zinaida from the city of Kolomna wants to know: why did troubles start happening after visiting the Church? Life seemed to have turned upside down. Everything went wrong.

If I myself dare to answer the question posed, I may show ignorance, which will result in indignation and resonance from readers.

Irina Dmitrievna agreed to express her cautious point of view. The woman considers herself knowledgeable in matters of religious Orthodoxy.

And she will not allow herself to denigrate the bright name of Jesus Christ.

Hello, dear Zinaida.

Forgive me generously, but I re-read your letter several times. The case is truly extraordinary.

You claim that after visiting the Church, nothing but troubles began to occur in your life.

Dear girl, you are frankly disingenuous.

* You did not go to the Temple because of a good life.

Before this, you avoided the shrine. Therefore, long before visiting the Church, many unresolved problems fell on your shoulders.

* Sorry, depending on what you call trouble.

You have lost your father. How does this relate to the Church? Your guesses and fantasies, as well as the subconscious desire to find the culprit.

Dad would have died anyway, due to old age or illness. And the Lord God has nothing to do with it. I tell you this angrily.

* Some people who have recently set foot on the path of Orthodoxy want to be heard from the first prayer. My dears, this does not happen.

You are gradually cleansed of filth, the soul becomes brighter, and the flesh resists this. So it seems to her that a streak of failure has begun.

The guy left you because he realized that you are now not as available and unbridled as before.

At work, we noticed your peace and unusual calm. Someone was jealous, another decided to play on it. Another trouble, you will agree.

* Sometimes after Church you may feel uneasy. My head is spinning and my legs are shaking.

You were in a room with many parishioners. It's cramped and stuffy, candles are burning. And not everyone can withstand the entire service the first time.

As you can see, there is another “trouble” in the pipeline associated with poor health.

* It is unlikely, but it is possible that in the Church at the same time as you there was a sorcerer, a sorcerer, a black magician who was contrary to the Lord God.

It is possible that he noticed you and decided to drive you away from the shrine.

Do not be embarrassed, but continue to be saved, truly believing in the intercession of Jesus Christ.

Soon you will feel grace and long-awaited humility.

Irina Dmitrievna Mark.

The material was prepared by me, Edwin Vostryakovsky.

Hello! I apologize for the many books.

Recently (about two or three months) I started going to church, and unpleasant things began to happen. Starting, probably, with my connivance, like being simply late, but things beyond my control also happened: I fell out of the blue so that I injured both legs; I’m not a scandalous person in relationships and even a “diplomat”, but exactly when I left the house with the intention of going to church, my husband called, and out of nowhere, from the first word, we began to quarrel, and like we had never quarreled before ... I was just torn apart inside and I didn’t have the strength to deal with so many difficult quarrels. And he called exactly before I left, although he usually never calls at this time, because... works hard). Every time I planned in advance where to go, inquired about the address of the church, etc. and fell asleep with this thought or prayed at night/in the morning, the next day was always terrible for me, in addition to all the troubles in everyday life, I just couldn’t talk to the priest for any reason because he was busy or do something else that I would like . And this happened more than once, or rather every time. But, after I left the church or came home, he talked as if nothing had happened, he was happy and affectionate more than usual. The only time I was fine was when I spontaneously went to church on the way, I even found the good priest)))
But I don’t stop there), I continue to strive there despite everything.

So, the question is, what could this be connected with? Only with me personally, with my temptations? I also pray for him and order notes and give him health. Why do these violent quarrels happen?

Some strange facts happened in our lives, I always thought that blaming human shortcomings on something else is, at a minimum, a lack of self-respect and immersion in illusions, and it’s also a direct path to madness))). I once shared it with a friend, she was firmly convinced that it was damage or a lapel. I somehow didn’t believe it, but now I don’t know how to feel about it. Now it has become so relevant - to run around among magicians and plot intrigues with your opponents. And there was an unprincipled woman in life who wanted to get her husband at any cost because of the apartment and money, did everything possible and impossible in all areas, but he married me. I crossed her path too much.
And these troubles and quarrels made me look at my friend’s words differently, but I’m trying to cleanse myself and cleanse him, but something is against this, and resists in every possible way.