Orthodox icon of unfading color. What is asked for from the “Fadeless Color” icon?

The history of the origin of the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” is touching and at the same time majestic. For a long time, on the island of Kefalonia, located near Athos, very beautiful and the most big island in the Ionian Sea, there is a tradition - it is preserved even now: on the day of the Annunciation Holy Mother of God white flowers are brought here, similar to the lily, with which the Archangel Gabriel appeared in his hand to the Most Pure One to reveal to Her the will of God about Her.

Flowers are reverently and carefully placed under the icon case, to Her face, and there they remain until the very holiday of Her Dormition without water and without sunlight. But a miracle happens: after almost five months, their stems, dried out and in the twilight, incredibly fill with moisture, come to life, new buds appear instead of dried inflorescences and bloom into white lush flowers - here it is, “unfading color”!

Miracles from the icon

They often resort to this image, full of tenderness, tender compassion and love for us, tired of the imperfections of this world, for saving help.
There are also modern miracles. Here are just two of them noted in our century.

In 2012, in the village of Chernovka, Sergievsky district, Samara region, on the window of a house elderly woman, believer and virtuous, on April 16 - just on the day of the celebration of the icon of the Mother of God "Unfading Color" - an image of this image appeared. The owner of the house, Ekaterina Ivanovna Malygina, saw it when, on that day, after the weather warmed up, she removed the oilcloth from the window, which was used to protect the house from the winter cold. It was in the morning, and in the bright morning light the amazed woman saw the image of the Mother of God and the Child, in which at first she did not recognize the “Fading Color,” but then she looked in the reference books and found this image.

In the evening the image disappears, and with the onset of daylight it gradually appears. Both priests and laymen came to the image, completely unbelievers tried to rub and scratch the amazing glass, but the image remained untouched. So they went home, amazed, saying a prayer to themselves.

In the Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary in the village of Novovoskresenovka, Novovorontsovsky district, Kherson region, in 2007, the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color” began to flow myrrh. Then the miracles that came from her began.

The fame of the icon quickly spread throughout the area and beyond. According to the testimonies of those who flocked here, through prayers at this image they were restored family relationships, conflicts between household members were resolved. There are known cases of healing of adults and children, especially those suffering from speech problems - the children began to speak.

What does an icon help with?

Prayer in front of this image helps in saving a marriage, strengthening a family, resolving family problems, and overcoming sorrows that sometimes happen in our everyday life.

For girls who want to get married, prayer in front of the “Unfading Color” icon helps not to make a mistake in choosing a life partner, to find someone who will become a caring head of the family, a faithful and reliable support and protection, and this marriage will stand and remain indestructible in any everyday conflicts .

Unmarried girls of adolescence who are raised in the faith from the very beginning early years, entering adult life, they ask the Mother of God in Her image “Unfading Color” to protect them from the temptations of the world, to help them cultivate in themselves the likeness of the prototype - the Most Pure One, in order to eventually pass on this wonderful experience to their children.

There is evidence that prayer before the image helps for a long time maintain health and youth - mental and physical.

  • A simple sincere prayer will cleanse the heart from selfish and vicious thoughts. Reading the holy text is especially necessary young girls, brought up in Orthodox faith. Appeal to the Virgin Mary protects their souls from the temptations of youth.
  • Those suffering who cannot find happiness in marriage also make a request to this icon. The Mother of God helps to meet the husband destined by the Lord.

Every prayer addresses the Creator. The Ever-Virgin stands up for every sufferer who turns to her with a sincere prayer. It is necessary to follow several tips that will help you better tune in to the prayer process.

  1. Light a church candle in front of the sacred icon, and then kneel before the Mother of God with the Immaculate Lily and Child.
  2. Say the prayer “Our Father” so that the soul tunes into a channel of communication with the Creator.
  3. Address the Mother of God with the sincere words of the holy text. Ask earnestly for what you want, but keep your heart pure.
  4. As you ask, close your eyes and fold your hands across your chest in a prayerful gesture. Look into kind eyes Mother of God and feel her intercession. Imagine heavenly light, which covers your kneeling figure.

An important factor in obtaining results is sincere faith. Without it, sacred words will have no effect. Before turning to the Mother of God, it would not hurt to undergo a rite of repentance, then the prayer “Unfading Color” will bring relief and... It will be especially useful for young Christians in adolescence to avoid the demonic temptations of youth.

The Orthodox Christian icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Flower” is revered as one of the holiest and most beautiful images. Learn about the amazing power of the icon and how it can help you.

The icon appeared in Rus' in the 17th century; it was brought from Greece to Moscow, where it immediately became loved and revered. Since that time, many cases of healing from the “Virgin Flower” have been known. Indeed, in prayers they often compare the Mother of God and the Son of God Jesus Christ with unfading, eternally fragrant flowers.
In the image, the Most Holy Theotokos holds the Divine Child in one hand and a white lily in the other. This is a symbol of purity, purity and deliverance from bad thoughts.

What is asked for from the “Fadeless Color” icon?

Before the image, Orthodox Christians pray for purity of thoughts and reconciliation with themselves, and ask to strengthen their faith. The Holy Face is able to protect from sins and guide you on the right path. The icon helps when choosing a spouse and warns against an incorrect or rash decision. Strengthens family ties.
If this face of the Mother of God is worn on the chest, it will preserve childhood and chastity. The breastplate should be worn by little girls and unmarried girls. Lonely or lost people turn to the icon with prayers and requests. loved one People. They seek solace and peace in a beautiful image.
Girls and women turn to the Mother of God, the holy image protects the fair sex and helps in complex issues. At all times people came to the icon with requests for love and good companions life. They prayed for their loved ones who were in danger and asked for the men to be returned from the war alive and well. Married women they turned to the image with a request to strengthen families or prayed for the conception of a child.
People said that the face of the Mother of God with a lily is capable of preserving feminine beauty and youth, you just have to kiss the flower.
The Queen of God fulfills the fastest mother's prayers about his daughter's marriage, because there is nothing stronger than love mothers to their children. Prayer to the icon “Unfading Color”
“Oh, Most Holy and Immaculate Mother of the Virgin, hope of Christians and refuge for sinners! Protect all those who come running to You in misfortune, hear our groans, incline Your ear to our prayer, O Lady and Mother of our God, do not despise those who require Your help and do not reject us sinners, enlighten us and teach us: do not depart from us, Your servants, for our grumbling. Be our Mother and Patroness, we entrust ourselves to Your merciful protection. Lead us sinners to a quiet and serene life; May we pay for our sins. O Mother Mary, our most gracious and speedy Intercessor, cover us with Your intercession. Protect us from enemies visible and invisible, soften our hearts evil people, rising up against us.
O Mother of our Lord Creator! You are the root of virginity and unfading color purity and chastity, send help to us who are weak and overwhelmed by carnal passions and wandering hearts. Enlighten our spiritual eyes, that we may see the paths of God’s truth. By the grace of Your Son, strengthen our weak will in fulfilling the commandments, that we may be delivered from all troubles and misfortunes and be justified by Your wonderful intercession of Your Son at the Last Judgment. To Him we give glory, honor and worship, now and ever, and unto the ages of ages. Amen".
Remember sincere prayer and request will always be heard. When turning to the beautiful holy image, keep your thoughts clean and orderly, and the Most Holy Theotokos will definitely help you.

One of the rare, but very beautiful icons “Unfading Flower” (Fragrant Flower) is the favorite image of the Blessed Virgin Mary of all believing parishioners in Russia.

Days of veneration of the holy image are held on April 16 in all churches and temples of the Orthodox faith.

To the face Holy Mary Both women and men turn to prayer, asking for intercession, healing, successful marriage and other needs.

This article tells the story of the appearance of the icon and where it can be found.

Icon “Unfading Color” - the face of purity and purity

Main feature The image of the Mother of God in the icon is that the Most Holy Mary is holding the Son of God with her right hand, and in her left hand a beautiful flower - a white lily. This flower, according to legend, was given to her when he appeared to the Most Pure One with good news. And also the lily is a symbol of the purity and purity of the Mother of God.

Today, the lists of the miraculous icon have not retained their original appearance and can be very different from each other. But they still fascinate with their beauty and awe.

History of the origin of the icon

The origin of the icon, according to ancient legends, originates from the islands of the Ionian Sea. On one of these islands there is a tradition of laying white flowers to the face of the Mother of God. Flowers are used to decorate the Icon of the Most Pure One at the Annunciation and flowers remain until the Orthodox holiday. The flowers are kept without light and moisture for five months. But on the eve of the holiday, they are miraculously filled with life, produce new buds and bloom again. This is where the name "Eternal Color" comes from.

In turn, the ancient monks from the nearby island of Athos were surprised and inspired by this phenomenon. Thus, the first image of the Mother of God appeared with a white lily in her hands. The original version of the face of the Most Holy Mary became the prototype for many versions of the icon, which began to spread among Orthodox Christians around the world.

The appearance of the name of this face can also be attributed to the fact that the Most Holy Theotokos is compared to a flower that does not lose its beauty and can bloom forever.

On the territory of our state, the first mentions of the icon “Fadeless Color” date back to XVII–XVIII centuries. It is known that the pilgrims brought the image to the St. Alexeevsky Monastery, which is located in Moscow. But the origin of the iconography is not known for certain.

Later, various lists begin to appear throughout Russia, which amaze with their beauty. Despite the variety of lists, the “Unfading Flower” icon is considered a festive and even wedding icon among Orthodox parishioners. According to the description, icons depicting the Mother of God painted in ancient times, characterized by a riot of colors and an abundance of flowers. Wreaths, bouquets and even vases with various flowers were often depicted around the face of the Blessed Virgin Mary. Today the image has become somewhat more restrained and laconic. But he stayed main attribute from the prototype- White Lily.

The meaning of the ancient face and the help of the Blessed Virgin Mary

The “Unfading Color” icon represents purity and purity, so initially considered the patroness of young people unmarried girls . Often girls, like boys, turned to the Mother of God asking for purity and purity before marriage. What is asked for in front of the image of Saint Mary with the Child of God and a white lily in her hands?

  • They ask for the preservation of chastity and purity before marriage.
  • The prayer of Saint Mary helps in a successful marriage.
  • The ancient face helps in family problems and troubles.
  • About preserving family ties.
  • Older generation They ask for deliverance from emotional experiences, as well as carnal passions.
  • Prayer before the face of the Mother of God helps to cope with difficult thoughts and...
  • Women pray to the Most Holy Theotokos for the preservation of youth and beauty.

Icon of Unfading Color

Miracles of the “Unfading Color” Icon

There are often miraculous incidents associated with the face of the Virgin Mary “Unfading Color”, which are described by eyewitnesses.

In the Samara region, there is a known case when the image “Unfading Color” appeared on the window of a parishioner’s house. With the onset of darkness, the image disappears, but appears again every morning. This image is not man-made. Orthodox Christians consider this a miracle of the Lord. Pilgrims and clergy come to this miraculous image to ask for intercession and help.

In Ukraine, in the Kherson region, the icon “Unfading Color” began to stream myrrh, which caused a huge stir among believers and skeptics. After this event, many cases are known when inexplicable healings occurred after prayer and veneration of this icon.

Churches and temples of the image “Unfading Color”

Before 1917, there is not a single mention of a temple or church dedicated to the icon of the Mother of God “Unfading Color”.

According to history, as soon as church persecution subsided and people gained freedom of belief, two chapels and four churches were built on the territory of Moscow and the Moscow region.

Construction of the temple, in honor of the image of the Most Pure Mary, began in 1998. It is located in the Moscow region. Temple address: Rublevo village, st. Vasily Batyleva, house 45.

This temple is the most famous throughout Russia. Great amount Pilgrims annually visit the walls of this monastery.

In Krasnoye Selo there is also the icon “Fadeless Color”. There is a chapel of the same name located here.

In the center of the capital, the Assumption Church was erected, in which was the most beautiful face of the Virgin Mary. On the icon, the Most Holy Mary is depicted with God's Son, which stands on a flower, and above the head of the Mother of God are depicted Angels holding a royal crown. And of course, in the hands of the Blessed Mother is an irreplaceable flower - a lily. Unfortunately, the icon has not survived to this day and disappeared during the Soviet era.

In 2012, a small temple was erected in the Ruzsky district, in the village of Sumarokovo.

How to pray in front of the “Unfading Color” icon

If you become the owner of the image of the Mother of God, you must choose right place to place the icon.

It is better to place the face in the right corner of the room, on a special shelf. The best place for the icon is the bedroom of the spouses or the room of a girl in need of the help of the Most Holy Mary.

How to pray to the “Unfading Color” icon?

  • Before prayer, you need to clear your thoughts of unnecessary things.
  • You need to do this alone and make sure that no one interrupts the prayer.
  • It is better to pray to the Blessed Virgin in morning hours.
  • The prayer can be learned or come from the heart in your own words.

It is worth remembering that only true faith and sincere prayer can perform a real miracle and help with your problems.

All believers turn to the Most Pure Virgin Mary, some with a request for help, others with gratitude, and others simply for consolation. The Mother of God is the most revered image among Orthodox Christians; judging by legends and testimonies, the Mother of God does not leave people alone with their misfortune. The Icon of the Unfading Color is one of the most touching images of the Virgin Mary.

The history of the appearance of the Unfading Color

On the largest Ionian Greek island of Kefalonia, a tradition has been carried out for a long time: on the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary (April 7), pilgrims coming to the island bring white lily-like flowers. According to the apocrypha, with a similar white flower, which symbolizes immaculate purity, Archangel Gabriel appeared to the Virgin Mary with the good news of immaculate conception. Flowers placed by parishioners under the icon case are not removed until one of the main Orthodox holidays- Assumption (August 28), they lie without water and light. In the twilight, without moisture, the flowers and stems gradually dry out, but by the Dormition the plants miraculously come to life, the stems are filled with moisture, and instead of dry inflorescences, buds appear, white flowers bloom, thereby becoming an unfading color.

What does the image mean for the Orthodox?

According to the Byzantine akathists, Jesus Christ and the Queen of Heaven are compared to unfading flowers. It is on the basis of akathists, on sacred mountain Athos was created miraculous image Virgin Mary "Unfading Flower" (XVII century).

On the shrine, the Mother of God is depicted with her Son, whom she holds in one hand and in the other hand a white unfading flower. On some icons you can see a pink plant (a rose or just a pink branch), and a baby on right hand, then on the left. But from a slight difference in the images, the meaning of the icon does not lose its power and miraculous power. It is argued that the first icons depicted the Mother of God seated on a throne and holding a scepter entwined with a white branch.

The significance of the “Fadeless Color” icon for believers is difficult to overestimate; legends are made about its power. One of the legends tells that the Blessed Virgin helps women preserve their beauty long years. The significance of the icon is especially great for virgins who want to find a worthy mate for life. In ancient times, this information was secret, and it was transmitted exclusively through the female line.

Image help

The face of the Mother of God in “Unfading Flower” is one of the most gentle, peaceful, beautiful, radiating calm, joy, and love. It seems that one glance at the enchanting image is enough for sadness to subside, worries to dissipate, and the soul to calm down.

What does the image help with:

  • preserve women's youth;
  • maintain chastity;
  • girls find a life partner;
  • gain understanding between loved ones;
  • relieve mental turmoil;
  • guide you on the righteous path;
  • solve family problems;
  • protect the family hearth from harm;
  • family people to get rid of temptations;
  • preserve the family, family values.

The “Unfading Color” icon was used to bless the bride at her wedding for a happy marriage.

What to pray for

The main thing when reading a prayer is sincerity and faith. Sincere prayer to the Mother of God helps dispel fears and anxieties. The rebellious seeking soul calms down and becomes peaceful. Before the image, you need to pray for the expulsion of dark thoughts, peace of mind, ask the Mother of God for understanding and peace for the family. People who are confused in life, looking for their own path, can safely turn to the holy image for guidance on the true path.

Most often, young virgins turn to Mother to find the one person with whom they can live their whole lives without troubles. Girls who want to avoid worldly temptations and devote their lives to serving the Almighty also pray. Married women pray if problems arise at home, if there is a schism and misunderstanding. It is believed that the Queen of Heaven helps a married couple maintain good relationships and strengthen their family.

Miraculous image

Since ancient times, people have believed in miracles sent by the “Unfading Flower.” Hundreds of thousands of Christians were freed from mental anxieties thanks to the holy image. Many testify to real healings. Mother especially loves and helps children. Cases are described when parents prayed to the Intercessor for the health of sick children and the children received healing. The children's speech problems disappeared, and one day, a mute child began to talk after his parents prayed.

World shrine lists

The study of the iconography of the image is varied. After the appearance of “Unfading Color,” many versions of icon painting arose, differing in detail, but identical in meaning. Some researchers are inclined to believe that the appearance of the first Athonite copy was in Constantinople. Whether this is true or not, since then three main known trends in icon painting of the Virgin Mary have emerged:

  1. Russian.
  2. Bulgarian.
  3. Greek.

Each direction has its own traditions. Flowers on copies can be found not only white, but pink and even red. But in all the images one can guess the prototype of the lily given to the Queen Heavenly Archangel Gabriel. In the Historical Museum of Athens there is a 16th-century image in which the Son of God, rather than the Mother of God, holds the branch. And in the 17th century, iconography was created in Belarus with royal crowns on the heads of the Mother of God and the Child. It is assumed that it was from this copy that the tradition of painting the Infant God and the Mother of God with crowns on their heads arose, which does not contradict the principles of Christian icon painting.

On later copies in the 19th century, the compositions are simpler and inferior to ancient images in the richness of color and detail. The compositions become simpler, many attributes disappear, the branches are depicted less luxurious and bright.

Moscow lists

IN pre-revolutionary Russia there was a Moscow monastery for unmarried girls, it was called Alekseevsky. It was there that the most ancient list icon “Unfading Color” in front of which the girls prayed to preserve spiritual purity and maintain bodily purity. Most likely, the list was brought to Russian Empire almost immediately after the painting of the image in the 17th century, since one known copy is dated 1691. The copy is different from the others: on it the baby is standing in full height, leans his hand on the shoulder of the seated Mother of God. On the right side of the Mother of God there is a ribbon with the name of the icon. On the throne there is a jug with a beautiful white branch.

Another famous list was kept in the Church of the Assumption in Mogiltsy. The bottom of the copy depicts a beautiful blooming lily on which stands the Son of God. The mother supports the baby with one hand, holds a white branch with the other, and Angels hover above her head. The Church of the Assumption was mentioned in their works by Leo Tolstoy, Fyodor Dostoevsky, Alexander Griboedov. Currently, the church has been revived and houses modern list"Fadeless colour" as the vintage copy disappeared under Soviet rule.

Where can you see "Eternal Color"

Lists of miraculous icons can be seen by visiting the following holy places:

  • Russia, Moscow: Krasnoye Selo, St. Alekseevsky Monastery (the original was located here until 1757).
  • Voronezh: Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary. The image was revered and loved by Seraphim of Sarov, who prayed to him in the temple of the town of Kadom (Ryazan region).
  • Samara region: an amazing incident occurred in the house of a Christian woman; miraculous image"Unfading color" that disappears with the onset of night and appears with dawn. It was in 2012 on April 16 (the day of celebration of the “Unfading Color”, April 3 - according to the old style). Since then, countless pilgrims have come to see the miracle and pray. They even tried to convict the owner of fraud, there were a lot of commissions in the house, but nothing came of it, the Face of the Virgin Mary appears on the glass every morning.
  • Yeisk district: a miraculous spring, which was revived in 2008.
  • Ukraine, Kiev region: in the Vasilkovsky district there is a temple consecrated in honor of this image.
  • Kherson region: Church of the Nativity of the Virgin Mary, here the icon differs from the rest in that it bleeds, many sick people and simply believers come here to look at miraculous icon and pray to her from the bottom of my heart.

The Power of Image for Modern Believers

Pilgrims come en masse to Greece to Mount Athos to admire the amazing image of the Virgin Mary and tell her about their troubles, asking for healing for themselves and their relatives. Orthodox believe that they will receive healing or relief from illness, peace, help and resolution of family problems. The Holy Fathers warn that Mother helps only with sincere prayer, if the request for “help” comes from the heart, only with faith.

Athonite priests compare the tender branches on the images with the pure souls of people. This means that without vital moisture, plants wither, and without true faith and love, plants become stale. human soul, its most positive features disappear. But after sincere prayer from the all-encompassing unconditional love The soul of God and the Mother of God can be reborn to a new righteous life, just as the miraculous branches in sacred icon painting are reborn.

Where in the house should the icon be located?

The main place in the house should be given to Jesus Christ and the Savior. No for home interior strict rules placement of icon paintings, as for churches. “Fadeless Color” can be placed in any place convenient for quiet prayer. The main thing is to highlight the “red corner” of the image, place it above the other lists (except for Christ), and decorate it, as is customary in Orthodoxy. Placement in cluttered cabinets is unacceptable, and there is no need to place any foreign objects next to the shrine, except for the actual details decorating the Mother of God.