“Fear of holes” is an unrecognized disease. Trypophobia – fear of cluster holes

We all have fears, some of them have big influence for our lives. But when simple fear develops into a phobia, then living with it becomes unbearable. One of these fears is trypophobia - the fear of cluster holes.

Often the subconscious plays cruel jokes on us and one of the manifestations of such cruel games is numerous phobias which everyone certainly has. And if many people are afraid of heights, the dark and spiders, then the fear of numerous holes is a rarer phobia. What is the fear of holes or trypophobia and whether it really is a phobia - we will try to figure it out in this article.

Not so long ago, in the early 2000s, scientists started talking about a new phobia called "trypophobia". The problem interested scientists so much that specialists from the University of Oxford began studying it, wanting to establish the causes and factors influencing the occurrence of this disorder.

Trypophobia - fear of cluster holes

Trypophobia- fear of numerous holes. It is characteristic that a person suffering from a phobia experiences a number of unpleasant symptoms when seeing holes in cheese, a washcloth, enlarged pores on the face, honeycombs and even a bar of aerated chocolate!

All objects that have numerous cluster holes in their structure, represent a huge discomfort for trypophobes.

Trypophobes are afraid of:

holes on the human body holes on plants and animals holes and multiple holes on food products holes on inanimate objects: fossils, household, hygienic. cluster holes formed as a result of human and animal activity (earthworm burrows) graphic and digital images multiple holes

A typical example of cluster holes is a honeycomb

It is noteworthy that trypophobes are not afraid of absolutely all objects that have cluster holes. Thus, a person suffering from a phobia may be afraid of a washcloth, but react completely calmly to holes in cheese or bread.

Experts say that this feature is due to the fact that trypophobes are only afraid of those things and objects from which danger is expected, which is directly related to certain causes of fear.

If, at the sight of multiple holes and openings, you you experience the following sensations, then you are one of the 10% of the world's inhabitants who suffer from trypophobia:

itching sensation of goose bumps feeling of disgust disgust panic fear that someone is living in the holes increased sweating allergic reactions on the skin difficulty breathing pallor dizziness nausea

With trypophobia, viewing multiple holes causes a number of negative reactions

Despite the fact that fear of holes exists, it was not included in the list of phobias and disorders by members of the authoritative American Psychiatric Association One of the psychologists named Jeff Cole He diagnosed himself with trypophobia and began intensive study of it. The scientist came to the conclusion that this fear is based on biological disgust and the fear that someone may live in the holes and pose a certain danger. Many psychologists have suggested that, as such, the fear of multiple holes every person has. According to them, some people show this fear, while others may not even be aware of it.

For a phobia to manifest itself, a special push, which essentially can become anything. These reasons may even include family troubles.

There are many versions regarding the causes of trypophobia. Some scientists Among the main reasons are the following:

heredity influence is insignificant life experience(in children) cultural factors traumatic events (bee stings, when examining honeycombs)

Psychologist Jeff Cole went much further than his colleagues and brought more global reasons such a phenomenon as trypophobia. After conducting numerous experiments on various experimental groups of people, Cole identified trypophobes in almost every one, who had not previously even thought about the existence of such a phobia.

Trypophobes are afraid of holes only on those objects that are related to the occurrence of the phobia

According to the scientist, the fear of cluster holes is one of the self-defense mechanisms, which has remained in our subconscious since primitive times. After all, numerous holes and spots are certainly present on the body of the most poisonous creatures on the planet and in their habitats. Our ancestors, as the scientist explains, identified danger by these signs, and subconscious fear stopped them from taking a fatal step. In addition, the stories of many people experiencing trypophobia lead researchers to believe that all fears come from childhood Thus, one of the respondents said that as a child he was stung by a bee and his skin was so swollen that he could see every pore, and another told how his parents were killed with a knife, the handle of which had cluster holes

Holes and patterns resembling cluster holes are often present on the body of dangerous animals

The human brain is poorly understood and talk about fame today exact reason trypophobia and fears in general do not occur. At the same time, scientists do not reject the theory that feelings such as fear and disgust can be interconnected and are triggers for each other.

Explaining trypophobia from a position of disgust, we can say that cluster holes present an incorrect picture, they subconsciously speak of ugliness, which is reminiscent of many skin diseases.

Many people, due to their ignorance, believe that trypophobia is skin disease, which consists in the formation of various holes on the human body. In fact, this is a mental disorder is not a disease and formations on the body do not appear due to the phobia.

Trypophobia does not cause holes in the body - it's a myth

On the other hand, openings on the body, such as acne, enlarged pores, mechanical damage in the form of multiple holes or even holes for earrings and other punctures - For trypophobes they are objects of fear and disgust.

It is important to distinguish between simple disapproval, disgust or antipathy towards minor skin defects and trypophobia, in which, in addition to an increased feeling of disgust, accompanying unpleasant symptoms, described above.

Cluster holes on the skin are disgusting because they are often associated with disease

Psychologist sessions will help eliminate trypophobia

The work of a psychologist with trypophobia is not only in eliminating fear, but also to clarify the underlying causes of its occurrence. Usually, psychotherapy may include the following activities:

demonstration of visual images (alternating images or videos showing pleasant images and those that cause fear) breathing exercises fear visualization techniques that promote relaxation

These actions are designed to eliminate the emergence of a subconscious association of holes with something unpleasant and repulsive, after which the phobia itself disappears.

Visualizing fear helps you get rid of a phobia

If the phobia manifests itself allergic reactions or other conditions(convulsions, paralysis, convulsions), then it is already necessary to contact a specialist with medical education, and not just a psychologist, in order for you to be prescribed sedatives, anticonvulsants. More severe cases are subject to hospitalization and treatment in a hospital under the guidance of a psychiatrist.

If you suspect you have trypophobia, you should contact a specialist immediately. Even if fear does not cause you serious discomfort, in the future, under the influence negative factors, it can transform into more significant mental disorders, the treatment of which may no longer be effective.

Incredible facts

Have you ever heard of trypophobia?

If not, perhaps after viewing the following images you will have it.

Trypophobia is irrational fear of hole accumulation, such as honeycombs, anthills, corals.

Images of holes often evoke feelings fear, discomfort and anxiety.

Read also:Trypophobia, or why people are afraid of holes

Moreover, the reaction can be quite strong to fairly harmless things.

Some experts believe that people instinctively fear these images because they are associated with danger, illness or injury.

The following images contain small holes in the leather, small holes and other strange things. And if you suffer from trypophobia, we strongly recommend that you do not scroll below.

1. Chicken foot skin

2. Lotus seed pod

3. Acorns in the tree

4. Stretch marks on the body

5. Plucked pheasant neck

6. Drummer Jaw

7. Dents on the body left by frozen peas

8. Pink coral

9. Shed Tarantula Skin

10. Cow stomach mucosa

11. Roasted Garlic

12. Spaghetti

13. Seeds in pumpkin

14. Dents left on the legs after a spanking

15. Eye close

16. Sandstone wall

17. Lion's tongue

18. The girl who glued plastic eyes to her face

19. Unusual mushrooms

20. Honeycomb

21. Bubbles forming on pancakes

22. Water bubbles that look like eyes

23. Cat licking its paw with its tongue

24. These images are the work of Photoshop.

25. Never handle a hot cup

(This image was made using photoshop)

Sometimes human fears take on truly bizarre shapes. An example of such an unusual fear is trypophobia. Of course, trypophobia is much more than ordinary fear. The word phobia itself means that this fear is uncontrollable, very intense, and in fact it destroys the life of the person suffering from the phobia. There are still ongoing discussions in medicine about whether everything called a phobia is a phobia. Such a discussion did not avoid this situation either. However, the reaction of people to the subject of fear suggests that there are still signs of a phobic disorder. More on this later.

The term was first introduced in medical practice in 2004. Trypophobia is panic fear so-called cluster holes (phobia of holes in the body, on other objects). Cluster holes are small repeating holes on a small surface. The most common things for humans, such as sponges or coral, cause genuine horror in trypophobes.

Trypophobia - fear of various holes and openings, reaching the point of horror

The study of such a phobia as the fear of holes and openings was carried out by British research institutes. Researchers Jeff Cole and Arnold Wilkins paid special attention to the reasons for the occurrence of such a reaction. In their article, they focused on the fact that the panic reaction carries not so much signs of real fear, but rather strong disgust.

The state of phobia is characterized by severe changes in the usual way of life, therefore it is quite natural that a person suffering from such fear wants to find its cause and eradicate it. There is still no consensus on the reasons; many researchers even question the very existence of such a phobia.

Violent emotional and physiological reactions to recurring holes are usually caused by holes:

in living tissue of animals and humans, pimply rashes (acne, demodectic rash), scars from acne, necrosis of the skin surface with holes, open holes of many glands; small repeating holes in food products, for example, honeycombs, holes in bread, pasta, foam on coffee; on plants - seeds, seaweed with a spongy structure; natural geological cavities and porous rocks; tunnels dug by animals and insects.

Returning to the research of Cole and Wilkins, it becomes clear that hole phobia is caused by vestigial fear, that is, it is a relic of evolution. The thing is that our brain has historically associated such holes with poisonous animals. A simple test led scientists to this conclusion, during which subjects were shown photographs of multi-colored poisonous animals, in particular the color of a blue-ringed octopus, mixed with photographs of objects typical of trypophobes. At some point, one of the subjects noted that the sensations from these objects were as unpleasant as from the image of a blue-ringed octopus.

Trypophobes are afraid of even the image of holes

The arguments are dubious, but have been confirmed by several similar studies. Indeed, even a person who has not been overtaken by such a phobia - fear of holes - experiences several discomfort at the sight of such holes in the skin. This is natural and is not some kind of pathology.

One more probable cause phobias of holes, is their possible association with diseases and skin lesions. But the above-described research by scientists returns even this fear to the fact that this is a rudiment from our ancestors. It is also worth adding here a certain social context underlying this disease. The fact is that aesthetic appeal in modern world plays very significant role. And many unattractive phenomena that have a strong emotional connotation for a person are instantly applied to him. Trying on numerous unpleasant-looking holes (associated with ulcers, for example) causes a corresponding reaction.

From a psychological point of view, trypophobia, like many other fears, is a manifestation anxiety disorder. And the accumulation of cavities is a trigger that triggers the release of this alarm.

Among the factors provoking

If most phobias are characterized by common features manifestations panic fear, then trypophobia brings us back to the theory that it is caused rather by disgust. This is supported by a special physiological picture that develops in people with a fear of cavities and holes.

Holes in the body cause real horror in trypophobes

Physical symptoms of a phobia, the fear of holes in the body or other surfaces, are:

a feeling of chills and trembling at the sight of multiple holes; “goosebumps” on the skin; severe nausea and a feeling of lightheadedness, sometimes accompanied by vomiting; a feeling as if something was moving and crawling on the skin and inside it; itching on the body and scratching on the skin; reactions allergic type on the skin, inflammation; feeling of danger at the sight of holes.

A person who is faced with very intense experiences, and the symptoms described above, will quite naturally avoid contact with the irritant. If the experience was excessively intense, a full-fledged phobic reaction develops - difficulty breathing, shortness of breath, sweaty palms, dizziness, loss of control over one’s body, excessive sweating.

There have been a few cases where an attack of disgust, and this is how one can describe the manifestation of a phobia in the form of a fear of holes and openings in this case, was accompanied by spasms, compulsive movements, convulsions, loss of consciousness - such cases require serious medical attention.

This term (trypophobia) appeared relatively recently - in 2005. Officially, trypophobia is understood as the fear of clusters of holes, or, as they also say, “cluster” holes.

In some cases, the same term refers to the fear of holes, cavities, abscesses on the skin, etc. Official medicine has not yet officially recognized this phobia.

There hasn't been much research done on trypophobia. So far, the best known is the work of Jeff Cole and Arnold Wilkins, who studied the body's reactions when such a disorder occurs.

The result of their work was the conclusion that this phobia is one of the most common and, in fact, represents one of the evolutionary advantages of humans.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to explain the subconscious fear of many holes - primitive I was also afraid of wasps, poisonous animals and insects that live in holes.

The “scheme” for responding to such objects was laid down back in those days when almost any hole in the ground, rock or tree could hide a danger to humans.

Well, a beehive or a wasp nest is generally a kind of “sample” of cluster holes.

Features and manifestations of trypophobia

Like other forms of phobias, trypophobia causes a person severe discomfort or even uncontrollable fear. In this case, the fear itself can be directed both at a living creature and at an object, or simply a photo of such an “irritant” (in this case, holes).

Symptoms in this case can appear very different - a person may experience dizziness, nausea, feel the urge to vomit, lose coordination of movements, and experience itching. Usually an attack of such a phobia manifests itself as a kind of obsession, which causes uncontrollable fear and general nervousness.

Trypophobia is “undemanding” to objects that can cause such a reaction in a person - it doesn’t really matter where exactly a person sees cluster holes, the reaction in most cases will be the same.

So, there are yeast pores on the cut of bread and on pancakes, there are holes in cheese, seeds in vegetables and fruits can also very well become the impetus for the development of another attack.

But we are talking about very common food products. Holes can also become an object of fear natural origin- corals, for example.

But the most serious object, in which trypophobia is fully manifested, are various holes in human tissues or in other living organisms.

Another peculiarity of this phobia is that a person often begins to project this state onto himself, which leads to the appearance of itching, allergic reactions, sweating, redness and the appearance of bright spots on the skin, etc.

Moreover, all of the listed symptoms are based on self-hypnosis, and therefore largely depend on the level of empathy and emotional state.

At acute attacks fear due to the sight of the object of phobia on skin a person (in some cases, even a photo is enough), trembling may also appear, a rapid heartbeat may be observed, breathing becomes difficult and a feeling of disgust may appear.

Like most similar disorders, trypophobia often manifests itself spontaneously and is inherited.

The reasons for the development of such a disorder are often explained in terms of cultural perception or psychology, since in most cases it is the result of exposure to a very specific situation.

Trypophobia can worsen during age-related crises, with problems in relationships with others, but at the same time it can completely disappear in the absence of such irritants. This phobia is also influenced by age - over the years a person experiences various situations, which can contribute to the accumulation of fears.

How is this condition treated?

Since trypophobia is not recognized as an official diagnosis, it is classified as obsessive-compulsive disorder and fear, using appropriate methods psychological correction. The doctor’s task in this case is to restore normal psychiatric and physical condition in a patient upon seeing a stimulus.

The most common technique is quite simple - a person is shown a calming picture for some time to consolidate a state of peace, after which they are shown a photo of an object with cluster holes (stimulus).

The course of treatment is also complemented by relaxation and breathing exercises. During the treatment process, the feeling of disgust and fear gradually disappears, the state of internal comfort is restored and no longer depends on the type of stimulus.

But if the patient has psychosomatic disorders, then such therapy will not be enough - in this case, antiallergic drugs and sedatives are prescribed.

If the disease takes severe form and symptoms such as cramps appear, headache, convulsions - must be carried out intensive therapy in a hospital setting with the use of anticonvulsants and sedatives.

Lotus seeds (like its other parts) occupy an important place both in the national cuisine of the East and in its medicine. And not because this flower is considered sacred. Quite the opposite - the plant gained holiness thanks to its healing properties.

A few words about the plant

Although this plant is associated with Asian countries (China, Korea, India), the birthplace of the lotus is North Africa. Or rather, Egypt. It was from the banks of the Nile that the flower’s “journey” began tens of thousands of years ago.

And now you can admire the most beautiful water lilies in white, pinkish, lily shades even in Russian reservoirs. The most common habitats of the domestic lotus: in the basins of the Amur and Ussuri rivers, in the floodplains of Lake Prikhan, in the lowlands of the Araks, Kura and Zeya. The floodplain waters of the Volga and its tributaries also abound with blooming lotuses.

The lotus is such a life-loving flower that it can easily settle in a pond garden plot. And it will serve not only decorative decoration, but also a “mini-pharmacy” of home emergency care.

Lotus seeds

After the lotus has faded, seeds begin to ripen in its box, which do not at all resemble flowers. Peeled lotus seeds look more like pine nuts. They even taste similar to them, which made it possible to use the fruits as an independent product.

Seeds of this plant have so much vitality, which are capable of germinating even after hundreds of years. This is confirmed by the nuts found by archaeologists during excavations - despite the long “preservation” (more than a thousand years), they gave excellent seedlings.

The fruits were able to survive thanks to their properties, which were actively used in the practice of ancient Greek healers. Warriors also took lotus nuts with them on campaigns, using them as healing agent, and as a source of nutritional energy (apparently, this is how the plant spread around the world).

Lotus is rich in vitamins, micro- and macroelements, and other beneficial components that have a beneficial effect on human health. The seeds of a plant are the part that contains genetic memory, and therefore have the most healing properties.

  • Lotus nuts contain a set of B vitamins and vitamin A, which are “responsible” not only for health, but also inhibit the aging process.
  • From chemical table The seeds contain potassium, phosphorus, sodium, calcium, and magnesium. Macroelements are represented by metals such as iron, copper, manganese, zinc.
  • The amount of carbohydrates, proteins and fats in lotus nuts is quite balanced. The product not only saturates the body with proteins, but also triggers the mechanism for producing “ building material» cells. Seed components help break down unhealthy fats, thereby preventing the production of cholesterol.
  • Enzymes and flavonoids contained in lotus fruits have anti-inflammatory and restorative properties. Thanks to this, the seeds of the plant are actively used in pharmacology and cosmetology.

Application area

The Chinese attribute to the lotus magical properties, considering the flower a source of vital energy. To some extent, they are right - the plant (and in particular its seeds) is used to treat many diseases.

  • Preparations based on lotus seeds can normalize intestinal function, genitourinary system, nervous.
  • Eating nuts will normalize heart function and “take control” of blood pressure.
  • Diarrhea, bedwetting, wet dreams - and lotus fruits will help you cope with this.
  • Psychological factors are also subject to the action of healing nuts - their tonic and sedative properties will help cope with stress, eliminate nervous anxiety and cure insomnia.
  • Tibetan healers recommend preparations based on lotus seeds to be taken by people with reproductive system disorders.
  • The great energy power of nuts will not only lift you up required level immunity, but will also help cancer patients cope with this terrible disease.

Lotus seeds are also considered an excellent aphrodisiac, allowing you to feel the fullness of life.

Nut-seeds are consumed internally, raw and fried, and decoctions and medicinal teas are also made from lotus fruits. This product can be purchased at a pharmacy and used as needed, or used as a biological supplement.

  • The decoction is prepared as follows. Seeds in the amount of 1 tsp are poured into a glass of water and boiled (over low heat) for about 5 minutes. Leave to brew for an hour and filter. Use the decoction before meals, drinking half a glass for any of the problems described above.
  • This drink can be prepared with herbs suitable for treating a particular ailment. Then the number of seeds should be halved, and herbs should be added in a 1:1 ratio.
  • To treat diarrhea, a decoction is prepared according to a different recipe. IN warm water Soak a tablespoon of seeds and leave for several hours. Then add a spoonful of sugar and boil until the nuts are soft enough. When consumed, the decoction can be tinted with tea - per glass medicinal composition 5 g tea drink.
  • Wet dreams are treated with a mixture of powders taken in equal proportions - 1 g of lotus and pachina seeds per glass of water. Drink the drink 2 times a day until the problem is completely resolved.
  • When treating nervous diseases, you can enhance the effects of the medications used by adding a few crushed lotus nuts to them. This will help remove nervous tension, relieve insomnia and depression.
  • A tasty porridge with the addition of lotus nuts will improve memory and sharpen vision and hearing. It is cooked from non-glutinous rice - for half a kilo of cereal, take 20 g of crushed seeds. Seasonings can be added to improve the taste. If you serve such a side dish daily with vegetable, meat and fish dishes, after 7-10 days you can see positive changes.

Recipes for using lotus seeds can be listed for a long time, but any of the preparations should be used only after consultation with a doctor.


Diseases for which it is contraindicated to consume the seeds of this plant are not covered by medicine. But a number of points that should be paid attention to are still present.

  • There are people in the world who are allergic to all types of nuts. Or rather, the oily components they contain. And lotus fruits are no exception.
  • The seeds have a binding effect and are contraindicated for constipation.
  • Since lotus preparations have an effect on libido, pregnant women should avoid taking the seeds so as not to provoke uterine tone (and this already threatens miscarriage).
  • Due to the impact on reproductive system, it is not recommended for children to take nuts raw (and, accordingly, for nursing mothers).


You should not wait for an occasion such as illness to eat lotus nuts. They can be actively entered into the menu healthy person, adding to vegetable salads or other dishes.

Peeled kernels fried with sugar will appeal to children (but in moderation). And for adults, you can prepare an aromatic invigorating drink called coffee from lotus seeds ground into powder.

A mental disorder in which a person has a fear of many holes is called trypophobia. This condition received its definition only recently, although it is very common. It is worth talking in more detail about how trypophobia manifests itself and what ways it is possible to overcome it.

What Causes Fear of Cluster Holes?

The vast majority of people do not know at all what trypophobia is. This is a fear of small holes (round, honeycomb-like) and an aversion to them. The opposite disorder is called trypophilia, in which a person, on the contrary, experiences an unhealthy interest in cluster holes. With trypophobia, you can experience real panic when you notice them on your body or even on any object.

Like many other phobias, fear of holes arises spontaneously. Scientists do not have an exact formulation of why this happens. Experts tend to believe that trypophobia is a feature of human evolutionary development. Multiple experiments were carried out, thanks to which it was possible to prove that disgust and fear in most cases are caused by the sight of holes on poisonous objects, plants, and animals that are potentially dangerous to the body. There are several possible causes of the onset of the disease in humans:

  • cultural;
  • hereditary;
  • mental;
  • age.

Main signs and symptoms

Fear may arise at the sight of holes:

  • on the skin of people or animals (acne, pockmarks, open pores);
  • in food products (holes in cheese, honeycombs, bread crumbs, aerated chocolate);
  • in plants (lotus seed);
  • geological origin;
  • made by living organisms (clusters of worms, larvae).

Hole phobia is expressed by the following symptoms when seeing the above objects:

  • uncontrollable panic attacks when looking at the stimulus;
  • restlessness, anxiety;
  • obsessive desire to destroy what he sees;
  • excessive sweating;
  • rapid heartbeat;
  • nervousness;
  • itching and redness of the skin, the feeling that someone is moving under it;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • tremor of the limbs;
  • appearance muscle spasms;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • breathing problems;
  • coordination disorder.

How to treat fear of holes and openings

You already know what trypophobia is, but there is still one more important question. How to identify this disease and get rid of it? If you feel anxious or other alarming symptoms, then consult a psychotherapist. He will conduct a special test for trypophobia. As a rule, this is a demonstration of images of various objects with multiple holes. If the diagnosis is confirmed, the doctor will tell you in detail about what trypophobia is and prescribe treatment.

The following methods are used in therapy:

  • replacement correction for normalization mental state patient (demonstration of pacifying and causing fear pictures in turn for gradual restoration of mental and physical state);
  • psychoanalysis to identify and eliminate the causes of the disorder;
  • measures to normalize the patient’s self-perception;
  • psychotherapy (individual and group sessions);
  • breathing exercises;
  • taking sedatives, antihistamines;
  • use of anti-inflammatory, anticonvulsant drugs ( hospital treatment severe form of the disorder).

Video: what does a person’s phobia of holes mean?

What cluster holes look like on the human body - photo

It is not enough to simply know what trypophobia is to understand whether you have symptoms of this disease. A special photo selection will help you determine its presence or absence. Take a look at these images and analyze the reaction it gives you. Using pictures of cluster holes, you can test for trypophobia yourself.

Contains edible seeds, healing properties which have been actively used in Chinese medicine for several centuries in a row. Traditionally, the seeds are collected in August-September and then dried in the sun. They have a neutral, slightly sweet taste.

Many medicinal herbal infusions, in miraculous powers which followers believe oriental medicine, include lotus seeds in one form or another. But since you and I are reasonable people, let’s try to separate the wheat from the chaff and find scientific evidence beneficial properties this exotic medicine.

Lotus Seeds – good source protein, as well as mineral healers: magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron and zinc.

They are free of saturated fat, sodium and cholesterol.

Lotus seeds contain kaempferol– a natural flavonoid that prevents tissue inflammation. This fact makes this product Chinese medicine a truly valuable cosmetic component.

Sabhati Dharmananda, Director of the Institute Traditional Medicine, focuses on the protein component of seeds. That is why this product is actively used in traditional Chinese cooking as one of the key soup ingredients.

This fact has made many cosmetic companies fall in love with lotus seeds and include them in their anti-aging products.

Beneficial features

  1. Lotus seeds have astringent properties, are good for the kidneys and help restore vital energy body.
  2. They can also be considered as a mild aphrodisiac, enhancing sensuality and passion.
  3. According to Chinese medicine, lotus seeds can stop diarrhea, cope with irritability, insomnia and anxiety. According to its biochemical composition, this product is a plant depressant, much more effective than banal valerian.
  4. Some doctors believe that lotus seeds are good for the heart due to the content of bitter, astringent and cooling substances. The bitterness of this Chinese remedy comes from isoquinoline, an alkaloid endowed with antispasmodic and soothing properties. This herbal component expands blood vessels and thereby reduces blood pressure.
  5. Beneficial lotus seeds can be used not only as independent remedy, but also as an important ingredient in healing herbal infusions prepared according to all the rules of Chinese medicine. These oval seeds are present in medicines to improve digestion, fight diarrhea, treat prostatitis and urinary tract infections.