Basic human fears.

Probably every person has had to deal with phobias in one way or another. Some have learned to get along with their inner demons, while others strive with all their might to get rid of the worries that poison their lives. Experts pay great attention to the study of all kinds of phobias, trying to alleviate the plight of those suffering.

Some fears are quite common. We will definitely look at the list of the 10 most common phobias in this article. And there are also those whose names are unknown even to those who are susceptible to them. Therefore, we will mention rare phobias for your information.

What to do if a phobia interferes with your life, is it possible to get rid of it, is this always necessary? Let's find answers to all questions.

and mental disorder: what's the difference?

First of all, let's define the terms. Phobia is inextricably linked with fear. It represents an insurmountable fear of certain phenomena, objects, situations. But are these concepts identical?

Experts answer this question in the negative. According to scientists, the feeling of fear is a necessity with the help of which any living creature avoids danger. This mechanism that helps to survive is laid down by nature itself. But in most cases, the feeling of fear is justified.

A phobia may not only have no apparent cause, but also have a number of signs that are uncharacteristic of a natural feeling of fear. They are clearly visible even to those who do not have a medical degree. These include the following:

  • breathing failure (fast or slow);
  • the appearance of perspiration, increased sweating;
  • tremor, hand trembling;
  • disorientation in space, dizziness, nausea;
  • increased heart rate, imbalance blood pressure.

Some of these signs also appear at a time of danger, when fear is justified. This is due to the release of adrenaline. By the way, this hormone only works for the good: it helps you make the right decision and get yourself together. The main thing is not to panic and pull yourself together in time.

In cases where we're talking about about a phobia, a provoking stimulus is not needed. It is enough to mention or even just remember it. At the moment of exacerbation, fear is impossible to curb. A person cannot control himself, and the condition may worsen. At rest, a person is well aware that he has a phobia, but prefers not to talk about it.

This is the main difference from mental disorder. Phobias do not affect the individual, do not violate the integrity of the perception of the world, and do not destroy the psyche. When fears become obsession and a person begins to behave inappropriately, a doctor’s consultation is vital. Alarming symptoms should be considered regular mention of the cause of fear, arrangement of shelters, unreasonable expenses on protective equipment, attempts to escape from a non-existent pursuit, the desire to find out as much information as possible related to the object of apparent danger, aggression towards those who are trying to dissuade. If someone you love is behaving this way, they may need help. None of the most common phobias, nor any of the rare ones, cause inappropriate behavior. Phobias are not a mental disorder.

Where do phobias come from?

Analyzing some common phobias, it can be assumed that their origins are similar. Experts believe that stress is often the cause. After a frightening situation, a person may forever lose the desire to be in it again.

Some phobias grow out of childhood shocks and fears. Often those situations, objects, people, circumstances that caused the phobia to form do not even remain in memory. But the subconscious mind stores information in its depths, “carefully” inspiring a person to avoid repetition in every possible way.

However, there is a lot that is inexplicable. For example, the fear of flying on an airplane can haunt those who have never flown. In this case, the phobia probably developed from a fear of heights. Some types of phobias are even more difficult to explain.

Mystical version of the origin of phobias

There is an alternative view. People who believe in the transmigration of souls put forward the theory that the phobia is associated with the deep memory of past life. More precisely, about a past death. According to esotericists, a person who drowned in a past life will be afraid of water in subsequent reincarnations.

Of course, although this version is quite entertaining, it cannot be considered scientific. In any case, she currently has no confirmation.

Groups of phobias

Specialists who study phobias and the characteristics of behavior associated with them use the following classification.

It is convenient to present a list of the most common phobias with explanations in the form of a table.

Fear factor



Fear of open areas or closed spaces


Phobias associated with people, crowds, professions, communication


Fear of diseases, specific or in general; fear of experiencing pain

Fear of death, funerals, dead, cemeteries, coffins

Many fears associated with the intimate sphere

Fear of wrong action, judgment, inappropriate expression of feelings

Phobias caused by fear of experiencing fear

Note that not all existing phobias are clearly classified. The table shows only the most common groups. To better understand the topic, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with each group in detail and consider examples.

Phobias related to space

Scientists call the most common phobia the fear of enclosed spaces, from which it is difficult to get out. There is a version that the reason for this may even be tight swaddling in infancy, but this is just a version that requires further analysis. Fear of small spaces is called claustrophobia.

The opposite phenomenon is agoraphobia. The person feels in highest degree It’s uncomfortable in the middle of wide fields and squares.

Social phobias

The list is headed by anthropophobia - the fear of people in a broad sense. Aphenphosmophobia is the fear of being touched. The painful fear of people of the opposite sex is called heterophobia.

Many people are also susceptible to glossophobia, and this feature usually manifests itself in childhood. It is characterized by a fear of public speaking. Lemophobia, the fear of crowds, also belongs to this group.

Fear of diseases

Not least on the list of common phobias is (nosophobia). It can manifest itself as persistent denial real diagnoses, and in obsessively looking for all sorts of symptoms. Monopathophobia is the fear of a specific illness.

Doctors also identify acnephobia, which is expressed in a terrible fear of acne.

There are also less common types in this group: amikophobia (fear skin lesions), venerophobia (fear of contracting STDs), vermiphobia (fear pathogenic microorganisms), dermatophobia (when the risk of skin diseases frightens).

Algophobia - the fear of experiencing pain - is common to many people. It can be difficult to diagnose, but to a reasonable extent this is common to everyone.

Mortal fear

Topping the list of the most common phobias associated with death is thanatophobia - the fear of death as such.

Taphephobia also belongs to the group - an indescribable fear of being buried alive. Surely many remember that such fear haunted Nikolai Vasilyevich Gogol all his life. Perhaps this was not just fear, but a premonition of trouble, because after the exhumation it was established that the great writer was most likely buried when he was in deep sleep or coma. Modern medicine has made significant progress, experts pronounce death after an autopsy and careful examination, but many of our contemporaries also suffer from this phobia.

The names “cardiophobia” and “heart attack phobia” speak for themselves. These fears are associated with death from heart disease.

Sexual sphere

A very common phobia is panic fear intimacy (coitophobia). This group also includes special cases: fear of the first sexual experience (intimophobia), fear of harassment (contreltophobia), fear of nudity and touching (mixeophobia).

The list of phobias included in this group is quite long. Scientists identify many areas, each of which is associated with certain parts body, situations, other factors. Some people even have such an unusual fear as the fear of kissing (philemaphobia).

Contrast phobias

The next group unites fears associated with wrong actions, erroneous actions, and inappropriate feelings.

The most common are hamartophobia (fear of an unworthy act), paralipophobia (fear of a false choice), chairophobia (fear of out-of-place joy), and enosiophobia (fear of the Fall).


This sounds surprising, but the list of the most common phobias also includes phobia. Some people, especially those familiar with the topic, are terribly afraid that they will develop a phobia. These thoughts can be very intrusive.

Scary environment

Having examined the 7 main groups, we will pay attention to some equally common phobias that are not included in any of them.

Experts combine many varieties into the group of zoophobias. It should be noted that this is a collective name; as such, fear of all animals does not exist.

The factor is always certain type animals (for example, with ailurophobia - fear of cats), class (with ostraconophobia - fear of shellfish) or a group of animals.

List of the most common phobias

The top 10 will help you get a more complete understanding of the spread of certain fears.

  1. According to experts, at least 20% of the world's population is susceptible to nyctophobia. The meaning of fear is related to It is the most common phobia in the world. Nyctophobia is most common among children. It may go away with age, but this does not always happen. Some people need a night light all their lives.
  2. Acrophobia is a panicky fear of heights. 7-8% of people suffer from this. Airplanes, rooftops, balconies of high-rise buildings, mountain peaks, attractions like the Ferris Wheel - all this seems hateful and dangerous. According to experts, this phobia is not only one of the most common, but also extremely dangerous. Many people note that once at the top, they feel the urge to throw themselves down.
  3. Aerophobia - fear of air travel. Common sense is powerless when a panic attack begins. Many aerophobes are well aware that the airplane is one of the safest Vehicle, but they can’t help themselves.
  4. Claustrophobia is the fear of closed or cramped spaces. Elevators, closed doors, secluded corners are frightening and make you want to break out.
  5. Aquaphobia is the fear of choking or drowning.
  6. Ophidiophobia is a panicky fear of snakes.
  7. Hematophobia is an uncontrollable panic fear of blood, which is accompanied by loss of consciousness much more often than other phobias.
  8. Thanatophobia is fear for one's own life.
  9. Autophobia is caused by an obsessive fear of loneliness.
  10. Glossophobia is the fear of speaking in public.

The most unusual phobias

All sorts of anxieties overcome a person... The most common phobias seem more or less understandable, but there are also those that are even more difficult to explain. Let's consider the names and factors of the most unusual human fears.

  • Acribophobia - panic fear do not understand the essence of what you heard.
  • Gnosiophobia - fear of learning.
  • Lacanophobia - fear of vegetables.
  • Dorophobia is an inexplicable fear of gifts.
  • Hydrosophobia is an excessive fear of sweating.
  • Ombrophobia is associated with rain, snow, and hail.
  • Penteraphobia occurs only in men. The object of fear is the mother-in-law.
  • Chronophobia is the fear of time.
  • Philophobia is characterized
  • Ratterophobia is the fear of mispronouncing a word or phrase.

Is treatment necessary?

Experts do not give a clear answer to this question. Each case requires individual approach. Some phobias can become causes of neuroses (by the way, Freud believed that nyctophobia always leads to neuroses).

It happens that a phobia can negatively affect your health, for example, cause heart problems. In such cases, consultation with a psychologist, and possibly a psychotherapist, is necessary.

It should be remembered that a person with a phobia should under no circumstances be “broken”: the fear of water will not disappear if you throw the unfortunate person out of a boat in the middle of the lake; Fear of snakes will not go away by itself from contact with reptiles. The consequences can be irreversible and tragic. Correction of the condition can only be determined by an experienced doctor.

Fear itself is a normal reaction in adults. human psyche to the danger factor, it very often plays a protective role. Sometimes the reflexes inherent in the psyche can save the life of both the person himself and the people around him.

At the same time, fear is one of the symptoms of anxiety-depressive and panic disorders, various phobias. These nosologies are pathological reactions on causal factors and can significantly influence a person’s quality of life. When fears are persistent, a person limits his life because of them and refuses many opportunities.

Neurotic fear, which is tied to time, to a situation or an object, takes the form of a phobia. It can cause a person to constantly feel symptoms of fear, or it can be expressed in the form of attacks. Regardless of this, a phobia significantly worsens a person’s normal life and affects working relationships and understanding in the family.

The world of a person with fear is significantly narrowed and limited. The average person sets limits himself, prohibiting himself from doing anything. For example, the fear of going outside (agoraphobia), riding in an elevator (claustrophobia), being at heights (acrophobia) and other phobias significantly limit people's capabilities.

Not tied to a specific situation, fear is a constant feeling of anxiety. A person is in anticipation of imminent danger all the time. Naturally, in this situation, there is no point in talking about the quality of life, since life is completely dominated by anxious sensations.

The main causes of fear in adults

IN modern world a multifactorial theory of the origin of fears is considered. This means that several reasons can jointly cause the formation of one or another phobia. The occurrence of such disorders due to only one reason cannot be ruled out, but this happens much less frequently.

The causes of fear in adults can be:

  • Organic pathology. Various kinds injuries, infections and damage to the brain that lead to changes in its structure and are visible on tomographic images can cause the formation of a phobia in a person.
  • Genetic factor. Fears are undoubtedly inherited. This has been proven many times by researchers in this field. If characteristic fear neuroses were observed in the family, it means that the younger generation has a tendency to develop phobias, both in childhood and in adulthood.
  • Powerful stress factor. A single situation that had a significant impact on a person can trigger the formation of fear. Prolonged stress, which were accompanied by fear, can also lead to the formation of a persistent disorder.
Models of fear or phobia formation differ depending on the course mental illness which explains this process. If we consider the neurophysiological model, it should be pointed out that the cause of the development of fear is the excitation of certain neural centers in the brain. Then the reticular formation is activated, which transmits information to the cerebral cortex through fibers.

Any motivation of the body is satisfied in turn by the cerebral cortex. Fear can block this sequence. It becomes the only experience of a person, completely encompassing consciousness. In such cases, a stupor or, conversely, a panic reaction is described.

The stress response itself can be caused by fluctuations in hormones in the blood. The release of catecholamines provokes a somatic response to stress in the form of fear. Immediately upon memory or the presence of a stress factor, the hypothalamus releases the hormone corticotropin into the blood. It promotes the activation of the adrenal glands, the release of norepinephrine and adrenaline. These hormones can constrict blood vessels, increase blood pressure, and cause tremors in the limbs.

Signs of the development of fears and phobias

The mental and physical components of fear syndrome in adults together give a fairly detailed picture. Whatever a person is afraid of, these signs are similar to each other. Physical manifestations are considered the most similar; they cannot be controlled, and they arise regardless of a person’s desire.

Physical or somatic signs fear:

  1. cardiopalmus;
  2. lump in throat or dryness;
  3. constant motor restlessness;
  4. skin covered with cold sweat;
  5. shiver;
  6. frequent urge to urinate;
  7. diarrhea.
These signs may appear partially or completely depending on the human body and the characteristics of its response to stress factors.

The mental manifestations of fear are varied and can take various shapes. Depending on whether the fear is real or neurotic (there is no apparent reason), the symptoms are observed either in a specific situation or constantly.

In the first case, a person experiences unpleasant somatic manifestations and psychological stress, a feeling of the approach of something bad almost immediately after encountering an impact factor or even when remembering it. For example, fear of speaking in public manifests itself both when remembering that one is about to go on stage, and immediately before going on stage.

In the second case, neurotic fear is not tied to any place or situation, but this does not make it any easier. Such people experience a constant feeling of danger, live in anxiety and expect the inevitable. The famous psychiatrist Sigmund Freud called this condition “anxiety neurosis.”

Fear can also manifest itself in a variety of short-term reactions. Most often this is a panic syndrome that develops in a matter of seconds. For some time, a person accepts the irreversibility of what is happening and the inevitable fatal outcome. The loss of self-control and feeling of helplessness are replaced by the mobilization of internal resources and an accelerated motor reaction. A person tries to protect himself from the situation that has arisen as soon as possible, if there is one.

The second option for a short-term fear reaction is affective stupor. This is an emotional dulling of a person’s ability to move or take any action due to emotional shock. This is manifested by the feeling “ cotton legs"and the inability to move.

Types of fears and phobias in adults

Depending on the occurrence and nature of the threat presented, three types of fears are distinguished:
  • Existential dread. A person’s fear lies in his internal experiences that reflect the world. Depending on how he perceives reality, certain fears will be formed. Existential phobias include fear of death, the inevitability of time, and other similar phobias.
  • Social fear. It is associated with the reflection and reaction of society on the person himself. If he is afraid of not being accepted, of ruining his reputation, then he is inclined to develop social fear. To the most striking examples Social phobias include stage fright, ereitophobia, and scoptophobia.
  • Biological fear. This type is based on fear of physical defeat or threat to human life. This includes all categories of fear of illness (hypochondriacal phobias), those phobias that involve pain, suffering or somatic damage. Examples of this group are cardiophobia and cancerophobia.
In each individual case, fear is considered individually, taking into account the characterological characteristics of the individual, genetic factors and conditions external environment. This is why one phobia can manifest itself differently in different people.

It is worth considering in more detail several of the most common phobias that develop in adulthood:

  1. Fear of open space (agoraphobia). This is a fairly common phobia, the principle of which lies in the pathological fear of open spaces and places where there is large cluster people. This is peculiar defense mechanism, which allows the patient to isolate himself from possible negative consequences contact with the public. Manifestations in the case of being in an open space are most often limited to a panic attack.
  2. Fear of enclosed spaces (claustrophobia). This is the opposite of the previous phobia. A person feels discomfort and even the inability to breathe in a closed room, and other somatic manifestations of fear are expressed. Most often, symptoms are found in small rooms, cubicles, fitting rooms, and elevators. A person experiences significant relief if he simply opens the door. Fear includes the very prospect of being locked alone.
  3. Fear of death (thanatophobia). It can concern both the person himself and his friends and relatives. It often develops in mothers whose children are or have been seriously ill. It manifests itself in an obsessive and uncontrollable fear of dying suddenly, even if there is no reason for this. It may be related to religious beliefs or simply a fear of the unknown that is uncontrollable.
  4. Fear of speaking in public (glossophobia). This disorder is quite common among the adult population. In most cases, it is explained by low self-esteem, fear of being misunderstood by the audience and strict upbringing. Thus, self-confidence decreases, and the person is terrified of speaking in front of the public.
  5. Fear of blushing in front of people (erythrophobia). This is the fear of red spots on the face due to stressful situation. At its core, this is a vicious circle for a person who is shy and embarrassed in front of people. He is afraid to blush because he is afraid to be in front of the public, because he is afraid to blush.
  6. Fear of being alone (autophobia). It manifests itself in a person’s pathological fear of being left alone with himself. Fear is associated with fear of the possibility of committing suicide. It should be said that statistics show a negative trend in suicide among autophobes. It manifests itself as anxiety, sweating and panic attacks if the person is left alone in the room.
  7. Fear of heart disease (cardiophobia). This pathological condition, which involves somatic manifestations without the presence of the disease itself. Man complains about discomfort in the area of ​​the heart, palpitations, nausea. Often these symptoms can interfere with what he does and are perceived by doctors as heart disease, but after necessary examinations it doesn't show up.
  8. Fear of getting cancer (cancerophobia). This is a panicky fear of getting sick with malignant oncological nosologies. By its nature, it is closely related to the fear of death and develops as a result of a stressful situation. This could be a disease of someone close to you, an acquaintance, or simply seeing manifestations of cancer on strangers. The presence of a hypochondriacal personality and the presence of a couple of indirect symptoms can play a huge role.
  9. Fear of pain (algophobia). Fundamental to many other types of phobias, including visits to the doctor and even medical procedures. A person, under any pretext, tries to avoid the slightest manifestations physical pain, sometimes abuses painkillers. Manifested by anxiety and apprehension regarding the upcoming experience of pain.

Important! The feeling of fear constrains a person and can lead to fatal consequences, both for yourself and for those around you.

How to overcome fears in an adult

Fears can be part of a much larger syndrome or nosology that can only be diagnosed by a specialist. That is why if you have symptoms of fear, you should consult a doctor. The disease of which it is a manifestation can be either from the psychiatric or somatic register.

Fears are often included in the structure of schizophrenia, anxiety and neurotic disorders, panic attacks, hypochondria, depression. It is often observed when bronchial asthma, cardiovascular diseases accompanied by angina pectoris. A correct diagnosis will dictate treatment tactics. That is why only a doctor is competent in the question of how to treat fears in adults.

Every person who is afraid of something needs to realize that fear is not forever. There are many techniques and methods of psychotherapy that can help with this problem. The obstacle to recovery is the human reaction - shame for one's phobias. Usually in society it is not customary to talk about one’s fears; admitting one’s inferiority and vulnerability touches a person’s heartstrings. But by boldly looking your phobias in the face and accepting necessary measures, you can get rid of them once and for all.

One of the most common methods to cure fears in adults is humility. No one forces a person to fight his phobias or deny them; convincing them of their insignificance is useless. Therefore, psychologists recommend not to be ashamed of your feelings and at the same time do what is necessary, even if it’s scary. A person who realizes that he is afraid (after all, this is his essence), but still must do something, will easily overcome this barrier over time.

For example, the fear of speaking in public often terrifies those who are about to go on stage. A person who has confidently decided to get rid of his phobia must come out with his fear. Being afraid and performing at the same time is the real solution for this case.

Also good effect Treatment of fears in adults can be achieved by visualizing the achieved result. If a phobia prevents you from achieving tall career or family well-being, one should imagine life without it, what it would be like not to be afraid. Then it will be much easier to overcome your fears, because knowing what you are fighting for makes it easier to fight.

How to overcome fear in an adult - watch the video:

A person’s fears are his protection until they cease to act for good. By fixating on negative experiences, they can destroy families, careers and even lives, which is why it is so important to realize in time the pathology of your phobias.

Fear is a normal human reaction to danger. As well as pain, which gives a signal that something has gone wrong in the body and some organ requires urgent action.

People's fears are the same brain commands designed to protect them from mistakes, injuries, and dangerous actions. There is no need to be ashamed of your fears if they do not turn into panic or phobia.

Panic - uncontrollable fear, an attack of excruciating anxiety, accompanied by complete disorientation and lack of rational thinking. It occurs one-time with great fear and weak willpower of a person and quickly passes.

A phobia is the same panic, but it has become chronic, permanent and has become a disease.

Psychology of phobias or Why people experience fear

Fear is a kind of innate immunity that allows a person to bypass some of the main dangers that await him in life, genetic memory, an inoculation against stupid actions.

Ask yourself:

  • Why is a newborn baby afraid of loud noises?
  • Why does a child who has never fallen get scared when they throw him up?
  • why are we afraid of the unknown?
  • Where did the fear of confined spaces or the loss of a loved one come from?
  • How does everyone know that it can be dangerous in the dark?

The answer is simple: our ancestors gave us this knowledge. They are the key to survival, and only thanks to this knowledge homo sapiens still lives on planet Earth.

The only thing that balances people’s fears for their lives and health and does not allow progress to stop is the same innate curiosity: “But still, what is there in the dark?”

However, like any other quality of everything in the world (everything is good in moderation), fear must keep itself within certain limits.


Is it good to be fearless? People who have been in combat or other critical situations, never claim that they did not experience fear. On the contrary, they felt it, analyzed it and overcame it. This was precisely their feat.

That is, everyone has and should have fear, but you just need to be able to negotiate with it, it can be controlled.


It's a disease. If you have ever seen and understand what a mechanical default is when the engine goes into overdrive, you understand what we are talking about.

Great fear has gone wild! It feeds itself, strengthens itself and therefore progresses painfully, like cancer tumor. Logic no longer works. Humans are governed by basic instincts and emotions.

Trace the path from fearlessness to phobia. Exactly in the middle is fear. This is the consensus we need to live with.

Signs and influence

Does fear affect us negatively?! It seems so to us, at first glance. However, if a mother is afraid for her child and therefore protects him from danger, we do not perceive her behavior as inadequate. The fear of losing a loved one is right and normal.

Signs of fear:

  • depression;
  • concentration;
  • thoughtfulness, etc.

By all signs it is clear that the person is trying to retire within himself and find solutions to the problem. Or, on the contrary, not relying on his own strength, he seeks help from the outside: a baby runs to his mother, a teenager goes online, an adult shares a problem with a psychologist.

There is a fast, sharp and, most importantly, adequate analysis of the situation. The brain is working at its limit. Strong fear forces him to do this. A surge of adrenaline helps resolve extreme issues faster.

Of course, fear also affects human behavior, but only phobias can change life dramatically:

  • Fear of enclosed spaces prevents a woman or man from using an elevator, entering a room where there is no window, etc.
  • Fear of the dark makes you sleep with the light on.
  • A fear of water will never allow you to take a dip in a lake, river or sea.

Human fears

1st place: Fear of death

It's hard to imagine normal person who would not be afraid of no longer being in the world. We all want to move on with our lives. Except for people experiencing suffering. This fear is associated only with a sense of self-preservation; even a phobia has not been invented for it, it is so natural.

The most interesting: Contrary to popular belief, it is older people who suffer less from this phobia. The fear of death in older people is more likely associated with worries that they didn’t have time to do much, or did something wrong. Many atheists turn to God in mature age to find an alternative to imminent oblivion. And they find it!

2nd place: Acrophobia - fear of heights

Quite normal phenomenon, fear of heights, developing into panic. Everyone knows that if you fall from a certain height, it won’t seem like much. But sometimes this sense of self-preservation does not allow a person to lift himself off the ground even a couple of meters.

And how do you convince him that he is wrong? You can use psychological techniques, accustom to the feeling of mild panic, raising it gradually at short intervals throughout greater height. As soon as he feels the pleasure of being in an “elevated” state, the phobia will disappear, the cause of stress will fall off like a lizard’s tail, turning into entertainment. Interest, excitement and play often stop any phobia.

3rd place: Claustrophobia and, conversely, agoraphobia

  1. Fear of enclosed spaces may be caused by childhood emotions after some events superimposed on genetic memory.
  2. Fear of open space associated with a feeling of insecurity. Do you remember when you were a child: “Come on, I’m in the house”? And that's it, no one will touch you. And here, in the open air, for the whole world to see, there is no house, which means there is no protection!

4th place: Motorophobia

Many people injured in road accidents experience a fear of cars immediately after leaving the hospital. They cannot even just approach the edge of the sidewalk without experiencing physical suffering: sweating, tremors, spots before their eyes, etc. Is it possible to fight this? It's possible, but not necessary.

If you live in an urban settlement, and even more so in a metropolis, everything will go away on its own. Look at the flow of cars from afar more often, approach the sidewalk, but don’t force yourself to cross physical symptoms. In this case, the saying “time heals” is 100% true.

5th place: Aquaphobia

It is not a priori human nature to be afraid of water. Not only did we all come out of the world’s oceans at some point, literally just before we were born into the world, we swam in the amniotic fluid in our mother’s body. Therefore, there cannot be a genetic innate fear of water.

The origin of this phobia must be sought in childhood, in the first moments of acquaintance with water:

  • Frightened, too high or, conversely, low temperature Water can cause stress in a child, which will leave a psychological scar for life.
  • Sometimes this phobia occurs after a person has drowned.

6th place: Social phobia

Fear of public attention, publicity, stage. This phobia is directly related to a person’s inferiority complex.

If you look at it, everyone suffers from such fears. Try to ask any, even the most titled artist, whether he felt nervous when going on stage, and everyone (if they are honest) will answer in the affirmative.

It is at this moment that fearlessness is important and necessary. You need to force yourself to go on stage, literally and figuratively:

  • be the first to start a conversation on the train;
  • ask directions from someone you meet;
  • take part in competitions.

You don't have to play or pretend. You are the same as your interlocutor and even better in some ways. So communicate as equals!

Let's draw conclusions...

We have already found out that a phobia is a fear that has gone wrong. But they didn’t agree on why this happened. Fear turns into phobia when a person becomes afraid of his fear. Acceleration and amplification occurs, and the process becomes uncontrollable.

Don't fight your fears! Just don't be afraid of them. Everyone should have them and have them. This is fine. Let normal fear always be with you and help you live. Someday you will be able to jokingly flick him on the nose and ask him to wait in a friendly manner to get out.

Video: Human fears. How to overcome fear by parting with misconceptions about it

Of course, each of us has our own answer to this question, but there are still fears that are common to most people. Recently foreign psychologists Through surveys, we compiled a ranking of the biggest human nightmares. Some points may surprise you. Thus, people are afraid of being poisoned, going crazy or becoming cowardly.

So, according to polls, fear comes first loneliness. After all, we are social creatures and are more adapted to life in society than alone. As scientists have found, even very withdrawn and autistic individuals deep down are afraid of being left without support.

In second place is fear. of death. It can vary: for example, a person is afraid of water, heights, the sight of blood, dead people, pain, closed or, on the contrary, too open spaces. Each of us has the fear of death to one degree or another; it is closely related to the instinct of self-preservation, because, instinctively fearing something, we avoid it and thereby protect ourselves from life-threatening situations.

On the third place - social phobia. We are afraid of other people, and this can manifest itself, for example, in unsociability or fear of public speaking. We are afraid that we will be misunderstood, judged, and laughed at. For some it becomes obsessive phobia, and he completely begins to avoid contact with other people, since they are too painful for him.

In fourth place is fear of specific objects. These could be dogs, spiders, rodents, cockroaches, snakes. Many people are afraid of flying, some are afraid of cars or, say, the dark. Sometimes such phobias are caused by some kind of negative associations - most often the person experienced an unpleasant situation in childhood. But sometimes people simply imagine what might happen to them when they come into contact with such an object, and this may have nothing to do with reality.

Fear ranks fifth in the ranking of fears intimacy . It is not at all necessary that only asexuals or impotent people suffer from it. It can also be characteristic of people with normal sexuality. The reason for this may be a previous unsuccessful sexual experience or emotional problems not related to sex.

In sixth place is fear. madness. Typically he is tested spiritually developed people, for example, scientists, philosophers, writers, artists, religious figures. All of them are trying to understand the world to one degree or another and on this path they encounter things that make them doubt their own mental competence.

The seventh position in the ranking is occupied by the so-called verminophobia- fear of germs and bacteria. People in whom this phobia manifests itself in an exaggerated form wash their hands a hundred times a day, clean the house several times and often refuse to touch various subjects, because they are afraid of getting infected.

In eighth place is fear. cowardice. It is characteristic primarily of men, since they are taught from childhood that it is a shame to be a coward. It is easy to take such a person as “weak”; he can decide on some dangerous or reckless act just so that he is not considered weak-willed and spineless. However, often such people, due to their peculiarities, turn out to be responsible individuals who are perfectly realized both in the personal and professional spheres.

The ninth position is given to fear poisoning. Most often, successful and influential people suffer from it. In the old days of undesirable rulers and public figures Indeed, they were often eliminated with poison. These days, such things are rare, but they do happen. Thus, Joseph Stalin, who saw conspiracies everywhere, was seriously afraid of being poisoned. According to psychologists, no more than five percent of the entire world population suffers from such a phobia to one degree or another.

In tenth and last place is fear. old age. This rating is explained by the fact that this phobia is quite rare among young people. According to statistics, most often it affects middle-aged women, as well as men who are already over 50 and who consider themselves unsuccessful. Ladies are afraid of losing their attractiveness to the opposite sex over the years, and for gentlemen it is important to take their rightful place in the male hierarchy. Status in it is determined by the amount of money earned, a high position, and professional self-realization. Therefore, it is not surprising that, having none of this at the age of 50, a man begins to worry that his life has been lived in vain.

Of course, not all of us suffer from persistent phobias. For the majority, they appear only occasionally and vaguely. But you should still remember that these fears are the most common in human society, and to be afraid of something moderate degree- this is completely normal.

Human fears: psychology. Fear - negative emotion, which, unfortunately, all people have. The direction of fear may be different, but this does not change the essence of the matter. Fear hinders a person, stops him on the path to achieving his goals.

Let's look at the most common fears and methods for eliminating them.

Fear is an internal state caused by a threatening real or perceived disaster. From a psychological point of view, it is considered a negatively colored emotional process.

Fear is an emotional process that is expressed in uncertainty and strong nervous tension. Fear, a genetically innate sense of self-preservation with pronounced emotional and facial manifestations, is designed to mobilize internal forces body for adequate reaction avoidant behavior.

Fear of love loss. This type of fear develops most often due to uncertainty in a stable relationship, suspicion and growing mistrust. Naturally, in order to eliminate this phobia, you need to create or revive trusting relationships with each other. To do this, you will need to eliminate deception and lies, throw out of your head unfounded accusations against your spouse. It is advisable that thoughts about your loved one be only bright and positive.

Claustrophobia– one of the most common fears. The essence of this phobia is a strong fear of closed spaces. Typically, fear such as claustrophobia is formed after serious stress in childhood. A person suddenly finds himself in a confined space, with no way out. As a result severe stress fear of repetition of the event, fear of a closed room develops. To combat the signs of claustrophobia, various psychological techniques (hypnosis and non-linguistic techniques) are used. Most often, psychologists for claustrophobia recommend meeting your fear face to face as often as possible. So, people suffering from claustrophobia should stay in a closed area for at least a few minutes and gradually increase the time interval.

Fear of crowds, called demophobia in science. Characterized by increased sweating, anxiety and absent-mindedness, severe shortness of breath. People suffering from demophobia cannot work effectively in groups, in large teams, and are afraid of large crowds. You can eliminate the problem of demophobia different ways– conduct independent training or take advantage of new psychological method– energy therapy.

Fear of the dark– is caused by the activation of the unconscious defensive reactions body. Fear of the dark greatly interferes with a person’s life and work. The fear of the dark can be cured with the help of hypnosis sessions, and such a phobia can be temporarily eliminated with the help of special medications.

Fear of death- a common phobia. The cause of fear of death is usually the unknown. Speculations about the continuation of the life of the soul after the death of the body are described in many scientific works. But what awaits us after death in reality is unknown. That's why people have such a phobia. To eliminate the fear of death, you need to change your thinking and attitude towards this inevitable event. In extreme cases, fear of death is treated with hypnotic sessions or neurolinguistic programming.

Fear of criticism. Some people are afraid to hear critical remarks or statements addressed to them. This phobia leads to the fact that a person is afraid to express his opinion, his position in relation to something. The result of this is a complete integration into the crowd; the person simply does not realize himself as an individual. Criticism must be taken objectively and not considered offensive. This is the only way to overcome this phobia. Learn to direct criticism to improve and improve your inner qualities.

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