Does blue blood exist in humans. blue blooded people

The expression "blue blood in a person" means that this person belongs to aristocrats. The history of this expression is very interesting, but even more interesting is the fact that such a phenomenon as blue or even green blood does occur in nature. And blue blood can be not only in humans.

Not like the commoners

Aristocrats at all times sought to stand out from the background of commoners. Wealthy people in every possible way emphasized their privileged position, summing up some scientific basis for it. The purpose of the search for justification now seems quite obvious: the aristocrats needed to prove that they were different from the common people so that the commoners would not have thoughts of overthrowing the authorities. Nevertheless, today it is difficult to say whether the aristocrats were really guided by these considerations in search of a justification for their unusualness, or whether they had some other reasons.

One way or another, the aristocrats in every possible way emphasized their noble origin, arguing that it gives them the right to some privileges. And among the evidence of nobility, such signs as “white bone” and “blue blood” were named.

It is believed that the expression originated in Spain. The Spaniards are by nature quite swarthy people. The whiteness of the skin was valued in this country at all times. White skin was an indicator that its owner or owner did not work under the scorching sun all day to feed his family. Respectively, bright skin could only have noble people who could afford the luxury of avoiding sunlight.

Veins, bluish veins on the arms, temples, and neck shine through the white, thin skin. Because of the blue tint of the veins under the skin, the expression "blue blood" appeared, which meant not so much the shade of blood as the whiteness of the skin. However, it is possible that someone believed that blue-blooded people really differ from the rest in that a blue-colored liquid flows in their veins.

Interestingly, at the beginning of the 20th century, ideas about beauty completely changed. Today, tanned skin is considered a sign of wealth and an idle lifestyle. Wealthy people can afford to sunbathe many times a year on tropical beaches, while pale-skinned office dwellers work from morning to evening without seeing the sun. It is possible, however, that fashion will change: doctors have proven the danger of the sun for the skin, and perhaps soon a tan will become a sign of a disregard for own health rather than a sign of wealth.

Copper instead of iron

It is believed that the blood of a blue hue is a very rare phenomenon, but quite real. True, such blood has nothing to do with a noble origin. Its color change is associated with high content copper in the body. Interestingly, people with blue blood - kyanetics - are resistant to many diseases. In addition, the coagulability unusual blood significantly increased.

Many believe that kyanetics do not exist in the world at all, that their existence is nothing more than a myth. By at least, sources from which such an unusual feature is known are usually not credible. At the same time, it cannot be ruled out that occasionally such people do occur. It’s just that there are not even thousands of them, but only hundreds on the entire planet, that is, this pathology is extremely rare.

It is possible that there were more kinetics before. Some scientists believe that constant contact with copper can cause the blood - at least in children - to take on a blue tint. It is difficult to say to what extent this assumption is true: no such experiments have been carried out.

Aristocrats among animals

If blue blood in humans is considered by many scientists to be nothing more than a myth, then among animals there are indeed species whose blood has a non-standard bluish tint. In their blood, oxygen is carried not by iron-containing hemoglobin, but by a substance with high content copper - hemocyanin. The name of this substance literal translation means "azure blood". Hemocyanin perfectly performs the functions of an oxygen carrier, which is especially important for creatures that live in conditions of a lack of this gas. In addition, hemocyanin performs other functions.

Such blood occurs in cephalopods, as well as in other inhabitants of the oceans, such as crustaceans. It is not known whether squids and octopuses consider themselves aristocrats, but their blood has a pronounced bluish tint. In some species of crabs, the body is painted in blue and purple tones precisely due to the high content of hemocyanin in the blood. Hemocyanin is also present in the blood of arachnids, some species of worms and centipedes.

It is possible that the blue blood of cephalopods can be of benefit to mankind. Doctors are conducting various experiments with hemocyanin, for example, attempts have already been made to use this substance as a component of antitumor vaccines .

green blood

At least one case has been recorded when a person’s veins did not flow red or even blue, but green blood. Unusual shade turned out to be a sign of sulfohemoglobinemia - a condition that arose as a result of a change in the structure of hemoglobin and the addition of sulfur atoms to proteins. As a result of this chemical reaction the color of the blood has changed.

Why blood sometimes changes its composition and - as a result - color, remains unknown. Doctors do not exclude that this may be by-effect from taking sulfonamide drugs, in particular sumatriptan, a migraine medicine. Today, sulfonamides are banned in many countries due to their high toxicity, but they were once very popular. Perhaps at that time the blood of many people changed color to green, or maybe it was not only about medicines, and some other factors were needed to achieve the effect of green blood.

Anyone who has ever heard the history of the kings and aristocracy of Europe, met the interesting combination of "blue blood". What did the ancestors mean by these words, does it exist in nature and how to relate to such a phenomenon?

Representative of royal blood

What is blood?

Blood is the most important fluid in the body. Transports oxygen to cells nutrients, removes waste, makes the internal organs function. In every human body performs the same tasks, but is not the same.

According to the popular AB0 system, blood is divided into four groups, according to the combination of antigens and antibodies.

  • The first, common species, which has no antigens and, if necessary, is transferred to another group.
  • The second, with antigen A, is only suitable for subtypes with corresponding antibodies.
  • Third, with B antigen and matching antibodies
  • Fourth, rare, in which both antigens are present, but there are no antibodies.

To understand what blue blood is, what type of blood belongs to this phrase, you also need the Rh factor. It is a protein on the surface of red blood cells. Depending on whether it is or not, Rh is positive or negative. Royal indicator - rhesus negative for several reasons.

The concept of group and rhesus

Where did the concept of "blue blood" come from?

The phrase itself originated in Medieval Europe. Only it was not about the essence of such a liquid, the blue blood type did not exist, since there was no division into groups. Blood groups were discovered in the 19th century. This concept meant the aristocratic whiteness of the skin, which gave off some cyanosis due to coming close to the surface. skin veins.

"Dirty" blood was considered a mixture with the inhabitants of not European countries, people with skin color other than white. The more tanned skin, the less visible the "blueness of the blood", and the rank of such a person in society is lower.

Are there people with blue blood?

When blue blood is remembered in a person, the blood type does not always matter, because there are people who have a liquid of this shade. There are few of them on the planet, scientists are inclined to believe that there are several thousand of them and they call such people kyanetics.

People with blue color little blood

This is explained simply - in the erythrocytes of such representatives of humanity, a blue pigment, which gives the liquid an appropriate shade. As a result, their blood is purple with a bluish tinge. In medicine, this is not considered a pathology, since it does not affect the life of the carrier in any way. The difference with ordinary red blood is insignificant and has a positive character:

  • Such people cannot get sick with a number of common blood diseases due to the copper in them.
  • They have improved blood clotting, which allows you to quickly stop bleeding.

Being a representative of kyanetics is a rarity. This parameter is not inherited, it is not clear to doctors why this happens, therefore this phenomenon is considered unique.

What groups are called blue?

The concept of "royal blood type" is a thing of the distant past. On the this moment This phrase has several opposite meanings. There are superstitions that almost every subspecies is called blue.

It is possible to figure out which blood group is considered blue only on the basis of a certain “calculus system”. In China, they developed a similarity to a horoscope, only according to a subspecies of blood, and endowed each with special features. AT different conditions blue called different group. According to this criterion, a job or engagement may be denied, because the leaders or parents did not like the forecast compiled according to such an unusual “horoscope”.

Let's take a look at the two main meanings attached to this phrase and the reasons why these groups are special.

fourth negative

A truly golden can be called the fourth negative blood type. In the AB0 system, it occupies the last place and has two antigens, both A. and B, without antibodies. The special status is due to several factors:

  • The rarest and occurs in 8% of the population. The fourth positive is more common, so the negative Rh in this subspecies is recognized as the most peculiar.
  • Formed not as a result of evolution, but by mixing two other groups - the second and third.
  • Doesn't suit anyone. Such a group can only be transfused to people with a fourth negative subspecies and no one else. This makes it quite rare at donor sites, which creates problems when urgent need transfusions.

Feature 4 groups

Bleeding with such a group can be fatal, as it is almost impossible to quickly find a suitable species.

First negative

The golden blood group for many doctors is the first negative. In the AB system, null takes the first place and has both antibodies without antigens. This makes it a universal donor material. The absence of lipoprotein protein, which is the Rh factor, allows it to be transfused to any recipient. This can be done due to the lack of an immune response to the protein.

Characteristics of group 1

This subspecies of blood is referred to royal because of its versatility, however, in modern medicine it is customary for each recipient to transfuse his group. This is due to better compatibility and easier adaptation of the injected fluid. In case of urgent need, for example: during epidemics, after mass accidents or natural disasters, the first negative is actively entering in order to save as much as possible large quantity lives.

Racism and blue blood

Having figured out what blue blood is, what blood type and Rh can belong to it, it is worth saying that, in essence, this mobile connective fluid has the same functionality for any person. Does the same job, and the currently outdated grotesque concept of "aristocratic blue blood" has sunk into oblivion, equalizing all people. This is important to overcome psychological barriers and racism based on the color of the skin of people in different regions of the world.

At the moment in scientific world positive meanings are invested in this concept, referring to blue blood a rare fourth and universal first negative groups. However, the European race remained somewhat snobbish about this, which led to the emergence of fascist theory and the Hitler campaign. Many altruists around the world hope that the concept of "blue blood" in the racist sense will finally become a thing of the past after the lesson and the victims of World War II.


Appointment of immunoglobulin in Rh conflict, indications and contraindications

What will happen if there is copper instead of iron in the blood? The blood will be blue (blue) color - the color of the skin will be appropriate.

Hemocyanin(from other Greek αἷμα - blood and other Greek κυανoῦς - azure, blue) - a respiratory pigment from the group of metalloproteins, is a copper-containing functional analogue of hemoglobin. It is found in the blood of mollusks, arthropods and onychophora. Within the phylum Mollusca, hemocyanin is widely distributed among cephalopods and some gastropods. Within the phylum of arthropods - among horseshoe crabs, crustaceans, arachnids and centipedes, and recently (2003) it was also found in a representative of the class of insects. It should be noted that the hemocyanin of mollusks and arthropods differs in structure and some properties, in addition, there are hemocyanins that perform other functions in addition to transporting oxygen to tissues. So we can talk about hemocyanins as a group of similar metalloproteins.

The reduced form of hemocyanin is colorless. The oxidized form turns blue, fluorescence is observed

Blue blood

The phrase "blue blood" appeared in the lexicon of the population of Europe relatively recently, in the 18th century. It is believed that this expression originated in the Spanish province of Castile.

It was there that the refined giants proudly demonstrated pale skin with bluish streaks showing through, which is proof that their blood is not polluted by impurities of the "dirty" Mauritanian.

Does it exist?

To live, the body must consume oxygen and release carbon dioxide. One of the main functions of blood is the transport of oxygen and carbon dioxide.. For this, special blood elements are "adapted" - respiratory pigments that contain metal ions that can bind oxygen molecules and, if necessary, give them away. In most animals, the respiratory pigment in blood is hemoglobin, which contains ferrous ions. Exactly Hemoglobin makes our blood red.

Blue blood in some vertebrates was first described by the famous Dutch naturalist Jan Swammerdam back in 1669, but he failed to explain the nature of this phenomenon. Only two centuries later, in 1878, the French scientist L. Frederico studied the substance that gave the blood of mollusks a blue color, and, by analogy with hemoglobin, called it hemocyanin, from the words "theme" - "blood" and "cyanos" - "blue".

By this time, it was found that the carriers of blue blood are spiders, scorpions and some mollusks. This color was given by the copper ions in it. In hemocyanin, one oxygen molecule binds to two copper atoms.. Under such conditions, it happens blue blood.

From the point of view of supplying the body with oxygen hemocyanin is significantly inferior to hemoglobin, in which the transfer is carried out by iron. Hemoglobin copes with this most important task for the life of the organism five times better.

But even from copper, nevertheless, nature did not completely abandon, and for some animals and plants made it completely indispensable. And here's what's interesting. It turns out that related groups of living organisms can have different blood, but they seem to have originated from each other. For example, in mollusks, blood is red, blue, brown, with different metals. It turns out that the composition of the blood is not so important for living organisms.

unusual people

In the 20th century, scientists became interested in the origin of blue blood again. They hypothesized that blue blood exists, and people whose blood instead of iron is dominated by copper - they were called "kyanetics"- have always lived on our planet. True, in fact, the color of blood with a predominance of copper is not blue, but lilac with a bluish tinge.

Researchers of the unknown believe that kyanetics are more tenacious and viable compared to ordinary people. First, they are less susceptible to a variety of blood diseases. Secondly, their blood has better coagulability, and any wounds, even very severe ones, are not accompanied by profuse bleeding.

As an example, the events described in the historical chronicle are given, when the wounded knights-kianetics did not bleed and continued to successfully fight the Moors.

According to some researchers, kyanetics appeared on Earth for a reason. Thus, nature was insured in case of any global catastrophe that can destroy most humanity. The surviving more resilient bluebloods will be able to give rise to another, already a new civilization.

But there is another explanation for the origin of blue-blooded people: they are descendants of aliens from other planets.

planet of the gods

The universe in which we live is diverse. Even within solar system by the spectral radiation of the planets it has been established that they differ in the elements prevailing in their structure. Therefore, it can be assumed that somewhere on our planet iron, playing such important role in life internal organs organisms, very few, and copper - on the contrary, a lot. Naturally, the evolution of the animal world there will follow the path of using not iron, but copper for oxygen transport. And the people and animals of this planet will have "aristocratic", blue blood.

And these blue-blooded aliens arrive on Earth and collide with local residents living in the Stone Age. What could they, having flown in on “fire birds”, seem to people from the planet Earth? Almighty gods! Most of the peoples of our planet did not yet have a written language. But you can learn about alien gods from myths, fairy tales, and traditions.

In fairy tales and myths, it is very rare to see iron in creatures from the "thirtieth state" or hear about solid white metal. And gold is found literally at every step. You can read about it from a famous researcher folk tales V. Proppa: “Everything in any way connected with the thirtieth state takes on a golden hue. The palace is golden, the objects that need to be obtained from the thirtieth kingdom are almost always golden ... In the tale of the Firebird, the Firebird sits in a golden cage, the horse has a golden bridle, and the garden of Elena the Beautiful is surrounded by a golden fence ... the inhabitant of this kingdom, the princess, always has some kind of golden attribute ... Golden coloring is the seal of another kingdom.

Copper instead of iron?

But was the metal of the gods gold? As you know, pure gold is not only heavy, but also a soft metal. You can't make a chariot out of it, and you can't use it as a tool either.

And here's what's interesting: in different parts of the Earth, civilizations not in contact with each other began to use not copper, but its alloys: with zinc - brass and with tin - bronze. Moreover, finding these "additives" to copper ore is a very difficult matter, which geologists can confirm. And metallurgists will not believe that the optimal ratio of copper and tin to give the future metal the necessary properties was revealed by the “scientific poke method”.

Another thing is if these technologies were brought by the gods who arrived from another planet, where such technology has been used for tens of thousands of years. And then the “golden kingdom”, which appears in fairy tales and myths of almost all the peoples of the Earth, would be more correctly called “copper”.

The manufacture of copper tools began under the first pharaohs (4000-5000 BC), who were considered the descendants of the gods who arrived from the sky. Moreover, the technology of extracting metal from ore somehow spread very quickly throughout the planet. Iron, on the other hand, appeared in everyday life much later - only in the 2nd millennium BC. e.

Blue blood vs red

The gods who once flew to Earth, in addition to the ability to mine and handle metal, left another “gift” to the natives - blue blood in people who most often communicate with them, and then became rulers in different countries.

The arrival of the gods and, most importantly, their long stay on Earth can be explained by the need to extract here some elements that are absent on their home planet. Moreover, for this they needed to become part of the earth's biosphere. In order to survive, the gods needed to continuously replenish their own body with copper, necessary for blood formation. But iron in the body is chemically more active than copper. Therefore, getting into the blood of the gods, it will displace copper from its compounds in the blood.

To preserve the properties of blue blood, you need to consume foods high in copper and low content gland. Iron is found in a lot of legumes, vegetables, berries and meat products, and copper is found in cereals, cereals, bread products.

The gods make a revolution

The desire to abandon the usual hunting and gathering was not an urgent need for ancient people. There were few people at that time, but there were a lot of forests and game in them. Berries and edible fruits literally lay underfoot. But man, under the influence of the gods, suddenly begins to grow cereal plants, poor in iron, but rich in copper.

Many centuries have passed since the “revolution” in nutrition, but even now in industrialized countries, where most of the inhabitants are cut off from natural food, additional enrichment is popular bakery products iron to compensate for the imbalance of elements.

The fact that this revolution was carried out precisely by the gods who appeared on Earth is also evidenced by the specifics of sacrifices to them. Incidentally, this is also reflected in christian bible. One of the parables tells that God rejected the lamb brought by Cain and accepted Abel's grain.

The desire to become like the gods, to achieve enlightenment, to touch the highest knowledge in all major religions that exist on our planet is associated with vegetarian lifestyle brought to Earth by the blue-blooded gods.

You have to pay for everything...

However, the gods who arrived on Earth from the "copper" planet left the earthlings not only the initial skills in metallurgy and the desire for vegetarianism as a way to moral self-improvement.

For the distant descendants of the gods, who have preserved blue blood to one degree or another, an excess of carbon dioxide in the blood is sometimes characteristic. It was not constant and habitual for their organisms.

This is confirmed by the constant need of such people for alcoholic beverages to compensate for the harmful gas. The legendary catfish, intoxicated kvass and honey, beer, nine varieties of alcoholic beverages made from maize, the gods gave the American Indians and included them in the list of sacrifices! The gods didn't even neglect grape wine, which is rich in iron. Apparently, their life on Earth was difficult, since the need for alcohol to compensate for carbon dioxide was so great...

But was the metal of the gods gold? As you know, pure gold is not only heavy, but also a soft metal. You can't make a chariot out of it, and you can't use it as a tool either. And here's what's interesting: in different parts of the Earth, civilizations not in contact with each other began to use not copper, but its alloys: with zinc - brass and with tin - bronze. Moreover, finding these "additives" to copper ore is a very difficult matter, which geologists can confirm. And metallurgists will not believe that the optimal ratio of copper and tin to give the future metal the necessary properties was revealed by the “scientific poke method”. Another thing is if these technologies were brought by the gods who arrived from another planet, where such technology has been used for tens of thousands of years. And then the “golden kingdom”, which appears in fairy tales and myths of almost all the peoples of the Earth, would be more correctly called “copper”. The manufacture of copper tools began under the first pharaohs (4000–5000 BC), who were considered the descendants of the gods who flew in from the sky. Moreover, the technology of extracting metal from ore somehow spread very quickly throughout the planet. Iron, on the other hand, appeared in everyday life much later - only in the 2nd millennium BC.

On the Internet, you can often find a myth that blood and veins are not red, but blue. And do not believe in the theory that the blood actually runs through the vessels is blue, and when cut and in contact with air it becomes instantly red - this is not so. Blood is always red, just different shades. The veins only appear blue to us. This is due to the laws of physics about the reflection of light and our perception - our brain compares color blood vessel against a bright and warm skin tone, and in the end shows us blue.

So why is the blood still red and can it be a different color?

Our blood is made red by red blood cells or otherwise erythrocytes - oxygen carriers. They have a shade of red depending on hemoglobin, an iron-containing protein found in them that can bind to oxygen and carbon dioxide to move them to the right place. The more oxygen molecules attached to hemoglobin, the brighter the red color of the blood. So arterial blood, which has just been enriched with oxygen, is so bright red. After the release of oxygen to the cells of the body, the color of the blood changes to dark red (burgundy) - such blood is called venous.

Of course, there are other cells in the blood besides red blood cells. These are also leukocytes (white blood cells) and platelets. But they are not in such a significant amount compared to red blood cells to affect the color of the blood and make it a different shade.

But still there are cases when the blood loses its color. It is associated with diseases such as anemia. Anemia is an insufficient amount of hemoglobin and a concomitant decrease in red blood cells At the same time, it can be said that the blood has a paler red color, although this is only visible to a specialist under a microscope. This is because when hemoglobin is not bound to oxygen, red blood cells look smaller and paler.

When the blood, due to health problems, does not carry enough oxygen and there is not enough of it, this is called cyanosis (cyanosis). The skin and mucous membranes become cyanotic. At the same time, the blood remains red, but even the arterial blood has a color similar to the color venous blood at healthy person- with a blue tint. The skin under which the vessels pass outwardly becomes blue.

Where did the expression blue blood come from and does it really exist?

We have all heard that the expression "blue blood" refers to aristocrats and it appeared because of the pallor of their skin. Until the twentieth century, tanning was not in vogue, and the aristocrats themselves, especially women, hid from the sun, which protected their skin from premature aging and looked according to their status, that is, they differed from the serfs who “plowed” all day in the sun. It is now we realize that pale skin with a blue tint is actually a sign of lesser health.

But scientists also claim that there are about 7,000 people in the world whose blood has a blue tint. They are called kyanetics (from lat. cyanea - blue). The reason for this is not such hemoglobin. In them, this protein contains more copper than iron, which, during oxidation, acquires a blue tint instead of the usual red for us. These people are considered to be more resistant to many diseases and even injuries, as they say that their blood clots several times faster and is not exposed to many infections. In addition, there are various theories about the origin of Kyanetics, including that they are descendants of aliens. There is not much information about them on the net, but there are articles from foreign publications where the birth of such children is explained by the abuse of contraceptive drugs long before conception. As they say, “Don’t smoke, girl, the children will be green!”, And it can turn out blue from contraceptives (meaning the color of blood).

But there are living creatures on Earth whose blood contains other types of protein, and therefore their color varies. Scorpions, spiders, octopuses, crayfish it is blue, due to the protein hemocyanin, which includes copper. And in marine worms, the blood protein contains ferrous iron, so it is generally green!

Our world is very diverse. And, probably, that is still not explored and there may be other creatures on Earth whose blood is not of the standard color. Write in the comments what you think and know about this!