Do extraterrestrial civilizations exist? Extraterrestrial Civilizations: Sirius, Orion, Dessa, Daya, Alpha Centauri

Are there other civilizations in the Galaxy? This question has always interested and will interest humanity. Every time a person looks into the starry night sky and sees billions of stars, he imagines other worlds and planets. Do they really exist? Or is the Sun the only one of the hundred billion stars in the Galaxy that is accompanied by a planet inhabited by creatures capable of thinking?

A lot of work has been devoted to this issue and a lot of research has been conducted. Pundits from many countries are working on this topic, which has been troubling representatives for centuries. different areas Sciences. The most modern systems for tracking. The data these systems receive is stored in a single database that is larger than some of the world's largest libraries. However, technical development at the moment is not enough to say anything concrete. It is likely that there are fewer planets than expected. It is also likely that the evolution of life into intelligent forms is impossible on them. But there is also a possibility that developed life forms still exist.

Even the most ancient philosophers spoke about the plurality of worlds and about planets around other suns. So, one of the first to discuss this topic was Giordano Bruno. Ancient manuscripts preserve the statement of the famous Greek thinker Metrodorus of Chios that it is absurd to believe that planet Earth is the only world that is inhabited. In his opinion, this is the same as if only one sprout sprouted in a field sown with grain. Therefore, back in the 4th century BC, people asked similar questions.

However, the first attempt to scientifically approach the assessment of the possible number of habitable worlds in the Galaxy and the number of planets that sheltered intelligent beings is considered to be the famous Drake formula, which appeared in 1960. Drake's formula has many components, reflecting the proportion of stars that have planetary systems. The share of worlds that are quite suitable for the origin of life. The proportion of planets that fall into the zone suitable for life, and so on. The result of these calculations should be the number of intelligent civilizations existing in the Galaxy with which there is a potential opportunity to establish communication.

Over the past years, all these factors have been revised several times, as researchers have gained new knowledge about the Universe. As a result, the number of sufficiently developed civilizations that exist in the same period of time as us was approximately from 0.05 to 5000. Taking into account the distances and the huge choice of places for targeting radio telescopes, it can be argued that even if there are about five thousand, then the chance of establishing contact with them is very small. So is life really that small in space?

This is not entirely true. Recent work provides many reasons for optimism. Duncan is not the only one talking about this. Suffice it to recall the sensational forecast of such a famous astronomer as Seth Shostak, or the “life-giving” calculations of the American researcher Michael Meyer. But so far it has been possible to establish contact with foreign civilizations only in science fiction films and books.

The question of searching for other civilizations occupies the minds of thousands of researchers and scientists. There are many assumptions, conjectures and hypotheses. At present, there are no experimental facts that would unambiguously confirm the hypothesis of the existence of aliens. But in the future such facts may appear. Now, theoretical considerations regarding the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations are such that they can neither fully confirm the hypothesis of their existence nor refute it completely. Probably, the only thing that is clear is that on the planets of the Galaxy intelligent life is a rare phenomenon in terms of biological reasons. However, this statement is not reliable, but only close to certain.

Meanwhile, there is an opinion that several times extraterrestrial civilizations tried to come into contact with the inhabitants of the Earth. In the archives of paranormal investigators there are many interesting stories, regarding this topic. For example, in 1929, an ordinary radio tuned to a wavelength of seventy-five meters picked up signals from “aliens.” For quite a long time, someone named Nikomo read the text alternately on different languages on behalf of the Coalition Observer Squad to the inhabitants of the Earth. In particular, Nicomo said that in the area of ​​our galaxy cluster there is a gravitational cyclone that can destroy life on all planets. He called on people to join a coalition so they could help.

Something similar happened in Great Britain in 1977. In an area of ​​120 square kilometers, the image suddenly disappeared from television screens, and an unknown mysterious voice claimed that he was a representative of another civilization and that humanity had chosen the wrong path of development. The voice also said that humanity must destroy the instruments of evil, since there is very little time left. The police actively tried to find whoever said this, but subsequently no one was found.

And there are many such examples. Numerous facts of the appearance of UFOs in the sky, interviews with scientists, cosmonauts, ufologists and pilots give reason to believe that other civilizations do exist. However, there is no scientific evidence for this. Modern science unable to either refute the existence of an alien civilization or prove it.

edited news RammkindeR - 20-07-2012, 22:01

→ Do alien civilizations exist?

Extraterrestrial civilizations may have such a high level of development that their logic and behavior are completely inaccessible to our understanding.

In order to determine what an extraterrestrial civilization is, you must first understand what humanity is. IN earthly nature Many communities of organized beings exist and coexist. Colonies of bacteria live their own lives and have no idea about ant communities. Ants also live their own lives; they can already use colonies of bacteria for some of their own purposes. But they, too, are not even aware of the human world. The indigenous tribes of Africa or the Amazon have a good knowledge of the nature around them, but they know little about other communities of people, cities and countries. The borders of their world end in those places that the tribe’s hunters reached. Outside these places lives a community of people who consider it very civilized, intelligent, perfect and highly organized.

People interfere in the lives of all beings at lower stages of development. But despite all this, they themselves still know little about the Universe around them. People of this society, for obvious reasons, do not show a desire to show off their knowledge to the Aboriginal tribes. For the same reasons, extraterrestrial civilizations at the next stage of development are unlikely to try to show off their knowledge and technology to people. The mistake of humanity is that it endows extraterrestrial civilizations with a logic that is understandable to it. It would be the same if, for example, the aborigines believed that a large silvery bird flying over them had the same logic as they themselves. But the natives, not to mention bacteria, insects, plants or animals, do not have access to the logic of people from outside world.

Likewise, the logic of extraterrestrial civilizations is unlikely to be accessible to people. Extraterrestrial civilizations are capable of manipulating the human world, just as people do with creatures and organisms at lower levels of development. Obviously, extraterrestrial civilizations have the ability and means to instantly destroy our civilization. They do not do this simply for humanitarian reasons, just as people try not to unnecessarily disturb aboriginal dwellings, anthills and bird nests. It is very likely that the human community participates in the overall ecosystem of the Universe, being its necessary, or perhaps even a very important link. Our earthly ecosystem would also suffer a catastrophe if colonies of bacteria suddenly disappeared from it. If humanity exists, it means that someone in the Universe really needs it. We know nothing about this; the plan of the higher forces of nature, which created our world for some of their purposes, is not yet available to us.

Extraterrestrial civilizations observe our lives using means, the design and operating principle of which is beyond the limits of existing technical knowledge.

When people talk about extraterrestrial civilizations, for some reason they almost always mean a biological form of life. The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is also carried out exclusively as biological life forms that use radio waves. In fact, it is unknown what form of life the closest intelligent civilization to our solar system and superior to us in development may have. It is possible that extraterrestrial civilizations exist and there are many of them, but we do not see them for the simplest reason - they have a completely different form of life, practically unknown to us. Therefore, even with the most advanced earthly means and instruments, it will be almost impossible to detect them. If these are very ancient civilizations, they could have visited our planet long before intelligent humanity appeared on it.

It is possible that one of them could have created the world in which we now live. It may have means of monitoring our lives that are in plain view of people, but yet completely invisible to them. Already at the dawn of its space age, humanity could send automatic research probes into deep space to study other worlds. We don't even suspect that the elements environment may be such means of observing ourselves. Imagine those same aborigines whose lives are filmed by a remote-controlled video camera disguised as a stone or tree. The natives do not even suspect that someone is watching them, being at a great distance from them at that time. Even if one of them accidentally discovers it, not a single sorcerer or elder will be able to explain what it is. The only conclusion they will draw is something supernatural from another world. Doesn't this remind you of anything?

Representatives of extraterrestrial civilizations do not visit our planet; they have no special need for this.

The distance from the nearest star to the solar system is just under 5 light years. Even if we accelerate to speeds exceeding light, the flight from it to our planet will take a very long time. A highly developed civilization can hardly afford to spend it like that. There are many dangers in outer space - hard radiation, radiation, meteorites, etc. For a biological life form, such a flight would be extremely dangerous and very risky. In addition, a long flight requires huge reserves of energy and life support. Unless, of course, this civilization is so developed that it is capable of moving such distances in a very short time with minimal costs. But in any case, a visit to our planet by a highly developed civilization must have some important purpose.
There are different versions of what exactly might interest her on our planet.

First of all, these are the people themselves, as experimental subjects for some biological experiments. It is impossible to verify the authenticity of such messages. Even if this is so, it remains unclear why these experiments were not carried out earlier, long before the advent of the space age. Humanity as a biological species has lived on the planet for at least several hundred millennia. During such a time, any highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could already fully satisfy its anatomical curiosity. It also remains unclear why the captures of earthlings for experiments occur so demonstratively. If an extraterrestrial civilization prefers to remain invisible and unnoticeable to earthlings, then it would try to do this without witnesses. Another version says that aliens want to take over our planet and enslave its inhabitants. It's not worth taking seriously at all. This could have been done much earlier, when humanity did not have missiles with nuclear charges. This can be done now; humanity is unlikely to be able to oppose anything. If this does not happen, it is simply because highly developed space civilizations have no need for this.

The next version says that alien civilizations are interested in the unusually large reserves of minerals and resources of our planet. But to extract and transport from here to another planetary system even a few tons of even the most valuable minerals is absolutely impractical. It’s the same as transporting several kilograms of coal from Vladivostok to Arkhangelsk across the whole country, and all the fuel, spare parts, food and breathing supplies for the crew also need to be taken with you. There are so many of these minerals and other minerals in space that we cannot even imagine. Only one thing dark spot Jupiter's atmosphere contains more hydrogen than our entire planet. Of all observed UFOs, almost 97% in one way or another have a completely terrestrial and explainable origin. It is possible that the remaining 3% can also be explained by phenomena whose nature is simply not yet known to science. They are credited with the appearance of mysterious signs in the wheat fields in the form of circles and other geometric shapes.

It is argued that in this way extraterrestrial civilizations are trying to declare their presence on our planet and establish contact. True, no one can answer the question why this is being done in such a puzzling and in an original way. Imagine that you need to meet a representative of an Aboriginal tribe somewhere in the depths of Africa. Which way of establishing contact will be the easiest and most understandable for them - showing them intricate, mysterious puzzles, or simply saying a friendly greeting in their language and giving them something interesting? Obviously, for a highly developed civilization to address the inhabitants of the planet in common languages big problems.

Circles and crop marks are actually made so that space satellites taking photographs of the planet’s surface can correct and adjust their optical systems. This is much simpler and cheaper than building and maintaining many special training grounds. Besides, in Lately mysterious signs and circles almost stopped appearing. The reason for this may be that new generations of satellites have more advanced optical systems.

There is no need for extraterrestrial civilizations, which are far ahead of us in their development, to come into contact with the inhabitants of our planet. They simply have nothing to communicate with us about, we will not understand them, and it will be boring and uninteresting with us. Governments different countries They will ask them first of all for weapons and technologies that would allow them to gain superiority over other countries and peoples. Everyone knows perfectly well what such superiority can mean for humanity. This is probably well understood by those who watch us. Therefore, they do not give any of the nations such superiority. All the mysterious stories about the use of extraterrestrial technologies in military or computer equipment, produced in one of the countries of the world - nothing more than disinformation.

There is a lot of evidence about various contacts of the inhabitants of our planet with extraterrestrial civilizations. It is not possible to verify the authenticity of the vast majority of them. Photos and videos with strange light phenomena also cannot be taken seriously. They do not give a definite answer, but only raise more questions. Also, the various traces left at the landing site of unknown aircraft do not give a clear answer. Usually all reports about such places come from little-known contactees and ufologists. 15-20 years ago it became widely known anomalous zone in the Molebka region in the Perm region. Information about UFOs came from there regularly, as from an official alien spaceport, and became almost daily news. But serious ufologists found nothing there and did not observe any unusual phenomena.

Over time, everything somehow calmed down by itself and now no one remembers about this place. As previously written, extraterrestrial civilizations do not have any special reasons for staying on our planet. And they are unlikely to waste time just to entertain us. Probably, extraterrestrial civilizations still sometimes visited our planet in different time and left some evidence of this fact. Rock paintings and legends could not have arisen only from the imagination of our ancestors. But now it is not known exactly who these aliens were. Perhaps these were not aliens at all, but mechanisms or biorobots sent by them to study a planet unknown to them. Earthlings have also sent and are sending such mechanisms to study other planets - lunar rovers, Mars rovers, research probes and stations.

There is an opinion that the facts of meetings with extraterrestrial civilizations, as well as all material evidence of such cases, are carefully hidden by the governments of different countries. But if such a civilization really wanted to meet with earthlings in order to declare its presence, its power and superiority, it would be unlikely to secretly meet only with governments. And even more so - allowing someone to control you. We should not forget that any extraterrestrial civilization that reaches our planet will, in any case, be several orders of magnitude ahead of the earthly civilization in its development. It must be assumed that she will solely decide for herself when, with whom she should meet, and whether she needs it at all. Therefore, one should not naively assume that aliens are only thinking about how to meet one of the home-grown ufologists.

Also, earthlings should not try to seek meetings with them themselves. With such a difference in technical and technological development, this meeting will not give anything good to seekers. Even if we all know for sure that extraterrestrial intelligence exists and is present on our planet or near-Earth space, we don’t know what to do with this understanding. It is very doubtful that even the governments of some countries will have the final say here. Most likely, you will just have to come to terms with this fact, especially since no one is bothering earthlings yet.

Reflections “Man and Extraterrestrial Civilization”

For thousands of years, people have looked at the night sky, dotted with a huge amount stars Some shone brighter, others paler. Each of them differed in its outlines, shapes, and sizes. This breathtaking view prompted a person to think about his small corner in this vast, seemingly limitless Universe, evoking a dreamy feeling of loneliness. At the same time, he was repeatedly struck by the thought: is he really that lonely? What if on the other side, on one of these countless lights, there is someone closely watching and dreaming of meeting people like him? After this, everyone had different kinds of feelings: some had fear, some had joy, and some had hope. Hope for a meeting and the formation of a relationship... Hope for a beginning new era... And for everyone it was something promising, new, unknown. Today we will talk about the likelihood of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, what they can be, about their possible relationships to people and whether people themselves are ready to come into contact with them.
Have you ever wondered how big our Universe is? According to the data,The diameter of the Milky Way is one hundred thousand light years. It contains between two hundred and four hundred billion stars. But in addition to our Galaxy, there are another three hundred and fifty large ones known to scientists. I won’t bore you with numbers, but try to imagine, given these huge numbers, the size of the Universe itself? It immediately becomes clear that besides us, extraterrestrial civilizations cannot but exist. But what kind of creatures live on other planets?

If you are a fan of Hollywood movies, then most likely you imagine them as tall, skinny humanoids, and maybe even giant insects, not at all friendly towards earthlings. But the creators of such films rely solely on their imagination, so this is at odds with the opinion of scientists. Those, in turn, believe that aliens cannot be like humans. People have this appearance due to specific environmental conditions. For example, human hands have thumbs, which contributes to their period of life in trees. Of course, it is impossible to definitely describe their appearance, but we can say with confidence that they are aggressive. After all, you cannot survive without aggression. The most advanced form of life on the planet must subjugate its entire environment, so our brothers in mind must be strong, dexterous and smart. It wouldn't be very wonderful for us if they came to "visit" us with unfavorable intentions, would it?
In general, any aliens who arrive on our planet owe their visit to one of two purposes: exploration or capture. If we compare them with our own civilization, we can understand that we have always strived to learn something new, unknown, especially to discover new territories. But colonization of the planet for the purpose of resource extraction can also be considered as an option. Simple destruction will not be beneficial for them, because they can use what is available here for their own purposes.

After the above, we are faced with the next question: do they need to come to Earth at all? What if they identify us with cavemen, or maybe even insects that are unable to contact them? In terms of progress, we may be hundreds, or even millions of centuries behind. If this is really the case, then imagine how insignificant humanity is at this stage of its development.
For thousands of years, people fought with each other, shedding blood because of envy, vanity, and anger. Unfortunately, this continues to this day. If the aliens had honored us with their visit, it would have become immediately clear: these individuals were able to overcome all their vices and unite in order to achieve progress, allowing themselves to fly to us through entire systems of the Universe. Then is the person worthy of meeting them? I think, my friends, that the answer to this question is obvious. Continuing to kill his own kind, a human being rapidly dooms himself to fatal death. As long as people continue to divide the Earth, truly great achievements will move away from them, leaving behind only traces in the form of sweet dreams. But if peace prevails on the planet, progress will accelerate, wishes will come true, and night sky watchers will be able to visit the places they have long dreamed of. It is enough to give free rein to virtue, and we will conquer entire constellations, where we will meet such mysterious extraterrestrial civilizations.John Galsworthy was right: “If peace is not established between the great so-called civilizations and nations, then it can be assumed without exaggeration that everyone will suffer same fate and every country participating in the war will sink into eternity.”

Mountains and valleys were discovered, and an assumption was made about the existence of lunar aborigines - “Selenites" (by analogy with the fact that when geographical discoveries At that time, even on many remote islands in the oceans, aborigines were found, so it would not be surprising to assume that people live everywhere, including on the Moon). The existence of Martians was later suggested. As the solar system was explored, the supposed location of extraterrestrial civilizations moved into deep space.

The paradox of the “Great Silence”

To date, there is no exact scientific confirmation of the existence of extraterrestrial civilizations, which, combined with statistical conclusions about the widespread distribution of intelligent life in the Universe, creates the so-called Fermi “Great Silence of the Universe” paradox.

Among the possible resolutions to the paradox are the following:

  • extraterrestrial civilizations simply do not exist: for some reason, humanity is a unique phenomenon; or for some reason, civilizations quickly die on their own - for example, as a result of wars, natural, environmental or social disasters;
  • extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but are located in remote parts of the Universe, and due to the enormous distances, contact with them is impossible;
  • extraterrestrial civilizations exist, their level is close to ours, and they are more inclined to observe, looking for other people's signals, than to give their own (for energetic or other reasons).
  • Extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but their level of development is too low to contact our civilization.
  • Extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but their level of development is too high to be associated with Earthly civilization.
  • extraterrestrial civilization does not contact the Earth due to lack of interest in our civilization, due to the backwardness of our principles of long-distance space communication ( in other words - will you talk to the ant?), or due to a policy of non-interference. (This theory is well described by the Strugatsky brothers in the science fiction story “Roadside Picnic”).
  • extraterrestrial civilizations exist, contact is possible and has taken place, but interested influential forces within our civilization are hiding the fact of contact. This conspiracy theory is actively exploited in science fiction literature and cinema.
  • extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but have no interest in space research, astronautics and the search for signals from other stars is a “quickly passing hobby.”
  • extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but do not visit our planet, since they have a fundamentally different nature (for example, plasmoid life, which is possible only under certain conditions at high temperatures).
  • extraterrestrial civilizations exist, but do not visit other planets, because their information and communication technologies allow them to observe (or even influence) phenomena of interest to them on other planets remotely, so they see no point in physically moving to these objects.
  • extraterrestrial civilizations reach a technological singularity and isolate themselves, while losing interest in exploring the Universe.

Practical search

The search for extraterrestrial intelligence is organized in the direction of detection possible manifestations and traces of the activities of extraterrestrial civilizations. Thus, since 1971, the SETI project has been working, within the framework of which scientists are trying to detect the activity of extraterrestrial civilizations in the radio range. The SETI project has public distribution in the form of the SETI@Home program.

There are also theoretical assumptions about the possibility of extraterrestrial civilizations using, in addition to starships, O’Neill colonies, Dyson spheres and other astro-engineering structures that can be detected by means of observational astronomy, including telescope satellites such as Hubble, Wise, etc.

After the appearance of the Internet resource for reviewing the Universe WikiSky, which is close to the SETI program, searches for UFOs and other manifestations of extraterrestrial intelligence in space became available not only to astronomers and participants in the SETI project and the SETI@Home program, but also to even wider masses. At the end of 2010, there was widespread discussion in the media and among the world public about the discovery of suspicious artifacts in WikiSky, which began to be called possible huge alien ships flying towards Earth.


There is a widespread belief that contacts occurred in the past, but we have forgotten about them, or do not perceive them specifically as contact with extraterrestrial civilizations. The range of hypotheses ranges from explaining by contact certain unusual phenomena in the past (for example, the construction of Cyclopean structures by people of the past without corresponding technical development) to declaring contact to all real or imaginary encounters with the supernatural, described, for example, in religious books.


Possible contacts and conspiracy theories

In April 2010, in the Posner program, he spoke about his contact with extraterrestrial civilization former head Republic of Kalmykia and President of the International Chess Federation Kirsan Ilyumzhinov. According to him, the meeting took place on September 18, 1997 in Moscow.

Ilyumzhinov spoke about the details of his meeting with aliens while visiting Vladimir Pozner as part of his program. He clarified that one can approach this in different ways, but “I believe in it, I talked to them, I saw them.” In addition, he has witnesses: “I probably wouldn’t have believed it if there weren’t three witnesses: my driver, the minister, my assistant.” He explained that he arrived at his Moscow apartment on a Saturday evening, read a book, watched TV, was already falling asleep, but then he felt that the balcony had opened and someone was calling. When Ilyumzhinov approached the balcony, he saw a translucent pipe there and entered it. Inside were people in yellow spacesuits. They communicated with humanoids at the level of thought, “because they lacked a little oxygen.” The aliens turned out to be friendly, gave us a tour of the ship and let us go. They stated that they were not yet ready to meet the rest of humanity, so they did not come into direct contact.

In February 2012, former consultant to the Pentagon and the US Congress, Timothy Goode, stated that US President Dwight Eisenhower had at least 3 meetings with representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization. According to him, contacts took place at Holloman Air Force Base in New Mexico with numerous witnesses, but, unfortunately, evidence of such meetings has not survived. Timothy Good also claims that this was not the first and not the last visit of representatives of an extraterrestrial civilization, but about this specific case he knows best.

Oddly enough, Timothy Goode is not the first to say that Eisenhower communicated with aliens. Previously, an official from New Hampshire, Henry McElroy, made a similar statement. In 2010, he stated that he had seen a secret document intended for the 34th President of the United States, which stated that aliens had arrived in America, were peaceful and ready to meet with the head of state. In the same year, the British Ministry of Defense declassified papers according to which Winston Churchill also communicated with aliens. Many ufologists believe that Churchill even consulted with Eisenhower on how to communicate with mysterious guests.

In popular culture

see also


  1. British astronomer estimates the number of alien civilizations
  2. Duncan Forgan. A Numerical Testbed for Hypotheses of Extraterrestrial Life and Intelligence
  3. Walterbos, Rene. Extraterrestrial Intelligence and Interstellar Travel. NMSU Department of Astronomy. Retrieved December 16. (English)
  4. Bricker, David. Life or Something Like It. Space. Volume XXVII Number 1. (English)
  5. Indiana University Research & Creative Activities Magazine.Intelligence In The Milky Way. Principia. Retrieved December 17. (English)
  6. Johnson, Stevens F. The Drake Equation. Department of Physics/Science, Bemidji State University. June 25. (English)
  7. Does Extraterrestrial life exist? The Electronic Journal of the Astronomical Society of the Atlantic. Volume 1, Number 4. November 1989. (English)
  8. Shklovsky I. S. Universe, life, mind. - 5th ed., revised. and additional - M.: Nauka, 1980. - 352 p. - 100,000 copies.
  9. Giant alien spaceships are flying towards Earth | Technology - Arguments and Facts
  10. Todd Venezia UN names official space "host" The New York Post. 09/26/2010
  11. U.N. Denies Appointing "First Contact" for Visiting Space Aliens Fox News. 09/27/2010
  12. Ilyumzhinov handed over “secret information” to aliens, the State Duma became worried. (May 4, 2010). Archived
  13. A former Pentagon consultant spoke about the president's meetings with aliens. Vesti.Ru (February 16, 2012). Archived from the original on May 31, 2012. Retrieved February 17, 2012.

Now I would like to shed some light on the topic related to the existence of Extraterrestrial Civilizations (ECs). The information I received from VI states that There are no non-humanoid communities in the Universe . All Extraterrestrial Civilizations - Human Roots ! There are simply no other intelligent beings in the Universe. Various “horror films” with snakes and other heads of Hollywood blockbusters are the fruit of the authors’ sick imagination. However, it should be noted that humanoid creatures, separated in Space by billions of light years, indeed, may look peculiar, may not be quite similar to us today. Appearance our brother in intelligence directly depends from the Information density of the Space in which it exists . However, the human appearance can always be seen in them. By the way, they absolutely no aggressiveness , so there can be no threat from them to us. We need to fear ourselves, not them. People of Higher Information Densities get plenty of ready Life energy and do not need additional search for it. We are in search of additional energy, so we have a strong instinct of “hunter”, breadwinner, killer! People of Higher Information Densities do not need to fight for their survival, therefore they do not have the “hunter” instinct. « Star Wars» - clean water"fantasy".

People of Higher Information Densities (they are also people of the third level of development) prefer a solitary lifestyle. They have no cities, no state, no other human aggregations or restrictions. They come together only when there is a need to develop new living territories, when the problem can only be solved through collective efforts. Regardless of the distances, people of Higher Information Densities are united at the Universal level by Communication Channels which they master perfectly.

In my time our Solar system was designed precisely by people of Higher Information Density , when more than 80% of the system's objects were borrowed from outside and towed into circumsolar space in order to protect the habitable planets, which they did more than 4 and a half billion years ago. For example, Jupiter is a trap for large asteroids. Saturn is a “vacuum cleaner”; it clears away meteor swarms. And at the borders solar system Our guardians have created a gravity belt to protect the system from space debris.

How can one understand the level of people of Higher Information Density is the level of access to all Universal Information , and, consequently, to the Universal Mind. This is the level to which we all must go, gradually gaining experience, from life to life. People of Higher Information Densities solve global issues of searching for or creating habitable planets remotely. They have no secrecy.

People of the first and second levels of development live in High Information Densities . They are an order of magnitude less developed than people of Higher Information Densities. However people lower levels development can always get an answer to any asked question, which will be provided to them by the “upper” level. It is only necessary to master the Communication Channels, and then come into contact with the Higher Information Density.

Those now living on Earth are also divided into three levels of development . I called them - " estates ».

The first estate consists of the youngest souls . These are those who have lived from one to several dozen lives. Each life is a certain segment of the development of some Information Density. The first estate and other estates master the lower Information Densities, when the Life Channel supplies ready-made information energy below 35% from complete necessity. Each Information Density, no matter what percentage of support it has, can be mastered several times. After each life lived, a person of the first class returns to the 1st level of the VI, to the “duty” biodome, where he was “assigned” instead of someone’s erased Information. When the soul lives life, i.e., the next Information Density is being mastered, the “duty” biodome can be occupied by another person. This is why a suicide cannot immediately return to the “duty” biodome. Time needed He did not master the acquisition of experience due to his own fault, and the house is occupied according to the old schedule. His soul will languish waiting for his “duty” biodome to become free. Those who died a violent death also cannot return to their “biohome” and are immediately reborn in order to continue mastering the information density in which they lived and left it not of their own free will. And, in general, the first level is the most risky, because the initial information of people at the first level is most often subject to erasure. Didn't pass the test of existence - be so kind as to dematerialize !

The second estate consists of older souls . They “worked” from several dozen to several hundred lives lived. After each visit to the next Information Density, they return to the second level. There are fewer of them than subjects of the first estate. There are significantly fewer mutant people subject to erasure in the second estate than in the first, because in this case there is already more experience in development.

The third estate already has more solid experience in mastering the lives they have lived . They began to master their life on Mars, seizing a branch of the Great Migration. When returning to the “biohome”, the souls of the third estate are based in the second (upper) half of the Second Level. When all Information Densities have been qualitatively mastered, when sufficient experience has been acquired, a representative of the third estate never returns to any Information Density of the Universe. People who have achieved Highest level, dissolve in the Universe, become the Universe, and their Information essence goes into Information Bank Universal humanity. We can say that Man, polished by Infinity, becomes like God. He can do everything, because all the Information of the Universe is available to him, and only the Absolute can do this. The mask of a “temporary” person is thrown off him forever .