Djungarian hamster care. Video: caring for Djungarian hamsters

The Djungarian hamster is considered one of the smallest and cutest domestic rodents. But, despite this, you should not treat him like a toy; he, like any other living creature, requires certain care and proper nutrition.

Djungarian hamsters are quite small animals, even adult individuals do not exceed 5 cm in size, so they can be purchased even by those whose living space does not allow them to have pets. Distinctive feature these rodents are gray color with an expressive black stripe. In nature, these rodents live in Asia, Siberia, and also in the North-Eastern Caucasus. They mainly settle in semi-desert rocky areas and steppes without shrubs.

Despite this habitat, hamsters get along well at home, and their maintenance does not require a huge amount of time and money. If you have small children in the house, then you definitely need to get these little pets, which will bring a lot of pleasure to all family members.

How to choose the right dzhungarika

Since the Djungarian hamster is a loner by nature, they feel great in a cage without a “friend.” Otherwise Cohabitation rodents can lead to unpleasant consequences. Very often, hamsters living together start fights and can even injure each other. Therefore, before purchasing two hamsters at once, you need to think very carefully.

When choosing a hamster, you also need to immediately decide on its gender. If you do not have experience in this matter, then it is best to trust the experience of the seller.

Although rodents are considered one of the most common pets, not many people know how to properly care for a Djungarian hamster.

Not many people know how to care for dzhungarika

For a comfortable existence, an animal first needs a cage. It is best to give preference to galvanized frames, since a hamster can easily chew through wooden or plastic ones.

The cage for a rodent must be spacious. It should easily accommodate a house, a special wheel, and also provide room for active movement of the pet.

In turn, the cage for a dzhungarika hamster should be equipped with the following:

  • a spacious house with a wide entrance, so the pet can easily enter it;
  • tubes and branches;
  • toilet with filler;
  • bedding;
  • drinking bowl;
  • feeder;
  • bathing suit;
  • wheel.

Cage for dzhungarika hamster

For the toilet, you definitely need to purchase a special absorbent material, and the best bedding is pressed sawdust or fine sand, which can absorb all odors. It is strictly forbidden to use napkins, cotton wool, rags or newspapers for these purposes.

A drinking bowl for a hamster should have a volume of at least 50 ml and is best automatic. It is imperative to ensure that your pet has mandatory there was always water. As for the feeder, its dimensions can vary from 3 to 10 centimeters.

The wheel must have transverse protrusions and must also have a bottom; you should choose it based on the size of the hamster.

A bathing suit is a mandatory attribute in a dzhungarika's cage, but since these animals cannot be wetted, sand is poured into it instead of water.

The cage for the Djungarian hamster is not the only possible place residence, they can also be kept in an aquarium that is of sufficient length. The most optimal sizes For such purposes, aquariums with dimensions of 100x40 cm are considered.

Despite the fact that Djungarian hamsters are considered very clean animals, they do not require special care. They take care of their hygiene themselves. The only thing you should systematically monitor is the contamination of the toilet, the filler of which must be changed as it fills. In addition, it is necessary to systematically clean the cage. This should be done at least once a week, and the bottom should be washed with soapy water once a month.

Since bathing your pet is strictly prohibited, he needs to have sand baths, which help improve appearance rodent. After taking such baths, his fur becomes more shiny.

Sand baths help improve the appearance of the rodent

Thanks to these enough simple rules your pet will always be healthy and live a joyful life.

Compared to fairly simple care, a hamster's nutrition needs to be given close attention. You need to feed him at the same time twice a day. The first feeding occurs in the morning, as soon as the rodent wakes up, and the second in the evening. The second feeding should begin at the time when the animal begins to become active. If you have a pregnant female living with you, then the number of feedings for the entire period of pregnancy must be increased to four times. In this case, feeding is carried out at regular intervals.

You need to monitor your hamster's diet. The diet must include the following products:

  • cooked vegetables, which are prepared without the use of salt;
  • fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • grain sprouts;
  • dry food specifically designed for these animals;
  • homemade crackers;
  • seedless berries;
  • cereals

You need to pay close attention to your hamster's nutrition.

For morning feeding, it is best to give preference to succulent food, protein and boiled vegetables. In the evening, you can pamper your pet with dry food, porridge, and treats.

The diet of the dzhungarik must include protein. It is found in the right amount in cottage cheese, yogurt, boiled eggs, chicken fillet or fish. Such products should be given to the rodent twice a week.

When hamsters are sick, have lost weight, or are pregnant, it is best to supplement them with baby food that does not contain salt and sugar.

When hamsters are pregnant, it is best to supplement them with baby food.

For constipation, the pet is given a drop of vegetable oil, and for loose stools, sticky rice.

Also, when feeding the dzhungarik, you need to take into account the fact that it is strictly forbidden to give some foods to it. These include:

  • sausages;
  • sausage;
  • sour cream;
  • milk;
  • cream;
  • garlic;
  • mint;
  • butter;
  • watermelon;
  • spices;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • chocolate;
  • citrus.

Bananas, peaches, apples and apricots, a treat for Djungarian hamsters

Vegetables are also well tolerated by them, so it is necessary to systematically feed the rodent with corn, cucumbers, lettuce, zucchini, tomatoes, and carrots.

IN summer period, it is recommended to pamper your pet with fresh herbs such as clover, dandelion, parsley, nettle or plantain. It is strictly forbidden to feed a rodent mint, as it contains great amount essential oils. You should also not feed him sorrel, as it has very high acidity.

Important! Djungarian hamsters should not eat sweets, White bread and spices, as well as fried and sweet foods. Nutrition should be balanced and also fresh. Unwashed and missing food can lead to poisoning.

Pamper your pet with fresh herbs

In addition, when purchasing special food in pet stores, you need to pay attention that it is not intended for large rodents, since they have a completely different composition. If you make the wrong choice, you can cause irreparable harm to your pet.

We already know how to care for a Djungarian hamster if it lives alone, but if you have two of them, then sooner or later they may have babies. You also need to take care in advance about where you will put them.

You need to take care in advance about where you will put the kids.

In most cases, if a female and a male live together, after forty days they are completely ready to create offspring. Therefore, in such cases it is necessary to be extremely careful.

It is better not to purchase and house same-sex Djungarian hamsters, as this will certainly lead to enmity between them.

Also Special attention must be given to the location of the cell. Under no circumstances should it be placed near a battery, TV or computer. A draft also negatively affects the condition of the animal.

The cage should not be placed near a battery, TV or computer

Don't forget that hamsters are shy animals and can experience stress. In order not to harm your pet, do not treat it as a toy, but treat it with care and love. It is best not to give the dzhungarika to small children and not to try to forcefully tame it in the first days of adoption.

How to accustom a rodent to your hands

Once you acquire hamsters, you don’t need to immediately try to handle them. These pets need to be given some time to get comfortable. A couple of days are usually enough for pets to do this.

After some time, you can begin to pick him up, but this must be done carefully. It is best if the animal is on the floor at this moment. You need to take it carefully, gradually putting your hand under it. If the dwarf is afraid and rushes around the cage, then you should not insist on contact. In such matters it is necessary to show patience, which will be appreciated by the hamster. During the process, it is necessary to contact him daily. This is a requirement. A neglectful attitude can lead to the fact that the dzhungarik will completely lose the habit of you and may even bite.

You should also always remember that hamsters are very sensitive to temperature changes and loud sounds. Sometimes frightened pets do not make contact with people for a long time, in the process they can become wild.

The most common rodent that animal lovers are happy to keep at home is the Djungarian hamster.

This is understandable, because a baby hamster is capable of delighting both children and adults with its funny antics, and keeping it at home is considered not burdensome and easy.

Very little will be required from the owner - to provide a comfortable home and promptly add seeds to the feeder.

However, this simplicity of maintenance is visible, since any negligence and frivolous attitude towards a pet can negatively affect its health. You need to know all the features of the animal and the subtleties of caring for it.

What is he like, a Djungarian hamster?

In the wild, the Djungarian hamster can be found in steppe regions Khakassia, Kazakhstan And Siberia. A tiny rodent, not exceeding 5-7 cm in height, with beautiful fur that can change depending on the time of year - ideal for keeping at home.

The owner will be pleased not only by the charming face of the “teddy” dwarf, but also by his affection for people.

The Djungarian hamster, unlike many of its fellows, is absolutely does not emit an unpleasant odor and is distinguished by exceptional cleanliness. However, you need to clean the cage regularly, just like with any rodent.

He passionately loves to be held and is able to sweetly fall asleep on his owner's lap.

Dzhungarchik is an extremely active creature, and his energy “wakes up” in the evening, at dusk. If the owner is annoyed by this, then he will have to arrange the hamster’s home in such a way that he always has something to do.

Where to place a jungarian

The cage is not the best the best place for the Djungarian hamster. After all, he is, first of all, a rodent. Therefore, wooden or plastic rods will soon be chewed off, and so will the paint on metal rods.

A glass aquarium, 100 cm long and 40 cm high, is ideal for a hamster as his main “hole”.

An aquarium that is smaller or has a height greater than its depth is undesirable because air circulation will be impaired.

The bottom of the aquarium must be covered a fairly thick layer of sawdust- at least 3 cm. Sawdust can be replaced with a special filler or granules made from wood waste.

Since at home there is still not enough space for an active Dzungarian to fully throw out his energy, he you need to install a wheel in your home where he will run.

In addition to the wheel, you need to place a small house where the hamster will sleep and feeding supplies: drinking bowl and food bowl.

In order for the Dzungarian to have something to do in his home, it is necessary to provide sufficient quantity twigs, small boxes - the rodent will be happy to sharpen its teeth.

The most important thing is the right food

What to feed the dzhungarik?

Like other types of hamsters, they are completely omnivorous.

But this does not mean that all products without exception can be placed in his bowl.

These pets gain weight very quickly, and obesity– one of the main reasons shortening their life expectancy. Therefore, taking care of the nutrition of the Djungarian hamster should be of paramount importance.

The Djungarian's diet should include nuts, seeds, bamboo or wheat sprouts. Djungarian hamsters enjoy eating pieces of vegetables and fruits. Once every 7-10 days you need to give the hamster clean protein food: pieces of boiled chicken fillet, lean fish, dairy products.

Pet stores offer a sufficient quantity special feeds for hamsters, for dwarf hamsters, you need to choose those that are intended for dwarf hamsters.

The advantage of store-bought food is that it is completely balanced and contains all the microelements and vitamins the rodent needs.

The amount of food that can be given to a dwarf chick at one time should not exceed 2-2.5 tablespoons, it is enough to feed the dzhungarchik 2 times a day. Due to the habit of hiding a “strategic reserve” of food behind its cheeks, the hamster will not get hungry.

Never, under any circumstances, should you feed your hamster fatty, salty, smoked food or food from the owner’s table. Citrus fruits, pomegranates, kiwi, and avocados are contraindicated for the dwarf. Cabbage, mushrooms, onions, garlic and sorrel are taboo for the Djungarian. Sweets, bread, potatoes and cheese should not be on the rodent's menu.

For those who dream of having a guinea pig.

Diseases of the Djungarian hamster

Hamsters are quite gentle creatures; when hypothermic, they can instantly “pick up” cold or become infected from the owners flu.

Sneezing and runny nose– the first symptoms of an onset of a cold or infectious disease.

If at the same time the hamster remains active and cheerful, then it is enough to exclude drafts and give him water warm milk with the addition of honey, add additional warm bedding to the hamster’s housing.

If more severe symptoms appear - purulent discharge from the eyes, loss of appetite and sharp decline weights – a visit to the vet is inevitable.

Any dietary disorders Djungarian can cause problems with the gastrointestinal tract: diarrhea or constipation.

Mild hunger and dietary adjustments can help get rid of unpleasant symptoms. If diarrhea does not go away within 1-2 days, you should contact a specialist.

Scourge of Djungarian hamsters– various neoplasms.

However, this will not necessarily happen malignant tumor, more often they occur at the site of mechanical bruises of the extremities.

The thin bones of hamsters can break if the animal plays unsuccessfully and is overly active.

Broken legs or tail cannot be fixed, so you need to provide the hamster with a quiet place to live, remove the wheel and ladders from the aquarium or cage, and add food rich in calcium to the diet. Then the fracture will heal in 10-14 days.

Bathing a Djungarian hamster it is forbidden. This desert animal is not adapted to water baths. IN natural conditions they "bathe" in the sand. However, even without special means, dzhungarik is able to maintain its cleanliness.

Kidney inflammation and Bladder most often worn infectious nature. Signs of such diseases are frequent urination, often with bloody additions, increased thirst.

Self-treatment in such cases can lead to the death of the animal, so you should not delay examining a doctor.

Pregnancy of females - almost permanent condition, if there is a pair of hamsters in the house.

However, you need to know that giving birth to cubs more often than 4 times a year is a factor that can cause significant harm to the health of the dwarf. She may develop rickets frequent fractures, an ovarian cyst occurs.

Yes, and the cubs frequent childbirth are born weakened and less healthy.

Planning the pregnancy of hamsters is the owner’s task. If you do not keep rodents in pairs, then it is quite possible to regulate the reproduction of Djungarian hamsters.

Djungarian hamsters are beloved and quirky family members who make noise at night and sleep sweetly during the day. Small creatures must be carefully looked after; the recommendations below will help you with this. Today we will look at nutrition, basic maintenance, home improvement and others important aspects, affecting the Djungarians.

Meet the Djungarian hamster

  1. As soon as the new baby arrives to you, he needs to be accustomed to the hands and smell of the owner. Take your time, let your baby be alone for a while so he gets comfortable. Minimize the animal’s contact with people so as not to further traumatize its psyche.
  2. Periodically bring your hands to your pet's cage, let him get used to your smell. After a certain period of time, try to pick up the rodent, but not for long.
  3. On the second or third day, let your pet run around on the floor. Sit next to him and watch the movements of the new resident. Place your hand between the baby’s body and the floor so that the dzhungarik fits in your palm. If he doesn't do this, there is no need to insist.
  4. Do not try to pick up your hamster with your hands on top. IN wildlife birds hunt rodents in this way, so your actions can only scare your household.
  5. When the dwarf gets used to the smell of your hands, take him with you to the bed or sofa for company. Try to create a comfortable atmosphere, do not turn the sound up to full volume.
  6. Remember that hamsters are extremely sensitive to scents. Before inviting a new resident to your place, do not smear your hands with cream or wash them with soap. The skin should smell natural or not smell at all. Otherwise, the hamster will start biting.
  7. Contact with the animal should be carried out 3-7 times daily, depending on its condition. Do not allow children to play with your pet because they may harm it.
  8. If you plan to let the rodent out of the cage to move around the room, buy a special transparent ball for hamsters. It will prevent injuries, protect the dwarf from other pets and allow the baby to spend his energy. Active walks should not last longer than 50 minutes a day.

Arranging a house for a Djungarian hamster

You can purchase a cage or carrier for a rodent at any pet store. The house must have a wheel for weights, a drinking bowl with a ball, various stairs and tunnels, containers for fresh and dry food. A bath of clean sand and a mineral pebble will also not hurt.


  1. Choose specimens that are not made of wood, because hamsters love to sharpen their teeth and chew on everything. The ideal option would be a plastic container with an iron grid.
  2. Wooden housing should also be avoided for a simple reason: such a structure absorbs unpleasant odors, which will not go anywhere later.
  3. Wooden houses for rodents are considered breeding grounds for bacteria and often lead to the death of the animal. Also, such structures cannot be cleaned, they are heavy and impractical.

Containers for food and water

  1. If you buy a complete cage, a drinking bowl will be included, as will food bowls. They are attached to the rods in the corner part of the house, which allows you to evenly distribute the space.
  2. But if there is no drinking bowl, buy one additionally. Be sure to choose a rodent attachment with a ball-shaped tip. Pour only purified bottled water into the drinking bowl, not running water.
  3. Place the cage in such a way that food does not fall on the drinking bowl. Sun rays. The water must be changed twice a day or at least every day.
  4. As for food containers, you will need 2 pieces. One will be used for dry food, the other - for natural food. Bowls should be durable, clay or ceramic. Hamsters love to chew on everything.
  5. It is better if the containers are attached to the rods of the house. This will eliminate the possibility of food spillage. It is necessary to wash feeders without any means to avoid rodent poisoning.

Wheel and ball for walking

  1. Hamsters have a great need for movement, they constantly rustle at night and prefer to spend their time actively. To this end, buy your pet a wheel that will satisfy the desire to run.
  2. Choose a plastic device where the rods are located next to each other. Do not buy a wheel made of iron rods; the rodent's paws will get stuck.
  3. In addition to the attribute that is placed directly in the cage, you need to purchase a ball for walking around the house. It should not be too large and heavy, otherwise it will be difficult for the dwarf to move.

Bedding for the house

  1. The litter needs to be given due attention; a lot depends on it. Give preference to special pressed or regular sawdust for rodents. They should contain moisture and unpleasant odors.
  2. Place at least 3 cm of sawdust on the cage tray. Hamsters love to burrow in them. The baby will immediately take some of the volume into the house where he sleeps. The filler needs to be changed 2 times a week.
  3. If you wish, you can line the bottom of the cage with clean landscape paper (torn) or paper towels, and sprinkle sawdust on top. But under no circumstances place cotton wool in the house.

Important nuances

  1. If you are seriously thinking about the need to acquire two Djungarian hamsters, be prepared for their reproduction if we are talking about a female and a male.
  2. Immediately agree with the pet store or friends that after the babies are born, you will bring them offspring after a while. Hamsters are ready to reproduce from the age of 45 days.
  3. Professionals who are responsible for keeping hamsters do not recommend placing several individuals of the same sex in a cage. In this case, males will fight for territory, and females will disperse to different corners.

Rules for caring for a hamster

  1. You need to clean up after your dwarf on a regular basis, this is especially true for its cage. If appropriate measures are not taken in time, the terrible smell of waste will quickly spread throughout the apartment. Therefore, you should not neglect such recommendations.
  2. Systematically change the filler in the cage. The procedure is recommended to be carried out once a week. During manipulation, move the pet into a container from where it cannot escape. You don’t need to remove all the filler, just get rid of the spoiled one.
  3. Regularly wash your hamster's cage thoroughly once a month. It is worth considering that if a dwarf has created a nest, it is prohibited to destroy it. The bottom of the cage can be washed with simple laundry soap.
  4. It is important to consider that such hamsters do not need forced bathing. The pet copes quite well with cleaning the fur from various dust and dirt. To do this, just install a container with clean sand without impurities.
  5. In addition, the hamster needs to install a special block in the cage, on which he will grind his teeth. Alternatively, use any mineral stone. You can also give the animal fresh sticks from fruit trees.

  1. There is nothing complicated in caring for a hamster, but proper nutrition of the rodent deserves special attention. Make it a habit to feed your pet twice a day at the same time. For example, at 8 am and at 8 pm.
  2. In the morning, a meal should be organized when the dzhungarik has just woken up. IN evening time food should be given while he is active. If you have two pets and the female is pregnant, she needs to be fed about 4 times a day at equal intervals.
  3. After waking up, it is recommended to give the hamster protein, boiled vegetables and succulent food. In the evening you should feed the dzhungarik dry food, cereals and various treats. It is important to organize proper and balanced nutrition.
  4. The diet should include dry food for rodents, boiled vegetables without starch, berries without seeds, fresh fruits and vegetables. Do not forget to regularly feed various cereals, sprouted seeds, nuts other than almonds, seeds, dried twigs and leaves of plants.
  5. Give jungarika twice a week protein products. Such compositions include cottage cheese, boiled eggs, natural yogurt, kefir, boiled breast or low-fat boiled fish. If the female is pregnant or the hamster is sick, it is worth introducing baby food on water without salt and sugar.
  6. It is important to know that it is forbidden to give Djungarians sausages, sausages, pine twigs, butter, sour cream, milk, mushrooms, potatoes, mint, garlic, onions, watermelon, potatoes, fruit seeds, citrus fruits, honey, any spices and sweets.
  7. Keep in mind that when choosing special food at the pet market, you need to be extremely careful. Food for large rodents is not suitable for dzhungarikas. This food has a completely different composition, such a product can only harm your pet.
  1. To determine the sex of the dwarf, it is recommended to immediately ask the seller at the pet store. You can also determine the gender recognition procedure yourself. In males older than 1 month, testicles can be seen near the tail.
  2. To maximize the life of a rodent, it is important to provide proper care. If all the rules are followed, the dzhungarik can live up to 3 years. In rare cases, hamsters live longer.

If you decide to get a dzhungarika, it is important to familiarize yourself with the rules of care and feeding habits. If you follow all the recommendations, your pet will please you for quite some time. Choose a cozy house for your hamster, and don’t forget to pamper the rodent with treats and toys.

Video: how long do jungarians live?

Are you planning to get a dzhungarika? Familiarizing yourself with the rules for keeping an animal in advance is a reasonable decision.

Already have a hamster and have doubts about how to properly care for it? Don’t be upset, it’s not too late to fix everything - just read the article to the end, and you will have virtually no questions left about the care, maintenance and nutrition of a Djungarian hamster at home.

Proper care means a happy hamster!

House for dzhungarik

It is most convenient to care for a dzhungarik hamster in:

  • cage
  • large aquarium
  • terrarium
  • transparent rack

List of what needs to be placed in a cage for keeping a Djungarian hamster:

  • small house for sleeping and storing supplies
  • running wheel
  • dishes for eating
  • drinking bowl

Based on these requirements, tiny options such as a jar or cardboard box immediately disappear: high-quality care and maintenance of the Djungarian hamster is impossible in them. Otherwise, complete freedom for your ideas. You can purchase a ready-made house or make it yourself (instructions and examples are on our website).

Do not rush to “fix” all the objects in the cage according to your own design. First, let the dzhungarik determine a place for the toilet. And only then place food, water and a mini-mink as far away from it as possible.

Gym for dungarians

The running wheel is not intended for family observation of the hamster running in it; it is vital in caring for the hamster. In nature, a hamster runs up to 12 km per night in search of a “snack.” At home, food is 20 centimeters away, so the Djungarian hamster will quickly begin to gain fat. Given the tendency of this type of hamster to develop diabetes, obesity will end very badly.

In addition to the wheel, a labyrinth of pipes works great - a small Djungarian hamster runs through them no less fun than in a wheel.

Excellent “apartment” with everything you need. And the area is okay...

Where to put the cage

The peculiarity of caring for a Djungarian hamster is that it is a nocturnal animal. And you won’t be able to train him to stay awake during the day. Don't forget to remind the children not to disturb the dwarf all day long with games - hamsters sleep during the day.

Based on this, we choose a place for the cage. The house should be kept away from direct sunlight. This should not be the living room or kitchen (too noisy during the day). The bedroom is also not suitable (the dwarf spends the night actively, and this will disturb you). As an option, you can transport the house to the bedroom in the morning and to the kitchen in the evening.

Not that I'm complaining, but isn't there something bigger?


We advise you not to use scrap materials as bedding in the house. Fibrous materials (for example, cotton wool) are strictly prohibited - the dwarf is tiny, it can get entangled in them. From “homemade” fillers preferred option– finely chopped paper, napkins. The main thing is to make sure that it is without flavorings and printing ink.

The best choice for caring for the dwarf is ready-made granular fillers, an abundance of which can be found in pet stores. As an alternative, you can use sawdust.

Read more about which fillers are best for Djungarian hamsters and how to choose them in a separate article on our website.

That's it, owner, respect!

Cage care rules

A few words about how to care for a dwarf's house.

Good care involves cleaning at least once a week. Or better yet, 2. It must include:

  • replacing bedding
  • wet cleaning
  • removing leftover food from the pantry
  • washing hamster "dishes"

Carry out grooming when your Djungarian pet is away from its cage - it does not like strangers. Do not throw out all the food at once - this can lead to severe stress at Djungarik's. Remove only perishable items, such as grains, nuts, etc. leave it in place.

If the animal's cage is very dirty and you have to use detergent, then choose a hypoallergenic and odorless one - a foreign aroma can scare away the Djungarian hamster, because of such “care” the Djungarian hamster will refuse to return to the house.


The Djungarian hamster's teeth grow constantly (like your nails), so care is indispensable without a “sharpener.” These can be small branches of trees or bushes. You can prepare it yourself (an excellent option is an apple tree) or buy ready-made ones in the store. Ibid. a good choice mineral stones for grinding teeth.

If you don’t foresee how the hamster will wear down his teeth, he will start gnawing everything around, starting with his home.

Dzungarik and neighbors

Do not place your Djungarian hamster in the same cage with other animals (including hamsters) if you care about your pet. They are “selfish” animals, they don’t like their neighbors, they don’t make friends, although they are more peaceful than the Syrians. And if you put two same-sex people together, then expect trouble in the form of fights and possible injuries. It is better to care for several hamsters separately.

Read more about the behavior of the Djungarian hamster and how to raise it in a separate article on the website.

Friendship is friendship, but housing is separate

Reproduction of Djungarian hamsters

So how to breed dzhungarikas if they cannot be housed together? They need to be kept in separate dwellings, placed together only for the duration of mating (this can be done as soon as the female starts estrus). We perform mating on neutral territory or in the male’s house. To avoid making a mistake in choosing gender, read a detailed “manual” on its definition here. Otherwise, it may turn out that you looked after Khomka like Masha.

The ideal age for the first mating is 4-5 months. If you don’t know how to determine the age of Djungarian hamsters when purchasing, read a separate material on our website so that an unscrupulous seller does not try to discount your “stale goods.” The period between matings for a female is at least 2.5 - 3 months. In total, a healthy hamster can give birth to up to 6 litters; subsequent pregnancies are fraught with health problems for both the mother and the little hamsters.

When the female becomes pregnant, we seat the “newlyweds” back in their cages. A week before giving birth (maximum 5 days), we completely stop caring for the pregnant female’s cage and do not handle it. Just add food and water (don’t forget to increase the content of animal protein in the diet of a pregnant dzhungarika (well, don’t call her “dzhungarika”)).

The birth will most likely take place at night and unnoticed. After a couple of weeks, add a separate water bowl and a smaller food bowl - small hamsters may be high up to "adult size". Babies can be placed 4 weeks after birth, boys and girls in different housing.

We wrote about all the features of caring for babies and their mother in a separate article on our website.

Try to guess where Borka is and where Zorka is...

What to feed the dwarf

The basis of the diet of the Djungarian hamster in nature is seeds and cereals. IN home care We advise you to stick to the same menu. A good option They are ready-made mixtures that can be bought in stores. Dried herbs, minerals, and vitamins are often added to them. The main thing is to buy food specifically for hamsters: food for other rodents and, especially, birds will not be suitable.

If purchasing is unacceptable to you for some reason, watch the video on how to prepare the mixture yourself (below).

Cereals and seeds

The best cereals for dzhungarika (the content of harmful components is minimal):

  • wheat
  • barley
  • corn (in limited quantities)

We don’t give as many seeds as cereals, because... in them great content fat The Djungarian hamster can be fed with seeds:

  • sunflower
  • pumpkins
  • sesame

The train of thought is correct, but you need to pour less.


Nuts have a strong disadvantage - high calorie content and fat content (do not forget about the tendency of Djungarian hamsters to obesity). Sometimes (as a treat, and not constant feeding) the dzhungarika can be offered:

  • Walnut
  • cashew
  • peanut
  • hazelnut
  • Brazilian
  • almond
  • cedar


For the Djungarian hamster, all vegetables should be divided into two categories: high-starch and low-starch. Avoid foods with a high starch content - this is an easily digestible carbohydrate, an excess of which in the diet leads to obesity and diabetes.

The most preferred vegetables in the diet:

  • cabbage
  • broccoli
  • cucumber
  • bell pepper
  • potato
  • boiled carrots
  • boiled pumpkin

If you have doubts whether your baby can eat this or that vegetable, refer to the glycemic index tables of foods. What is harmful to humans is also harmful to your dwarf.

Vegetables are only low-starch and high in fiber.

Fruits and berries

For these products you can give the following general recommendation: strongly sweet fruits and berries are not allowed (watermelon, melon, peach), moderately sweet and sour ones are allowed (strawberries, cherries, currants).

In general, it is difficult to give specific instructions here: the content of fruit sugar (fructose) can vary greatly depending on the location, growing method, weather, etc. Therefore, in any case, give fruits and berries in limited quantities.


Despite the fact that the Djungarian hamster prefers plant foods, its diet should include animal proteins (a couple of times a week, and for pregnant and lactating females - a little every day). In nature, insects serve as protein snacks. You can buy them dried in pet stores. You can replace insects with low-fat boiled chicken or fish, egg whites - their fat and cholesterol content is minimal.

I ate it, let's have some more!

Djungarian hamster health

If you follow the recommendations given above in caring for your dwarf, you will already have done 90% of the “work” in preventing diseases. But, of course, their possibility cannot be completely ruled out.

The most common diseases found in Djungarian hamsters are:

  1. obesity
  2. problems with cardiovascular system(as a consequence of the first)
  3. poorly functioning gastrointestinal tract(watch your diet!)
  4. eye diseases
  5. dermatitis

As soon as you notice any signs of deviation from normal condition your pet - contact a veterinarian (a specialist in rodents is called a ratologist). Self-medication can shorten short life hamster, the health of the animal comes first.

Watch your pet, otherwise it will be like me...

What to do urgent action even before visiting a ratologist, and how to recognize the approaching danger - be sure to read in a separate material on our website. There we also talk about caring for a sick hamster - your baby needs continuous care!

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Have you found the answer to the question of how to properly care for a Djungarian hamster? If not, be sure to ask in the comments or on our social media pages. Maintenance and care is a broad topic, maybe we missed something. We will try to respond as quickly as possible or add information to the article.

The Djungarian hamster (Phodopus sungorus) is a small rodent from the Hamster family, the genus Hairy-footed. Quite a popular pet to keep at home. This is due not only to its cute appearance and funny behavior, but also to its ease of care and minimum space taken up. In the wild, these animals live in the Eastern Caucasus, Asia and Western Siberia. They prefer to settle on rocky steppe territory with limited vegetation.

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    These tiny furry creatures in nature live mainly in steppes and semi-deserts. They got their name according to the place of their initial discovery - the province of Dzungaria, in northwestern China. They are also called Sungur hamsters. These animals are loners. They dig holes in the ground on their own, with great length and at a depth of up to one and a half meters, with many labyrinths and compartments. Such dwellings usually have up to 6 entrances and exits.

    Lead night look life, starting active activity as soon as the sun sets: they build houses, look for food and make food reserves for the winter. The diet of animals is dominated by plant food: shoots, grass, seeds, berries. They also eat insects. Every day they have to travel more than one kilometer in search of food. On desert plains they are very vulnerable to various predators. However, nature itself has endowed them with a camouflage color, which allows them to avoid early death.


    Djungarian hamsters look cute, with a pointed muzzle and small ears. Regardless of gender, the average body length is 9–12 cm with a weight of 40–65 g. Coat short, thick, uniform. The abdomen is of a lighter tone than the other parts. The back is predominantly dark gray or brown color. On the paws and internal area white spots are observed in the ears. Distinctive feature This type of hamster has a solid black stripe along its entire ridge.

    Domestic hamsters are slightly different from their free-ranging counterparts. This is expressed in a greater variety of fur colors. The most common ones are presented in the table:

    Name Description Photo
    StandardBrown-gray background and white belly
    SapphireMain color - gray-blue, snow-white belly
    PearlMatte white color with alternating gray inclusions
    MandarinCover of a solid orange-cream shade

    There are no blacks or albinos. Wild representatives have a light coat color in summer, and a whitish tint appears in winter.

    To determine the sex of an animal, you need to turn it belly up. The female has two closely spaced holes in the lower part. In the male, the anal passage is located far from the urethra.

    Often a problem in home care"Djungarians" is their short lifespan. On average it does not exceed three years. There are exceptions, but they are rare. Although in the wild, many animals do not live that long, due to the many dangers around.

    It is not recommended to house two individuals in one cage, regardless of gender. Since these are strict “territorials”, they do not tolerate one of their own being nearby. This inevitably leads to aggression and constant clashes. As a result, the animal falls into stressful state, which has a detrimental effect on health. Even if you purchase several hamsters for the purpose of breeding, you should place them separately.

    First of all, choose a cell where new pet will spend most of the time. It should be as comfortably furnished as possible and spacious enough. The best option- this is a galvanized cage measuring 30 by 50 cm or a special plexiglass container. Internal filling:

    1. 1. Litter. Fine sand or pressed sawdust, medium fraction. Both materials absorb excess moisture well and absorb foreign odors. It is unacceptable to use cotton wool, rags, paper napkins, or newspapers.
    2. 2. Toilet. Purchase a special tray for small rodents, into which moisture- and odor-absorbing filler is poured.
    3. 3. Branches, driftwood, plant roots. Serve as manholes for a pleasant pastime.
    4. 4. House. It is necessary for the pet to rest, this is a place where he can hide from prying eyes. You can buy ready-made ones or make them yourself from wood.
    5. 5. Wheel. Designed for rodents to run, which gives them great pleasure.

    For supporting physical fitness Hamsters need to travel several kilometers every day. Doing this in captivity is problematic. Therefore, the wheel will be the ideal way out of the situation. But letting your pet out for free walks around the apartment is dangerous. Either he will escape and may get lost and die, or he will be crushed due to his small size. True, there are special walking balls in which the hamster will be safe to run outside his home.

    The pet store has a wide range of different accessories for entertaining hamsters: ladders, tunnels, sections. Just don’t buy too many of them and clutter up the space. Be sure to have a drinking bowl and feeder inside. Pure water necessary constantly, in free access. They change it daily. The recommended sizes of the drinker are 50 ml, the feeders are 4–10 cm in diameter.

    It is not advisable to place dwarfs in cramped aquariums with high walls. Then there is a lack of oxygen, which causes stress in the hamsters and worsens their well-being.

    A mineral stone must be placed inside to grind down the teeth. An alternative would be any twigs from trees, with the exception of cherry and apricot ones.

    Care and hygiene

    Mandatory measures for caring for dzhungarikas include daily cleaning of the cage, which helps to avoid the appearance of a specific odor in the room. General washing and changing of toilet filler is carried out once a week. During this procedure, the hamster is transplanted into a special box or carrier.

    The filler is not completely changed, some is left so that the hamster does not lose his bearings. Do not use chemicals for cleaning. A soap solution is ideal. From inside, they remove all the garbage and food supplies that the animal managed to hide in corners and other hidden places. However, the nest should not be destroyed.

    Djungarian hamsters are not bathed because water treatments will be another shock for them. They are able to take care of their fur on their own. For hygiene purposes, it is recommended to place a container with sifted sand inside, in which they like to tumble.

    It is important to initially correctly position the pet’s housing, so as not to move it in the future and not to injure the animal’s vulnerable psyche. You cannot place the cage on the floor, in direct sunlight, near radiators and various household appliances, or in a draft.


    It is ideal to feed such pets with ready-made food mixtures, where the emphasis is on the grain component.

    You just need to supplement your diet natural food.The pet's menu should include:

    • fresh and boiled vegetables;
    • fruits;
    • greenery;
    • berries;
    • cereals;
    • sprouted grain;
    • nuts other than almonds;
    • homemade crackers;
    • carob fruits.

    Twice a week the animals are fed protein foods: boiled eggs, cottage cheese, natural yogurt, boiled fish and chicken. Any New Product administered gradually, observing the body's reaction. If a hamster develops diarrhea, this component is excluded from the menu.

    Adults have a two-time diet. Pregnant females and babies are fed 4–5 times a day.

    The following products are prohibited:

    • shoots of coniferous trees;
    • potato;
    • onion and garlic;
    • tomato tops;
    • citrus;
    • melon, watermelon;
    • almond;
    • sausages;
    • salty and smoked foods;
    • chocolate, ice cream.

    When purchasing specialized mixes for dwarfs at a pet store, you should avoid those intended for large rodents. This is due to the difference in composition, which can cause harm. Do not overfeed, which leads to obesity. Remains of food are immediately removed, otherwise the hamster will quickly move them to some hidden place.


    Djungarians are independent by nature and are not too eager to communicate. In order for the animal not to bite and behave calmly in your arms, you will have to be patient and time. It is necessary to pay attention to your pet every day, establishing close contact. It will not be possible to tame once and for all. If you do not contact him for at least a week, then the wildness returns and you will have to start all over again.

    Since the animal is accustomed to being awake at night, it is better not to disturb it again during the day. But at night you have to endure its increased activity. It is at this time that they begin to chew something, run in a wheel, rustle with paper. Therefore, it is recommended to place the cage away from the master bedroom.

    Bringing small pet into the house, you need to give him time to adapt to new conditions. Usually 2–3 days are enough. Then they carefully begin to pick him up. If a dzhungarik begins to rush around the cage at the sight of a hand reaching out to him, it is better to postpone the event and not traumatize the psyche of the ward.

    It should be remembered that animals are very sensitive to external stimuli: bright light, loud sounds, sudden changes temperature. As a result, they get very scared and quickly run wild, not wanting to for a long time make contact with a person.


    Most diseases in pet hamsters are caused by inappropriate care, which causes extreme stress. Extremely undesirable:

    • cell movement;
    • changes in sleep and wakefulness patterns;
    • long trip;
    • adding another hamster.

    Whenever unmotivated aggression, ulcers on the body, rapid breathing, apathy, baldness, loss of appetite and loose stool you should contact your veterinarian immediately.

    The most common diseases of dzhungarikas, their symptoms and recommended actions for the owner:

    Problems Symptom Help
    Viral infection, coldSneezes, coughs, is inactiveThere is no treatment as such, but they try to ensure peace and introduce more fruits and vegetables into the diet. Serve with warm milk. The cage is removed away from drafts
    Injuries: fractures, dislocations, sprainsExcessively mobile animals can be injured when falling or as a result of careless handling. Symptoms: deformed limbs, impaired gaitIt is impossible to fix a broken leg or tail, so they ensure the hamster is kept in peace. They are fed food with a high calcium content (greens, sesame seeds, nuts, sunflower seeds). All traumatic attractions are temporarily removed from the cage. Usually bones heal in 10–14 days
    Intestinal disorderLoose stools or constipation, loss of appetite, exhaustion. Occurs against the background of individual intolerance to a food productReviewing the diet. For diarrhea give sticky rice, for constipation - vegetable oil(1–2 drops)
    ConjunctivitisSticky eyelidsRinse eyes with saline solution
    CataractThe pupil becomes gray and the lens becomes cloudyCannot be treated
    Dental traumaRefusal to eatExamine your teeth. It happens that long incisors become the cause of loss of appetite. You can trim them with regular nail clippers, but it’s better to trust a specialist to do this.
    Eczema, dermatophytosis and other skin diseasesHair falls out in clumps, skin peels offContact the veterinarian
    Fleas, ticksThe hamster is itching, there are wounds and red spots on the bodyUse special lotions and aerosols as prescribed by your doctor.


    Djungarian hamsters, even in captivity, are quite fertile and are able to reproduce at any time of the year. Females at least four months old are selected for mating. Males mature a month earlier. Pregnancy lasts about 3 weeks. At this time, the expectant mother is switched to a more expanded diet, which includes:

    • dry granulated food;
    • protein foods: boiled chicken, eggs, cottage cheese.

    Prepare the cage for the mother and offspring in advance - disinfect the interior space and accessories. Newborns are fed breast milk for the first 3 weeks.

    You cannot pick up the cubs at this time. Otherwise, the female will smell someone else's scent and eat them.

    Already on the fifth day, babies stop squeaking and become calmer. On the seventh day, the first fluff on the body begins to appear. They move around the cage on the tenth day. By this time, you can pour some kind of non-rough food on the bottom, which they will be able to eat on their own. Hearing and vision appear 1.5-2 weeks after birth. IN one month old it is permissible to transplant them separately.

    Djungarians are capable of reproducing high-quality offspring provided they are crossed only with Campbell hamsters. The lifespan of such hamsters usually does not exceed 1.5 years.