Read the life of Dmitry Solunsky. The meaning of Demetrius of Thessaloniki in a brief biographical encyclopedia

Memorial Day November 8th according to the new style. Brief life. Miracles through prayers to the saint. History of the city of Thessaloniki and the Church of St. Demetrius. Holy relics. Veneration of the Great Martyr Demetrius in Rus'. Celebration of the memory of the saint in Thessaloniki. Our report from Greece is about all this.


Northern Greece. Thessaloniki. The warmth of the southern city is special. It seems to envelop you from all sides. The journey from the hotel where I stayed to the Basilica of St. Demetrius was not long. There are ancient temples everywhere, and from time to time you can see the ruins of the old city, carefully fenced and carefully guarded. Any resident of the city can indicate the path to the Church of St. Demetrius. This temple is the spiritual heart of Thessaloniki.

The city was founded in 315 BC. Macedonian king Cassander, who named it after his wife Thessalonica. Around the year 50, the Apostle Paul, having been expelled from Philippi by the pagans, came to Thessalonica. For several weeks the Thessalonians listened to the heartfelt sermons of the holy apostle, and many people believed and were baptized.

I approach the temple. Massive doors, and there are several of them different sides, as always, open in the warm season and... this is a wonderful fragrance that cannot be compared with anything. Heavenly scent! The Church calls the Great Martyr Demetrius the Myrrh-Streaming One. In 306, Saint Demetrius suffered as a martyr for the Lord, and his relics still stream myrrh. The shrine of the saint is crowded. There are Greeks here and many pilgrims from all over the Orthodox world. The path to Holy Mount Athos passes through Thessaloniki. Therefore, all Athonite pilgrims come to the temple of St. Demetrius to venerate the great martyr.

Holy Great Martyr Demetrius

The future saint was born from a pious couple of secret Christians. And he was a long-awaited and begged child from the Lord. His father was proconsul of Thessalonica. From infancy, Demetrius was raised in the faith of Christ. He received the youth a good education and was distinguished by good manners. At that time there was another and very fierce persecution of Christians (303-311). In 305, Emperor Maximian Galerius, an ardent hater of Christians, called Demetrius to his side and, convinced of his abilities, appointed Thessalonica proconsul (city governor) instead of his father. Maximian wanted Demetrius to persecute Christians. But the opposite happened: Demetrius became the second Apostle Paul for Thessalonica. He taught the Christian faith to residents everywhere. His ardent sermons and works of mercy earned him the sincere love of the townspeople. This became known to Maximian. He became furious. On the way back from a campaign in the Black Sea region, the emperor decided to visit Thessaloniki and see for himself everything. Demetrius distributed all his property to the poor and, being in fiery prayer, prepared to endure suffering for the Lord, Whom he loved so much and to whom he strove with all his soul.

The confessor of Christ, Demetrius, met the ruler courageously and unshakably. Maximian was indignant. He ordered Demetrius to be immediately imprisoned in prison, and he himself, tired of the long campaign, hastened to have fun in gladiator matches. One of his favorites, the German Liy, was so powerful and ferocious that he dealt with all his rivals almost without difficulty. It was especially fun for Leah to kill Christians, who were brought from prison to him for execution. Liy threw the sufferers onto spears to the roar and approval of the frantic crowd. One brave Christian youth named Nestor came to Demetrius in prison and asked for his blessing to fight Leah. The saint made the sign of the cross on Nestor’s forehead and chest and said: “And you will overcome Leah, and you will be martyred for Christ.” Nestor went out to fight, like David against Goliath, and won, throwing Leah onto his spears. And he was immediately beheaded by order of the emperor (memory of St. Martyr Nestor on November 9, new style). On the same day, the enraged Maximian ordered the soldiers to pierce Demetrius with spears.

Lupp, the faithful servant of Saint Demetrius, after his martyrdom, took the mantle and ring of the saint, moistening them with the blood of the sufferer of Christ. Many miracles and healings immediately began to occur from these shrines. Soon Lupp was captured and executed. The faithful servant, following his master, was also honored with martyrdom for the Lord Jesus Christ.
With a saint Equal to the Apostles Constantine A church was erected over the grave of St. Demetrius, and another hundred years later, during the construction of a new church on the site of the dilapidated one, the incorruptible relics of the holy great martyr were found. It is impossible to count the miracles through the prayers of Demetrius of Thessalonica. The saint repeatedly defended his native Thessaloniki from enemies, saving the city from hunger and destruction. There is a known case when Saint Demetrius miraculously freed the captives who were embroidering his face on the orders of their owner, who wanted to mock the holy image. In the blink of an eye, the women found themselves at the saint’s shrine along with the icon they had embroidered. At this time, an all-night vigil was being served in the church on the day of remembrance of the Great Martyr Demetrius.

Basilica of Saint Demetrius

The Church of St. Demetrius is of impressive size. It is still the largest in Greece. The length of the basilica is 43.5 meters and the width is 33 meters. The ancient temple was built in the 5th century on the spot where the Great Martyr Demetrius suffered. What have these walls not seen in the more than 1,500-year history of the temple!
The basilica was damaged by fire under Emperor Heraclius, who reigned from 629 to 634. In 904 the temple was plundered by the Saracens. In 1185, when Thessaloniki was captured by the Normans (northern European people), the temple was plundered and the tomb of St. Demetrius desecrated.

After the conquest of Thessaloniki by the Turks in 1430, the temple was on a short time left to Christians. His transfer was confirmed by a decree of Sultan Murad II the Conqueror. He, according to the Byzantine historian Dukas, having sacrificed a ram, ordered that the temple be left at the disposal of Christians, but all the decorations of the temple and the tomb of the saint were destroyed by the Turks. The temple was completely looted. In 1493 the church was converted into a mosque and remained so until 1912. During this period, Christians only had access to the cenotaph of St. Demetrius, installed in a small chapel in the western part of the left nave of the basilica, where a separate entrance was made.

The temple was almost completely burned out in a fire in 1917. The destruction began to be restored in 1926, and restoration work was completely completed only after 12 years. Since that time, regular services have been held there. The beautiful temple is now not only the pride of Greece, but of the entire Christian world. In 1988, the Church of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica was included in the list of objects World Heritage as part of the early Christian and Byzantine monuments of the city of Thessaloniki.

...I see a group of people near the altar: their faces are concentrated, thoughtful. I ask the church servant what kind of meeting this is, and I hear in response: “Now confession will begin.” I come closer. I see a small glassed room. This is a confessional. Confession in Greece takes place during non-liturgical times and not necessarily on the eve of Communion. These two sacraments are performed separately. Those wishing to receive communion in Greek churches need to take this circumstance into account. Even if you are fluent Greek, no one will confess to you during the service. And one more thing: no one is in charge of notes and candles in Greek churches - you can donate for candles at will, and people put notes for proskomedia (about health and repose) in a specially designated place. To the left of the Royal Doors are steps. A narrow passage leads to the place of suffering of the Great Martyr Demetrius. From time to time, they serve at night in memory of those events. This is the so-called holy agrippnia (translated from Greek as vigil). I had the opportunity to pray at such a service on my last visit to Thessaloniki.

The state of mind during flu is amazing. It seems that this is exactly how services were held in early Christian times: night, catacombs, fiery prayer... And although the sermon at the end of the service was incomprehensible, because it was delivered in Greek, it seems that the heart grasped its main meaning: faith, love, sacrifice, repentance .

...I approach the priest of the temple for blessing and ask him to give me a piece of the holy world from the relics of the great martyr. And here is a bag of fragrant cotton wool in my hands. I rejoice and thank Saint Demetrius! I return to the hotel happy. Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, pray to God for us!

Where else should you visit in Thessaloniki? IN cathedral. The relics of St. Gregory Palamas rest there. You should definitely visit the Church of St. George. It is also called Rotunda. This is the oldest temple of Thessaloniki, and it is considered one of the first Christian temples in the world (3rd century). You should also definitely visit the Church of Hagia Sophia (8th century) and the church Miraculous Image Mother of God(V century), in the church of St. Panteleimon (V century). A few meters from Aristotle Square there is the monastery of the Holy Martyr Theodora, where you can venerate her relics, as well as the relics of St. David of Thessalonica. Small chapels are found throughout Greece. They are either located in close proximity to the temple or stand separately. The chapel is always kept in order: the lamp is lit, the candles are laid out in a neat pile. Everyone can come in, pray, light a candle. The chapel can be seen at a bus stop, along a busy highway, in a park, near a supermarket - in a word, everywhere.

Relics of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica

Since the 5th century, the holy relics have been in the temple built by the ruler Leontius. Eparch Leonty of Illyricon as a sign of love and gratitude to the saint for his miraculous healing erected a new majestic temple in 412 on the site of a small church. The holy great martyr did not allow his relics to be shared. This was denied to the emperors Justinian and Mauritius when they wanted to acquire particles of the relics of the saint of God. Both the Saracens (904) and the Normans (1185) did not dare to touch the holy relics. The Crusaders (1204 - 1223) brought a new disaster to Thessaloniki and the temple. During this period, the relics of the holy great martyr were divided and transferred to the West, namely to Italy, to the Abbey of San Lorenzo. For more than three hundred years, no one knew anything about the holy relics. They were lost. Only in 1520, during restoration work, a wooden box with a sign was found in the temple of this abbey: “Here lies the body of St. Demetrius.” Official confirmation The authenticity of the holy relics occurred almost 450 years later, in 1968. Then it was officially recognized that the relics belonged to the holy great martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica. The final confirmation of the authenticity of the holy relics occurred another 10 years later, in 1978.

When all procedural issues were left behind, Metropolitan Panteleimon II of Thessalonica (†2003) left for Italy to transfer the relics to Greece. On October 23, 1978, the head of the great martyr arrived in Thessaloniki, at the Church of St. Demetrius, and on April 10, 1980, the remaining relics were transported. Since then, the holy relics have been kept in the temple in a beautiful silver shrine.

Miracles of Saint Demetrius

Back in the 6th century, Archbishop John of Thessaloniki published the “Collected Miracles of St. Demetrius.” These miracles tell the story of the gracious help that was revealed to the townspeople through the prayers of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. Here is one of the miracles of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica, described in his life. “During the reign of Emperor Mauritius, the Avars demanded a large tribute from the inhabitants of Byzantium, but Mauritius refused to fulfill their demand. Then they gathered a huge army, which included mainly Slavs, and decided to take Thessaloniki, which was famous for its extensive trade and great wealth. Ten days before the arrival of the enemies, Saint Demetrius appeared to Archbishop Eusebius and said that the city was in dire danger. But the Solunians thought that the enemy army would not approach the city soon. Suddenly, contrary to expectation, the enemy appeared not far from the city walls. The Avars could have entered the city unhindered at night, but the mighty right hand of the Almighty, through the prayers of Saint Demetrius, miraculously stopped the terrible enemies not far from the city. The enemies mistook one of the fortified monasteries located outside the city for Thessaloniki itself and stood under it the whole night; In the morning they noticed their mistake and rushed towards the city.

The enemy troops launched an attack, but then Saint Demetrius appeared on the city wall in front of everyone in the form of an armed warrior. The saint struck the first enemy who climbed the wall with a spear and threw him off the wall. The latter, falling, dragged the other attackers along with him - horror then suddenly took possession of the enemies - they immediately retreated. But the siege was not over, it was just beginning. At the sight of many enemies, despair seized even the bravest. At first everyone thought that the death of the city was inevitable. But then, seeing the flight of the enemy and the protection of the wondrous intercessor, the inhabitants took courage and began to believe that the defender of Thessaloniki, Saint Demetrius, would not abandon hometown and will not allow it to fall to enemies. Meanwhile, the enemies began to besiege the city, moved their guns and began to shake the foundations of the city walls; clouds of arrows and stones fired from throwing weapons obscured the daylight. All hope remained for help from above. Crowds of people filled the temple in the name of St. Demetrius. At that time in the city there was one God-fearing and very virtuous man named Illustrius. Arriving at night at the church of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, in the church vestibule he fervently prayed to God and His glorious servant for the deliverance of the city from enemies and suddenly was granted a wondrous vision: two certain bright young men appeared before him, who looked like royal bodyguards. They were the angels of God. The doors of the temple themselves opened before them, and they entered the church. Illustry followed them, wanting to see what would happen next. Entering, they said loudly:
-Where is the gentleman who lives here?
Then another young man appeared, looking like a servant, and asked them:
- What do you need it for?
“The Lord sent us to him,” they answered, “to tell him something.”
Pointing to the saint’s tomb, the young servant said:
- Here he is!
“Tell him about us,” they said.
Then the young man lifted the curtain, and from there Saint Demetrius came out to meet those who came. He looked the same as he is depicted on the icons. Came from him bright light, similar to the sun. From fear and the blinding brilliance of Illustration he could not look at the saint. The young men who arrived greeted Demetrius.
“May grace be with you,” answered the saint, “what prompted you to visit me?”
They answered him:
“The Lord sent us, commanding you to leave the city and go to Him, for He wants to deliver it into the hands of enemies.”
Hearing this, the saint bowed his head and remained silent, shedding bitter tears. And the young servant said to those who came:
“If I had known that your coming would not bring joy to my master, I would not have told him about you.”
Then the saint began to say:
“Is this what my Lord willed?” Is this the will of the Lord of all, so that a city, redeemed with honest blood, should be delivered into the hands of enemies who do not know Him, do not believe in Him and do not honor His holy name?
To this those who came answered:
“If our Lord had not deigned this, He would not have sent us to you!”
Then Demetrius said:
- Go, brothers, tell my Master that His servant Demetrius says this: “I know Your mercies, humane-loving Master Lord: even the iniquities of the whole world cannot surpass Your mercy; For the sake of sinners, You shed Your holy blood, You laid down Your soul for us. Show now Your mercy on this city and do not command me to leave it. You Yourself made me the guardian of this city; let me imitate You, my Master: let me lay down my soul for the inhabitants of this city, and if they are destined to perish, then I will perish along with them. Do not destroy, O Lord, the cities where everyone calls on Your holy name. Even if these people sinned, they still did not depart from You: after all, You are the God of the repentant.”
The young men who came asked Demetrius:
— Is this how we should respond to the Lord who sent us?
“Yes, answer this way,” he said, “for I know that the Lord is not completely angry, and is not indignant forever (Ps. 102:9).
Having said this, the saint entered the tomb, and the sacred ark was closed; and the angels who talked with him became invisible. This is what Illustria was privileged to see in a wonderful and terrible vision. Finally, having come to his senses, he fell to the ground, thanked the saint for taking care of the city, and praised him for the fact that he begged the Vladyka not to betray the inhabitants of Thessaloniki into the hands of enemies. In the morning, Illustry told the townspeople about everything he had seen and encouraged them to courageously fight the enemies. Having heard the story of Illustria, everyone with tears asked the Lord to send them mercy, and called on Saint Demetrius for help. Through the intercession of the saint, the city remained intact: soon the enemies retreated from the walls with great shame, not having the strength to take the city guarded by the glorious saint of God. On the seventh day of the siege, the enemies, without any apparent reason They fled in disarray, abandoning their tents and throwing weapons. The next day some of the enemies returned and said:
“From the very first day of the siege, we saw such a multitude of defenders among you that they far outnumbered our army. We thought that your army was hiding behind your walls. Yesterday it suddenly rushed towards us - and we ran.
Then the amazed townspeople asked: “Who led the army?”
“We saw,” answered the returning enemies, “a fiery shining man on a white horse in snow-white clothes.”
The citizens of Thessaloniki, hearing this, understood who had put the enemies to flight. This is how Saint Demetrius defended his city.”

Veneration in Rus'

Church veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius in Rus' began immediately after the baptism of Rus'. In the 11th century, the Dimitrievsky Monastery was founded in Kyiv. It was built by the son of Yaroslav the Wise, Izyaslav, in holy baptism Demetrius. Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolod III Big Nest, also baptized Demetrius, built a beautiful church in honor of the holy great martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica with frescoes, as they say, “in his courtyard.”

The Holy Grand Duke Alexander Nevsky named his eldest son in honor of the glorious great martyr - Demetrius. And the youngest son of Saint Alexander, the blessed and reverend Prince Daniel of Moscow, built the Church of Saint Demetrius in Moscow. This happened in the 1280s. This temple was the first stone temple in Moscow. A hundred years later, the noble prince Dimitri Donskoy, who greatly revered the great martyr, transferred from Vladimir to Moscow an icon of the saint, written on a board from the tomb of the great martyr Dimitri. It is also deeply symbolic that this happened on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, since it is known that Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica is the patron saint of the army. Later, in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, which was erected on the site of the very first church of St. Demetrius in Moscow (under John Kalita, the temple was dismantled), a chapel was built in the name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius.

Saint Demetrius is highly revered in Rus' and as an assistant to soldiers. I immediately remember the miraculous help of the saint during the defense of Pskov during Livonian War, the miracle of Demetrius of Thessalonica in Novgorod in 1627 and many other miracles. The city of Dmitrov near Moscow is named in honor of the glorious great martyr. Holy Prince Dimitri Donskoy fervently prayed to his Heavenly patron, the Great Martyr Dimitri, and, having defeated Mamai on the Kulikovo Field, established a day of remembrance for the fallen soldiers in memory of the fallen soldiers. Over time, this day became a common autumn commemoration for all the departed for the Russian Church. Dmitrovskaya Saturday - according to the prince's behest, closest to the day of memory of St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki, in whose honor the prince was named.

Thessalonica rejoices in your memory

In the 4th century, King Maximian ruled in Thessaloniki. It was he who ordered the execution of Demetrius for preaching Christianity, thinking that he would defeat everyone who “calls on the name of the Crucified One.” What do we see today? The city begins to celebrate St. Demetrius's Day of Remembrance approximately two months before the main celebration, which falls on October 26. The municipality organizes various concerts, festivals, and fairs. The whole city is transformed: everything is cleaned and washed, like we do for Easter. This tradition goes back centuries. It is known that fairs called Demetriana were held in Thessaloniki on the day of the Holy Great Martyr back in the 14th century.

But special celebrations, of course, take place in the Church of the Great Martyr Demetrius. They usually begin two weeks before his memorial day. You can find out about this from the holiday schedule church services, which hangs in every temple of Thessaloniki so that parishioners can take part in the holiday in prayer. Special services are held in the church: akathists, prayer services, agrippnias (vigils), addressed to the holy saint of God Demetrius of Thessalonica. Isn't this the triumph of Orthodoxy? This is how the celebration of the saint took place in 2011. On October 24, during the Divine Liturgy, a silver reliquary with the relics of St. Demetrius, from which a wondrous fragrance spread throughout the temple, was taken from the marble cuvuklia to the center of the temple and installed directly in front of the Royal Doors. To the left of the relics is a list from the miraculous Athos icon Holy Mother of God“Three-handed”, a gift to Thessaloniki from the Holy Mountain residents. On the right is a full-length icon of the Great Martyr.

The relics of the saint are constantly in the temple, and it was all the more surprising and joyful to see how thousands of people, young and old, went from morning to late at night to venerate their beloved saint. On October 25, after the liturgy, under the ringing of bells, accompanied by an honor guard of marines and a great number of pilgrims, the relics and both icons were taken out of the temple. Solemn religious processions on the day of remembrance of the saint have been known since ancient times: in front of the procession they usually carried a vessel with myrrh, they always carried an icon of the Mother of God and St. Demetrius in the form of a warrior with weapons. This tradition, as we see, has been preserved to this day. Three military vehicles and thousands of believers were waiting for the relics and icons on the street. Accompanied by the military march of a brass band and the singing of the troparion to the great martyr, a solemn procession of the cross began along the central street. During his lifetime, the great martyr was the ruler of the entire Solunsk region. And today it was as if he had left the church to look at his city and console his people, who remained faithful to the Orthodox faith, for the confession of which the holy great martyr did not spare his life.

The economic and political situation in Greece is currently difficult. But the residents of Thessaloniki know that they have a Heavenly patron and intercessor who has helped them defeat their enemies more than once. The great martyr also saved the townspeople from hunger. “During the siege, the enemies devastated grain reserves, so that a great famine began in the city... Seeing that people were dying from hunger, Saint Demetrius appeared on ships several times and ordered the shipmen to sail with wheat to Thessaloniki.” The townspeople remember the great miracles shown by Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica, and now they rely on his intercession: they walk in processions around the city, loudly sing praises to the saint, and light huge, almost human-sized candles. It is surprising that there was absolutely no crush in such a massive procession. The culmination of the holiday was the Divine Liturgy on October 26. It was served by a host of bishops, both Greek and from other Local Orthodox Churches. The service was led by Metropolitan Anfim of Thessaloniki. The temple was crowded with believers. It must be said that in Thessaloniki, St. Demetrius's Day is an official day off.

In Russia, the memory of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessaloniki is celebrated on November 8. Small Vespers on the eve of the holiday begins with the words of the stichera: “Thessalonica rejoices in your memory and convenes all the surrounding cities, blessed Demetrius...”. Now it is clear that this is not just a poetic syllable of stichera: Thessaloniki is really rejoicing - for a long time, solemnly, on a grand scale.

Dmitry Avdeev

Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica was the son of the Roman proconsul in Thessaloniki (modern Thessaloniki, Slavic name - Thessaloniki). It was the third century of Christianity. Roman paganism, spiritually broken and defeated by a host of martyrs and confessors of the Crucified Savior, intensified persecution. The father and mother of Saint Demetrius were secret Christians.

In a secret house church that was in the house of the proconsul, the boy was baptized and instructed in the Christian faith. When his father died, and Demetrius had already reached adulthood, Emperor Galerius Maximian, who ascended the throne in 305, summoned him and, convinced of his education and military-administrative abilities, appointed him in his father’s place as proconsul of the Thessalonian region.

The main task entrusted to the young strategist was to defend the city from barbarians and exterminate Christianity. It is interesting that among the barbarians who threatened the Romans important place occupied by our ancestors the Slavs, who especially willingly settled on the Thessalonian Peninsula. There is an opinion that Dimitri's parents were of Slavic origin.

In relation to Christians, the will of the emperor was expressed unambiguously: “Put to death everyone who calls on the name of the Crucified One.” The emperor did not suspect, when appointing Demetrius, what a wide path of confessional exploits he was providing for the secret ascetic. Having accepted the appointment, Demetrius returned to Thessalonica and immediately before everyone confessed and glorified our Lord Jesus Christ. Instead of persecuting and executing Christians, he began to openly teach the inhabitants of the city the Christian faith and eradicate pagan customs and idolatry.

The compiler of the Life, Metaphrastus, says that he became for Thessalonica in his teaching zeal " the second apostle Paul“, because it was the “apostle of tongues” who once founded the first community of believers in this city (1 Thess., 2 Thess.). Saint Demetrius was destined by the Lord to follow the holy Apostle Paul in martyrdom.

When Maximian learned that the newly appointed proconsul was a Christian, and converted many Roman subjects, carried away by his example, to Christianity, the emperor’s anger knew no bounds. Returning from a campaign in the Black Sea region, the emperor decided to lead the army through Thessalonica, full of desire to deal with the Thessalonian Christians.

Having learned about this, Saint Demetrius ordered his faithful servant Lupp in advance to distribute the property to the poor with the words: “Divide the earthly wealth among them - we will seek for ourselves heavenly wealth.” And he devoted himself to fasting and prayer, preparing himself to accept the crown of martyrdom.

When the emperor entered the city, Demetrius was summoned to him, and he boldly confessed himself to be a Christian and exposed the untruth and vanity of Roman polytheism. Maximian ordered the confessor to be imprisoned, and an Angel came down to him in prison, comforting him and strengthening him in his feat. Meanwhile, the emperor indulged in gloomy gladiatorial spectacles, admiring how his favorite strongman, a German named Liy, threw the Christians he had defeated in the fight from the platform onto spears.

A brave young man named Nestor, from Thessalonica Christians, came to his mentor Demetrius in prison and asked to bless him for single combat with the barbarian. With the blessing of Demetrius, Nestor overpowered the holy saint, a ferocious German, with his prayers and threw him off the platform onto the spears of the soldiers, just as a pagan killer threw off Christians. The enraged ruler ordered immediate execution Holy Martyr Nestor(October 27) and sent guards to the prison to pierce Saint Demetrius, who blessed him for his feat, with spears.

At dawn on October 26, 306, warriors appeared in the underground dungeon of the holy prisoner and pierced him with spears. Faithful Servant Saint Lupp He collected the blood of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius on a towel, removed the imperial ring from his finger, a sign of his high dignity, and also dipped it in the blood. With the ring and other shrines, consecrated with the blood of Saint Demetrius, Saint Luppus began to heal the sick. The emperor ordered to seize and kill him.

The body of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius was thrown out to be devoured wild animals, but the Thessalonica Christians took him and secretly buried him. Under Saint Constantine, Equal to the Apostles (306–337), a church was erected over the tomb of Saint Demetrius. A hundred years later, during the construction of a new majestic church on the site of the old one, the incorruptible relics of the holy martyr were discovered.

From the 7th century, with the cancer of the Great Martyr Demetrius, miraculous outflow of fragrant myrrh, in connection with which the Great Martyr Demetrius receives the church name Myrrh-Streaming. Several times the admirers of Thessaloniki the Wonderworker made attempts to transfer his holy relics or particles of them to Constantinople. But invariably Saint Demetrius mysteriously manifested his will to remain the patron and protector of his native Thessalonica.

Repeatedly approaching the city, the pagan Slavs were driven away from the walls of Thessaloniki by the sight of a formidable, bright young man who walked around the walls and inspired terror in the soldiers. Perhaps that is why the name of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica is especially revered in Slavic peoples after enlightening them with the light of the Gospel truth. On the other hand, the Greeks considered Saint Demetrius to be a Slavic saint par excellence.

The name of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica is associated, by God’s decree, with the very first pages of the Russian chronicle. When the Prophetic Oleg defeated the Greeks near Constantinople (907), as the chronicle reports, “the Greeks were afraid and said: it is not Oleg, but Saint Demetrius sent against us from God.” Russian soldiers always believed that they were under the special protection of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. Moreover, in ancient Russian epics the Great Martyr Demetrius is portrayed as Russian by origin - this is how this image merged with the soul of the Russian people.

Church veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius in the Russian Church began immediately after the Baptism of Rus'. The foundation of the Dimitrievsky Monastery in Kyiv, later known as the Mikhailov-Golden-Domed Monastery, dates back to the early 70s of the 11th century. The monastery was built by the son of Yaroslav the Wise, Grand Duke Izyaslav, in Baptism by Demetrius († 1078). The mosaic icon of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica from the Cathedral of the Dimitrievsky Monastery has survived to this day and is located in the State Tretyakov Gallery.

In 1194–1197 Grand Duke Vladimir Vsevolod III the Big Nest, in the baptism of Demetrius, “created a beautiful church in his courtyard, the holy martyr Demetrius, and decorated it marvelously with icons and writings” (i.e., frescoes). Dimitrievsky Cathedral is still a decoration of ancient Vladimir.

Miraculous icon St. Demetrius of Thessaloniki from the iconostasis of the cathedral is also now located in Moscow in the Tretyakov Gallery. It is written on a board from the tomb of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius, brought in 1197 from Thessaloniki to Vladimir. One of the most valuable images of the saint is the fresco on the pillar of the Vladimir Assumption Cathedral, painted by the reverend monk-icon painter Andrei Rublev.

The veneration of Saint Demetrius continued in the family of Saint Alexander Nevsky (November 23). Saint Alexander named his eldest son in honor of the holy great martyr. And the youngest son, the holy noble prince Daniel of Moscow († 1303; commemorated March 4), erected a temple in Moscow in the name of the holy great martyr Demetrius in the 1280s, which was the first stone church in the Moscow Kremlin. Later, in 1326, under Prince John Kalita, it was dismantled, and the Assumption Cathedral was erected in its place.

Since ancient times, the memory of Saint Demetrius of Thessalonica has been associated in Rus' with military feats, patriotism and defense of the Fatherland.

The saint is depicted on icons as a warrior in feathered armor, with a spear and sword in his hands. On the scroll (in later images) they wrote a prayer with which Saint Demetrius addressed God for the salvation of his native Thessaloniki: “Lord, do not destroy the city and the people. If you save the city and the people, I will be saved with them; if you destroy them, I will die with them.”

IN spiritual experience In the Russian Church, the veneration of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica is closely connected with the memory of the defender of the Motherland and the Church, the Grand Duke of Moscow Demetrius of Donskoy († 1389).

“The Sermon on the Life and Repose of Grand Duke Dimitri Ivanovich, Tsar of Russia,” written in 1393, like other ancient sources, praises him as a saint. Spiritual son and pupil of Metropolitan Alexy, Saint of Moscow († 1378; commemorated February 12), student and interlocutor of the great prayer books of the Russian land - St. Sergius of Radonezh († 1392; commemorated September 25), Demetrius of Prilutsk († 1392; commemorated February 11), St. Theodore of Rostov († 1394; commemorated November 28), Grand Duke Demetrius “was very sad about the churches of God, and held the country of the Russian land with his courage: he defeated many enemies who came against us and fenced his glorious city Moscow with wonderful walls.” Since the time of the white-stone Kremlin built by Grand Duke Dimitri (1366), Moscow began to be called White-stone. “The Russian land flourished during the years of his reign,” the title “Word” testifies.

Through the prayers of his Heavenly patron, the holy warrior Demetrius of Thessaloniki, Grand Duke Demetrius won a series of brilliant military victories that predetermined the further rise of Russia: he repelled the onslaught of the Lithuanian troops of Olgerd on Moscow (1368, 1373), defeated the Tatar army of Begich on the Vozha River (1378), crushed military power of the entire Golden Horde in the battle on the Kulikovo field (September 8, 1380 on the day of the celebration of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary) between the Don and Nepryadva rivers.

The Battle of Kulikovo, for which the people named Dimitri Donskoy, became the first all-Russian national feat that rallied the spiritual forces of the Russian people around Moscow. “Zadonshchina,” an inspired heroic poem written by priest Zephaniah Ryazan (1381), is dedicated to this turning point in Russian history.

Prince Dimitry Donskoy was a great admirer of the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius. In 1380, on the eve of the Battle of Kulikovo, he solemnly transferred from Vladimir to Moscow the main shrine of the Vladimir Demetrius Cathedral - the icon of the Great Martyr Demetrius of Thessalonica, written on the board of the saint’s tomb. In the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, a chapel was built in the name of the Great Martyr Demetrius.

In memory of the soldiers who fell in the Battle of Kulikovo, it was installed for church-wide commemoration.

For the first time this memorial service was celebrated at the Trinity-Sergius Monastery on October 20, 1380 Venerable Sergius, abbot of Radonezh, in the presence of the Grand Duke Dimitri Donskoy himself.

Since then, it has been celebrated annually in the monastery with the solemn commemoration of the heroes of the Battle of Kulikovo, including the schema-monks-warriors Alexander (Peresvet) and Andrei (Oslyabi).

Troparion, tone 3

You will find a great champion in troubles, the universe, more passion-bearing, / conquering tongues. / Just as you brought down Liev’s pride, / and you boldly created Nestor for the feat, / so, Saint Demetrius, / prayed to Christ God / to grant us great mercy.

Kontakion, tone 2

With streams of your blood, Demetrius, / God stained the Church, / giving you an invincible fortress, / and keeping your city unharmed; / that you are a statement.

Icon of Dmitry of Thessalonica

One of the most beloved holy images in Christianity is the divine image of the Great Martyr. He was sentenced to execution as soon as he publicly said that he professed Orthodox faith. In our article you can familiarize yourself with short life Martyr, and also find out what role the icon of the Saint plays in Christianity, and in what cases they ask for help in front of it.

Brief life history

God's Pleasant was born in sunny Greece in the small town of Thessaloniki, during the reign of the pagans - the atheists Diocletian and Maximian.

His father and mother were unable to conceive a child for a long time. His parents were hidden supporters of Orthodoxy, and they continuously read prayers before the image of the Almighty for the sending of a child to them. The Almighty heeded their prayers and the mother soon became pregnant. When the boy grew up a little, his mother and father brought him to the house of the holy father under cover of darkness to perform the baptismal ceremony.
Throughout their worldly life, the parents taught their son Christianity. The boy's father worked as a professional master. When he reached adulthood, his father died. The ruler of Greece, Maximian, issued a decree appointing Dmitry as the leader of the punitive forces against Orthodox believers. In the course of his activities, the Saint was obliged to ensure the protection of the Thessalonian region and exterminate Christian believers. But in fact, the Ascetic began to convert pagans to Orthodoxy.

When all this reached Maximian, he ordered him to be thrown into prison. But while in captivity, the Great Martyr did not abandon his commitment to Christianity, but instead began to praise Jesus Christ even more fiercely. During the reign of Emperor Maximian, entertainment such as the circus and gladiator fights were common. But during one fight, the emperor’s favorite gladiator dies, and Maximian becomes enraged and gives the order to kill the winner.

But this did not satisfy the emperor, and he ordered Dmitry to be executed. At dawn on the twenty-sixth of October in 306, soldiers came for the prisoner in order to take the Great Martyr to execution. But when they entered the cell they found the Saint praying to the Lord, and then the soldiers immediately stabbed him to death.

His body was thrown out to be eaten by animals, but his supporters took the body and buried it. After which the servant of St. Lupp took the bloody clothes and ring and gave healings from illnesses to all the sick, for such activities he was also executed.

Thirty-two years after Dmitry’s death, a cathedral was erected over his burial place, in which many believers found deliverance from all suffering. After some time, the holy remains of the Great Martyr were found.

Purpose of the icon

This holy image is considered the strongest talisman of everyone involved in military affairs. The figure of the Great Martyr of Thessalonica played a huge role in the formation of Christianity in Kievan Rus on a par with the holy image of Dmitry Donskoy. These two shrines are considered an attribute of masculinity and courage. In the chronicles there is a mention that during the celebration of the Liturgy, the king was also in the temple before the face of the Righteous One.

After the Battle of Kulikovo, in honor of all the fighters who laid down their lives in this battle, Dmitrievskaya was installed in order to hold a joint memorial service parent's Saturday. From that day on, they began to praise the face of the Great Martyr on Saturday and the twenty-sixth of October, when the remains of the Saint were found. The first time such a service was held was on the twentieth of October at the end of the thirteenth century.

How to pray

IN modern world Parts of the remains of St. Demetrius are kept in many countries of the world, so one sixth of the relics are kept in the churches of Rome. Near the remains and in front of the images of the Great Martyr they usually ask for:
getting rid of eye diseases,
getting rid of terrible illnesses,


The holy and glorious Great Martyr of the Lord Demetrius, quick helper and merciful protector, we turn to you with confidence! Having presented yourself with courage before the Heavenly Lord, beg Him to grant forgiveness of our sins and deliverance from evil temptations, cowardice, water, fire, war and eternal suffering. Beg the Heavenly Lordship to send blessings on this city, on this monastery and on any Orthodox state.

“Pray Our Lord to grant victory to Orthodox Christians over their enemies, to every Christian country peace, tranquility, unshakable faith and success in righteousness; but to us, who praise holy name yours, ask for a blessing on the accomplishment of good and righteous deeds, to our Savior Jesus Christ the deeds performed on earth, through your prayers we will be worthy to inherit the Kingdom of the Lord for the eternal praise of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

Varieties of Saint icons and their descriptions

The most beloved icon of Christians is the image in which the Great Martyr of Thessalonica is depicted in the saddle. This image depicts a miraculous act, which is described in the legend of Dmitry Donskoy. According to legend, at the beginning of the twelfth century, an army led by Emperor Kaloyan tried to capture the city of Thessaloniki. But the Righteous One appeared in the invaders’ camp and executed the king:
In the image, he stabs the invader, and he goes underground.
Warriors and ordinary people holding the face of the Ascetic in their hands
The heavenly messenger of the Lord appears in the sky and places a crown on the head of the Righteous One.
And on the left from Heaven the Lord bestows his blessing on the holy protector.

Another fairly famous icon is the face of the Saint from the twelfth century; in our time, this shrine is kept in the Tretyakov Gallery. It is believed that this face was painted in the twelfth century and was kept in the city of Dmitrov in a temple, but after the end of the revolution the icon was taken and given to the museum. In the early twenties, icon painters scraped off the top image, painted on top of the ancient one. The icon painters saw the face of the Great Martyr sitting on a throne with a crown on his head, holding a sword in his hands. Undoubtedly, in Kingdom of Heaven there is no need for protection, this is an attribute of the fact that during worldly life he was armed with the Holy Word. It is believed that this is a symbol of courage and bravery.

Public Defender

It is generally accepted that the face of the Great Martyr heals those who suffer from ailments of the head and eyes. In addition, Ugodnik is a protector of the military. When found, the remains of the Great Martyr poured out a large amount of aromatic oil, which is why it was called myrrh-streaming. Christians use the fragrant oil to get rid of all ailments. In Kievan Rus, the Righteous One was so revered that he was considered Russian by birth. Even royal nobles very often named their sons after the Holy Warrior, which probably explains the prevalence of his name, which has survived to this day.

With the saint, the Great Martyr Demetrius, the son of noble and pious parents, came from the city of Thessaloniki, where his father was a commander. At that time, the wicked king Maximian initiated a cruel persecution of Christians. For this reason, pious parents secretly raised Demetrius in the true faith of Christ.

After the death of his father, Saint Demetrius assumed the position of ruler of the city of Thessaloniki. Driven by zeal for the Christian faith, he began to openly preach and teach the true faith to the inhabitants of Thessaloniki, who worshiped idols. For this, by order of the emperor, Saint Demetrius was imprisoned. Here he was honored with a visit from the Angel of Christ, after which he desired the feat of martyrdom even more strongly. In prison, he was a mentor in the faith of the pious Nestor, who suffered as a martyr for Christ.

After cruel torment, the Holy Great Martyr Demetrius was pierced with spears.

Myrrh subsequently flowed from the incorruptible relics of the saint, so that the whole city was filled with a fragrance.

St. created especially many miraculous signs through his prayerful intercession. Demetrius in Thessaloniki, the place of his martyrdom and the repose of his honorable relics.

One day there was a fire in the church of St. Demetrius, during which the fire melted the silver canopy over the shrine where the relics of the great martyr rested. Archbishop of Thessalonica Eusebius had the intention of restoring the canopy, using for this purpose a silver throne that stood in the same church and remained undamaged during the fire. But the archbishop’s intention, which he still kept secret, was not pleasing to the great martyr. One day the saint appeared in a vision to the presbyter of that temple, Demetrius, a pious man, and said:

Go and tell the bishop of the city: do not dare to pour over the throne that is in my temple.

The presbyter conveyed the command of the great martyr to his archpastor. He was at first amazed, since he believed that his intention was not known to any outsiders, but then he assumed that the presbyter could somehow check on him, and, seeing in the presbyter’s words an encroachment on his archpastoral orders, he gave his subordinate a severe reprimand. A few days later, the archbishop calls silversmiths to his place to order the recasting of the throne. At this time, Presbyter Dimitri comes to him again and says:

The Holy Great Martyr again appeared to me, a sinner, in a dream vision and ordered me to tell you: for the sake of love for me, do not pour over the throne.

This time too, the archbishop sternly dismissed the presbyter, but thought about his words and postponed the recasting of the throne. But a few days later he took up his intention again. Then for the third time he appeared to the pious presbyter St. Great Martyr and said:

Cheer up! I myself will take care of my temple and city, leave me to take care of that myself.

After this, the archbishop began to see a sign from above in all this and said to those around him:

Let us wait a little, brothers, for the saint of Christ himself promised us his help.

Before the archbishop had time to finish his speech, one Thessalonian citizen, named Mina, came and brought with him 75 pounds of silver as a gift to the holy great martyr. At the same time he said:

Often Saint Demetrius saved me from dangers and even saved me from death. For a long time I have wanted to make a donation to the temple of my wondrous patron. This morning, from the very morning, some voice urged me: go and do what you have in mind.

Mina wished that his silver be used for the canopy of the tomb of St. Dimitri. His silver was joined by donations from other Thessalonica citizens, and thus it became possible, without destroying the throne, to cast a beautiful canopy for the tomb of the great martyr.

In Rus', St. Vmch. Demetrius of Thessalonica has long enjoyed especially reverent veneration. The Monk Nestor mentions him in his chronicle.

The appanage princes considered St. Vmch. Demetrius as his patron and ambulance. Therefore, they tried to acquire into their possession something from the relics of St. Dimitri. Thus, Princess Euphrosyne of Polotsk brought a cross from Palestine, which, among other shrines, contained a particle of the relics of the great martyr.

In 1198, on January 10, the icon of St. was brought to Grand Duke Vsevolod Yuryevich from Thessaloniki. Vmch. Demetrius of Thessalonica. Since 1380, this icon has been kept in the Moscow Assumption Cathedral, in the chapel of St. Great Martyr Demetrius, who had especially important for Russian princes and tsars. Russian princes were especially willing to give their eldest sons names in honor of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica and dedicated the monasteries and temples they built to this great martyr. Memorial Day of St. In the past, Demetrius was considered a great holiday in Rus'.

One of the most revered shrines in Orthodoxy is the icon of Demetrius of Thessalonica. The saint was deliberately killed for his unshakable and zealous faith in Christ. And his image to this day helps believers gain strength of spirit and protection from Above.

The icon of St. Demetrius of Thessalonica is of great importance for Orthodox Church. The people also call the Great Martyr the Second Apostle Paul. The saint is an example of devotion to the Lord. Every believer receives protection and intercession through prayers to Dmitry. The saint of God will help you not to go astray, find your purpose and cope with any difficulties.

The life story of Dmitry Solunsky

The holy martyr was born in Greece, into a family of Orthodox believers. From childhood, the boy acquired love for the Lord, led a righteous life and did good deeds. His life dates back to the reign of kings who were supporters of the fight against God, considering God the cause of evil in the world and condemning him for this.

At the age of 18, Dmitry was appointed to the post of military commander by the emperor of the state. The main requirements at the post were to protect their native lands from enemies and kill people of the Christian faith. The Great Martyr went against the rules and began to fight the pagans, preaching Christianity. When the ruler found out about Dmitry's deeds, he locked him in prison. But the martyr did not renounce his faith, praising the Lord even more. He prayed day and night, without fatigue or sadness. The emperor was angry with the preacher and had him executed. When the soldiers entered the dungeon, they saw Dmitry sitting on his knees and reading a prayer. The warriors immediately pierced the saint with spears.

The body of Dmitry of Thessalonica was thrown out to be devoured by wild animals, but local residents secretly buried the righteous man. A few years later, a temple was erected at the burial site of the martyr, where the a large number of healings and miracles. Later, the incorrupt remains of Dmitry Solunsky were found. God's saint died for his faith and love for Christ. It was for his strength of spirit and his righteousness that the martyr was canonized.

Where is the miraculous image now?

The icon of the blessed Dmitry of Thessalonica adorns many churches in our country. The original image of the martyr is kept in the Moscow Tretyakov Gallery. Also, a particularly revered image of the saint is located in the temple Life-Giving Trinity on Sparrow Hills in Moscow.

Description of the icon of Dmitry Solunsky

The most popular image contains the image of Dmitry of Thessalonica sitting on a horse. The righteous man plunges his spear into the enemy. The gates of the city depict guards and ordinary people holding an icon of St. Demetrius. At the top of the icon is an Angel descending from Heaven and placing a sacred crown on the head of the great martyr. In the left corner he gives His blessing to the holy martyr.

There is also a known image where Dmitry is depicted sitting on the royal throne. There is a crown on his head, and he holds a sword in his hands. The weapon in the hands of the saint symbolizes not only his courage, but the support and protection of the Lord during the earthly life of the righteous.

How does a miraculous image help?

It should be noted that the shrine is a symbol of courage and perseverance. The miraculous icon acts as the patroness of all warriors and soldiers fighting to protect their homeland. They also pray in front of the icon of Dmitry of Thessalonica for the healing of diseases, especially eye diseases. The saint helps to gain courage and courage, endurance, peace of mind, fortitude. Miraculous image The blessed one is able to protect your home from enemies and enemies, maintain peace and harmony in the family.

Days of celebration

Celebrations are held in honor of the great martyr of God November 8. Christians love and respect Saint Demetrius. On this day, Orthodox believers with great zeal pay homage to the great righteous man, offering prayers before His miraculous image.

Prayer to Demetrius of Thessaloniki in front of the icon

“Oh, most holy martyr of God, Dmitry! You are our helper and protector of all Christians. Ask the King of Heaven for atonement for our sins, for we repent and ask
forgiveness. We pray to You, Blessed Saint, deliver us from diseases, wars, attacks from enemies, fire, water and violence! We ask you, Great Dmitry, to protect our country from enemies and bloodshed. Become the intercessor of all Christians, protect them from grief and hatred! Give us strength, patience, courage and bravery! May you guide those who have strayed from the path leading to a righteous life onto the true path. And don't leave us Holy Martyr! May we glorify Your name! May Your power come to us, blessed saint! In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Forever and ever. Amen".

Blessed Dmitry of Thessalonica is an example of a true righteous man, a brave warrior and a faithful servant of God. Those who have lost faith in themselves, in their strength, or have simply lost their way, appeal to his help. The saint has the power to guide you along the path leading to happiness and unity with the Lord. We wish you peace in your soul, take care of yourselfand don't forget to press the buttons and