Are there prophetic dreams and how to distinguish them. When do you have prophetic dreams by day of the week?

Dreaming is the most mysterious phenomenon human life. Esotericists believe that any dreams carry some information. But why do some prophetic dreams come true, but others don’t? What if we are missing something important in the clues of fate?

What are prophetic dreams?

Not every dream is a hint for the future. Often we cannot cope with daytime experiences that spill out during the night's rest and simply cannot see prophetic dreams. And not everyone has the talent of clairvoyance, which some people develop over the years. What prophetic dreams mean in the understanding of most people is a prophecy that we receive when immersed in the kingdom of Morpheus. If what you saw was really a hint from above, then soon your dreams will come true.

Prophetic dreams are divided into two types: literal and symbolic. Literal dreams include dreams, the actions of which are accurately transferred to real life. It is much more difficult to understand symbolic dreams, because predictions in such dreams come in the form of symbols and indirect clues. Such predictions are almost impossible to decipher without dream books.

How to distinguish a prophetic dream from an ordinary one?

Some clairvoyants say that predictions come in unusual light and are remembered in great detail. How to find out whether a dream is prophetic or not, if it is not so easy to understand this issue, because predictions are not much different from an ordinary dream. In what case will you definitely not see the clues of fate:

  1. Having eaten a hearty meal. Scientists have proven that people who overeat have nightmares, but when they fall asleep on an empty stomach, they think about their favorite foods.
  2. Taking medications changing human consciousness, such as alcoholic drinks and drugs.
  3. Feeling painful disorders in the body. Headache, temperature and spasms in the body do not allow the body to completely immerse itself in dreams.
  4. External factors . If the room is too hot or cold, there is a source bright light or loud sounds, then it is impossible to get a predictive dream.

What kind of people have prophetic dreams?

IN modern times There are many who want to receive a hint of fate by plunging into the kingdom of Morpheus. Turning to history, you can find out that ancestors more often saw prophetic dreams. This is explained by the fact that ancient people were more attentive to predictions and worked harder to solve them. At first, people believed that only representatives of religious movements, such as priests, monks and priests, possessed clairvoyance. When asked who has prophetic dreams, psychics answer that any person who has the maximum ability can receive a prophecy.

Why do I often have prophetic dreams?

Don't be afraid of your dreams. In support of this, scientists have put forward a theory. They explained why prophetic dreams occur: throughout the day a person experiences a large number of emotions, but due to his busyness does not notice the small details of what is happening. That’s why strange dreams appear, which pull out from the depths of the subconscious all the details of the past day.

How to see a prophetic dream?

In order to receive a prediction for the future, it is necessary to properly prepare for such a phenomenon. Practicing clairvoyants say that predictions come most often early morning. You need to make sure that nothing will disturb you during this time. Before we fall asleep, we focus on our problem, think about all possible methods for solving it, and when we wake up, we try to remember all the details of what we saw and decipher them.

Those who want to know how to induce a prophetic dream should pay attention to the conspiracy. To carry out the ritual, you need to take a round mirror and put it under the bed with the words: “As light and darkness are reflected in a mirror, so will my future be reflected and dreamed of”. Then, after thinking about what worries you, go to the land of dreams and receive fateful clues.

Prophetic dreams - how to develop a gift?

In esotericism there are several rules for developing your own gift. How to learn to see prophetic dreams when you really need it:

  1. To purify consciousness, you need to sincerely believe that clairvoyance can be achieved by anyone.
  2. While in a daydream, it is important to try to focus on the most basic thing, whether it be pictures, voice or emotions - it’s different for everyone.
  3. It is recommended to take up meditation, it helps develop your inner voice. After all, the most important thing in the ability to decipher a prediction is internal harmony with oneself.

On what days do you have prophetic dreams?

If you are interested in a dream, you need to not only look into the dream book, but also take into account the day on which you dreamed it. Everyone has long known that every day is influenced by a certain planet. Depending on this, we receive predictions or suffer from it, and some people cannot sleep at all. You can find out on which days you have prophetic dreams using this hint:

  1. Monday is under the patronage of the Moon. She is responsible for human emotions and sensitivity. If you dreamed of something pleasant and bright, you can safely turn your ideas into reality.
  2. Tuesday ruled by Mars, responsible for courage and strength. There are no predictions on this day. Chaotic activity and an abundance of plots do not allow one to grasp the specific essence of the dream.
  3. Wednesday- day of Mercury. The lightness and tranquility of this planet will help you see the true solution to problems.
  4. Thursday, being in the power of Jupiter, is responsible for activity and actions. Prophetic dreams from Thursday to Friday are the most stable, since on this day most people’s intuition becomes more intense.
  5. Friday patronized by sensual Venus. On this night you can predict the fate of both yourself and your loved ones.
  6. Saturday is marked by trials of fate sent by Saturn. Often, night dreams come true on the same day.
  7. Sunday- day of the Sun. Giving strength and energy, this planet shows how busy we are in real life. This is a clear reason to stop and take a break from all the problems.

Is it possible to tell prophetic dreams?

Experts in the mystical field advise not to talk about your night dreams. First you need to decipher the prophecy and outline a plan of action in accordance with the prompts from above. Prophetic dreams can be told only when you are sure that everything you saw has already come true. And even in this case, you should not trust everyone, let only the closest people become listeners.

Prophetic dreams - fact or fiction?

For many years, scientists have been trying to understand whether prophetic dreams actually exist. How to refute this phenomenon They are not able to, then it is also impossible to deny the existence of predictions. In addition, history has recorded a lot interesting cases, in which great scientists and poets have prophetic dreams. For example: Pushkin repeatedly saw the necessary rhymes, immersed in deep dreams, and the great scientist Mendeleev discovered in a dream chemical table and many artists paint pictures based on dreams.

There is a theory that there is an information field around our world. This field contains all information about the past, present and future. And at the moment when we are maximally ready to perceive the future, our consciousness is immersed in the information flow. But as they say, “how many people, so many opinions,” so whether to believe in clairvoyance or not is up to everyone to decide.

Prophetic dreams and Orthodoxy

In Holy Scripture you can often find prophecies sent by God through dreams. In biblical times, any person could become a fortuneteller, regardless of his faith and financial situation. Scripture also speaks of the appearance of false dreams, which are far from revelation and carry within themselves harmful influences for spiritual purity. Orthodoxy tries not to perceive prophetic dreams as true predictions, and priests say that the Bible itself is the main source of answers to all questions.

When you want to understand what a dream is talking about, you can get your bearings by determining its type. Either this is a prophetic dream about the future, warns of something or anticipates events, or it is a dream that processes the impressions of the past day and shows experiences repressed by consciousness.

In Jungian psychoanalysis, these two types of dreams are called compensatory and archetypal. Compensatory dreams are about the past, archetypal dreams are about the future, or prophetic dreams.

Navigation through the article “How to understand that a dream is prophetic?”:

Compensatory dreams - how to understand that a dream is prophetic

Connected with external reality, process past daytime impressions. Necessary in order to “digest” the contents of the day. Jung called such dreams “from the ego,” that is, from your Self, such as or as you know yourself. The characters in such dreams are most often your relatives and friends in modern times (based on materials from Oksana Lavrova’s dream contextual seminar).

For example, a compensatory dream about the dreamer’s work crisis: “We are sailing on a ship, me and some of my colleagues, then suddenly the ship begins to sink...” The dream is more complicated - “we are hiding somewhere, grandmother gives mom a quarter of bread, then mom gives me a penny, and I give my daughter a ruble,” the dreamer, through associations to images, interprets the dream as a family message to be content with little, which is passed down from generation to generation. female line.

Difficult. I would like to find an answer to the question: how to understand that a dream is prophetic? Rely on dream books or lunar days or anything else that will help clarify the meaning of the dream. Dreams indicate blind spots; they do not tell you what you already know. It's like trying to look at your back. You need to show your back to the other person or hold up a mirror.

“Your psychological blind spots are like your back or your ass: you have to live with it, you have to lie and sit on it, but you can’t look at it. Therefore, sometimes, even if a dream tells you obvious things, you cannot understand them. You need another person to explain it, and then you think: “Oh my God, of course this is it!”

Marie-Louise Von Franz, Fraser Boa "The Way of Dreaming"

Psychological “blind spots” are what you cannot see, but are clearly visible from the outside. Dreams tell us about such blind spots, about what is repressed by consciousness as unpleasant, unconscious, disturbing or scary knowledge. These are the majority of compensatory dreams.

Archetypal dreams - how to understand that a dream is prophetic

They are a minority. They are connected with inner reality and are necessary for seeing the future, for perspective. If compensatory ones are focused on working through the past, then archetypal ones set the direction of the future. Jung called such dreams “from the self,” that is, your deep center, such as or as you know yourself and do not know. These are prophetic dreams. They can be encrypted, but occasionally they are unambiguous.

How to understand that a dream is prophetic- determine the type of dream by the impression that remains. If you experience a special feeling - a mixture of delight and horror, it seems like religious feeling, then this is an archetypal dream. A kind of ecstasy with a chill of horror. All other dreams are compensatory.

Compensatory - about the momentary, archetypal - about the eternal.

Jung's archetypal dream of a “trap in the 27th century” is well known. Jung dreams that he ended up in a city and found himself locked in a 27th century estate for a year. Only later did he realize that the dream indicated his passion for alchemy. Only I had to study it not for a year, as was supposed in that dream, but for ten years in order to begin to understand the general meaning of alchemical texts and derive my theory of the unconscious.

Another dream is told by the dreamer, a military wife: “I dream of a bird that looks like a falcon wearing a crown. Later I found out that my husband was being transferred to serve in Hungary, and I saw this bird in a crown in the square of a Hungarian city.”

Archetypal dreams can be difficult and scary, especially when the dream foresees destructive future events in a family, city or country that are beyond influence. This is scary and difficult to know in advance.

It is no less uncomfortable to realize after the event that you knew about it in advance. Questions arise: why did I know this? Could he have done something? Close people had dreams about plane crashes with relatives and about wars. Many people had dreams about the collapse of the Twin Towers in America on the eve of the explosion.

Twice I was approached with a question: how can I avoid having such dreams?

There are gifted people who have archetypal dreams more often than others. They are not always happy about it. We would like to “unsee”, but there is no way to close contact with the unconscious forever. Just try to “agree” in the office of a psychologist or psychoanalyst.

To do this, you can try to enter the space of dreams and fantasies in your imagination and imagine a dialogue with the source of your dreams.

So, how to understand that a dream is prophetic?

To determine whether a dream is about the past or the future, we recognize the type of dream by these signs:

Compensatory dreams:

  • the majority, in general about 80% of all dreams
  • characters mainly from everyday life
  • aimed at a “blind spot” in the past, at working through experiences or realizing something hidden about oneself
  • evoke any feelings and emotions - love, fear, tenderness, grief..., but a little more often negative, since they are more repressed from consciousness

Archetypal dreams:

  • minority, about 20%
  • characters are often mythical, divine, historical, occasionally - ordinary, when a prophetic dream directly, like a picture, shows the future
  • looking to the future
  • evoke any feelings and emotions, plus a special feeling of delight and horror

If you have questions and want to work with your dreams, come to the forum for a free dream analysis or sign up for a consultation.

There is something mysterious, magical in the concept of a prophetic dream, something that forces a person to immediately begin to solve the problem similar phenomenon. Despite the level of skepticism, people believe in the veracity of a lucid dream, because the phenomena in a prophetic dream are displayed as in real life. And most importantly, in such dreams there is a clue to the entire human essence.

What are prophetic dreams? The most important prophetic dreams in the entire history of mankind

Surely, every inhabitant of the planet has had a dream in his life, which later came true. Such dreams are popularly called prophetic. The power and significance of prophetic phenomena was written in the Bible, historical chronicles, conveyed their meaning to other people. The human mind prefers to think that a prophetic dream is a message from the Higher Mind, a life hint, an insight that instills confidence in one’s abilities and helps to move on. Throughout the history of mankind, several mysterious and significant dreams can be identified:

1. Joseph's Dream prophesied the birth of Jesus. In a dream, an angel appeared to him and ordered him to take Mary to his house, because she was pregnant with the holy spirit and was carrying the son of God. Joseph fulfilled all the wishes of the angel and after a while they had a son, who was named Jesus.

2. Hecuba's Dream prophesied the fall of Troy. In a dream, a woman saw that she had given birth to a torch that would burn the entire city. The newborn baby Paris was abandoned in the mountains so that the dream would not come true. Paris survived and, as a grown man, returned to the city, where they remembered him and accepted him as their own blood. Paris kidnapped the beautiful Helen, as a result of which a war broke out and the city was burned.

3. Abraham Lincoln's Dream predicted death. 10 days before his death, Lincoln had a dream: in the White House there was a coffin covered national flag, people were burying the president. Unfortunately, I had a prophetic dream direct meaning and it came true.

4. Dreams about discoveries. A lot of famous people were able to complete their undertakings outside: Mendeleev dreamed of a table, the writer Dante - “The Divine Comedy”, E. Howe - sewing machine, D. Tartini made a deal with the devil in a dream and wrote “The Devil’s Sonata”, mathematician A. Turing saw a diagram in a dream and created a computer.

A prophetic dream must come true; it is important to interpret it correctly.

Many dreams of great people actually came true, since in the past enough attention was paid to prophetic dreams. Advisors at the court, the Magi, helped interpret dreams and warned of impending sorrow or joy.

When do you have prophetic dreams?">

How to determine when you have prophetic dreams?

Some people do not reveal their true interests in dreams, trying to appear indifferent to interpretation and decoding. But even the bravest pessimist will shudder after a prophetic dream. There are several criteria to help determine when do you have prophetic dreams:

  • dream clarity. Basically, dreams are chaotic, have several stages, events quickly jump from one to another, without much meaning. A prophetic dream is a small “investment” in the main one; it is distinguished by clarity and specificity of actions. Maybe this is how nature works, but “special” dreams go on like a movie in human head. When watching, nothing interferes, no extraneous thoughts, which helps the sleeper better remember the dream in the morning, and perhaps for the rest of his life;
  • inner feelings. Clear visions at the time of sleep evoke special feelings in a person: awe, excitement, surprise, insight. The soul feels that it was chosen to see this event in a dream in order to accept it in the future. correct solution. Astrologers believe that the higher mind prefers to speak with the human only on “night journeys.” Depending on current or upcoming events, you can determine whether a prophetic dream is true or not.
  • A prophetic dream is a solution to existing or upcoming problems, events, sent to a person in order to warn and prepare spiritually.

  • harbingers of truthfulness. If you were unable to remember the dream or pay enough attention to it, harbingers of its veracity may soon appear. Indirectly or directly, life events will resemble a dream, and then there will be no doubt that it is prophetic. Thus, 80% of pregnant women claim that in anticipation of this good news they caught fish in their dreams.

  • Depending on the lunar phase and day of the week, they are determined days when dreams are prophetic. But this does not give reason to doubt the veracity of prophetic dreams if, according to the calendar, the moment is not the most favorable. Astrologers have compiled a clear calendar for when a dream can be true:

    • Monday - there is a high probability that the dream is prophetic;
    • Tuesday - the dream will come true in the next 7-10 days, after the specified time has passed its meaning no longer matters;
    • Wednesday - the dream can be prophetic and will come true within a day, after 24 hours it will partially come true;
    • Thursday - dreams always come true;
    • Friday - prophetic acts love dreams, reveal feelings from an unexpected side;
    • Saturday - only morning dreams come true;
    • resurrection - partial fulfillment of dreams.

    A prophetic dream will certainly come true if a person was born on the day of the week when he dreamed about it.

    As mentioned earlier, ancient nations believed in the truth of dreams and therefore often performed rituals that helped to see true dream. Of course, in today's world, sacrifice is regarded as a crime, but no one talks about radical measures. It is enough to follow a few simple principles psychological preparation to bed:

    • The principle of pure thought helps meditation. It is worth mentioning that the dream reflects human emotions, thoughts and desires. In other words, a person wants to see a prophetic dream, which means he must clear himself of unnecessary thoughts and concentrate on the exciting object;
    • the principle of correctly formulating a desire will set all priorities. When a person turns to his subconscious or the Higher mind, he wants one thing - to see the answer to his question in a dream, as happened in the case of many great people. Even scientists do not deny the materiality of thoughts, which indicates the possibility of independently forming and causing a prophetic dream;
    • principle of compliance with the algorithm. The algorithm in this case will involve several simple actions: induce a prophetic dream on the waxing moon; take a relaxing bath; light sandalwood incense in the bedroom; sleep alone.
    • principle correct interpretation. It is very important not only to see a clear dream, but to remember it and interpret it correctly. To do this, you don’t need a dream book at all, but knowledge of yourself: who a person is, who surrounds him, what events are coming.

    Compliance with the principles can cause a prophetic dream, but it is not a fact that you will definitely have a dream.

    Having true desire get in touch with the Higher Mind, it is recommended to read prophetic dream spell, absolutely safe, not associated with magic.

    Conspiracy 1. I will lie down God’s servant (name) on the Zion Mountains to sleep. There are three angels in my head: one sees, the second hears, and the third will tell me the whole truth. Amen.

    Conspiracy 2. From Thursday to Friday I will go to bed and ask the Mother of God: let me dream something that is destined to come true.

    Both conspiracies are read in absolute calm and solitude. You should not practice mirrors, candles and black magic, since even the most notorious realists see the supernatural not only in dreams, but also in reality.

    How to remember a prophetic dream

    The nature of sleep is this: during the occurrence of dreams, feelings dominate, the mind rests. That is why it is quite difficult for a person to remember the actions that happened to him in a dream. Sometimes it even seems like you didn’t dream anything at all.

    Memory for a moment deep sleep turns off, but if the dream was clear and well remembered, it means that it is truly prophetic and carries direct or hidden implications.

    Dreams sent from above are viewed as if in reality - one of the secrets that is not subject to interpretation. Another case is when a person tries to deliberately induce a “special” dream, where he expects to see a solution to pressing issues. There are several ways to remember a dream:

    • keep records. For this purpose it is worth keeping nearby sleeping place pen, diary or tape recorder. During night awakenings, the dream is remembered clearly, and the feelings experienced in the dream seem real. It is at this moment that it is worth quickly writing everything down on paper, because if you fall asleep again, it is already difficult to remember the previous dream;
    • the right attitude. Before falling asleep, it is recommended to clear your thoughts, focus on current events and set the goal of remembering your next trip to the sleepy kingdom. Psychologists are sure that if a person leads a correct, measured life, his sleep is so clear and understandable.
    • traditional methods. Psychics advise opening the window at night so that the soul can safely “fly” outside the room walls. The centuries-old science of witchcraft suggests fumigating a room with sandalwood incense, which helps to see and remember a dream.

    How to interpret a prophetic dream?

    First of all, after an exciting dream, a person opens a thick dream book in order to find an explanation for his visions, but the multifaceted interpretations only confuse. Usually clear visions come at a time when help is needed or serious changes are coming.

    The most important thing is to understand that a dream reflects a person’s internal experiences and can only be interpreted based on current events and an understanding of his personality in general.

    In the Bible it was believed that a dream could be sent by both God and the Evil One, and it was up to the person to follow the predictions or not. There are often cases when dead people appear in a dream or own funeral, which does not mean imminent death. Therefore, before you panic, you need to analyze yourself and try to find a positive meaning in a secret dream.

    A prophetic dream can occur either at will or unexpectedly. Natural (true) dreams are given to a person from above and most often carry a direct meaning. You should not be afraid of such dreams; you need to learn how to interpret them correctly.

    Correct perception of “special” dreams is the path to controlling your destiny.

    A prophetic dream can bring how good news, and bad, but in any case it will serve as a warning for a person, most likely even for a chosen person.

    Video: Prophetic dreams

Sorcerers and ghosts, instantaneous movements in space and the transmigration of souls, abductions by aliens and encounters with the Loch Ness monster... How I want to believe that in our everyday life there is a place for the inexplicable!

The less studied a particular phenomenon is, the more myths and fables there are around it. For many hundreds of years, sleep has remained the object of absolutely fantastic speculation. Recently I came across information that up to 80% of the Russian population believes that prophetic dreams are true... Being a somnologist, I cannot ignore this topic full of misconceptions. And, of course, I intend to argue with those who believe in the mysticism of prophetic dreams.

What are dreams?

First, let's figure out what dreams are. Dreams are called “shards of the day.” It is believed that this is a kind of by-product of brain activity, formed at night during the processing of information received during the day. Separate fragments of this information flow add up and mix with each other, giving birth to our dreams. From this point of view, the origin of dreams was very successfully characterized by I.M. Sechenov, who described them as “unprecedented combinations of experienced impressions.”

The content of dreams is determined not only by recent, but also by earlier memories. For example, it happens that a sleeper suddenly sees in a dream a person whom he has not met for several years. Why is this possible? The fact is that during sleep the subcortical layer is disinhibited and chaotic excitation of neurons belonging to different parts of the brain is observed. For this reason, long-standing memories can be “embedded” in dreams, including even those that a person seemed to have long forgotten.

Thus, there is no mysticism in the origin of dreams. Are there prophetic dreams that can predict the future? Most likely, this is fiction. Moreover, we can say with confidence: it is everyday reality that “predicts” our dreams, and not vice versa.

Why do dreams sometimes come true

Sometimes even the most inveterate skeptics suddenly begin to believe in miracles: there comes a moment in their life when they suddenly for unknown reasons some dream comes true. How can this be explained?


The simplest answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur is a common coincidence. Every night a person sees several dozen separate dreams; a year their number reaches several thousand, so sooner or later one of them may, completely by chance, be repeated in reality.

Singer Irina Otieva, confident that prophetic dreams really exist, once said that at the age of 10 she saw herself in a dream, already an adult, singing in a huge concert hall. She realized that this dream was prophetic when, many years later, she performed in the Rossiya concert hall - in the same one from her dream.

However, after I started questioning her, we found out two things. Firstly, she dreamed of a singing career from the very beginning. early childhood, and secondly, even before her dream she had already been to “Russia” with her parents. Impressions from the concert, dreams of creativity and fame - this is how, apparently, this “prophetic” dream turned out.

Even those dreams whose plot is not related at all can be attributed to coincidence. Everyday life. The reason for this is the information flows that bombard people every day. Television, radio, Internet... The information load from the outside is simply colossal, sometimes we don’t even record everything we see and hear, but information, regardless of our will, enters the brain, and in the process of processing it, the most unusual dreams arise. Some people are interested in: what to do to have a prophetic dream? According to this logic, the answer to the question is simple: live an ordinary life, look around, listen and remember.

I once talked with a woman who claimed that a few days before the fire in the Ostankino Tower, she had a dream that the tower had already burned down. Was this a prophetic dream? On the eve of her dream, this lady could well have walked past the TV tower on her way to work, then watched some story about a fire on TV, and then quite naturally saw in her dream a “cocktail” of the tower and the fire.

Subconscious analysis of information

Are you familiar with the concept of insight? You are facing some problem, you don’t know how
solve it, and at one moment the solution suddenly comes as if by itself. This is the result of the analytical abilities of our brain. We may not focus on thinking, but the brain still automatically “thinks for us” and sometimes provides the results of its activities in such an unexpected and pleasant way.

Analysis and search for solutions are processes that occur in our heads constantly, and going to sleep does not stop them. This is why the intuitive, predictive guesses of the brain are sometimes reflected in our dreams. Unconscious analysis of information is another answer to the question of why prophetic dreams occur.

One man told a story about how a “prophetic dream” helped him find a missing value. During a business trip, his watch disappeared at a hotel. He left his room in the morning to go to the pool, and when he returned a couple of hours later, they were not on the nightstand near the bed, although he clearly remembered that he had taken them off and put them there before leaving.

The man contacted the hotel security and was assured that no one had entered the room in his absence. Suspecting a universal conspiracy, he searched the entire room and did not find anything missing. Tired of searching, he lay down on the bed and accidentally dozed off. He didn’t think about how to have a prophetic dream - he just fell asleep. In a dream, he saw himself looking into a bag with swimming trunks and a towel, which he took with him, and saw a watch there. Having woken up and done the same thing in reality, he actually found his “treasure”.

At the time of the story, this gentleman believed that he was faced with a double mystery: firstly, he did not understand how the watch could get into the package, and secondly, he allegedly saw a prophetic dream. However, having reconstructed the chain of events that happened on that mysterious morning, it was necessary to debunk his belief in miracles.

It turns out that before leaving for the pool, the dreamer had a fleeting intention of stopping by the fitness bar after swimming, so he took his wallet with him. Or rather, he thought he took it, but in fact, out of absent-mindedness, he grabbed the watch from the nightstand. He never went into the bar - he was tired of swimming and forgot. But during sleep, his brain “remembered” this, analyzed the information and provided him with ready-made solution, telling you where the lost item is. Did this person have a prophetic dream? In a sense, yes. But there was nothing mystical about it. Everything can be explained with scientific point sight...

In the situation described above, the prophetic dream seems to be directed to the past, but still I would like to predict the future. Analysis and forecast are, in a certain sense, predicting the future based on past experience. We plan our lives, we expect that something will happen in the future, and in connection with this we somehow prepare for it. The uniqueness of the human brain lies in the fact that it has abstract thinking, it can think and predict the future.

But for some reason we make such predictions absolute in our dreams. Therein lies the problem. Any forecast of future events is probabilistic. An event may or may not happen with varying probability. For example, if you dreamed that you would go to work tomorrow (like all previous weeks, months and years) – will this be a prophetic dream? 99% of people will say no. But why not? You dreamed of the future!

Here's another example. You dreamed that you were leaving the house and an icicle would fall on your head. You went out and she actually fell! Most people will say that this is a prophetic dream. But in fact, this was an event that could have happened, although with an extremely low probability. The brain predicted it, since the person had looked at the weather forecast the day before, which spoke of a thaw, icicles and ice.

If you dream of some potential troubles in the future, then it is quite possible to analyze the situation and take some action to avoid it. For example, a month ago you crossed the road to in the wrong place in front of speeding cars. And suddenly you dreamed that you were hit by a car. Think about it. Maybe it’s worth walking the extra 100 meters and using the pedestrian crossing?

But you shouldn’t bring your behavior to the point of absurdity in connection with such “prophetic dreams”. Imagine the following situation. You didn't come to work today. And tomorrow you write to your boss explanatory note: “Dear Chief! I’m not sure if prophetic dreams exist, but since I dreamed that I was hit by a car, I decided not to leave the house all day.” IN best case scenario you will be recommended to see a psychiatrist, and in the worst case, you will simply be fired.

Here you can recall the saying of one Englishman: “If you dreamed that horse number 6 will win the race tomorrow, then bet money on it, but do not mortgage your house.”

Deja vu

Please note: very often people understand that some of their dreams turned out to be prophetic only at the moment when it comes true. Before that, they may not even remember about it! Probably, in such cases, prophetic dreams are imitated by such a well-known phenomenon as deja vu.

Sometimes a person experiences a spontaneous failure in the propagation of signals through the information channels of the brain. New information falls into the departments responsible for memories. This makes you perceive the current situation as something that has already happened in the past.

Deja vu is a very specific sensation that is accompanied by a feeling of “exit from reality.” For this reason, during deja vu, a person may think that he saw the event that just happened in a dream. Hence the photographic coincidence of reality and some “prophetic” dreams.


“Everyone lies,” said the main character of the famous television series (“Doctor House”). And this is true - a person, without noticing it, tells lies or half-truths at least 20 times a day.

Do prophetic dreams exist? Many are easily convinced that yes. Moreover, this topic is very mysterious. It gives the dreamer significance and arouses interest in his person. This is used by people seeking to attract attention. Pay attention to those who allegedly see prophetic dreams. As a rule, these are teenagers, older people and women with problems in personal life- a typical list of people deprived of attention. Thus, one should perceive stories about prophetic dreams with a healthy distrust.


The idea of ​​the existence of prophetic dreams is strongly supported various interpreters, soothsayers and “seventh generation magicians.” This is a very good tool for influencing people with unstable psyches. Workers in the occult sciences, as a rule, are very good psychologists who can convince an impressionable person of anything. And just prophetic dreams are a very fertile topic, ensuring strong and long-term dependence of people caught in their trap.

Several times I had to consult people with severe insomnia and depression, which developed against the background of a constant expectation of some kind of trouble from supposedly prophetic dreams. Usually it goes like this.

A man comes to a dream interpreter and tells his dream. No matter what he says, he will be told that everything is terrible, the chakras are closed, the biofield is damaged, his loved one will leave him, there will be no money and diseases will strike... Of course, this is followed by an offer to fix everything, but you need to come regularly and tell your prophetic dreams; Honestly, this will help! And healing rituals will depend on this.

Naturally, all this is not done for free. After some time, the person is told that the problem is even deeper, black magic is already involved, enemies are poking his Voodoo doll with needles and, in general, a very strong evil eye... Even more manipulations and money are needed. The unfortunate person develops severe chronic stress and develops a persistent reflex of anticipation of trouble. All this leads to depression and severe insomnia, which has to be treated by psychiatrists and somnologists.

Prophetic dreams are true. Usually they dream from Thursday to Friday, and on Christmastide you can even tell fortunes about dreams. Special spells and rituals will help you see a dream that will definitely come true in reality. If on any day you have a dream and you want it to come true, under no circumstances tell it to anyone for three days. If you saw bad dream, hold yourself by the crown of your head, light a candle and look at its flame, knock on the window three times...

Ladies and gentlemen! Don't turn your deep-seated belief in miracles into consciously cultivated madness. Today there is no reason to believe that prophetic dreams really exist. Of course, it would be fun to see your future spouse long before you meet or find out what will be listed on the stock exchange in next year. But, alas, this is impossible.

Psychologists say that the tendency to believe in various kinds of predictions indicates that a person does not like to take responsibility. Do not look for clues and predictions in the chaotic images of night dreams. Manage your life yourself!

The interpretation of dreams using a dream book by day of the week is largely related to which planet controls the current day. In other words, on which day the dream will come true and on which day it will not, largely depends on the astrological characteristics of the patron planet a certain day weeks.

Will the dream come true from Sunday to Monday?

If you had a dream from Sunday to Monday, most likely it is prophetic. The likelihood that it will come true is high if you were born on this day of the week.

Other people should not pay special attention to dreams sent by the Moon that patronizes Monday. For them, dreams from Sunday to Monday do not predict anything specific, but only the usual household chores, useless fuss and housework.

Will the dream come true from Monday to Tuesday?

A dream from Monday to Tuesday should come true within about 7-10 days. Often dreams on this night under the sign of Mars are associated with clashes, quarrels, and unpleasant situations.

A bright and eventful dream from Monday to Tuesday foreshadows a successful start to any business, and a calm one means that you have already found a suitable activity. If the dream seemed unpleasant to you, you should not take on a new business.

Will the dream come true from Tuesday to Wednesday?

You need to pay attention to dreams from Tuesday to Wednesday Special attention- they usually come true. Such prophetic dreams ruled by Mercury, in most cases they are connected with others.

Colorful, vivid, eventful dreams show your sociability. But boring, colorless and gray, on the contrary, indicate that your circle of friends is very narrow. You may not even have anyone to ask for help in a difficult situation.

Will the dream come true from Wednesday to Thursday?

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  • Psychology of life. Dreams and dreams

Life is bright, diverse and often unpredictable. However, many want to look behind the veil of obscurity and peek at least with one eye at the “beautiful distant one.” All sorts of methods are used, including common dream interpretations.

Sleep is an unexplored part human existence what happens to consciousness in a dream, whether there is at least some truth in dreams, whether to believe in what you saw in a dream - everyone decides these questions in their own way. There are skeptics who see dreams as just an analysis of life, and there are mystics who tend to interpret dreams and read signs and predictions in them. Today you can meet great amount publications that promise to tell about future fate, while explaining the intricate twists and turns of the sleeping human subconscious.

It's interesting to note that different dream books can interpret the same dream in completely different ways. This circumstance suggests that the data presented in these sources? can hardly be called reliable.

Dreams and dreams

Despite the lack of information about dreams, science has managed to establish something. Night visions can be divided into types:
- compensation,
- creative,
- actual,
- prophetic.

Compensatory dreams are dreams that make up for the lack of something in real life. For example, a person feels depressed because he has not become what he dreamed of being all his life. However, he may have a dream where he is a completely successful professional in the field to which his soul so strives. When he wakes up, he feels a sense of satisfaction with life. Such dreams bring relief.

Not only a poet or an artist can have creative dreams. According to legend, the table was seen by the scientist while he was sleeping. Is not the only case the birth of great works that originated in night dreams.

Daytime dreams are physical dreams, they do not come true.

Dreams seen on the 29th will not come true, they should not be given any significance, and dreams seen on the 30th have little chance of coming true, rather they belong to the realm of the fantastic.

Not every dream is prophetic

It is believed that during the Holy Week, prophetic things are very common and their interpretation does not require interpreters. It is customary to approach dreams extremely carefully during this period. Legends say that from January 7 to January 19, deceased relatives visit the living, telling them about upcoming events, as well as warning them against possible misfortunes.

In general, prophetic dreams occur on any night. Moreover, such predictions come true at the very a short time- during the day.

It is also believed that a dream that occurs on the night of the third day of any month has a high chance of being prophetic. But a dream on the 25th, on the contrary, most often does not contain any meaning.

Days of the week of prophetic dreams

Truthful folk wisdom, which says that on the night from Thursday to Friday one has prophetic dreams. Of course, this does not apply to all dreams. But the chance to see the future on Friday night is really very great.

The period of fulfillment of such dreams has a very long time period - prophetic dreams dreamed from Thursday to Friday can come true within three years.

To determine a prophetic dream, it is also important to take into account the period of time. Thus, dreams that occur at the very beginning of the night are extremely rarely remembered and rarely come true in reality. The same applies to daytime dreams, which often describe everyday stories and momentary experiences. The dream that was dreamed immediately before awakening has the greatest likelihood of becoming prophetic. Dream interpreters note that during this period all everyday experiences associated with the physical world fade into the background and the human consciousness is ready to perceive subtle waves of information that describe the future.

The nature of sleep can be determined by the influence of planets on specific days weeks. Thus, Monday is under the auspices of the Moon, a changeable and fickle satellite planet. As a rule, on Monday night you have dreams that reflect your inner experiences. Seeing a reflection of your inner self is sometimes much more important than a prophetic dream. Therefore, it is customary to treat dreams on Monday night with great attention.

The night of Tuesday can also give you a prophetic dream, since this day of the week is ruled by Mars, the planet symbolizing strength and will. The prophetic dream that I had that night is interpreted according to classical dream books.

But sleep on the night from Tuesday to Wednesday does not bring prophetic dreams. The changeable nature of the patron planet of this day of the week - Mercury - is not suitable for truthful predictions.

Another important night of the day of prophetic dreams is Saturday. Saturn, the patron of this day, often foreshadows not the most rosy events of the future. Therefore, you should be especially attentive to the alarming warnings that come in prophetic dreams this night.

You should treat the dreams you have with ease. This day of the week is under the protection of the cheerful Sun, so any bad sign seen in a dream is canceled under the influence of the patron planet. In turn, if a prophetic dream that you had that night promises joyful events, they will certainly come true.

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