Chipping dogs: is it worth implanting an electronic microchip? Microchipping of dogs – to be or not to be

Extra hassle, wasted money, the suffering of a beloved pet - this is the “dark side” microchipping dogs, since this mini-operation is not cheap, and not every veterinary clinic can perform it.

However microchipping of dogs well advertised, information on the websites of veterinary clinics convinces the owner that microchipping is a benefit and not a harm. What is it really like?

After all, a dog owner, like any other a common person, strives to avoid not only unnecessary hassle, but also harm to his pet.

If things are more or less clear with purebred animals, then with chipping dogs- confusion and complete speculation.

Let's start with the most important questions:

Which dog needs to be microchipped?

There is no obligation to microchip a dog if the dog owner permanently resides on the territory Russian Federation and does not plan to transport the animal abroad.

In Russia there are no laws for dogs that would impose an obligation on their owner to implant a chip, but there is no ban either. Therefore, the decision about such an operation remains at the discretion of the animal owner.

But EU countries have special requirements for the health of animals imported into their territory. A special Regulation of the Council and the European Parliament has been adopted on this matter (EC) No 998/2003 of 26 May 2003

Therefore, if you are taking a dog abroad with you, no matter whether it is purebred or not, please contact veterinary clinic and insert the chip into your pet.

Where to put the chip and how much does this mini-operation cost?

A chip is a miniature electronic device the size of a grain of rice, which contains information about the animal, information about the state of health and vaccinations, the name, address and telephone number of the person who brought the dog for chipping.

In addition, the electronic “subcutaneous passport” contains a 15-digit number. These numbers encrypt the country code of the microchip manufacturer, the individual code of the animal and the clinic where the operation took place.

Information is entered onto the microchip once and this electronic device cannot be reprogrammed.

Information from microchip entered into a special Pet Database (link to the database, and the owner receives an identification card. This card is a legal document, upon presentation of which you can prove that the animal belongs to you.

The chip is intended solely for electronic identification of the animal. Having a microchip can make finding your pet much easier, especially if you live in a large city.

Scanners for reading information from a microchip may be in kennels where found dogs end up.

Chip, Unlike hallmarks, a privilege not only purebred dogs. The chip can be installed on any breed of dog and any animal.

The Moscow Zoo has been successfully using microchipping of expensive and rare animals since Soviet times.

Installed microchip must comply with the standard of the country where the animal is planned to be exported. There are many manufacturers of electronic animal tagging systems, the commercial interest of which is very high, so be careful.

You can have the chip implanted at a large veterinary clinic in your city. The operation itself is an injection that contains a liquid solution with a small bioglass capsule with an electronic device inside.

After installing the chip, you should not scratch or wash the injection site for 2 days. If the animal licks or scratches the injection site, place a protective collar around its neck.

The cost of this procedure is approximately 2000 rubles, for example, in one of the Chelyabinsk veterinary clinics - 1680 rubles.

Will the chip replace it?

Chip not a replacement hallmarks, but rather - additional remedy dog identification, (for details, read the article “Why does a dog need a brand?”).

Chipping pet or not - it's up to you to decide. Microchipping of dogs is mandatory for those owners who transport their pet abroad.

It is worth microchipping if it will save your nerves and protect you from tragedy if your dog gets lost.

Chipping is probably useless in small towns and rural areas, since a scanning device and access to the database cannot be found, with rare exceptions.

Thank you for watching!

Let's imagine this situation - a dog ran out into the street, saw something interesting and rushed after this object. Many pets get lost this way, and the search costs owners a lot of nerves (and sometimes money). But at the current rate of progress similar problems are beginning to slowly fade into the past. We’ll find out how by looking at what an electronic animal identification system is, or, more simply put, their microchipping.

Electronic animal identification

The essence this method It is simple - a microchip is inserted under the skin using a special syringe, which remains for life.

In appearance, this is a small capsule made of so-called bioglass, which does not cause irritation and does not move in the skin layer. The microchip is located in this capsule. All its contents are reduced to a 15-digit personal digital code that allows you to recognize the carrier.

The numbers are in this order: the first three indicate the code of the country and clinic where the chip was inserted, the next four indicate the manufacturer's number. The remaining numbers are the individual code.

Contrary to popular belief, such chips do not contain any “personal” information such as external features, habits and favorite foods. There would simply not be enough memory for all this information - only the code can really be accommodated in standard 128 bits.

Important! The minimum acceptable memory size is 96 bits (this data can be found on the packaging). If you see a lower number, put such a kit aside - there is a risk that it will not be activated.

For domestic dogs, devices with a length of 12–20 mm and a diameter of 2 mm are usually used (while for agricultural species and breeds they take larger ones - up to 45 mm). Such devices operate at a frequency of 134.2 kHz, less often at 125.

Why do you need to microchip your dog?

Many people probably have a question - why such difficulties.

In fact, this method is convenient because it facilitates the process of finding an animal: having found such a “lost” animal, people often take the animal to the nearest nursery, where it can be identified by an individual code.

It is especially useful for owners of purebred animals. With the help of a chip, the issue of ownership is very easily resolved. Substitution of a pet is also excluded (which is important for breeders).

The procedure also has a formal side - microchipping will be mandatory if you are going to travel abroad with your dog. From January 1, 2010, only microchipped animals can be imported into Eurozone countries.

Moreover, verification of participants in exhibitions and shows is carried out only using the information embedded in the chip.
That is, the four-legged one “breaks through” in a couple of seconds international base data. Puppies that are being prepared for exhibitions must also have their own number (according to FCI requirements).

Did you know? In March 1994, a dog named Star Title set a speed record among hounds - a representative of the Greyhound breed accelerated to 67 km/h.

In the same way, veterinary and canine records are simplified - all the necessary data is obtained in an instant.

The procedure for microchipping pet dogs has a number of advantages:

  • it is comfortable and painless (for an animal it is nothing more than an injection);
  • Losing a chip is unlikely, just like falsifying information;
  • a complete guarantee of identification, which distinguishes this scheme from the usual branding;
  • the device itself does not require any maintenance and is absolutely harmless (there are no harmful radiations from it).
This list is enough to make you think about putting the best practices into practice.

Chipping procedure

Interested in how exactly proper chipping occurs, some are surprised at how simple everything really is.

The process follows the following algorithm:

  • the veterinarian takes a syringe applicator with a capsule placed in a sterile liquid that covers the chip;
  • then the capsule is inserted as with a regular injection - in the area of ​​the withers;
  • That's it, the chip was implanted. All that remains is to enter basic information about her into the database: a 15-digit code, breed and date of birth, color and previous vaccinations. Without this seemingly bureaucracy, the microchip loses its meaning and becomes nothing more than a foreign “dummy” in the body.
It is better to entrust such manipulations to large veterinary clinics that know all the intricacies. A list of such institutions is indicated in a special section of the database.

Important! Make sure that all work is carried out with sterile instruments. It also matters sanitary condition premises.

Even before starting the procedure, be sure to make sure that the mini-capsule has a smooth surface without sharp edges or burrs that will cause discomfort to your pet. It would also be nice to know about the product’s compliance with the international standard ISO 11784/11785 - a certificate can confirm this.

An already implanted chip must be immediately activated using a scanner - without this it is simply invalid.

Having seen with your own eyes how your favorite dogs are microchipped, don’t forget about registration. Be sure to check whether the data is entered correctly in a special form, on the basis of which an identification card will be issued (essentially, an animal passport).

There is one nuance here that is sometimes forgotten - in addition to data about the dog and its characteristics, the form contains the “Owner’s Full Name” field. This column is required to be filled out and also requires attention. It happens that a doctor misspelled a surname and needs to be corrected.
But if an error is noticed after the form has been entered into the database, difficulties may arise: in the event of a dispute about the identity of the owner, it is often the missing or incorrectly entered letter that is decisive. You can change it yourself by going to the database.

Due to the painlessness of the procedure, caring for your pet is no different from usual. The only thing is that for two days after it, it is advisable to avoid getting moisture into the area where the injection was made, and also not to comb this area.

Did you know? A St. Bernard with a long nickname, Raittes Brandy Bear, weighing 80 kg, moved a cart with a load of 2905 kg and pulled it 4.5 m! This was in 1978.

If the dog is very active and can scratch the injection area on the very first day, a special collar worn for several days will save the situation. Four to seven days are enough for the chip to finally integrate into the subcutaneous tissue. After this it is impossible to move it.

Complications after chipping

The likelihood of their occurrence is reduced to a minimum. Bioglass or ceramics used in the manufacture of chips are hypoallergenic and do not cause rejection.

The few exceptions are mainly due to the lack of qualifications of the veterinarian who administered the injection. Inflammation in the form of lumps or swelling may also be the result of using an unsterile instrument.

In general, if we take the notorious human factor, then chipping is absolutely safe.

Where can I see information?

Data on the caudate patient are contained in international databases (subject to successful registration). There are also reports about lost/found animals.
All this is placed by veterinarians or employees of the reception centers where the lost dog ended up. They also enter specific information about the find on the site, where the owner can see it. In order to return your pet, you just need to contact them using a special form.

Which dogs cannot be microchipped?

The rules adopted in the veterinary community that determine the progress of microchipping dogs allow capsules to be administered to almost all animals.

The only direct contraindications are skin problems (both infectious and chronic plan) And young age- for puppies up to 1.5 months old, they try not to do such procedures.

Important! If the dog is weakened by illness, it is better to wait until it recovers - it is unknown how the body will react to the implant.

As for older pets or the period of pregnancy in bitches, they are quite suitable for implantation.

Underwater rocks

Like anyone relatively new method When working with electronics, chipping can cause some technical difficulties.

These include:

  • lack of a single generally accepted standard in the field of equipment. This may cause identification difficulties. For example, a dog with a European-type chip may be unidentified in the States (they have their own rules) and vice versa;
  • variety of scanner models. Some read data already from 50 cm, while others will need 25–30 cm. It seems like a small thing, but there were cases when, due to ignorance of the characteristics at the border, they simply could not verify the data;
  • limited “functionality” of the chip itself. In conjunction with the scanner and database, it is assigned the role of an information carrier (but not a transmitter-receiver). It is foolish to expect that a pet's whereabouts can be tracked by satellite;
  • Finally, the staff of a small clinic may simply forget to enter data into the database. After waiting a week or two and seeing that the dog is not listed there, you need to contact them again, demanding an explanation and monitoring the progress of registration.

Did you know? One of the rarest breeds considered a Chinook - the number of these dogs of the sled line has never exceeded 300 individuals.

To these difficulties should be added one more, related to the so-called “gray” chips. There are already a lot of them on the domestic market, so you need to be on your guard.

Such devices are usually sold cheaper, but you shouldn’t skimp. You are probably being offered an uncertified or unregistered kit that will not be accompanied by service support. In such cases, everything ends with problems with registration and lengthy clarifications at the border.

Counterfeits and “unregistered” ones do not have their own databases, or sellers show homemade sites with a list of 40–50 nicknames. If you see this, feel free to refuse the purchase: in front of you is a typical dummy, presented as a quality product.
By learning about chipping technology, our readers can find out for themselves whether this method will be useful for their pets. We hope that such measures will be just a safety net, and our four-legged friends will always be there.

Spring has come, it's time for love. And many animals rushed into the pool of this bright feeling. Some of these animals have 4 legs and inconsolable owners with a piece of leash in their hands. Of course, the most convenient way to conduct a modern search for a dog is on the Internet, where it’s easiest to discuss everything and give smart advice.

The most popular advice is: “Give your dog a tracking chip and you won’t have any problems.” When I read this for the first time, I choked, technology has advanced and I didn’t even notice. But after briefly talking with experts on cyborgization (and we're talking about specifically about the creation of a cyborg - a living being, part of whose body is a radio-technical device), I was disappointed. No one could say anything specific; they referred to the Internet, which knows everything, and to acquaintances who had had such a chip implanted long ago and that was all. Well, that is, familiar to animals.

So, I hasten to disappoint cyberpunk fans. Everything is deception Dear friends. Ignorance and lack of education are the only source of this wonderful news from the distant future. And here's how things really are.

The history goes back to the pet identification system, namely branding. The brand used to be branded with a hot iron, but now they have come to their senses and are using tattoos. Here's an example.

This makes it possible to identify the animal well, which is especially important for breeding. But we still live in the 21st century, and we have come up with many other ways to label everything. For example, radio tags (RFID). The ones that beep at the exit of the store if you try to steal something without first wrapping it in foil, or if the cashier forgot to deactivate the tag. They look something like this.

It will take a long time to write how these things work, it’s better if you are interested. The main thing we only need to know is that these are so-called passive tags; they do not need a battery, but are “turned on” by the electromagnetic field of the reading device. Those big frames at the exit of the store, for example.

So, I digress a little, but this is necessary to understand the main thing. What do dogs have to do with it? And despite the fact that they have learned to make radio tags very small. How small? So.

This is a full-fledged RFID tag, only very small and coated with biologically inert material. This mark is inserted into a special syringe with a thick needle and injected under the skin of the animal. Where does it grow fibrous tissue and remains for life. Recorded on it unique number, by which a person with a device (usually a veterinarian or a customs officer) can make sure that in front of him is the same animal whose passport he is holding in his hands. More details, and you can also go to the website where a database of microchipped animals in Belarus is maintained -

That's it, now you know the whole truth about microchipping dogs and tracking their location.

Behind Lately Many ways of identifying animals have been invented. The chipping method remains quite popular, attracting attention with its reliability. Today this procedure can be carried out in almost every veterinary clinic. But not all dog owners are in a hurry to have their pet microchipped. Many still have doubts about the reliability of this procedure. Not everyone wants to pay the stated amount without being 100% sure that if lost, they will be able to find their pet.

What is dog microchipping?

Microchipping of dogs today is one of the most advanced animal identification technologies, which uses complex microcircuits. When a chip is installed on an animal, the database immediately receives full information about the animal and its owner:

  • country and region of residence;
  • breed and health status of the pet;
  • place of residence and contact details of the owner.

Although today many dog ​​owners put address tags and collars with phone numbers on their pets, this does not save everyone from losing their dog. four-legged friend. Among lost animals, the percentage of dogs found is very low. After all, if a lost animal is found, there is still no guarantee that it will return to its owner. Recognize information frequently on the brand it is not possible, because it is not clearly stamped or the dog has been wandering around for so long different places that she simply loses the address book with the owner’s phone number.

But microchipping is a more reliable way to identify animals and is preferable traditional method applying a tribal mark. If the animal has a chip, then you can easily find out what kind of dog it is and who it belongs to.

When can a dog be microchipped?

In order to install a chip on a dog, it does not need to be prepared in any special way. Dogs can be microchipped at any veterinary clinic. Moreover, this procedure can be performed by healthy animals of any age.

You can start thinking about implanting a chip as soon as the puppy is 5-6 weeks old. Interestingly, there are countries where, after microchipping, vaccination becomes invalid if it was carried out before the microchip was implanted.

How is dogs microchipped?

Chip implantation is quite simple surgery. It is very similar to regular vaccination. It takes no more than a couple of seconds to install the chip, and the duration of the procedure itself is several minutes.

Before proceeding with the implantation of the chip, the doctor must verify its functionality and for this purpose scans it.

After this, the specialist takes a disposable syringe and injects into special place- under the withers. As a result, a special solution is injected under the dog’s skin to facilitate implantation, as well as the chip itself.

The microcircuit is located in a special capsule made of bioglass and has dimensions of 2 x 12 mm or 1.4 x 8.5 mm. The capsule material is completely safe and fully compatible with the tissues of a living organism. A week after chipping, the biocapsule is surrounded by living tissue and completely immobilized. From this moment on, the animal can lead a normal life without feeling any discomfort.

After the chip has been successfully implanted, it must be scanned again.

The dog chip has a special original electronic number, which consists of 15 digits. It contains information with a country code or manufacturer code. After microchipping, the clinic specialists who performed the procedure enter the information into the database. Today, there are two largest databases in our country: and Moreover, each of them is part of its own international system: Animal-ID in Petmaxx, and AnimalFace in Petmaxx and EuroPetNet.

After chipping, a special sticker with a barcode is made and pasted into the veterinary passport and the dog's pedigree.

After implantation of the chip Owners are strongly advised to refrain from washing their dog for the next two days.

Chipping is a one-time procedure. You only need to spend a couple of minutes for your four-legged friend to acquire an electronic number that is assigned to him forever.

Why is microchipping necessary?

First of all, you should think about implanting a chip in an animal for those owners who have to travel frequently or participate in international exhibitions. You should know that you can enter the territory of the European Union with your four-legged friend only if he has a microchip.

To get a more detailed view about the chipping procedure, you should consider its advantages and existing misconceptions.


The microchipping procedure has many advantages, which is why many dog ​​owners choose it:

  1. Chipping is completely safe procedure for an animal. The injectable capsule containing the microchip is made of durable glass and can last for more than 100 years, which, of course, exceeds the lifespan of any animal.
  2. The operation of implanting a chip is very simple and does not cause any inconvenience to the animal. The procedure is carried out under completely sterile conditions and takes no more than a couple of seconds.
  3. The capsule is accepted quite quickly by the animal's body - literally in 2-3 days it becomes overgrown connective tissue. After this, it is impossible to lose the chip.
  4. With a microchipped pet, you can safely travel abroad without fear of encountering problems.
  5. If such trouble happens to you that your dog is replaced or stolen, then you can easily return it thanks to an electronic chip that will quickly help determine the identity of the animal.

Common misconceptions about the microchipping procedure

Although the implantation procedure The chip has many advantages; it also has certain deviations, which veterinarians often try to keep silent about.

The most important among them are the following:

How much does it cost to have a dog microchipped?

Don’t think that the owner will have to pay a lot of money for the operation of implanting a chip into the dog’s body. It is available to everyone. Thus, in St. Petersburg, veterinary clinics offer to install a chip at a price of 500 to 2000 rubles. The most affordable price The policy is followed by small private clinics. However, using their services is still quite risky.

It is best to undergo the microchipping procedure at a specialized state veterinary station. Its specialists can give a guarantee, What the procedure will pass successfully, and after its completion, relevant and important information will be included in the general animal database.


In order not to lose their four-legged friend forever, many owners carry out the microchipping procedure. It is one of the most reliable ways to identify animals. If the dog has a chip, then the owner will have a much better chance of finding the lost animal than if it is wearing a regular collar with an address tag.

And don't be afraid of this procedure., which is very simple and painless for the animal. Provided that the operation of implanting the chip will be carried out qualified specialist, you can be sure that even after years the chip will function normally and you will not have problems with the authorities when you go abroad with your pet.

Microchipping of dogs is a procedure of inserting it under the skin or into muscle tissue animal special identifier. Chipping is carried out for the purpose of radio frequency identification of the dog. The transponder code is entered into the animal's electronic passport.

A transponder is a microscopic device that contains a unique animal code. The size of the transponder used for microchipping dogs and other pets is 13 mm in length and 2 mm in diameter. The tiny device does not interfere with the pet’s life and does not cause discomfort when moving or at rest.

The device consists of:

  • receiver;
  • transmitter;
  • multi-turn antenna;
  • a memory block with a capacity of at least 96 bits;
  • protective capsule made of biologically inert glass.

The microchip is programmed when released by the manufacturing company. A 15-digit code is entered into the transponder memory. The first three digits are the country code corresponding to the ISO 3166 standard. For example, Russia is assigned the code 643, Ukraine - 804, etc. The next 4 characters are the code of the company that issued the microchip. This is followed by 8 digits - an individual code that cannot be changed.

A large number of options for combinations of numbers excludes selection. The code is entered into the Unified National Database, which contains comprehensive information about the dog - name, breed, age, color, Contact phone numbers owner and his residential address. The transponder implanted in the dog fully complies with the ISO standard, which allows you to read the code in any country if you have a scanner.

The transponder coverage area for small pets is 12-20 mm - this is the distance to which the scanner must be brought to read the code. Microchip type – Read only (RO). This device does not require changes to the code, therefore it is used in marking pets.

In addition to the transponder, the kit includes a disposable special syringe with which the device is inserted under the dog’s skin and an ampoule with liquid that facilitates the insertion and assimilation of the chip. Transponders are supplied to Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus by the German company Bayer AG.

How is microchipping carried out?

Dogs are microchipped in veterinary clinics or canine centers. The puppy receiving the microchip must be at least 1 month old. Special training No dog is required before the procedure. For long-haired breeds, the chip is inserted into the area of ​​the left shoulder blade or withers. In this case, the fur is moved apart, the skin at the injection site is treated with hydrogen peroxide or another disinfectant solution.

Why do you need microchipping?

Previously, chipping was used to mark rare, expensive, elite animals and birds in order to protect them from theft. Today the microchip helps:

  • determine the owner of a lost animal;
  • prove ownership of the dog;
  • when buying a puppy of an elite breed, the chip data will help make sure that the puppy is exactly the one that was chosen;
  • prevent the substitution of animals for international competitions and exhibitions.

Microchipping of dogs and other pets is not regulated by law and is a voluntary procedure. However, if a dog owner and his pet cross the borders of EU countries, then the presence of a chip is mandatory. This requirement due to special Regulation of the Council of Europe and the European Parliament No. 998/2003 (starting from 26.05.2003).

Identification of animals for participation in exhibitions from 01/01/2010 is carried out only if they have a transponder registered in the international database. Now breeders must indicate the individual code of the parents on the puppy’s pedigree certificate. Many competitions and exhibitions do not allow animals to participate if they do not have an implanted identifier and a corresponding profile in the database.

As a rule, lost animals end up with volunteers, shelters, or simply good people. To find the owners of a lost dog, just check at the veterinary clinic for the presence of a chip and set the code. In each country there is a Unified Database of animals that have been microchipped, which is part of the international search engine. The registration card will contain the data necessary to find the owner and the institution that implanted the chip.

In addition, in the "Owner's Notes" column there is additional information that the owner considered necessary to indicate. The column “Notes from the veterinarian” provides information about the state of health, vaccinations, possible allergic reaction etc. Such information helps when changing doctors, for example, when moving or traveling. After all, all the necessary information can be obtained quickly, which can, in a certain situation, save the dog’s life.

What the owner should know about microchipping

When microchipping a pet, the owner should know what to pay attention to. It is imperative to make sure that the chip introduced into the dog complies with international standards ISO 11784 and 11785, otherwise it will be impossible to export the pet abroad.

If the owner of the kennel sells already chipped puppies, then it is necessary to check whether information about the dog is entered into the Unified Database. The same information is required when microchipping in the clinic. If an institution enters the code only into a local or individual database, then identification will not be possible.

When microchipping a pet, the owner must fill out a form, the data from which will be placed by the veterinary hospital employee in the database. A special barcode is glued into the dog’s veterinary passport, which corresponds to the microchip data. An identification card is issued to the dog owner, which serves legal document to confirm the rights to a specific animal in court. The owner must check whether the data has been entered into the animal-ID system and whether there are any errors in the application form.

A week after microchipping, the dog owner must check whether the information is available in the international and national databases and whether it is entered correctly. Often owners, knowing that a transponder is implanted in their pet, are shocked when, when crossing the border, for example, veterinary service Customs does not detect the dog's electronic passport.

If the record could not be found, the owner can make an application, have it certified by the veterinary clinic, providing a microchipped animal to check the code, and send the application by mail for registration. The same procedure is provided when changing contacts. Electronic identification is one of the points necessary documents for taking a dog abroad to the countries of the European Union, Israel, United United Arab Emirates, Japan, etc.

When choosing a microchip, you should make sure that it complies with ISO standards, otherwise you may have problems reading the code. There are no universal scanners yet and some transponders cannot be read.

It will be interesting:

Finding a chipped dog

If a microchipped dog is lost, stolen, or has been replaced, the owner can find his pet using the Unified Database of Microchipped Animals.

The site has a virtual bulletin board with information posted on it about searching for missing pets. The owner must fill out an advertisement according to the sample provided, and it will immediately be posted on the “Animals Wanted” page, and a note about the loss of the pet will be placed on the dog’s electronic passport card.

After 24 hours, information about the search will be available to everyone Internet search engines. Now, if the thieves try to take the dog out of the state or contact a veterinary clinic or canine society, then when they scan the chip and enter the verification code, information will be visible that the dog is wanted.

Benefits of microchipping dogs

Unlike a brand, a transponder is not a privilege reserved for pedigree dogs. At the request of the owner, it can be transplanted into any dog. Chipping has its advantages:

  • over time, the brand may become invisible under the fur, the tattoo may fade, and the chip will always provide undistorted information;
  • chipping is not traumatic, painless, unlike common methods of marking;
  • the individual code cannot be changed;
  • The dog’s electronic passport is always with him;
  • information entered into the database will facilitate the restoration of lost documents;
  • Since 2011, the presence of an electronic identifier has been mandatory in the European Union and many countries. Even with correctly completed documents, the absence of a chip is a reason not to release the animal beyond the borders of the state;
  • the transponder makes it easier to find a missing animal;
  • the presence of a transponder will prevent the pet from being replaced;
  • information included in special card, barcode and microchip code allow you to prove ownership in court;
  • if necessary, a veterinarian in any corner of the world, with a scanner and a computer, can obtain comprehensive information about the dog’s health status, vaccinations and individual characteristics.

The convenience and safety of the procedure, low cost and ease of identification have made the microchipping procedure in demand and popular. If 20 years ago transponders were known only abroad, and expensive devices were used only for tagging elite, rare and expensive fauna, today this procedure is available almost everywhere.

Demand has created supply, and many companies have launched their own microchips on the market that may not be read by standard scanning devices. “Gray” transponders imported without documents, licenses and technical support, are not registered in databases, neither international nor national. Accordingly, microchipping a dog with such a device does not bring any benefit.

The experience of microchipping dogs in Europe has confirmed the effectiveness of the procedure. Therefore, chipping is quickly replacing the practice of branding.