What does it mean if there are a lot of moles? Are there many moles on the body dangerous? Causes of moles

There have always been moles on people's bodies. At each time they were treated differently. During the harsh Middle Ages, a nevus was considered a connection with the devil, and if a person had a large number of moles, he could be sent to the stake. Other cultures considered birthmarks a gift from the gods.

Some people develop a large number of moles on their skin

Today, the attitude of many people towards this kind formations are more relaxed. Some wariness still sometimes manifests itself, mainly if many moles appear on the body or existing ones begin to acquire unclear outlines, a bizarre shape or begin to increase in size, then consult a doctor. Some people still believe in the magic of such formations, which supposedly show fate or indicate the presence of some kind of talent.

When a person is born, his skin is as clear as a white sheet. Moles appear during adolescence. Despite the fact that this is a completely natural process, a person experiences a feeling of discomfort when a lot of moles appear on his body. And this starts to cause anxiety. Many people are interested in the question - why are there so many moles on the body?

Causes of formations

Children under one year old do not have any formations on their bodies. After a year, barely noticeable spots begin to form, which will become darker over time. But usually there are only a few of them. Let us list the reasons that can lead to the appearance or enlargement of moles.

  • The main stage of pigmentation occurs during the development of adolescent sexual activity. At this time, the epidermis is affected by the production of a large number of hormones that rebuild the human body. Thus, rashes may increase on the body.
  • Moles that already exist on the body can change over time under the influence of hormonal changes in the body (during pregnancy). They can increase in size, change color scheme and shape.
  • UV rays activate the production of melanin in the body. Pigment accumulating in large quantities, turns into a mole. Prolonged exposure to the sun can cause many new moles to appear.

The appearance of moles additionally raises the question of whether they have roots. Since nevi are located on different depths in the epidermis layer, then they still have some semblance of a root. But they do not have roots themselves.

Almost all formations are benign; in medicine these rashes are called birth defect skin. Moles and age spots do not cause inconvenience and therefore cannot cause harm.

In rare cases, along a number of various reasons they can be reborn into malignancy, and if taken in time necessary measures and remove them, problems can be avoided in the future.

Puberty provokes the release of hormones and the growth of moles

Why do a large number of nevi appear on the skin?

The formation of a mole occurs due to the accumulation of melanin in one place. The color depends on the amount of accumulated pigment. They are greatly influenced by hormonal surges. But where they are concentrated means nothing. For example, if many moles begin to appear on your back, this does not mean that this part of the body is in your poor condition. There is no place on the body where birthmarks do not appear. They can appear anywhere: on the arms, legs, inside the eyes and even on the mucous membranes.

People are most frightened by red pigment formations. For for long years Medicine is studying this phenomenon, but the reasons for their occurrence are still unknown. Some scientists are inclined to assume that this is some kind of reaction to disturbances in the intestines, but some experts refute this theory. As a result, they were classified as problems with lipid metabolism and to dermatological disorders. This is unpleasant and many people are embarrassed by such stains, so they can be removed.

But it should be noted that deletion will not get rid of existing problems in organism. Therefore, in the future it is possible that many new age spots.

In addition to spots, so-called pedunculated moles, commonly called warts, may appear. They are less attractive in appearance, so everyone tries to get rid of them as quickly as possible, especially in cases where there are a lot of moles on the arms or neck, i.e. in open places. You should seek help if a lot of warts begin to appear. In most cases, this is a sign of papilloma, so you can’t hesitate here.

In this case, you cannot self-medicate. To avoid problems, wart removal should be entrusted to qualified professionals. In this case, you should not go to salons where they use cutting materials, or get rid of them manually.

Many moles are not a cause for concern

Should you be concerned?

If a person has a lot of moles, then this is not a reason for concern. Such formations will not harm health and are a completely natural process. But you need to handle them carefully: do not injure them, do not pull out the hairs growing from it. In case of careless handling common mole may develop into melanoma. And this is already a malignant formation, which should only be dealt with surgically.

You should start to worry if moles:

  • become more dense;
  • itchy;
  • increase in size;
  • hurt;
  • swell.

Doctors do not recommend getting rid of moles. The exception is cases when education is located in places where there is Great chance injury. If the surface of the spots is constantly disturbed, they can become malignant. The question becomes especially acute if the child has many moles. Children, unlike adults, have involuntary processes and without hesitation they will constantly scratch the problem area.

Even many small moles are not a problem to remove today. Modern medicine capable of a lot. But few people think about the fact that at the slightest hormonal imbalance everything will come back and maybe even in greater quantities. But the removal process is not very pleasant, and also expensive.

If a person has a lot of moles on his body, but they do not cause him any discomfort, then there is no reason to worry. You shouldn’t be ashamed of them either, because many people around them don’t even notice them. Everyone tries to find out the reasons why many moles appeared. To calm down, contact a specialist who will explain everything to you in detail, that even many small moles are not a cause for concern, but a normal pattern of life.

Moles, or nevi, are without a doubt benign neoplasms, but there is hardly a person who would not know that under certain circumstances they can become malignant, becoming the cause of the development of melanoma - skin cancer. Therefore, the answer to the question of whether many moles are good or bad is obvious - the more of them on the human body, the higher potential threat for his health.

Where do nevi come from?

All moles can be roughly divided into congenital, although as a rule there are very few of them, and acquired, which appear in a person throughout life. Both of them can potentially provoke the development of melanoma, so their number and size should not be ignored. The main reasons for the appearance of moles on the body are:

Most often, many moles form on the face, back, neck and arms, since the skin in these areas is most exposed to direct sunlight.

When should you be concerned?

For what reason do many moles appear on the body, what does this mean and how dangerous is it? These and similar questions arise in people quite often, but in fact, it is not always worth seriously worrying about such neoplasms. Attention, first of all, should be paid not to the number of nevi, but to their condition. The following symptoms are cause for concern:

  • a sharp increase in the size of the mole;
  • a change in its color, the appearance of areas with pigmentation of different shades;
  • pain or itching in the area of ​​the nevus;
  • redness of the skin and swelling around the mole;
  • the appearance of a compaction in the center of the neoplasm itself;
  • discharge of blood from a mole.

Unfortunately, very often the transformation of a mole into malignancy occurs due to the fault of the person himself. For example, it can be accidentally or even intentionally damaged, and some owners of moles constantly remove the hairs growing from them, although, again for safety reasons, they can only be carefully trimmed.

It is important to remember that people who have many moles on their bodies need to be more attentive and careful, avoiding careless treatment of them.

Which specialists are best to contact?

A competent answer to the question of why there are many moles on the body, and which of them are potentially dangerous to health, can only be qualified specialist– a dermatologist, or better yet, an oncodermatologist, and only on the basis of a number of tests. He will also recommend the most appropriate method for removing the tumor, taking into account the structural features of the mole and how deep it lies in the skin.

If a person has moles on his body that cause him obvious anxiety associated with the manifestation of at least one of the above symptoms, they should be checked first. But the doctor may recommend removal of some nevi that are absolutely safe at first glance, examination of which confirmed their benign nature, but revealed possible risk their transformation into cancerous tumor. In addition, the decision to remove the tumor can be made if there is a high probability of its damage due to its location. Most often, nevi are injured on the hands, feet and neck.

Those with 40 or more nevi are also at risk, even if many of them are congenital and outwardly look absolutely harmless. These people are recommended to undergo appropriate examinations first. And, of course, it is important to remember that most nevi form in a person under 30 years of age. Therefore, if at an older age short period Since many small moles have appeared on your body over time, you should definitely consult a professional.

During pregnancy. The material promotes awareness of the safety of moles for a number of reasons and encourages contacting a doctor if moles begin to behave unusually.

Period of occurrence

Moles appear on the human body from birth, although initially a person is born without any pigment spots at all. Most of them occur during adolescence, when the formation of human body. They can appear and disappear, manifest themselves in very different ways, grow or die, but every inexplicable behavior of a mole should be perceived as a danger, and a person who notices moles on the body or their change is simply obliged to consult a doctor in order to avoid more serious problems than itching or peeling of a mole.

All moles can be radically different from each other and be different color: brown, skin colors, black, pink, white and even purple, and also be different shapes and structures: angular, flat, lumpy and sharp, or generally subcutaneous and almost invisible.


Moles can appear on a person’s body at any time in his life, despite the fact that the main period of their birth occurs before the age of 25 years. Moles can appear anywhere and anyhow, and they can also disappear. Let's look at the various reasons for the appearance of moles:

The appearance of moles in a person may be due to information hereditary type, which is embedded in DNA. Hence the name moles, since they are often inherited and appear in the same place as in older relatives.

Emergence from the sun

One of the most effective influences on the appearance and growth of moles is solar radiation. Under its influence, the human body produces quite intensively certain substance- melanin. It forms the basis of moles. An excess of melanin, which is perfectly produced by the body under ultraviolet rays, forms huge colonies of new moles on the surface of the skin, which is already a risk factor. Each mole increased quantity exposure to the sun can transform into a tumor, and a malignant one.

Moles due to injury and some viruses

In the same time great amount Doctors are confident that moles appear due to radiation and x-rays, which every person receives at one time or another. There is another opinion viral infection and insect bites that for a long time leave their marks on human skin. With any of the above effects on the body, a process can be started during which melanocytes group and find their way to the surface of the skin.

Alternative medicine opinion

The appearance of moles on the body is caused by the release of internal energy. Energy accumulates at the site of inflammation, concentrates over time and provokes the appearance of age spots and moles on the skin.

Hormonal surges

It affects the release and formation of melanin, which in turn pigments the mole. strong effect a hormone secreted by the pituitary gland. For this reason, any hormonal surge in the human body can lead to multiple births of new moles. This could explain moles during pregnancy or during puberty. Such bursts can lead not only to the birth of moles, but also to their disappearance.

How to prevent the occurrence

After reading everything written above and understanding the causes of moles on the body, you can try to prevent the increase in the number of moles. To achieve this, according to experts, the most important thing is to refrain from increased consumption. solar radiation, that is, sunbathing less during the solar zenith and minimizing visits to the solarium, this will be enough for a start.

New moles

The appearance of new moles on the body is often explained by the influence of unfavorable factors on the body. It could be severe stress, hormonal surge, radiation exposure and unfavorable environmental situation. If the appearance of new moles bothers you precisely because of their number, then you should spend less time in the sun and protect your skin with the help of special creams, lotions and protective filters. Often, moles are a normal behavior of the body until they begin to bother the owner and cause physical or aesthetic discomfort. It is worth paying attention to the growth of the mole, the increase in the number of moles, peeling, itching and other factors of a sharp change in the structure and size of moles on the body.

Variety of birthmarks in children

The appearance of red or any other moles on a child’s body can be due to a variety of reasons and can be both dangerous and harmless. As a rule, only moles that belong to one of the groups appear on the skin of babies:
  • Light brown or skin colored moles that are not too noticeable most often remain for life. If their number increases, then there is cause for concern and you should consult a doctor for advice.
  • Birthmarks are dark in color and vary in shape. They can appear on any part of the body. They are also harmless and can last a lifetime, but if there are any changes in shape, color or quantity, you must consult a doctor.
  • Red moles on the child's face, back of the head and neck. in children is explained by the dilation of small vessels during childbirth. Single manifestations may remain for a long time, but identical and mirror-image red moles may disappear within the next year.
  • Mongoloid spot. Most often it appears in children with dark skin and is located on the child’s buttocks or lower back. The blue-purple marking does not require any treatment and most often disappears by about 13-15 years of age.
  • Hemangiomas. They can be convex or flat.
Convex moles are a clear indicator that moles form during pregnancy and appear during this period, and sometimes immediately after the birth of the child. They do not bring any negative sensations and can disappear within a few years, but if convex hemangiomas are located in risk areas, where they can be damaged, then it is advisable to cure them. It is necessary to begin treatment at a young age, since convex hemengiomas, if they have not disappeared, can grow, and by the age of 15 they can turn into a huge spot. And finally, flat formations - they are harmless and do not grow over the years, and therefore it is not at all necessary to remove them.

Doctors' warnings

All doctors insist on the same thing. Removing moles is not at all mandatory process, since in themselves they do not cause any harm, except for moles on the face, which can spoil a person’s appearance, or those moles that are located on dangerous areas of the body: on the neck, on the eyelids, on the toes, and so on. These moles can be easily damaged and cause some anxiety. In addition, the appearance of moles on the body most often does not cause any harm to the body, except in cases where you notice signs of transformation of the mole, which are the first reason for visiting a doctor:

  • compaction and sudden change in the size of the mole;
  • change in color of the mole, sharp pigmentation in dark color;
  • cracks in the mole, peeling, bleeding;
  • inflammation of a mole or its areola;
  • disruption of the structure of the skin pattern on the surface of moles.
Having considered all the warnings of doctors, the reasons for the appearance of moles, we can conclude that if a mole does not behave unusually and does not cause problems discomfort, then the only reason for its removal may be aesthetic and emotional reasons and, if this must happen, then we recommend laser removal moles or removal with nitrogen.
The procedures are virtually painless and leave no visible marks on the skin, but should only be performed by qualified professionals.

The reasons for the appearance of a large number of moles are disturbances in the functioning of the body as a whole. Affects ultraviolet radiation, changes in the functioning of melanin-producing cells, regardless of the presence irritating factors. Should be kept under control due to the risk of cancer. It is necessary to identify the factor that provokes the emergence of new formations.

The body's tendency to form nevi is transmitted at the genetic level. A benign formation characterized by excessive production of melanin in individual cells. Different in shape, color, size, flat, convex, hanging moles located on all parts of the body. Require observation or removal for certain indications.

By size they are divided into small with a diameter of up to 5 mm, medium with a diameter from 5 mm to 1.5 cm, large from 1.5 cm in diameter. Nevi that occupy the area of ​​an entire anatomical site or limb are called giant nevi. Formations over 5 mm in diameter have the greatest tendency to degeneration; small pigmentation does not threaten to become melanoma. Number of pigment spots, characteristics, appearance change over the course of life under the influence of many factors. Lifestyle plays an important role.


External reasons for the appearance boil down to:

  • excessive exposure to the sun during its peak activity;
  • tanning in a solarium;
  • skin diseases, rashes, irritation, acne.


The internal reasons for the appearance come down to:

  • intrauterine failure in the migration of cells - melanoblasts, melanocytes are formed - cells that produce pigment for coloring the skin - melanin;
  • hormonal fluctuations in the body puberty, in pregnant women.

Pigment spots acquired during life are divided into three groups according to the depth of the pigment:

  • intradermal - the pigment lies in the deep layers of the skin;
  • epidermal - the pigment is located in the upper layers of the epidermis;
  • borderline/mixed - melanocytes that synthesize pigment are localized at the border level between the epidermis and dermis.

Areas of hyperpigmentation look different: the first two types protrude above the skin, while the border ones do not stand out above its level.

In 95% of newborn babies, moles are not visible, with the exception of red nevi, which fade with age or disappear completely. During the first year of life they begin to appear; at puberty, 90% of adolescents have different kinds pigmentation. By the age of 25, the formation of the body ends, the number of pigment spots increases, after which the number declines, and at the age of 80-85 they all disappear.

Is the condition dangerous?

A condition in which many moles appear on the body should prompt the patient to visit a dermatologist to determine the reasons for the growth. Red dots are called vascular nevi and signal lipid metabolism disorders and liver problems. Vascular tissue hypertrophies. Red nevi are vascular growths; in terms of oncology, such formations are not dangerous and are not capable of becoming melanoma. It is recommended that the patient visit a doctor to rule out damage to internal organs.

The appearance of hanging warts on the body indicates the presence of favorable conditions For the human papillomavirus, the majority of the world's population is infected; with normal immunity, the virus does not make itself felt. When decreasing protective forces HPV begins to actively multiply, unaesthetic hanging moles and warts grow. It is worth seeing a doctor to find out the cause of immunodeficiency, take a course of immunomodulators, and remove nevi that are subject to friction. A dermatologist will examine all existing hanging nevi for the presence of cancer cells. Most often the spots are localized on the face, neck, chest, armpits, genitals, where the skin is thinner and more delicate.

If multiple freckles appear on the body due to a love of the sun or solarium, it is necessary to limit the time for tanning to time intervals before 10 a.m. and after 5 p.m., radiation is the least dangerous. You should avoid the solarium completely. The spots must be shown to a doctor to study their nature. Exposed skin should be removed.

In pregnant women and adolescents during puberty, hormonal surges contribute to increased work of melanocytes, promoting the formation of new age spots in certain areas of the body: axillary folds, nipples. For patients prone to education dark spots It is worth visiting a doctor if new formations appear for observation. Preventive measures in the presence of large number nevi include:

  • careful attitude and care, especially in places subject to mechanical damage;
  • refusal sunbathing and solarium;
  • mandatory use of sunscreens with the maximum degree of protection;
  • preference for natural fabrics, loose fit in clothes;
  • hygiene with soft sponges in the shower, bath;
  • normalize hormones;
  • do not scratch the rash, irritation on the body, birthmarks;
  • mole removal only in medical institutions from a competent dermatologist with subsequent examination of the material for the presence of cancer cells;
  • careful observation, timely visit to the doctor.

The number of nevi does not matter for melanoma; a single formation can develop into cancer. Pigmented dots can form in anyone, at any age. Don't be afraid to clean using modern methods.

Do they need to be treated?

There are 2 reasons for removing nevi and other cosmetic defects:

  • cosmetic defects;
  • the likelihood of damage to moles, which can become a trigger for melanoma.

For the first reason, moles are removed on the face, chest, neck - open areas of the body that spoil a person’s appearance and are exposed to ultraviolet irradiation. UV rays can be reflected from water, sand, glass, harmful effects increases.

The second reason for removing nevi is the likelihood mechanical damage, will cause rebirth benign education to malignant:

  • on the arms and hands, feet;
  • in the scalp, on and behind the ears, on the chin in men;
  • in the abdominal area on the waist, lower back, hips;
  • in the groin area;
  • on the wrists, knees, elbows - where the bones and joints are least covered with muscle tissue;
  • where it is difficult to examine the body: on the back.

If you want to remove warts, you cannot get rid of them at home using folk remedies or drugs purchased at the pharmacy. If the wart is typical, home removal will not harm the patient. The patient cannot determine the nature of the pigment spot. If you damage a nevus, the injury will trigger the formation of cancer cells.

Treatment of moles excludes a biopsy; trauma will give rise to cancer. Completely removed with a laser, scalpel in medical conditions with the subsequent possibility of studying the removed nevus for the presence of malignant cells. The treatment is considered safe and effective.

What symptoms should you see a doctor for?

In dermatology, there is a concept “accord”, which means a number of signs of a change in a mole; you should immediately consult a dermatologist. If a mole becomes asymmetrical, its edges are uneven, it bleeds, it has an uneven color from pink to brown, its size is more than 5 mm, there are dynamics in the change in condition, then the patient should immediately show the nevus to an oncodermatologist.

The patient’s task, if moles appear in large numbers on parts of the body, is to eliminate provoking factors, get rid of pigment spots that disturb the aesthetics of the body, observe the condition, the dynamics of changes in shape, color and size. Don't be afraid of pigmentation. Proper body care, observation by a qualified doctor and removal of defects using the achievements of modern cosmetology reduce the risk of developing melanoma to a minimum.

Every person in the world has at least a few moles on their body. Some people have quite a lot of moles on their body, however, these familiar formations are the norm and do not raise questions until they begin to increase in number or size.

A mole or nevus is a skin formation that appears as a result of melanocyte cell division. Moles can range from light beige to almost black.

In addition, there are vascular moles– they are clusters of blood vessels on the surface of the epidermis and are colored pink and red.

Causes of moles

An interesting fact is that children are born with almost ideal clean skin(not counting possible birthmarks). Moles begin to form after the first months of life, and this process continues into adulthood.

What are the main reasons for the appearance of moles on the body:

Scientists cannot give a definite answer to the question “why there are many moles on the body,” but there are the most likely reasons:

  1. Heredity.
  2. Hormonal changes in the body.
  3. Radiation influence.
  4. Abuse of solarium and tanning in direct sunlight.

Often close relatives can have identical moles that are located in the same place. Hereditary factor quite a common occurrence, genes have so much complex mechanism that even the location of the mole is under their control.

Absolutely all people undergo hormonal changes in the body during puberty. In women, hormone surges continue during menstruation, pregnancy, postpartum period and menopause.

The fact is that the pituitary gland at certain periods begins to produce hormones that stimulate the formation of melanin. In those places where its concentration is increased and moles appear.

Working in hazardous industries and factories, where the level of radiation is increased, also affects the body. Skin covering may behave completely unpredictably and, among others, side effects Many moles may appear on the body, and old moles may enlarge or develop into tumors.

Natural lovers sun tanning and artificial tanning in a solarium, we must remember that active exposure to light radiation on the skin causes the epidermis to turn on defense mechanism and produce melanin in large quantities, which means the appearance of many new moles is inevitable.

Moreover, active sunbathing and moles on the body are generally incompatible concepts, since any irradiation can lead to the growth of a nevus and its modification to the state of a tumor. Of course, there is a recommendation to just close large moles on the body before sunbathing, but in practice this is of little use, since the tan will be uneven and “spotty”.

What is the danger of having many moles on the body?

If nevi appear quite often and also grow, these are clear reasons to visit a dermatologist or dermato-oncologist. It is necessary to conduct a visual inspection of the nevi and possibly take a scraping or part of the mole for analysis to identify the causes of the changes. The mole sample is sent to laboratory test called histology, where experienced doctor, examining tissues under a microscope, will reveal whether they contain dangerous cancer cells.

If cancer cells are not detected, you must:

  • undergo hormone testing;
  • donate blood for analysis;
  • In some cases, an MRI scan of the brain may be needed to study the pituitary gland.

If cancer cells are detected, the stage of the disease is determined (there are 4 in total) and a decision is made to remove the mole and further treatment. Treatment includes a thorough examination of neighboring nevi and lymph nodes located nearby. The fact is that cancer cells are capable of spreading extremely quickly and infecting neighboring skin formations, lymphatic system and nearby organs.

In addition, they can spread throughout the body through the bloodstream; unfortunately, this stage is no longer treatable. On late stages chemotherapy is used and radiation therapy, alternatives to which science has not yet come up with.

What to do if many moles appear on your body

If there are a large number of moles, especially if they are large, convex or hanging on a so-called stalk, you need to take precautions so as not to injure the nevi.

  1. When visiting the shower, you should use only soft washcloths.
  2. You need to wear loose clothing that will not rub or injure those areas of the skin where the nevi are located.
  3. Keep your nails short to avoid accidentally scratching or tearing off moles.

You definitely need to keep an eye on the moles themselves:

  • Does size and shape change;
  • Does the color change?
  • Is there any peeling or cracking on the mole?

If multiple moles bring significant discomfort, if there is a threat that they will come off or they spoil aesthetic appearance, then you can have moles removed by a specialist.

Moles are removed in several ways:

  • Laser;
  • Surgically;
  • Liquid nitrogen;
  • Electrocoagulation.

Removal is generally painless, after the procedure there is a small scar that disappears over time.
To avoid various troubles associated with moles, you need to know common reasons their modifications, carefully monitor the most vulnerable neoplasms, and it is better to remove the most dangerous nevi for preventive purposes.