The mucous membrane of the eye is swollen what to do. Unusual inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes

After inspection lacrimal organs examine the mucous (conjunctiva) of the eyelids, transitional folds and the eyeball. In the open palpebral fissure, only a small area of ​​tender translucent conjunctiva is visible. This is the mucous membrane that covers the sclera. To examine the rest of its departments, you should turn your eyelids.

The eversion of the eyelids is carried out in the following way. To examine the conjunctiva of the lower eyelid, the patient should look up. With the thumb, located in the middle of the lower eyelid 1 cm below the ciliary edge, slightly pull the lower eyelid down and somewhat away from the eye. It is a mistake to put a finger too far on the skin of the eyelid, then the examination of the conjunctiva is difficult. If the inversion of the lower eyelid is performed correctly, then the lower part of the conjunctiva of the eyeball is exposed first, then the conjunctiva of the transitional fold and the conjunctiva of the eyelid.

Side effects of the eye may affect various structures from the conjunctiva to the retina. In an exhaustive way, we will consider various disorders outside and inside the eye. This is the excess of the eyelids, which tends to rotate inside the eye. It is fairly common in foals and resolves spontaneously in most cases. Treatment is conservative and includes treatment of irritation. However, sometimes it is necessary to tighten the skin to remove the entropion.

The eyelids can be infiltrated with bodily fluid to "inflate" or staples can be placed to stretch the skin. Quite often, they are the result of an injury. They are often impressive, but the adapted treatment and the very good vascularization of this region make the prognosis good. An important point is that a minimum of tissue is removed so as not to change the function of the eyelids.

eversion upper eyelid requires a certain skill. To eliminate the action of the levator muscle upper eyelid, and displacement of the sensitive cornea, the patient is asked to look down. Index and thumb with one hand they take the ciliary edge of the eyelid and slightly pull it forward and downward. Then the index finger of the other hand is placed in the middle of the eyelid pulled down, namely, on the upper edge of the cartilage, pressing on the tissues in this place, and then quickly lifting the ciliary edge of the eyelid up, while the index finger serves as a fulcrum. You can twist the upper eyelid using instead index finger glass rod or eyelid lifter. On the upper eyelid is located sulcus subtarsalis - a thin groove parallel to the edge of the eyelid, passing 3 mm from its edge. It is especially easy for foreign bodies to get stuck in it. At painful sensations local anesthetics may help in part of the study. To restore the position of the everted eyelid, the doctor asks the patient to look up and at the same time gently pulls the eyelashes down.

This parasitic disease characterized by granulomatous lesions that usually sit near the medial canthus of the eye. This always happens in summer due to the vector role of flies. These are skin tumors that gradually develop as masses near the eyes.

They are consistent for bacteria, viruses, but also parasites. An important point to check during the ocular mucosa is the integrity of the cornea using the fluorescein test. Keratitis and corneal ulcer are of traumatic, bacterial or fungal origin. They also cause symptoms of conjunctivitis, clouding of the cornea, the appearance of blood vessels in the eye. To assess the degree of damage and its depth, it is necessary to conduct a fluorescein test regularly. The forecast should always be reserved.

Normally, the conjunctiva of the eyelids is pale pink, smooth, transparent, moist. The picture is clearly visible vasculature, translucent meibomian glands lying in the thickness of the cartilage. They have the appearance of yellowish-gray stripes located vertically in the tarsal plate perpendicular to the edge of the eyelid. There are many narrow folds above and below the tarsal plate, small follicles occur, or lymphoid tissue is visible. Appearance palpebral conjunctiva varies with age.

These are inflammations of the iris, ciliary bodies and the choroidal membrane. Immune-mediated uveitis, or intermittent fluxion, is a fatal flaw whose origins are poorly understood. It certainly belongs, in origin, to Leptospira and possibly Onchocerci. In most cases, the cause of uveitis is unknown. A cataract is a progressive clouding of the lens. It can be congenital in one or both eyes and then affects foals, but is also less commonly acquired in adults. retinal damage and optic nerve rare in horses.

Follicles are normally absent in adolescents, pronounced in children, and less noticeable in adults. The conjunctiva above the cartilaginous plates is tightly fused with them and normally does not have follicles.

Bulvar conjunctiva, or conjunctiva of the eyeball, is examined with a slight dilution of the eyelids. The patient is asked to look in all directions of the gaze - up, down, right and left. A healthy bulbar conjunctiva is a thin membrane that is almost completely transparent and appears as a white-pink tissue, although some patients may have a normally hyperemic ("red") eye due to dilation of the many thin conjunctival vessels passing through the mucosa. The ophthalmologist should be able to observe the white sclera through the clear bulbar conjunctiva. Deeper than the conjunctiva are episcleral vessels that extend radially from the cornea. Inflammation in these vessels indicates a disease of the eyeball.

Retinal damage is mostly congenital and leads to night vision problems, even total blindness. For attacks of the ophthalmic nerve, no outward sign makes it impossible to suspect them. The history only highlights visual problems with the normal aspect of the eye.

First put the horse in a dark place and bring a lamp with a small beam. Keep the horse in third person. Hold the horse firmly in place by placing your hand on the bevel. Check first outer sides. For the third eyelid and internal tissues, two outer eyelids fingers. Attention, in case of significant inflammation, the horse may react under the influence of suffering. Light the lamp and hold it about five centimeters from your eye. Aim the beam perpendicularly and then to the side to illuminate internal structures.

The normal surface of the conjunctiva is so smooth that there are analogies with a convex reflective surface. Any minimal surface disturbance will be apparent, especially when viewed under magnification, by a change in light reflex reflection. Ulceration or erosion of the conjunctiva is easily identified by instillation of fluorescein or by application of a paper strip with fluorescein into the conjunctival cavity. When illuminated with white light, the affected area appears as yellow-green, with cobalt blue light as bright green.

Pupil reactions to the brightness of light tell about the correct functioning of vision. For further examination, the veterinarian will use an ophthalmoscope. The cold is called "nasopharyngitis" by doctors because it associates inflammation of the membrane that stretches the nose, as well as the cavity behind the nose and above the throat: the "pharynx". We also talk about "runny nose" or "chilling". The nose and throat are in communication with the sinuses, which explains the possibility of inflammation and secondary infection of the sinuses, or "sinusitis".

The common cold, or "nasopharyngitis", is benign viral infection the lining of the nose and the cavity behind the nose and above the throat, the "pharynx". The lining of the nose usually exudes a large number of moisturizing mucous fluid and inspired air at all times: this process helps protect against germs. When infected with a virus, because it is more aggressive or because the mucosa is less well protected, that mucosa becomes irritated, becomes inflamed, and secretes large amounts of mucus to try to eliminate the viruses.

On each side of the limbus, a slightly raised yellowish mucosal area (pinguecula) can be seen horizontally, with age its yellowness usually increases due to benign degeneration of the elastic tissue. Benign flat pigmented nevi may occur.

According to the indications, the flora of the conjunctival cavity and its sensitivity to antibiotics are determined. A swab is taken from the conjunctiva before the installations antibacterial drugs. For this purpose, a special loop of thin wire is used. The loop is preliminarily calcined on an alcohol burner, and then cooled and after that it is passed along the conjunctiva in the region of the lower fornix, trying to capture a piece of the discharge. A smear is applied thin layer onto a sterile glass slide and dry. The taken contents of the conjunctival cavity are placed in a test tube with a nutrient medium - sowing is performed. The smear and culture are sent to the laboratory for testing. The accompanying note indicates the date of taking the analysis, the name of the patient, which eye was examined and the proposed diagnosis. With severe swelling of the eyelids, as well as in young children, the conjunctiva can only be examined with the help of an eyelid lifter. mother or nurse they sit the child on their knees with their backs to the doctor, and then lay him on the knees of the doctor who sits opposite. If necessary, he can hold the child's head with his knees. The mother holds the child's knees with her elbows, and his hands with her hands. Thus, both hands of the doctor are free and he can carry out any manipulations. Before the examination, the eye is anesthetized with a 0.5% dicaine solution. The eyelid lifter is taken in right hand, with the fingers of the left hand, the upper eyelid is pulled down and forward, an eyelid lifter is brought under it and with its help the eyelid is lifted up. Then the second eyelid lifter is inserted behind the lower eyelid and retracted downward.

But this "mucus overproduction" associated with swelling of the mucous membrane is responsible for the feeling of nasal congestion and runny nose. The lining of the throat is also inflammatory and painful and causes mucus to run down the throat and can irritate the throat. Mucosal edema tends to spread to the sinuses and ears and interfere with at least in part, their escape channels, which can lead to pain or even secondary infections leading to or "otitis media".

What are the signs of a cold?

Often associated sore throat and slight fever for 2-3 days. Sneezing is often associated with these symptoms, which are most common during a cold. The fluid that flows is clear at first, then after a few days it becomes thicker and purulent. This often results in a cough that is designed to expel the mucus that runs down the throat. These signs regress in less than 8 days, but the cough may persist for up to ten days.

In diseases of the conjunctiva and the eyeball, hyperemia (redness) of the eye occurs different intensity and localization: superficial (conjunctival) and deep (ciliary, pericorneal) injections. It is necessary to learn to distinguish between them, since a superficial injection is a sign of inflammation of the conjunctiva, and a deep one is a symptom of a serious pathology in the cornea, iris or ciliary body. Signs of conjunctival injection are as follows: the conjunctiva has a bright red color, the intensity of hyperemia is greatest in the region of transitional folds, it decreases as it approaches the cornea. Individual blood-filled vessels located in the conjunctiva are clearly visible. They are displaced along with the mucosa, if, touching the edge of the eyelid with a finger, slightly move the conjunctiva. And, finally, installations of drops containing adrenaline into the conjunctival sac lead to a pronounced short-term decrease in superficial hyperemia.

The nasal fossae and sinuses are lined with a membrane called "mucosa" that continuously secretes fluid. This fluid humidifies the inspired air and traps dust or germs, which helps fight infections. When this mucosa is irritated, it swells and the cells on its surface can express molecules that help viruses attach to the mucosa. Many viruses cold-causing, are transmitted from one person to another, most often by aerosolized droplets of saliva in the air, especially through sneezing or direct contact with the hands. or contaminated objects.

With pericorneal injection, the anterior ciliary vessels and their episcleral branches expand, which form a marginal looped network of vessels around the cornea. Signs of a ciliary injection are as follows: it looks like a purple-pink corolla around the cornea. In the direction of the vaults, the injection decreases. Individual vessels in it are not visible, as they are hidden by episcleral tissue. When the conjunctiva is displaced, the injected area does not move. Adrenaline injections do not cause a decrease in ciliary hyperemia.

They are essentially rhinovirus, adenovirus, syncytial virus, influenza virus, parainfluenza virus, or coronavirus, all fairly mild viruses. So many viruses can cause nasopharyngitis, especially in children. From 6 months and in parallel with the gradual disappearance of maternal antibodies from his body, the child is increasingly confronted with viruses against which he is immune. This is what doctors call "adaptation sickness." Then, as the immune defense develops, it becomes less susceptible to infections of this type.

What are the factors that favor the common cold?

The baby is protected from surrounding microbes at birth. environment maternal antibodies. Then they will gradually disappear, while at the same time the child will develop its own immune defenses against many viruses during the "adjustment illness". After infection of the nasal mucosa, colds are more easily triggered due to various factors such as smoking, allergic relief responsible for persistent inflammation of the nasal mucosa, impaired immune defenses, or a condition related to the environment.

T. Birich, L. Marchenko, A. Chekina

"Examination of the mucous membrane of the eyelids in the diagnosis of diseases" article from the section

Conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye, which can be caused by bacterial or viral flora, have an allergic, toxic nature, etc. Conjunctivitis is often acute and responds well to treatment. However, the treatment of conjunctivitis folk remedies often combined with standard medical methods. When specific infection conjunctiva (gonococcus, chlamydia), treatment with antibiotics is always necessary, to which this pathogen is sensitive. The spread of infection to other tissues of the eye can cause cicatricial and atrophic changes that lead to partial or complete loss of vision. How is acute conjunctivitis diagnosed?

The dominance in winter is often attributed to the cold and humidity of the air that holds the virus: this is often referred to as "chilling". Most likely promiscuity associated with bad weather, explains the large transmission of the common cold this season. Exposure to pollution irritates the nasal mucosa, which becomes more fragile and less resistant to infectious agents.

What are the complications of a cold?

A cold usually progresses to uncomplicated healing in less than 8 days, knowing that a small dry cough can persist a little longer. When the mucosa of the upper respiratory tract is highly inflammatory, or the natural defenses are reduced, the upper respiratory tract other disorders may occur: trachea, bronchi, sinuses and middle ear. Similarly, the cold can easily be re-elected under these conditions. In subjects at risk or fragile bacterial superinfection may occur more easily.

Often, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes begins with a classic list of symptoms that are the same for all forms of conjunctivitis. Therefore, doctors have developed an algorithm that allows you to analyze the symptoms of conjunctivitis and make a more accurate diagnosis.

I. Patient complaints:

  • pain in the eye;
  • lacrimation;
  • Burning;
  • Photophobia;
  • Irritation.

Moreover, if pain is combined with sensation foreign body in the eye - this is a sign of involvement in the process of the cornea, the development of keratoconjunctivitis. The sensation of itching indicates an allergic process.

It is most often associated with pneumococcus. Consult your physician if persist the following symptoms. Occlusion paranasal sinuses nose bleeding lesion or wound that does not heal inside the nose, frequent headaches or pain in the paranasal area swelling or other pain in the eyes, localized in the upper dental artery problems with a prosthesis. To see inner part nose, you can also use a special instrument called a rhinoscope or nasoscope.

If he finds abnormalities in this way, he will perform a biopsy, that is, he will take a tissue sample, which will be sent to the laboratory for microscopic examination. histological examination. In some cases, a biopsy requires an incision in the paranasal breast. The chances of cure and the choice of treatment depend on the stage of the tumor and on general condition health.

II. The inflamed mucous membrane of the eye swells, turns red, and fluid seeps through the dilated vessels - exudate. On the surface of the conjunctiva are decay products epithelial cells, tears, mucus. All these components form a discharge from the eye, which, depending on the cause of inflammation, can be either serous, transparent, or purulent or mucous. Clinically, the following components are distinguished:

This setting is important for choosing the most suitable treatment for your case. For the most common forms of paranasal breast and nasal cancer, staging systems have been identified. Stages of cancer upper jaw. gall cancer mammary gland is assessed by the following stages.

Stage 0 In stage 0, the disease is in early stage, neoplastic cells are present only in the innermost shell of the jaw. In the bone at the back maxillary sinus in subcutaneous tissues in the ocular orbit at the base of the skull in the ethmoid chest. Or the tumor has invaded a lymph node on the same side of the neck where the tumor is located, and the diameter of the compromised lymph node does not exceed 3 cm; tumor is also present.

  1. Conjunctiva injection (swollen and reddened vessels). Bright red mucous indicates a bacterial infection.
  2. Submucosal hemorrhages. More common in viral infections.
  3. Edema. The main marker of the acute process. In especially severe cases, the edematous mucosa may protrude beyond the closed eyelids.
  4. Scarring. May be a sign of a specific infection, or result from prolonged use of topical medications.
  5. follicular reaction. Follicles are formed from lymphoid tissue under the epithelium, their size and number indicates the duration and severity inflammatory process. They can be from 0.5 to 5 mm in diameter.
  6. Papillary reaction. Papillae accompany any inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eye. More often located on the conjunctiva of the upper eyelid, they look like a mosaic.

III. film formation. In the process of isolation and thickening of exudate from the inflamed conjunctiva, films can form here: pseudomembranes and true membranes. Pseudomembranes can easily separate from the mucosa, leaving behind a smooth surface. True membranes are soldered to the surface of the conjunctiva, when they try to separate, they violate the integrity of the epithelium, tearing off along with it.

In the maxillary sinus in the subcutaneous tissues in the ocular orbit at the base of the skull in the ethmoid chest. In the maxillary sinus in the bones surrounding the maxillary sinus in the subcutaneous tissues in the ocular orbit at the base of the skull in the ethmoid chest. In the cheek of the cheek at the base of the skull behind the jaw. . Stages of cancer of the nasal cavity and ethnoidal sinus.

Cancer of the nasal cavity and ethmoid breast is assessed according to the following stages. Stage 0 In stage 0, the disease is at an early stage, neoplastic cells are present only in the innermost lining of the nasal cavity or in the ethmoid breast. In the ocular orbit of the maxillary sinus in the sky in the bone located between the eyes. Or the tumor has invaded a lymph node on the same side of the neck where the tumor is located, and the diameter of the affected lymph node does not exceed 3 cm; tumor is also present.

IV. Enlarged parotid and submandibular lymph nodes.

Features of viral conjunctivitis

Adenovirus conjunctivitis is the most common eye infection in adults. The infection is easily transmitted by airborne droplets, through discharge from the eyes, through contact with towels, optical devices etc. In this case, the disease can be almost asymptomatic, and it is difficult to understand whether your interlocutor is sick or not.

A sick person is contagious for 12 days. After infection, the symptoms of the disease appear on the fourth to tenth day. The eyelids swell, there is photophobia, slight redness of the eyes, discomfort, watery discharge that mimics lacrimation. The submandibular or parotid lymph nodes may be enlarged.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating unpleasant symptoms. In severe cases, corticosteroids are used in the form of ointments and drops. As a rule, the patient recovers within two weeks.

If the cause of inflammation is the herpes virus, then not only the conjunctiva, but also the cornea is always involved in the process. In this case, keratoconjunctivitis develops, which may resemble adenovirus infection, but is more difficult. The patient experiences severe pain in eyeball and not just cramps or discomfort. The disease requires drug treatment sometimes in a hospital setting.

What is characteristic of bacterial conjunctivitis?

Banal bacterial conjunctivitis, Probably everyone has experienced it at least once in their lives. Most often, this conjunctivitis is diagnosed in children, and as a rule, it is provoked by Staphylococcus aureus or epidermal staphylococcus aureus, streptococcus pneumoniae.

Infection occurs through direct contact with the patient.

Usually, such conjunctivitis is detected in the morning, when it becomes impossible to open the eyelids stuck together from eye secretions. The patient feels pain, burning, "sand" in the eye. The conjunctiva is bright red, swollen. In this case, the discharge from the eyes on the first day can be watery, as with viral conjunctivitis. But very soon a mucopurulent liquid begins to stand out from the eye. Both eyes are usually involved in the process, rarely at the same time.

The disease usually resolves within two weeks even without treatment. To facilitate the healing process, antibacterial drops are used during the day, and an antibacterial ointment is applied over the eyelid at night.

Specific and more severe in course and consequences of the form of bacterial conjunctivitis - gonorrheal and. The treatment of these diseases is always carried out in a complex manner, with the use of systemic antibiotic therapy, gynecological, urological examination.

allergic conjunctivitis

Allergic rhinoconjunctivitis is a reaction to allergens in the air; is seasonal and all-season.

Seasonal conjunctivitis starts during the flowering period and stops after the end of the season.

All-season conjunctivitis is a reaction to a combination of allergens, or to household dust, which contains the waste products of microscopic mites and fungi. Such an allergy is less acute than seasonal, but there are practically no periods of remission. Exacerbation of off-season rhinoconjunctivitis always occurs in autumn and winter.

Both forms of the disease occur with swelling, itching of the eyelids and mucous membranes of the eyes, watery secretions from the eyes and nose. The conjunctiva has a milky pink hue. To relieve symptoms, use local antihistamines and mast cell stabilizers.

Conjunctivitis in infants

An infant can get any form of conjunctivitis, but especially eye infections are transmitted to the baby from the mother when passing through the birth canal.

Chlamydial conjunctivitis of the newborn- occurs 5-20 days after birth. The child develops mucous purulent discharge from the eyes, the mucous membrane is red, edematous, with whitish dots under the epithelium. If left untreated, cicatricial changes appear on the conjunctiva, and white spots (panus) appear on the cornea in the iris area. A mandatory component of treatment for this infection is systemic antibiotic therapy. Both parents should be tested and treated for chlamydial infection.

Gonorrheal conjunctivitis of the newborn- Infection occurs in the same way as with chlamydial infection. For prevention, immediately after the birth of a child, a solution of silver nitrate is instilled into his eyes. In the case of the development of the disease, the eyelids of the newborn become sharply swollen and soft, purulent discharge from the eyes appears, pseudomembranes often form, and the lymph nodes are sharply enlarged. Systemic gonorrhea can develop, with damage to all organs. Treatment is exclusively with antibiotics.

Treatment of conjunctivitis with folk remedies

For simple bacterial or viral conjunctivitis folk treatment can provide effective assistance, and significantly speed up your recovery.

Washing the eyes with cornflower blue infusion. Pour one glass of boiling water over 1 tablespoon of dried cornflower flowers (or 1.5 tablespoons of fresh ones). Insist for half an hour, strain. both eyes should be washed, even if only one is inflamed. You can do this with a napkin soaked in the infusion, or you can make a bath. To do this, keeping the proportions, prepare 1 liter of infusion. After that, dip your face into the finished bath, and blink well. For best effect you can slightly pull the upper eyelid, just holding on to the eyelashes. Washing must be done three times a day, one of them is required before bedtime.

Lotions from aloe juice for the treatment of bacterial conjunctivitis. Prepare aloe juice in the following way: cut off two large leaves from the lower tier of the plant and put them in the freezer for one night, take out one of them in the morning, chop and wait until it thaws completely and releases the juice. Soak two cotton pads in the resulting juice, and apply to the eyes. And first you need to slightly open your eyelids so that the juice gets on the mucous membrane of the eye. Keep compresses for 15 minutes. Before going to bed, repeat the procedure using the second aloe leaf left in the freezer. Do not forget to put two new foxes in the freezer in the evening, the treatment lasts at least five days.

Infusion of eyebright for eye lotions. Two tablespoons of crushed eyebright grass should be poured with half a liter of boiling water. Close the container tightly: the infusion will be ready only after an hour. Strain through a fine sieve, and make lotions and eye washes. It is good to wash your eyes with this infusion before going to bed so that in the morning there is no gluing of the eyelids.

Infusion of calendula and chamomile for the treatment of conjunctivitis. One teaspoon of marigold flowers and the same number of flowers medicinal chamomile pour a glass of boiling water and close the lid; insist 20 minutes, strain well. This infusion should wash the eyes after waking up and before going to bed. For the best effect, take baths.

Garlic inhalation for viral conjunctivitis. Together with any means for washing, with viral conjunctivitis, it is necessary to breathe garlic vapors. To do this, you need to chop the whole, and tilt your face to the evenly spread garlic mass. Try not to close your eyes so that evaporation gets on the mucous membrane. Inhale deeply through your nose and exhale through your mouth. Perform this procedure every time after washing the eyes.

A decoction of echinacea roots for the treatment of conjunctivitis. Echinacea, which is an excellent immunostimulant and antiseptic, helps to get rid of viral and bacterial conjunctivitis. Pour a tablespoon of dried, crushed echinacea roots into a glass of water. Put this dish in a water bath, and simmer for half an hour, then leave to cool. Strain the prepared decoction and take two tablespoons four times a day. Simultaneously with ingestion, do washings and lotions from this decoction.

Prevention of inflammation of the mucous membrane of the eyes

The main link in the prevention of eye infections is careful personal hygiene. Infected discharge from the eyes may remain on the hands of the patient and be transmitted by shaking hands, may be brought in by a wipe for wiping glasses, carefully provided by your friend, etc. That is, even if you are not in close contact with the patient, but did not wash your hands on time, the probability of getting an infectious relay race is high. Develop the habit of not touching your eyes with your hands when you are away from home. It should be remembered, however, that the transfer viral conjunctivitis more often occurs by airborne droplets. But just this form of the disease is the least dangerous, and, as a rule, quickly passes on its own.

Special attention should be paid to the prevention of conjunctivitis in newborns. Future mom should be on time gynecological examination and treatment of venereal infections. Wash your hands with soap every time before toileting a newborn's eyes to avoid introducing any bacterial flora.