Phonetic means of speech expression. Basic phonetic means of the Russian language

The Russian language is extremely rich and beautiful. What an inspiration for M.V.’s statements. Lomonosov about the Russian language. Yes, indeed, the great scientist is right: the Russian language is wonderful, powerful, beautiful.

What is the wealth, beauty, strength, expressiveness of language? Eat special means expressiveness of speech. They are very diverse. Any section of the language - phonetics, vocabulary, grammar - has them. For example, the Russian language stands out among other languages ​​for its amazing wealth of word-forming morphemes, primarily suffixes. Some give the word a disparaging connotation (book, officer), others a diminutive connotation (son, grandma), and others reflect an assessment (old man, old man, old man). Morphemes create the richest possibilities for forming words various parts speech, with the help of derivational morphemes the meanings of words with the same root are concretized. This is how N.G. wrote about it. Chernyshevsky, jokingly proving the superiority of the Russian language over French.

The Russian phonetic system is flexible and expressive. Sounding speech is the main form of existence of language. One of the main visual means of phonetics is a stylistic device consisting in the selection of words that sound similar. (Read page 14 (Lushnikova)).

Here the vowels [o] and [a] and the consonants [п], [р], [т] appear. This makes the verse musically vibrant. Depending on the quality of the repeated sounds, alliteration and assonance are distinguished.

Alliteration called repetition of consonant sounds. For example: (the roar of a house passed through the blue sky (S. Marshak)). Conclusion: [p] in combination with [g] creates the impression of a clap of thunder.

Example: I am the free wind, I blow forever

I wave the waves, I caress the willows. (Balmont)

The repetition of what sounds creates the image of the wind? - [l], [l], [v], [v].

Assonance called vowel repetition.

It's time, it's time the horns blow (Pushkin).

Assonance is based only on stressed vowels.

I fly quickly on cast iron rails,

I think my thoughts (Nekrasov), - the sound [u] appears.

Another trick visual medium is sound writing - the use of words whose sound resembles the auditory impressions of the depicted phenomenon.

For example, (Here the rain dripped insinuatingly (Tvardovsky)) - the repetition of the sound kr resembles the tapping of drops.

Graphic arts

Derived from Greek word"grapho" - I write.

Graphics are a set of writing tools used to record speech. The main means of graphics are letters. The most important quality any language - codification. Codification in linguistics means bringing linguistic phenomena and facts into a certain system. On the basis of codification, linguists formulate a set of phonetic, lexical, spelling, and stylistic rules. The codification of the Russian language is reflected in the works of the great representatives of Russian literature: V.V. Vinogradova, M.V. Lomonosov, S.I. Ozhegova, A.S. Pushkina, A.A. Shakhmatova and others. The alphabet plays a decisive role in the codification of the Russian language.

Alphabet is a list of letters arranged in a certain order. The modern Russian alphabet includes 33 letters, and ь and ъ do not represent sounds. There are 3 groups of letters in the Russian alphabet:

1. Letters that do not represent sounds – ъ, ь;

2. Letters denoting two sounds - e, e, yu, i;

3. The rest belong to the third group.

1) Letters denoting one sound are called monophthongs, for example, oak-[p], Ob - [p], and two sounds (diphthongs) - letters e, ё, yu, i denote diphthongs.

At the beginning of the word yama is ma.

2) After the ъ and ь signs, I moved out, view - view.

3) After the vowel bayan ba n.

4) In addition, the same letter can denote different sounds: letter m [m] [m / ] - soap, mil; letter b [b] [b / ] – I will, beat.

5) Voiced consonants at the end of a word and before voiceless consonants sound like paired voiceless consonants; this phenomenon is called deafening. For example, order [c], booth [t] (weak position).

6) Voiceless consonants before voiced ones sound like paired voiced consonants - threshing - molo [d / ]ba, request - pro [z / ]ba (this phenomenon is called voicing).

Strong positions for consonant sounds are the position before vowels and before m, n, r, l, i, v.

7) One sound can be indicated by a combination of the letters happiness - [sh / ]astier, gap - [sh / ]el, carter - vo[sh / ]ik.

List of sources:

1. Golovin B.N. Basics of speech culture: Tutorial for universities. – M., 1988.

2. Gorbachevich K.S. Norms of modern Russian literary language, - M., 1989.

A lesson on the topic "Phonics" always attracts music college students. Firstly, the topic is related to the discipline "Harmony", where it is important phonemic awareness students (close to them), and, secondly, includes them in research work, and not empty memorization of terms.







Phonetic means of artistic expression

Lesson objectives:


  1. formation of an idea about the features of phonetic means of expressiveness of Russian speech;
  2. reading and commenting on the poem by F.I. Tyutchev’s “Autumn Evening” using biographical, historical, literary, and textual comments on the text;
  3. skill acquisition research work over a lyrical work;


  1. development of figurative, associative thinking and linguistic sense in the process of analyzing a lyrical work;
  2. developing skills and abilities of phonetic analysis of a poem; preparation for the unified state exam;
  3. formation of aesthetic taste and familiarization of students with conscious reading poems by F.I. Tyutchev;


  1. cultivating attention to words;
  2. development of love for the work of Russian poets;
  3. formation of a culture of speech;
  4. development of aesthetic taste

Equipment : poem by F.I. Tyutchev “Autumn Evening”; paintings “Autumn” by Yu. Levitan; “Autumn” by Yu. Popov; music by P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, Vivaldi “The Seasons” (fragments); photographs of the poet; table “Sounds of Russian speech”, autumn leaves on the desks.

Lesson form – lesson - research

Lesson PLAN

  1. Organizational stage;
  2. Main part: study of phonetic means of artistic expression using the example of F.I. Tyutchev’s poem “Autumn Evening”
  3. The final stage. Conclusions.
  4. Homework assignment. Summarizing.

During the classes

Poetry is inner music,

externally expressed by measured speech.

The word is a miracle, the verse is magic.

Music that rules the World and ours

Soul, there is Verse.


There is sound in nature

which is inaudible

there is also color,

which is invisible

but which can be heard.

H. P. Blavatsky

1.Organizational stage.Organization of the course. Announcing the lesson topic and goals.

Teacher's word: The main semantic, emotional and aesthetic load in the work is, of course, carried by the word. It is the found harmonious combination of word meaning and sound that has enormous power impact.

A poetic work is a world of words and sounds that cannot always be correlated with accepted sound means. Therefore, when analyzing the poem, we turn to the sounds of the Russian language, which, in combination with other sounds, affect the perception of the poem in terms of sound and meaning.

In Russian language lessons we looked at the phonetic features of Russian speech. Today we turn to the phonetic means of expressiveness of Russian speech.

Our goals -

  1. repeat phonetic means linguistic expressiveness,
  2. continue to work on their recognition,
  3. identify their role in the organization of literary text
  4. continue work on analyzing the literary text.

Teacher : Pay attention to the first epigraph of our lesson (written on the board):

Poetry is internal Music, externally expressed through metered speech. The word is a miracle, the verse is magic. Music, which rules the World and our soul, is Verse.


The material for our research will be F.I. Tyutchev’s poem “Autumn Evening.”


2.1. Terminological dictation.

Teacher : We have studied the terms necessary for the sound organization of a poem and as vivid means of artistic expression of a poem. You need to hear lexical meaning words, write down a linguistic term.

(a student is working at the board)

A) repetition of identical vowel sounds in poetic speech, enhancing expressiveness poetic speech- (assonance;)

B) repetition of homogeneous sound features in poetic speech- (rhythm);

IN) repetition in poetic speech (less often in prose) of identical consonant sounds, one of the types of sound writing - (alliteration);

G) the main expressive means of spoken speech, which allows one to convey the speaker’s attitude to what he is talking about - (intonation);

D) selection of words that sound similar (sound writing);

E) beauty and naturalness of sounds - (euphony)

G) one of strong position poetic text, fastened by intonation, rhyming words and semantic (semantic) connections - (RIHMA_)

Teacher : Name 2 words formed by addition (sound writing and euphony)

The course is divided (in advance) into 3 groups

  1. Work in groups.

Teacher : Poets and researchers of poetic speech have long noticed that sounds play a certain role in the semantic organization of the text. (Reading by groups of statements.)

1st group: " IN Russian language appears to be frequent repetition of writing A can contribute to the depiction of splendor, great space, depth and height; increased frequency of writing I, E, Yu – to the depiction of tenderness, affectionateness, deplorable or small things; through I you can show pleasantness, amusement, tenderness and inclination; through O, U, Y - terrible and strong things: anger, envy, pain and sadness..."(M. V. Lomonosov, “Rhetoric”.)

2nd group: “O” - the sound of delight, the triumphant space is ABOUT: - Field, Sea, Space. Everything huge manifests itself through ABOUT , even if it’s dark:moan, grief, coffin, funeral, sleep, midnight. Big as valleys and mountains, island, lake, cloud. Long, like a sorrowful fate. Huge, like the Sun, like the Sea. Terrible, like a scree, a landslide, thunder... It will sing, whine like a bell... The high arch of the ascended cathedral. Bottomless O"(K. Balmont.)

3rd group: "R" clearly tells me about something loud, bright, red, hot, fast. L – about something pale, blue, cold, smooth, light. Sound N – about something tender, about snow, sky, night... Sounds D&T - about something stuffy, heavy, about fog, about darkness, about something musty..." (E. Zamyatin.)

Teacher : During the lesson you can use statements. These statements are hints for our further work with you.What associations does the word “AUTUMN” evoke in you?

Students called: (leaf fall, rain, umbrellas, runny nose, raincoat....) (in groups - 2-3 associations)

At the blackboard, the student performs a phonetic analysis of the word “AUTUMN.”

The students have a table on their desks. Using a table (“what sounds convey”), groups look for words that are associated with sounds in phonetic analysis: [o] - space, caution; [With́ ] - rustling, restlessness; [and] - dreaming, inspiration; [ń] - dance;

Together with the teacher, students come to the conclusion that the lexical, associative and sound meaning of the word “autumn” are very similar.

2.3. Work on the text of F.I. Tyutchev’s poem “Autumn Evening.”

(the text of the poem is on the desks)

Teacher : The poem “Autumn Evening” was written by one of the representatives of the poetry of “pure art” Fyodor Ivanovich Tyutchev, whose fame came in his sixth decade. Poets of this direction (A. Fet, A. Maikov, Pleshcheev and others) focused their attention on nature and human feelings, on the harmony between man and nature. Poets expressed their innermost thoughts and feelings with images of nature. Tyutchev called himself “a faithful son of nature.”

2.3.1. Listening to a poem by heart. A student is reading.


Touching, mysterious charm:

The ominous shine and diversity of trees,

Crimson leaves languid, light rustle,

Misty and quiet azure

Over the sad orphaned land,

And, like a premonition of descending storms,

Gusty, cold wind at times,

Damage, exhaustion - and everything

That gentle smile of fading,

What in a rational being we call

Divine modesty of suffering.

October 1830 Tyutchev (27 years old)

Teacher : ( We begin the analysis with the poetics of the title, since it contains the main lyrical image and hides the poet’s main emotion and philosophical idea. In fact, the title reflects the author’s understanding of the text.)What picture do you draw after hearing the poem?(Work in groups: each group expresses its opinion)

2.3.2. Work on the vocabulary of the poem. Examination homework(the lexical meaning of the words had to be found in an explanatory dictionary):

  1. languor - feeling of pleasant relaxation;
  2. languid - full of languor, tired - tender
  3. exhaustion – a state of complete fatigue, powerlessness;
  4. gentle – gentle, submissive, meek;
  5. motley – consisting of multi-colored spots, stripes...
  6. fade - wither
  7. bashful - shy, shy
  8. with suffering – physical or mental pain, torment

Teacher : Find words in the poem - neologisms - (lightness, modesty, motley, sad - orphaned..) (Write in a notebook)

Teacher : Find the words in the poem high style– (tree, wind, meek..) (writing in a notebook) Why, in your opinion, does the author use them?

2.3.3. Teacher : Let's turn to the sound recording of the poem. One of the phonetic means is alliteration. Pay attention to the consonant sounds. What sounds are more common in this poem?(Work in groups)

We come to unanimous opinion- these are the sounds [ R.S.L ]( writing in a notebook)

Teacher : Find the correspondence to these sounds in the table.

Each group is given one sound. We come to the conclusion (whirlwinds, dance, aspiration) (see table) (write in notebook). We correlate the words with the theme of autumn and the theme of the poem.

Teacher : Let's look at the last two lines of the poem:

“What in a creature once m no m we are calling m" – What sound is most common in this line?We come to a conclusion- 4 M. In the table we look for an understanding of this sound. -(philosophizing, thinking)

“The divine shame of suffering.” –– What sounds in this line are repeated in each word?

We come to a conclusion- 3 ST In the table we look for an understanding of these sounds. We come to the conclusion -(doubt, anxiety, search; responsibility, creativity, destruction)

Teacher: To understand what the author wanted to say with these lines, let’s move on to lexical explanations of some words and phrases. (students write in notebooks)

Reasonable creature- choose a synonym (this is a person)

Suffering - choose synonyms (torment, torment, torture)

Shyness – choose synonyms (shyness, shyness)

Divine - choose a synonym (spiritual,)

Teacher : What do these lines suggest to the reader?

(Only a reasonable person understands that those who have spirituality suffer, experience torment, torment, and live in harmony with nature, with the whole world.)

Teacher : So what is the main theme of the poem? What gave us the main idea of ​​the poem? (alliteration can help express the main theme of the poem)

2.3.4. Teacher : What other phonetic means do you think can help us in analyzing a poem? (assonance).

Let's look at 2 more lines of the poem.

Is in your lordship autumn evenings

Teacher : Select only stressed vowel sounds. (write in notebook)

The answer is [E, E, E, O].

Teacher : Find a match in the table. We come to the conclusion -inspiration, dreaminess, romanticism and delight, space, simplicity

Gusty, cold wind at times,

Teacher : Highlight only stressed vowel sounds (write in a notebook)

Answer - [Y, O, E, O]

Referring to the table, we come to the conclusion:intimidation, noise, sentence, bell, victory cry, shout, space, sentence, caution.

Correlate with the theme of the poem.

Teacher : : What did the vowel sounds in the poem help you see and hear?

2.3.5. Teacher : Special attention we'll spend time with you bright means artistic expression - rhyme. Remember the meaning of this word. Rhyme sets the rhythm of the poem.(Rhyme - important factor in the emergence of poetic images, the lever of poetic thinking. “Rhyme is wings,” said A. A. Akhmatova).

What are rhymes that end in a vowel called?(- open), to a consonant (- closed)?

Teacher : Which lines are there more in the poem: open or closed? Why?

Work in groups: express their opinions.

OUTPUT: there are more closed lines, because open– such endings are considered smooth, melodious, and closed – are recognized as sharp, abrupt, energetic; It is the latter that depict the struggle and victory of the advancing cold elements.

Teacher : rhyme is one of the main instruments of verse melody; there are female and male rhymes. How can you tell them apart? Let's look at this in our poem.

(A) female - stress falls on the penultimate syllable (in waves)

6 lines with feminine rhyme; B) masculine - stress falls on the last syllable - (on the rock)

6 lines with male rhyme)

Teacher : Why, in your opinion, does the author use the same number of male and female rhymes?

(comparable to falling leaves, human maturity)

2.4 Teacher: . Do sounds have color? Let's turn to epigraph 2:

“In nature there is a sound that is inaudible, and there is also a color that is invisible, but which can be heard.” E. P. Blavatsky

The ability of sounds to evoke color images has been noticed for a long time. Much has been written about the color sense of A. Scriabin, whomusical sounds seen in color . An entire direction in art - color music - is based on this property of music sounds.

Let's listen to fragments of musical works: P. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, Vivaldi “The Seasons” (autumn);Which color scheme did you hear? (Work in groups, we find what is common and different among composers, then we find out which musical fragment is closer to Tyutchev’s poem, why))

Teacher : There is an opinion that speech sounds, especially vowels, can also be perceived in color.

A. Rimbaud even wrote the sonnet “Vowels”, in which he colored the sounds in such a way.

The poem is read by a trained student.

A - black; white - E; I - red; U - green; O - blue;

I will tell their secret in turn,

A - a velvet corset on the body of insects,

Which buzz above the stench of sewage.

E - whiteness of canvases, tents and fog.

The sparkle of mountain springs and fragile fans!

And - purple blood, oozing wound

Or scarlet lips amidst anger and praise.

U - tremulous ripples of wide green waves,

Calm meadows, peace of deep wrinkles

On the laboring brow of gray-haired alchemists.

O - the ringing roar of a trumpet, piercing and strange,

Oh, her wondrous eyes, her lilac rays.

Teacher : There are even results of an experiment (by musicians and linguists) on sound-color correspondences. They are shown in the table that we will use now.

Let us also explore Tyutchev’s poem.




Red, bright red, thick red

Light yellow. white, purple


Green, yellow-green


Blue, sky blue, bluish

Grey, Dark blue, blue-green, dark purple


Gloomy, dark brown, black


  1. E.Yo, U in a poem
  1. group, please count how many times the letters are repeated A, I, Y
  1. group, please count how many times the letters are repeated AND ABOUT

Make a conclusion for each color.

Let's try to paint a picture of an autumn evening using color. Draw a table in a notebook

sound letter


Color spectrum



Yellow - green

Variegation of trees



Crimson Leaves

Sky blue

Misty and quiet azure

Light yellow

The lightness of autumn evenings


Gusty cold wind


Sad - an orphaned land

3.0. The final stage.

Teacher : Once again we ask the student to read the poem, pay attention to reproductions, paintings, illustrations, and relate it to the music.


“Autumn Evening” is not just landscape lyrics. The poem attempts to show not one specific picture, but common essence Russian autumn evenings; not just convey the impression, but comprehend it as a phenomenon of natural life. Nature, like man, lives according to laws: it is necessary to die in order to be reborn. The mysterious charm of autumn evenings becomes an occasion for reflection on human fate and the divine essence of suffering.

Teacher :So what role do phonetic means of expressiveness play in Russian speech?

(Phonetic means of expressiveness of Russian speech help to better understand the meaning of a poem, hear its sound, create sound and visual associations, take a different look at the poet’s world, his attitude to the word, to the reader. Phonetic means of expressiveness make us appreciate all the beauty in a new way, originality and uniqueness of Russian speech.)

4.0. Summing up.


Find phonetic means of expression in another poem by F.I. Tyutchev.

You can't understand Russia with your mind,

The general arshin cannot be measured:

She will become special -

You can only believe in Russia.




I, E

Squeak, scream, squeal, amazement, victory cry, patience, secrecy, weakness, changeability, adaptation, inspiration and romanticism, dreaminess, light, craving for the spiritual,

Rumble, humming, music of noise, cry of horror, despondency and sadness, indifference and inertia, slowness and passivity, phlegmatism and pessimism, regret and humility, mystery

B, P

Thunder, energy, the riot of life, the richness of being and material embodiment, which brings suffering, comfort, stability, pessimism, dust, ashes.

N, M

Purring, mooing, muttering, tormenting, dancing, philosophizing, thinking

Thunder, ringing, destruction, fragmentation, rumble, shot, wind, roar, storm, explosion, hurricane, roar of strings, whirlwinds, fire, growl, grumbling, tiger roar, cooing, croaking, pressure, confidence, threat and destruction of barriers, heroic strength and power, masculinity, determination to the point of rudeness, rage and firmness.

Feeling of smoothness, fluidity, dance

The sound of delight, triumphant space, sentence, bell, surprise, gaiety, frivolity, slyness, caution, balance, charm and warmth, completeness and integrity, kindness and simplicity, contentment and complacency, spontaneity and openness, a wealth of emotions.

Y, Sh

breadth and power, noise and silence, rustling and rustling, intimidation, the attraction of the earth and comprehension of life, the feeling of the essence of existence.

Z, C, H

The hiss of a snake, the rustle of leaves, the whistle of winds, retribution, beast, sharpness, efficiency, doubt, anxiety, ray, light, clarity, purity, modesty, order. Control, precision. hardness

aspiration, radiance, strength of aspiration, weakness in affirmation, rustling, inconsistency, doubt, anxiety, search for meaning, ray of thought, power of search (from twilight to light, clarity and purity). Communication between the distant and the near.

Firmness, certainty, strict control, responsibility, creativity, exactingness, fulcrum, destruction, tradition. Inflexibility, integrity and absolutism. Order, tact, rhythm, sense. modesty

tension, energy, compression. eruption, explosion, fire. Passion, power, power, tyranny.

K, X

dryness and deafness, hoarseness and roughness, weakness and reticence, quietness and dullness, modesty, energy, deception

V. P, F

influence and excitement, attraction, introduction and identification of feelings, their design. The desire for rapprochement, reciprocity and mutual understanding.

sharpness and decisiveness, angularity and surprise. A sharp and radical turn, angle, shift, unpredictability of thought and indisputability of action. Overcoming obstacles with the mind (“the smart one will not go uphill”):

Affirmation, support, certainty, reliability, creation, quality, kindness

As you know, spoken speech is the main form of existence of language. The sound organization of speech and the aesthetic role of sounds are dealt with by a special branch of stylistics - phonics. Phonics evaluates the peculiarities of the sound structure of a language, determines the conditions of euphony characteristic of each national language, and explores various methods of amplification phonetic expressiveness speech, teaches the most perfect, artistically justified and stylistically appropriate sound expression of thought.

The sound expressiveness of speech lies primarily in its euphony, harmony, in the use of rhythm, rhyme, alliteration (repetition of the same or similar consonant sounds), assonance (repetition of vowel sounds) and other means. Phonics is primarily interested in the sound organization of poetic speech, in which the importance of phonetic means is especially great. Along with this, the sound expressiveness of artistic prose and some genres of journalism (primarily on radio and television) is also explored. In non-fiction speech, phonics solves the problem of the most appropriate sound organization language material, facilitating the precise expression of thoughts, since correct use phonetic means of language ensures quick (and without interference) perception of information, eliminates discrepancies, eliminates unwanted associations that interfere with the understanding of statements. For fluency of understanding great importance has euphony of speech, i.e. a combination of sounds that is convenient for pronunciation (articulation) and pleasant to the ear (musicality). One of the ways to achieve sound harmony is a certain alternation of vowels and consonants. Moreover, most combinations of consonants contain the sounds [m], [n], [r], [l], which have high sonority. Consider, for example, one of the poems by A.S. Pushkin:

Driven by spring rays,

There is already snow from the surrounding mountains

Escaped through muddy streams

To the flooded meadows.

Nature's clear smile

Through a dream greets the morning of the year:

The skies are shining blue.

Still transparent, forests

It's like they're turning green.

Bee for field tribute

Flies from a wax cell...

The sound instrumentation of this poem is interesting. Here, first of all, there is a uniform combination of vowels and consonants (and their ratio itself is approximately the same: 60% consonants and 40% vowels); an approximately uniform combination of voiceless and voiced consonants; There are almost no cases of accumulation of consonants (only two words contain, respectively, three and four consonant sounds in a row ¾ [skvos'] and [fstr' and 'ch'aj't]. All these qualities together give the verse a special musicality and melody. They are inherent in the best prose works.

However, the euphony of speech can often be disrupted. There are several reasons for this, the most common of which is the accumulation of consonant sounds: a sheet of a defective book: [stbr], [ykn]; competition for adult builders: [revzr], [khstr]. Also M.V. Lomonosov advised “to avoid obscene and unpleasant to the ear combination of consonants, for example: of all the senses, the gaze is nobler, because six consonants, placed side by side ¾ vstv-vz, really stutter the tongue.” To create euphony, the number of sounds included in a consonantal combination, their quality and sequence are important. In the Russian language (this has been proven), the combination of consonant sounds obeys the laws of euphony. However, there are words that include a larger number of consonants compared to the normative ones: meeting, disheveled, stick; There are lexemes containing two or three consonant sounds at the end, which makes pronunciation much more difficult: spectrum, meter, ruble, callous, acquaintances, etc. Usually, when consonants coincide in oral speech in such cases, additional “syllabicity” develops, a syllabic vowel appears: [rubl’], [m’etar], etc. For example:

This Smury came to the theater two years ago... (Yu. Trifonov); A play was staged in Saratov, staged by Sergei Leonidovich back in the spring (Yu.


The earth is bursting with heat.

The thermometer exploded. And on me

Rumbling, worlds crumble

Drops of mercury fire.

(E. Bagritsky)

The second reason that disrupts the euphony of speech is the accumulation of vowel sounds. Thus, the opinion that the more vowel sounds in a speech, the more harmonious it is, is incorrect. Vowels produce euphony only in combination with consonants. The combination of several vowel sounds in linguistics is called gaping; it significantly distorts the sound structure of Russian speech and makes articulation difficult. For example, the following phrases are difficult to pronounce: Letter from Olya and Igor; Such changes are observed in the aorist; the title of V. Khlebnikov's poem "The Lay of El".

The third reason for the violation of euphony is the repetition of identical combinations of sounds or identical words: ...They cause the collapse of relationships (N. Voronov). Here, in the words next to each other, the combination -sheni- is repeated.

True, in poetic speech it can be very difficult to distinguish between a violation of euphony and paronomasia - the deliberate play of words that are similar in sound. See for example: So we heard

quietly through,

transported during the first winter

the first song of winter.

(N. Kislik)

Colleague, employee,

Drinking buddy, interlocutor

How many of these COs!

Weightless without each other,

Carried by terrible times,

Let's get into these Soma

A squirrel in a wheel.

(V. Livshits)

Euphony is also reduced due to the monotonous rhythm of speech created by the predominance of monosyllabic or, on the contrary, polysyllabic words. One example is the creation of so-called palindromes (texts that have the same reading both from beginning to end and from end to beginning):

Frost in the knot, I climb with my gaze.

Nightingale's call, cartload of hair.

Wheel. Sorry for the luggage. Touchstone.

The sleigh, the raft and the cart, the call of the crowds and of us.

Gord doh, the move is slow.

And I lie there. Really?

(V. Khlebnikov)

Poor phonetic organization of speech, difficult articulation, and unusual sound of phrases distract the reader’s attention and interfere with the listening comprehension of the text. Russian poets and writers have always closely monitored the sound side of speech and noted the shortcomings of the sound design of a particular thought. For example, A.M. Gorky wrote that young authors often do not pay attention to the “sound vagaries” of living speech, and gave examples of violation of euphony: actresses with passionate looks; wrote poetry, cleverly choosing rhymes, etc. A.M. Gorky also noted that the annoying repetition of the same sounds is undesirable: She unexpectedly found that our relationship needed ¾ even necessary ¾ to be understood differently. V.V. Mayakovsky in the article "How to make poetry?" gives examples of combinations at the junction of words, when a new meaning arises that was not noticed by the authors of poetic texts; in other words, amphiboly arises at the phonetic level: “... in Utkin’s lyric poem, placed in “Spotlight”, there is a line:

he won't come just like that,

just as a summer swan will not come to winter lakes.

It turns out to be a certain “belly.”

Amphiboly at the sound level can also be noted in A. Voznesensky’s poem “Brighton Beach”: What is your fault, Willie?

What am I, Willie, to blame for?

Is it you, is it us? Are we, are you? ¾

Heaven doesn't speak.

The aesthetic perception of texts is disrupted when used in speech active participles present and past tenses such as trudged, trudged, winced, winced, rasped, as they seem dissonant.

Thus, every native speaker should try to avoid the obsessive repetition of identical and similar sounds, the use of dissonant word forms, difficult to pronounce combinations of sounds when connecting words, and skillfully use the expressive capabilities of the sounding side of speech.


Phonetics- the science of the sound side of human speech. The word "phonetics" comes from the Greek. phonetikos "sound, voice" (phone sound).

Without pronouncing and hearing the sounds that make up the sound shell of words, verbal communication is impossible. On the other hand, for verbal communication It is extremely important to distinguish a spoken word from others that sound similar.

Therefore, in the phonetic system of a language, means are needed that serve to convey and distinguish significant units of speech - words, their forms, phrases and sentences.

Phonetic means of the Russian language

Phonetic means of the Russian language include:

  • - sounds
  • - stress (verbal and phrasal)
  • - intonation.

The shortest, minimal, indivisible sound unit that stands out during the sequential sound division of a word is called sound speeches.

Speech sounds have different qualities and therefore serve as a means in language to distinguish words. Often words differ in just one sound, the presence of an extra sound compared to another word, or the order of sounds.

For example: jackdaw - pebble,

fight - howl,

mouth is a mole,

nose - dream.

The traditional classification of speech sounds is to divide them into consonants and vowels.

Consonants differ from vowels in the presence of noises that are formed in the oral cavity during pronunciation.

The consonants differ:

  • 1) by the participation of noise and voice,
  • 2) at the place of noise generation,
  • 3) according to the method of noise generation,
  • 4) by the absence or presence of softness.

Involvement of noise and voice. Based on the participation of noise and voice, consonants are divided into noisy and sonorant. Sonorant consonants are those formed with the help of voice and slight noise: [m], [m"], [n], [n"], [l], [l"], [r], [r"]. Noisy consonants are divided into voiced and voiceless. Noisy voiced consonants are [b], [b"], [v], [v"], [g], [g"], [d], [d"], [zh], ["], [z ], [z"], , , formed by noise with the participation of a voice. Noisy voiceless consonants include: [p], [p"], [f], [f"], [k], [k"], [t], [t"], [s], [s"] , [w], ["], [x], [x"], [ts], [h"], formed only with the help of noise alone, without the participation of the voice.

Location of noise generation. Depending on which active organ of speech ( underlip or tongue) dominates in the formation of sound, consonants are divided into labial and lingual. If we take into account the passive organ in relation to which the lip or tongue articulates, consonants can be labiolabial [b], [p] [m] and labiodental [v], [f]. Linguals are divided into front-lingual, middle-lingual and posterior-lingual. Forelinguals can be dental [t], [d], [s], [z], [ts], [n], [l] and palatodental [h], [sh], [zh], [r] ; middle tongue - middle palatal; posterior lingual - posterior palatal [g], [k], [x].

Methods of noise generation

Depending on the difference in the methods of noise formation, consonants are divided into stops [b], [p], [d], [t], [g], [k], fricatives [v], [f], [s], [z ], [w], [zh], [x], affricates [ts], [h], octopus: nasal [n], [m], lateral, or oral, [l] and tremulous (vibrants) [ R].

Hardness and softness of consonants. The absence or presence of softness (palatalization) determines the hardness and softness of consonants. Palatalization (Latin palatum - hard palate) is the result of mid-palatal articulation of the tongue, complementing the main articulation of the consonant sound. Sounds formed with such additional articulation are called soft, and sounds formed without it are called hard.

A characteristic feature of the consonant system is the presence in it of pairs of sounds that are correlated in deafness-voicedness and in hardness-softness. The correlation of paired sounds lies in the fact that in some phonetic conditions (before vowels) they are distinguished as two different sounds, and in other conditions (at the end of a word) they do not differ and coincide in their sound.

For example: rose - dew and roses - grew [ros - grew].

This is how paired consonants appear in the indicated positions [b] - [p], [v] - [f], [d] - [t], [z] - [s], [zh] - [sh], [g] - [k], which, therefore, form correlative pairs of consonants in terms of deafness and voicedness.

The correlative series of voiceless and voiced consonants is represented by 12 pairs of sounds. Paired consonants differ in the presence of voice (voiced) or absence of it (voiceless). Sounds [l], [l "], [m], [m"], [n], [n"], [r], [r"] - extra-paired voiced, [x], [ts], [h "] - extrapaired deaf.

The classification of Russian consonants is presented in the table:

The composition of consonant sounds, taking into account the correlation between deafness and voicedness, is shown in the following table

(["], ["] - long hissing, paired in deafness and voicedness; cf. [dro"and], ["and]).

The hardness and softness of consonants, like deafness and voicedness, differ in some positions, but do not differ in others, which leads to the presence in the system of consonants of a correlative series of hard and soft sounds. So, before the vowel [o] there is a difference between [l] - [l"] (cf.: lot - ice [lot - l "ot], but before the sound [e] not only [l] - [l"], but also other paired hard-soft sounds (cf.: [l "es", [v"es], [b"es], etc.).

Phonetic means

Dictionary-reference book linguistic terms. Ed. 2nd. - M.: Enlightenment. Rosenthal D. E., Telenkova M. A.. 1976 .

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    Intonation (from the Latin intono - I pronounce loudly), a set of sound means of language, which, superimposed on a number of pronounced and audible syllables and words: a) phonetically organize speech, dividing it according to its meaning into phrases and significant segments - ...

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