Where are pets registered? Mandatory registration of animals will be partially paid

Deputies have prepared a law on paid registration of pets.
Do you have pets? Do they need registration, will they carry it for chipping or tattooing? They also propose to introduce a special tax: the larger the beast, the more to pay. How do you feel about this measure? What needs should the collected money be used for if the tax is introduced? Do the residential complexes under construction need areas for walking dogs, baths for washing paws? How do buyers react to such options?

, CEO of East Real:
- Many years ago I had a Rottweiler. It was my friend, a member of my family. And he had papers, like any pet with a pedigree. But I'm not sure that I would chip it or somehow fix information on it. Owners are responsible for keeping pets, and chips are unlikely to help in overseeing their compliance with pet rules. If we consider this measure as a way to protect animals from being abandoned or left on the street, I don’t think chips will help with this. Rather, it will add unnecessary cruelty.
In addition, the law on the registration of pets has long been passed. So here we are talking more about the formation of a new paid service. Of course, the introduction of a tax is a great way to replenish the treasury, there are many pets in our country, and love for them is boundless.
The issue of dog walking areas deserves a separate discussion. I think that if the owner does not drag his dog to the playgrounds, puts a muzzle on the dog and cleans up after him, this is enough in most cases. But the presence of a special platform, of course, will remove many issues when communicating with residents in the yards.

, founder of Rumpu Design Bureau:
- This sector needs to be brought to some kind of logical, civilized state. There should be dog walking areas in St. Petersburg, there should be bags for collecting waste, and the creation of this infrastructure should be financed. The animal tax is nothing new. It exists in many countries, and I do not see any problems here, but only if the tax goes to create infrastructure for these same animals. To be comfortable for both dogs and their owners. I believe that this initiative can be implemented quite quickly. Our deputies pass laws in a week, here we are ahead of the rest.

, development director of the company "L1":
- I have a cat and a dog, but I live outside the city. Therefore the problem special places We don't have to worry about walking our dogs. And in the city, such sites, of course, are needed. It is better to deal with these issues centrally, there is no need to rely on the consciousness of the owners. In our case, clean where they clean. If taxes go to these needs, I'm all for it. I am ready to register all my pets for this, including fish, secretly hoping that the size will still matter.

Olga SAFRONOVA, General Director of Non-State Supervision and Expertise LLC:
- I have pets in my family all the time: cats, dogs different breeds. I believe that if registration is not needed for cats that do not leave apartments, then it is simply mandatory for dogs. And the introduction of a tax as a disciplinary measure is right: it will force people to take a more responsible decision to have a pet. Maybe then fewer puppies will be thrown out into the street after a few months of their life in the house. The received amounts can be distributed to the construction of shelters, sterilization of homeless animals, etc. And if all new residential complexes plan and then organize dog playgrounds immediately at the project stage, this will be a big plus for future residents.

, deputy CEO LLC "Ligovsky Canal":
Unfortunately or fortunately, I don't have any pets. This is a huge responsibility. With my lifestyle (business trips, long business meetings, etc.), such joy is not possible. Nowadays, they are sometimes part of the family. Of course, a passport, or registration, or chipping must be.
About the special tax, I hope it's a joke. No matter how big the animal is, the responsibility still rests with its owner. If the tax is nevertheless introduced, then the collected funds should be spent on the maintenance of homeless animals, as well as on the staff who will take care of the animals. It would also be possible to direct part of the money to organize places for walking dogs.
Now all developers are trying to make residential complexes as comfortable as possible for citizens. Landscaping is also important, it is thought out to the smallest detail. Some buyers have pets and the comfort of their pets is just as important to them as their own. Therefore, of course, I consider necessary both dog walking areas and paw baths.

, head of AM "Studio-17":
- I have a favorite cat, and yes, I love pets. Once I realized that I implicitly divide people into those who love them and who do not. The second category is clearly losing, in my opinion. One day a man I've known for ten years confessed that he couldn't stand cats. Everything, in my eyes, he fell, and nothing can be done about it. As for taxes, chipping and other procedures - why not? If, of course, to approach this reasonably. In particular, the tax should be different depending on the income of the owner: it cannot be equal to half the pension of a poor old woman. After all, she will die, having paid such an amount, but if she refuses her pet, she will also die of longing and loneliness.
The only thing I oppose is the creation of dog playgrounds. A dog is a friend of man, it must live and walk among people. No, of course you can't let the dogs out. fighting breeds to the playground, but those who are the size of a cat, I suppose you can. Instead of creating such reservations, it would be better to adopt the British experience. There are no prohibition signs in any public park, but at every intersection there is a bin that says dog waste, and every dog ​​walker has two or three pairs of plastic gloves with him.

, founder of the exhibition "Real Estate Fair":
- I don't have pets for a long time. But I love dogs, and once I had a collie. I think that having a playground near the house where the dog could warm up and a place for washing paws would make our life more pleasant and easier. But it seems to me that when choosing an apartment, people do not really pay attention to it. Curious, but nothing more. There are so many things to take into account and think over that somehow they don’t remember about dogs and cats.
In general, the presence of animals in the house complicates the lives of people. If the stairwell smells of cats, the neighbors wonder why they have to live with it. It's even worse in Europe. You definitely can't walk the streets looking up at the sky. But how can a tax on animals help here? This is a matter of parenting.

, Executive Director of the Russian Guild of Managers and Developers:
- I have a very positive attitude towards tax as a way to discipline people. The decision to adopt a pet is often made spontaneously. And as a maximum, it ends up on the street, at least - it is carelessly looked after. The money could be spent on the creation of infrastructure (walking areas, vending machines with bags and scoops for cleaning). There is not enough of it, and now, besides, some parks have begun to be closed for dogs. It would be fair to support with this money charity organisations who take care of animals that are left unattended. At the expense of beloved pets, make life easier for those who are less fortunate.
For developers, the creation of such an infrastructure is a good marketing ploy. And even though not all buyers would like to see a closed space for dogs in the yard, it is worth providing baths and a machine with bags in the entrance group. It is inexpensive, but serves as a good additional argument in favor of buying even for those who do not have animals. After all, everyone wants the yard to be neat, and the floor in the front door to be clean.

, Sales and Marketing Director of EKE Group:
- My dog ​​has been chipped for a long time, and there is a stigma. There can be more nasty things from a small dog than from a big one. Therefore, I consider it inappropriate to have a differentiated tax. This is not a car where engine power is measured in horsepower. And if a tax on animals is introduced, then the collected money must be transferred to shelters for keeping the same animals, as well as creating new ones.
Baths for washing the paws of dogs in our country do not take root. All the same, all owners wash their paws at home. And walking areas are needed, but only in large projects. And in small new buildings in the city center, for example, as in our residential complex "Two Epochs", there is simply no place for them. If you arrange such a platform in a closed yard, it will be a garbage dump. It’s easier to go to the nearest square or park and take a walk there.

, Director of Luxury Residential Real Estate at Knight Frank St. Petersburg:
- Most people love animals, many keep pets, but no one likes a landscaped area “mined” with their waste products. The way out of the situation is dog walking areas and the placement of special garbage bags at hand. On the other hand, the climate in St. Petersburg is not the most favorable, dogs have to wash their paws after every walk, and it is best to do this not in an apartment, in expensive plumbing, but on special equipment. For example, in the elite complex Royal Park, in the entrance groups on the ground floor, there is a place for washing paws. It is very comfortable.

Olga KOZIMYANETS, Sales Director, Doverie Group:
- I have two dogs, but I can only be skeptical about the measure proposed by the deputies. The right message in this initiative is to reduce the number of homeless animals and make owners responsible for their pets. On the other hand, when we begin to analyze specific events, many questions arise. Who and how will monitor the implementation of this law? Paid registration, chipping and a special tax can be an excessive burden for the poor. Creation special conditions for dog owners, as well as the organization of platforms and baths for washing paws - an indisputable advantage for the residential complex. Today, this option is taken into account when designing not only luxury housing, but also comfort class. It is important that it be thoughtful.

Registration of pets may become mandatory and even paid. The bill will soon be considered in the State Duma. The new rules will affect cats, dogs and even fish. All of them. How much will it cost the owners, and why are animal rights activists urgently preparing places in nurseries for new guests?

Mustaches, paws, tail are not documents: a draft providing for the mandatory registration of pets is being finalized by the government before the third reading in the State Duma.

Everything today registration actions with beloved cats and dogs are voluntary, and the only obligation of the owners is to vaccinate the pet before going abroad with it. Everything else is absolute amateur performance: both chipping and the so-called "propiska" at the place of registration. By the way, now chipping costs up to 2000 rubles.

They have been preparing for seven years - since 2010. It is officially called the Veterinary Safety Act. There it should be written how to register an animal, whether you need to pay for it, whether chips or some other type of marking of your four-legged property is required for this.

"Therefore, if you look Civil Code, then we have already written there a long time ago that an animal is a thing, property, respectively, it has an owner. Therefore, I hope that when we pass the law on the responsible treatment of animals, animals will still become living beings. And, accordingly, the status of the owner can be secured with the help of the state register of animals," says Deputy Chairman of the State Duma Committee on Ecology and Protection environment Vladimir Panov (United Russia faction).

The final version of the bill has not yet been submitted to the State Duma, but it is known that the tax on animals is not yet provided. Although animal rights activists believe that it is necessary to levy such a tax on owners of cats and dogs and make compulsory registration paid.

"By at least, there will be some thought in my head that there is responsibility for everything. What will need to be responsible for the condition of the animal, at least. If you introduce a tax, if you introduce mandatory registration, at first all volunteers, all shelters will suffocate in animals. Because the first wave of discarded animals will be just colossal,” says volunteer, animal rights activist Temnoyara Leontieva.

Each pet at Temnoyara has suffered from irresponsible owners in the past: the cat was tortured to paralysis by the children, the dog was thrown out on the road. The cat was kept in a cramped cage by breeders so that she would give offspring for sale.

With the advent of registration requirements, the final wording of what animal cruelty is, the responsibility of the owner will be completely different. And many will once again think: are they ready to get a cat? However, the bill provides for all types of pets - and fish, and hamsters, and parrots.

Sudden initiative of the Moscow deputies!

Deputies of the Moscow City Duma will propose to introduce federal level compulsory registration of pets. About it information portal m24.ru was told by Lyudmila Stebenkova, a member of the commission on environmental policy of the Moscow City Duma.

"The issue of regulation of pet law is at the federal level. Of course, there are many complaints from the public on this topic. There are proposals from voters for mandatory registration of pets. In the future, at the end of this year, we are going to consider this issue and propose mandatory registration of pets," Stebenkova said.

The deputy explained that registration will help save the animal if the owner decides to drive it out into the street or hand it over to a shelter. It will be easier for the owner to be fined if his dog shits on the street. According to Stebenkova, first of all, this issue should be considered at the federal level in the State Duma of the future convocation.

In most developed countries, society seeks to bring the population of domestic and stray animals under control. It is known that animals become homeless through the fault of negligent owners. Some throw away pets due to moving, allergies, individual intolerance, some simply lose. If the animal survives, it gives offspring already perfectly adapted to wild urban conditions.

Owners of animals used to stigmatize them, especially purebred dogs or livestock: they applied tattoos or put on tags. AT recent times The United States, Japan and EU countries have begun to use chipping. The chips were first developed in 1989 by Texaco Instruments, commissioned by Dutch farmers. By the end of the 90s, they began to be applied to dogs and cats in the States and Europe. Since 2004, in all EU countries, dogs, cats and domestic ferrets transported across borders are required to have an RFID chip or a distinct brand. In many countries, the owner must register the animal, obtain a personal number for it and microchip it. In this case, if the animal is on the street, the owner will be easy to find. If he refuses the animal, he will be placed in a shelter, and the owner will be charged money for maintenance. There are large databases with chip numbers, but they are still not centralized. The largest ones - TASSO.e.V and Europetnet - are united by the international search network PETAMAXX.

Despite the fact that chipping animals unequivocally disciplines owners, a huge number of dogs and cats disappear every year in the EU countries. In Berlin, about 2.5 thousand animals disappear every year. German animal rights activists believe that they are being stolen by catchers from clandestine wool factories. In the UK, about 110,000 dogs are lost every year, and in about half of the cases they cannot be returned to their owners.

Expert cynologist Victor Galushka said that information about some pets can be found even now. "Let's start with the fact that the registration of pets already exists, but not on state level. For example, information about all purebred dogs recorded with breeders, including pedigree information. There is a single database, if desired, you can identify who is the owner of the animal. Dogs adopted from shelters are also included in the veterinary base", - explained the cynologist.

Deputy Chairman of the Moscow Society for the Protection of Animals Kirill Goryachev hopes that the law on the mandatory registration of all pets will come into force in the near future. In his opinion, the difficulty lies in the fact that currently in the Russian legislation "there is no unambiguous mutual correspondence between the animal and the owner." “A dog that is walked on the street can run away, bite someone. Here comes the responsibility of the owner of the animal for causing harm to third parties. Now it is very difficult to prove who owns the animal,” Goryachev added.

The expert believes that the law should affect not only dogs and cats, but also rural animals. “We should not forget that Russia is not limited to cities: in countryside keep horses, sheep, cows and other domestic animals. For example, a herd may end up in a foreign field - it is not so easy to find out who is responsible for the damage," Goryachev explained.

In his opinion, it is important to develop an understandable system practical use the norms of the law. "There must be a specific system, clear mechanisms, electronic registration Goryachev noted. “Compulsory registration is important – the owner will not be able to just throw the animal out on the street, but will be responsible for it not only in words.”

The government will approve two lists of animals. The first will include animals, which the owners will be required to register in a special state register. The second will indicate those animals who, under no circumstances, can be kept at home.

Such innovations will be spelled out in the future law on the responsible treatment of animals. Now the document is planned in the State Duma for the second reading, it is included in sample program parliamentary work for May. And the government is actively preparing amendments that will give the project its final form. The draft amendments have already been sent for approval to the concerned departments.

Promotion of cruel, inhumane treatment of animals and calls for cruelty to animals will be prohibited. So such sites will be blocked. And for the distribution of creepy footage of animal abuse, it is proposed to establish administrative responsibility.

It is assumed that from next year it will be necessary to supply pets with a chip with a personal number.

But one of the most resonant norms concerns human relations with pets. For the registration of animals, it is planned to create a state information system "Registry of Animals", the procedure for the formation and maintenance of which will be determined by the government of the country. So there are still no answers to many questions, for example, who will keep the register, how to submit information there, whether all animals will need to be registered. Everything will be decided in due time, the law will only give the government the appropriate powers.

Nevertheless, information has already appeared in the media that by February 15, " Road map"on the introduction in Russia of a system of unique identification numbers for domestic and farm animals. It is assumed that from January next year, Russian farmers and pet owners will have to supply them with chips, a tattoo or a brand with a unique identification number. Under this number, the animal will be listed in the state information system, and some vital information about the animal itself can be stored in the electronic database. According to the plans, horses, cattle, deer, camels, poultry, dogs and cats, pigs, rabbits, fur animals and some other living things. If the owners do not register the animal, they will be subject to administrative liability. An administrative penalty will also be introduced for keeping animals included in the prohibited list at home. Fines will also be introduced for the creation of animal shelters in residential premises, in non-residential premises in apartment buildings.

Marking, as conceived, will take place in several stages. cattle will probably start labeling from 2018. Chips for dogs and cats will be introduced from 2019. But here, too, everything depends on whether the State Duma will have time to pass a law on the responsible treatment of animals, and whether the technical base will be prepared. Recall that the draft was adopted in the first reading in 2011.

Direct speech

Alexander Khaburgaev, naturalist journalist:

This law has been long overdue. Today, housing and communal services have departments of urban fauna. But none of them can say how many dogs live in a city, district, house. And we are talking not only about homeless mongrels, but also about quite thoroughbreds. After all, the breeder received, for example, a pedigree in the Russian Cynological Federation, but wants to participate with the dog in other exhibitions. And so he gets another pedigree, but in a different association. And then another club. As a result, there is only one dog, and judging by the pedigrees, there are three of them.

To protect the rights of animals, each of them must be registered and have their own passport. For example, if in London they found lost dog, they will quickly find its owner. She is usually chipped. The veterinarian can easily determine the name, surname and address of the owner using this chip. And the latter will have to pay a fine.

We don't have that. Such veterinary passports should be in all large animals. This will help not only to search for them, but also to treat and maintain health. Data on which vaccines were used and when can be up-to-date at any time.

However, the law does not establish any draconian measures against pet owners. Guardsmen will not go from house to house to punish the owner of cats for vaccinations that were not done on time.

Four-legged certification: how in Russia they want to control pets

The new bill, submitted to the State Duma, if passed, would oblige Russians to register pets and introduce stiff penalties for violating the rules for keeping them. Soon, citizens can be forced to treat their pets much more responsibly. At least, this is what the people's deputies want, who have registered a bill that provides for the introduction of accounting for domestic and stray animals in the country. The authors of the document note in the explanatory note that pets are a constant source of replenishment of the population of homeless animals. Therefore, it is obvious that the regulation and reduction of the number of homeless animals is possible only under the condition of well-established control over the number, first of all, of domestic animals, the authors of the document are sure. Therefore, they propose to introduce a "mechanism of adequate responsibility" for the improper maintenance of animals.

Considering the fact that The State Duma already paid attention to the issue of animal welfare and passed a law that increased the punishment for cruelty to animals, this initiative also has a chance to gain support in the session hall. We found out how the rules for keeping animals will change if the law is passed.

Total registration

One of the key norms of the bill is the proposal to register all animals, both wild and homeless and domestic. And if in the first two cases the responsibility rests with the local authorities, then pets will need to be registered by their owners. After registration, the animal will receive a permanent identification number, which will need to be attached to collars, both for dogs and cats. All animals older than two months will have to be registered. If a person bought a cat or a dog, he must register them no later than five days after their purchase. At the same time, notice veterinary service when moving with a pet.

Registration will not be free - you will have to pay approximately 1000 rubles. Truth preferential categories citizens, public organizations and shelters, as well as those who will take animals from shelters, will not have to pay registration fees.

Weddings and funerals

The bill also provides for a ban on breeding pets without a breed, and even purebred pets will not be able to give birth at home. This will be allowed only in licensed breeding kennels and kennel clubs. Still, pets that are "not of pedigree value" are subject to sterilization.

Strict restrictions apply not only to the birth, but also to the death of pets. If the bill is passed, it will not be possible to bury him on his own. After death pet, the owner must notify his veterinary clinic and hand over the body of a pet with a passport and a license plate on his collar. The burial of dogs and cats can only be carried out in special cemeteries and crematoria, which are planned to be created at the expense of local authorities. The sale of animals “by hand” without documents is also planned to be banned. Buying a pet, according to the bill, will be possible only on the basis of a written agreement, and those who sell them in unspecified places will be punished. Punishment will await those who use animals for begging.

untouchable tails

The Russians also want to oblige to regularly monitor the health of their own pets - for this, the bill defines the obligation of each owner at least once every three years to visit veterinarians with the animal and make the necessary vaccinations. Keeping the animal in proper sanitary conditions will also become the responsibility of the owners if the law is passed.

If we are talking about dogs, the breed of which is recognized as potentially dangerous - among them are Rottweilers, german shepherds and Dobermans, then their potential owners will have to undergo a psychiatric examination and training in caring for such animals in a dog training center.

It is also planned to ban making pets surgical operations that will not involve giving them veterinary care. In particular, we are talking about cutting tails, ears, removing claws and teeth and other manipulations in order to change the appearance of the animal. The only exception to this list is the sterilization of pets.

Fines and police

To force citizens to comply with all of the above rules, the bill provides for a system of fines. So, for the use of animals for begging and breeding outbred domestic animals or the birth of offspring at home, you will have to pay 5,000 rubles. Refusal to sterilize an animal can cost the owner 3,500 rubles, and the sale of animals "from hand" - from 1,000 to 3,000 rubles, along with the confiscation of the "goods". In the case of repeated commission of these crimes, it can cost the violator 20,000 rubles. Separately, it should be mentioned that the bill also provides for a fine for not cleaning up dog excrement - this can cost its owner from 850 to 1,700 rubles.

The police have the right to control the implementation of the new rules, which will be able to come home to the owners of animals to check whether their pets have collars with registration number whether their living conditions are appropriate and whether they are having an “unplanned” pregnancy. Police officers will be able not only to impose fines, but in some cases to take the animal from its owners before the court decides.