How to draw a collie dog with a pencil step by step. How to draw an adorable dog with a simple pencil

This is exactly the case when the name of the breed speaks for itself. This is a strong, muscular, very energetic animal. The breed got its name due to its prominent muscles and the habit of fighting with its front paws. By the way, this breed is considered one of the most hardy. These qualities give boxers excellent chances to "get a job" in the police or security. Often they are chosen as pets.

From the history of the breed

Boxers are distant relatives of Rottweilers. Their ancestors were hunters. They used their qualities to catch wild boar, bear or deer. Their large jaws with a pincer bite allow them to grip their prey tightly. In addition to hunting qualities, boxers are also excellent shepherds.

They were selected in Europe until the 1900s. Large individuals were called Danzig Bullenbeisers, and small ones were called Brabant. It is the latter that are the closest ancestors of modern boxers.

The word bullenbeiser itself means "one that bites bulls." They called all dogs of pickling breeds, which have differences in color and external data. The St. Petersburg Kunstkamera boasts a stuffed animal of such a dog. This animal was brought from Holland by Peter the first. Even the biggest dreamer is unlikely to come up with the idea that this animal is the ancestor of boxers.

It is a fact! The representative of the boxer breed has earned the title of honorary donor. A pet named Winston is known for regularly donating blood to the needs of his fellows. American veterinary clinics often undergo a transfusion procedure. Boxers have a universal blood type that suits dogs of all breeds. With the help of Winston, the lives of other animals were repeatedly saved.

The final version of the appearance of boxers was formed at the end of the 18th century. red and brindle were with the same wide and short muzzles as their Molossian ancestors. Due to the fact that the dog had a protruding lower jaw, while grasping the victim's teeth, he could breathe freely. To avoid injury during fights, the tails and ears were docked for the dogs.

Bullenbeisers were used for hunting purposes. They patiently waited for the bull to approach and clung to him with a stranglehold until the owner gave the command to let go. The goal of centuries-old selection was to improve professional qualities of this breed.

The new breed, resulting from selection, was given the name boxer. After several decades, they all began to be called boxers. Some individuals had interesting feature- division of the nose into two parts. These individuals were considered true boxers and were called binosed. The first of the famous owners of boxers is considered to be the Bavarian robber Matthias Klosterman. On many engravings there are images of him along with his four-legged friend. Naturally, such an animal made a very vivid impression on the people of that time.

It is a fact! The artist A. Bryullov depicted Princess Golitsyna along with her four-legged friend- the progenitor of boxers Brabant bullenbeiser.

Boxers defender

After the invention of firearms, pickling dogs were sent to a well-deserved rest. Thanks to butchers and cattle breeders, boxers remained helpers of people. But for other purposes. They were used for security purposes and as shepherds.

In order to improve the working qualities of animals, they began to cross with representatives of the old English bulldogs. As a legacy from them, representatives of the boxer breed received a large and short head, a wide body, and the presence of white spots in the color.

Despite the long history of this breed, at the end of the 19th century, German merchants treated these dogs with disdain. The proposal to include Bullenbeisers in the stud book caused outrage among breeders who prefer other breeds.

The trainer with a good reputation F. Robert, who showed sympathy for the representatives of this breed, protected the four-legged shepherds. From his own experience, he concluded that boxers are more efficient in their tasks than similar animals of other breeds.

His efforts led to the fact that in the 85th year of the 20th century, representatives of this breed were allowed to participate in exhibitions. F. Robert's support gave impetus to the creation of a German boxing club and the development of the first breed standards. At the end of the year, the first exhibition was opened, in which fifty representatives of this breed took part.

Some of the exhibited animals had a wolf's mouth. The rest looked more like representatives of the bulldogs. One third were distinguished by an elongated body and a long muzzle. Breed standards have been repeatedly refined and changed. Representatives of the breed white color were deaf from birth and subsequently excluded from breeding.

Boxer creators

Soon, representatives of this breed became extremely popular and in demand so much that their numbers significantly exceeded their competitors.

The purpose of the selection was to improve the exterior of the animal, and not working qualities, as it was before. Only real artists could improve the aesthetics of bullenbeisers. In the 10th year of the 20th century, the Shtokmans created a sculpture of an ideal dog in their opinion. Mrs. F. Shtokman was involved in the creation of this project. She, together with her husband named Philip, founded a nursery where they improved this breed.

Shtokmanov faced obstacles on the way to achieving the goal. When Philip was called to the front, Mrs. Friederum had to raise the child alone and take care of the numerous residents of the nursery. Fortunately, she achieved her goal in her breeding work and even avoided bankruptcy.

It is a fact! Representatives of the boxer breed were trained to perform civic duty. During the First World War, they served as guards and signalmen. 60 individuals originally from Bavaria were recruited to help German soldiers.

breed standards

Puppies German boxers tails are docked, and this gives the animal a somewhat comical look when they wag their booty. Boxers are descendants of English and German Bulldogs, crossed in the 50s of the 19th century. These animals were invented for the purpose of participating in dog fights and bull-baiting. After many years, aggression was eliminated from the breed by selection. They are very attached to children, have a kind and playful character. Nevertheless, you should be careful about the games of boxers with kids, since the dog is obviously stronger.

Representatives of this breed should have the physical activity they need daily. They can be kept inside an apartment or house, subject to regular active walking. Limitation physical activity boxers can cause problems in communication with the animal.

Note! German boxers are very sensitive to heat. For this reason, you should not walk them in the sun.

Compared to their relatives, the Rottweilers, they are smaller in size, but have a more formidable appearance. Their body has an angular rectangular shape. Boxers have this type due to the large skeleton and developed muscles. The vigorous movements of the boxer express his physical strength and noble character.

The shape of the head shows the origin of the representatives of the breed from ancestors intended for bull-baiting. The skull is cubic in shape with a slight bulge at the top. On the muzzle, the transition from the forehead to the nose is pronounced. The tip of the nose is slightly raised and flattened. Lower jaw wider than the top, so it protrudes about one and a half centimeters.

Initially, when the breed appeared, the ears and tail were always docked. A little later, when boxers were no longer used for bullying, traditionally they continued to do so. This procedure gives representatives of the breed character traits appearance. In Europe, 16 years ago, such manipulations were banned. Changes were also made to the breed standards.

Permissible colors have not changed for decades. Representatives of this breed can be brindle or red colors of any shades with a black mask. The presence of white marks is permissible, but not more than 30% of the area of ​​the entire body of the animal. By the way, boxers - albinos are not recognized by breed standards. Since most often they are born deaf, there are constant disputes between breeders about them.

Representatives of this breed of dogs are endowed with strong nerves, complaisant character and personality. They are very kind to their owners, easily find mutual language with others and love to be given attention. As a rule, their outward calm indoors is replaced by excessive activity in nature. Boxers, like no other breed, require constant physical exercise. These active and energetic pets love adventure and fun. They like to study everything so much that on walks they begin to sniff everything in a row, amusingly “grunting” at the same time.

It should be borne in mind that the boxer is still that badass and naughty. They easily find a common language with animals with whom they live in the same house. Outside the home, the boxer behaves completely differently in relation to four-legged friends. They can chase cats and get into conflicts with other dogs.

With strangers, boxers have a difficult relationship. They are not inclined to burst into annoying barking, but they bark very loudly several times in a row, thus signaling the approach of a stranger. If a boxer is properly brought up, then his protective qualities are manifested in the most in the best way without creating any problems for the owners.

With all his noble and wrestling qualities, the boxer is endowed with amazing sensitivity and childish spontaneity. He will not use his power to get what he wants, he knows how to negotiate, while showing his intelligence. He always finds a special approach to each family member, which he then uses for his own purposes. From the very first moment, after the appearance of a puppy in the house, it is required to establish certain boundaries.

Boxers may well be kept by people who do not have experience with dogs.

Interesting fact! The happy owners of dogs of this breed at one time were such world-class celebrities: Robin Williams, Sylvester Stallone, Pablo Picasso, Alexander Vertinsky.

Features of care and maintenance

First of all, attention and love from the owner is important for boxers. Everything else excites his dogs not so much. Dogs of this breed do not require special care. Their coat is very short and does not need to be combed. You can bathe the animal only occasionally in case of strong need. If they are only a little dirty, it is quite possible to get by with a damp sponge dipped in warm water to wipe the contaminated area on the body.

But the eyes of the dog require heightened attention. Due to the peculiarities of their appearance, grass, dust, pollen of plants can get on them. Therefore, they need to be examined several times a week and wiped with a cotton pad dipped in clean, barely warm water. If the eyelids are reddened or swollen, the animal should be taken to the veterinarian to prescribe an ointment.

After walking, it is necessary to wipe the paws with a damp sponge and inspect for the presence of mechanical damage. If the paw pads are injured or have cracks, they must be treated with an antiseptic, and then moistened with creams or cosmetic oil. Also, the appearance of cracks on the paw pads of the animal indicates deficiencies in vitamins and trace elements. It is worth introducing vitamin complexes into the diet of the animal.


Boxer nutrition is a whole science. They usually have enough good appetite and they eat everything. At the same time, they very rarely sort out food, which can lead to various backfire such as obesity. To prevent this from happening, the owner of the dog must take full responsibility for the diet of the pet. He is obliged to strictly control the quantity of food, its quality and content. For nutritional advice, it is best to contact the breeders from whom the puppy was purchased. As a rule, they themselves share information about how they feed and keep dogs.

Fundamental rules:

  • food should be at room temperature or slightly higher;
  • leftover food or food should not be left in the bowl;
  • after eating, at least 2 hours should pass before a walk or active physical exertion;
  • Boxers should never be overfed.

The correct ratio of meat and cereals in one feeding should be 1/3 (1 part of meat to 3 parts of porridge with vegetables) for adults. Puppies and pregnant females should be fed in a 2/3 ratio.

Diet basis:

  • meat;
  • sea ​​fish without bones;
  • cereals: oatmeal, brown rice, buckwheat;
  • durum wheat pasta;
  • boiled liver;
  • dairy products;
  • special feed.

Benefits of the boxer breed

They are wonderful companions and family friends. They have excellent security and service qualities. They like to feel the attention and love of their owners. fit active people who love and understand dogs. Most of them have good health and positive character. People who are or have been happy owners of boxers say that better pet can not found.

If you need a modest and quiet dog for joint wallowing on the couch in front of the TV, then this breed definitely won't fit. But they will make an excellent company for people who love sports and outdoor recreation. Ensure the safety of property and owners. They will add colors and real dog love, devotion and mutual understanding to life.


Depends on many factors and is approximately $ 250 per individual with a minimum set of documents and from $ 80. - on an animal for the soul and home. For a puppy of titled parents, you will have to pay much more a large sum starting at $500 and up.

Video: dog breed German boxer

Boxer dog is a universal pet. It is suitable for protection, service and just as a family pet. Behind the menacing appearance of this breed lies playfulness and kindness. She gets along well with children and other animals. But in case of danger, he instantly turns into a fearless defender.

Origin and formation of the breed

It is believed that the name "boxer" dogs received for the habit of using their front paws in a fight: they seem to box with them. how separate breed boxer was recognized in 1896. A year before, an exhibition was held in Munich for the first time, in which its representatives participated. Since that time, the standard has changed somewhat: the exterior has been improved and work has been done to eliminate aggression.

But the history of the German boxer breed began during the time of Alexander the Great. Then the ancestors of the boxers - the Berenbeissers - came to Europe. Here they were used to hunt large animals: wild boars, deer, bears and wolves.

The German Bullenbeitzers are considered the direct ancestors of boxers. Namely, the Brabant variety of the breed. This was a large, somewhat inferior in size to the Danzig Bullenbeitzer, a dog with brindle or red hair, a large muzzle with black mask and a special bite - the so-called undershot bite, when the lower jaw goes beyond the upper jaw.

The name Bullenbeitzer itself translates as "biting bulls." Due to the special structure of the jaw, the dog could long time hold prey and breathe freely. This was important before the widespread use of firearms: the hunter had time to get to the game and kill it.

The need for Bullenbeitzers disappeared when hunters began to use guns, and game-baiting was prohibited. Pickling dogs are also banned. Then cattle owners paid attention to this breed: the dogs coped well with guarding and driving herds.

To make Bullenbeitzers more hardy and stable in their legs, they began to cross with representatives of the breed. english bulldog. Because of this selection in dogs, the German boxer appeared spotted color, heads increased, and muzzles became more massive and short.

The first representatives of the breed appeared in the second half of the 19th century. German breeders began to breed a universal service breed. In 1896, the first description of the breed standard appeared. In 1905, his edition was published. It was so complete that it has hardly changed since then. Today adhere latest version FCI standard adopted in 2008.


For the history of existence German boxer its standard has been refined several times. So, dogs with spotted, black and white colors were no longer allowed for breeding. And in 2002, it was forbidden to dock ears and tails.

According to FCI standard No. 144 of the modern boxer, he belongs to the dogs of the Molossian and Mastiff type with mandatory working tests. The breed standard assigns certain requirements to the exterior:

  1. Frame. Square, with strong bones and developed muscles. Excessive thinness, like fullness, is considered a disadvantage. The chest is deep, reaching to the elbows.
  2. Head. Cubic shape, with a slight bulge at the top. When viewed from any side should be in correct proportion to the body.
  3. Muzzle. Dry, no wrinkles. However, when the dog raises its ears warily, wrinkles appear on the forehead. A snack is required - the lower jaw protrudes by 1.5 cm. When closing, the lips hide the teeth and tongue. Eyelids painted in dark color the tip of the nose is black.
  4. Limbs. Well developed, even and straight. Hind legs longer than the front.
  5. Wool. Smooth and short. Adheres tightly to the skin.
  6. Color. Brindle and red in all shades - from light fawn to red. But moderate colors are preferable. White spots are encouraged if they occupy no more than a third of the surface.
  7. Growth. Males reach at the withers from 57 to 63 cm, females - 53 - 59 cm.
  8. The weight. For males, on average 30 kg, for females - 25 kg.

The standard of the German boxer does not allow aggression, cowardice, cunning and deceit in a boxer. The dog must be confident, playful, calm, with a strong nervous system. At the same time, fearless in a serious situation and instantly respond to a threat.


The Boxer is considered a versatile dog. It is great for police service, security, home protection. Lack of aggression made him great companion. And the mind and ingenuity made it possible to use the dog as a guide.

But it is worth understanding that a universal dog cannot be an “excellent student” in all areas. A boxer quickly learns the necessary skills, but cannot reach the top in a certain activity.

This breed is extremely playful. She remains active until old age. In fact, boxers are eternal children. They can't live without games. Their energy needs an outlet. Every day the dog needs to be loaded: both physically and mentally. Long, at least an hour, walks several times a day are needed.

Dogs get along well in any family, and in any conditions. They are very tolerant of children - the dog will never bite or growl at a child. They are kind to strangers. But adults are wary. You should control this quality and socialize the dog so that it does not become aggressive towards strangers.

Boxers do not touch other pets - they consider them part of the pack. But someone else's cat or bird is prey for them. Therefore, on a walk it is worth making sure that the dog does not chase the “game”.

When properly socialized, Boxers are friendly with other dogs. The exception is representatives of the same breed. With them, the pet often arranges fights.

Since the German boxer is classified as service dogs, he has a very developed obedience and focus on the person. He gladly carries out commands and tries to please the owner in everything. Because of this, the boxer is recommended to start for beginners. But keep in mind that the dog is large, strong, she needs daily active physical activity and a firm hand. If the dog feels weakness in the owner, he will take over the functions of the leader.


Start training with a boxer as early as possible. Education is carried out from the first days of the puppy in the house, and the basic commands are taught immediately after the end of quarantine.

To the passage full course general training the dog should start at 6 months of age. Special training (IPO, BH) is carried out from 1 - 1.5 years. The dog is allowed to pass the working standards at 18 months.

The upbringing of a German boxer should be strict, but not harsh. The dog perceives screaming and beating as weakness. Violence makes her either aggressive or cowardly. It is important to follow the sequence: long time the dog seems to “not hear” the owner, but at some point he understands everything and begins to follow the commands.

Any team is first studied at home. When the pet will perform it at home the first time, the learned skill is fixed on the street, in different places. This will avoid the stereotypical behavior of a boxer puppy when he does not obey the owner in other conditions.

Socialization is carried out as early as possible. It includes communication with strangers, children, dogs and other animals. In addition, it is imperative to accustom your pet to traveling in transport, walking along noisy city streets and public places.

Features of care

Caring for a boxer is not difficult. You just need to regularly carry out standard procedures.

  1. Wool. The dog practically does not shed and does not get dirty, it does not need to be trimmed. Short hair is easy to brush with a rubber mitt. You shouldn't bathe your dog often. If it gets dirty, you need to wipe the dirty areas with a cloth dipped in water and shampoo.
  2. claws. Trim as you grow. When the dog began to “clatter”, you need to carefully cut the claw without touching blood vessels. Usually this procedure is carried out every one and a half to two months.
  3. Teeth. Plaque is cleaned with a special toothpaste and brush for dogs.
  4. Eyes. Due to drooping eyelids, the boxer often accumulates tear secretion and dirt near the eyes. They should be removed regularly with a soft cloth dipped in water.
  5. Ears. They are regularly inspected and the accumulated dirt removed. You can't get into your ear cotton swabs. For cleaning use sponges or napkins. They can be moistened in water or purchased a special solution.

In order for the dog to give grooming procedures, they should be taught from puppyhood. At first, they simply examine the pet: they bend their ears, look at their teeth, lay them on their side or back. When he gets used to, use a comb, toothbrush, scissors for cutting claws.

Boxers do not tolerate both heat and cold. In summer, you need to make sure that the dog does not overheat and does not get sunburn, and in the autumn-winter season, wear it and not let it sit in one place.

Nutrition is a separate issue. This breed is prone to overeating, leading to bloating. Puppies up to six months are fed 4 times a day, adolescents up to a year - three times, and after 12 months - 2 times a day. Food must be of high quality. How to choose a special dry food High Quality and feed in kind.

In the latter case, the percentage of meat and offal should be at least a third, the rest of the diet includes cereals, vegetables, dairy products, eggs. On the natural nutrition be sure to add vitamins. It is forbidden to give sweets, pork, lamb, salt food or use seasonings.


Boxers are an artificially bred breed of dog. Therefore, they often have both congenital and acquired diseases:

  1. Deafness. Most often it affects white dogs - up to 40% of all cases.
  2. Aortic stenosis, arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy of the right ventricle.
  3. Allergies.
  4. Bloating and intestinal volvulus.
  5. Dysplasia of the hip joint.
  6. Deforming spondylosis.
  7. Brachiocephalic syndrome, characteristic of dogs with a short muzzle.
  8. Thyroid dysfunction.
  9. Conjunctivitis, inversion of the eyelid.

It is necessary to monitor the weight of boxers. Even slight obesity is fraught with heart problems due to the short muzzle and, as a result, difficulty breathing.

The average age of a boxer is 15 years old. Unfortunately, statistics show that dogs of this breed usually live no more than 10 - 12 years. Long-livers are much rarer.

They protect houses and look after children, herd herds and serve as guides, participate in the search for criminals, work as miners and rescuers, they are the standard of loyalty and devotion. They are dogs, reliable and disinterested companions of man.

The boxer dog breed is related to all currently existing "bulldog type" dogs. They descended from Molossian Great Danes and Mastiffs - strong and beautiful animals. Their genes were successfully mixed with each other, they added the blood of a bulldog and a terrier, and this is how new breed dogs. She received the unusual name "boxer" due to her special fighting technique. When attacking an opponent, the dog beats with his front paws, like a man with his fists. Why not a boxer?

They are from Tibet

The boxer dog breed is known and popular throughout Europe, but it received its formation and improvement in Germany. Being a descendant fighting dogs Tibetan highlands, these dogs would bear little resemblance to those animals that we are used to seeing today. Their appearance, by which everyone can easily identify a boxer, they have acquired only over the last century.

Their history goes back to antiquity. Even the Sumerians and ancient Assyrians decorated the walls of their temples with frescoes depicting powerful and strong animals. In those days, the ancestors of boxers were called "bullenbeisers", which means "bullhound" in translation. In 1860, a female of such a “bullhound” was brought to Munich, and this is how the modern German boxer dog breed began to emerge.

dog character

They perfectly combine strength, power, grace, unbridled energy and playfulness of a puppy. Her dog will keep until old age. Dogs are hardy, balanced and self-confident. They have strong nervous system, they are calm, perfectly trainable, obedient and faithful to their master. They become attached to their own and perceive strangers with distrust, do not like to be left alone for a long time. Dogs are playful and friendly in dealing with children, affectionate, honest and open. But with all this, the boxer dog breed is endowed with courage and courage. The dog is fearless in attack and will be an excellent defender for the family and home.

The Boxer gets along well with other animals, treats small ones with patronage, normally perceives cats. The dog is neat, it can be kept as in ordinary apartment, and in a country house with free range. She will be a pleasant companion and selfless protector. You can leave it to play with the child and take it to a serious matter. The breed can be used as a service or personal guard.

External Data

There is a standard that defines the criteria for how it should look pedigree dog boxer. The description of the breed was officially published in 1990 and is still valid.

According to the standard, the dog must be above average height (males from 56 to 61 cm, females from 53 to 58.5 cm), weigh 28-30 kg. The backbone is strong, stocky, square in shape, the physique is dense. The musculature is strongly developed, it is dry and well protruding, the movements are light, quick and noble.

Close attention is paid to the head, it must harmoniously fit into the overall complexion. Important correct form muzzle, it should not be smaller than cranium and not be unnecessarily wrinkled; appearance should not be severe. The lower jaw should protrude, the teeth should not be visible when the mouth is closed. On the upper lip a crack separating the lips is clearly visible. The nose is black, turned up slightly and has a clear vertical line in the middle.

The eyes are straight and dark in color. They should not be small, bulging or deep-set. Dry and stretched eyelids have a dark edging. The look should not be threatening, on the contrary, it should be smart, open and energetic.

The color can be brindle or red, with all sorts of shades. White spots may be present. A black muzzle is required - a mask that stands out against the general background.

Paws are stable, elastic, straight, the hind legs are slightly longer than the front ones. The elbows are slightly pressed against the body of the dog. Paw pads are dense and hard, densely stuffed. The tail is set moderately high towards the body. Standards do not require cupping. You can see what the boxer dog breed looks like, there is a photo in this article.

Physical exercise

If you decide to have such a dog in an apartment, be prepared for constant and energetic walks and games. Thanks to his natural innocence and youthfulness, the dog will constantly be in motion. He is practically inexhaustible by any power load, ready to walk and run kilometers, while remaining full of strength. That's the kind of boxer he is. Dog breed (reviews from experienced breeders confirm this) is practically indefatigable, and you should devote as much time and effort to walking as you can stand yourself. This is an indisputable plus: which of us regularly goes in for sports today? True friend will help you to always be in great shape.

Of course, it is better for a dog to live in a free-range house, maybe kept on a chain. However, certain conditions must be observed. The love of this breed for fights, as they say, is in the blood. Despite his calm disposition, the dog will not miss a single fight and can easily be an instigator. Therefore, a boxer is unlikely to be able to coexist with other animals of the same sex safely. Try to limit access to the territory to other dogs, and if you have several of them, be especially careful. The boxer dog breed is a fighting dog, and was created for protection, because its representative can easily cause serious injuries to another animal. But your pet will be indescribably happy to be in the neighborhood with the opposite sex. In the case of a dog living “on the ground”, the temperature and humidity of the enclosure should be controlled. The boxer must live in a warm and dry place, otherwise he may become seriously ill.


The boxer's coat is short, smooth, close to the skin, it does not tangle and does not fall off. It should be brushed daily with a soft-bristled brush and then polished with a piece of chamois leather. Do not use hard brushes, the layer of hair covering the dog's body is very thin, and the skin is sensitive and vulnerable. Before exhibitions, you should carefully inspect wool cover and pluck or cut long hairs, if any, to enhance the appearance. Coat care is simple, but during shedding it is worth paying more attention to it. Dogs love combing and get a lot of pleasure from it. You should bathe your dog infrequently, perhaps only a few times a year, and then only if necessary.


Pay attention to the claws, they should be cut periodically. They are not black, so you can easily cope with the task yourself. The procedure should be carried out once a week or two. The dog's claws do not grind themselves, and their excessive length can cause inconvenience. Complicated care does not require the boxer dog breed. You can see a photo of how to properly trim a boxer's claws below.

Do not forget to keep an eye on the ears, they should be cleaned once a week, and in the summer, perhaps more often, as sulfur accumulates. Keep your eyes clean. In boxers, they are not sufficiently protected by eyelids, and therefore dust can get into them. If your eyes begin to water, wipe them with a strong decoction of tea.


Exist hereditary diseases boxer dogs, therefore, you should carefully choose a puppy and contact only well-established nurseries. Dogs are easily prone to hypothermia, colds, heart disease. Older animals may develop oncological disease Cancer is also inherited.

There are frequent cases of cryptorchidism, which means that the male testicle did not descend into the scrotum or did not descend completely. Such dogs are subject to culling from breeding, although not only males, but also females carry the gene.

Typical for this breed is the growth of the bones of the spine - deforming spondylosis. Boxers are also prone to hip dysplasia. Both of these diseases practically do not show themselves and can be detected only during an x-ray examination.

Among eye diseases, changes in the shape of the eyelids are common. They can turn both outside and inside. Surgical intervention can be effective in eliminating such a defect.

Brothers smaller

When choosing a dog, you should take into account many factors, and first of all, your capabilities. Among the many varieties of four-legged friends, there is also a breed of dog that looks like a boxer in appearance. She's like a smaller version of him. This is a Boston Terrier.

Choosing a friend should be taken very seriously. Consider the habits, character and the fact that the animal will live side by side with you for many years. Dogs are wonderful, everyone has at least once in their life, but there must be such a faithful and devoted friend.