How to choose a lumbosacral orthopedic corset. How to choose a corset for the spine? Indications for use of the corset

In this video you will find out why, who and when needs an orthopedic corset.

Text summary of the video:

Orthopedic corset performs several functions:

Firstly, the corset very effectively relieves stress from the spine during an exacerbation or when any back problems appear.

Secondly, due to its rigid structure, the corset completely relaxes the muscles, as it takes the load onto itself.

As a result, the spine and muscles relax. The corset completely takes the load on itself. Thanks to this, during an exacerbation, pain is relieved and reduced, and spasmodic muscles relax. Thus, wearing a corset helps to recover faster during an exacerbation.

Who needs to wear an orthopedic corset?

An orthopedic corset must be worn during exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis.

Wearing a corset will help relieve pain. At the same time, due to the fact that the vertebrae relax a little and move away from each other, the intervertebral foramen where the nerve is pinched increases. Therefore, pain decreases and muscle spasms disappear.

There is an important condition when wearing a corset!

An orthopedic corset cannot be worn constantly - for 24 hours, during the day or 10 hours, etc.

The corset is worn for a maximum of 4-5 hours in total. That is, you can wear the corset for 1-2 hours and then take a break, otherwise you can harm your back.

If the corset is worn for a long time, the muscles relax even more and the vertebrae move away from each other. And when the corset is removed, the vertebrae can press on each other even more, and the infringement will worsen.

For example:

  • wear 1-2 hours
  • take a break for 2-4 hours
  • and put it on again.

In a day, therefore, 4-5 hours of wearing a corset are accumulated.

If there is a severe exacerbation of lumbar osteochondrosis, it is imperative to remain in bed and rest as much as possible for recovery (from 1 to 2 days). You cannot walk and wear a corset.

When the pain decreases and it becomes possible to rise, sit, and walk in doses, you can wear an orthopedic corset:

  • put on a corset
  • walk around a bit
  • take off the corset and relax.

During this rest, it is recommended to do therapeutic exercises to relax the lumbar spine and unload this section. After the pain subsides and the exacerbation goes into remission, an orthopedic corset will no longer be needed.

It is necessary to do therapeutic exercises in order to improve muscle tone, restore the structure of the spine and physiological curvature.

Conclusion: An orthopedic corset helps well with back pain, but you need to wear it for a maximum of 4-5 hours in total, and you also need to perform therapeutic exercises to strengthen your back muscles.

Denial of responsibility

The information in the articles is for general information purposes only and should not be used for self-diagnosis of health problems or medicinal purposes. This article is not a substitute for medical advice from a doctor (neurologist, therapist). Please consult your doctor first to know the exact cause of your health problem.

Rigid thoracolumbar corsets are designed to securely fix and stabilize the spine. Their task is to completely immobilize the torso in the thoracic and lumbar regions, prevent flexion and extension of the spine, and relieve stress on the muscles and ligaments. Wearing thoracolumbar rigid corsets is recommended:

  • for fractures of the corresponding parts of the spine;
  • during the rehabilitation period after injury or surgery;
  • at severe pain;
  • for diseases requiring maximum fixation of the body.

Purpose of the corset

Modern models of corsets for thoracic spine can relieve the patient from the need to apply uncomfortable, heavy plaster cast. Orthoses are made of dense fabric and are additionally equipped with stiffening ribs. There are also models with a plastic frame and an adjustable spine angle. The degree of fixation of all corsets can be changed depending on the stage of the disease or the rehabilitation period.

Any thoracolumbar rigid corset, both with and without a plastic frame, is worn over underwear or directly on the body. When used for the first time, it must be worn by a specialist who will check the fit in terms of size, shape and level of stabilization. You can wear rigid orthopedic products only as prescribed by a doctor! The specialist will recommend a suitable corset model and develop a pattern and duration of wearing it.

How to buy?

In Moscow, thoracolumbar and thoracolumbosacral rigid corsets can be purchased in the online store website. The assortment includes products from well-known manufacturers, which are popular due to high quality and reliability. At the same time, the price for Orlett thoracolumbar corsets, OttoBock, ORTO and other brands remains low. Placing an order in an online store is carried out through a shopping cart, and delivery is possible both in Moscow and the region, as well as in all regions of the Russian Federation.

What is a corset for and what is it?

As an independent piece of clothing, the corset appeared many centuries ago in Burgundy. Before this, the corset served as women's underwear. But in the form in which it came to us - metal plates or wooden blocks and frequent stitching, it originated in Italy. The weight of medieval corsets sometimes reached twenty-five kilograms and was more like an instrument of torture, but today everything has changed.

A corset is one of the unique pieces of women's underwear that tightly covers the stomach and lower part. chest. Most often, its lacing is at the back. A shirt made from natural fabrics can be worn under the corset to ensure hygiene - to absorb sweat, and it also brings greater wearing comfort. A corset is exactly that wardrobe item that allows a woman to feel luxurious and instills in her a sense of chic. Contrary to the stereotype, a corset is not at all vulgar; it can gracefully fit into many styles, excluding, probably, only business style.

One of the most outstanding properties of a corset is its ability to transform the breasts - even if a girl is not naturally endowed with voluminous shapes, a corset will correct this and add fullness, and for those with curvy figures, the corset helps support the breasts and makes the neckline even more attractive. The corset also tightens all the folds at the waist, and they become inaccessible to view, corrects the posture and makes it truly royal.

How do modern corsets differ from previous ones?

Our corsets are not at all as tight as their predecessors, but at the same time they make the figure no less attractive. One of the main differences is that now the corset is used not only as underwear, but also as a full-fledged element of the wardrobe. What is good news is that modern corsets are absolutely safe. Judge for yourself before women paid for all this beauty with the following:

  • the corset compressed the internal organs, causing numerous indigestion, constipation and heartburn;
  • the corset made breathing difficult because it reduced lung capacity;
  • and one of the most dire consequences- inability to bear children. Due to deformed internal organs Women who constantly wore a corset found it impossible to bear a child, since they simply had no room to develop inside the mother.

Corsets as shapewear

What else is a corset for? Not every woman can boast perfect figure, but there are times when looking irresistible is simply necessary - this could be a wedding, an important social event or a date. Then you can use corrective corsetry, which is designed to hide certain disadvantages figures. To do this, you don’t have to sacrifice your health, as happened before - modern manufacturers make them from special materials that allow our skin to breathe, and the range of products is incredibly wide. These can be underdresses, graces, bras with special effect, graces, corrective bodysuits and much more, which are made from spandex, lycra, nylon and their combinations. They are made without seams, so even if you wear them under very tight clothes, you won’t reveal your little secret.

A corset is the thing that attracts attention and makes the wearer feel special. Modern corsets can be made in such a way that, in addition to purely aesthetic functions, they will even improve the health of the person who wears it - they will straighten their posture and get rid of cellulite. The main thing is to choose the right product according to your size.

Back problems can occur at any age, ranging from poor posture in children to serious problems in adults. IN medical practice They use a soft or hard corset for the spine, which helps reduce the load on the thoracic or lumbosacral region after injuries, fractures, and diseases. What types of products exist, how to choose the right one orthopedic design– this is discussed in detail in the review.

What is a spinal corset?

When problems with posture arise, surgery and treatment of injuries are needed, special fixing devices are used. It is necessary that the choice of products is made by a doctor, taking into account the severity of the deformation and the patient’s condition. Corsets are made from elastic fabrics, they have built-in stiffening ribs and fasteners. The design helps:

  • correction of spinal deformity;
  • muscle unloading;
  • pain reduction;
  • maintaining mobility.

Indications for use

Spinal corsets are used to prevent scoliosis and the development of osteochondrosis. Products are used in postoperative period, for rehabilitation after injuries. Indications for use are:

  • herniated discs;
  • osteochondrosis;
  • scoliosis on different stages;
  • lower back pain;
  • compression fracture;
  • the need to straighten the spine.

What is a corset for?

Depending on the design of the product, it is used in the treatment of pathologies various departments backs. The corset greatly alleviates the patient's condition. When using the device:

  • damaged vertebrae are fixed;
  • the spinal column is unloaded;
  • muscle tension is eliminated;
  • pain is relieved;
  • deformation is eliminated;
  • micromassage occurs;
  • back defects are corrected.

Types of corsets for the spine

Products intended for proper operation The spinal column is divided depending on its functions. They solve certain problems, help in the treatment of pathologies, and during the rehabilitation period after surgery. There are types of devices:

  • fixing – support the back;
  • corrective – correct defects;
  • unloading – eliminate pain, unload the spine;
  • mixed, perform several functions.

Orthopedic corsets for the spine

Products can be selected and purchased at finished form or make a plaster corset according to the patient’s measurements. The variety of designs helps solve many orthopedic problems. There are devices:

  • for neck fixation;
  • lumbar and thoracic support;
  • hard and soft fastening;
  • electronic and magnetic structures;
  • products for scoliosis correction;
  • devices for fixation after operations.

For the cervical region

When dizziness occurs, the cause may be cervical osteochondrosis. Blood circulation is impaired during prolonged static sitting. To prevent the disease, it is recommended to wear a bandage:

  • Talus ШВ-511;
  • Price – 250 rubles;
  • Characteristics: material – polyurethane foam with cotton cover, clasp – contact tape, height – 2.5-11.5 cm;
  • Pros: unlimited wearing time;
  • Cons: difficult to choose the size.

If the cervical spine is affected, fixation with high degree rigidity. Take off pain syndrome A bandage will help. A good buy:

  • TV-090.4;
  • Price – 1200 rub.;
  • Characteristics: material – dense, waterproof and hypoallergenic plastic, there are reinforcing rigid elements, product height – 10.8 cm;
  • Pros: has 2 parts, according to anatomical structure;
  • Cons: dizziness is possible with normal head position.

For the thoracic region

A special device helps to form correct posture. Its use reduces the load on the clavicle ligaments. Popular breast corrector:

  • Delbe rings – T-1790;
  • Price – 4900 rub.;
  • Characteristics: durable material, breathable, elastic straps, 4 sizes;
  • Pros: simple design;
  • Cons: there are contraindications for use.

A corset for the thoracic spine can be ordered through the online store. It is important to do this on the recommendation of a doctor. Modern model:

  • Reclinator CR-D;
  • Price – 1850 RUR;
  • Characteristics: polyurethane stiffeners in a fabric cover, Velcro fastener;
  • Pros: the product is not noticeable under clothes;
  • Cons: individual intolerance to the material.

For the lumbar region

When radiculitis or vertebral displacement occurs, a therapeutic back corset is used. The product helps to fix the lumbar spine. Belt with medium stiffness:

  • "Trives" T-1555;
  • Price – 1450 RUR;
  • Characteristics: height 25 cm, 6 rigid metal ribs, breathable fabric;
  • Pros: effective unloading during treatment and prevention;
  • Cons: possible allergy to the material.

In case of vertebral displacement of the lumbar region, fixation of the position is required. The belt stabilizes the load on the discs and muscle corset. Among the lumbosacral semi-rigid medical products popular:

  • PC-210;
  • Price – 2150 rub.;
  • Characteristics: height – 20 cm, 8 metal ribs, double ties on the sides;
  • Pros: does not deform in the abdominal area;
  • Cons: needs to be worn while lying down.

Rigid fixation corset

After lumbar injury and for postoperative rehabilitation I need a reinforced spinal bandage. It performs the function of support compensation. Thoracolumbar corset with a strong degree of fixation:

  • "Trives" T-1553;
  • Price – 1900 rub.;
  • Characteristics: breathable fabric, height – 35 cm, 4 modeling metal inserts;
  • Pros: effectiveness for complicated diagnoses;
  • Disadvantages: individual selection is required.

A rigid corset on the lumbar spine has a therapeutic effect. It helps support, stabilize, and relieve stress on the discs and muscles. Patients are recommended a strong fixation model:

  • ORTO Professional RWA 4100;
  • Price – 6300 rub.;
  • Characteristics: 6 metal plates, elastic fabric;
  • Pros: correct anatomical fit;
  • Cons: Difficult to wear for a long time.

Soft corset

An elastic bandage is used to correct posture. To maintain the curvature of the spine in the correct position, the design has splints. When stooping, the corrector gently relieves the back:

  • OPPO Medical 2275;
  • Price – 2500 rub.;
  • Characteristics: materials – rubber, latex, cotton, metal tires, 4 sizes;
  • Pros: fits the body well;
  • Cons: wears out quickly.

Stabilizing bandage for the upper and lower part of the spinal column. Used after injuries and operations. Popular soft model:

  • OPPO Medical 2261-10;
  • Price – 3500 rub.;
  • Characteristics: 5 standard sizes, metal inserts, materials – polyester, nylon, rubber;
  • Pros: great photos pain symptoms;


The use of a belt with built-in magnets improves blood circulation. When using the product, muscles are unloaded and fatigue is reduced. You can buy a corset belt cheaply:

  • "BioMag";
  • Price – 920 rub.;
  • Characteristics: dense fabric, stiffeners, cassette with magnets;
  • Pros: there is both back support and magnetic radiation, which accelerates metabolic processes;
  • Cons: there are contraindications for warming up.

An orthopedic back corset with built-in magnets helps the patient straighten up and relieve tension. The device is effective in the treatment of scoliosis. Patented model:

  • Magnetic Posture Support;
  • Price – 750 rub.;
  • Characteristics: 6 magnets along the back and lower back, material – nylon;
  • Pros: the effect is visible after a month;
  • Cons: not everyone can tolerate the effect of a magnet.


The posture correction device does not take up much space. It is necessary to first attach it to the body, configure it to correct posture. When you change position, a vibration signal sounds, urging you to return. Electronic device:

  • "Master of Posture";
  • Price – 3950 rub.;
  • Characteristics: size - about the size of a 5-kopeck coin, microcomputer, orientation sensor, vibration signal, 3V battery;
  • Pros: can be attached to the body, clothing;
  • Cons: vibration is audible to others.

A small exercise machine is attached along the back. The device does not interfere with movement, does not tighten the body, and treats scoliosis. Medically developed device:

  • Biarto;
  • Price – 2900 rub.;
  • Characteristics: consists of two blocks connected by a thin wire; when the body position changes, it gives a signal;
  • Pros: the device is not noticeable under clothing, comfortable to wear;
  • Cons: You can't install it yourself.

Support corset

An orthopedic belt is used to treat the lumbar spine. The product can be worn discreetly under clothing. Robust design:

  • B.Well rehab W-141;
  • Price – 2500 rub.;
  • Characteristics: material – thin mesh, flexible stiffeners, fixing belts;
  • Pros: effectively relieves the lumbar region;
  • Cons: requires careful selection.

The product, which is used for sports activities, provides good support for the back muscles when pain occurs. It tightly covers the lower back. Doctors recommend the model:

  • W-152;
  • Price – 4100 rub.;
  • Characteristics: the ribs follow the curve of the spine, there is a system of fixing belts;
  • Pros: back in physiological position;
  • Cons: wears out quickly.

Corset belt

To protect the lower back from overstrain during prolonged periods sedentary work, sports activities, a corset belt is used. The product prevents injury to the vertebrae. Comfortable belt:

  • PC 220;
  • Price – 3500 rub.;
  • Characteristics: width – 25 cm, suspenders included, moderate fixation, 8 stiffening ribs;
  • Pros: good air exchange;
  • Cons: visible under clothes.

To support the back after lumbar injuries, a corset belt is used. It reduces the load on intervertebral discs. Recommended Model:

  • BCW 2100;
  • Price – 5300 rub.;
  • Characteristics: elastic fabric of special weaving with nanoparticles, professional fastening system;
  • Pros: bamboo in the fabric stops the growth of bacteria;
  • Cons: creates the effect of dry heat, there are contraindications.


To remove muscle spasms, activate blood supply, use products with a compression effect. They help reduce inflammation and pain. Set model:

  • Lumbamed disc;
  • Price – 11900 RUR;
  • Characteristics: fabric ensures fluid drainage, 4 elastic metal plates, splint along the spine;
  • Pros: there are options for a fitted product and a straight one - for a full figure;
  • Cons: high price.

For muscle strains and complaints of pain in the spine, a fixing bandage is used. It is effective for disorders intervertebral discs. Orthopedic model:

  • BWF TIT-LU-02;
  • Price – 1500 rub.;
  • Characteristics: material – mesh, product height – 26 cm, 4 plastic ribs, elastic straps;
  • Pros: ability to adjust the degree of compression;
  • Cons: there is a possibility of intolerance to the material.

Corset for compression fracture

The situation is serious when, due to injury, the vertebral body is deformed and takes on a wedge-shaped shape. At compression fracture necessary full fixation spine. For the lumbosacral region it is recommended:

  • Orlett LSO-981;
  • Price – 13200 rub.;
  • Characteristics: plastic frame has abdominal support, 6 adjustable clamps, 4 standard sizes, weight – 500 g;
  • Pros: possibility of precise adjustment;
  • Cons: requires careful selection.

A corrective orthopedic corset for a spinal fracture helps support it using the muscles of the body. Used for thoracic and lumbar injuries. Reliable model:

  • Otto Bock Dorso Arexa;
  • Price – 23,000 rub.;
  • Characteristics: frame with a support system at three points, there is the possibility of correct adjustment;
  • Pros: light weight, does not interfere with walking;
  • Cons: high price.

Corset after spinal surgery

Long rehabilitation period after injuries and operations requires reliable fixation of the spine. The product is intended for the lumbosacral region. Inexpensive model:

  • Armed F 4605;
  • Price – 1800 rub.;
  • Characteristics: mesh fabric, ventilated, 6 plastic ribs; 2 elastic ties;
  • Pros: easy to fit;
  • Cons: wears out quickly.

For strong fixation in the chest and lower back area after surgery, a hyperextensor is used. It stabilizes the position, but helps to extend the back. Original model:

  • Orlett HEB-999;
  • Price – 22800 rub.;
  • Characteristics: solid aluminum frame, height adjustable, support parts made of soft material;
  • Pros: 4 hinges for extension of the spinal column;
  • Cons: high cost.

Spinal alignment corset

To cope with the curvature of the spine and keep the body in the correct position, devices are used. Products help normalize muscle tone. Recommended spine corset:

  • "Trives" T-1785;
  • Price – 6500 rub.;
  • Characteristics: material – dense special knitwear, 4 stiffening ribs, removable back;
  • Pros: pronounced compression effect;
  • Cons: Cannot be worn for more than 5 hours.

To fix the back simultaneously in the chest and lumbar regions special products are used. They help to gradually form correct posture. Convenient model:

  • ORTO KGK-100;
  • Price – 3900 rub.;
  • Characteristics: material – cotton, front – elastic part, two short and long ribs;
  • Pros: fixation of the body in an anatomical position;
  • Cons: visible under thin clothing.

Children's corset

Special models have been developed to correct posture and combat stoop in children. small sizes. They develop skills for proper back support. Product for schoolchildren:

  • ORTO 102-det;
  • Price – 840 rub.;
  • Characteristics: center guide frame, soft fixing straps;
  • Pros: there are no hard pressing elements;
  • Cons: not suitable for use if you have skin problems.

If rigid fixation is necessary, a structure covering the chest, lower back, and sacrum is used. The product provides posture correction. Child model:

  • KGK-110 children;
  • Price – 3250 rub.;
  • Characteristics: dense part at the back, stretchable at the front, 4 plates, 2 straps, wide, wrinkle-resistant belt;
  • Pros: does not cause discomfort;
  • Cons: needs to be removed at night.

Corset for spinal hernia

To stabilize the position, reduce pain during intervertebral hernia, it is recommended to wear a lumbar support. If abnormalities are observed in this area, simultaneous thoracic fixation is recommended. Reliable model:

  • OPPO 2264-12;
  • Price – 3800 RUR;
  • Characteristics: materials – polyester, latex, polyurethane, cotton, 4 metal tires;
  • Pros: tightly covers the lower back;
  • Cons: the use of warming ointments is not allowed.

To treat pain in the lower and upper back, wearing a semi-rigid spinal corset is suitable. The products of the American company have good feedback doctors. Popular model:

  • OPPO 2068;
  • Price – 3100 rub.;
  • Characteristics: materials – nylon, rubber, cotton, 4 plates for fixation;
  • Pros: easy to choose size;
  • Cons: requires special care.

How to choose a corset for the spine

Before deciding where to buy a spinal corset, you need to understand the selection of the product. It is important that the doctor gives recommendations. It’s better to try it on right away in the store. Need to consider:

  • purpose of the device;
  • right choice size;
  • necessary rigidity;
  • product materials;
  • reliability of fixation;
  • insulation of inserts;
  • presence of adjustments;
  • ease of care;
  • how much does a back corset cost?
