What kind of icon is needed for a family? Which icons are the most powerful?

Icons against damage from the evil eye are important effective means from energy attack for believers. It should be understood that everything orthodox icons differ in their ability to protect against negative impact. You can choose the image that is closest to you and carry it with you all the time.

The following are considered universal icons:

    Icon of the Guardian Angel; Icon of the Mother of God; Icon of St. Nicholas the Pleasant.

They are initially set to close energy field person, therefore they prevent the attempts of ill-wishers to direct damage. Moreover, if these icons appeared in your life after you were subjected to an energetic attack, they can significantly reduce the consequences of the negative impact, and over time completely restore the protective aura.

What does the Seven-Arrow Icon protect from?

There are icons against the evil eye and damage that have strong protective properties. First of all, this is the Seven Shots icon. The original image, which is painted on canvas and pasted on a wooden base, is very ancient. The icon depicts the Mother of God pierced by seven arrows. They, first of all, symbolize the torment that the Saint experiences. In addition, seven arrows are seven sins that cause unbearable mental pain to the Mother of God. Seven-shot calls people to mercy.

Believers faced with trouble turn to this icon for help. It is believed that after prayer the soul is cleansed and a person is freed from all negativity.

This icon helps in the following cases:

    When you need to soften the hearts of envious people and ill-wishers, and, therefore, prevent the sending of negativity; When you need to get protection from any enemy weapon when a person enters the warpath; When people are seriously ill and traditional medicine cannot help them; When you need to make peace with people , and even if you need to improve relations with your most sworn enemies.

Exists special prayer-address to the Seven-Arrow Icon of the Mother of God. It helps to protect yourself from human hatred.

While in the bathhouse, you should speak to the water in the following words:

“Mother, Mother of God, Seven-shot Mother of God, I, Slave(s) of God(s) ( given name) I pray to You with all my soul to take the seven holy arrows. Shoot away human evil from me and direct it to where it came from. And whoever starts to harass me, let seven of your arrows stick to him. Yes, he will press so hard that my enemy will wear himself out. May my words be sculpted and my deeds strong. From now on and forever. Amen".

If you carry a small Seven-Arrow icon with you, then you don’t have to be afraid of the evil eye or damage even from people who can send strong negativity. In the house this icon should be hung opposite the front door. Believers are advised to regularly pray in front of the Semistrelnaya. This will not only protect you from external negativity, but restore peace of mind, and, therefore, awaken your own protective capabilities.

The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker has very strong protective properties. It is available in every church and, of course, such an image can be purchased at any church store.

There are several image options, the most common of which are:

    Belt. In this Icon, the Wonderworker blesses with his right hand and holds the Gospel in his left hand. The Saint's attire: a purple phelonion, which is a sign of bishop's authority, and a white omophorion, which is a wide and long strip of fabric, symbolizing the patronage of all Orthodox believers. Moreover, the Saint's left hand is covered with a chasuble, which means respect for the Divine Word. Nicholas of Mozhaisk. On this icon the Saint is depicted in full height. He holds the fortress in his left hand, and in his right hand– sword. The combination of such symbols means the protection of Russian cities and at the same time the protection of the Orthodox faith. Rostova. The Saint is depicted on a horse with his arms spread apart. His decoration: armbands, chasuble and veil.

If you feel that something is going wrong in life and you are close to despair, then you should suspect that you have been damaged. The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker will help you get rid of it and subsequently put up reliable protection.

First you need to visit the temple. There you need to place three candles in front of the icon of the Saint.

Then say the following prayer words several times:

“Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, take away the damage sent to me and my loved ones, protect me in the future from the evil eye and word. Amen".

Then you need to stand and cross yourself diligently. After this, you need to buy an icon and consecrate it. You can also purchase a small image that you can carry with you. Additionally, you should buy 12 candles and collect holy water.

Late at night, when everyone in the household has fallen asleep, you need to retire to a separate room or kitchen, where you should light 12 candles and place an icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker on the table, and next to it holy water in a glass vessel. Then you need to stand in front of the icon and begin to pray, throwing away all negativity from your soul. There is no need to wish harm on people who tried to harm you.

Prayer words might sound like this:

“Holy Wonderworker Nicholas, Just Defender and Savior, I am addressing you, Slave(s) of God(s) (proper name). In my soul I do not blame anyone living and I certainly forgive them. I ask and pray only for you. Help me and all my family, and if someone tried to harm us, then remove the damage. May all illnesses and quarrels be washed away with holy water forever. But let the sorcerer not suffer from this damage and the sorcerer not die. And peace will reign in my soul, and harmony in my family. I beg you and ask only this. Amen".

After this, you need to take a sip of holy water, put out the candles and throw away the cinders. The icon must be preserved. The next day, you need to add holy water to your loved ones’ drinks. In this way you can not only get rid of damage, but also protect yourself from negativity.

If the evil eye or damage manifests itself in a specific ailment, then icons will help you recover and protect yourself from a repeated energy attack. For each specific case:
    For severe headaches and causeless depression, when the light turns black and white, the icon of John the Baptist will save you; If you have any unknown problems with gastrointestinal tract, and diseases are not diagnosed traditional medicine, then you can try to recover using the icon of the Great Martyr Artemy; Toothache that occurs periodically when healthy teeth will disappear if you turn to the icon of the Holy Martyr Antipas with prayer; If a feeling of unreasonable fear or other nervous disorders you need to turn to the icon of St. Efim the Syrian for help; For insomnia, which cannot be overcome by any means, the icon of Alexander Svirsky will help.
You should know that in any case, if you suspect that you have been damaged, you need to visit the temple and ask for help and protection near the image of Christ. You can contact the icons at any time. This can be done through prayers or in simple words. And yet, it is important to understand that an icon can protect against damage or the evil eye if you sincerely believe in it. You should also know that all icons have a light effect. They cleanse the space around a person, charge him with positivity and give the person strength to resist evil.

People who deeply believe in God are alien to the use and magic items ancient Slavic cult. The icon is the personification of the supreme powers.

An icon is not a simple cult object, charged with heavenly energy; it is a connecting link between man and God. It is important to understand that an image unconsecrated in a church becomes a simple piece of furniture. An icon that has undergone this ritual will be a reliable protection of home and person from various adversities and evil energy. One should not place images of saints in the house without meaning; this must be done with faith in the soul and pure thoughts.

Icons protecting from thunderstorms and fire:

Protecting your home from theft and enemies:

Eat certain rules placement of icons in the room:

  • East side of the house.
  • The place must be washed and crossed; do not move the image in search of a more advantageous location.
  • Before installing, walk through all the rooms with the icon in your hands.
  • Paintings and other interior decorations are not hung next to the images.
  • Do not place it near a TV or music installations.

Prayer for home protection

An appeal to the Lord can be in thoughts or spoken out loud - this is prayer. Most often this happens in difficult and critical periods of life, if a person especially needs protection from above. Sometimes in a simple situation, when we leave home for some time, we become worried about the safety of our home and property. A devout person can turn to the Saints through a prayer service in order to feel the protective energy of the Almighty far from home. In these cases it reads:

« Lord Jesus, Son of God! Protect my house from fierce envy and from evil people. Save my house from destruction, desecration and fire. Save us from the abyss of sin. Radost b house . Thy will be done Amen ».

Before that, you need to follow a certain ritual:

  • Leave notes at church for the health of your loved ones.
  • Candles should be placed in front of the images of Jesus Christ, Blessed Matrona of Moscow, John the Warrior, Nikita of Novgorod.
  • Buy holy water and twelve candles from the church.
  • Light them in front of your home iconostasis.
  • Wash yourself and your family with church water and spray the corners.
  • Bless your home when you leave.

An icon that protects the family and helps in love

It is believed that the family is strong in faith, therefore every home should have icons in order to gain spiritual support in difficult times or to give grace to the Almighty. A family icon must be passed down through generations, thus establishing a connection with the Family. Such a relic may depict the patrons of the household, the icon with which significant events, healings, or a shrine preserved for generations are associated. Such icons prayed by ancestors carry a powerful charge of energy and are considered powerful for the family. If such a shrine has not survived, you must definitely go to church and purchase an icon, perhaps it will become that family relic. Devout people are well aware of the purpose of icons. Those who have just turned to God should know this. The icons and houses are:

Icons - patroness of home and family - will help preserve love, peace and harmony.

Prayer for family happiness

Good relationships between loved ones are considered the main component of life. Prayers directed to the Almighty and the Patron Saints will help to extinguish outbursts of anger, establish internal harmony, and avert an evil eye.

“Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Turn away our enemies from our family and cleanse us from envious filth. If discord is happening with demonic help, help me stop it. Grant us a peaceful life and forgive all sins committed out of ignorance. Thy will be done. Amen".

“Lord Heavenly Father! In the name of Jesus Christ I pray to You for my family happiness. Grant us in our family love for each other. Grant to us that our love may strengthen and multiply. Teach me to love my spouse with all my heart, teach me to love him (her) as You and Your Son Jesus Christ loved me. Grant me to understand what I need to remove from my life and what I need to learn so that we can have a happy family. Grant me wisdom in my behavior and in my words, so that I never irritate or upset my husband (wife) Amen.”

Icon bringing happiness and prosperity to the family

Every family has its own understanding of happiness. Sometimes there are periods when luck bypasses your family ship, and troubles pour in one after another. To gain fortitude to overcome adversity, you need to turn to the Holy Benefactors:

Prayer for prosperity and prosperity

“Money doesn’t buy happiness,” the saying goes, and this is partly true, of course. But every family or individual would like to have stable income and material wealth. Financial difficulties often cause family discord, housing issues, and often you have to use money to solve health problems. To attract wealth, you need to appeal to the Saints:

  • Spyridon of Trimifuntsky;
  • Tikhon Zadonsky;
  • Xenia the Blessed;
  • John the Merciful;

The Almighty powers, of course, will not solve material difficulties. But this will help concentrate your internal reserves, strengthen your spirit, and the Lord and the Saints will direct your energy in the right direction.

“Heavenly Father, I thank You for all the good things that You give me through Jesus. Savior, bless the work You have given me. Give me strength to do my work for the good of Your kingdom. Grant me the joy of seeing the fruits of my labor and my donations. Fulfill your words on me, “It is more blessed to give than to receive,” so that I can live in prosperity and not experience poverty. And if I should experience poverty, grant me, Almighty, wisdom and patience, so that I can endure it with dignity, without complaining. Amen".

Strong icons against diseases

How often do people not think about the fact that being healthy is happiness. Such thoughts begin to occur when illnesses happen to loved ones. This may be the result of a wasteful attitude towards your body, unfavorable ecology, or accidents. Medicine in our time has reached incredible heights, but sometimes turning to the Almighty remains the only hope. There are many known cases of miraculous healing through a prayer service in front of the image of the Saints or to God. Illnesses received through the evil eye and damage are beyond the control of medicine; only a word directed to the Almighty will help here:

Prayer for Healing

The divine word addressed to the Lord can work miracles. The main thing is that faith lives in the soul and thoughts are pure, then the Lord will not leave the sufferer alone with pain and torment. Prayers for the health of a sick person have great power. The main thing is that he is baptized. For health, you can read the following prayer:

“Oh, our Creator! I ask for your help. Grant by Your mercy complete recovery to the servant of God (name), wash his blood with Your rays. Only with Your merciful help will his healing come. Touch him with Your miraculous power, grant his body health, blessed lightness to his soul, and Your balm to his heart. May the pain leave him forever and strength return, and the wounds heal, and your holy help come. May Your rays give him strong protection and strengthen His faith. May you hear my words, Lord Almighty. Amen".

Icons protecting children

The child is pure and sinless, therefore he is under the special protection of the highest powers. He resides under the “wing” of the Guardian Angel, the Savior himself and the Most Holy Theotokos. Icons:

The icons are placed in the room where children are most often found.

Prayer for the health of the child

There is nothing stronger than a mother’s prayer for her child. Her prayers are sincere and filled with faith. You need to know that in moments of grief you should not make empty promises when turning to higher powers. Before praying, go to the temple, where you write a note about the child’s health. Place candles in front of the icons of the Mother of God, Christ and the Saint. Ask for forgiveness for personal sins and pray for the health of the servant of God, saying the name, until the age of seven they say “Child of God.”

Bring home the blessed water, placing your palm on the boy’s head, read the prayer and wash him.

You can turn to the powers of Heaven for healing in your own words, most importantly with hope in your soul.

“O Most Holy Lady Virgin Theotokos, save and preserve under Your shelter my children (names), all youths, young women and infants, baptized and nameless, and carried in their mother’s womb. Cover them with the robe of Your motherhood, keep them in the fear of God and obedience to their parents, pray to my Lord and Your Son to grant them what is useful for their salvation. I entrust them to Your maternal supervision, for You are the Divine protection of Your servants. Amen".

Icon asking for marriage

In Orthodoxy, marriage is regarded not only as the creation of a family for the purpose of procreation, but also the spiritual unity of a man and a woman. The need to meet a worthy husband in order to marry him is natural. If a girl asks the Saints for help, there is nothing unnatural about it. The following prayers are addressed to the icons:

Prayer for Marriage

The most blessed day when you need to ask for marriage is the Feast of the Intercession of the Virgin Mary. It is read opposite the icon of the Mother of God. Before that, you need to perform the following ritual:

  • Forgive all the men who have hurt you.
  • Wash yourself with water to cleanse not only your soul, but also your body.
  • Clean up your home.

Turn to your father and mother for a blessing and only then read the prayer.

“To my queen, my hope to the Mother of God, the friend of the orphans and the strange, the intercessor of those who grieve with joy, those who are offended by the patroness. See my misfortune, see my sorrow, help me as I am weak, feed me as I am strange. Weigh my offense, resolve it as you will: for I have no other help except for you, no other intercessor, good comforter, except for You, O Mother of God, for you will preserve me and cover me forever and ever. Amen".

The most powerful Orthodox icon

The myrrh-streaming icon “The All-Tsarina” is located in Greece in the Vatopedi Monastery, its origin dates back to the 17th century. The Mother of God is depicted in her arms with the baby Son of God, holding a scroll in her palms. Behind the shoulders are figures of Angels with open wings. The entire Orthodox world knows this miraculous shrine. There are many examples of parishioners being healed from terrible illnesses. “The Tsaritsa” guides those who have fallen in spirit on the true path, helps them gain faith, turn them away from sinful deeds, and protect them from harm.

Icons that need to be kept in the house

There are many icons, each of them is endowed with a special gift from God for their righteous deeds, piety, and suffering. A believer knows which face to offer a prayer to; for those who have recently converted to Orthodoxy, it is initially difficult to understand which faces to place at home. The most revered icons among Christians:

The images of Christ and the Mother of God should be in every family. Also, the parishioner chooses one icon himself, most often the icon:

  • Panteleimon the Healer.
  • Nicholas the Wonderworker.
  • Guardian Angel.

A prayer everyone needs to know

Turning to the Lord, a person reads a prayer service. For every occasion there is a verbal message to the Lord. There is a prayer-amulet that will help in any life situation.

“Glory to the Father, Glory to the Son, Glory to the Holy Spirit. Lord, save God's servant (name) from all evil. From intrigues, inventions, secret plans, Nets, traps, poisons, swords, conspiracies, excuses, cunning, insidious negotiations. From enemy visitation, from imprisonment. From bribery and the sword, from a word spoken in the heat of the moment. From an enemy meeting, from a false accusation. From the drowning wave, from the flooding water. From the beast, from the fire, God save me. God save me from the violent wind, from the ice, save me. God save me from the evil sorcerer, save me. God save me from the evil sorcerer, save me. From a terrible illness, from an early death in vain, from an inverted cross, God save me, save me. No matter my thoughts, no matter my flesh, no matter my living red blood. Fuck me with a wild, dashing thought. My guardian angel, pray for my soul. Everything I said that I forgot I didn’t say. Come word by word and save God’s servant (name) from all evil. Key, lock, tongue! Amen! Amen! Amen".

In Orthodox Christianity there are many icons that give us good luck, happiness and nourish us with faith in God. Many clergy believe that even simply being near these icons can solve many problems.

The icons usually depict saints or Jesus Christ with the Virgin Mary. Many of the images have such strong energy that their presence in the home of any true believer is mandatory. Most icons are associated with holidays. They reflect their essence and meaning. We previously wrote about miraculous icons - this article will shed light on the most important icons for our culture.

Icons for good luck

Some of the most famous images are Kazanskaya mother of God And Vladimir Mother of God. The Kazan icon was found after a fire in 1579. Associated with it great amount miracles and healings. She led the Russian people through time to achieve independence and peace. If you place such an icon in your bedroom, it will preserve your health, protect your sleep and give you good luck in love and business.

The Vladimir icon was a gift to Prince Mstislav from Patriarch Luke of Constantinople. This icon saved Rus' from the invasion of Tamerlane in 1395, from Akhmat in 1480 and from many other troubles. If you place such an icon at home, you will be able to feel it strong impact on your soul. She will drive away melancholy and sadness, replacing them with confidence and good luck. This image helps in love and getting closer to loved ones.

Icon of the Mother of God “Inexhaustible Chalice”. This main symbol Christianity, preserving human soul from filth. Orthodox clergy They believe that this icon was salvation for many terminally ill or lost souls, for drunkards and sinners. She remains so to this day. This image brings good luck to those who are fighting for their lives and well-being with themselves and their habits.

Icon of the Life-Giving Trinity. This icon was painted by Andrei Rublev at the beginning of the 15th century. The Icon depicts the Holy Spirit, Father and Son. Its presence in any home brings the family closer and gives all its members love and strength for mutual understanding. Previously, we wrote about the icon of the Life-Giving Trinity and the holiday to which it is dedicated.

"Joy of All Who Sorrow" is an icon depicting the Intercessor and people suffering from illnesses. It also contains images of angels who are among people. Prayers for health are read in front of this icon. The image of the Mother of God itself brings good luck to any family that has this icon at home.

Always remember that without faith you will not receive salvation. Good luck and grace emanating from these icons will be received only if any light and faith in God lives in your heart. Pray in front of these icons, sincerely asking God for what you need in this moment. Don't forget the simple truth - your life is in your hands.

Many of you have probably heard about crying icons. This is an inexplicable fact from a scientific point of view, which is striking in its symbolism. Often icons bled before terrible events not only for a specific family, but also for entire nations. This tells us that God is sending signs to people. These signs contain a meaning that is clear to any believer - the time has come to say “no” to wars, violence, debauchery and disrespect for oneself and others. This is an indication that God can no longer remain on the sidelines. The time has come to intervene in our lives and show that only by faith can we be saved from defilement. We wish you good luck. Be happy and don't forget to press the buttons and

18.07.2016 05:20

Every parent wants to protect their precious child and guide him on the right and righteous path. Find out what prayers...

Nowadays, when many people are coming to faith again, you can go to any church store. But a person who is not too familiar with the basics of faith may have a question about why icons are needed, and which icon helps with what. In general, to say that an icon helps is not entirely true, since it is not the icon itself that helps, but those who are depicted on it - the Lord Jesus Christ, Holy Mother of God, Angels and Saints. An icon is a kind of “window” into the spiritual world, invisible with simple eyes. And turning to the image captured on the icon, we thereby turn to the Prototype, which was once revealed to the icon painter in the form of the deepest spiritual insight, we join in with Divine grace, the conductor of which is the icon.
It has long been known that holy icons help those who turn to them in prayer. In Russia, it has long been customary to ask for help from the Holy Faces; requests were and are made most often to the icons of the Mother of God and the Holy Saints. They pray to icons for healing from illnesses, for the health and well-being of loved ones, for help in business, and also offer gratitude for their help. It has long been the custom that different images are approached with different requests, this is especially noticeable by the number of icons of the Mother of God and prayers to them that exist. Icons of the Mother of God help those who pray for children, for their well-being and health. Next we will consider in more detail which icons of the Mother of God help with what.
One of the most revered icons in Russia is the Kazan Icon of the Mother of God, which has been protecting Russia for several centuries. The Kazan icon helps those who ask for family well-being, the blessing of marriage and children, and also protects from fires and various troubles and misfortunes.
Another honorable one miraculous icon Our Lady of Vladimir, who has accompanied the history of Rus' since ancient times, helps mothers and children; they pray to her for deliverance from infertility and healing of female diseases. They also pray to this icon to pacify unrest, for protection from enemies and natural disasters.
The Tikhvin Icon of the Mother of God is considered the patroness of children. It protects young children from diseases, and older children from harmful influences from the outside, helps them protect themselves from bad companies and dangers.
The Icon of the Mother of God of Iveron is another ancient, revered icon, which is considered the guardian of the hearth and the patroness of women. Our Lady of Iverskaya helps in healing illnesses and consoling in sorrows.
The miraculous icon of the Inexhaustible Chalice helps people recover from alcoholism and drug addiction, and also symbolizes the inexhaustible source of grace and heavenly help that is given to those who ask.
The Seven-Arrow Icon protects against the evil thoughts of others, helps protect against hostility and brings peace. The icon of Softening Evil Hearts, very similar to this image, helps to stop enmity both between by individuals, and between countries and peoples, helps to understand what compassion and mercy are.
Icon Everlasting Color helps, as its name suggests, to preserve chastity and purity for girls before marriage, and also, by folk beliefs, prayer in front of this icon helps women preserve beauty and youth longer.
The Icon of the Three Joys helps in family life, they pray to her for the return of stolen and unjustly taken away, as well as for protection from enemies and for help to those who are imprisoned.
In Russia, icons of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker are very widely revered; almost everyone has such an icon in their home. Orthodox Christian. The icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker helps against need and poverty, keeps wealth in the house, protects children and women, and also protects travelers, so a person planning a trip, especially by water, should take it with him.
The icon of Panteleimon the Healer helps both the sick who pray in front of this image for healing, and doctors, since the Great Martyr Panteleimon patronizes people associated with medicine.
Speaking about helping icons, we need to remember one more image - the icon of Seraphim of Sarov. This icon helps in healing diseases, especially diseases of the musculoskeletal system and internal organs. They also pray to the icon of Seraphim of Sarov for consolation in sorrows.
The icon of Sergius of Radonezh patronizes students; they pray to Saint Sergius for help in their studies, to overcome problems with attention and learning educational material, as well as assistance during trials and litigation. Sergius of Radonezh helps those who stand for truth and defend justice.
The Matrona of Moscow icon helps with almost all everyday problems. They pray to Matronushka for health, for the well-being of loved ones, and ask for help in finding a “soul mate.”