Moscow employers will have to redo quota reporting. Reports to the employment service (vacancies, quotas for disabled people)

How to correctly submit a report to the employment center on fulfilling the quota for hiring disabled people, Form No. 1-KI? We submit these reports to employment centers of 2 different settlements, some say to take it one way, others say differently. We are already tired of filling out the same report in different ways. For example, the first filling option: 1 Average number of employees - 268 - Harmful conditions - 482 To calculate the quota - 2203 quantity subject to quota - 6 - for an employer with more than 100 people - 64 number of jobs, actually created (allocated), etc. - 65 number of disabled people working in quota jobs at the beginning - 66 at the end of the reporting period - 6 And to this we fill in information about the presence of local acts. That is. Point 4 of this report is not entirely clear. We are the only ones who constantly fill it out and create an order (local act) every month on creating places for employment of people with disabilities. Although our employees still work for us, we do not create anything, we do not introduce new positions. We do not fill it out for others and do not enter information about any local acts and do not issue acts. They explain this by saying that if we did not have enough disabled people to fulfill the quota for the enterprise, then we would need to introduce jobs, positions and create acts for this. And others say - it doesn’t matter whether there are enough of them or not, if you have disabled people working for you, then you automatically create places for them, which means you need acts and you need to fill out point 4 according to them.


Answer to the question:

We assume that you are using reporting form No. 1-KI, approved by order of the Ministry of Labor of the Republic of Crimea dated January 23, 2015 No. 17.

Don't miss: major changes in HR

Which was adopted and came into force this month.

In clause 4 it is necessary to indicate “The number of jobs actually created (allocated) within the established quota at the end of the reporting period (units),* including:.”

In this section it is necessary to reflect information on newly created quota jobs in reporting period. These are the jobs for which you are ready to hire disabled people.

If your organization already employs disabled people in quota-based workplaces, fill out item 5 “Number of disabled people working in quota-based workplaces at the beginning of the reporting period (persons), including:.”

Therefore, if you do not create new quota jobs during the reporting period, you do not need to fill out paragraph 4 of the reporting form 1-KI.

Details in the materials of the Personnel System:

How to comply with quotas set for hiring people with disabilities

Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department medical education and personnel policy in healthcare of the Russian Ministry of Health

Disabled people belong to the category of citizens who especially need social protection and having difficulty finding work. For them, the legislation provides additional employment guarantees (,). Thus, organizations with at least 35 employees are required to comply with quotas established by regional legislation for hiring people with disabilities. Only public associations of disabled people and organizations formed by them, including business partnerships and societies, are exempt from mandatory quotas of jobs for disabled people. authorized capital which consists of a contribution public association disabled people.

The quota size is set as a percentage of average number employees of the organization and can be:

  • not less than 2, but not more than 4 percent for organizations with more than 100 employees;
  • no more than 3 percent for organizations with staff from 35 to 100 people inclusive.

When calculating the quota, the average number of employees does not include employees whose working conditions are classified as harmful or hazardous conditions labor according to results.

Based on the established quotas of the organization independently. The procedure for allocating specific jobs should be fixed in a local act, for example,. At the same time, a specific number of jobs for disabled people can be established so that with each change in the average number of employees, no changes are made to the situation. The employer’s obligation to create and allocate jobs for disabled people within the quota does not depend on the facts of applications of disabled people for employment and the number of such applications (see).

Organizations provide monthly information to the employment service about the availability of vacant jobs, local acts, containing information about these jobs, and the fulfillment of the quota for disabled people (,).

Specific deadlines and forms for reporting on the fulfillment of quotas for disabled people are established by territorial authorities. For example, in the Moscow region, and have been approved, which employers must submit monthly to the employment center at the location of the organization by the 10th day of the month following the reporting month.

At the same time, a different order operates in Moscow. Employers provide information as approved. Moreover, the information in it is compiled by month and submitted quarterly - no later than the 30th day of the month following the reporting quarter. This is stated in the Regulations approved.

The powers to supervise and control the hiring of disabled people within the established quota with the right to conduct inspections are assigned to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of promoting employment (). functions of supervision and control over the hiring of disabled people within the established quota with the right to conduct inspections approved Quest game for personnel officers: check if you know how work has changed since the beginning of the year
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  • The main document that regulates the relationship of employers with the employment center is the Federal Law “On Employment of the Population of the Russian Federation” (as amended on July 3, 2018). In accordance with paragraphs 2 and 3 of Art. 25 employers are required to report the following to the employment center:

    — data on the availability of available jobs and vacant positions;

    — information on the fulfillment of the quota for hiring people with disabilities;

    — information on the application of insolvency (bankruptcy) procedures;

    — information about the introduction of a part-time working day (shift) and (or) part-time working week, as well as the suspension of production;

    — information about the decision to liquidate the organization, reduce the number or staff of the organization’s employees.

    Why is this necessary? Indeed, in the times of Internet technologies, enterprises can look for their own employees, declare bankruptcy on their website, etc., without resorting to the services of a central employment center. The requirements are intended to support public policy in the field of employment, which promotes the employment of citizens, prevents mass unemployment and reduces long-term unemployment, supports entrepreneurial initiative, and much more. etc.

    Vacancy report. An exact definition of what a vacancy is, in labor legislation No. Traditionally, this term means the presence of an unoccupied workplace or position that can be filled new employee. It doesn't matter whether it's a new staff position or you're looking for a replacement for a fired person. At the same time, positions that are vacant due to the fact that an employee went on maternity leave or was temporarily transferred to another job are not considered vacant. There is no need to report them to the employment center.

    And if we're talking about about constant recruitment? When is there “turnover” in an organization or does the employer want to strengthen the department with a highly qualified specialist? For such vacancies, you also need to provide information and ensure that it is updated in a timely manner.

    Sometimes it happens that in staffing table there is a free unit, but there is currently no need for such an employee. We recommend either declaring these positions as vacant or bringing internal documents into line with the current state of the state.

    On specialized forums, the question often arises: is it necessary to submit a zero report on vacancies? Based on the wording of the law, information about the absence of vacancies does not need to be submitted. But the employer must notify the employment center about the closure of the vacancy if it has found an employee.

    Important! Information about job vacancies must not limit rights or establish advantages based on gender, race, color, nationality, language, origin and other circumstances not related to the business qualities of employees.

    Single date for delivery statistical reporting No. The only requirement is at least once a month. Each region has the right to independently approve the deadline for submitting information. It can be found at the regional office of the employment center.

    The report “Information on the need for workers, availability of vacancies” was published in Appendix No. 11 to the Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia. At the same time, regions can modify it at their own discretion. You can request the current form from your CZN office.

    Based on the criteria specified by the employer in the report, the employment center selects applicants and sends them to the organization. Upon hiring an applicant, the employer returns his referral to the Employment Center within five days, indicating the day of registration for the job. In case of refusal of employment, the employer makes a note in the direction of the employment center about the day of appearance, the reason for the refusal and returns the direction to the applicant.

    Information on the fulfillment of the quota for hiring disabled people. The employer must report such information to the Employment Center if the enterprise is subject to the requirement of Art. 21 of the Federal Law “On Social Protection of Disabled Persons”. If there are more than 100 people on staff, a quota is established for the employment of disabled people - from 2 to 4% of the average number. In addition to this, regions can, by regulation, determine a quota of no more than 3% for organizations with a staff of 35 to 100 people.

    Ignoring quotas and refusing employment to disabled people is expensive - a fine of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles for officials. Article of the Administrative Code The Russian Federation regards this as a violation of the rights of people with disabilities.

    Information about working disabled people is submitted monthly. There is no single approved form, regional centers employment establish it independently. It usually contains information about the organization itself, total number employees, the established quota and the actual jobs created. If necessary, you can also indicate vacancies available to people with disabilities.

    Information on the application of insolvency procedures. On the application of bankruptcy proceedings the employer is obliged to inform the employment service monthly. And if a surveillance procedure is applied to the employer first, it should be reported immediately. If its effect extends to the next month, this also needs to be reported to the central control center. Information is presented in any form, unless otherwise approved by regional regulations.

    Information on the introduction of a part-time working day (shift) and (or) part-time working week, as well as when production is suspended. When an employer changes organizational or technological working conditions (production changes, company reorganization, etc.), this often leads to adjustments to the terms of the employment contract at the initiative of the employer. The Labor Code of the Russian Federation allows this option, the main thing is that the employee’s job function does not change.

    However, major changes could lead to mass layoffs of workers. In order to preserve jobs, the employer has the right to introduce a part-time working day (shift) and (or) part-time working week for a period of up to six months.

    After the decision is made, the employer is obliged to notify the Central Employment Center in writing within three working days. Unified form for such a message is not established, but can be determined, for example, by regional regulations. Otherwise, the information is provided in any form. The report must contain data on the number of idle workers or those for whom incomplete work has been established work time, as well as the time for which the employer established such a regime.

    Information about the decision to liquidate the organization, reduce the number or staff of the organization's employees. The organization is required to notify the employment service of a staff reduction two months in advance, and three months in advance of an upcoming mass layoff (). of this report is established by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation. It contains information about each of the employees subject to dismissal:

    • full name;
    • education;
    • profession or specialty;
    • qualification;
    • average salary.

    At the same time, regions have the right to modify the reporting form at their own discretion.

    Information about fines.Failure to submit, incomplete or untimely submission of information to the central control center on any of the reports entails administrative responsibility. Officials will have to pay a fine of 300 to 500 rubles; legal entities - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles ( Art. Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation ).

    Instead of a conclusion. Do not forget that employers have more than just responsibilities in relation to the employment service. Cooperation with the regional central control center can be useful. The most obvious thing is, of course, the selection of personnel in accordance with the specified requirements. In addition, any organization has the right to request information from employment services about the situation on the labor market. This can be done in any convenient form: by e-mail or through the MFC of state and municipal services absolutely free.

    The organization employs 540 people. Employees work in six structural divisions in different regions of the Russian Federation. 53 people work in the Moscow structural division (head office). Disabled people do not work in the organization. The question is whether there is a need to submit reports on job quotas (disabled people and youth). If so, then with what frequency? We transfer social contributions to Moscow departments. We submit reports there. Question: if we have to submit a report, where should we submit it? A single report to the employment center in Moscow or for each structural unit to local employment authorities?

    In the city of Moscow there is no need to submit reports on job quotas.

    Only those organizations with more than 100 employees are required to comply with the quota.

    According to the Supreme Arbitration Court RF, the quota should be calculated in proportion to the number of employees of the organization on the territory of the municipality without taking into account branches and representative offices located in other localities.

    In Moscow there are 53 employees, so there is no need to set quotas and submit reports.

    As for other regions, in some regions the quota may be set at 35–100 employees.

    Nina Kovyazina

    How to accept and organize the work of disabled employees

    Job quotas

    How to comply with quotas set for hiring people with disabilities

    Disabled people belong to the category of citizens who are especially in need of social protection and have difficulty finding work. For them, the legislation provides for additional employment guarantees (clause 1, part 2, article 24 of the Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ, paragraph 6 of clause 2, article 5 of the Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 ). Thus, organizations with at least 35 employees are required to comply with quotas established by regional legislation for hiring people with disabilities.* Only public associations of people with disabilities and organizations formed by them, including business partnerships and companies whose authorized capital consists of the contribution of a public association of disabled people.

    The quota size is set as a percentage of the average number of employees of the organization and can be:*

    • not less than 2, but not more than 4 percent for organizations with more than 100 employees;
    • no more than 3 percent for organizations with staff from 35 to 100 people inclusive.

    When calculating the quota, the average number of employees does not include employees whose working conditions are classified as harmful or dangerous working conditions based on the results of a special assessment or former certification of workplaces.

    Based on established quotas, organizations independently determine the number of jobs for people with disabilities. The procedure for allocating specific jobs should be fixed in a local act, for example, the Regulations on quotas of jobs for people with disabilities. At the same time, the specific number of jobs for disabled people can be established by separate orders, so that with each change in the average number of employees, no changes are made to the situation. The employer’s obligation to create and allocate jobs for disabled people within the quota does not depend on the facts of applications of disabled people for employment and the number of such applications (see decision of the Leningrad Regional Court of December 11, 2012 No. 7-717/2012).

    Organizations provide monthly information to the employment service about the availability of vacant jobs, local acts containing information about these jobs, and the fulfillment of the quota for disabled people (Part 2 of Article 24 of the Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ, Part 3 Article 25 of the Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1).

    Specific deadlines and forms for reporting on the fulfillment of quotas for disabled people are established by territorial authorities. For example, in the Moscow region, by order of the Moscow Regional Labor Department of May 16, 2014 No. RV-24, Form No. 1 and Form No. 2 were approved, which employers must submit monthly to the employment center at the location of the organization by the 10th day of the month following the reporting month. month.

    At the same time, a different order operates in Moscow. Employers provide information according to Form No. 1-Quotation, approved by Order of the Moscow Department of Labor and Employment No. 385 dated July 20, 2015. Moreover, the information in it is compiled by month and submitted quarterly - no later than the 30th day of the month following the reporting quarter. This is stated in paragraph 2.9 of the Regulations approved.

    The powers to exercise supervision and control over the hiring of disabled people within the established quota with the right to conduct inspections are assigned to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of promoting employment of the population (clause 6, part 1, article 7.1-1 of the Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1). The state standard for the function of supervision and control over the hiring of disabled people within the established quota with the right to conduct inspections was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 No. 181n. In general, inspections follow the same rules as scheduled and unscheduled inspections carried out by the labor inspectorate.

    From the situation

    Nina Kovyazina, Deputy Director of the Department of Medical Education and Personnel Policy in Healthcare of the Russian Ministry of Health

    How do job quotas for minors work?

    For workers under 18 years of age, the law provides for quotas of jobs for the purpose of their employment (Clause 2, Article 11 of Law No. 124-FZ of July 24, 1998). Failure to comply with these quotas entails administrative liability. At the same time, issues of quotas for jobs for young people are within the competence of government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (). This means that each subject determines the procedure for quotas and measures of responsibility independently, and in different regions this order may differ: in the size of quotas, measures of responsibility, and the procedure for submitting information about the fulfillment of the quota.

    For example, in Moscow, job quotas for young people are regulated by Moscow Law No. 90 of December 22, 2004. Moscow employers, regardless of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership, are obliged to create quota jobs for young people at their own expense. Quotas are created for employment:*

    • minors aged 14 to 18 years;
    • orphans and children left without parental care, under the age of 23;
    • graduates of primary and secondary institutions vocational education aged from 18 to 24 years, higher professional education aged from 21 to 26 years, who are looking for work for the first time.

    Only those organizations with more than 100 employees are required to comply with the quota.*

    For quota purposes, Moscow employers in month period after state registration provide the following information to the Moscow State Public Institution “Job Quota Center”:

    • copies of the charter, regulations, constituent agreement or owner’s decision to create an organization;
    • information mail organs state statistics on registration in the statistical register of Rosstat;
    • data on the average number of employees on the day the quotas were established. This information contains form No. P-4, approved by Rosstat order No. 407 dated July 24, 2012. If the employer does not submit the form to the statistical authorities, then it is enough to provide a letter free form, certified by the seal and signatures of the manager and chief accountant.

    The quota for employment of youth (including minors) in Moscow is two percent of the average number. When determining the quota for youth employment, do not take into account the number of employees of branches and representative offices of the organization that are located in another area (determination of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated September 3, 2012 No. VAS-11395/12).* Based on the established quota size, employers independently determine the number quota jobs for young people. The calculation of the quota for youth in Moscow is similar to the calculation of the quota for the employment of disabled people in the specified region. When calculating the number of workers employed under the quota, round their number down to the whole value ().

    It is considered that the employer will fulfill the quota for minors in the following cases:

    • when concluding an employment contract with a young employee, the validity of which in the current month will be at least 15 days;
    • upon monthly payment to the Moscow budget of the compensation cost of the quota-based workplace. The amount of such compensation cost is equal to the minimum subsistence level for the working population, determined in Moscow on the day of its payment.

    Employers provide information on compliance with quotas using form No. 1-quota, approved by order of the Moscow Public Relations Committee dated June 8, 2005 No. 137. Moreover, the data in it is compiled by month and submitted quarterly - no later than the 30th day of the month following the reporting quarter. This procedure is established by clause 2.9 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of August 4, 2009 No. 742-PP.*

    Employment of minors against the quota is carried out by the employer independently or at the direction of the employment service ().

    Failure to comply with the obligation to create or allocate jobs for young people is grounds for bringing the employer to administrative liability. For employers who operate in Moscow, administrative penalty for violation of the established procedure for quotas for jobs will be:

    • from 3000 to 5000 rub. – for officials;
    • from 30,000 to 50,000 rub. - For legal entities.

    Job quotas for people with disabilities: complex issues

    The establishment of a quota for hiring disabled people is provided for in Art. 21 of the Federal Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ “On social protection of disabled people in Russian Federation"(hereinafter referred to as the Law on the Protection of Persons with Disabilities).

    For employers with more than 100 employees, the quota for hiring disabled people is set at 2 to 4% of the average number of staff.

    In organizations employing 35–100 people, the quota for disabled people cannot exceed 3% of the average number of employees.

    At the same time, the specific size of such a quota by region is determined in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation within the limits established by federal law.*


    Our company has a representative office in another city. How is the quota for hiring disabled people determined? Is the total number of employees taken into account, including employees of the representative office? Or is the quota set separately for the parent organization and separately for the representative office?

    The law does not contain an answer to this question, but it can be found in judicial practice. According to the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation, the quota should be calculated in proportion to the number of employees of the organization in the territory of the municipality, without taking into account branches and representative offices located in other localities.

    In addition, it is necessary to take into account the national nature of the task of employing socially vulnerable citizens at their place of residence, which can only be accomplished through jobs in the relevant territories (see the definition of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated September 3, 2012 No. VAS-11395/12 No. A32-13713/2011).*

    Reports to the employment service (vacancies, quotas for disabled people)

    Providing information to the employment service. Quotas for disabled people.

    Question: who is obliged to provide “Information on the availability of vacant jobs, jobs created or allocated for the employment of people with disabilities in accordance with the established quota, local regulations containing information about these jobs" to the employment center? Is there a list of reports that all employers are required to provide? Is it necessary to submit blank forms if information is missing?

    1. A report on the quota of places for disabled people must be submitted to the employment service by organizations with more than 35 employees. The report is submitted monthly. And the specific deadlines for submission and the form of the Report are approved by the territorial authorities.

    2. All organizations, without exception, are required to submit to the employment service on a monthly basis such a reporting form as “Information on the need for workers, availability of available jobs (vacant positions).”

    The deadline for submitting the report for the city of Sevastopol (by regional law) is not established. The main thing is that this report is submitted regularly, every month.

    It is possible to submit a report at on paper(in person or by mail) or electronically.

    3. If an organization employs more than 35 people, then the organization is obliged to allocate places for disabled people in an amount of at least 2%. Consequently, the Report on the quota of places for disabled people in this case is submitted every month in order to comply with the quota.

    But the Report on vacancies is usually submitted only if they are available. Although in some regions there is a requirement to submit this Report even in the absence of vacancies.


    How to accept and organize the work of disabled employees

    Job quotas

    How to comply with quotas set for hiring people with disabilities

    Disabled people belong to the category of citizens who are especially in need of social protection and have difficulty finding work. For them, the legislation provides for additional employment guarantees (clause 1, part 2, article 24 of the Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ, paragraph 6 of clause 2, article 5 of the Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1 ). Thus, organizations with at least 35 employees are required to comply with quotas established by regional legislation for hiring people with disabilities. Only public associations of disabled people and organizations formed by them, including business partnerships and societies, the authorized capital of which consists of the contribution of a public association of disabled people, are exempt from mandatory quotas of jobs for disabled people.

    The quota size is set as a percentage of the average number of employees of the organization and can be:

    1.not less than 2, but not more than 4 percent for organizations with more than 100 employees; more than 3 percent for organizations with staff from 35 to 100 people inclusive.

    When calculating the quota, the average number of employees does not include employees whose working conditions are classified as harmful or dangerous working conditions based on the results of a special assessment or former certification of workplaces.

    Based on established quotas, organizations independently determine the number of jobs for people with disabilities. The procedure for allocating specific jobs should be fixed in a local act, for example, the Regulations on quotas of jobs for people with disabilities. At the same time, the specific number of jobs for disabled people can be established by separate orders, so that with each change in the average number of employees, no changes are made to the situation. The employer’s obligation to create and allocate jobs for disabled people within the quota does not depend on the facts of applications of disabled people for employment and the number of such applications (see decision of the Leningrad Regional Court of December 11, 2012 No. 7-717/2012).

    Organizations provide monthly information to the employment service about the availability of vacant jobs, local acts containing information about these jobs, and the fulfillment of the quota for disabled people (Part 2 of Article 24 of the Law of November 24, 1995 No. 181-FZ, Part 3 Article 25 of the Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1).

    Specific deadlines and forms for reporting on the fulfillment of quotas for disabled people are established by territorial authorities. For example, in the Moscow region, by order of the Moscow Regional Labor Department of May 16, 2014 No. RV-24, Form No. 1 and Form No. 2 were approved, which employers must submit monthly to the employment center at the location of the organization by the 10th day of the month following the reporting month. month.

    At the same time, a different order operates in Moscow. Employers provide information according to Form No. 1-Quotation, approved by Order of the Department of Labor and Employment of Moscow dated December 29, 2016 No. 1618. Moreover, the information in it is compiled by month and submitted quarterly - no later than the 30th day of the month following the reporting quarter. This is stated in paragraph 2.9 of the Regulations, approved by Decree of the Moscow Government of August 4, 2009 No. 742-PP.

    The powers to exercise supervision and control over the hiring of disabled people within the established quota with the right to conduct inspections are assigned to the authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of promoting employment of the population (clause 6, part 1, article 7.1-1 of the Law of April 19, 1991 No. 1032-1). The state standard for the function of supervision and control over the hiring of disabled people within the established quota with the right to conduct inspections was approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated April 30, 2013 No. 181n. In general, inspections follow the same rules as scheduled and unscheduled inspections carried out by the labor inspectorate.

    How to apply for hiring an employee

    Information for the employment service

    Employers are required to submit monthly information to the employment service:

    1.about available vacancies;

    2.about the created or allocated jobs for the employment of disabled people in accordance with the established quota. Including information about local regulations that establish this;

    3. on fulfilling the quota for hiring disabled people.


    Attention: for violation of the requirement to allocate quotas and in cases of unreasonable refusal to hire, the employer will be held administratively liable.

    Namely, to the fine:

    from 30,000 to 50,000 rub. - for organizations;

    from 3000 to 5000 rub. - for officials, for example a manager.

    Such liability measures are provided for by the Moscow Law of December 22, 2004 No. 90 and the Law of November 21, 2007 No. 45.

    At the same time, for violation of the rights of people with disabilities during their employment, administrative liability is provided for federal level. For this, officials of the organization are fined in the amount of 5,000 to 10,000 rubles. ( , ).

    If an organization does not create quota places for young people, legislation provides an alternative. In this case, it is necessary to pay monthly to the Moscow budget the compensation cost of the quota-based workplace in the amount of the subsistence minimum for the working population. The cost of living is determined on the day of payment of the specified cost. This is stated in subparagraph 2 of paragraph 3 of Article 2 of the Moscow Law of December 22, 2004 No. 90.

    Is the organization required to report vacancies to the employment service? How and in what time frame?

    Yes, I must. Information on available and vacant jobs, and in some cases, their absence, must be submitted on a monthly basis. The specific procedure and deadlines may vary depending on the region.

    In order to effectively economic activity the employer independently and under his own responsibility makes the necessary personnel decisions, including personnel selection. However, the legislation does not require filling all vacant positions as they arise.

    At the same time, if there are free or vacant places in the staffing table, regardless of whether employees are currently required for them or not, information about them must be reported monthly to the employment service (clause 3 of article 25 of the Law of the Russian Federation of April 19 1991 No. 1032-1). The obligation to notify about vacancies does not depend on the form of ownership of the employing organization and its status. Individual exceptions may be provided at the regional level. As a rule, these are government agencies where positions are filled through competition. More information about regional features see table.

    In some regions, an obligation may be established to provide information not only about vacancies, but also about their absence. In particular, such an obligation is established in the Krasnodar Territory (clause 2.2 of the Procedure, which was approved). In this case, employers are essentially required to provide information on a monthly basis, even if there are no vacancies. If there is no such clause in regional laws, then there is no need to report the absence of vacancies (Resolution of the Presidium of the Supreme Arbitration Court of the Russian Federation dated September 27, 2011 No. 4908/11). For more information about regional features, see the table.

    A single date for submitting information has not been established. It can be clarified at the regional office of the employment service. For example, in the Rostov region, you can submit information until the 5th day of the month following the reporting month (Procedure that has been approved). In the Krasnodar Territory, data is provided as needed, but at least once a month no later than the 28th day of the current month (clause 2.1 of the Procedure, which was approved by the resolution of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory dated March 18, 2004 No. 258). In many regions exact date There is no provision for submitting information; it is enough to submit monthly reports. For more information about regional features, see the table.

    By general rule Information about vacancies must be submitted using the form approved by Order of the Ministry of Labor of Russia dated February 26, 2015 No. 125n. However, many regions have their own form. For example, for the Rostov region, the form was approved by Decree of the Government of the Rostov Region dated September 25, 2014 No. 646. The Krasnodar Territory also has its own form, which was approved by decree of the head of the administration of the Krasnodar Territory dated March 18, 2004 No. 258. For more information about regional features, see the table.

    For failure to provide information about vacancies, and in some regions, about their absence, or for providing information in violation of the deadline, employers bear administrative responsibility. The fine for officials will be from 300 to 500 rubles, for legal entities - from 3,000 to 5,000 rubles. ().

    • Download forms

    The Moscow Department of Labor and Employment has changed the form of employers' reports on quota places for people with disabilities and youth. Now the data for statistical observation will have to submit to new form.

    The Department of Labor and Employment of the City of Moscow has published an Order changing the form of employers' reports on quota places for people with disabilities and youth. Now data for statistical observation will have to be submitted in a new form. Moreover, this even applies to reports for the first quarter of 2012. Some Moscow companies may have to redo the report. This must be done before April 30. According to the legislation of the capital, employers must submit quarterly information about quotas for jobs for people with disabilities and youth. This obligation arises for companies that meet two criteria:
    • the company operates in Moscow,
    • the average number of employees for at least one month of the reporting period was more than 100 people.
    The quota form must be submitted to the Moscow “Job Quota Center” no later than the 30th day of the month following the reporting quarter. Quota conditions are listed in the relevant Moscow law:
    1. Quotas for jobs are carried out for persons with disabilities recognized as such federal institutions medical and social examination, in the manner and under the conditions established by the Government of the Russian Federation, and youth of the following categories: minors aged 14 to 18 years; persons from among orphans and children left without parental care, under the age of 23; graduates of primary and secondary vocational education institutions aged from 18 to 24 years, higher vocational education aged from 21 to 26 years, job seekers first.
    2. Employers, regardless of the organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership of organizations, with the exception of public associations of disabled people and organizations formed by them, including business partnerships and societies, the authorized (share) capital of which consists of the contribution of a public association of disabled people, organize quota-based jobs in the city of Moscow at our own expense.

    An organization is recognized as having fulfilled the requirements if the employees hired under quotas worked at least 15 days a month. This needs to be confirmed employment contract. Disabled people and young people should be employed at the enterprise at 2%, i.e. only 4% of the average number. If there are not enough young people in the organization, compensation will have to be transferred to the city budget. Its size is equal to the subsistence minimum for the working population in Moscow on the day of payment. If the number of disabled people hired under a quota for jobs exceeds 2%, the number quota places for young people is reduced by the corresponding amount. Failure to submit, untimely submission of information on quota jobs, as well as submission of it incompletely or in a distorted form entails liability. provided for by law capital Cities. The same applies to the employer’s failure to fulfill the obligation to create or allocate quota jobs. The order provides economic support for employers who create, maintain and modernize quota jobs for people with disabilities and youth. From the city treasury will be provided cash for these events, employers will be given some advantages in the distribution of government orders and will be provided with tax benefits. The procedure for receiving such economic support is established by the Moscow Government, federal laws and other regulatory legal acts. Let us recall that job quotas are one of the main forms of social protection for people with disabilities and youth in the sphere of labor and employment. Quotas for jobs for citizens who especially need social protection are regulated separately in each subject of the country. Provisions on quotas for jobs for people with disabilities are also contained in Federal laws"On employment in the Russian Federation" and "On social protection of disabled people in the Russian Federation".