Is it possible to eat peas nursing. Pea soup for nursing mothers

In many people, peas increase gas formation, which means that it can cause bloating of the baby’s tummy, which is on breastfeeding, will cause painful colic. Does a nursing mother really need to give up tasty, healthy and beloved pea soup? About everything in order.

Healthy and tasty pea soup

Peas contain many amino acids, among them the essential ones are lysine and cystine. Cystine is especially important for good lactation. It helps produce the hormone oxytocin, which is responsible for milk production.

The hormone lysine fights viruses in the body. It copes well with herpes and helps the body resist SARS.

In addition, lysine helps to absorb calcium from the blood, transporting it to bone tissue. Mothers experience a lack of calcium very often. Both during breastfeeding and after lactation. Amino acid lysine is the prevention of osteoporosis, keeping teeth healthy.

Peas are also worth eating because this vegetable of the legume family contains B6 (pyridoxine). This vitamin helps break down amino acids and is involved in their synthesis. Just one of the reasons for the appearance of such unpleasant disease like dermatitis, is a lack of vitamin pyridoxine. If the body lacks vitamin B6, a nursing mother may experience convulsions.

Also, peas contain selenium, which is called the trace element of longevity. Selenium performs very important functions in the human body:

  • improves immunity;
  • is a strong antioxidant;
  • reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases;
  • prevents and even stops the development of malignant tumor processes;
  • accelerates metabolic processes;
  • protects the body from intoxication;
  • helps to solve the problem of infertility;
  • normalizes the work of the nervous and endocrine systems;
  • reduces the intensity of inflammatory processes;
  • improves the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

Peas contain so much selenium that great content trace element allows you to call pea soup a strong anti-carcinogenic agent. After all, selenium protects cells from the development of tumors, prevents the aging of the body, removes foreign substances.

As a result, we can state: pea soup is very useful for mother and baby who is breastfed.

When can a mother introduce peas into her diet?

Some pediatric therapists allow mothers during the period of breastfeeding to introduce pea soup into their diet as early as the 2nd month of a baby's life.

But in most cases, this is a very controversial point. The digestive system of a two-month-old baby is not yet ready for such experiments. The components that peas contain will be passed on to the baby through milk during breastfeeding. The process of their assimilation can be both painful, and vice versa - pass without flatulence. It depends on the degree of development of the enzymatic system in the baby. As a rule, at two months it is still not sufficiently formed in a child. Only the individual reaction of the baby to the product will tell exact time. Therefore, it is best not to rush.

When can pea soup diversify the menu of a nursing mother?
Not earlier than in the last decade of the 3rd month of the baby's life.

How to enter the menu correctly?

There are several rules that a mother of a breastfed baby should follow so that pea soup does not harm:

  • for the first time you can try peas starting with a single dose - a few boiled peas or a couple of spoons of soup. After that, all day you need to observe the reaction of the baby;
  • if the child feels well after pea soup, a sparing version of this dish is introduced into the menu of a nursing mother, but no more than 2 times a week.

Recipe for a delicious pea soup for nursing mothers

You will need:

  • 200 grams of dried peas;
  • 250 grams chicken fillet(or beef);
  • bulb;
  • carrot;
  • 5 potatoes;
  • greens (celery or parsley);
  • salt.


  1. pour peas cold water for the night;
  2. rinse thoroughly in running water and pour 1.5 liters cold water, put on fire and bring to a boil;
  3. after boiling, simmer for 2-3 hours until soft, drain the resulting broth;
  4. pour chicken meat with 2 liters of cold water and cook the broth until the meat is ready, then remove the meat and cut into portions;
  5. after the meat has been taken out, peel the onion and carrots, chop them into slices, cut the potatoes into cubes, cook all the vegetables in the broth for about 20 minutes until the potatoes are soft;
  6. add already cooked peas, salt to taste and herbs to the vegetables, cook the soup for another 2 minutes;
  7. cool the soup prepared in this way and beat with a blender until puree;
  8. it is recommended that you first place vegetables with peas in a blender with a slotted spoon, and then add the remaining broth in parts during the beating process;
  9. pea cream soup should be served with pieces of meat and crispy croutons.

Video: dietary pea soup in a slow cooker

For older mothers of babies, a video recipe for a gentle and natural pea soup in a slow cooker is perfect.

Pea soup is usually included in the list of dishes not recommended for breastfeeding. This is due to the peculiarities of learning vegetable protein, which is found in fresh and dried peas.

Vegetable proteins are broken down in the body and serve as a source of useful amino acids for humans. A significant part of the amino acids obtained from peas is used to maintain the functioning of organs and systems, but the other part forms a protein with specific properties - it is not absorbed by the body.

This protein, when passing through the intestines, partially breaks down, causing increased gas formation. As a result, there are pains in the abdomen, seething, bloating. However, such discomfort threatens only a nursing mother who decides to include pea soup in her menu.

Since the specific protein formed by amino acids is not absorbed by the mother's body, it cannot get into breast milk. And those amino acids that are transmitted to the baby through milk do not form the very “harmful” protein. Thus, the baby will receive only useful material, which is rich in peas and other ingredients of the soup.

The only danger to consider when including pea soup in mom's diet is. But with this is the introduction of any new product on the menu.

Beneficial features

Peas are very useful for a nursing mother, since its composition includes cystine. This essential amino acid contributes to the production of oxytocin, a hormone important for good lactation. Pea soup should be included in the menu for problems with the production of breast milk, as well as during the recovery period of lactation, if it was interrupted for any reason.

Another essential amino acid, lysine, is also important. Lysine increases the body's resistance to viral diseases. In addition, lysine is responsible for the transport of calcium from the blood to the bone tissue. Only when enough lysine in the body, calcium from food or medicine will be well absorbed, strengthening bones and teeth weakened during pregnancy.

A nursing mother needs to receive vitamin B6 - pyridoxine, which is found in large quantities in peas. This vitamin necessary for the breakdown and synthesis of amino acids. Pyridoxine deficiency manifests itself in the form skin rashes(dermatitis) and also causes seizures.

The health and mood of the baby depends on the well-being of a young mother during breastfeeding. Get rid of headaches and bad mood tryptophan, the source of which is pea dishes, helps to increase vitality. Tryptophan normalizes work endocrine system helps to synthesize proteins for muscle tissue and the immune system.

Peas also contain a large number of selenium - the "trace element of longevity". It is extremely important for the health of a nursing mother, because:

  • allows you to increase immunity;
  • helps to speed up metabolic processes in the body;
  • suppresses inflammatory processes;
  • serves to prevent diseases of the cardiovascular system;
  • is a powerful antioxidant;
  • prevents the development of malignant neoplasms;
  • beneficial effect on the condition of hair, nails and skin;
  • removes toxins from the body.

Pea soup is extremely useful, and it can be recommended to breastfeeding women if there is no individual intolerance to this product or contraindications, which include cholecystitis, gout and acute nephritis.

Introducing pea soup into your diet

The baby's digestive system must have time to prepare for a product such as peas. Experimenting with the introduction of pea soup into the mother’s menu should not be until the baby reaches the age of three months - by this time he enzymatic system already well developed.

In order for a nursing mother to track the child's reaction to peas, you can eat three or four peas in the morning. Take dried peas, soak and boil or steam it. fresh or canned peas not suitable - fresh contains active substances, which are difficult for the baby's body to assimilate, and the composition of canned foods includes "chemical" components that are harmful to health.

If within two days the child did not show an allergy, and no digestive disorders were noticed, the next time you can try to enter pea soup on the menu by eating a couple of spoons and again tracking the reaction. In the future, the portion can be smoothly brought up to 200 ml, but you should not use this soup more than twice a week.

How to cook soup

From classic version with smoked meats, a nursing mother will have to refuse, as well as fatty broth on pork or lamb. Pea soup can be boiled in water, chicken or veal broth.

A tasty and healthy soup made from dried peas is worthy of diversifying the menu of a young mother if the baby does not have an individual intolerance to the product.

The diet of a woman during breastfeeding should be as useful and safe as possible for the baby, so many products from it are excluded or limited in quantity.

The question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to eat pea soup is relevant, since the dish is quite popular and tasty. In addition, peas contain many useful components for the body.

Is it possible to eat pea soup during lactation?

So far the question of useful properties legumes in first courses remains controversial. Many experts recommend excluding the dish from the diet of nursing women, since it will only negatively affect the baby. At the same time, peas contain a large amount of vitamins, macro and microelements, as well as protein structures that are necessary for both mother and child. Therefore, decide whether it is possible to eat pea soup when feeding breast milk, follows individually.

The main negative consequences of using the product:

  • flatulence (legumes cause increased gas formation in the intestines);
  • abdominal pain (bloating provokes intestinal colic);
  • allergic reaction (due to great content foreign protein)
  • heartburn (peas are too heavy food for the child's body to digest).

These reactions are subject not only to the child, but also to the woman herself. Therefore, when poor tolerance legume products, the dish should be excluded from the diet without regard to the safety of the baby. However, pea soup with HB can become a source of essential amino acids, powerful antioxidants that stop aging and important trace elements, which mothers during lactation are always in short supply.

Therefore, before refusing a dish, you need to check the baby's reaction to it. However, the product is allowed only after the mother introduces all the components that make up the dish into her diet.

Immediately after birth and in the first three months of the postpartum period, it is forbidden to eat legumes. In this period gastrointestinal tract the baby is not yet formed at all, so eating a meal will definitely have a bad effect on the condition of the baby. After reaching the allowed age, the mother first tries to eat boiled and steamed peas to check the child's reaction to legumes. Only then can pea soup be introduced during breastfeeding.

When preparing a dish for the first time, you can add no more than 10 peas to two liters of liquid. This will make sure that there are no negative reactions from the baby. For the first time, soup is eaten in the morning, immediately after breastfeeding. After that, the baby is carefully observed, noting rashes, bloating, colic and changes in the stool. If there are problems, the product is excluded from the diet for several months, and then they try to introduce it again. For a nursing mother, pea soup is allowed in the amount of one small portion no more than 2 times a week. If the baby reacts ambiguously to the dish, then the multiplicity is reduced to once a week.

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It's no secret that complete diet consists of the first dishes that are necessary for the normal functioning of the digestive system.

After childbirth, such recipes are especially useful, because they help regulate stools and even prevent constipation - but is it possible for a nursing mother to have pea soup? Before you try the first course with legumes, it is better to first read the recommendations of doctors so as not to harm your baby!

After the birth of a child, every mother is forced to listen to the advice of a pediatrician. So, the menu when breastfeeding a newborn is not very pleasing with its vastness - you have to refuse even seemingly harmless treats.

By itself, pea soup does not pose any danger to the mother's body. Usually its recipe includes natural and healthy ingredients - meat and vegetables. But in the case when it comes to the nutrition of a nursing woman, everything changes dramatically - here it is already important to think about the child's body and his calm tummy.

It turns out that most of products after childbirth is not prohibited at all because it poses such a danger to the health of the crumbs. It is simply important to play it safe and not irritate the sensitive ventricle of the newborn so that he is not tormented by intestinal colic and gases.

Pea soup is just such a dish that it is better not to try a nursing mother in the first months after the baby is born. Peas are a product that is difficult to digest, and therefore, when it is digested, flatulence and abdominal pain can develop. Naturally, for baby this is a potential risk. Because newborns can react sharply even to very safe foods.

When can you eat pea soup while breastfeeding

Usually pediatricians allow a young mother to try pea dishes only when her baby has long time there are no problems with stool and digestion.

If the newborn tolerates the menu of the nursing mother well and is not prone to intestinal colic and food allergies, then in the second or third month you can carefully introduce this first dish into your diet.

But it is important to remember that the soup must be prepared in compliance with the necessary rules.

  • The soup must be free of harmful ingredients, fatty ingredients or those products that represent potential threat for intestinal health in children. First of all, this applies to recipes that use smoked meats, sausages or fatty meat. Although such pea soup is much tastier and more aromatic than lean soup, it is forbidden to eat it while breastfeeding.
  • Also, do not cook spicy pea soup. Any spices and spices should be strictly dosed. Do not add garlic to the dish, raw onion and other components with a pronounced smell and taste.
  • At first, you can only add a little salt to the soup and add parsley or dill to it.

In order not to overload the sensitive body of a newborn baby, it is better to cook vegetable pea soup for the first time without meat and frying. Or use lean chicken, beef or veal for the recipe. You can not eat pea soups with fried pork, with an abundance of dressings or fatty frying.

To make sure that the baby tolerates this dish well, first eat only a third of the serving. If over the next day the newborn does not have any problems with the tummy and allergic reactions, so you can eat a whole bowl of pea soup.

The optimal period when a nursing mother should add such a first to her menu is the third or fourth month after childbirth.

For infants, who often have intestinal colic and gaziki, this period can be postponed until the baby reaches six months.

When can pea soup with GV

  • If you and your family tolerate legumes well, you won't have digestive problems after eating peas;
  • If you have already tried pea soup and the baby responded well to it;
  • If you are preparing the first dish without the use of fatty meat, hot spices, dangerous allergens;
  • If the newborn rarely suffers from gas and bloating, if his digestive system is strong enough;
  • If the child is already four or five months old;
  • If the district pediatrician allows you to try this product.

How to cook pea soup for a nursing mother

To make the recipe as useful and digestible as possible, it is best to cook the first course correctly. To do this, use lean young chicken or lean beef meat.

  1. Soak the peas first. This is necessary so that the product swells and boils well in the boiling broth, is better digested by the mother's body.
  2. Next, remove the skin from the chicken, clean the meat of all fatty areas, leaving only the fillet. Then rinse under running water.
  3. Dip lean meat into boiling water and boil longer than usual. Do not send bones to the pan! This broth will be much fatter than usual. Therefore, it is better to specifically buy the sirloin.
  4. When preparing pea soup for a nursing mother, it is important not to add frying to the broth, and also to abandon onions or green onions. It is allowed to put potatoes, carrots, greens in the soup.

If you have never tried pea soup after giving birth and do not know what kind of reaction a baby can have, then it is better to eat only half a plate for the first time. Even cooked according to all the rules and in compliance with safety measures, such a dish can provoke bloating in the crumbs. If this happens, relieve the child's condition with the help of special drops from intestinal colic and give up any legumes for a while.

When a nursing mother cannot have pea soup:

  • In the first months after caesarean section any foods that cause copious accumulation of gases in the intestines should be excluded. This is necessary so that the intestine does not press on the fresh seam from the inside and does not cause discomfort.
  • If after childbirth you have problems with digestive system, often tormented by gases and flatulence. In this case, peas will only aggravate the situation.
  • If the child is still too young. Even when the baby perfectly tolerates all the excesses in the diet of a nursing mother, one should not violate special diet and tasting peas and other beans earlier than a month after giving birth.
  • If the newborn often suffers from intestinal colic and bloating. For such a sensitive intestine, even the most difficult can be a problem. safe product, what can we say about peas, which often provoke flatulence even in adults.
  • If anyone in the family has an intolerance to this product or has food allergy for beans. In this case, it is worth playing it safe, because often such diseases are inherited.

Pea soup with GV, reviews from nursing mothers

Olya V., 33 years old

« I first tried this soup for the sixth month of breastfeeding. The child tolerated the new dish normally, but I prepared it carefully, and before that I consulted with the pediatrician at the clinic. A friend ate almost all the soups already in the second month after giving birth, but we were less fortunate - there were problems with the tummy from birth».

Marina K., 20 years old

« I was looking on the Internet for an answer to the question of whether it is possible for a nursing mother to have pea soup. Based on the experience of many parents and their advice, I decided to try it anyway. Of course, I immediately left the traditional recipe with pork for later, when I finish GW. My daughter is 3 months old and we haven't had any problems. Now I make this soup regularly.».

By quite obvious reasons while breastfeeding, a woman has to limit herself in food. The use of certain foods during breastfeeding is not recommended, because allergenic or harmful substances may enter the child's body. Some women ask if a nursing mother can have pea soup? We will answer this question in this article.

As you know, all legumes increase gas formation in the intestines. Peas are no exception. It is this characteristic of him that makes you think about whether it is worth eating peas (in particular, pea soup) with HS? After all, despite the danger of bloating in the mother and baby, it is very useful.

What is useful peas?

Peas are rich in useful substances:

  • It contains a lot of lysine. Lysine has an anti-inflammatory effect. It increases the body's resistance to various viruses. In addition, thanks to lysine, the normal absorption of calcium by the human body is ensured, which is very important for women in postpartum period and also for their newborn babies.
  • Peas contain cystine, which has a beneficial effect on lactation in women, stimulating the production of oxytocin.
  • Peas are rich in vitamin B6, it takes part in the metabolism of amino acids. The lack of this vitamin is reflected in the skin of a person: it becomes dry, dermatitis appears, jams on the lips, bruises under the eyes. In children under one year old, with a lack of vitamin B6, leg cramps appear.
  • There is a lot of selenium in peas, which improves immunity and strengthens general health person.
  • Peas, like other legumes, are high in protein. Its composition is similar to meat.

From all of the above, it is clear that all those beneficial substances that are contained in peas are simply necessary for the body of a mother who has just given birth and her child. But there are some points to consider.

Peas in very rare cases cause allergies. Therefore, its main drawback is different: after its use, increased gas formation and bloating are observed. In small children, these processes cause intestinal colic. For this reason, a breastfeeding mother should stop drinking pea soup immediately after giving birth.

When can you eat pea soup while breastfeeding? The bean ban doesn't last forever. At about 3 months of a baby's life, mom can try pea soup. And, if the baby reacts normally, it can be introduced into regular use.

Some women claim that they ate pea soup earlier than 2-3 months after giving birth, and at the same time their children calmly endured acquaintance with this product. Everything is explained individual features each child individually. One child has a more developed enzyme system, while the other has a more sensitive and vulnerable body. The mother of a child who regularly suffers from colic is not recommended to eat pea soup up to 3.5 - 4 months. It will be even better if she postpones this wonderful dish until the baby is 6 months old. And mom is healthy calm baby you can try introducing pea soup into your diet at 2 months.

Rules for the introduction of peas in the mother's menu:

  • For the first time, try no more than 1 teaspoon of just boiled peas (not pea soup) in the morning.
  • Within 2 days, monitor the behavior of the baby: did he become restless, how did he sleep, did he experience pain in the tummy, did he have constipation, or something else. Any of these symptoms will indicate the need to give up peas up to 6 months of the baby's life. If backlash did not follow, try boiled peas a couple more times during the week, doubling the dose. Next, you can already eat a simple pea soup.
  • The dish should be prepared from dry cereals, because. fresh peas worse digested by the body.
  • For the first time, do not cook concentrated soup, there should not be a lot of peas.
  • In no case do not add smoked meats to the soup.
  • If the baby responds normally to a pea dish, then you can use it with HS 1-2 times a week.
  • After six months of a baby's life, dishes from fresh peas can also be introduced into the mother's diet.


Easy Pea Soup Recipe

Pea soup for a nursing mother can be prepared in different ways. Here is one of the good and easy recipes.

Ingredients: 200 grams of dried peas, 0.5 chicken breast, 4-5 potatoes, 1 carrot, 1 onion, 3.5 liters of water, salt, bay leaf.

Preparation: Soak the peas in water overnight. Drain the water in the morning. Pour peas with 1 liter of water and put on fire. After boiling, cook the peas over low heat for 40-60 minutes until it softens. At this time, you need to cook the broth. Boil the meat in 2 liters of water. Remove the cooked meat from the pan and chop. Cut the peeled potatoes into cubes, grate the carrots, chop the onion. Send all the vegetables to cook in the broth, add boiled peas to them. Salt the dish and cook it until the vegetables are soft. At the end, you can turn the soup into a puree soup using a blender.

Video recipe for pea soup in a slow cooker

Summing up

Pea soup - very tasty and healthy dish. Lactation is the period when you should use with caution this product. Because of its ability to evoke flatulence, it is not recommended to eat it for nursing mothers up to 3 months. When breastfeeding, it is advisable to cook dry pea soup and in a lower concentration than in traditional recipes. Pea porridge is not recommended until the newborn has reached 4-5 months (due to the strong concentration of peas).