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[Radio Liberty: Programs... Personal matter]

Is it possible to live without love?

Tatiana Tkachuk: The largest number of letters from our listeners always arise from “Personal Matters” topics related to love, but this time all records were broken. “Even discussing the question - is it possible to live without love? - makes no sense. Because the one who lives without love does not live at all,” Alexey, a listener from St. Petersburg, wrote on the Svoboda website. “Frankly speaking, 90 percent of people do without love and feel very good,” says another listener, Muscovite Peter. “It’s possible to live without love, but another question is: what quality will such a life be?” - Alexey reflects in his letter, and with him in the studio are my guests: Komsomolskaya Pravda columnist, poet, writer, playwright Olga Kuchkina and film director Sergei Solovyov.

Letters to the site this time came from Israel, Portugal, Australia, the USA, Moldova, Kazakhstan and many Russian cities, but first we will give the floor to Muscovites who answered Maryana Torocheshnikova’s question on the city streets: “Do you think it is possible live without love?

No, because life will be bleak. You will get up in the morning, go to work, return home, have dinner, watch TV, go to bed - and you will not experience any emotions. And there will be no aspirations. After all, love pushes us to heroic deeds; often, for the sake of love, people perform some heroic deeds. In addition, it is for the sake of love that women put themselves in order, become beautiful, and achieve some kind of career, just like men. By and large, the engine of the whole world is probably love.

Of course not. Because it gives an incentive to life, without it it is simply impossible to live. I'm going to the store now to buy new Year gifts, products, why? Because I love my children, I love my wife. I live for the holiday that is coming, and love seems to be moving me now.

No you can not. Because it turns out to be a richer world, and there are more colors. And in general it’s boring without love. It brings suffering and joy too, so I think it’s impossible.

Without love there will be some kind of suffering. Probably physically possible, but not interesting.

Completely impossible. In general, I believe that, firstly, God is love. And secondly, what is there anyway, if not love? If not love, then hatred, indifference - how to live with this? Then there is no life, there is only hatred and indifference.

Can. But this is sad, because many of the joys of life will not exist if there is no love - sexual, even sublime. It depends on what kind of love, of course. It’s bad without her, but not so bad that you can’t live. Well, what to do, many people live without love.

Without love - no. Because love is life. Life is love. Without love nothing will work out.

If a person does not love, why should he live in this world? Life is love.

No, of course not. Love warms the soul, without love it is impossible to live. Those who live without love, they simply do not suspect that they love. Love is the soul.

You can live, but it’s boring.

No. I live here, and love has accompanied me all my life. But love is different. There is love for a man, there is love for children, and there is love for an artist, for example.

It's possible without love. But without experiencing this feeling, apparently, you will not know one of the best feelings that can be experienced in this life. Probably so. Because it makes a person think about high things, suffer in in a good way this word and, in the end, give your life to another person. Probably so.

Tatiana Tkachuk: In this survey, not a single opinion was voiced that confirmed Peter’s letter about 90 percent of the population living well without love. Olga, do you think our correspondent Maryana Torocheshnikova was just lucky that she met such loving passers-by? Or is Peter still closer to the truth?

Olga Kuchkina: No, I think that all people have exhausted the topic, Tanya, actually.

Tatiana Tkachuk: That is, we can close the broadcast? (laughs).

Olga Kuchkina: We can close the broadcast because everything has been said. No, I think that this is not a selective people, of course, but this is all in fact the way it is. That is, even if someone lives without love, and this happens quite often, he still understands, or we understand, that he lives without it - which means it is still significant. That is, in general there is nothing more significant in life than this.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Look, Nikolai Kuznetsov, a Muscovite, writes to us: “If it were impossible to live without love, at least, three quarters of the population would have died immediately. However, this is not happening."

Olga Kuchkina: But because there is this! In general, I love Dante’s formula most of all: “Love commands the beloved to love.” That is, it seems that love exists even outside of us. Probably some biochemists, biophysicists will tell you that there are endorphins, I don’t know what else...

Tatiana Tkachuk: Hormones of happiness.

Olga Kuchkina: ... yes, hormones of happiness, hormones of love, and all this is explained, of course, by some completely scientifically. But, besides everything, it seems to me that love is something spilled in space. And love, which commands loved ones to love, is something outside of us, to which we obey or disobey, or we fight against it, and hence there are many all kinds of collisions in life that either make us happy or make everyone around us unhappy. Because if a person does not love, he sows unhappiness around himself, and if no one loves him.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Olga. I was so pleased with the mail that came from our listeners for this particular broadcast that I will probably quote letters from the Svoboda website again and again. “Love is like a lonely hut,” writes Ryazantsev (unfortunately, there is no name in the letter). “In this hut you will only find what you bring with you.”

Sergey, is this image close to you, at least to some extent, and what, in your opinion, determines whether a person has anything to bring into this hut with him?

Sergey Soloviev: You know, firstly, there is a very big internal urge to always say something the opposite. Everyone says: how, without love, we will all end, we will all die... And I just have such a desire - not to sing to the same herd trumpet and say something original. No, of course, it’s impossible to say anything original here. There is some kind of fact here that does not even require any proof. I also agree that we can curtail the broadcast at the very beginning due to the lack of a subject for controversy, there is no controversy.

Although, in fact, this topic is so delicate that such a massive simplicity of the answer - tomorrow there will be no love, and I will stop going to work tomorrow - it seems to me that it is so insufficient... Well, what can we call love? We have worn out, worn out, and tortured a certain number of words and concepts that exist behind these words to such an extent that sometimes it is even embarrassing to use some words. In particular, I really try not to use the word “love”.

Tatiana Tkachuk: You even put a heart instead of the word “love” in the title of your latest film.

Sergey Soloviev: Yes, because love is called the devil. Right now it’s the New Year holidays, there are these concerts on TV, and everyone who dances there left leg who's on right leg, some bang their heads against the wall, some shake their heads into the audience - they all “shake” something about love, without love they don’t “shake” anything.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Moreover, all channels are broadcasting the same thing...

Sergey Soloviev: It’s the same thing, and on all channels they are still talking about the same “nasty”, as it were, which they also call love, just like normal people. Therefore, for example, I formulated for myself the first and main characteristic of love: love is something that cannot be talked about in public, so this seems to exclude our such conversation. But, in principle, this is the most important feeling. The point is not even to keep some kind of personal secret, but the point is not to talk about it in conversations, in evidence, on the contrary, in some kind of feeling.

Maybe I loved yesterday, but today I no longer love... You see, I speak, but I myself am ashamed to simply speak, just as I am ashamed to utter the word “spirituality.” It’s not that there’s anything bad behind it, it’s just that it’s been worn out and turned into who knows what. Therefore, I believe, when talking on this topic, we must always remember that if there really is love, then this love presupposes highest degree delicacy. Maybe another kind of feeling is this religious feeling, that is, both are true when they are non-social feelings. That is, in fact, no one cares about this.

Tatiana Tkachuk: No, it’s just something for everyone...

Sergey Soloviev: Yes, there is something for everyone. Seryozha Kuryokhin, the late, great man and great composer, was asked in an interview: “Now let’s talk about your personal, intimate life.” He looked at the questioner as if he were a man who had fallen from an oak tree and said: “What are you doing? Since it is personal and intimate, why are we talking about it?”

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Sergey. In my program I never ask my guests about their personal, intimate life; I am rather interested in the attitude of my guests to the topic under discussion...

In fact, all the work of my guests today - both director Solovyov and writer Kuchkina - is a kind of hymn of love, from my point of view (that’s why I invited them to this broadcast). Olga, in your novels - for me especially in “The Voice of Ash”, and in the others, perhaps, in “The Philosopher and the Wench”, and in “Frame”, and in “Krandievsky’s Love for Alice” - your heroes and heroines, which means you yourself say that for most people love is only one of many life values, but for your heroes it is the first and main value.

Here I found a quote from “The Epistle to the Romans”: “She probably lived wrong. She should have shifted the center of gravity to what everyone has: work. Would she have been a woman then? Excuse me, but the rest are not women? The rest have love knows his place. Like a dog. At Ada's angry dog owned by its owner. Probably, Ada should have lived not in this century, but in the last century, when everything was arranged a little differently, and the feminine principle was fraught with true, and not false, content. Then true female happiness was possible. And Anna Karenina? It's not a matter of centuries. The point is some kind of initial flaw, which turns the arrow from the insane fullness of existence (apparent?!...) to the insane emptiness."

Olga, do you find it difficult in life with such a philosophy? After all, this is probably the philosophy of not only your heroine.

Olga Kuchkina: Maybe yes. This is probably how it all was and is. And I don’t really know... In general, each of us, when we are born and begin to communicate with other people, read books, watch different films, we look for confirmation of our thoughts, our feelings, our image and existence. And this will forever remain a secret. We cannot, in fact, get into the skin of another person. Everyone opens or closes or expresses themselves in some way, but in reality all this is - great secret. And I still don’t know how other people live, and when I write my characters, naturally, it’s all one character - both men and women. These are guesses about what they are like, who lives in what way.

You know, I’d better switch attention from my story to a story known to everyone. And I will show you how completely unusual it is possible to interpret everything that we know, but from an unknown point of view. There is such a person whom some adore, others hate, his name is Vladimir Ilyich Lenin. I’ll quote Kollontai’s notes: “He could no longer live after Armand’s death. Inessa’s death accelerated the development of the disease, which brought him to the grave.” There - now it is already known - there was an absolutely amazing novel. When Inessa Armand died in 1920, he placed white hyacinths on her coffin. His wife Krupskaya led him by the arm, he could not walk. He was completely broken by this circumstance. There are Armand's letters to him, and there are his letters, they were all somehow torn, some pieces were torn off... In general, when this novel arose, Krupskaya cried with jealousy, then she got used to it, then she accepted everything. Then they agreed with Lenin that they would separate.

And when Armand died, when all this happened, he was tormented by neuralgia, he was tormented by insomnia. He wrote, in addition to his execution notes, which were very cruel, at this time: “I’m stupid, I’m sick, I can’t continue to live.” And a rumor spread throughout Moscow that he was delusional, that he was being pursued mother of God. Look, what tragic facts, how they perhaps explain in a new way what was happening in the world, in humanity, in the entire Soviet Union - Stalinism, Leninism and so on. Or maybe all this is because love was stifled?

Tatiana Tkachuk: Now go argue with the fact that love is chemistry, judging by what you said about what happened to the body. Or biochemistry, I don’t know... We’ll take the first calls. Moscow, Yuri Stepanovich, hello.

Listener: Good afternoon. Olga Andreevna, dear, perhaps you remember, in the summer you talked about the epistolary genre, about letters. And I told you that I write letters to my wife.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Yes, we remember your call.

Olga Kuchkina: Yes.

Listener: So, I'll tell you this thing. You know, 20 years ago, on January 6, 1986, there was such a quiet frosty evening, and I met a woman, talked to her for 15 minutes - and 15 minutes stretched into 20 years. Today is 20 years.

Tatiana Tkachuk: We congratulate you.

Listener: I'm alone now, she's very far away. We talk on the phone every day. But I want to say something that happens... I love her very much, and you can’t even explain anything with this verb. And I will tell you that sometimes a person lives his life, he has a wife, children, but this state of mind, unfortunately, he does not understand what it is, he does not get to it. I remember Bunin saying that real love and even a response is an extraordinary torment. Why? But because what is it worth just one thought about possible loss person?! This is a misfortune! After these 20 years, I have a completely different assessment of the phrase with which Alexander Green ends all his stories: “They lived happily and died on the same day.” Maybe this is very sad, but I will tell you that the state of love is impossible to describe, it will always be poor. And I’ll just tell you that I can give my life for my wife without regret.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Yuri Stepanovich for the call. Olga, will you comment?

Olga Kuchkina: Well, all this really touches me, and it’s a happy, rare feeling. I remember this man, indeed, from that broadcast.

Tatiana Tkachuk: We asked him back then whether his wife answers letters, and he answered: “No, she only reads them.” Remember how surprised we were?

Olga Kuchkina: Yes. Well, here you go, here you go.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Olga. Let's take another call. Moscow, Elsa Germanovna, hello.

Listener: Hello. Olga Andreevna, you know, here one could also recall the words of La Rochefoucauld, who said that love is like a ghost - they talk about it, but few have seen it. And he also said that there is only one love, but there are thousands of imitations of it. And it seems to me that in our age, when there are so many fakes, it is, of course, good to talk about the one love that is true. Do you agree with me?

Tatiana Tkachuk: Olga, please. I also really want to participate, but I have a question for you.

Olga Kuchkina: You know, I actually think there are a lot of loves. In general, each person experiences this in his own way, and everyone has their own revelation. No, it seems to me a lot. And the fact that you can love once or love many times - there are no laws here. Some people have one fate, others another.

Tatiana Tkachuk: But then what Sergei spoke about does not work out - “today I love, but tomorrow I don’t love”?

Sergey Soloviev: No, I didn't talk about that. I was talking about something else.

Olga Kuchkina: Seryozha simply said that there was a lot of chatter, a lot of chatter. After all, you can not say this word at all, or say it once or many times - this is all absolutely individual.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Elderly people sometimes say that only in old age will you understand whether you loved this person or not, when life is already behind you, when you have already great experience and in retrospect this can be realized. And when you are “in the process”, it is impossible to understand whether this is infatuation or love, or is it accidental?

Olga Kuchkina: What's the difference? Who cares what you're in? If at this time life reveals all its colors, if you go crazy, if you feel good and bad at the same time, what difference does it make?

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Olga. “Most of the people living next to me are tied with an invisible chain and perform some kind of devilish dance in life, intimidating and dragging the ignorant into it. And they seem to be not hungry and beautifully dressed, and no one oppresses them. And the engine of life for them is hatred I am sure that most people live without love and according to the proverb “like the priest, so is the parish” - this is a quote from a letter to Vladimir’s Svoboda website.

Sergey, not only your film, which was released a year ago, which is called “About Love” (let me remind listeners that it is based on the works of Chekhov), but also, probably, all the other films that you have made in your life, - and “Assa”, and “Black Rose - the emblem of sadness”, and “Tender Age”, and “Heiress in a Line” - they are all about love. Not to mention Anna Karenina, which you are filming now. It’s a strange thing: other directors make action films, thrillers, detective stories - and you, a man, so persistently, year after year, all your creative life talk to the viewer specifically about love. Why?..

Sergey Soloviev: Firstly, it never occurred to me that I’ve been filming about love all my life. In any case, there has never been a time in my life that I scratched my butt and thought: I need to write something about love, this is the topic that excites me. You see, we were talking about this now and we used this word many times, both our listeners and we, to understand what it is. Again, what is characteristic of love is that it is impossible to understand anything connected with it. This is normal, positive human thinking; it absolutely cannot answer any question related to this feeling. Because, perhaps, there really is one picture that I did not shoot, but on which I worked a lot, it explained something to me in this matter - this is the story of the relationship between the great Russian writer Turgenev and Pauline Viardot.

Tatiana Tkachuk: I wanted to talk about this today.

Sergey Soloviev: There, indeed, the main subject was this state that Turgenev experienced all his life, and everything else was a consequence of this.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Sergey, can I ask a question right along the way? In general, from your point of view, is Turgenev living “on the edge of the family nest” by Pauline Viardot, being absolutely aware of what is happening, a normal phenomenon? Or is it still beyond the bounds?

Sergey Soloviev: Well, again in love normal phenomena can not be! We say all the time that love brings us joy. As Tsvetaeva was asked: “But you are always happy in love, do your wings grow?” She looked at the questioner as if he were crazy and asked: “What, is there such a thing as happy love?” We somehow want to domesticate this concept of love and make it comfortable. Neither homeliness, nor comfort, nor this, nor the “oohs”... Finally, we understand how to live - we need to live out of love - and we will feel joyful. This is all horrifying vulgarity, killing the whole meaning of this feeling. When I read one description of how Turgenev simply looked when Viardot began to sing, I suddenly realized: my mother, what a horror this is! We say: Turgenev was sitting on the edge of something alien... He never had the feeling that he was sitting on the edge of something alien. He had the feeling that, on the contrary, they were sitting on the edge of something alien and could not understand it. It literally said the following: “At the first sounds of Viardot’s voice, when she began to sing, Turgenev became pale, and from the outside it was clear that he was on the eve of a terrible mental faint.” This made him faint.

Maybe I should change my life, maybe this is not the same love? - when there is love, then there are no such questions. He could not change anything, do anything, because this - as Bunin brilliantly formulated - sunstroke.

Olga Kuchkina: And yet - a wonderful disease - they say.

Sergey Soloviev: It's already more beautiful.

Olga Kuchkina: But it's a disease.

Sergey Soloviev: And this is sunstroke. Well, you were hit on the head with a heavy hammer - why should you expect a comfortable and happy state from this, that “the main thing for me is to save this sunstroke and live in this foolishness until...”? We are confusing concepts. Although at the moment of sunstroke...

Olga Kuchkina: Seryozhechka, someone can save it. Don't take this opportunity away.

Sergey Soloviev: That's right, I'm not taking it away. I'm just saying that I'm very glad to hear such information about love. I'm just saying that you don't need this internally...

Tatiana Tkachuk: ...equate one to the other.

Sergey Soloviev: Yes, increase the level of well-being, double GDP and everyone be in love - and then we will have a very comfortable and good life. No, love is a tragic feeling that simply takes over... This ball lightning, blow, whatever.

Tatiana Tkachuk: When you talked about sunstroke, I thought that it was more reminiscent, perhaps, even of a lightning strike.

Olga Kuchkina: And sunstroke, by the way, is a serious thing. I experienced it, I had it.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Me too.

Olga Kuchkina: This is heavy stuff.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, gentlemen. Let's listen to the calls. Moscow, Vladimir, hello.

Listener: Good afternoon friends. I agree with Seryozha, yes, indeed, the word “love” is very worn out and has lost its meaning. I love seeds, I love my wife, I love God - all in one word. But in Greek there are several meanings of the word “love”. The lowest form of love is designated by the word “eros” - carnal love. Love between friends is denoted by the word "filio". And there is more highest form love - sacrificial love, selfless love - and it is called the word "agape". It was this love that prompted Jesus Christ to come to earth and accomplish his great feat on Calvary. It is this love that endures for a long time, is merciful, is not irritated, does not think evil, covers everything and believes everything and never ceases. May the Lord bless you with just such love. Thank you.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Vladimir. Since you are talking about definitions and some gradations, I would like to give one quote from the site for Sergei. Konstantin from Australia, the author of the letter, writes: “Love is a hormonally determined state of a predominantly healthy person, in which his most important physiological needs find their natural satisfaction in the most acceptable and accepted form in a given community." Oh how!!! Then he quotes Freud, who believed that a healthy person should work, play and love, and if for some reason he cannot do all this do, then this person must be treated.

Sergey, the question is, actually: is this a bit dry, but accurate, or does everything that our Australian listener wrote have to do with sex, but not with love?

Sergey Soloviev: You see, it's about understanding. I would like to understand what this is. Let’s say that a very intelligent woman, balanced, calm, reasonable, Anna Andreevna Akhmatova completely went berserk at the mention of Freud’s name. She said: “If he’s right, then everything that happened to me personally is all insanity, just insanity, which can be divided into these same figments of his, what a gimmick in childhood, what a gimmick else..." Freud - the wisest man, educated, normal people, he definitely observed everything. She says, "Well, his observation has nothing to do with true life they don’t have souls, because they are different things.” That is, positive knowledge about the world is one type of thing. That secret and main knowledge about the world, which includes love, absolutely does not agree with the positive.

That is, it is impossible to think of a more unhappy person than Turgenev, but there was no happier one either - that’s the number. And I read about how they rented - already old Turgenev - together with Viardot a house in Paris, and he lived above Viardot, and she was below, and he punched a hole in the floor and put a pipe from a steamer there, because he didn’t have I was healthy enough to go down. And her students came, and they began to play music, play, and she sang along - and he stood at the top of this pipe and said: “Here, here, here...” - and offered to stick his ear into the pipe. And people listened and looked at him like he was a complete idiot: what, exactly, did he hear there? There was almost nothing to be heard there. That's what love is!

Tatiana Tkachuk: This is in no way “a hormonally determined state of a predominantly healthy person” (laughs).

Sergey Soloviev: That's for sure... You can't introduce these concepts into the concept of "comfortable life", you understand. Anna Karenina - Tsvetaeva brilliantly said about her. She says: "This is the tragedy of a woman who got everything she wanted." You see what nonsense this is! And the so-called Anna Karenina’s fiction that Vronsky no longer loves her is impossible. As he loved, he still loves, but she begins to go crazy that he does not love her. Due to what?

Tatiana Tkachuk: That is, he loves her not enough or not the way she wants.

Sergey Soloviev: Due to the fact that the ball of ball lightning rolled around a certain corner at this time. Maybe he would have rolled back, but the disappearance from her direct field of vision fireball love, which she had never seen in her life before Vronsky... No concepts can explain any of this.

Olga Kuchkina: This is just we're talking about about the insane fullness of existence and the instantly insane emptiness. Do you know, gentlemen, that in general, every person is given absolutely equal happiness and unhappiness, but it can either be very deep, and then, if you are deeply happy, then you are also deeply unhappy, you can also experience this feeling, or this quite flat - you are a little happy, a little unhappy. But this is the same - that, by the way, is the absolutely amazing mystery of life. Now, if you look at yourself and those around you, you will see this formula, completely insane.

Tatiana Tkachuk: That is, there is no chance of being very happy, and then not suffering for it?

Olga Kuchkina: No, it doesn't exist.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Olga. Thank you, Sergey. Petersburg, Georgy, you are on the line. Hello.

Listener: Greetings. I want to note two points. First, there are three world forces - love, hatred, and the third - this is cold, heartless wisdom, which is more often found among scientists, in particular, those who invented atomic bomb. And secondly, I want to briefly tell the legend about John the Evangelist, just a legend. He lived, as you know, for a very long time, to a very old age, and did not die a violent death, like all the other disciples of Jesus Christ. A student once asked: “Sir, why do you always talk to us about love? Every time we start, you translate everything into this.” He says: “My dears, the fact is that, apart from love, nothing exists in the world. That’s why I’m telling you about love.” Thank you.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Georgiy. I’ll give you two opinions from the site that are opposite to yours. 37-year-old Mila from Kazakhstan writes that love is a rare piece of luck, a win, a gift of fate. She further reflects: “Few people win at the casino, but no one asks the question, is it possible to live without winning at the casino? You can live without love. And this does not at all mean a dry or stingy soul.” Yuri from Tomsk adds that you can live in life without love if you have something to do. “But if there are no problems with survival and there is nowhere to put the money,” writes Yuri, “then life without love is unbearable, especially for women.”

Sergey, in your opinion, is this physical, or what, the impossibility of existing without love - is this really a feature that is more feminine than masculine?

Sergey Soloviev: No, female, male... Indeed, yes, women, men, but in the main it is some kind of single human...

Tatiana Tkachuk: That is, the gender approach is not close to you?

Sergey Soloviev: I cannot seriously hear about feminist problems, that we are not chosen enough, that we are not chosen, that we do not participate in governance. Everything in this world is correct and balanced, in general, from the very beginning. And everything we say about love, in particular, is absolutely the same for men and women. We are all living beings, in whom either the pragmatic feeling that “we are ours, we new world let’s build, whoever was nothing will become everything,” or we seem to know from the very beginning that there is no need to build anything, everything was actually built, but you just need to understand yourself, understand the person who is next to you. Not even to understand, but to feel , to feel beyond the so-called positive approach to the world. That is, in principle, it seems to me that people who take society seriously are doomed, since all social delights and all social horrors have no secret.

Olga Kuchkina: The priority is the individual, of course.

Sergey Soloviev: Yes, but the individual lives outside of society. That is, the most important task of a developed, serious society is to help lag behind a person, from an individual, to allow him to live alone or together with someone he likes, or with five people, to experience some unthinkable, extra-social things. Therefore, one single thing is important - this is the autonomy of existence human personality, absolute independence. And the job of society is only to provide an opportunity...

Tatiana Tkachuk: Leave behind.

Sergey Soloviev: ...get behind, get rid of it.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Sergey. Olga, please.

Olga Kuchkina: But Boris Pasternak has a prose, begun and not finished, called “Lovelessness.” And there, by the way, we are talking about events February revolution, that is, not about love, but it is called “Lovelessness.” And this, by the way, is about society too. This is about what the girl wrote alone, that you can live without love, as long as you have something interesting to do, but you can’t, you can’t, it’s a mistake. Either she loves, but does not know it, or she is mistaken. And I wanted to say, Seryozha, that in your films... you were surprised that they are about love, but in fact this also means that they are about life, but this precisely means that life equals love .

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Olga. We'll take another call. And regarding society, I have a question for you. Petersburg, Georgy Georgievich, hello.

Listener: Hello. Your guest spoke about Inessa Armand and Lenin. Why not remember Hitler and Eva Braun? After all, it is unknown whose ideas, Lenin or Hitler, brought more harm to humanity. Let's look at North Korea.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Georgy Georgievich, we are not talking about the ideas of this or that leader today, but we are talking today about love. And I, with your permission, will not let you lead us away from the topic with such a harsh hand. And we will take Lyudmila’s call from Smolensk. Lyudmila, hello.

Listener: Hello, gentlemen. I am 68 years old, and if we talk about love, I support that radio listener who said that we only find out in old age who we loved. And love, from my point of view, is something bright, spiritual, not clouded by passion and lust. These, in my opinion, are incompatible things. I can say this, I am 68 years old, and since I was 18, the sun has been shining on me just one name. This time. Secondly, you know, gentlemen, it’s a shame to waste Radio Liberty’s precious time talking about love, lust, and guilt. There is a program “Encyclopedia of the Russian Soul” about health, yours in particular - you are doing everything well, but we need more freedom in 1991. The country is at a turning point, fear reigns everywhere, people’s destinies are in danger.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Lyudmila. I can't promise you that I won't talk about love...

Actually, my question about society was this. Please tell me, gentlemen, why in our society we do not understand at all the motive for divorce, such as “the end of love”? Drinks - understandable, hits - understandably, walks - understandably. But when two people get divorced, and friends ask what happened, and someone answers “I fell out of love” or “I fell out of love,” there are absolutely bewildered faces. It seems that we saw such a sociological cross-section both in the survey of Muscovites and in the mail that came, you said some wonderful things today, but we are faced with an everyday situation - people do not understand. So what, well, we’ve lived for 20 years - what kind of love is there? They seemed to have gotten used to it, they seemed to have gotten used to it, everything seemed to be fine, there were no objective reasons. It does not count objective reason. What happens in this case, Olga?

Olga Kuchkina: The fact is that in general this is my own, personal life, and I am absolutely not obligated to tell you whether I have fallen out of love or not. I can say that they didn’t get along in character. That is, it doesn’t matter at all, it seems to me.

Tatiana Tkachuk: We “got together” for 20 years, and then “didn’t get along”?

Olga Kuchkina: It doesn't matter what words it was put into when you disagree. But, of course, love is gone, of course, that’s all. Nothing else is the reason.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Olga. Sergey, what is your opinion?

Sergey Soloviev: It seems to me that in relation to this feeling you should have a constant, total feeling that you know nothing. That is, in particular, let’s say I’m not convinced, when we talk about happy love, that this is always connected with the concept of marriage, it may be quite the opposite. That is, total ignorance from the point of view of practical reason. And total amazement at what it leads you to. And I generally don’t believe at all in such a reasonable construction of love relationships that must end somewhere. Oddly enough, total development love relationship in Anna Karenina, and these very 10 lines about the properties of passion that Pasternak dreamed of ended quite logically with the wheels of a train. And they couldn’t end with anything else. Whether it was happiness or misfortune - I don’t know, that’s a big question. I'm making a film about Anna Karenina, and I don't have any answers. The only thing I can think about is to write those 10 lines “about the properties of passion” that Lev Nikolaevich brilliantly wrote.

Olga Kuchkina: Well, Pasternak wrote it.

Sergey Soloviev: Well, yes...

Tatiana Tkachuk: Sergey, why do you think there are no modern films about love of such power? Here you are filming “Karenina” - it’s still a classic. Why?

Olga Kuchkina: Seryozha, please take down my novel “The Voice of Ash”. This is a modern passion.

Sergey Soloviev: In exactly the same way, one of the oligarchs asked me: “Listen, can you explain to me, why hasn’t a picture of a good, smart, strong, active, creative oligarch appeared yet?”

Tatiana Tkachuk: Because he doesn't exist.

Sergey Soloviev: I say: “No, I can’t explain it to you.”

Olga Kuchkina: Tanya, give me half a minute.

Part one.

Well look.

Well, take it.

Well, lie down. Just know that I will kill you.

Part two.

It's so healing to look at girls.

Well look.

It’s so healing to take them by the hand.

Well, take it.

It's so healing to lie in bed with them.

Well, lie down. Do whatever you want, just be alive.

Tatiana Tkachuk: Thank you, Olga. Thank you, Sergey. Victor Dubrovsky writes to our website that the concept of love cannot be reduced only to what happens between a man and a woman. “The love of parents and children shapes the psyche for the rest of our lives. The love of creativity makes us human,” reflects Victor. “Many are also gifted with simply a love of life as such. And this is wonderful, although it is difficult for others.” I don’t know, in my opinion, on the contrary, it’s difficult for those around us to deal with those who don’t know the feeling that we talked about today for an hour...

Discussions on whether it is possible to live without love will last as long as humanity lives. Indeed, why does a person need love if he has a mind, arms, legs and all the benefits of civilization created by him? But would the development of this very civilization be possible without love?

Why can't a person live without love?

Because without her he simply would not have been born. Love underlies the reproductive instinct; it is also an invariable component of a mother’s feelings for her newborn child, which prompts her to take care of him and protect him to the last drop of blood. Love is the foundation, the support of everything. When it exists, a person wants to live, work, breathe, and most importantly, give. Those who are unable to love cannot give anything in return; they will never become good spouses, parents, or children. Their little world, fenced off from everyone else, is pitiful and poor.

It is possible to live in a marriage without love, but will it be happy - that is the question. Many choose a mate based on the criteria of wealth, position in society, etc. It is more important for them to look, create an impression, and not to be. They are ready to give up happiness for the sake of imaginary well-being, but over time, many realize that this is the wrong path. When asking yourself whether a person can live without love, you need to think about the meaning of his life. Does he exist at all? After all, his entire existence is an empty and meaningless struggle, an effort on himself, because such a member of society does not feel supported. The ground beneath him is unsteady, like sand, and his soul is lonely, like the wind in a field. Confucius also said that love is what makes a person human. Those who do not know this feeling destroy our planet, start wars and disasters, but those who love create and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of love for their neighbor.

In this review article, we will look at where the pancreas is located and how it hurts, describe the main diseases of the pancreas, and provide recommendations for the use of medications and treatment of the pancreas at home with folk remedies.

The pancreas performs essential functions in the human body, functioning in close relationship with the digestive organs, and the slightest disruption in its work will lead to negative changes in the harmonious process.

Doctors in Ancient Greece They considered the pancreas one of the most significant organs and called it “pancreas,” which translates as “all made of meat.” Indeed, this organ performs irreplaceable functions, the main of which are: regulating energy metabolism and ensuring digestion. The digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates in the intestines occurs thanks to the enzymes of the gland, and its hormones act as regulators of glucose levels in the blood.

Where is the pancreas located?

The pancreas is located in abdominal cavity(approximately the level of the first and second lumbar vertebrae). The organ is located behind the stomach and is tightly adjacent to it and the duodenum.

If you project to the side abdominal wall, its location is approximately 5-10 cm above the navel.

The head of the gland is surrounded by the duodenum, which surrounds it in the shape of a horseshoe. The pancreas supplies blood to the pancreas through the pancreatic-duodenal arteries.

How does the pancreas hurt?

Diseases of the pancreas such as pancreatitis, adenocarcinoma, stones are common. excretory ducts, necrosis and diabetes.

Pancreatitis - inflammation of the pancreas, as well as its damage is signaled following symptoms:

  • pain in the area under the ribs on the left side;
  • weakness;
  • increased sweating;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • elevated temperature;
  • nausea, vomiting;
  • yellowness of the skin and whites of the eyes;
  • diarrhea;
  • possible shock.

Pain during exacerbation of pancreatitis appears suddenly, has an acute girdling nature - spreads along the entire left side and can spread behind the back. Antispasmodics cannot relieve pain; some relief is possible in a sitting position and bending slightly forward. Sometimes the patient feels a “bloating” from the inside, physically feels an enlargement of the gland and pressure in the ribs, interfering with full breathing.

As the pain intensifies, the gag reflex becomes stronger. Bouts of vomiting may precede the onset of pain. Vomiting often appears in the morning or as a reaction to eating, i.e. as a result of stomach cramps. After vomiting, which has a bitter or sour taste, relief comes for a while. Vomiting can be either systematic or appear intermittently.

In case of an acute attack of pancreatitis, you should immediately go to the hospital, where doctors will prescribe hospital treatment. Without taking action, the disease will not go away. In case of prolonged attacks of vomiting, the stomach is cleansed using a probe and special enzymes are prescribed to eliminate the aggressiveness of the pancreas and stomach.

Treatment of the pancreas at home

When pancreatitis is in the acute stage, complete fasting is required for 24-46 hours. During this time, the production of pancreatic juice will be reduced to a minimum, reducing the load on the pancreas. A few days before the onset of an exacerbation, a person loses his appetite. At this time you need to drink non-carbonated mineral water, rosehip decoction or solution baking soda.

Symptoms of acute pancreatitis include vomiting and abdominal pain that last for several days. The same symptoms may indicate cholecystitis, appendicitis, intestinal obstruction or stomach ulcer. For determining correct diagnosis an immediate visit to the doctor is required. Acute pancreatitis is treated only in hospital settings.

Folk remedies

Efficient and available method treating the pancreas at home - cleaning the organ and its vessels using diet. In case of diseases of the pancreas, sweet foods are removed from the diet (only honey is allowed), fatty, fried and spicy foods, and alcohol. It is also worth giving up smoking. It is necessary to introduce restrictions on food; overeating should not be allowed. Porridges are healthy, especially buckwheat and oatmeal. Drinking regime is also important. You need to drink a lot of water; you can add a little freshly squeezed water to your drinking water. lemon juice.

The following folk remedies will help cure pancreatic pain.

Curdled milk compress

Used for pain and inflammation during an attack of pancreatitis. Soft cloth soak in yogurt and place a compress on the abdomen in the stomach area. All that remains is to place a plastic bag on top and wrap it with a woolen scarf or handkerchief. The procedure takes about six weeks.

Lemon and garlic mixture

For cooking folk remedy You will need 1 kg of lemons, which are used with the peel, 300 grams of garlic and the same amount of parsley. All ingredients are ground in a meat grinder. The seeds are first removed from the lemons. The mixture is stored in the refrigerator in a glass container and taken three times a day, 1 tsp. a quarter of an hour before eating.

To enhance the effect, it is recommended to drink the mixture with a healthy infusion. It is prepared as follows: take blueberry, lingonberry, strawberry leaves, corn silk, and bean pods in equal proportions. One tablespoon of the resulting mixture is poured into a thermos with one glass of boiling water and infused overnight. A glass of infusion is divided into three parts and drunk together with the garlic mixture. Treatment is carried out throughout three months.

Parsley milk decoction

Wash 800 grams of parsley well, chop finely and pour boiling milk over it. To prepare the decoction, use enamel dishes. The milk should completely cover the greens. The broth is simmered over low heat; the milk should not be allowed to boil over. This portion is enough for a day. Take 2 tablespoons every hour.

Video tips

Medical supplies

Groups are used to treat pancreatic diseases medical supplies.


Antispasmodic drugs are used: “Drotaverine”, “No-Shpa”, “Baralgin”, “Papaverine”. In case of moderate pain, Iburofen or Acetaminophen will help. It is acceptable to use analgesics (Aspirin or Paracetamol) and antihistamines, such as "Diphenhydramine", "Platifillin", "Atropine".

Enzyme products

To reduce the production of enzymes, patients are prescribed “Contrical”, “Aprotinin”. When acute attack passes or when chronic pancreatitis Enzyme therapy is needed to help normalize digestive function. In this case, the following are prescribed: “Mezim”, “Panzinorm”, “Pancreatin”, “Festal”, “Creon”. Their use is contraindicated in case of allergy to pork protein, since this component is the basis. IN childhood such a reaction can provoke intestinal obstruction, then remedies will come to the rescue plant origin: “Somilaza”, “Unienzyme”, “Somilaza”, they are based on papain or rice fungus.

The use of enzymes occurs after meals. The doctor prescribes the required dosage individually. In some cases, after a course of treatment, maintenance therapy is prescribed, which may be necessary throughout life. In case of exocrine dysfunction, drugs are used to regulate blood sugar levels - insulin preparations.

For diseases of the pancreas, you should not resort to self-medication, which can provoke diseases such as diabetes mellitus, necrosis, and blood poisoning.


Used to relieve pain and prevent irritation medical supplies in the form of gels or suspensions. Their task is to neutralize hydrochloric acid(“Phosphalugel”, “Almagel”) or reduce its production (“Omez”, “Proseptin”, “Contraloc”, “Omeprazole”, “Otsid”, “Gastrozol”).

Pancreas dimensions

The pancreas is the second largest enzyme-producing organ after the liver. Already from the fifth week of pregnancy its formation begins. The gland of a newborn is 5 cm, by one year it reaches 7 cm, and in a ten-year-old child it is approximately 15 cm. The final dimensions of the pancreas are formed by the age of sixteen.

The widest part of the adult pancreas is the head: it reaches a width of 5 cm, a thickness ranging from 1.5-3 cm. The body is the longest part of the organ, the width of which is 1.7-2.5 cm. The normal length for the tail - up to 3.5 cm, and width - approximately 1.5 cm.

To identify pathologies in medicine, ultrasound is used, as a result of which the shape and size of the organ are determined, indicating its condition. Other research methods are difficult because the pancreas is located quite deep.

The structure of a healthy organ is homogeneous. Minor changes in the size of the head, tail or body can be considered normal in the case of excellent biochemistry blood test results.

Functions of the pancreas in the body

The pancreas is made up of two types of tissue, each responsible for its own specific functions: endocrine and exocrine.

Exocrine function

One of critical roles pancreas in the body - production of pancreatic juice, which consists of salts, water, enzymes (proenzymes).

Pancreatic enzymes include:

  • Trypsin and chymotrypsin (help digest protein);
  • Amylase – breaks down carbohydrates;
  • Lipase - completes the process of breaking down fats that were under the influence of bile from the gallbladder.

Pancreatic juice contains microelements - acidic salts that provide an alkaline reaction. This neutralizes the acid in food coming from the stomach and helps digest carbohydrates.

The secretion of pancreatic juice is directly related to food intake. This means that when eating different foods, juice enzymes of different composition and volume are produced.


Life in a family without love is not uncommon. Unrequited love occurs in childhood and adolescence, when boys or girls worry about unrequited feelings. The situation becomes even sadder when young people unite without love into a new unit of society. Is it possible to live without love and how long will such a family last? There are many factors for such a union; people are driven by different motives:

financial difficulties;
unplanned pregnancy;
fears of loneliness;
, responsibility.

The list goes on and on. How to live without love and is it possible to achieve reciprocity from the other half? Let's look at these difficulties from the perspective of both spouses.

Is it possible to live with a wife without love?

It is almost impossible to understand a woman’s feelings, since by their nature they are unpredictable creatures. Often women do not fully understand themselves. It seems to them that they are in love, but time passes and this feeling disappears, and the woman is already married.

Complexes and fears of being left alone push the weaker half of humanity to look for a companion without love. There are also situations when a young woman. She loves her chosen one for nothing, simply because he exists.

Time passes, the girl grows up and turns into a woman who directs her own thoughts in a completely different direction. She wants love, she wants to love, but only who? Having asked this question, he goes through the qualities of the chosen one, but looks not at the spiritual components, but at the material ones: monthly income, business, house, car, status in society.

Often this list does not even include preferences in appearance, since a woman is driven by the desire to live in comfort and to the envy of others. There is no love from the wife in such a marriage initially.

How to win a woman's love?

You can kindle the flame of love if a man takes correct actions. A woman needs attention and good attitude. These feelings can ignite a small flame that will grow into a fire of love. Give a woman a chance to love with all your strengths and weaknesses.

The male personality itself attracts the attention of women. A light attitude towards the surrounding reality, sometimes reaching the point of irresponsibility, forces a woman to show attention and care. If she supports and guides you, then you have taken special place in her life.

Often this is exactly what a woman lacks - a solid male shoulder, behind which she feels comfortable and safe.

Is it possible to live with your husband without love?

A man has a different idea of ​​marriage than a woman. On initial stage relationships, the girl surprises with her naivety, surrounds her with care and all-encompassing love. This captivates and wins over a man. What makes him marry is a tender attitude, a desire to always be so loved. At the same time, few people want to give feelings in return.

Women are blind in love. They do not see reality and are ready to move mountains for the sake of their loved one. But time passes, the spell dissipates, and the question arises: how to live without love and is it possible to achieve mutual feelings after several years of family life?

How to position a man?

Make your man feel like a protector. Women are weak creatures, but in their zeal they are able to shoulder all the worries of the world.

Remember, it is important for a man to be needed. This is how he is able to express true purpose. Find reasons that will make you young man show concern. Give him such pleasure and he will always protect you.

Find it in yourself. Every woman has secret knowledge, but not everyone manages to reveal it. Develop yourself comprehensively, which will bring joy to your home. Create panels, learn to crochet. Beautiful, elegant things will bring comfort to your home and create a warm atmosphere. My husband will definitely appreciate this.

Share interests. Is it possible to live without love if your husband is constantly busy with work? Show interest in his activities and take an interest in his problems. Find information that tells you more.

Spend your leisure time together: go fishing, become a football fan, learn to play cards. Find common ground to get to know each other more. Believe me, at first your husband’s hobbies will be incomprehensible or hateful.

May you be warmed by the thought that you could have spent this time apart instead of together. You may enjoy a new hobby, and common interests will definitely bring you closer.

Show tenderness and affection. If a family is created without love on one side, every effort must be made to rekindle the fire of passion. Show cunning, but not deceit.

Use your imagination. Imagine that you need to give a man a helping hand so that he too takes the path of love. Show attention, participation, warm him up with the warmth of your body and soul.

Is it worth living for children without love?

Life circumstances change a person’s character and his attitude towards others. After 3-5 years of marriage, a man and woman understand that Cohabitation brings only disappointment. They are held together only by habit, which is easy to break.

What to do if there are children who must be raised by both parents. Responsible couples decide to keep the family together so as not to traumatize the child. Will there be any benefit from such a sacrifice?

Psychologists analyze every situation in individually and only then give advice and recommendations.

He will see happy faces and receive a full education. If there is no love and mutual respect between the spouses, it is better to think about divorce. There is no benefit for a child if he constantly observes scandals in the family. He will develop the wrong perception and attitude towards marriage. Children often transfer their parents' behavior patterns into their own families.

If you decide to separate, try to agree not to express bad for the child about his second parent. Communicate with children without bringing personal feuds into your relationship with your child.

When parents decide to stay in a loveless marriage, they must understand that they are losing several years of their own lives. Either they find common ground and learn again, or they gain patience and do not expose scandals to their children.

Children are very sensitive creatures. They understand when the relationship between parents is strained. Think about whether the child sees happy faces around him or does he have to hush up his own experiences because of the relationship between mom and dad? Weigh the pros and cons before you decide to live without love for the sake of your children.

March 30, 2014

The pancreas is important organ digestive system, involved in the production of metabolic hormones (glucagon, insulin) and pancreatic juice rich in enzymes. Insulin deficiency in the human body can lead to the development diabetes mellitus, and an insufficient amount of digestive enzymes leads to the appearance of intestinal dyspepsia, which is accompanied by inadequate digestion of food and absorption of nutrients. Therefore even minor violations her work entails many health problems, not to mention her partial or complete resection. So is it possible to live without a pancreas? This will be discussed in more detail in this article.

The development of diseases affecting digestive gland, can lead to serious damage to this internal organ, as a result of which it will not be able to function normally. In this case, doctors are forced to completely or partially remove it. Surgery is perhaps the most radical method, which is resorted to only if drug therapy is ineffective.

Doctors list the main reasons for performing pancreatectomy:

  • alcohol abuse;
  • development of peritonitis;
  • violation of the integrity of blood vessels;
  • pancreatic necrosis;
  • the appearance of a fistula;
  • malignant formations;
  • development of inflammatory processes;
  • blockage of iron ducts;
  • mechanical damage to the organ, for example, the consequences of injury;
  • pathological cavity in the pancreas (cystic formation).

But the most common reason for pancreas removal is cancer. TO causal factors its developments include:

  • pancreatic necrosis (death of some areas or the entire organ);
  • consequences of previous gastric surgeries;
  • alcoholism;
  • excessive consumption of fried or fatty foods;
  • smoking.

On a note! No need to forget about genetic predisposition, as it can also cause cancer. For example, if one of the parents suffered from pancreatic cancer, then there is a possibility of transmitting this cancer to their children.

Features of pancreatectomy

As noted earlier, surgical removal is perhaps the most optimal method of treating the affected pancreas. It involves removing the entire organ or individual affected parts. In rare cases, when the pathology has progressed significantly, it may be necessary to remove some neighboring organs (lymph nodes, gallbladder, some parts of the stomach, spleen, etc.).

Surgical removal of the pancreas

Pancreatectomy requires an experienced specialist, but this does not exclude the possibility of complications. In rare cases, heavy bleeding may occur during surgery, which can lead not only to loss large quantity blood, but also to infection.

There are several factors due to which a patient may experience a complication during surgery to remove the pancreas:

  • smoking;
  • alcohol abuse;
  • unhealthy diet;
  • elderly age;
  • development of cardiovascular diseases;
  • excess weight.

During the operation, the doctor opens the patient's abdominal cavity with a scalpel and removes the affected part or the entire organ. He then closes the resulting cut with special surgical staples or stitches it with thread. As is the case with others surgical operations, there are no guarantees for successful recovery after removal of this body. Besides modern medicine, unfortunately, cannot accurately determine the patient’s life expectancy after such a procedure.

Of course, a person can survive without a pancreas, but his work digestive system will worsen significantly. The patient must follow all the doctor’s instructions and perform certain procedures.

Important! After removal of the pancreas, the risk of developing diabetes increases. This applies to all patients, regardless of age or gender, so during rehabilitation it is necessary to take measures to prevent this disease.

Pancreatectomy is a serious surgical procedure, requiring long rehabilitation period. As shown medical practice, a person can fully recover after surgery no earlier than 2-3 months. But this is subject to strict compliance with all doctor’s instructions.

Rehabilitation after surgical removal

Many people are interested in the question of how to live after a successful operation. In this case, the patient is forced to comply special diet and accept various drugs. A person is not a machine in which any worn-out part can be replaced with a new one. Therefore, removal of the pancreas significantly affects not only a person’s quality of life, but also its cost in terms of high cost medicines, which must be taken constantly. Patients need to regularly visit a gastroenterologist and endocrinologist. Let's consider the main aspects of life after surgical removal pancreas.

Medical nutrition

Proper nutrition can help avoid serious complications that may arise after surgery. As a rule, doctors themselves create a detailed diet on an individual basis, taking into account the characteristics and health status of the patient. During the first few days after the operation, you must completely stop eating (you can only drink still water). It is recommended to drink 1.5 to 2 liters per day, but divide this amount into 3-4 servings to drink water throughout the day.

After a couple of days, the patient is allowed an omelette made from egg whites and weak tea, preferably without sugar. If rice or pearl barley porridge was prepared with milk, then it can also be consumed, but in limited quantities. Approximately 7 days after pancreatectomy, the patient is allowed to supplement his diet with low-fat butter and boiled eggs, and some wheat bread can also be added to the daily diet. Various soups are great for restoring the body, but before preparing them, be sure to grate all the ingredients.

Gradually, nutrition should be improved by introducing other foods into the diet, for example, lean meat. All dishes should be consumed only boiled or steamed. This important rule which must always be observed.

Table. List of products after pancreatectomy.

Authorized ProductsLimited for consumption
Apples, pears, grapes and other fresh fruits. They must be sweetDried fruitsbitter chocolate
Various soufflés made from grated beets, pumpkin or cabbage, as well as low-fatFruit jam or jamsFresh vegetables containing coarse vegetable fiber(beets, carrots, cabbage, etc.)
Wholemeal breadLow-fat cheesesSalty, smoked and fatty foods, any canned foods
Fermented milk products with low fat contentFresh cow's milkVarious carbonated drinks (sweet and unsweetened)
Boiled or steamed fish (be sure to use low-fat varieties)Various types of oils (butter, olive, flaxseed), animal fatsSpices, hot seasonings
Steamed or boiled meat dishes (only low-fat varieties)Pasta without sauce, baked goodsfried food
Various types of crumbly porridges, always boiledEgg dishesSweets (cookies, candy, chocolate, ice cream, etc.)

On a note! Use this table as a basis or guide only. With its help, you can diversify your diet by adding many different and delicious dishes. This will allow you to adjust your diet, making it not only healthy, but also tasty.

As noted earlier, surgery to remove the pancreas negatively affects the functioning of the digestive system as a whole. Enzyme deficiency in the patient’s body leads to deterioration in the processing and absorption of food by the intestines. In order to somehow normalize the functioning of the system, doctors prescribe a course of enzyme preparations that have a positive effect on digestion. It is recommended to take such supplements at all times during meals.

Let's look at the most common enzyme preparations used in recovery after surgery:

  • "Mikrazim";
  • "Alpha amylase";
  • "Vestal."

Regardless of which drug your doctor prescribes, you will need to take it with food. You will be able to notice positive changes almost immediately - bowel function will improve and nausea will go away.

This type of therapy is necessary for normal existence after organ removal. There are several types of insulin, chemical composition which is practically no different from the composition of natural insulin produced by the pancreas. On this moment used only injection form drug. It is not necessary to visit a doctor for an injection, as insulin syringes can be purchased at the pharmacy. They are very convenient, since you can inject the drug anywhere and without anyone’s help.

If your doctor has prescribed you insulin therapy, this means that you will also need to buy a special device to determine your blood sugar levels. This glucometer. With its help, you can find out your blood sugar levels without laboratory tests.

Possible complications

The duration of surgery to remove the gland is approximately 2-3 hours, but this time can depend on many factors, such as the experience of the surgeon or the age and condition of the patient. But even with the use of the most modern equipment, you cannot insure against possible complications that may occur during the operation.

As practice shows, most often when removing this organ, doctors encounter the following problems:

  • internal bleeding;
  • accidental cut or other damage internal organs, which are located next to the gland;
  • violation of the integrity of nerve connections;
  • falling into a coma;
  • sudden heart failure (stop);
  • infectious infection of the patient's abdominal cavity;
  • decrease in blood pressure.

But even if no complications occurred during the operation, this does not mean that the patient will not face any difficulties. In fact, a successful pancreatectomy is only the beginning, since the patient after it is faced with strong painful sensations that appear after recovery from anesthesia. And if the pain goes away over time, then the absence of the pancreas will always remind itself.

There are also more serious complications that can arise immediately after a successful operation. Let's consider the main ones:

  • disruption of the digestive system as a result of a deficiency of necessary enzymes in the patient’s body. If you don’t take special medications, you won’t last long without a pancreas;
  • the organ is involved in the utilization of carbohydrates, so after its removal this process will stop. As a result, insulin will not enter the blood, which will certainly lead to the development of diabetes;
  • development of cancer. Due to weakening of the internal organs and damage to soft tissues during the operation, the risk of developing malignant tumors increases significantly.

If previously the question of a normal existence after removal of the pancreas was a big question, now, thanks to the development of various fields of medicine, a person can live full life. At the same time, he will not feel severe discomfort or painful sensations. You just need to comply certain rules and take appropriate medications.

Video - Pancreas surgery